PREMIUM LIST BEST WESTERN Inn at Hunt's Landing 120 Routes 6 & 209, Matamoras, Pennsylvania, 18336-2056 THE ENGLISH SETTER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (Mambor of Ihe A merican Koonor Club) 2014 National Specialty Show, Obedience Trial & Rally Trial, Futurity & Maturity, Veteran Sweepstakes, Junior Showmanship OCTOBER 21-24, 2014 The Hudson Engli sh Setter Club (licen sed by the Amer ica n Ke nnol Club) 2014 Specialty Show, Sweepstakes and Junior Showmanship OCTOBER 25-26, 2014 2014 ESAA National Specialty Tentative Schedule (Subject to change) October 17, October 18 & October 19th, 2014 Skyline Agil ity Club in Middleltown, NY (approximately 20 minutes from host hotel) October 20, 2014 Hunt test - (All Breed) Weatherly, PA Judges - Master/Senior Hunter - Gail Ryan, Kim McVeigh Judges - Junior Hunter - David Branik, Sandy Moody October 21 , 2014 Amateur Walking fi eld Trial - (English Setters On ly) Weatherly, PA Judges - Amateur Walking DerbylPuppy - Jeanne Culver, Kevin Culver Judges - Amateur Walking Gundog - Lisa Miller, Patricia Sanbom Obedience & Rally Classes - Judge - Mrs. Patricia Scully ESAA BOD Meeting ESAA Hospitality - Evening October 22, 2014 futurity & Maturity Classes - Mrs. Chris Walkowicz, Judge Veteran Sweepstakes - Mrs. Gloria Arata , Judge Top 20 Competition - Appetizers & light buffet available - Cash bar ESSA Hospitality - Evening October 23, 20 14 Regular & Non-Regular Bitch Classes - Mrs. Sue Goldberg, Judge Health Clinics - 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM ESAA Raffle Drawing Junior Activities - Evening Judges Education - Joan Savage ESAA Hospitality - Evening October 24, 2014 Regular & Non-Regular Dog Classes - Ms. Paula Dempsey, Judge Intersex Competition - Mrs. Sue Goldberg, Judge Junior Showmanship Classes - Mrs. Sue Goldberg, Judge ESAA Banquet & Annual Meeting Silent & Live Auction October 2S & 26th, 2014 - Hudson Englisb Setter Club Specialty Sweepstakes judge - Ms. Karen Gatchell Regular & Non-Regular Judge - Mr. Sid Marx Hotel Information and Directions - See Page 31 Judges Education - Contact Joan Savage - 503-647-2008 or email robertsavage5 Reservation form on than click on ESAA National 2 Entry Fees (includes $.50 AKC Recording fee and $3.00 AKC Event Service First Entry Second Entry, same dog Puppy Classes (6-9: 9-12 months) Bred-by-Exhibitor Classes ............. . . ... . . ...........•. Veteran Sweepstakes .... . ............. . ... .. .... . .. • _ . • • . . . . ESAA Only ' Stud DoglBrood Bitch (as first entry) . ESAA Only - Stud DoglBrood Bitch (as an additional entry) .....•. _ • . FuturrtylMaturity (ESAA Only) ......... •. Junior Showmanship (as first entry) Junior Showmanship (as additional entry) ESAA Only · Brace or team Class Only - Per Unit ESAA Only - Brace or team Class (if entered as an additional class) Obedience & Rally (ollered at National only) . Second Entry in Obedience, Same Dog Second Entry in Rally, Same Dog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fee) $35.00 $22.00 $22.00 $35.00 $22.00 $35.00 $22.00 No Charge No Charge No Charge $35.00 $22.00 $35.00 $22.00 $22.00 Dogs are not required to be at the show until scheduled time of judging. All dogs not needed for furthe r judging will be excused. At the National Specialty, the dog designated Reserve Winners Dog and the bitch designated Reserve Winners Bitch will be awarded a three-point major, provided that the number of dogs competing in the regular classes of the Reserve Winner's sex totals at least twice the number required for a five point major in the region in which the event is held. No major for Reserve Winners shall be given based upon an award of Best of Winners. In counting the number of eligible dogs in com petition, a dog that is d isqualified, or that is dismissed , excused o r ordered from the ring by the judge , or from which all awards are with held , shall not be included. IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR All EXHIBITORS AND GUESTS Show Hours Tuesday, October 21st · 6:00 A.M. to 9 P.M. (OR one hour following the end of Obedience/RaJly whichever is earlier) Wednesday, October 22nd • Sunday, October 26th· 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM (OR one hour fOllowing the end of that day's scheduled events) Vendor Space Contact to Lo Wolfson Phone: 352-256-2490 Email: [email protected] Go to for priCing reservation form Dogs found in an unsafe environment or distress (i.e. including personal vehicles, holel rooms, grooming tables, crates, etc.) will be rescued to safe ty. All persons attending this show hereby waive any claim for damages or loss against the Superintendent, the English Setter Association of America , Inc. and its members or the Hudson English Setter Club and its members in the event a dog needs to be rescued for any reason. Grounds All exhibitors and spectators with dogs are required to clean up after their animals. Clean up stations will be available on the grounds inside and out. 3 4 ESAA National Specialty hosted by Hudson English Setter Club BEST WESTERN Inn at Hunt's landing 120 Routes 6 & 209 - Matamoras, Pennsylvania, 18336-2056 RES;ER" ED GROOMI NG & ELECTRIC year we are providing EZ-UP Pop-Ups for Grooming. All rentals are for Tuesday Sunday. Whole Tent rentals include preferred parking for your vehicle outside of tent. Choices for Reserved Grooming are- Option A - 10' xl 5' EZ-UP (whole tent) - $75 Option B -lO'x 10'EZ-UP (wholetentl - $50 Option C -Yl lOx 10 EZ-UP (approx. S'x 10') - $25 (does not include preferred parking outside tent) Free Grooming space will be offered under cover. There is also ample room for people to set up their own pop-ups if desired. Note: These offerings will NOT be located in the RESERVED GROOMING area. ELECTRIC- We encourage those driving in to the National who have their own Generators to bring them. They can be set up right outside all tents. If you are not able to bring your own Generator we can provide power at the cost of $50 for Tuesday thru Sunday. Again, there is no cost savings for shorter stays as we have to have the rental Generator sized for all who need the power - on site from Tuesday thru Sunday. Rental Generator Electric MUST BE RESERVED IN ADVANCE. Name ______________________________________________________ Reserved Grooming Option (A, B or C) _______________ Amount Enclosed $, ________________ Electric Rental @ $50.00 TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED $. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Note: EZ-UP Pop-Ups will be available for purchase at completion of shows. MUST BE RECEIVED BY OCTOBER 1. 20 14 SEND CHECK MADE OUT TO ESAA ALONG WITH THIS FORM TO: Send to: Judi Hu nter, 8861 Curti s Lake Dr., Minocqua, WI. 54548 RESERVED GROOMING AND ELECTRIC RENTAL RESERVATIONS PLAN TO ATTEND ... VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES & Top TwENTY EXTRAVAGANZA! WEDNESDAY- OCTOBER 22ND (EARLY EVENING) *. * * . • .*. •. * *• -*- * • • *. * -* .*• • -R~-Mr~/N *. 14 ESAA Nationa l Specialty hosted by Hudson English Setter Club BEST WESTERN Inn at Hunt's landing 120 Routi!s 6 & 209 - Matamoras. Penmylvania, 18336-2056 BANQUET RESERVATIONS Friday, Octo be r 24, 2014 This year's ESAA Banquet will be buffet style with the following offerings To begin with - New England Clam Chowder - Garden Tossed Green Salad with Ranch or Balsamic dressing - Grilled Marinated Vegetables Main Entrees - Chicken Marsala - Rosemary Crusted Pork Loin Bourbon Glazed Salmon - Eggplant Parmesan Sides of - Roasted Red Bliss Potatoes - Rice Pilaf with Golden Raisins and Pine Nuts - Whole Green Beans Almondine Assorted Crusty Dinner Rolls, Herbed Butter and Margarine Dessert Selections - Chocolate Cake and Apple Crisp Fresh Brewed Coffee, Tea, Decaf _ _ _ _ ClJT~RETU...!!!!.TH ls ~noN_ Name of Junior attending (compliments of ESAA) _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ Number Adults @$40each, _ _ __ _ __ Amount Enciosed .. S_ Name_ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___ MUST BE RECEIVED BY OCTOBER 10. 2014 SEND CHECK MADE OUT TO ESAA ALONG WITH THIS FORM TO: Send to: Jane Flynn, 84 Willow Street, Milford (T 06460 RIBBON PRIZES - NATIONAL ONLY NON-REGULAR CLASS ES REGULAR CLASSES FUTURITY, MATURITY, - (Natio nal Only) First Prize Blue Rosette VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES Second Prize ... Red Rosette First Prize Rose Rosette Yellow Rosette Third Prize Second Prize Brown Rosette Fourth Prize . White Roselle P rize . .. Light Green Roselle Third Purple & White Rosette Reserve Winners Fourth Prize . . Grey Rosette Purple Rosette Winners Best Junior Rose & Green Roselle Best of Winners Blue & White Rosette Pink & Green Rosette Best in Futurity. . Select Oog light Blue & White Rosette Best of Opposite Sex Select Bitch Light Blue & White Rosette to Best in Futurity Lavender Rosette Pink & Black Ribbon Made the Cut . . Best in Maturity Pink & Green Rosette Best of Breed ....... Purple & Gold Rosette Best of Opposite Sex Best of Opposite Sex to Best of to Best in Maturity Lavender Rosette Breed ... Red & White Rosette Best Veteran Award of Merit Dark Green Rosette in Sweepstakes Pink & Green Rosette Best in Regular Best of Opposite Sex to Best Veteran Dark Green Rosette Puppy Class in Sweepstakes Lavender Rosette Dark Green Rosette Best in Bred-By-Exhibitor Highest Scoring Dog in Regular 81ue & Gold Rosette Obedience Classes. Highest Combined Score in Open 8 Blue & Green Rosette & Utility Classes . Qualifying Score Dark Green Rosette CLASSIFICATION - APPLIES TO BOTH SHOWS REGULAR CLASSES Puppy Dogs, 6 months and under 9 months Puppy Bitches, 6 months and under 9 months Puppy Dogs, 9 months and under 12 months Puppy Bitches, 9 months and under 12 months Dogs, 12 months and under 15 months Bitches, 12 months and under 15 months Dogs, 15 months and under 18 months Bitches, 15 months and under 18 months Novice Dogs Novice Bitches Bred-by-Exhibitor Dogs Bred-by-Exhibitor Bitches Amateur-Owner-Handler Bitches Amateur-Owner-Handler Dogs American-bred Oogs American-bred Bitches Open Bitches Open Dogs Winners Dog Winners Bitch Non-Regular Classes offered ESAA Only - Stud Dog/Brood Bitch Veteran Dog/Bitch ESAA Only - Brace Field Dog/Bitch ESAA Only - Team NON-REGULAR CLASSES INVOLVING SINGLE DOG ENTRIES (Dog & Bitch Classes) Veteran Dogs - A class for dogs seven (7) years of age or older. Veteran Bitches - A class for bitches seven (7) years of age or older. Field Trial Dog s· Class for dogs that have placed first, second, third or fourth in any reg ular class in an AKC licensed Field Trial ; or who hold the hunting dog or hunting dog excellent tiUes from the ESAA hunting dog tests as published in the ESAA newsletter or as confirmed by the hunting dog committee chairman; or who have been awarded an AKC title as confirmed by the AKC Gazette . Field Trial Bitch - Same as for the Fie ld Trial Dog Class except substitute bitch for dog. Winners of the above classes are eligible to compete in Best of Breed. Best of Breed Competition - Undefeated dogs ONLY are eligible to compete for Best of Breed. NON-REGULAR CLASSES INVOLVING M ULTIPLE DOG ENTRIES STUD DOG CLASS - For Stud Dogs and a minimum of two and a maximum of six of their Get. It is not necessary that the Get be under the same ownership as that of the Stud Dog. The Get MUST be entered in one of the Regular or Non-Regular Classes or if a Champion of Record in Best of Breed Competitiion. The Stud Dog shall be considered as one entry and requires only one entry fee, this being the regUlar fee plus the additional class fee if the Stud Dog is entered in another class. The Stud Dog must be entered in the Stud Dog Class and shown in the ring with his Get. While the merits of the Stud Dog are not to be considered in the placement of the entry, the Stud Dog must be examined to determine if it has a condition that would requi re its disqualification or excusal under the Dog Show Rules, AKC pol icy or the standard for its breed. 7 BROOD BITCH CLASS - Same as for the Stud Oog except sUbstitute Brood Bitch for Stud Dog and Produce for Get. BRACE CLASS - Two dogs or bitches of the same Breed with one or more common owner. Dogs comprising a Brace MUST be named at the time of entry. If more than one Brace is entered by the same owner, they must be indicated as "Brace #1·, "Brace #2", etc. PLEASE SUBMIT BRACE ENTRIES TOGETHER. TEAM CLASS - For four dogs of the same Breed with one or more common owner. Dogs comprising the Team must be named at the time of entry. If more than one Team is entered by the same owner, they MUST be indicated as "Team # l ' Team #2, etc. PLEASE SUBMIT TEAM ENTRIES TOGETHER. As the judge's decision in the Non-Regular Classes involving Multiple Oog Entries is based on the merits of more than one dog or bitch, no one of the dogs or bitches making up the entry judged first in these classes will be eligible to compete for Best of Breed by virtue of having won Ihese classes. AWARDS OF MERIT - Allhe discretion of the judge, up to five (5) Award(s) of Merit from the dogslbitches in the Best of Breed Competition may be awarded. A dark green rosette will be awarded to each dog receiving an Award of Merit. JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP COMPETmON - APPLIES TO BOTH SHOWS AKC Junior Handler Numbers are now required for entry in Junior Showmanship Competition. Numbers may be obtained from the American Kennel Club - PHONE: (919) 233-9767. For additional information contact American Kennel Club, Junior Showmanship, P. O . Box 900051 , Raleigh, NC 27675. Phone (919) 233-9767 or E-Mail: i Entry blank MUST be filled out with otherwise the entry in Junior Showmanship will not be accepted. NOVICE JUNIOR CLASS: For Boys and Girls who are at least 9 years old and under 12 years old on the day of the show and who, at the time entries close, have nol won three First Places with competition present in a Novice Class at a licensed or member show. NOVICE INTERMEDIATE CLASS: For Boys and Girls who are at least 12 years old and under 15 years old on the day of the show and who, at the time entries close, have not won three First Places, with competition present, in a Novice Class at a licensed or member show. NOVICE SENIOR CLASS: For Boys and Girls who are at least 15 years old and under 18 years old on the day of the show and who, at the time entries close, have not won three First Places, with competition present. in a Novice Class at a licensed or member show. OPEN JUNIOR CLASS: For Boys and Girls who are at least 9 years old and under 12 years old on the day of the show and who, at the time entries close, have won three First Places, with competition present, in a Novice Class at a licensed or member show. OPEN INTERMEDIATE CLASS: For Boys and Girls who are at least 12 years old and under 15 years old on the day of the show and who, at the time entries close, have won three First Places, with competition present, in a Novice Class at a licensed or member show. OPEN SENIOR CLASS: For Boys and Girls who are least 15 years old and under 18 years old on the day of the show and who, at the time entries close, have won three First Places, with competition present, in a Novice Showmanship Class at a licensed or member show. MASTER CLASS: This Class will be for boys and girls who are at least 9 years old and under 18 years on the day of the show, and who have won the 10 first place wins in an Open Class with competition to be eligible to enter the limited Class Competition. The calendar for this class will be consistent with the eligibility dates for the AKC Eukanuba National Championship. All Juniors meeting the criteria forthisclass are required to enter the Masler Class and may change their entry the day of the show if entries have already closed. Once the eligibility time frame for that year has passed all participants return to the Open Class to complete for the following year. NOTICE JUNIORS WITH A DOG ALSO ENTERED IN ANOTHER CLASS OFFERED AT THIS SHOW WHO SUBSTITlITE A DOG NOT ENTERED IN THIS SHOW MUST REMIT THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN JUNIOR ONLY AND JUNIOR AS AN ADDITIONAL CLASS ENTRY FEE. JUNIORS WHO HAVE ENTERED JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP ONLY WHO THEN SUBSTITUTE ANOTHER DOG WILL NOT BE CHARGED A FURTHER FEE. 8 #2014141707 (Conf) #2014141712 (Obed) #2014141709 (Rally) #2014141713 (Fut) ENTRIES CLOSE: 12:00 NOON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2014 AT SHOW SUPERINTENDENrs OFFICE After Which Time Entries Cannot Be Accepted, Altered, Substituted, or Cancelled EXCEPT as Provided in Chapter 11, Section 6 of the Dog Show Rules. PREMIUM LIST Membe r of the American Kennel Club - (Unbenchedlindoors) Show Hours: l ues - 6 AM - 9:00 PM Wed thru Sun - 6 AM - 9 PM The English Setter Association of America, Inc. 2014 National Specialty Show, Obedience Trial & Rally Trial, FuturitylMaturity Veteran Sweepstakes and Junior Showmanship OCTOBER 21-24, 2014 Best Western At Hunts Landing 120 Routes 6 & 209, Matamoras, PA 18336-2056 Services and Equipment Furnished by Jim '/(au 'Dog Snows, L ttf. P. o. Box 6898 • Reading, PA 19610 • (610) 376-1880 24 Hour Fax Service· (610) 376-4939 19611 American Kennel Club Annually Lloen~ed S,;pe'r~nt"nd''"ts Kathleen Berkheimer i Shiller Ed Smizer AI Staudt, Jr. Kitty Burke Wayne Hallard Kathy Hague Joan Rau Phyllis Kraft Lorraine Schauer 9 Officers of the English Setter Association of America, Inc. President . Janel Gray Treasurer .. Jane Danek Secretary .. .. . .......... . _. . Coleen Raber DIRECTORS Vice President at l arge Kathy Cunningham-Roy Vice President at l arge Dave Mates Vice President at l arge lynda Chase Regional Vice Presidents Col. G. Robert Stevens Robert Mellis Julie Quirk Dr. B.J. Parsons, DVM Tony DiSiena Anna Quigley Judi Hunter car1 Necker Julie Brimble Mrs. Susie Kerwin·Bush AKC Delegate .......... ... . . . . ........ John Nielsen SHOW COMMITIEE Show Chairman . Kathryn Cunningham-Roy 35 Booras lane, Milford, CT 06461 203-876-9885 E-Mail: Broy304 .... . lourdes Fernandez Co-Chair 2155 Bogart Ave ., Bronx, NY 10462 718·824-9303 E-Mail: Bourbon2@ Obedience Chair . ... .... . .. .................. , ... , ...... ...... ... . .. Toni lynn Mulhearn 6 Hepburn Ct. , Stony Brook, NY 11790 631-751-5087 E-Mail: paddingtonspad COMMITIEES Banquet Reservations ... •.. _• _ . . . Jane Flynn Banquet Seating .. ....... • . . ...... ... ...•. Joan Dudas .. .•• .. . .• • _ . ..... Lisa Moreau & Carl Sillman Catalog Advertising Catalog Pre-Sales ....... •. Maura Placek . . . . . . . . . •. Linda Jones Catalog Sales ...........•. Chief Ring Steward .... .. ... .... . ..... .... Dave Mates Maryella l uksa & Cindy O'Brien Decorations .. . ......... •........... Favors .... ........ . .• .•. , • • " ' .. Cindy O'Brien Futurity/Maturity ...... .....•. ....... .•. Sandy Miller Grooming Space . • . . ..• ' . • . Judi Hunter , .. , . . . . . Frank luksa & Mike Dudas Grounds Health Clinics .... . ...... .. .•• . _ ..• . . •• _ . .• • __ . Kathy Mellis & Dee Verti Hospilality ........... .. •. . Gloria Arata & Donna Grant . . Frank luksa Hunt Test . . . . . . . . . •. Judges Education . . . . . •. . . ••. . . . . ......... . Joan Savage Juniors Activities Julie Bremser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Donna Jordan National Coordinator . . . . . • . . • • • . . • . Toni lynn Mulhearn Obedience/Rally . . .. .... • . Publicity ..... ... . .... . • .. •.• " • . . ,'.. . Kathy Cunningham· Roy Raffle ............... National Capitol ES Club - Contact: Tammy Vann RV Reservations ..... ..• . . . . Jack Lannon National Merchandise ......... Cindy O'Brien Silent Auction .. ....... .•. . _ , , ............ , . . . . . . . . lynda Chase Trophy Chairs .. .. .. ... .•. Paula Helming & Gail Ryan. English Setter Club of New England Vendors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l o Wolfson Website . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lisa Moreau Welcome Bags Toni lynn Mulhearn & Joanne Mistler Official Photographer Veterinarian on Call After Hours Emergency Services Garth Gourlay TriState Veterinary Medical Orange County Animal Emergency 33 Jersey Avenue Services RR # 1, Freelton Port Jervis, NY 12771 517 Rt. 211 East Ontario, Canada L041 KO (905) 659·1413 (845) 856-1914 Middletown, NY 10941 Only the official Photographer may take win pictures. (845) 692·0260 American Kennel Club Certification Permission ;s granted by the Amencan Kennel Club for the holding of this event under American Kennel Club Rules and Regulations. James P. Crowley. Secretary 10 Judges Mrs. Patricia Scully 328 Parkside Drive, Suffem, NY 10901·7856 OBEDIENCE CLASSES AND RALLY CLASSES Mrs. Sue Goldberg 19 Skyline Drive, Warren, NJ 07059--6713 BITCH CLASSES & INTERSEX & JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP Ms. Paula Dempsey ..... . . .. . . .. ... ......... 4222 260th Street E., Spanaway, WA 98387·9444 DOG CLASSES Mrs. Chris Walkowicz 1208· 47th Avenue CT., East Moline, IL 61244 FUTURITY & MATURITY CLASSES Mrs. Gloria Arata 364 Zipfeldburg Road, Rhinebeck, NY 12572 VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES ENGLISH SETTER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA FUTURITY Entry Fee: No additional fee is required for paid·up Futurity enrolled dogs to enter Futurity classes. However, such dogs must be entered in a regUlar class at the appropriate fee. NOTE: Futurity entry must be listed as an "Additional Class' on the entry form, indicating proper age group and Futurity as the additional class. (e.g. Futurity 9·12) REMEMBER: The class an entrant may be enrolled in is determined by its age on August 31, 2014, not its age on the date of the Futurity stake itself. ELIGIBILITY 1· The Futurity Stake shall be open to all members of the ESAA who have complied with the Rules of Eligibility for entered dogs. 2· Each dog entered in a Futurity Class must also be entered in one of the Regular Classes of the National Specialty with which the Futurity is held. 3· The 2014 Futurity Stake is open to only those dogs that are between 6 months of age and 18 months of age on August 31, 2014. FUTURITY CLASSIFICATION The Futurity entrants shall be judged in eight (8) classes, divided by sex and age as follows: Dogs, 6 months and under 9 months Dogs, 9 months and under 12 months Dogs, 12 months and under 15 months Dogs, 15 months and under 18 months (Same classes for bitches) The eight (8) class winners shall then compete for Best in Futurity and Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Futurity. FUTURITY PRIZE MONEY All monies from nominations and enrollment fees shall be pooled. The ESAA shall retain 20% for the judge's fees and expenses of the Futurity. The balance shall be divided as follows: 20% Best in Futurity 10% Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Futurity . 10% Breeder of the Besl in Futurity 60% Allocated to the Classes CLASS MONEY TO BE DISTRIBUTED AS FOLLOWS A. Class money for each class to be determined by dividing money by total number of dogs eligible and then multiplying that number by the number of dogs eligible to be entered in the class. B. If only one dog is eligible for a class, First will receive the class money. C. If two dogs are eligible for a class, First will receive 60%, Second will receive 40%. D. If three dogs are eligible for a class, First will receive 50%, Second will receive 30%. Third will receive 20%. E. If four or more dogs are eligible for a class, First will receive 40%, Second will receive 30%. Third will receive 20% and Fourth will rece ive 10%. Futurity Prizes Best in Futurity, Rosette. Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Futurity, Rosette. 11 ENGLISH SETTER ASSOCIATION OF A MERICA MATURITY No additional fee is required for paid-up Maturity enrolled dogs to enter Maturity classes . However, such dogs must be entered in a regular class at the appropriate fee. NOTE: Maturity entry must be listed as an "Additional Class' on the entry form, indicating proper age group and Maturity as the additional class. (e.g. Maturity 6-9) REMEMBER: The class an entrant may be enrolled in is determined by .....nat class that entrant was eligible to enter in the 2012 Futurity. They would be the same. ELIGIBILITY 1- The Maturity Stake shall be open to all members of the ESAA whO have complied with the Rules 01 Eligibility for entered dogs. 2- Each dog entered in a Maturity Class must also be entered in one of the Regular Classes of Ihe National Specialty with .....nich the Maturity is held. 3- The 2014 Maturity Stake is open to only those dogs that were eligible forthe 2012 Futurity and have since complied with all Maturity eligibility rules. MATURITY CLASSIFICATION The Maturity entrants shall be judged in eight (8) classes, divided by sex and age as follows: 2012 Futurity Dogs, 6 months and under 9 months 2012 Futurity Dogs, 9 months and under 12 months 20 12 Futurity Dogs, 12 months and under 15 months 2012 Dogs, 15 months and under 18 months (Same classes for bitches) The eight (8) class winners shall then compete for Best in Maturity and Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Maturity. MATURITY PRIZE MONEY All monies from nominations and enrollment fees shall be pooled. The ESAA shall retain 20% for the judge's fees and expenses of the Futurity. The balance shall be divided as follows: 20% Best in Maturity 10% Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Maturity 10% Breeder of the Best in Maturity 60% Alloca ted 10 the Classes CLASS MONEY TO BE DISTRIBUTED AS FOllOWS A. Class money for each class to be determined by dividing money by total number of dogs etigible and then B. C. D. E. multiplying that number by the number of dogs eligible to be entered in Ihe class. If only one dog is eligible for a class, First will receive the class money. If two dogs are eligible for a class, First will receive 60%, Second will receive 40%. If three dogs are eligible for a class, First will receive 50%, Second will receive 30%. Third will receive 20%. If four or more dogs are eligible for a class, First will receive 40%, Second will receive 30%. Third will receive 20% and Fourth will receive 10%. Maturity Prizes Best in Maturity, Rosette. Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Maturity, Rosette. VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES The Veteran Sweepstakes is open to all English Setters over seven years of age on the day of the show. Neutered dogs and spayed Bitches may be entered in Veteran Sweepstakes. Veteran Sweepstakes will be judged prior to the judging of Regular Classes. Entry fee is $22.00 per entry. Veteran Sweepstakes entrants do not need to be entered in RegularClasses. Entries shall be made on the same entry form as for the Regular Classes. Indicate ' Veteran S'Neepstakes' and the appropriate age classification in the space provided lor "Addi tional Classes". Dogs may be entered in the classes listed below. Each class will be brought into the ring and each dog evaluated by the judge. Each class w;tI be excused from the ring after evaluation. NO CLASS PLACEMENTS WILL BE AWARDED. After every class has been evaluated, all the dogs entered that were evatuated in their respective classes will be brought back into the ring. The judge will then pick Best in Veteran Sweepstakes and Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Veteran S'Neepstakes. 12 CLASSIFICATION Veteran Sweepstakes Oogs , 7 years and Under 8 years Veteran Sweepstakes Dogs, 8 years and Under 9 years Veteran Sweepstakes Dogs, 9 years and Under 10 years Veteran Sweepstakes Dogs, 10 years and Under 11 years Veteran Sweepstakes Dogs, 11 Years and over (Same Classes for Bitches) PRIZE MONEY 35% of total entry fees will be retained by the Club for expenses. The remainder will be divided as foUows: Best in Veteran Sweepstakes 60'''10 Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Veteran Sweepstakes 40% Veteran Sweepstakes Prizes Best in Veteran Sweepstakes, Rosette. Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Veteran Sweepstakes, Rosette. Award of Merit, Rosette. At the discretion of the judge, one (1) Award of Merit may be awarded for every ten (10) entries. Each Entrant in Veteran Sweepstakes, Rosette imprinted with dog's name Veteran Sweepstakes Extravaganza Judging for the Veteran Sweepstakes Extravaganza will take place on Wednesday, October 22, 2014. There will be a Parade after judging during which each dog will be introduced by name and awarded a Rosette with his/her name printed on it. Ring personnel and exhibitors are asked to dress in formal attire. Complimentary International Cheese, pepperoni and cracker platter with Cash Bar. English Setter Association of America, Inc. Trophy/Prize List Unless othefWise noted, the following prizes are offered by the English Setter Association of America, Inc. through the generosity of its' Members, Member Clubs & Friends. The Club has the right to SUbstitute a prize with one of equal or greater value should the offered item become unavailable. Breed Prizes Best of Breed, The Warren Brewbaker Memorial Trophy, a 10' Engraved SP Bowl awarded for winner's permanent possession. The Wingfield and Chebaco English Setter Challenge Trophy, A Bronze of Two Standing English Setters mounted on a Walnut base offered in Honor of CH Chebaco Blames It on Trabeiz and GCH Stargazr'n Wingfield Time Will TeU by Don and Pat Coller, Eileen Hackett & Kate Hanlon through the English Setter Association of America, Inc. at its National Specialty Show for the winner of Best of Breed. Permanent possession will be awarded for three Best of Breed wins by the same owner, not necessarily with the same dog, nor at consecutive shows. Winning dog's name to be engraved on the trophy. Rosette and Limited Edition Rebecca Ray Navy Blue Custom Duffle with leather accents and ESAA logo in white. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Rosette and limited Edition Rebecca Ray Navy Blue Custom Duffle with leather accents and ESAA logo in white, offered by ESAA President, Janet Gray. Best of Winners, Rosette and Harness Leather Slip Lead with Small Glass English Setter Bridle Rosette. Winners Dog, Rosette and Limited Edition Rebecca Ray Navy Blue Custom Duffle with leather accents and ESAA logo in white. Winners Bitch, Rosette and limited Edition Rebecca Ray Navy Blue Custom Duffle with leather accents and ESAA logo in white. Reserve Winners Oog, Rosette and Red Julie Pouch with White Setter Image. Reserve Winners Bitch, Rosette and Red Julie Pouch with White Setter Image. Grand Champion Select Dog, Roselle and Blue Julie Pouch with White Setter Image. Grand Champion Select Bitch, Rosette and Blue Julie Pouch with White Setter Image. Awards of Merit, Rosette and Picture Frame with Custom Matting. At the discretion of the judge up to five (5) Awards of Merit may be awarded. Best Puppy, Rosette & Hamess Leather Slip Lead with Small Glass English Setter Bridle Rosette. Best Bred-by-Exhibitor, Rosette & Hamess Leather Slip Lead with Small Glass English Setter Bridle Rosette. First in Each Regular and Non-RegularClass, Rosette & Custom Rebecca Ray Navy Blue Luggage·weight Nylon Tote with Leather Handles and ESAA Logo in White. Second in Each Regular and Non-Regular Class, Rosette & Hamess Leather Slip Lead with Small Glass English Setter Bridle Rosette. 13 Third in Each Regular and Non-Regular Class, Rosette & Chestnut Leather Key Fob with Brass Hardware and Glass English Setter Bridle Rosette. Fourth in Each Regular and Non-Regular Class, Rosette & Khaki Zip Clip Pouch with ESSA Logo. Junior Showmanship Prizes Best Junior Handler, Rosette & Limited Edition Rebecca Ray Navy Blue Custome Duffle with leather accents and ESAA logo in white. Silver Plate Revere Bowl engraved with ESAA Logo. First in Each Class, Rosette & Harness l eather Slip l ead with Small Glass English Setter Brindle Rosette. SP Revere Bowl engraved with ESAA l ogo. Second in Each Class, Rosette & Harness l eather Slip Lead with Small Glass English Setter Brindle Rosette. Third in Each Class, Rosette & Hamess Leather Slip l ead with Small Glass English Seller Brindle Roselle . Fourth in Each Class, Roselle & Hamess l eather Slip Lead with Small Glass EngliSh Sette r Brindle Rosette . The Best Junior Handler Award offered by the English Setter Association of America Inc. will be engraved with the winner's name and presented at the Annual Awards Banquet. Possession 01the Award will be retained by the ESAA . OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Qualifying score required for all pri zes. A dark green qualifying ribbon will be given to each dog attaining a Qualifying Score. Refund for bitches (all but $5.00) in season with necessary veterinarian certificate Novice A & B Beginner Novice A & B Pre-Novice REGULAR CLASSES OpenA&B OPTIONAL TITLING CLASSES Graduate Novice Pre-Open Versatility Utility A & B Graduate Open Pre -Utility Obedience Prizes Highest Scoring English Setter in Trial , Rosette & Limited Edition Rebecca Ray Navy Blue Custom Duffle with leather accents and ESAA logo in white. High Combined Score in Open B & Utility Classes, Rosette & Green Julie Pouch with White Seller Image. Highest Scoring Champion of Record , Rosette & Yellow Julie Pouch with White Setter Image . First in Each Class, Rosette & Custom Rebeccay Ray Navy Blue Luggage weight Nylon Tote with l eather Handles and ESAA l ogo in White. Second in Each Ctass, Rosette & Khaki Zip Ctip Pouch with ESAA logo. Third in Each Class, Rosette & Woven Kennel Lead. Fourth in Each Class, Rosette & Woven Kennel Lead. RALLY TRIAL CLASSES Rally entries must include dog's jump height. Qualifying score required for all prizes. A Dark Green Qualifying Ribbon will be given to eadl dog attaining a Qualifying Score. Refund for bitches (all but $5.00) in season with necessary veterinarian certificate Novice A & B Rally Pairs Novice Rally Teams Novice RALLY CLASSES Advanced A & B Rally Pairs Advance Rally Teams Advance Excellent A & B Rally Pairs Excellent Rally Team Excellent Rally Prizes High Combined Score, Rosette & Cuslom Rebecca Ray Navy Blue luggage weight Nylon Tote with Leather Handles and ESAA l ogo in White. First in Each Class, Rosette & Harness Leather Slip Lead with Small Glass English Setter Bridle Rosette. Second through Fourth Place in Each Rally Class, Rosette & Dog Toy. Move-ups will be allowed at this trial per AKC Regulations. 14 OFFICIAL AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB ENTRY FORM #2014141707 (Cont) #2014141712 (Obed) #2014141709 (Rally) #2014141713 (Fut) 2014 National Specialty Show English Setter Association of America, Inc. Best Westem At Hunts Landing, 120 Routes 6 & 209, Matamoras, PA 18336-2056 OCTOBER 21-24, 2014 ENTRY FEE: $35,00 for the first entry of each dog (including 501t AKC recording fee & $3,00 AKC Event Service Fee and $22,00 for each additional entry of the same dog. Puppy Classes, $22,00; Junior Showmanship, No Fee, Futurity/Maturity Classes, No Charge, Obedience/Rally first entry, $35,00; Second entry in Obedience & Rally (same dog) is $22.00, See Page 3 for additional prices, CLOSING DATE for entries 12:00 Noon, Wednesday, October 8, 2014 (at Superintendent's Office) After Which Time Entries Cannot Be Accepted, Cancelled or Substituted except as provided for in Chapter II , Section 6 of the Dog Show Rules, MAIL ALL ENTRIES with tees to: Jim Rau Dog Shows, ltd" P, 0 , Box 6898, Reading, PA 19610. MAKE ALL CHECKS and MONEY ORDERS payable to J,R.D.S., LTD. CANADIAN EXHIBITORS must make fees payable in U.S. FUNDS. for entry fees. I Enclose $ IMPORTANT-Read Carefully instructions on Reverse Side Before Filling Out. Numbers in the boxes indicate sections of the instructions relevant to the information needed in that box (PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY) I BREED ENGLISH SETTER DOG I I VARIETY I [!] SEX CLASS DIVISION SHOW CLASS I ADDITIONAL OBEDIENCE ClASS CLASS Jump Height (Color, Wel~t, etc.) RAlLY =eight NAME OF JUNIOR HANDLER (if any) I I J unior Show. Class JR. HANDLER NUMBER (see back) FULL NAME OF DOG Enter number here. o AKC REG. NO. o PAL NO. o FOREIGN REG. NO. & COUNTRY DATE OF BIRTH PLACE OF (list oountry) BIRTH Do nol prinl abo::we in Catalog BREEDER SIRE DAM ACruAL OWNER{S) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ~=~=~------------- (Please Print) OWNER 'S AOORESS'______________________________________________________________ CITY STATE 21'___ NAME OF OWNER'S AGENT R(IF ANV) AT THE SHOW' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ~ I CERTIFY trial I am tilt! actual owner of the dog, or trial I am the duly authorized agent 01 the actual owner whose name I have entered above. In conslleration of tile aox:eptance 01 this entry. I (We) agree D ablle by tilt! rules and regulatioos of The American Kemel Club in effect at the tina of this 8'.'ent, and by any additional fUles and regulatioos appearing in trle premium list forthis event. and further agree D be oound by the "Agreetnefll' preinted on the reselVe side of this entry form. I (wa) certify and represent that the dog onlefed is nol a hazard to pefflO(IS or other dogs. This entry is submitted for ao:::eptance on the foregoing representation and Agreement I (we) agree 10 conduct rrr,tseW (ourselves) in accordance with all SlOCh Rules nd Regulati>ns Oncluding all provisions applying to discipline) and 10 abide by any decisions made in acoord with them . SIGNATURE of owner or his agent duly authorized to make this entry TELEPHONE 1# (Must be signed here) _______________ E-Mail Address - 15 Are you a new exhibitor? YES 0 NO 0 AKC Rules , Regu lations, Pol icies and Guidelines are available on the American Kenne l Club Web site, www, AGREEMENT I (we) agree that the club holding this event has the righl to refuse th is entry lor cause which the club shall deem sufficient. In consideration 01 the acceptar'ICe 01thiS en try and 01 the holding of this event and 01 the oppo!1unity to have the dog judged and to win prizes, ribbons, or trophies, I (we) agree to hold the AKC , ltle event·givlng club, their members, (frectors, governors, officers agents, superintendents or event secretary and the OWfIer and/or lessor of the premises and any p rovioer 01 services thai are necessary 10 hold thiS event and any employees or volunteers 01 the alorementioned aprties, and any AKC approved judge. judging at thiS event, harmless lrom any claim lor 10$$ or injury which may be alleged to have been caused (frectly or Indirectly to any person or thing by the acl 01 thiS dog Mlile in or about the evenl premises or grounds or near any enlrar'ICe thereto, and I( (we) personally assume all responsibility and liability lor any such claim ; and I (we) lurther agree to hold the alorementioned parlies harmless from any clalm for loss, injury or damage to this dog, Additionally, t (we) hereby assume the $Ole responsibility fo r and agree to indemnily, defend and save Itle aloremenlioned parlies harmless Irom any and all loss and expense (including legal fees) by reason 01 the liability imposed by law upon any of the aforementiooed panics for damage because 01 bodily injuries, induding death at any time resulting therefrom, sustained by any person Of persorlS,lr'lCluding mysell (ourselves), or on account of damage to property, a rising out 01 or in consequence or my (ou r) panicipatlon in this event, however such, injuries. death or property damage may be caused, and whether or not the sa me may ha~e been caused or may be alleged to have been caused by the negligence of the aforementioned panies or any of their employees, ag ents, or any other persons. I (WE) AGREE THAT ANY CAUSE OF ACTION , CONTROVERSY OR CLAIM ARI SING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE ENTRY, EXHIBITlON OR ATTENDANCE AT THE EVENT BETWEEN THE AKC ANfOR THE EVENT-GIVING CL.UB AND MYSEL.F (OURSELVES) OR AS TO THE CONSTRUCTION, INTERPRETATION AND EFFECT OF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL. BE SETTLED BY ARBITRATION PURSUANT TO THE APPUCABL.E RUL.ES OF THE AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION . HOWEVER, PRIOR TO ARBITRATION AL.l APPLICABLE AKC BYLAWS, RUL.ES, REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURES MUST FIRST BE FOllOED AS SET FORTH IN THE AKC CHARTER AND BYLAWS, RULES, REGULATIONS, PUBLISHED POLICIES AND GUIDEUNES. INSTRUCTIONS (Variety) if you are entering a dog of a breed in which there are varietes tor show purposes, please designate the panicular variety you are entering, I.e., Cocker Spaniels (Black, ASCOB , Parti-color), Beagles (not exceeding 13In.; over 13 in. but not exceeding 15 in.), Dach shu nds (longhaJred, Smooth, Wirehaired ), Bull Terriers (Colored, White) , Mar'IChester Temers (Standard, Toy), Chihuahuas (Smooth Coat, Coat). English Toy Spaniels (King Charles and Ruby, Blenheim and Prince Cha ~es), Poodles (Toy, Miniature, Standard), Collies (RO\Jgh , Smooth). 2. The loJlowing categories 01 dogs may be entered and shown in Best of Breed Competition: ~ that are Champions 01 Re<:ord and dogs which, according to their ov.ner's records, have completed the requirements lor 8 championship, but ....nose championships are unconlirmed. The showing 01ur'IConlirmed ChampionS in Best of Breed competitioo is Umited to a pe~ 0190 days Irom the dale 01 the show 'IotWIre the dog completed the requirements lor a championship. (Dog Show Class) Consult the classification in this premium liSt , il the dog showcJass in which you are entering your dog is divided, then, In additioo to designating lhe class, specily the particular division 01 the class in which you are enlering your dog, i.e., age division, color dIviSion , weight division. 4. A dog must be entered in the name 01 the person who actually owned it at the time entries for a show closed. II a regIstered dog has been acquired by a new owner it must be entered in the name 01 its new owner in any show for which entries closed after the date 01 acquirement, regardless of wnather the new owoer has received the regislfation certil icate Indicating that the dog is recorUed in his name. State onlhe enlry torm whether transfer application has been maited 10 AKC. (For complete rule refer to Chapter 14, Section 3. ), 5. Mixed Breed dogs entering classes fOf Agility, Obedience and Rally trials should mar\!; Breed as AKC Canine Partners Usted Dog "AlI·American DogfMlxed Breed." Variety, Breeder, Si re , Dam information shall remain blank for mi xed breed etrants. FAX NUMBER - (610) 376-4939· $4.00 per Dog per Show charged on All credit card entries regardless of method submitted. 3. A $10.00 Service Charge will be applied to any invalid/declined credit card, Visa/Mastercard #,,'_______________ ______________ Expiration Oale"'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Cardholders Name,, ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Cardholders Signature' II this entry is for Jr, Showmanship please give the following information: Jr. Handler [0 #. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JR'S. DATE OF BIRTH._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ADDAESS._______________________________________________ CITY_ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _____STATE,____ZIP'_ _ ___ If Jr. H andler is not the owner of the clog identifi ed on the face of this form , what is the rel ationship of the Jr. H and ler to the owner? _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ "By sig ning the entry form, we certify that the Junior Showman does nol now, a nd will not at any tim e, ad as an agent I handler for pay while contin uing to compete in Junior Showmanship." Front and Back of Form Must Be Included 16 OFFICIAL AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB ENTRY FORM #2014141707 (Conf) * 2014141712 (Obed) #2014141709 (Rally) *2014141713 2014 National Specialty Show English Setter Association of America, Inc. (FUI) Best Western At Hunts Landing, 120 Routes 6 & 209, Matamofas, PA 18336-2056 OCTOBER 21-24, 2014 ENTRY FEE: $35.00 for the first entry of each dog (including SOc AKC recording fee & $3.00 AKC Event Service Fee and $22.00 for each additional entry of the same dog. Puppy Classes, $22.00; Junior Showmanship, No Fee. Futtxity/ MalUrity Classes, No Charge. Obedience/Rally first entry, $35.00; Second entry in Obedience & Rally (same dog) is $22.00. See Page 3 for additional prices. CLOSING DATE for entries 12:00 NOOfl, Wednesday, October 8, 2014 (at SuperintendenrsOtfice) After Which Time Entries Cannot Be Accepted , Cancelled or Substituted except as provided lor in Chapter 11, Section 6 of the Dog Show Rules. MAIL All ENTRIES with fees to: Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., P. O. Box 6898, Reading, PA 19610. MAKE ALL CHECKS and MONEY ORDERS payable to J. R.D.S., LTD. CANADIAN EXHIBITORS must make fees payable in U.S. FUNDS. for entry fees. I Enclose $ IMPORTANT Read Carefully instructions on Reverse Side Before Filling Out. Numbers In the boxes indicate sections 01 the instructi ons relevant to th e infonnalion needed in that box (PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY) I BREED ENGLISH SETIER DOG SHOW CLASS I ADDIT10NAL ClASS I VARIETY CLASS DIVISK)N (Color, WeV1t. etc.) I~elght OBEDIENCE RAlLY ClASS Jump Height NAME OF JUNIOR HANDLER (11 any) I [!] SEX I Junior Show. Clan I JR. HANDLER NUMBER (see back) FUll. NAME OF DOG Ente, number here. o AKC REG. NO. o PAL NO. o FOREIGN REG. NO. a COUNTRY DATE OF BIRTH PLACE OF BIRTH (~OOU1try) Do rot print above in CatalOg BREEDER SIRE DAM ===:;;-___________ ACT1JAL OWNER(S) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Please Print) OWNER 'S ADDRESS,_________________________________________________________________ ClYV STATE 2IP_ _ NAME OF OWNER'S AGENT A(IF ANY) AT THE SHOW _____________________________________________________________ I CERTIFY Ihjt I am Itle acw owner (111he dog. or Ihal l am lie dut,l auttuized agent oIlhe 0IC1lJa1 owner who6e f'I1Ime t have enteflId above. In oonsi:Ie<atlon oIihe acxeptarce of Itis entry. I (We) agree to abi:le by !he nJas and regula~ 01 The Amerk:<In K&M&I CUln effect at lie !IDe 01 !his event. and by atT'I additklnal rules and regulations appealing in ~ premilm 1isl1ot!his event, and Iutlhet 1IQI&e 10 be 0000d by 1he "Agreement" preinled 0!'1 ttle reserve slOe oI1his en'Y Iorm. I (we) certifY and represent !hat the dog entered is not a halatd 10 persons or oh!tr 00gs. TNs ercry is sutImitlBd lor ~nce on the Ioreooinll representation and /1qeemenc. I (we) agree 10 (;()Oljuct ITljsell (ourse/'.>es) in accoroance wlltl alilluch Rules nd Aegljalions (ncwng ill provisions applying 10 disciplioo) and k> abide by any deCisiorIs made in 3CIXKd with them. SIGNATURE of owner ()( his agent duly authorized 10 make this entry TELEPHONE It ___________________________ E-Mail Address - 17 (Must be signed here) Are you a new exhibitor? YES 0 NO 0 AKC Rules , Regu lations , PojiCies and Guidelines are avail able on the AmeriCan Kennel Crub Website, W' AGREEMENT I (we) agree thai ttle cl ub holding tt1is eIIent has the right to refuse ttlis entry for cause which the club 91all deem suHicienl. In consideration ofttle acceptance of this entry and of ttle holding of this &Yent and 01 the opportunity to have the clog judged and to win prizes, ribbons. or trophies. I (we) agree to hold the AKC , the dub. their members, directors, goyemors, officers agents, superintendents or eYent secretary and ttle owner ancVor lessor of the premises and any provioor of serviCes that are necessary to hold this event and any employees or volunteers of the alorementioned aprties. and any AKC approved Judge, judging at this event, harmless from any claim lor loss or injury Y<tIich may be alleged to haYe been caused directly or indirectly to any person or !toing by !toe act of \his dog while ifl or about the eYent premiSes or g rounds or nea r any entrance thereto, and I( (we) personally assume all responsibility and liability lor any such claim; and I (we) fuMe!" agree to hold the alorementioned parties harmless from any claim for loss. injury or damage to this dog. Additionally. J (we) hereby assume the $Ole responsibi~ty for and agree 10 indemnify, delend and save the aforementioned parties harmless from any and all loss and expense (Including legal lees) by reason 01 the liability imposed by law upon any of the aforementioned parties for damage because 01 bodily injuries, including death at any time resulting therefrom. sustained by any person or pefSons, including mySelf (OIJrselves), or on account of damage to property, arising out 01 or in conseQUence or my (our) participation in this ellen!. however such, iniuries, death or property damage may be caused, and whether or not the same may nave been caused or may be alleged to have been caused by the ne gligenc e 01 the aforementioned parties or any of their employees, agents, or any other persons. I (WE) AGREE THAT ANY CAUSE OF ACTION , CONTROVERSY OR CLAIM ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE ENTRY, EXHIBITION OR ATTENDANCE AT THE EVENT BETWEEN THE AKC ANJOR THE EVENT-GIVING CWB AND MYSELF (OURSEL.VES) OR AS TO THE CONSTRUCTION, INTERPRETATION AND EFFECT OF THIS AGREEMENT SHAL.L BE SEn-LED BY ARBITRATION PURSUANT TO THE APPLICABL.E RULES OF THE AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION. HOWEVER, PRIOR TO ARBITRATION AL.L APPLICABL.E AKC BYLAWS, RUL.ES, REGULATIONS AND PR OCEDURES MUST FIRST BE FaLL.OED AS SET FORTH IN THE AKC CHARTER AND BYLAWS, RULES, REGULATION S, PUBLISHED PDUCIES AND GUIDEL.INES. INSTRUCTIONS I. (Variety) if you are en tering a dog 01a breed In which there are varieties for show purposes. please designate the particular variety you are en tering, I.e., Cocker Spaniels (Black, ASCOB , Parti-color), Beagles (not exceeding t3 in.: over 13 In. but not exceeding IS in.). Dachshunds (Longhaired, Smooth, Wirehaired). Bull Terriel!i (Colored, White), Manchester Terriers (Standard, Toy), Chihuahuas (Smooth Coat, L.OMg Coat). English Toy Spaniels (King Charles and Ruby, Blenheim and Prince Cha~es), Poodles (Toy, Miniature, Standard), Collies (Rough, Smooth) 2. The loIlowing catego~es of clogs may be entered and shown in Best 01 Breed Competition: Dogs that are Champions 01 Record and clogs which, accordiog to their o~er's records, tIave completed the requirements for achamplonship, but v.Tlosechampionsilips are unconfirmed. The showing 01 uncon firmed Champions in Best 01 Breed competition is Umited to a period of 90 days from the date of the show Y<tIere the dog compleleclthe requirements for a championship. 3. (Dog Show Class) Consult the classification in this premium list, if the dog show class in Y<tIiCh yOlJ are entering your dog Is civided. then. In aoditiOfl to designating the class, specify the particular divisiOn 01 the class in which you are en tering your dog, i.e., age division. color division, weight division. 4. A dog must be entereclln the name 01 the person who actually owned it althe time entries lor a show closed. II a registered dog has been acquired by a new owner it must be entered in the name of its new owner in any show lor Y<tIiCh entries dosed after the elate of acquiremen t, regardless Of Y<tIether the new owner has received the registration certificate indicating that the dog is recorded in his name. State on the entry fonn wnether transfer application has been mailed to A.K.C. (For complete rule reler to Chapter 14 . Section 3.). Mixed Breed dogs entering classes for Agility, Obedience and Rally trials should mar;; Breed as AKC Canine Partners Usted Dog 5. ' AII·American DosVMlxed Breed." Variety, Breeder, Sire, Dam infonnation shall remain blank for mixed breed etrants. FAX NUMBER _ (610) 376-4939· $4.00 per Dog per Show charged o n AL.L credit card entries regardless of method submitted. A $10.00 Service Charge will be applied to any invalid/declined credit card. Visa/Mastercard #~ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Expiration Date"·_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Cardholders Name,"· _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Cardholders Signature · If this entry is for Jr. Showmanship please give the following information: Jr. Handler 10 #. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JR'S. DATE OF BIRTH'-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ADDRESS;_______________________________________________ CllY·______________________________STATE'______ ZIP' ______ If J r. Handler is noc the owner oIlhe dog idef1tified on the face of this lorm, what is \he relationship of the J r. Handler 10 the owner? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ "By signing the entry form, w e certify that the Junior Showman does not now, and will not at any t ime, ad as an agent I handler for pay while cont~uin9 to compete in Junior Showmanship." Front and Back of Form Must Be Included 18 OFFICIAL A MERICAN KENNEL CLUB ENTRY FORM 12014141707 (Cant) . 2014141712 (Obed) #2014141709 (Rally) *2014141713 (Fut) 2014 National Specialty Show English Setter Association of America, Inc. Best Western At Hunts Landing. 120 Routes 6 & 209. Matamoras, PA 18336·2056 OCTOBER 21 -24, 2014 ENTRY FEE: $35.00 for the first entry of each dog (including 50e AKC recording fee & $3.00 AKC Event SelVice Fee and $22.00 for each additional entry of the same dog. Puppy Classes, $22.00; J unior Showmanship, No Fee. Futurity/Maturity Classes, No Charge. Obedience/Rally first entry, $35.00; Second entry in Obedience & Rally (same dog) is $22.00. See Page 3 for additional prices. CLOSING DATE for entries 12:00 Noon, Wednesday. October 8, 2014 (at Superintendenfs Office) After Which Time Entries Cannot Be Accepted, Cancelled or Substituted except as provided for in Chapter 11 , Sectioo 6 of the Dog Show Rules. MAIL ALL ENTRIES with fees to: Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd .• P. O . Box 6698, Reading, PA 1961 0. MAKE ALL CHECKS and MONEY ORDERS payable to J.R .D.S., LTD. CANADIAN EXHIBITORS must make fees payable in U.S. FUNDS. I Enclose S for entry fees. IMPORTANT Read Carefully instructions on Reverse Side Before Filling Out. Numbers in the boxes indicate sections of the Instructions relevant to the information needed in that box (PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY) I BREED ENGLISH SETTER DOG SHOW ADDmONAL I I OBEDIENCE ClASS = NAME OF JUNIOR HANDLER (if any) (see back) SEX I Junior RAllY ClASS Jump Height elgh t I [!] CLASS DIVISION (Color, We6ght, etc.) I ClASS VARIETY I Show. Class JR. HANDLER NUMBER FULL NAME O'DOG Enter number here. o AKC REG. NO. o PAL NO. o FOAEIGN REG . NO. & COUNTRY DATE OF ",Fml PLACE OF (li5I CQU'ltry) BIRTH 00 not ptIrlt above in catalog BFlEEOER SIRE 0'" ACTUAL OWN~ S)' ____________________________,..=o~~ _________________________ (Please PrInt) OWNER'S ADDRESS_____________________________________________________________ C'TY STATE 2'P_ _ NAME OF OWNER'S AGENT R(IF ANY) AT THE SHOW' ____________________________________________________________ I CERTIFY Itlat I am the actual owner of the dog. Of !hilt I am the duly authorized agent of the actual owner whose name I have entered above. In consk:leralion 01 the accepta.nce of this entry. I (We) agree to iIbde by !he ruI8s and regulations 01 The Ameri:::an Kamel Ck.tI in effect at the tme 01 INs event, al'd bv...,., a:XIiliooaI ruI8s al'd reglAalions appearing In the IiSl tor 1IVs even~ al'd further agree 'J be bool'd by the ·~eement· prelnled on the resetve side 0I1his entry form. 1 (we) oeniIY al'd represent IRaIIhe dog enteted is rot a hazard to petSOnS Of olher 00gs. ~ entry is ~ed tor acx;eptanCe on !he \oreoOifIg fepfesertalion and Ageement. 1(we) agree 'J oorduCI !'I'IyMI (ourselves) in iICOO!dance wilto l1li St.dl Rules I'd ~tions (incIOOing at prov;sions appIpIg 'J discipine) 0100 'J abide by any dacisions maoe in aa:ord with !hem. SIGNATURE of owner or his agent duly authorized to make this entry TELEPHONE II ___________________________ E-Mail Address - 19 (Must be signed here) Are you a new exhibitor? YES 0 NO 0 AKC Rules, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines are available on the American Kennel Club Website, wwvv.akc .org AGREEMENT I (we) agree that the club holding this event has the right to refuse this entry lor cause wh ich the club shall deem sufficient. In consideration 01 the acceptance of this en try and 01 the holding 01 th is event and 01 the opportunity to have the dog judged and to win pri zes, ribbons. or trophies. I (we) agree to hold the Al<C, the event·giving club, their members, directors. govemors. officers agents, supeontendents or event secretary and the owner andlor lessor of the premises and any provider of services that are necessary to hold this event and any employees or volunteers of the aforementioned aprties, and any AKC approved judge, judging at this event, harmless from any claim for loss or injury wtlich may be al leged to have been caused directly or indirectly to any person or thing by the act of this dog v.tlile in or about the event premises or grounds or near any entrance thereto, and I( (we) personally assume all responsibility and liability for any such claim; and I (we) h.lfther agree to hold the aforementioned parties harmless from any claim for lOSS, injury or damage to this dog. Additionally. I (we) hereby assume the sole responsibility for and agree to indemnify, delend aM save the aforementioned parties harmless from any and all loss and expense (including legal le es) by reason of the liability imposed by law upon any of the aforementioned parties for damage because of bodi ly injuries, including death at any time resulting therefrom, sustained by any person or persons. including myself (oursetves), or on account 01damage \0 property, arising out of or in consequence or my (our) partiCipation in this event, however SUCh, injuoes, death or property damage may be caused. and wtlether or not the same may have been caused or may be alleged to have been caused by the negligence 01 the aforementioned parties or any of their employees. agents, or any other persons. I (WE) AGREE THAT ANY CAUSE OF ACTION , CONTROVERSY OR CLAIM ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO TH E ENTRY, EXHIBITION OR ATTENDANCE AT TH E EVENT BETWEEN THE AKC AN/OR THE EVENT-GIVING CL.UB AN 0 MYSELF (OURSEL.VES) OR AS TO THE CONSTRUCTION, INTERPRETATION AND EFFECT OF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL. BE SETTLED BY ARBITRATION PURSUANT TO THE APPLICABL.E RUL.ES OF THE AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION. HOWEVER, PRIOR TO ARBITRATION AL.L. APPLICABL.E AKC BYLAWS, RUL.ES, REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURES MUST FIRST BE FOL.LOED AS SET FORTH IN THE AKC CHARTER AND BYLAWS, RULES, REGULATIONS, PUBLISHED POLICIES AND GUIDELINES. INSTRUCTIONS \. (Variety) il you are entering a dog 01a breed in whiCh there arevarie~es lor show purposes, please designate the particular variety you are enterin g, I.e., Cocker Spaniels (Black, ASCOB, Parti-color). Beagles (not exceeding 13 in.; over 13 in. but not exceeding 15 in.), Dachshunds (Longhaired, Smooth, Wirehaired), Bull Terriers (Colored, Vl'hite). Manchester Terriers (Standard, Toy), Chihuahuas (Smooth Coat. Long Coat). English Toy Spaniels (King Chat1 es and Ruby. Blenheim and Prince Char1es), Poodles (Toy, Miniature, Standard), Collies (Rough, Smooth). 2. The following categor1es 01 dogs may be entered and shown in Best of Breed Competition: Dogs that are Champions of Record and dogs which. according to their owner's records, have completed lt1e requirements lor achampionship. but vm osechampionships are unconfirmed. The showing 01 unconfinned Champions in Best of Breed competition is Limited to a period 0190 days from the date 01 the show where Ihe dog completed the requirements for a championship. 3. (Dog Show Class) Consult the classilica~on in this premium list, if the dog show class in whiCh you are entering your dog is divided, then, in addition to designating the class, specify the particular division of the class in which you are entering your dog, I.e., age division, color division, weight division. 4. A dog must be entered in the name of the person v.tlo actually owned it at the lime en tries for a show clOSed. If a registered dog has been acquired by a new owner it must be entered in the name of its new owner in any show for which entries closed after the date 01 acquirement, regardless of whether the new owner has received the registration certificate indicating that the dog is recorded in his name. Slate on the entry lonn whether transler appliCation has been mailed to A.K.C. (For complete rule reler to Chapter 14, Section 3.). 5. Mixed Breed dogs entering classes lor Agility, Obedience and Rally trials should mark Breed as AKC Canine Partners Listed Dog "AlI·American Oog/Mixed Breed.' Variety, Bre eder, Sire, Dam inlormation Shall remain blank lor mixed breed elrants. FAX NUMBER - (6(0) 376-4939 • $4.00 per Dog per Show charged on AL.L. credit card entries regardless 01 method submitted. A $10.00 Service Charge will be applied to any invalid/declined credit card. Visa/Mastercard #'c'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Expiration Date.c·________________________________ Cardholders Name"·_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Cardholde rs Signature' If this entry is for Jr. Showmanship please give the following information: Jr. Handler 10 #,_ _ __ __ _ __ JR'S. DATE OF BIRTH' _ _ __ _ __ _ __ ADDRESS,_ __________________________________________________ CllY _ _____________________________ STATE,_ ____----<Zlp·_ _ __ If Jr. Handle r is nOl the ow ner of the dog iden@ed on the face of this form, what is the relationship of the Jr. Handl e r to the owner? _______________________________________________ ' By signing the entry form. w e certify th at the Junior Showman does not now, and will not at any tim e, act as an agent I handler for pay whil e continuing to compete in Junior Showmanship.' Front and Back of Form Must Be Included 20 #2014156807 ENTRIES CLOSE : 12:00 NOON , WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2014 AT SHOW SUPERINTENOENT'S OffICE After Which Time Entries Cannot Be Accepted , Altered, Substituted , or Cancelled EXCEPT as Provided in Chapter 11, Section 6 of the Dog Show Rules. PREMIUM LIST Licensed by the American Kennel Club • (Unbenchedlindoors) Show Hours · 6 AM • 9 PM Hudson English Setter Club, Inc. Specialty Show, Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes Junior Showmanship OCTOBER 25-26, 2014 Best Western At Hunts Land ing 120 Routes 6 & 209, Matamoras, PA 18336-2056 Services and Equipment furni shed by Jim !/(au '])09Sfwws, L t d. P. o. Box 6898 • Reading, PA 19610 • (610) 376-1 880 24 Hour Fax Service. (610) 376-4939 Overnight and Express Deliveries 235 South Second Avenue, West Reading, PA 19611 American Kennel Club Annually licensed Superintendents Kathleen Berkheimer Kristen Shiller Ed Smizer AI Staudt, Jr. Kitty Burke Wayne Hallard Kathy Hague Joan Rau Phyllis Kraft Lorraine Schauer 21 Officers of the Hudson English Setter Club President . . . ....... .... .... . .. Cynthia O'Brien VP at Large Shareen Brown VP NY Lourdes Fernandez VP LI ........ .. •• . . . Toni Lynn Mulhearn VP NJ Frank Luksa Treasurer Joanne Mistler Secrelary Joan Dudas 146 Grove Street South, Plainfield, NJ 07080 (908) 754-5696 Show Chairman .... 121 Coutant Road, Circleville, NY 10919 845-361-3594 Michael O'Brien E-Mail: [email protected] Catalog Advertising Lisa Moreau Catalog Sales Linda Jones Chief Ring Steward Dave Mates Flowers & Decorations ...... . . Maryelia Luksa & Cynthia O'Brien Grooming Space ..... . . . . . . . . . . . Judi Hunter Grounds .. . . . . . . . .. . . .......•. Michael Dudas & Frank Luksa Hospitality .... . .. .... _ ....... ..... .. ....... . . _ . Gloria Arata & Donna Grant Judges Hospitality Gloria Arata Publicity Kathy Cunningham-Roy Raffle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cynthia O'Brien RV Reservations ...... ...... ........ Jack Lannon National Merchandise Joan Dudas & Cynthia O'Brien Trophy Chairman . . Shareen Brown Vendors ... .. .. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lo Wolfson 352-256-2490 [email protected] Official Photographer After Hrs Emergency Services Veterinarian on Call Garth Gourlay TriState Veterinary Medical Gp Orange Cty Animal RR # 1. Freetton 33 Jersey Avenue Emergency Services Ontario, Canada L041 KO Port Jervis, NY 12771 517 Rt. 21 1 Easl (905) 659-1413 (845) 856-1914 Middletown, NY 10941 Only the official Photographer may (845) 692-0260 take win pictures. American Kennel Club Certification Permission is granted by the American Kennel club for the holding of this event under American Kennel Club Rules and Regulations. James P. Crowley, Secretary Mr. Sidney Marx Karen Gatchell JUDGES 20392 W. Elk Creek Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80908 CONFORMATION CLASSES AND JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP .. ...... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 34 Moody Hts., Wells, ME 04090 PUPPY AND VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES First Prize Blue Second Prize Red Third Prize Yellow Fourth Prize . White Winners .. .. . . . . . . . . Purple Reserve Winners Purple & White Select Dog Light Blue & White Selecl Bitch Light Blue & White Best of Winners Blue & White Best of Breed Purple & Gold Best of OpPosite Sex 10 Besl of Breed Red & White Award of Merit .. Dark Green RIBBON Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette PRIZES Best Junior Handler Pink & It Green Rosette Rosette Best Bred-by-Exhibitor Best Puppy Rosette Non-Regular Classes, Sweepstakes Classes, Veteran Sweepstakes First Prize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Rose Rosette Second Prize Brown Rosette Third Prize ....... ... Light Green Rosette Fourth Prize. Gray Rosette Best in Sweepstakes Pink & Lt Green Rosette Best of Opposite Sex 10 Best in Sweepstakes Lavender Rosette Best in Veteran Sweepstakes ....... . . . Pink & Lt Green Rosette Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Veteran Sweepstakes Lavender Rosette 22 PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES The Puppy Sweepstakes is open to all English Setters who are 6 months and under 18 months of age ont he day of the show and must be entered in a Regular Class. Sweepstakes will be judged prior to the Regular Classes. Indicate Sweepstakes and age division ont he regular entry form under "Additional Classes' , Entry fee is $22.00 , Classification DogslBitches - 6 months & under 9 months Dogs/Bitches - 9 months & under 12 months Dogs/Bitches - 12 months & under 15 months DogsiBitches - 15 months & under 18 months PRIZE MONEY After 35% has been deducted by the club for expenses, the remainder will be divided as follOws: 50% to be divided equally between the First Place Winners and 50% divided between Best in Sweepstakes and Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes as follows: Best in Sweepstakes . . . .. . , , _ . 60% of all money Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes . 40% of all money SWEEPSTAKES PRIZES Unless otherwise noted , prizes donated through the generosity of the Hudson English Setter Club and its' members. The Club has the right to substitute a prize with one of equal or greater vatue should the offered item become unavailable. Best in Puppy Sweepstakes, Rosette & Raku pottery wine coolerw/3 gaiting ES offered by Kim E. Myers. Best of Opposite Sex to Best In Sweepstakes, Rosette & Raku pottery wine cooler wl one gaiting ES offered by Joanne Mistler. VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES The Veteran Sweepstakes is open to all English Setters who are seven years of age and over on the day of the show. Neutered Dogs and Spayed Bitches may be entered in Veteran Sweepstakes. Veteran Sweepstakes will be judged prior to regular Classes. Veteran Sweepstakes entrants do not need to be entered in regular classes. Entries shall be made on the same entry form as forthe regular classes. Indicate Veteran Sweepstakes and age division on the regular entry form under "Additional Classes". Entry fee is $22.00. CLASSIFICATION Veteran Sweepstakes Dogs, 7 years and Under 9 years Veteran Sweepstakes Dogs. 9 years and Under 10 years Veteran Sweepstakes Dogs, 10 years and over (Same Classes for Bitches) PRIZE MONEY After 35% has been deducted by the club for expenses, the remainder will be divided as follows: 50% to be divided equally between the First Place Winners and 50% divided between Best in Veleran Sweepstakes and Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Veteran Sweepstakes as follows: Best in Veteran Sweepstakes . , . , , . . , . , , , , , , ........ .. , 60% Best 01 Opposite Sex to Best in Veteran Sweepstakes , , , , , , . . . .. , , , .. 40% VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES PRIZES Best In Veteran Sweepstakes, Rosette & Raku pottery Ig. gailing ES on braid wlhanger offered by Frank, Maryella and Hunter Luksa , Windsor Setters. Best 01 Opposite Sex to Best In Veteran Sweepstakes, Rosette & Raku pottery med. gaiting ES on braid wlhanger offered by Suzanne Montgomery, Bromwich. BREED PRIZES A BIG THANK YOU to the members and friends of the Hudson English Setter Club who contributed so generoUSly for the individual trophies and to the general trophy fund for the 2014 October HESC Specialty. The beautiful raku pottery was thrown by potter Kathy Erickson, HOUSE AFIRE CLAY. The Hudson English Setter Club offers Rosettes for BOB, BOS, Select Dog, Select Bitch, Award of Merit, BW, WD, WB, RWD, RWB, Best Puppy, Best Bred-by-Exhibitor, Best Junior Handler, First through Fourth in all Regular Classes, First through Fourth in all Non-Regular Classes, Best and Best of Opposite in Puppy Sweeps and Best and Best of Opposite in Vete ran Sweeps. 23 Best of Breed, Rosette & Engraved SP Revere Bowl offered by ESAA. Raku pottery Big Giant Chair w/ES offered by Natalie & Evan Salmore . Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Rosette & Raku Pottery Large Chair w/ES offered by Kathy Cunningham-Roy, Meadowset. Best of Winners, Rosette & Raku pottery flanged bowl w/3 galling ES offered by Donna Grant & Paul Reilly, Jetstream. Select Oog, Rosette & Raku pottery covered jar w/gaiting ES lid offered by Jane Flynn . Select Oog , Rosette & Raku pottery covered jar w/gaiting ES lid offered by Vivian Engle. Awards of Merit, At the discretion of the judge up to five (5) Awards of Merit may be awarded. Rosette & Raku pottery large pitcherw/gating ES offered by Lori & Jim Mowery, Sleepy Hollow English Setters. Awards of Merit, Rosette & Raku pottery large pilcher wlgalting ES offe red by Lori & Jim Mowery, Sleepy Hollow Eng lish Selters. Awards of Merit, Roselle & Raku pottery large pilcher wlgaiting ES offered by Lori & Jim Mowery, Sleepy Hollow EngliSh Selters. Awards of Merit, Rosette & Raku pottery large pitcher w/gailing ES offered by Lori & Jim Mowery, Sleepy Hollow English Selters. Winners Dog , Roselle & Raku pottery large vase wlgaiting offered by Barbara J. Frankfurt. Winners Bitch, Rosette & Raku pottery large vase w/gaiting ES offered by Shareen Brown, Mountainview Setters. Reserve Winners Dog, Rosette & Raku pottery medium bowl w/ES handles offered by Richard & Barony Scott, Orwin Setters. Reserve Winners Bitch, Rosette & Raku pottery medium bowl w/ES handles offered by Ardys McElwee, Arrowood Setters . Best Puppy, Rosette & Raku pottery ES puppies in a boat offered by Mike & Joan Dudas. Best Bred-by-Exhibitor, Rosette & Raku pottery covered jar w/3 gailing ES offered by Cyndi O'Brien, Chestnut Ridge. First In Each Regular & Non-Regular Class, Rosette & Rainbow Colored Greyhound Comb. Second in Each Regular & Non-Regular Class, Rosette & Red Kennel Lead . Third in Each Regular & Non-Regular Class, Rosette & Green Plaid Dog Collar. Fourth in Each Regular & Non-Regular Class, Roselte & Bamboo double sided brush. Junior Showmanship Prizes Best Junior Handler, Rosette & Basket of goodies and gift card offered by Wingfield & Chebaco, Don & Pat Coller and Eileen Hackett. First in Each Class, Rosette & Rainbow Colored Greyhound Comb. Second in Each Class, Rosette & Red Kennel Lead. Third in Each Class, Rosette & Green Plaid Dog Collar. Fourth in Each Class, Rosette & Bamboo db!. sided brush . 24 GENERAL TROPHY FUND DONORS (Placements in Regular and Non~Re9ular Classes) Bob & Kathy Mellis, Brawridge Lourdes Fernandez, Bourbon Gloria Arata, Ar-Kels Mary Nowak, Honeygait Amanda and Vito Ciaravino Cecily Cohen Judy Graef, Manlove Lori Mowery, Sleepy Hollow English Setters Barbara Oakes, Five Oakes Jane Flynn Natalie Wells, Stone House Jan Christe/man Hill Barbara Fra nkfurt Ellen Shanahan, Tamarack Jeanne & Richard Straub Vivian & Ray DiPaola in Memory of "Charlton~ Devlins Canterbury Tails Joan & Mike Dudas Evan & Natalie Sa/more Kathy Cunningham-Roy, Meadowset Kim E. Myers Paula & Bruce Helming Joanne Mistler Elizabeth Saksen - in Memory of J T Wilson Richard & Barony Scott, Orwin Setters Ardys McElwee, Arrowood Setters Maura Ptacek, Birdhaven in Memory of Joseph Romer Janet & Tom Coates, Intrigue - in Memory of CH Brasswinds Summer Breeze Jacquie Caffrey 25 NOTICE TO EXHIBITORS - APPLIES TO ALL SHOWS ENTRY FEE : $35.00 fo r the first entry of each dog except Puppies (6-9 & 9-12 mos) Classes, which are $22.00 (including 501/: AKC recording fee & $3.00 A.K.C. Event Service Fee) and $22.00 for each additional entry of the same dog. See Page 3 for entry fees. CLOSING DATE fo r entries 12:00 Noon , Wednesday, October 8,2014 (at Superintendenfs Office) after which entries cannot be accepted, cancelled or substituted except as provided for in Chapter 14, Section 6 of the Dog Show Rules. THE SHOW, OBEDIENCE & RALLY TRIAL Show Hours will be 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM. An AKC RECORDING FEE of $.50 and an AKC Event Service Fee of $3.00 will be required !oreach dog entered at any Licensed or Member Club Show, Obedience Trial or Tracking Test. If a dog is entered in more than one class in one of these events, the AKC Recording Fee and Service Fee is to be collected on the first entry only. (AKe Rules Applying to Dog Shows, Chapter 11 , Section 2). All Recording Fees are paid to the American Kennel Club. RETURNED CHECKS do not constitute a valid entry fee. The Superintendent will add a $20.00 collection fee to the amount of each returned check. Subsequent returned checks from the same exhibitors may result in their being put on a CASH ONLY basis. TELEGRAPH, TELEPHONE and UNSIGNED ENTRIES CANNOT BE ACCEPTED. ENTRIES NOT ON OFFICIAL AKC ENTRY FORMS AND PHOTOCOPIES OF ENTRY FORMS without the Agreement and Rules on the reverse side of the Official AKC Entry Form are NOT ACCEPTABLE. MAIL ALL ENTRIES WITH FEES TO Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., P. O. Box 6898, Reading, PA 19610. ENTRIES RECEIVED WITHOUT FEES will not be accepted . ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ENTRIES will be made as soon as practicable with tickets and/or identification cards. The person accompanying a dog must show tickets of admission and identification before the dog will be received. SHOULD SUCH ACKNOWLEDGEMENT NOT BE RECEIVED BY THE EXHIBITOR within a reasonable time, please notify Jim Aau Dog Shows, Ltd ., (610) 376-1880. MAKE ALL CHECKS AND MONEY ORDERS PAYABLE TO J. A. D. S ., Ltd. Please mail checks or money orders with entries. Superintendent assumes no responsibility fo r cash sent through the mail. ALL CREDIT CARD ENTRIES, REGARDLESS OF METHOD SUBMITIED, are processed through the Fax program and will be charged a $ 4.00 per dog per show convenience fee. CANADIAN EXHIBITORS make fees payable in U.S. FUNDS. NO ENTRY SHALL BE MADE AND NO ENTRY SHALL BE ACCEPTED WHICH SPECIFIES ANY CONDITIONS AS TO ITS ACCEPTANCE. ENTRY FEES shall not be refunded in the event that a dog is absent, disqualified, excused by Veterinarian or Judge, or barred from competition by action of Show Committee. If because of riots, civil disturbances or other acts beyond the control of the management it is impossible to open or to complete the show, no refund of entry fee will be made. ERRORS ON ENTRY BLANKS. Owners are responsible for errors in making out entry fo rms, whoever may make such errors, and no entry fee will be refunded in event of such errors or cancellation of entries after the published closing date. NO REFUND FOR DUPLICATE ENTRIES. We will make every effort to find all duplicate entries, but if a dog has been processed, no refund will be made. CONSULT JUDGING PROGRAM FOR TIME OF JUDGING. DOGS MAY ARRIVE any time prior to their scheduled time of judging. DOGS NOT REQUIRED for further judging will be excused. JUDGES WILL NOT WAIT FOR ANY DOG HOLDING UP A CLASS. Owners or agents alone are responsible for the presence of their dogs in the judging ring when their classes are called to be judged. The show-giving club and the superintendent have no obligation or responsibility for providing service through a public address system or stewards or runners for the purpose of calling or locating dogs that are not brought into the ring when required. ALL DOGS PRESENT must be held on leash or confined to their crates except when being judged or when in the exercising ring. CLASS CASH PRIZES will be paid in the ring to the person showing the dog. Claims for prize money must be made in the ring before the judging of that breed is over, and the Superintendent to be advised at once. The Superintendent and Show-giving Club may disclaim any liability for cash prizes after the judging of the breed is over. THE SHOW COMMITIEElSUPERINTENDENT will use due care and diligence for the weHare of dogs and exhibitors, but will not be responsible fo r, nor assume any liability in the event of an accident or misfortune to either dogs or exhibitors participating in this show. No gasoline or diesel generators are permitted inside any building or within 100 feet of any tent in which this dog show is conducted. No crates will be allowed under the show tents. To find out about any AKC event cancellations ca ll the AKC Event Cancellation Hotline 877-252-3229. An administrative fee of $2.00 will be withheld from all refunds for entri es cancelled prior to the closing of e ntrie s. Exhibitors should follow the ir veterinarians' recommendation to assu re their dogs are free of inte rnal a nd externa l parasites, any comm unicable diseases and have appropriate vaccinations. 26 OFFICIAL A MERICAN KENNEL CLUB ENmV FOR M . 2014156807 Hudson English Setter Club, Inc. Specialty Show, Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes, Junior Showmanship Best Western At Hunts landing 120 Routes 6 & 209, Matamoras, PA 18336·2056 OCTOBER 25-26, 2014 ENTRY FEE: $35.00 for the first entry of each dog (including 50e AKC recording fee & $3.00 AKC Event Service Fee and $22.00 for each additional entry of the same dog. Puppy Classes, $22.00; All Sweepstakes Classes, $22.00. See Page 3 for additiooal prices. CLOSING DATE for entries 12:00 Noon, Wednesday, October 8, 2014 (al Superinlendent'sOffice) After Which Time Entries Cannot Be Accepted, Cancelled or Substituted except as provided for in Chapter 11 , Section 6 of the Dog Show Rules. MAIL ALL ENTRIES with fees to: Jim Rau Dog Shows, ltd .. P. O. Box 6898, Reading, PA 19610. MAKE ALL CHECKS and MONEY ORDERS payable to J.R.D.S. , LTD. CANADIAN EXHIBITORS must make fees payable in U.S. FUNDS. I Enc lose $ for entry fees. IMPORTANT - Read Carefully instructions on Reverse Side Before Filling Out. Numbers in the boxes indicate sections of the instructions relevant to the information needed in that box. (PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY). I BREED ENGLISH SEITER DOG SHOW I CLASS ADIlfTlONAL CLASS DMSK)N (Color, Welgttt, etc.) I RAlLY NOT CLASS OFFERED Jump Height Jump Height NAME OF JUNIOR HANOLER (if any) (see back) I [!] I oee.otENCe NOT CLASS OfFERED CUSS VARIETY I SEX I Junior Show. Class JR. HANDLER NUMBER RJLL NAME OF DOG Enter number here. o AKC REG. NO. o PAl. NO. o FOREIGN REG. NO. " OATEOF "'''''' COUNTRY PLACE OF (IIslOCPl.tllry) BIRTH Do no! priot abowe in catalog 8REEDEA SIRE DAM AC1\JAL OWNE~~' ____________________________~~~77._________________________ (Please Print) OWNER'S AOORESS'___________________________________________________________________ CITY STATE ZlP_ ___ NAME OF OWNER'S AGENT R. (IF ANY) AT THE SHOW'________________________________________________....:.....:._____ I CERTlFY !hat I am the actual owner of !he dog, or 'Chat I am the duly atAhorized agent of tne actual owner whose name I have enlered aboIIe. In of the acceptance of ttrs entry, I rNe) agree D abide 1'1100 ruIes;nj regW.!ions 01' The AmeIican Kamel Cktl i1 eIIect at the!imeol !his evenI. and by any additional nAes n reguialionS appearing in the prerrium 1isl1or!his event, and tunhef agree D be bolnd 1'1 \he ' Agoeement" preinled on lie reservu side of 1ti:s 8f*Y frorm. I (we) cettify and 1lIPf8Seflllhat lIB dog enlered is fIOI a haurcllO petSOfIS or olher dogs. This enlly is sobmined for aocepIance on !he Ioregoing repl'e6Gfllalion and Agfeement I (we) agree lOooockIcI mvset (ourselves) n accordaraI wiCh all wch Rules lid ReglAalions (including aI pR:Msions ~ D~) and 10 abide by arrt cIecisions made in aIXXlId wi'" Ihem. ~raliOn SIGNATURE 01 owner or his agent duly authorized to make this entry TELEPHONE It ___________________________ E-Mail Address 27 (Must be signed here) Are you a new exhibitor? YES 0 Owner/Handled Eligible? YES 0 NO NO 0 0 AKC Rules, Regulations. Policies and Guidelines are available on the American Kenne l Club Website, www, AGREEMENT I (we) agree that the club holding this event has the right to refuse this entry for cause which the club shall deem sufficient. In consideration of the acceptance of this entry and of the holding of this e~ent and of the opportunity to have the oog judged and to win prizes , ribbons, or trophies, I (we) agree to hold Ihe AKC, the event-giving club, their members, directors, govemors, officers agents, supenntendents or e~ent secretary and the owner andlor lessor 01 the premises and any provider of services that are necessary 10 hold this event and any employees or yolunteers of the aforementioned aprties, and any AKC approved judge, judging al this event. harmless Irom any claim for losS or injury which may be alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly to any person or thing by the act of this dog while in or about the event premises or grounds or near any entrance thereto, and I( (we) personally assume all responsibility and liability for any such claim; and I (we) further agree 10 hold the alorementioned parties harmless from any claim for loss, injury or damage to this dog. Additionally. I (we) hereby assume the $ole responsibility for and agree to indemnify, defend and save the aforementioned parties harmless from any and all loss and e~pense (including legal fees) by reason of the liability imposed by law upon any of the aforementioned parties for damage because of bodily inj uries, including death al any time resulting therefrom. sustained by any person or persons , including myself (ourselves), or on account of damage to property, arising out 01 or in consequence or my (our) participation in this event, however such , injuries, death or property damage may be caused , and whether or not Ihe same may have been caused or may be alleged to have ooen caused by the negligence of Iile aforementioned parties or any of their employees, agents, or any other persons. I (WE) AGREE THAT ANY CAUSE OF ACTION , CONTROVERSY OR CLAIM ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE ENTRY, EXHIBITION OR ATTENDANCE AT THE evENT BETWEEN THE AKC ANiOR THE EVENT-GIVING CLUB AND MYSELF (OURSELVES) OR AS TO THE CONSTRUCTION, INTERPRETATION AND EFFECT OF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE SETTLED BY ARBITRATION PURSUANT TO THE APPUCABLE RULES OF THE AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION. HOWEVER, PRIOR TO ARBITRATION ALL APPUCABLE AKC B YLAWS, RULES, REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURES MUST ARST BE FOLLOED AS SET FORTH IN THE AKC CHARTER AND BYLAWS, RULES, REGULATIONS, PUBLISHED POLICIES AND GUIDEUNES. INSTRUCTIONS 1. (Variety) if you are enlering a dog of a breed in which there are varie~es for show purposes. pjease designate Ihe particular variety you are entering. i.e., Cocker Spaniels (Btack, ASCQB, Parti·color), Beagles (not exceed ing 13 in.; over 13 in. but not exceeding 15 in.), Dachshunds (Longhaired, Smooth , Wirehaired), Bull Terriers (Colored, White), Manchester Terriers (Standard. Toy), Chihuahuas (Smooth Coat. Long Coat), English Toy Spaniels (King Charles and Ruby. Blenheim and Prince Charles). Poodles (Toy, Miniature, Standard). Collies (Rough , Smooth). 2. The following categories 01 dogs may be entered and shown in Best of Breed Competition: Dogs that are Champions of Record and dogs which, according totheir owner's records. have completed the requirements for a championship, but whose championships are unconfirmed. The showing of unconfirmed Champions in Best of Breed competition is Umited to a penod of 90 days from the date of the show where the dog completed the requirements for a championship. 3. (Dog Show Class) Consult Ihe Classification In this premium list, if the dog Show class in which you are entering youroog is divided, Itlen, in addition to designatng tI1e class, specify the particular division of the class in which you are entering your dog, I.e., age division, color diVision, weight diviSion. A dog must be entered in the name of the person who actually owned it at the time entries for a show closed. If a registered dog has been acquired by a new owner it must be entered in the name of its new owner in any show for which entries closed after the date of acquirement, regardless of whether Iile new owner has received the regislration certificate indicating that the dog is recorded in his name. State on the entry fOm1 whether transfer application has been mailed to AKC. (For complete rule reler to Chapter 14, Section 3.). 5. Mixed Breed dogs entering classes for Agility, Obedience and Rally trials should mark Breed as AKC Canine Partners Usted Dog "AII·American OogIMixed Breed." Variely, Breeder, Sire. Dam information shall remain blank for mixed breed etrants. FAX NUMBER - (610) 376-4939 - $4,00 per Dog per Show charged on ALL credit card enlries regardless of method subm~led. 4. A $10.00 Service Charge will be applied to any invalid/declined credit card. Visa/Mastercard #'c·_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Expiration oale'c·_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Cardholde rs Name,c·_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Cardholders Signature' If this entry is for Jr. Showmanship please give the following information: Jr. Handler 10 #,_ __ __ _ _ _ _ JA'S. DATE OF B1ATHI _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ ADDRESS' __________________________________________________ CITY______________________________ STATE,______ ZIP'_ _ __ If Jr. Handler is not the Owner of the dog identified on the face of this form, what is the relationship of the Jr, Handler tothe owner? _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ "By signing the entry form, we certify that the Junior Showman does not now, and agent / handler for pay while continuing 10 compete in Junior Showmanship." will not at any time, aC1 as an Front and Back of Form Must Be Included 28 OFFICIAL AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB ENmy FORM *2014156807 Hudson English Setter Club, Inc. Specialty Show, Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes, Junior Showmanship Best Western At Hunts Landing 120 Routes 6 & 209, Matarooras, PA 18336·2056 OCTOBER 25-26, 2014 ENTRY FEE: $35.00 for the first entry of each dog (including 5~ AKC record ing fee & $3.00 AKC Event Service Fee and $22,00 for each additional entry of the same dog. Puppy Classes, $22,00; Al l Sweepstakes Classes, $22.00. See Page 3 for addiliOnai prices. CLOSING DATE for entries 12:00 Noon. Wednesday. OctoberS, 2014 (at Superintendent's OffICe) After Which TIme Entries Cannot Be Accepted, Cancelled or Slbstituted except as provided for in Chapter 11. Section 6 of the Dog Show Rules. MAIL AL L ENTRIES with fees to: Jim Aau Dog Shows, lid., P. O . Box 6898, Reading, PA 19610. MAKE ALL CHECKS and MONEY ORDERS payable to J.R.D.S .• LTD. CANADIAN EXHIBITORS must make fees payable in U.S. FUNDS. I Enclose $ for entry fees. IMPORTANT Read Carefully instructions on Reverse Side Before Fi!ling Out. Numbers in the boxes Indicate sections of the instructions relevant to the Information needed in that box. (PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY). I BREED ENGLISH SETTER DOG SHOW CLASS I ADOITlONAL ClASS [!) I CLASS DMSION (Color, Weight, etc.) I RALl.V NOT OBEDIENCE NOT ClASS VARIETY OFFERED CLASS OFFERED Jump Height Jump Heigh t I NAME OF JUNIOR HAN DLER (it a ny) (see back) I JunIor ShoW'. CIa" JR HANDLER NUMBER FUU NAME OFOOG Enter number here. o DATE OF BiRlll AKC REG. NO. o PAL NO. o FOREIGN REG . NO. & COUNTRY PLACE OF (list oo'.I'I!I'Y) BIRTH 00 nol pnn! abOve In Catalog BREEDER SIRE DAM ACTUAL OWNE~ S)I ____________________________ ,"c=oo~C- _______________________ (Please Print) OWNER'S ADDR6S'______________________________________________________________ STATE CITY 2» _ _ NAME OF OWNER'S AGENT R(IF ANY) AT THE SHOWI _______________________________________________....:.:...-_____ ! CERTlFY IhaII am !he actual owner of !he ~ or that I am the dutJ ~ed agent of !he actual own« ... hose name ! have emered above. In oonsileratiCWl of !he acceptane;e oIl1WJ enIry, I (We) agrllB n abOe by !tie rules arid r~tions of The Am8ricafI Kemel Ck.b in eftect ill Ih9 tme 01 !his event. and by any IOci!IonaI rtoIes and reglAations appearing in !he prooium list lor !!lis evEW'l~ and f\.IfU'oef agree 10 be boIn:I by' Ihe ' A!1eemen1" preinted on Ih8 reserve siOe 01 !tis enIry 1omI. ! (we) oeftiIy ancl represenllhat 'hi 00g entered is not a halaJd 10 per$(II'\$ or odler dogs. This enIIy is SItlmilled lor ~ on the IoregoIrIg rep<esa'ltation arrj Agreement I (we) agree 1O!XlI'lCi.JC! rnyseII (oursetves) in aox:ordance wid'I all SI.dI Rules n:I RegoJafj;)ns (incU:iIng aR proviSionS appIvirlg kl d~) and 10 abi:!e by arTf dedsions made in aooo.'d wilh !hem. SIGNATUAE of owner or his agent duly authorized to make this entry TELEPHONE It ___________________________ E-Mail Address - 29 (Must be signed here) Are you a new exhibitor? YES 0 Owner/Handled Elig ible? YE S 0 NO NO 0 0 AKC Rules, Regulalions. Policies and Guideijnes are available on the American Kennel Club Website. AGREEMENT I (we) agree that the club holding this event has the righl to reluse this entry for cause whieh the club sha~ cleem sufficient In 01 the acceptance 01 this enlIy and of the hol ding 01 this evenl and 01 the opportunity 10 have the dog judged and 10 win prizes, ribbons, Of trophies, I (we) agree 10 hold the AKC. the club, their members. directors. govemors . officers agents. superintenoonts or evenl secretary and the ownel' andfor lessor 01 the premises and any provider 01 sefVices thai are necessary 10 hold this evenl and any employees or volun teers 01 the aloremeotioned aprties, and any AKC appI'oved judge, judging at this event. harmless from any claim lor loss or injury which may be alleged to have been caused direclly or indirectly to any person or thing by the act 01 this dog ....tIile in or aooutthe event premises or grounds or near any entrance lherelo. and I( (we) personally assume all responsibi~ty and liabilily lor any such claim; and I (we) lurthel' agree to hold the aforementioned panles harmless lrom any Claim lor loss, injury or damage to this dog. Additionally. I (we) hereby assume the sole responsibility lor and agree to indemnify. delend and save the aforementioned parties harmless Irom any and a. loss and e~pense (including legal fees) by reason 01 the liabilily imposecl by law upon any 01 the alorementioned parties lor damage because 01 bodiJy injuries. including death at any time resulting therelrom, sustained by any person or persons, including mysel1 (ourselves). or on accoun t of damage to property, ariSing out 01 or In consequence or my (our) participalion in this evenl, however such , Injuries, death or property damage may be caused, and whether or not the same may have been caused or may be alleged to have been caused by the negligence of the alorementioned parties or any 01 their emptoyees. agents, or any other persons. I (WE) AGREE THAT ANY CAUSE OF ACTION, CONTROVERSY OR CLAIM ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE ENTRY, EXHIBITlON OR ATTEN DANCE AT TH E EVENT BETWEEN THE AKC ANfO R THE EVENT·GIVING CWB AN D MYSELF (OUR SELVES) OR AS TO THE CONSTRUCTION, INTERPRETATION AND EFFECT OF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE SETTLED BY ARBITRATION PURSUANT TO THE APPUCABLE RULES OF THE AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION. HOWEVER, PRIOR TO ARBITRATION ALL APPLICABLE AKC BYLAWS, RULES, REGULATION S AND PROCEDURES MUST FIRST BE FOLLOED AS SET FORTH IN THE AKC CHARTER AND BYLAWS, RULES, REGULATION S, PUBUSHED POUCIES AND GUIDELINES. consioora~on INSTRUCTIONS I. 2. 3. (Variety) I! you are entering a dog ola breed in whiCh there are va rieties for show purposes, please designate the particular variely you are entering, I.e.. Cocker Spaniels (Black, ASCOB, Parti-color), Beagles (not eKceedingI3In.; over 13 in. but no t exceeding 15 In.), Dachshunos (Longhaired. Smooth. Wirehaired), Bull Terriers (Colored. White). Manchester Terriers (Stand ard, Toy). Chihuahuas (Smooth Coat. long Coat), ErlQliSh Toy SpanielS (King Char1es and Ruby, Blenheim and Prince Char1es), Poodles (Toy, Miniature, Standard), Collies (Rough, Smooth). The following cate<jjories of dogs may be entered and shown in Best of Breed Competition: Dogs ItIaI are Champions 01 Record and dogs ....nieh, according totheir ~er's records. have oompleted the requ irements for a championship, but >Mlosechamplonships are unconfirmed. The showing of unconfirmed Champions in Best 01 Breed compe~tion IS Umitecl to a period of 90 days Irom Ihe date of the show where the 000 completed \he requirements for a championship. (Dog Show Class) Coosultlheclassilication In th is premium tist, if the dog showclass in which you are en tering your dog is divided, then, In addillon to designating the Class, specify the particular division 01 the class in whiCh you are entering your dog, i.e" age division, color division , weight diviSiOn. 4. A dog must be entered in the name of the person who actually O'Mled it at the time entries for a snow ClOsed. II a registered dog has been acquired by a new owner it must be entered in the name of its new OV>fler In any show lor whiCh entfies closed after th e date 01 acquirement, regardless 01 whethel' the new owner has received the registration certificate indicating that the dog is recorded in his name. Stale on the entry loon whether transler application has been mailed to A.K.C. (For comptete rule reler to Chapter 14, Section 3.). 5. Mi~ed Breed dogs entering Classes for Agility, Obedience 3l1d RalJy trials shOUld mark Breed as AKC Canine Partners Usted Dog "AII·AmeriCan DogIM1~ed Breed: Variely, Breeder, Sire. Dam infoffilation shaH remain blank for mixed breed etrants. FAX NUMBER - (610) 376-4939· $4.00 per Dog per Show cha rged on ALL credit card en tries regardless of method submitted. A $10.00 Service Charge will be applied to any invalid/declined credit card. Visa/Mastercard #'"' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Expiration Date,", _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Cardholders N a m e~ ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Cardholders Signature' If this entry is for Jr. Sho'MTlanship please give the following information: Jr. Handler 10 #_ __ _ _ _ __ _ JR'S. DATE OF Bf RTH, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ADDRESS,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ___ CITY_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,STATE_ _ _ _.Z IP,_ _ __ 11 Jr. Handler is not the owner a/ the dog identified on the face of this form. what is the relationship of the Jr. Handler to the owner? _______________________________________________ 'By signing the entry form, we certify that the J unior Showman does not now, and will not at any time, act as an agent I handler for pay while continuing to com pete in Junior Showmanship." Front and Back of Form Must Be Included 30 DIRECTIONS TO INN AT HUNT'S LANDING 120 Rtes 6 & 209, Matamoras, PA 18336-2056 (570) 491-2400 GPS Users - 103 Reuben Bell Drive, Matamoras, PA 18336 From Interstate 84 - Take Exit 53. The Best Western Inn at Hunt's Landing is located at the junction of Interstate 84 and Routes 6 and 209. From Scranton - Ta ke Interstate 8 1 to Interstate 84. Travel SO miles to Esit 53. At the light, drive straight to the Best Western Inn at Hunt's Landing . From New York Thruway - Take Interstate 84 West to Pennsylvania. Exit at 53. AI the end of exit, turn left at the light. Continue to Fiesta Light and turn left. From New Jersey - Take Interstate 80 to Exit 348 (NJ1S) . Route 15 becomes Route 209 North . Continue to Milford, PA. Turn right at the light (209). Continue on Route 209 North for approx imately 3 miles. The Best Western Inn at Hunt's Landing will be on your right. OVERFLOW HOTELS THAT WILL ACCEPT DOGS High Point Country Inn of Sussex County, NJ • 15 minutes away on 7 acres for use by the dogs. They were nice and had pretty good reviews. They on ly have a room or two left BUT think a crew that has been staying there long term for a project will be leaving before our national and that will open up rooms. Call back in September. Scottish Inns, Milford, PA ~ Has one room left for dogs. Charges a pet fee . Days Inn, Port Jervis, NY 12771 • Only dogs under 20 pounds Courtyard Middletown, NY ~ Only dogs under 40 pounds with pet charge. H Hampton Inn, Matamoras, PA· This hotel property adjoins our host hotel. We have a block of rooms available at $139.00/night. Unfortunately they will NOT accept dogs. 31 AKC Code of Sportsmanship PREFACE: The sport of purebred dog competitive events dates prior to 1884, the year of AKC's birth. Shared values of those involved in the sport include principles of sportsmanship. They are practiced in all sectors of our sport: conformation, performance and companion. Many believe that these principles of sportsmanship are the prime reason why our sport has thrived for over one hundred years. With the belief that it is useful to periodically articulate the fundamentals of our sport, this code is presented. • Sportsmen respect the history, traditions and integrity of the sport of purebred dogs. o Sportsmen commit themselves to values of fair play, honesty, courtesy, and vigorous competition, as well as winning and losing with grace. o Sportsmen refuse to compromise their commitment and obligation to the sport of purebred dogs by injecting personal advantage or consideration into their decisions or behavior. o The sportsman judge judges only on the merits of the dog~ and considers no other factors. o The sportsman judge or exhibitor accepts constructive criticism . o The sportsman exhibitor declines to enter or exhibit under a judge where it might reasonably appear that the judge's placements could be based on something other than the merits of the dogs. o The sportsman exhibitor refuses to compromise the impartiality of a judge. o The sportsman respects the AKC bylaws, rules, regulations and policies goveming the sport of purebred dogs. o Sportsmen find that vigorous competition and civility are not inconsistent and are able to appreciate the merit of their competition and the effort of competitors. o Sportsmen welcome, encourage and support newcomers to the sport. o Sportsmen will deal fairly with al/ those who trade with them. o Sportsmen are willing to share honest and open appraisals of both the strengths and weaknesses of his breeding stock. o Sportsmen spurn any opportunity to take personal advantage of positions offered or bestowed upon them. o Sportsmen always consider as paramount the welfare of their dog. o Sportsmen refuse to embarrass the sport, the American Kennel Club, or themselves while .ta~~~,;art in the sport. :~:', '! I AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB-
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