भारत सरकार अत र वभाग Government of India Department of Space सतीश धवन अंत र केि शार Satish Dhawan Space Centre SHAR ौीह रकोटा डा.घ.524124 आं.ू. भारत टे िलफोन:+91 8623 225023 फे-स: +91 8623 225170 SRIHARIKOTA P.O. 524124, AP, INDIA Telephone: +91 8623 225023 Fax: +91 8623 225170 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA :: DEPARTMENT OF SPACE SATISH DHAWAN SPACE CENTER SHAR :: SRIHARIKOTA – 524 124 SRI POTTI SREERAMULU.NELLORE DISTRICT (A.P) TENDER NOTICE NO. SDSC SHAR/HPS/PT/09/2014-15 On behalf of President of India, Head Purchase and Stores, SDSC SHAR, SRIHARIKOTA invites sealed quotations for the following: Sl No 01 02 Ref. No. SHSC 2014 00 0695 [Two part basis] SHSH 2014 00 1151 [Single part basis] Description Comprehensive Servicing & Maintenance of Plain Paper Copiers at SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota & SDSC SHAR Guest House at Chennai for a period of TWO years from 19.01.2015 to 18.01.2017. Removal of Existing Flexible supply Air Outlet and Replacing with Rigid type Aluminum out let including repair of insulation and existing duct for filling Hall Clean Rooms of SP-2B, at Second Launch Pad, SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota. Last Date for issue of tender documents Due Date for receipt of tender Tender Opening Date Qty. Tender Fee 1 JOB `.230/- 1 LS `.230/- : 10.11.2014 at 16:00 Hours : 12.11.2014 at 12:00 Hours : 12.11.2014 at 14:00 Hours Instructions to Tenderers: For full details/ scope of work and terms and conditions etc., please see the enclosed annexures. 1. Tender documents can be had from Sr. P & SO, Purchase, SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota –524 124, SPSR Nellore Dist. A.P. 2. Tender Fee shall be paid in form of CROSSED Demand Draft only. The Demand Draft should be in favour of Accounts Officer, SDSC-SHAR drawn on State Bank of India, Sriharikota. The Tender Fee is NON-REFUNDABLE. Your request letter along with Tender Fee may be addressed to the Sr. Purchase & Stores Officer as indicated above. 3. Interested tenderers may, at their option, download the tender documents from the ISRO website & and submit the offer along with the prescribed tender fee as per details given in the tender notification. 4. While requesting for Tender Documents, please superscribe on the cover as “Request for Tender document against Tender Notice No. SDSC SHAR/HPS/PT/09/2014-15 5. Quotations received after the due date/time will not be considered. 6. While sending sealed quotation/offer, superscribe respective Tender Number and Due Date on the envelope. 7. SDSC-SHAR, Sriharikota is not responsible for any postal delays/loss of documents in transit. 8. Head, Purchase and Stores, SDSC-SHAR, Sriharikota reserves the right to accept or reject any/or all the quotations in part or full. DT: 07.10.2014 HEAD, PURCHASE AND STORES 1 TENDER FORM FORM NO.P.004 TENDER NO. SHSC 2014 00 0695 DUE ON.12.11.2014, at 1200 Hours TENDERER’S REF: DATE: FROM: To HEAD, PURCHASE & STORES SATISH DHAWAN SPACE CENTRE SHAR, SRIHARIKOTA – 524 124 NELLORE DIST. (A.P) Dear Sir, I/We hereby offer to Comprehensive Servicing & Maintenance of Plain Paper Copiers at SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota & SDSC SHAR Guest House at Chennai for a period of TWO years from 19.01.2015 to 18.01.2017 detailed below at the price hereunder quoted and agree to hold this offer open till I/We shall be bound to Comprehensive Servicing & Maintenance of Plain Paper Copiers at SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota & SDSC SHAR Guest House at Chennai for a period of TWO years from 19.01.2015 to 18.01.2017 hereby offered upon the issue of the Purchase Order communicating the acceptance there of on or before the expiry of the last mentioned date. You are at liberty to accept any quantity of the Comprehensive Servicing & Maintenance of Plain Paper Copiers at SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota & SDSC SHAR Guest House at Chennai for a period of TWO years from 19.01.2015 to 18.01.2017 tendered for or any portion of any one or more of Comprehensive Servicing & Maintenance of Plain Paper Copiers at SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota & SDSC SHAR Guest House at Chennai for a period of TWO years from 19.01.2015 to 18.01.2017. I/We not withstanding that the offer in this tender has not been accepted in whole, shall be bound to supply to you such portion or portions of the Comprehensive Servicing & Maintenance of Plain Paper Copiers at SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota & SDSC SHAR Guest House at Chennai for a period of TWO years from 19.01.2015 to 18.01.2017 as may be specified in the said Purchase Order communicating the acceptance. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sl. No. Description Qty. 01. Comprehensive Servicing & Maintenance of Plain Paper Copiers at SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota & SDSC SHAR Guest House at Chennai for a period of TWO years from 19.01.2015 to 18.01.2017 1 Unit Rate Rs. Delivery Period Job Note: Tenderers are requested to submit their offer on TWO part basis. A) LAST DATE FOR ISSUE OF TENDER FORMS : 10.11.2014 at 1600 Hours B) DUE DATE FOR RECEIPT OF TENDER : 12.11.2014 at 1200 Hours C) DUE DATE FOR TENDER OPENING : 12.11.2014 at 1400 Hours Place at which delivery is required: SDSC SHAR, SRIHARIKOTA Date by which the supplies are required: As per agreed delivery schedule. I/We have understood the terms of the tender annexed to the invitation to tender and have thoroughly examined the specification(s) drawing and/or pattern quoted or referred to herein and are fully aware of the, Comprehensive Servicing & Maintenance of Plain Paper Copiers at SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota & SDSC SHAR Guest House at Chennai for a period of TWO years from 19.01.2015 to 18.01.2017 required and my/our offer is to Comprehensive Servicing & Maintenance of Plain Paper Copiers at SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota & SDSC SHAR Guest House at Chennai for a period of TWO years from 19.01.2015 to 18.01.2017 strictly in accordance with the requirements subject to the terms and conditions contained in the Purchase Order communicating the acceptance of this tender either in whole or in part. SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER DATE: (SEAL) 2 INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS FOR SUBMITTING TWO PART TENDERS File No. : SHSC 2014 00 0695 ITEM : Comprehensive Servicing & Maintenance of Plain Paper Copiers at SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota & SDSC SHAR Guest House at Chennai for a period of TWO years from 19.01.2015 to 18.01.2017 Please note the following instructions and submit your offer accordingly. (a) PART-I : TECHNO - COMMERCIAL This part shall contain only the technical details and specifications together with technical catalogues. All commercial conditions shall also be indicated in this part. Deviations, if any, to our specifications shall be brought out very clearly. Tenderers shall mention point-wise confirmation with regard to Technical Specifications given in our Enquiry. Price details should not be shown in this part. The TECHNO-COMMERCIAL Part (Part-I) shall be submitted in a sealed cover duly superscribing as follows:PART –I : TECHNO-COMMERCIAL FILE NO. : SHSC 2014 00 0695 DUE DATE : 12.11.2014 at 1200 Hours (b) PART-II : PRICE This part shall contain only the Price. The PRICE PART (Part-II) shall be submitted in a sealed cover duly superscribing as follows:PART-II FILE NO. DUE DATE : PRICE : SHSC 2014 00 0695 : 12.11.2014 at 1200 Hours Both Part-I and Part II covers shall be kept in a separate cover duly superscribing as follows and sent to the following address:FILE NO. : SHSC 2014 00 0695 DUE DATE : 12.11.2014 at 1200 Hours Part-I and Part-II covers individually sealed and kept in this cover. To Sr. Purchase & Stores Officer Tender Section – SCF Purchase Satish Dhawan Space Centre SHAR SRIHARIKOTA – 524 124 SPSR NELLORE District, A.P. In view of Two Part Tender, fax offers will not be accepted. The Offers submitted contrary to above instructions will be liable for rejection. Please take note of the above instructions and submit your offer before the Due Date i.e., 12.11.2014 at 1200 Hours 3 ANNEXURE TO TENDER ENQUIRY NO. SHS 2014000695 I. SUBMISSION OF BIDS 1. Submission of Techno-Commercial Bid. a) The bids/quotations shall be valid for a period of 120 days from the date of opening of Technical and commercial bid (Part-I). b) Bidders shall submit Techno-Commercial bids as specified in Annexure-1 duly confirming all the parameters mentioned therein. c) All the points are to be properly responded instead of simply mentioning “compliant” or otherwise . d) In order to evaluate the eligibility of the Bidders, all the conditions mentioned in the Annexure -1 shall be considered. Techno-Commercial Bid without any supporting documents for the details provided therein shall not be considered. No correspondence in this regard shall be entertained e) Earnest Money Deposit / Bid Security: Bidders are required to submit Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) for an amount of Rs. 1,00,000/- [Rupees One Lakh Only] in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of Accounts Officer, SDSC SHAR, SRIHARIKOTA along with their Techno-Commercial bid. EMD/Bid Security of unsuccessful Bidders shall be returned to them at the earliest after the finalization of the Tender without any interest whatsoever. The EMD of the successful bidder will be returned without any interest, after the receipt of performance Security from them as called for in the contract. EMD/Bid security shall be exempted to those Bidders who are registered with the National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) Or Micro, Small Enterprises (MSEs) on submission of attested copy of Registration Certificate along with the Techno-Commercial Bid. SDSC SHAR shall not entertain any correspondence in this regard after opening of the Tender. The EMD/Bid Security will be forfeited if the Bidders Withdraws or amends, impairs or derogates from the tender in any respect during the period between Tender due date and tender finalization. No separate order or Letter would be issued for forfeiture of EMD/Bid Security which follows on default and shall be credited at once to the Government Account. f) The documents mentioned at Annexure – 1 along with the Demand Draft for EMD /Security Deposit must be kept in a sealed envelop and superscribed as “TechnoCommercial Bid for Annual maintenance contract of plain paper copiers at SDSC SHAR. 2. Submission of Price Bid (Part II): a) The price Bid shall be submitted as per the format at “Annexure – 2”. b) The tenderers shall quote their rates (as per Annexure–‘2’) for the different makes/models of copiers listed in the Tender Enquiry. c) In the case of non comprehensive AMC (excluding spares), the list of spares to be replaced with its cost valid during the currency of the contract and should be submitted along with Annexure-2. In case of consumables also tenderers are required to submit their offers for the same and to be enclosed to Annexure-2 only. d) The rates quoted shall be firm and fixed for a period of two years from the effective date of AMC. 1 e) SDSC SHAR reserves the right to reject any unreasonable/conditional offer without assigning any reasons. f) Price must be shown in figures and words. In case of difference in amounts mentioned in words and figures, the amount mentioned in words shall prevail over the amount mentioned in figures. g) Duly filled “Annexure – 2” must be kept in a sealed envelop superscribed as “Price Bid for AMC of plain paper copiers at SDSC SHAR Sriharikota. 3. Both the separate sealed covers of Techno-Commercial Bid and Price Bid shall be placed in a bigger sealed envelop superscribed as Tender for “AMC of plain paper copiers at SDSC SHAR” and to be sent to Purchase & Stores Officer, Tender section, SDSC SHAR Sriharikota. On the cover Tender No. & due date must be written. 4. Instructions to Bidders: a) Quotations received unsealed, without Tender Fee / EMD or in any manner after the due date & time shall not be entertained under any circumstances other than 3 above. b) The documents attached with quotation are sacrosanct for considering any offer as a complete offer. It is, therefore, important that all documents duly completed and signed, failing which the quotation is liable to be treated as incomplete and ignored. c) SDSC SHAR reserve the right to accept or reject any/all quotation(s) in part or full without assigning any reason. d) SDSC SHAR shall not be responsible for non-receipt of tender documents / offers due to postal delay / loss in transit. e) While submitting the offers, the bidders shall confirm their acceptance for all the points mentioned in the tender documents. Any deviation should be brought out clearly. In the absence of deviation/acceptance it will be construed that all conditions are acceptable. f) No request for the extension of the due date for any reason shall be considered. 5. Evaluation of Bids a) The Techno-Commercial Bid shall be evaluated first. SDSC SHAR shall determine the substantial responsiveness of each bid to the Bidding Documents. For the purpose of these Clauses, a substantially responsive bid is one which confirms to all the terms and conditions of the Bidding Documents without any deviations. b) A bid determined as not substantially responsive shall be rejected by SDSC SHAR. c) The Techno-Commercial Bid evaluations shall be done on the basis of bidder’s response to “Techno-Commercial Bid Format” given in Annexure-1. d) During the evaluation of the bids, SDSC SHAR shall ask any Bidder to produce the Originals of the documents attached for verification. Any failure in this regard by the bidder shall be entitled for gross rejection of their Bid. e) After evaluation of the Techno-Commercial bids, the Price bids of those found suitable as per tender requirements of the SDSC SHAR shall only be opened. NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING STATED ABOVE, SDSC SHAR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ASSESS BIDDER’S CAPABILITY AND CAPACITY TO 2 PERFORM THE CONTRACT. SHALL THE CIRCUMSTANCES WARRANT, SUCH ASSESSMENT IN THE OVERALL INTEREST OF SDSC SHAR & DECISION OF SDSC SHAR IN THIS REGARD SHALL BE FINAL. SDSC SHAR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY OR ALL TENDERS OR CANCEL/WITHDRAW THE NOTICE INVITING TENDER IN WHOLE/PART WITHOUT ASSIGNNING ANY REASON WHATSOEVER AND DECISION IN THE MATTER SHALL BE FINAL & BINDING. IN SUCH CASE NO BIDDER SHALL HAVE ANY CLAIM ARISING OUT OF SUCH ACTION. II. TERMS & CONDITIONS 1. Scope of Contract: 1.1 SDSC SHAR is looking for a qualified, reputed and well established Contractor who has the potential to enter into Annual Contract for maintenance of plain paper copiers available at SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota. At present 72 machines are at SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota and 1 machine is at our Guest House at Adayar Chennai. The list of machines is as per Annexure – 4. 1.2 The Bidder shall submit Declaration as per the format given at Annexure 3 along with the Techno-commercial bid. 1.3 The Bidder shall be bound by the details furnished by him to SDSC SHAR while submitting the tender or at subsequent stage(s). In case, any of such documents furnished by him is/are found to be false at any stage, it would be deemed to be a breach of terms of contract making him liable for legal action besides termination of the contract. 1.4 The Bidder shall not be allowed to transfer, pledge or sub-contract its rights and liabilities under this contract to any other agency. However, in extreme cases, if it is essential to do so, it shall be done only with the prior written consent of SDSC SHAR. 1.5 The maintenance Engineers shall raise call reports for break-down as well as preventive, attended by them with due signature of concerned person from the user division. He must enter all maintenance related details in the maintenance log book provided by the user. The maintenance engineers are expected to carry required tools always with them. 1.6 If the monthly preventive maintenance service is not carried out and the reasons for the delay are attributed to the maintenance agency, proportionate amount will be deducted from the contract charges payable. This will be applicable to delay in attending break-down maintenance beyond the permitted time of 24 hours. 1.7 During the currency of the contract, new copiers can be added at proportionate rates or delete any copier from the contract. 1.8 The nature of servicing and maintenance of the copiers includes: a) Thorough cleaning, servicing & maintenance. b) Checking of reference currents and voltages. c) Ensuring correct operation of the equipment. d) Checking of all the parts, detecting wear and tear and timely replacement of the same. 1.9 Two or three service engineers shall be stationed at Sriharikota to provide timely support and un-interrupted service & maintenance of the machines. 1.10 The Contractor should arrange their own means of transport for internal movement at SDSC SHAR for their maintenance engineers. Accommodation, if 3 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 2. required for the maintenance engineer(s) may be provided at SDSC SHAR Hostel, subject to availability on chargeable basis. In case the Contractor’s personnel knowingly or unknowingly found causing any damage to SDSC SHAR property, suitable cost as worked out by SDSC SHAR will be recovered. The contractor shall ensure enough stock of essential spares for timely replacement. If any machine, after awarding of the contract, found not working on inspection, the contractor can give estimate for the repair to the concerned user division for considering placement of order for the repair and putting the machine into the contract. The list of machines given in Tender Enquiry are indicative only. SDSC SHAR reserves its right to remove any machine from the scope at the time of awarding the contract. All the machines are in working condition and being perfectly maintained. Bidders who undertakes servicing of all machines irrespective of model & make will be given preference. The Bidder shall identify a co-ordinator who would be responsible for immediate interaction with the SDSC SHAR. Period of Contract: 2.1 The contract shall initially be on trial for a period of 3 months and on satisfactory completion of the trial period, the contract may be confirmed and extended for a further period of one year and nine months thus totally for a period of two years from the date of award of contract unless it is curtailed or terminated by SDSC SHAR owing to deficiency of service, sub-standard quality of service engineers deployed, breach of contract, reduction or cessation of the job requirements etc. The contract shall automatically expire unless extended further by the mutual consent. 2.2 The contract may be extended for a further period of one year mutually agreed upon by both the parties on the same rate, terms and conditions. 3 Security Deposit and its forfeiture: 3.1 The Service Provider shall guarantee faithful execution of the contract in accordance with the terms and conditions specified herein. As a performance security, the Service Provider shall furnish a Security Deposit for 10% (Ten Percent) of the total contact value within 15 days from the date of contract in the form of Bank Guarantee valid for entire contract period with a claim period of six months beyond the validity of the Bank Guarantee. The Security Deposit shall not carry any interest and shall be returned after satisfactory completion of all the contractual obligations. 3.2 In the event of any breach of any of the terms and conditions of the Contract, SDSC SHAR shall have (without prejudice to other right and remedies) the right to terminate the contract forthwith and / or to forfeit the entire or part of the amount of security deposit or any part or thereof. 4 Payment: 4 Payment will be made on quarterly basis based on certification by the user/contact person and Purchase & Stores Officer (Focal Point), Issue Cell, Central Stores. Experience: 5 5.1 Bidders should have experience of at least one year in maintenance of plain paper copiers in Central/State Governments or reputed organisations and have maintained/serviced at least 25 Nos. of plain paper copiers under their contract in a year. Documentary evidence should be attached along with their offers. Offers received without documentary evidence will be summarily rejected. 6 Parallel / Adhoc Contract: 6.1 6.2 SDSC SHAR reserves the right to enter into parallel Adhoc contract(s) with one or more Contractors/Service Provider(s) during the currency of the contract for availing the same or similar services. In order to identify more than one Contractor/Service Provider, SDSC SHAR reserves the right to award the contract to any other Contractor/Service Provider who has qualified in the subject tender and willing to provide the services. 7. Termination or Short closing of Contract: 7.1 7.2 If the Contractor/Service Provider repeatedly violates the terms and conditions of the contract or fails to provide services required despite SDSC SHAR having served them notices, the contract shall be liable to be terminated and security so deposited shall be forfeited. SDSC SHAR reserves the right to terminate the contract without assigning any reasons by giving a prior notice of 30 days. 8. Arbitration: In the event of any dispute or difference relating to the interpretation and application of contract, such dispute or difference shall be settled amicably by mutual consultations of the good offices of the respective parties. If such a resolution is not possible, then unresolved dispute or difference shall be referred to the Sole Arbitration of Head, Purchase & Stores in accordance with the rules and procedures of Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996 or any modification thereof. The decision of the Arbitrator shall be final and binding on both the parties. The expenses for the Arbitration shall be paid as may be determined by the Arbitrator. The Arbitration shall be conducted in the state of Andhra Pradesh. 9. Jurisdiction: The Courts within the state of Andhra Pradesh shall have jurisdiction to deal with and decide any matter arising out of this contract. 5 ANNEXURE-1 TECHNO COMMMERCIAL BID (On Original Letter Head of the Bidder) I S. No. Particulars 1. Name of the Agency 2. Nature of ownership 3. Details of EMD: I. Amount II. Demand Draft No III. Date IV. Issuing Bank 4. Agency Registration Date & its validity (proof to be enclosed) 5. Detailed office Address of the Agency including operating / branch office, if any along with office Telephone Number, Fax Number and Mobile Number. 6 Permanent Account Number [PAN] (Copy to be enclosed) 7. Service Tax Resistration Number (Copy of Registration to be enclosed) 8. Previous experience (Copies of Purchase Orders/contracts to be enclosed) 9. 10. 11. To be filled up by the Service Provider Annual Turn Over for last 3 years i. ii. Iii. (Copy of the Income Tax Return / Certified copy of Audited Balance Sheet from a Chartered Accountant to be enclosed) Whether the Agency of the service provider has been blacklisted in any Govt. Organization / any Organization (Declaration Certificate to be enclosed) Names and designation of Authorized persons eligible to enter into contract. (Power of Attorney / Affidavit in favour of person signing the papers to be enclosed) 6 12. 13. Name of contact person for conveying any information along with telephone numbers in absence of authorized person mentioned above. Copy of the undertaking of compliance of all terms & conditions as per the format at Anneexure-3 Place: Date: Office Seal: (Signature of Authorized Person) Name: Designation: Business Address: 7 Annexure–2 PRICE FORMAT FOR PLAINPAPER COPIERS MAINTENANCE CONTRACT SL NO MAKE/MODEL QTY COMPREHENSIVE AMC NONCOMPREHENSIVE AMC Rate per year per machine in Rupees 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Canon NP 1215 Canon NP 6130 e-Studio 200 e-Studio 205 e-Studio 207 e-Studio 45 E-Studio 350 e-Studio 352 E-Studio 355 e-Studio 450 e-Studio 452 E-Studio 455 e-Studio 600 Konica Moinolta BH 363 Konica Moinolta BH 423 Ricoh Aficio MP 4001 Toshiba e-Studio 456 SE Sharp MXM503N Konica-2223 PER COPY BASIS In Rupees 1 2 2 1 3 1 3 10 11 4 13 4 1 4 9 1 1 1 1 Note: 1. List of spares required for maintenance of machines (in case of non comprehensive AMC) and Consumables shall be quoted separately. 2. Sales Tax and Service Taxes as applicable shall be quoted separately. 3. Comprehensive AMC means the spares required during the maintenance period for the maintenance of the machines also under the scope of the Contractor. 4. Atleast two engineers should be stationed at SDSC SHAR. Tenderers are requested to note it and consider the salaries of the two engineers and quote accordingly for all the three types i.e., comprehensive , Non – comprehensive and per copy basis. Quotations for salaries separately will not be considered. 5. Minimum 5000 copies per month per machine only allowed for minimum billing. Tenderers are required to note it and quote accordingly. 8 ANNEXURE-3 DECLARATION (On Original Letter Head of the Bidder) 1. We have carefully read and understood all the terms and conditions of the tender for Annual Maintenance Contract for plain paper copiers to SDSC SHAR and undertake to abide by them. 2. The information / documents furnished along with this Tender are true and authentic to the best of my knowledge and belief. We are well aware of the fact that furnishing of any false information / fabricated document would lead to rejection of our tender at any stage besides liabilities towards prosecution under appropriate law. 3. We shall not assign the contract nor shall we sublet any portion of the contract except with SDSC SHAR written consent. 4. We accept that you are neither bound to accept the lowest tender nor bound to assign any reason for rejecting or returning of our Trnder. 5. We hereby Undertake that our Company/Firm do not have any legal suit / criminal case either pending against us/proprietor or any of our Directors (in the case of Company) or being contemplated and have not been earlier convicted on the grounds of moral turpitude or for violation of laws in force. 6. We are not black-listed by any Central/State Government/Public Sector Undertakings/Autonomous Bodies under Central/State Government/Any Other Organization. Signature of authorized person Date: Place: Full Name: Seal: 9 ANNEXURE-4 DETAILS OF PLAINPAPER COPIERS IN SDSC SHAR SL. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 MAKE/MODEL CANON NP1215 CANON NP6130 CANON NP6130 e-STUDIO 200 e-STUDIO 200 e-STUDIO 205 e-STUDIO 207 e-STUDIO 207 E-STUDIO 207 e-STUDIO 45 e-STUDIO 350 e-STUDIO 350 e-STUDIO 350 e-STUDIO 352 e-STUDIO 352 e-STUDIO 352 e-STUDIO 352 e-STUDIO 352 e-STUDIO 352 e-STUDIO 352 e-STUDIO 352 e-STUDIO 352 e-STUDIO 352 E-STUDIO 355 E-STUDIO 355 E-STUDIO 355 E-STUDIO 355 E-STUDIO 355 E-STUDIO 355 e-STUDIO 450 e-STUDIO 450 e-STUDIO 450 e-STUDIO 450 e-STUDIO 452 e-STUDIO 452 e-STUDIO 452 e-STUDIO 452 e-STUDIO 452 e-STUDIO 452 e-STUDIO 452 YEAR OF PURCHASE 1999 2001 2001 2004 2004 2008 2009 2009 2009 2004 2006 2006 2006 2009 2008 2008 2009 2009 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2006 2006 2006 2006 2008 2009 2008 2008 2009 2009 2008 10 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 e-STUDIO 452 e-STUDIO 452 e-STUDIO 452 e-STUDIO 452 e-STUDIO 452 e-STUDIO 452 E-STUDIO 455 E-STUDIO 455 e-STUDIO 600 e-STUDIO 355 e-STUDIO 355 e-STUDIO 455 e-STUDIO 355 e-STUDIO 455 e-STUDIO 355 e-STUDIO 355 Konica Minolta BH 363 Konica Minolta BH 423 Konica Minolta BH 423 Konica Minolta BH 363 Konica Minolta BH 423 Konica Minolta BH 423 Konica Minolta BH 363 Konica Minolta BH 423 Konica Minolta BH 423 Konica Minolta BH 363 Konica Minolta BH 423 Konica Minolta BH 423 Konica Minolta BH 423 Ricoh Aficio MP 4001 Toshiba e-studio 456 SE Sharp MX-M503N Konica 2223 2009 2007 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2009 2011 2011 2011 2012 2011 2012 2012 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2011 2013 2012 2002 11 INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS 1. Tenders should be sent in sealed envelopes super-scribing the relevant tender No. and the due date of opening. Only one tender should be sent in each envelope. 2. Late tenders will not be considered. 3. Sales tax and/or other duties/levies where legally leviable and intended to be claimed should be distinctly shown separately in the tender. 4. As a Government of India Department, this office is exempted from the payment of Octroi and similar local levies. Tenderers shall ensure that necessary exemption certificates are obtained by them from the Purchase & Stores Officer concerned to avoid any payment of such levies. 5. (a) Your quotation should be valid for 60 days from the date of opening of the tender. (b) Prices are required to be quoted according to the units indicated in the annexed tender form. When quotations are given in terms of units other than those specified in the tender form relationship between the two sets must be furnished. 6. Preference will be given to those tenders offering supplies from ready stocks and on the basis of FOR destination/delivery at site. 7. (a) All available technical literature, catalogues and other data in support of the specifications and details of the items should be furnished along with the offer. (b) Samples, if called for, should be submitted free of all charges by the tenderer and the Purchaser shall not be responsible for any loss/damage thereof due to any reason whatsoever. In the event of non acceptance of tender, the tenderer will have to remove the samples at his own expense. (c) Approximate not and gross weight of items offered shall be indicated in your offer. If dimensional details are available the same should also be indicated in your offer. (d) Specifications: Stores offered should strictly conform to our specifications, Deviations, if any should be clearly indicated by the tenderer in their quotation. The tenderer should also indicate the Make/Type, number of the stores offered and provide catalogues, technical literature and samples, wherever necessary along with the quotations. Test Certificates wherever necessary should be forwarded along with supplies. Whenever options are called for in our specifications, the tenderer should address all such options. Wherever specifically mentioned by us the tenderer could suggest changes to specifications with appropriate response for the same. 8. The purchaser shall be under no obligation to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the right of acceptance of whole or any part of the tender or portion of the quantity offered and tenderers shall supply the same at the rates quoted. 9. Corrections if any, must be attested. All amounts shall be indicated both in words as well as in figures. Where there is difference between amount quoted in words and figures, amount quoted in words shall prevail. 10.The tenderer should supply along with his tender the name of his bankers as well as the latest income tax clearance certificate duly countersigned by the incometax officer of the Circle concerned under the seal of his office, if required by the Purchaser. 11.The Purchase reserves the right to place order on the successful tenderers for additional quantity upto 25% of the quantity offered by them at the rates quoted. 12.The authority of the person signing the tender, if called for, should be produced. 13. The purchaser reserves the option to give price preference to the offers from Public Sector Units and Small Scale Cottage Industries/Units over those from other firms, in accordance with the policies of the Government from time to time. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 1. DEFINITIONS : (a) The term ‘purchaser’ shall mean the president of India or his successors or assignees. (b) The term ‘Cotractor’ shall mean ,the person, firm or company with whom or with which the order for the supply of stores is placed and shall be deemed to include the Contractor’s Successors, representatives, heirs, executors and administrators unless excluded by the contract. (c) The term “Stores Order” shall mean, what Contractor agrees to supply under the contract as specified in the Purchase Order including erection of plants and machinery subsequent testing should such a condition be included in the Purchase Order. (d) The term ‘Purchase Order’ shall mean, the communication signed on behalf of the Purchaser by an officer duly authorised intimating the acceptance on behalf of the Purchaser on the Tender or offer of the Contractor for supply of stores or plant, machinery or equipment or part thereof. 2. PRICES Tenders offering firm prices will be preferred. Where a price variation clause is insisted upon by tenderer, quotations with a reasonable ceiling should be submitted. Such offer should invariably be supported by the base price taken into account at the time of tendering and also the formula for any such variations. 3. SECURITY DEPOSIT On acceptance of tender, the contractor shall, at the option of the Purchaser and within the period specified by him deposit with his in cash or any other form as the Purchaser may determine. Security deposit not exceeding ten percent of the value of the contract as the Purchaser shall specify. If the contractor is called upon by the Purchaser to deposit “Security” and the contractor fails to provide the security within the period specified, such failure shall constitute a breach of the contract and the Purchaser shall be entitled to make other arrangements for the re-purchase of the stores contracted for at the risk of the Contractor damages arising from such cancellation. 4. GURANTEE & REPLACEMENT (a) The contractor shall guarantee that the stores supplied shall comply fully with the specifications laid down, for material, workmanship and performance. (b) For a period of twelve months after the acceptance of the stores, if any defects are discovered therein or any defects therein found to have developed under proper use arising from faulty stores, design or workmanship, contractor shall remedy such defects at his own cost provided he is called upon to do so within a period of 14 months from the date of acceptance thereof by the purchaser who shall state in writing in what respect the stores or part there or are faulty. (c) If in the opinion of the Purchaser , if becomes necessary to replace or renew any defective stores such replacement or renewal shall be made by the contractor of the defects is given by the Purchaser in this regard within the said period 14 months from the date of acceptance thereof. (d) Should the contractor fail to rectify the defects, the Purchaser shall have the right to reject or repair of replace at the cost of the Contractor the whole or any portion of the defective stores. (e) The decision of the Purchaser, notwithstanding any prior approval or acceptance of inspection thereof on behalf of the Purchaser, as to whether or not the stores supplied by the contractor are defective or any defect has developed within the said period of 12 months or as to whether the nature of the defects require renewal or replacement, shall be final, conclusive and binding on the contractor. (f) To fulfil guarantee conditions outlined in Clause 4(a) to (e) above, the contractor shall, at the option of the Purchaser, furnish a Bank Guarantee (as prescribed by the Purchaser) from a Bank approved by the Purchaser for an amount equivalent to 10% of the value of the contract along with first shipment documents. On the performance and completion of the contract in all respects, the Bank Guarantee will be returned to the contractor without any interest. (g) All the replacement stores shall also be guaranteed for a period of 12 months from the date of arrival of stores at Purchaser’s Site. (h) Even while the 12 months guarantee applied to all stores in case where a greater period is called forth by our specifications then such, a specifications shall apply; in such cases the period of 14 months referred to in para 4(b) & (c) shall be the ‘asked for’ guarantee period plus two months. 5. PACKING, FORWARDING & INSURANCE The contractor will be held responsible for the stores being sufficiently and properly packed for transport by rail, road, sea or air, to withstand transit hazards and ensure safe arrival at the destination. The packing and marking of packages shall be done by and at the expenses of the contractor. The Purchaser will not pay separately for transit insurance, all risks in transit being exclusively of the contractor and the Purchaser shall pay only for such stores as are actually received in good condition, in accordance with the contract. 6. DESPATCHES The contractor is responsible for obtaining a clear receipt from the Transport Authorities specifying the goods dispatched. The consignment should be dispatched with clear Railway Receipt/Lorry Receipt. If sent in any other mode it is at the risk of the contractor. Purchaser will take no responsibility for short deliveries or wrong supply of goods when the same are booked on ‘said to contain’ basis. Purchaser shall pay for only such stores as are actually received by them in accordance with the contract. 7. TEST CERTIFICATE Wherever required, test certificates should be sent along with the dispatch documents. 8. ACCEPTANCE OF STORES (a) The stores shall be tendered by the contractor for inspection at such places as many specified by the Purchaser at the contractor’s own risk, expenses. (b) It is expressly agreed that the acceptance of the stores contracted for is subject to final approval by the purchaser, whose decision shall be final. (c) If, in the opinion of the purchaser all or any of the stores that do not meet the performance or quality requirements specified in the purchaser order, they may be either rejection and the prices to be fixed shall be final and binding on the contractor. (d) If the whole or any part of the stores supplied and rejected in accordance with clause No. 8© above, the purchaser shall be at liberty, with or without notice to the contractor, to purchase in the open market at the expenses of the contractor stores meeting the necessary performance and quality contracted for in place of those rejected, provided that either the purchase, or the agreement to purchase, from another supplier is made within six months from the date of rejection of the stores as aforesaid. 9. REJECTED STORES Rejected stores will remain at destination at the contractor’s risk and responsibility if instructions for their disposal are not received from the contractor within a period of 14 days from the date of receipt of the advice of rejection, the purchaser or his representatives has, at his discretion the right to scrap or sell or consign the rejected stores to contractor’s address at the contractor’s entire risk and expenses; freight being payable by the contractor at actuals. 10. DELIVERY (a) The time for and the date of delivery of the stores stipulated in the purchase order shall be deemed to be essence of the contract, and delivery must be completed on or before the specified dates. (b) Should the contractor fails to deliver the stores or any consignment there of within the period prescribed for such delivery, the purchaser shall be entitled at his option either: i) to recover from the contractor as agreed liquidated damages and not by way of penalty, a sum of 10% of the price any stores which the contractor has failed to deliver as aforesaid, for each month or part of a month, during which the delivery of such stores may be in arrears, or ii) to purchase elsewhere without notice to the contractor on the account and at the risk of the contractor, the stores not delivered or others of a similar description (where other exactly complying with the particular are not, in the opinion of the purchaser readily procurable, such opinion being final) without canceling the contract in respect of the consignment(s) not yet due for delivery, or iii) to cancel the contract or a portion thereof, and, if so desired, to purchase or authorise the purchase of stores not so delivered or others of similar description (Where other exactly complying with the particular are not, in the opinion of the purchaser readily procurable, such opinion being final) at the risk and cost of the contractor. In the event of action being taken under sub-clause (II) and (III) of Clause 10 above, the contractor shall be liable for any loss which the Purchaser may sustain on that account, provided that the re-purchase, or, if there is an agreement to re-purchase then such agreement, is made within six months from the date of such failure. But the contractor shall not be entitled to any gain on such re-purchase made against default. The manner and method of such re-purchase shall be at the discretion of Purchase, whose decision shall be final. It shall not be necessary for the purchaser to serve a notice of such re-purchase on the defaulting Contractor. This right shall be without prejudice to the right of the Purchaser to recover damages for breach of Contract by the contractor. 11. EXTENSION OF TIME As soon as it is aperient that contract dates cannot be adhered to, an application shall be sent by the contractor to the purchaser. If failure, on the part of the contractor to deliver the stores in proper time shall have arisen from any cause which the purchaser may admit as reasonable growing for an extension of the time (and his decision shall be final) he may allow such additional time as he considers it to be justified by circumstances of the case without prejudice to the Purchaser’s rights to recover liquidated damages under Clause 10 hereof. 12. ERECTION OF PLANT / MACHINERY Where erection of a plant or machinery is there responsibility of the contractor as per the terms of the contract and in case the contractor fails to carry out the erection as and when called upon to do so within the period specified by the purchaser, the Purchaser shall have the right to get the erection done through any source of his choice. In such an event, the contractor shall be liable to bear any additional expenditure that the purchaser is liable to incur towards erection. The contractor shall, however, not be entitled to any gain due to such an action by the Purchaser. 13. PAYMENT Contractor’s bill will be passed for payment only after the stores have been received, inspected and accepted by the Purchaser. 14. MODE OF PAYMENT Normally payment will be made for the accepted stores within 30 days from the date of receipt of the materials. 15. RECOVERY OF SUMS DUE Whenever any claim for the payment of, Whether liquidated or not, money arises out of or under this contract against the contractor, the purchaser shall be entitled to recover such sum by appropriating in part of whole, the security deposited by the contractor, if a security is taken from the contractor, then the balance or the total sum recoverable, as the case may be or shall be deducted from any sum then due or which at anytime thereafter may become due to the contractor under this or any other contract with the Purchaser. Should this sum be not sufficient to cover the full amount recoverable, the contractor shall pay to the purchaser on demand the remaining balance due. Similarly, if the purchaser has or makes any claim, whether liquidated or not, against the Contractor under any other contract with the purchaser, the payment shall be with-held till such claims of the purchaser are finally adjudicated upon and paid by the contractor. 16. INDEMINTY The contractor shall warrant and be deemed to have warranted that all stores supplied, against this contract are free and clean of infringement of any patent, copy right or trade mark and shall at all times indemnify the purchaser against all claims which may be made in respect of the stores for infringement of any right protected by PATENT. Registration of Trade mark and shall take all risk of accidents of damage which may cause a failure of supply from whatever case arising and the entire responsibility for the sufficiency of all the means used by him for the fulfillment of the contract. 17. ARBITRATION In the event of any question, dispute of difference arising under these conditions or any conditions contained in the Purchase Order or in connection with this contract, (except as to any matters the decision of which is specially provided for by these conditions) the same shall be referred to the sole arbitration of the head of the Purchase Office or some other person appointed by him, it will be no objection that the arbitrator is a Government Servant that he had to deal with matter to which the contract relates or that in the course of his duties as Government Servant he had expressed views on all or any of the matters in disputes or difference. The award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties of this contract. It is Term of this contract: (a) If the arbitrator be the head of the purchase office. i. In the event of his being transferred or vacating his office by resignation or otherwise, it shall be lawful for his successor-in office either to proceed with the reference himself, or to appoint another person as arbitrator, or. ii. In the event of his being unwilling or unable to act for any reason, it shall be lawful for the Head of the Purchase Office to appoint another person as arbitrator: or (b) If the arbitrator be a person appointed by the Head of the Purchase Office in the event of his dying, neglecting or refusing to act, or resigning or being unable to act, for any reason, it shall be lawful for the Head of the Purchase Office either to proceed with the reference himself or to appoint another person as arbitrator in place of the outgoing arbitrator. Subject as aforesaid, the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and the rules there under and any statutory modifications thereof for the time being in force shall be deemed to apply to the arbitration proceedings under this Clause. The arbitrator shall have the power to the extent with the consent of the Purchaser and the Contractor the time making and publishing the award. The venue of arbitration shall be place as the purchaser in his absolute discretion may determine. Work under the Contract shall, if reasonably possible, continue during arbitration Proceedings. (c) In case order is concluded on the public Sector Undertakings, the following Arbitration Clause will be applicable. In the event of any dispute or differences relating to the interpretation and application of the provisions of contracts, such dispute or difference shall be referred by either party to the Arbitration of one of the Arbitrator in the Department of Public Enterprises to be nominated by the Secretary to the Government of India in-charge of the Bureau of Public Enterprises. The Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 shall not be applicable to the Arbitration under this clause. The award of the arbitrator shall be binding upon the parties to the dispute provided, however, any party aggrieved by such award may make a further reference for setting aside or revision of the award to the Law Secretary, Department of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Law & Justice, Government of India. Upon such Additional Secretary when so authorised by the Law Secretary whose decision shall bind the parties finally and conclusively. The parties to the dispute will share equally the cost of arbitration as intimated by the arbitrator. 18. COUNTER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SUPPLIERS Where counter terms and conditions/printed or cyclostyled conditions have been offered by the supplier the same shall not be deemed to have been accepted by the Purchaser, unless specific written acceptance thereof obtained. 19. SECURITY FOR PURCHASER’S MATERIALS Successful tenderer will have to furnish in the form of a bank guarantee or in any other form as called for by the Purchaser towards adequate security for the materials / property provided by the purchaser for the due execution of the contract. ADDITIONAL TENDER TERMS AND CONDITIONS The Tenders received on or before the due date and time including by fax to only the above fax no. will only be considered as valid tenders. Fax offers in case of two-part tenders will not be considered. In case of non-quoting, the supplier shall send a regret letter giving reasons, failing which future enquiries will not be sent. Excise Duty - SDSC-SHAR is eligible for Excise Duty Exemption under Notification No. 64/95 dated 16.03.1995 as amended by Notification No. 15/2007 dated 01.03.2007 and we shall provide necessary Exemption Certificate. No claim for payment of Excise Duty or Cenvat reversal will be allowed later. The suppliers have to consider this into account while submitting quotations. CST - With effect from 01.04.2007, the facility of Inter-State purchases by Government Departments against Form-D has been withdrawn. Now the rate of CST on the Inter-State sale to Government Departments shall be the rate of VAT/State Sales Tax applicable in the State of the seller/ dealer. Accordingly, the suppliers have to clearly indicate the %age of CST applicable against each case in their offers. Customs Duty - SDSC-SHAR is eligible for 100% Customs Duty exemption as per Notification No.21/2002, as amended by Notification No. 20/2007 dated 01.03.2007 and as amended by notification no21/2008. This may be taken into account while quoting for import items. In case tender offering items considering the customs duty exemption, they shall also indicate the price, separately, with customs duty component and terms and conditions thereto. High Sea Sales - Against High Sea Sale transactions Offers shall be on “all inclusive basis” including delivery upto Sriharikota at the risk and cost of the supplier. Customs clearance is the responsibility of the Supplier and at his cost and risk. 100% payment will be made within 30 days after receipt and acceptance of the items at our site. However, in exceptional cases based on merit of the case, 100% payment against delivery and satisfactory inspection at our site may be considered. Sales Tax is not applicable Customs Duty Exemption Certificate and other relevant documents required for Customs clearance will be provided. High Sea Sales Agreement furnished by the Supplier in accordance with the terms and conditions of our purchase order will be signed and issued by SDSCSHAR. The deliver period mentioned in the tender enquiry, if any, is with the stipulation that no credit will be given for earlier deliveries and offers with delivery beyond the period will be treated as un-responsive. The Department will have the option to consider more than one sources of supply and final orders will be given accordingly Bidder shall note that the conditional discounts would not have edge in the evaluation process of tenders. Non-acceptance of any conditions where ever called for related to guarantee or warrantee, performance bank guarantee, liquidate damages are liable for disqualification of bids. Where ever installation and commissioning is involved, the guarantee / warrantee period shall recon only from the installation and commissioning. Advance Payment - Wherever advance payment is Guarantee from any Nationalized Bank shall be furnished. requested Bank Liquidated Damages - In all cases where advance payment is involved and where delivery is critical, L.D. clause will be applicable at 0.5% per week or part thereof subject to a maximum of 10% of total order value. Performance Bank Guarantee - Wherever called for Performance Bank Guarantee for 10% of the order value, shall be furnished covering the warranty period. The following information/documents are to be furnished wherever applicable. Product literature Core banking account number of SBI PAN No. in quotation and invoices Excise Duty, VAT, Service Tax Registration details. SPECIAL CONDITION AGAINST INDIAN QUOTATIONS IN FOREIGN CURRENCY AGENTS SUBMITTING The Tenderer shall submit the following documents/information while quoting Foreign Principal's pro-forma invoice indicating the commission payable to the Indian Agent and nature of “after sales service” to be rendered by the Indian Agent. Copy of Agency agreement with the Foreign Principal, precise relationship between them and their mutual interest in the business. The enlistment of the Indian Agent with Director-General of Supplies & Disposals under the Compulsory Registration Scheme of Ministry of Finance.
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