SACO BAY ARTISTS NEWSLETTER VOLUME 2, ISSUE 7 October/November 2014 SACO BAY ARTISTS PO BOX 7100 OCEAN PARK, ME 04063 WWW.SACOBAYARTISTS.ORG From Our Chairperson Fall is my favorite time of the year - cool, crisp nights, bright, sunny days and all that color! Aren’t the colors beautiful and vibrant this year? I hope you’ve had a chance to get outside and enjoy the everchanging landscape. See notice elsewhere in the newsletter about our 20th anniversary celebration coming up next year in October-November 2015. Plans are underway and we want everyone to participate. Upcoming programs for SBA in October are Elizabeth Vezeau in October (7-9 PM) doing a demonstration on painting with fiber. Keith Christy will be with us again demonstrating oil pastels in November (Noon-2PM). Kathy Angel Lee Upcoming SBA Business Meetings October 13: 7-9 PM - Elizabeth Vezeau, painting w/ fiber; weaving without a loom November 10: Noon-2 PM - Keith Christy; oil pastel December 8: 7-9 PM - Holiday Party Officers A BIG thank you to members who have stepped up and offered to take on positions: Chairperson - Kathy Angel Lee; Treasurer - Evelyn Moreshead; Membership Chair - Ellen Pelletier; Newsletter - Wendy Barrett. Still needed—a Secretary, primarily to take notes at our business meetings as well as someone to handle publicity. This involves sending out monthly notices to the area newspapers about our meetings and upcoming events. Page 2 SBA WHO’S WHO Chairperson Kathy Angel Lee 245-8235 [email protected] Secretary TBD Treasurer Ruth Wallingford 576-3096 [email protected] Membership Chair Pat Scammon 883-6315 [email protected] Show Publicity Sue Most 934-2338 [email protected] Website Manager Stephen Beckett 772-3800 [email protected] Newsletter Editor Wendy Barrett 934-2937 [email protected] SACO BAY ARTISTS NEWSLETTER Upcoming Anniversary Celebration Mark your calendars now for our 20th anniversary celebration! Saco Bay Artists will have a retrospective exhibit at the Saco Museum October 16 - November 7, 2015. This will be an opportunity to show both older and more recent work. It will be interesting to see how your work has changed over the years. Tentative plans include: - Applications for this show due by August 1, 2015. We will have the application available sometime this winter. You will be able to submit up to six pieces for consideration. Depending on how many apply, we may not be able to hang all six of your pieces, but will definitely hang at least two. - Opening reception will be Friday, October 16, 2015 and will include a celebration of our 20 year history. - Do you know someone who once was a member of SBA? Please give their names to Kathy Angel Lee (937-2125), Robert Dunn (282-6407), Sylvia Orchard (934-7712), Evelyn Moreshead (934-0709) or Betty Shore (934-3408). We would like to contact previous members to participate in this show. - Do you know someone who once was a member, but has died. Maybe a family member or friend has some of their work. We would like to commemorate those former members who have passed away by showing a piece of their work. - We will need someone to go over old membership lists to develop a list of former members to contact. - If anyone is interested in presenting a program, we do have that option during the exhibit period. This celebration gives an opportunity to recognize our artists and what Saco Bay Artists has done over the years within the communities. Please share any stories you might have that would help with our celebration. Editors Ramblings I have missed you all!! Life has “gotten in the way” of my art and aside from a few days when my husband and I were out in our row boats, my photography has had to take a back seat this year. I hope to be able to rejoin the summer shows again next year, it sounds like things went well for our most recent shows! I have included one of my special captures from our full moon outing during the August Super Moon. Too Beautiful for Words by Wendy Barrett Page 3 NEW—Call for Art! SACO BAY ARTISTS NEWSLETTER VOLUME 2, ISSUE 7 Page 4
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