u Government of West Bengal Office of the Sub- Divisional Officer Bongaon, North- 24 Pargana NOTICE by the Additional tn pursuance of Memo No. 2-23015 /B/IaL4-IiKMSK/DFA/107377 dated 22.09.2014 issued from the eligible are invited parishad, prescribed format parganas in applications Zilla Executive officer, North 24 candidates for the post mentioned hereunder :lbnorary post of District Resource Person to train up Academic Supervisors, Name of the Post and brief description of duties 1 I Sahayak/ Sahayikas of Sishu Siksha Kendras {Pre- Primary to Class lV) and Samprasarak/ Samprasarikas of tVpdhayamik Siksha Kendras (Class V to Class ,ufrtt of new syllabus as taught in the Schools VIll) of North 24 Parganas "n under School Education Department of Govt. Of West Bengal' : a) ln service/ Retired teachers of High Schools b) Must have B.Ed Degree c) Subjects to teach- Bengali, English, Life science, History including social q science, Geography including social science ( for Geography with Social science subject, B.Com or M.Com degree with combirptiori subject Economic Geography or Resource Study or Resouqe and Economic t1 Qualification 2 ) il Planning subject will not be acceptable). be well conversant with the subject, applied for. be physically able to train up Academic supervisors, sahayak/ sahayikas of sishu Siksha Kendras (Pre- Primary to class lV) and Samprasarak/ Samprasarikas of Madhayamik Siksha Kendras (Class V to d) Applicant should e) Applicant must Vlll) in and outside the district. f) Must be a resident of the District. g) Service of the selected DRl4 will be utilized by State authority or District authoritv only as and whe*equired. tn case of retired high school teachers, at least 60 years as on 01.07.2014 and must not be above 65 years as on 01.07.201'4. * ni.OOO/- per day including trauellinglost for days of tr Application must be made in prescribed format (available in the website www.pgryth24parqanas.gov.in) accompanied by :a) Photocopies of all testimonials ' b) Voters ldentitY Card c) Physical fitness Certificate from a Registered Medical Practitioner Class 3 Age 4 Amount of honorarium 5 How to apply \l d) PPO ofthe Retired teachers e) Last pay slip/ Last Pay Certificate f) certificate issued by Head of the lnstitution in case of ln-service teachers. Applications as mentioned above shall be submitted to the Sub-Divisional Officer, Bongaon by I4/1O/2O14 ( upto 5:30 p.m) on any working day during working hours of the office. I Envelope containing application strBl be super scribed as : APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF DISTRICT RESOURCE PERSON, Subject :_-j-. Names of the applicants along with the application will be forwarded to North 24 Parganas Zilla Parishad for final selection. tr N" zlt4(r) eotls^ao 64,r ox"t-L /fl tzora Copy forwarded for inf6rmation and wide publicity to:Additional Executive officer, North 24 Parganas Zilla Parishad. t. 7. 3. / 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. g. Secretary, North 24 Parganas Zilla Parishad. District lnformatics officer, NlC, North 24 Parganas with a r"O,ftt to publish this notice along with prescri bed format for application i n www. ncrrth24parqanas.gOv.in. District Project officer, sarba siksha Mission, North 24 Parganas. Block Development Officer, Bongaon/ Bagdah/ Gaighata' Chairman, District Primary School Council, North 24 Parganas' q Chairperson, Bongaon Municipality. Sabhapati, Bongaon/ Bagdah/ Gaighata Panchayat Samity. District lnspector of Schools (secondary), Barasat, North 24 Parganas. 10. Additional District lnspector of Schools, Bongaon. 11. Office Notice Board. North 24 Parqnas No. 10.." Lt"J.fr /roro g 1. 7. \l the District Magistrate, North 24 Parganas. to the Sabhadhipati, North 24 Parganas Zilla Parishad CA to CA North 24 Parganas Ss,&-Dil',el*,r,:J *f{be,* Bonge:rn. Nr"ir{h i, j i1;ri;;irrss t B t qr T Application format for the Post of District Resource Persons under Sishu Shiksha Ka;rmasuchi & Madhgamik Karmo-suchi, North 24 Parganas Zilla Parishad To: The Sub-Divisional Officer Bongaon, North 24 P arganas Affix a self attested passport size photo Sub : Placation to the District Resource Persons for the subject Sir, In reference to your advertisement for the Post District Resource Persons under Sishu Shiksha Karmasuchi & Madhyamik Karmasuchi, North 24Parganas Zilla Parishad, I beg to offer myself as candidate for the same. My particulars are furnished below :- 1) Name (in capital letters) 2) Name of Father/Husband 3) Permanent Address (including P.O, P.S. & PIN) 4) Address for Communication (Including P.O, P.S. & PIN) 5) Telephone No. /Mobile No. 6) E-mail ID, if any 7) Nationality B) Sex 9) Date of Birth Male/Female (Please'r/') 10) Whether a Retired-Teacher of High School Or In-service Teacher of High School (Mentioned properly) 11) For Retired Teacher, Engaged before retirement (a) Name of the School Engaged before retirement (b) \Atrhether engaged as Head Teacher/ Assistant Teacher in the School (c) Engaged for the Subject in the School (d) Engaged for (years) ,/ 12) For In-service Teacher (a) Name & Address of the School where (b)Presently engaged (c) Date of Appoinhnent in the present service: (d)Whether Appointed as Head Teacher/ Assistant Teacher in the Schools (e) Appointed for the Subject in the School (f) Working for (years) 13) Education Qualification Examination Passed :- Board/Universitv Year of Passing Divisiony' Class Subject %r of Mark 14) Having B. Ed. Degree or not, (write, yes/no) 15) Experience of Teacher's Training, if any 16) Other working experience 17) For Retired Teacher, Present Occupatiory if any 18) P.P.O. No. 19) Physically Fit for participating training programmes In and outside the District, (write, yes/no) In fine, I am to request you to consider my prayer and engage me as a District Resource person of your District for the subject For which I shall be ever grateful to you. I do hereby undertake that the above mentioned particulars belief. Date are true to the best of my knowledge and : Place : Signature of Applicant
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