St. Augustine, St. Benedict the Moor & St. Mary Churches: Pastoral Region One Oct. 12, 2014 Do you remember how last week God lovingly prepared a vineyard on a fertile hillside? He dug the soil, cleared it of stones, and planted choice vines … built a tower, and dug a press…(Isaiah). What care God took! In fact God said: What could I have done for my vineyard that I have not done? This week God lovingly prepares a marriage feast: a banquet of rich food, a banquet of fine wines, of food rich and juicy, of fine strained wines (Isaiah). What a feast! …my oxen and fattened cattle have been slaughtered, everything is ready (Matthew). Note that: Everything is ready! The vineyard is ready for the harvest and the feast is ready for the guests - and so God sends his servants. Incredibly the tenants of the vineyard seized the servants: thrashed one, killed another and stoned a third. Those who were invited to the feast ignored the servants and some even thrashed and killed them. Last week God asked for what was rightfully his and found himself rejected; this week he offers what is rightfully his to those he loves and finds himself contemptuously spurned. Last week he was disobeyed; this week he is humiliated. The marriage feast, of course, is the kingdom of heaven. The servants are the prophets, the greatest of whom is Jesus, and those who were invited are the Chosen people, represented particularly by their leaders. The disconcerting question which baffles us is 'Why would they refuse?' Why would people so comprehensively, so completely and maliciously refuse to enter the Kingdom so lovingly prepared for them? The Scriptures are littered, so to speak, with the sad memory of those who failed for all sorts of reasons to enter the Kingdom, beginning with Lucifer, the angel of light, and his demons. The elder son in the parable of the prodigal son would not enter the feast because his pride was stung by his father's generosity to his wayward brother. It becomes clear that his relationship with the father had always been that of slave, rather than son. And since he was the more obedient 'slave' he felt he was worth more. The five foolish virgins failed to enter because they had not taken the Kingdom seriously enough. They had not adequately appreciated the greatness of the gift and so had not adequately prepared. The door was shut in their faces. The householder just fell asleep and the judgment which unexpectedly sneaked up on him like a thief, found him not ready. Those who hear the word of God but do not keep it will not be recognized by the Lord and will not gain entry into the Kingdom. When they knock on the door they will hear the Lord say, 'I do not know you.' View this bulletin online at The goats, those who showed no love or mercy towards their neighbor, and consequently showed no love towards God, will be cast out into the darkness and not be permitted to enter the Kingdom. Those who will not wear the wedding garment, in other words, those who lack the necessary dispositions for entering heaven will be cast out. The busy, those preoccupied with worldly concerns, those who build their houses on the shifting materialistic sands of power, pleasure or possessions, who worship money rather than God, who try to 'save' their lives rather than 'losing' them in the service of the Lord are not worthy of the Lord and cannot enter the Kingdom. Let us remember that the invitation God gives us is to the king's feast. We are invited to a wonderful communion with God and with each other. The Sunday Eucharist we celebrate on earth is a rehearsal for this eternal banquet. That is why it is so important. It is here, at each Mass, that we are slowly transformed and sanctified for the moment we are called to take our seats at the marriage feast in heaven. It is here, at each Mass, that we are strengthened to live the kind of life God looks for in us. When we refuse God who has prepared a place for us in his house he does not punish us, we punish ourselves. We miss out on all he has made ready for us. We miss out on the 'party', the feast and have to spend eternity outside the Father's house, in the dark. That would be hell, wouldn't it? by Fr. John Speekman REGION ONE LITURGICAL SCHEDULE [SA] = St. Augustine [SB] = St. Benedict [SM] = St. Mary Fri. Oct. 17 8am [SM] Sat. Oct. 18 2pm Redden/Curtis wdg[SM] 4:30pm [SB] SB Parishioners 4:30pm [SM] Jewel Smith 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Sun. Oct. 19 8:15am [SA] Allen T. Hess, Sr. 9:45am [SM] The Special Intentions of the Wolff Family 11am [SB] SB Parishioners 1:15pm [SM] Spanish Mass 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time THIS WEEK'S EVENTS PASTORAL REGION ONE: [SA] St. Augustine [SB] = St. Benedict; [SM] = St. Mary Mon 10/13 COLUMBUS DAY, OFFICES CLOSED Prayer Mtg 11am [SB] Fellowship of Work 7pm [SM] Tues. 10/14 Choir practice 7pm [SM] Wed 10/15 Bible Study 7pm [SB] St. Ann mtg 7pm [SMC] SM Alumni mtg 7pm [SMC] Thurs 10/16 Jubilee Club mtg 1pm [SMC] Sat. 10/18 Choir Practice 6pm [SB] Sun. 10/19 WORLD MISSION SUNDAY Bible Study 10:45am [SMC] BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION CAN NOW BE SENT DIRECTLY TO ST. BENEDICT THE MOOR SCHOOL, 138 GRAMONT AVE DAYTON OH 45417 WEEKLY COLLECTIONS Oct. 4/5 St. Mary Weekly Goal: $4116.00 Weekly $2637.50 Building Fund $145 Rent $2000 SVDP $422 Respect Life $265 TOTAL: $5469.50 YTD collection $46, 993.17 SHORTFALL ($15,312.25) St. Benedict Weekly Goal $5,200.00 This past weekend: $1154.50 Maintenance: $1743.50 St. Augustine Weekly Collection $1687 Capital Improvement $190 Respect Life $77 ST. MARY LITURGICAL MINISTRY SCHEDULE Oct 18 - 4:30pm [S] Julie Himes [L] Steve Himes, Mary Ellen Oomens [E] Delora Michel, Debbie Hoover, Mary Ann Faulstick Oct 19 - 9:45am [S] Mark Bruggeman [L] Julie Moorman, Mary Saluke [E] Jose & Imelda Cardano, Laura Woeste, Patrick Servé, Fran Roderer, Sharon Walker, Darlene Kinney ST. AUGUSTINE LITURGICAL SCHEDULE Lectors: Liz Miller, Steve Mersch Eucharistic Ministers: Ken Stewart, Jean Evanchuck, Susie Stewart, Jeff Bruns, Sylvia Hess, Frank Kozarec, Betty & Tim Stueve Ushers and Greeters: Don Hoog, Mark & Todd Kozarec Servers: Austin Valenti, Casey Blue, Anthony West TAKE TEN & CONNECT With God & With Others Your Faith & Daily Life Spend 10 minutes reflecting on God’s Word Next Sunday’s scripture: Isaiah45:1, 4-6; 1 Thessalonians 1: 1-5; Matthew 22:15-21 Relate an experience when you felt pressured into making a decision contrary to your principles. Describe an experience of being caught in a no-win situation with family, at work or in society. What belongs only to God in your life? PRAY FOR OUR PARISH MILITARY MEMBERS TSgt Timothy Scott Marcum, USAF; SSgt Justin Bentley, USAF; SrA Matthew Bauer, USAF; CPT Brian Hargis, US Army; SSG Lynn Jones, US Army; Saundra Ann Morrell, USN; Ronald Morrell Pruitt, US Army, Capt. Andrew J. Konicki, USMC.; SSgt Christopher DeWitt, USAF, Sgt Alex Zavakas, US Army, SSG Bill Himes US Army; PFC Michael V. Jackson, US Army, PVT Corey Taylor, US Army, Lt. Com. Ryan Jonathan Logan, USN, SGT Stephanie Lewis, US Army, PFC Solomon A. Smith, US Army, SrA Candice Smith, USAF, EOD3 Aaron R. Gorby, USN; Davion A. Redd, USCG, Pvt Jacob Deis, USMC, SSgt Jennifer Wagner, USAF, LCpl Jacob Deis, USMC. PRAY FOR OUR BELOVED SICK of SB In our prayers, let us remember those in need of the Lord’s healing mercy, especially: Andrew Lewis, Jackie Bristow, Brenda Lewis, Mae Wilkerson, Kenneth Bronston, Zadie Buckner, Mary Helen Spanish, Ruby Hobbs, Chuck Dewitt, Valerie Smith, Phyllis Coley, Lora Singleton, Mark Wells, Gloria Patton, Jessie Campbell, Betty Jones, Pat Bell, Ralph Reed and Janis Lowery. ST. BENEDICT LITURGICAL MINISTRY SCHEDULE OCTOBER 19TH – 29TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 1st Sharon Hairston; 2nd Kathy Garrison; Petitions: Rita Ellicott Extraordinary Ministers: Juanita Newell, Mary Barker, Victor O’Basuyi, Rose Williams (R) Janice Allen, Robin Craft-Bell, Emmett Orr, Susan Smith (L) IN THE NURSING HOME/ASSISTED LIVING FROM ST. BENEDICT AND ST. MARY PARISHES Eddie Weaver Lavonne Barker Mary Paschal Artie Oliver Mary Scott Mary Scott Livingston Care Center Mercy Sienna View this bulletin online at St. Augustine, St. Benedict the Moor & St. Mary Churches: Pastoral Region One Oct. 12, 2014 BI-LINGUAL MASS AT ST. MARY ST. MARY HOLIDAY BAZAAR Next Saturday, Oct. 18, as we celebrate World Mission Sunday, we will celebrate the multi-cultural family at St. Mary Church AT THE 4:30pm Mass. Please join us.. The St. Mary St. Ann Society is again holding its annual Holiday Bazaar on Saturday, Oct. 25 from 10am until 6pm in the St. Mary Church Hall. We will have a number of vendors offering Holiday Craft items, Jewelry, Rosaries, Christmas Items and more!! We also have Homemade Baked Goods for sale. YUM!! Please consider donating your baked goods for this fundraiser. Items can be dropped off at the parish office on Friday 10/24 from 10am till 4pm or at 9:30am in the hall the day of the bazaar. If you can help set things up, join us in the hall on Fri. from 10am until 2pm. CADIC TREE BLESSING On the 26th of October at St. Augustine, the final blessing will be said outside. Father will bless the tree which was planted and dedicated to the memory of Dave Cadic. Please plan to attend. SM SUNDAY MORNING SCRIPTURE STUDY "Share the Word" Sunday morning scripture study has begun its 33rd year at St. Mary; and we're going to keep doing it until we get it right! We meet in the St. Mary Center following the 9:45am Mass. Why not stop by and join us a light hearted look at the scriptures and how they impact our daily lives. Our family looks forward to including you in our discussions. IF ANYONE IS INTERESTED IN BECOMING A SACRISTAN AT ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH PLEASE CONTACT SYLVIA OFFICE 855-2289 OR HOME 855-6649 OCTOBER COUNT Every October the Archdiocese asks every church to count those attending Mass. The numbers assist them in determining the "state of the parishes". We ask EVERYONE to please make it your #1 priority to attend Mass at your parish each weekend in October. Better yet, bring your entire family and ALL your friends!! ST. ANTHONY OKTOBERFEST Enjoy a delicious German dinner, music, raffles, trivia contest and silent auction at St. Anthony's Oktoberfest on Sat., Oct. 18 from 5:30- 9:30 pm in the school gym, located at 1824 St. Charles Ave. Admission is $10 in advance or $12 at the door and includes dinner and a beverage (soft drink, water or beer). Additional beer, soft drinks and water are available for purchase. Must be at least 21 years old to attend. Tickets can be purchased in advance at the school or parish office. For information, contact Angie in the school at 253-6251. A WEEKEND OF HEALING AND HOPE A Weekend of Healing and Hope featuring Immaculee Ilibagiza will be held at St. Luke in Beavercreek Oct 17 (4-9pm) and Oct 18 (8a-1:30p). Immaculee facilitates all retreat sessions and will share her powerful witness of God's amazing presence amid the Rwandan genocide and how forgiveness not only heals hearts, but transforms lives. For further information please contact Lisa Donigian: [email protected]_ or 937-901-2727. View this bulletin online at CASTING OUT INTO THE DEEP We recently meditated on a scripture reading about believing so much in the word of our Savior, that we are willing to cast out into the deep even though we are more comfortable closet o the shore. Perhaps the Lord is nudging you to be more involved in one of the most important human rights issues of our day. Today I am asking you to consider becoming a board member of the largest Pregnancy Medical Center in the country: Elizabeth's New Life Center. What does it take? Some of your time, a willing an generous heart, a bold and deep seated conviction in the sanctity of human life as well as some humility and creative thinking. We are particularly looking for businesspersons (retired or not), medical folks (doctors, nurses, nurse-practitioners etc.) and younger professionals; however, we really are open to anyone who might feel called to join us. If you would like to consider it for yourself or to recommend someone else, contact Vivian Koob 937-226-7414 [email protected]. We will be scheduling new board member orientation this month based on ST. MARY ST. VINCENT DePAUL SEPTEMBER REPORT Food Given: 368 families = 1059 individuals (380 children) Clothing vouchers: 4 family = 15 people Furniture billing for August: $850.50 Furniture September requests: 6 families = 20 individuals Appliances: $720.00; 5 families = 20 people Utility Help: $285.24 for 3 families = 6 individuals Additional food purchases $2163.36 Non-food items purchased: $563.70 ID's etc: $50 Travel aid (bus tokens & passes): $29.50 = 4 people Referrals: 5 = 14 individuals Volunteer hours 503 Please remember these areas of need when you use your St. Vincent envelopes each month. No donation is too small. Thank you for keeping us in your prayers. Thank you also for your generous support of the St. Vincent DePaul ministry at St. Mary Church. 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time ST. AUGUSTINE ST. VINCENT REPORT The St. Vincent DePaul Conference of St. Augustine made 16 home visits during the period of July 1 through Sept. 30. They assisted clients with $200 in rent and $1780 for utilities. The sum of over $1450 was donated by parishioners, private individuals and the Dayton Council to enable us to assist all 16 families. Whenever our funds get low, God steps in and ensures we obtain the funds needed to provide assistance. God is so good! Thank you once again for your continued prayers and monetary support. ST. BENEDICT ST. VINCENT REPORT We wish to thank everyone who showed us such great support for our "BUNDLE WEEKEND." It was a tremendous success! Again thank you and may God bless you for your generous donations. Take care and see you in the Spring. HARVEST OF VALUES BAZAAR Ascension Church on Woodman Dr. in Kettering is sponsoring the Women's Guild "Harvest of Values Bazaar" on Nov. 8 from 9am till 3:30pm. Come shop the wide variety of crafts, gifts, decorations and baked goods. Hot lunch is available from 11am-2pm. All are welcome! CHURCH INVOLVEMENT IN POLITICAL ISSUES With the upcoming November election, advice of the Chancery is to be unusually scrupulous by avoiding any activity that could be perceived as supporting any political party and/or its candidates, including the signing of petitions promoting political issues. Just because a political party, a candidate, or a group of supporters says that some proposed activity or statement of support is appropriate does not make it appropriate. A perception of a violation could cost thousands of dollars in attorney’s fees. In addition, the not-for-profit designation could be lost which would have a chilling effect on offerings and donations. If you have any questions, please contact Fr. Steve Angi at 513.421.3131x2846. ALL PARISH MEETING TO FOCUS ON LEGISLATIVE ADVOCACY, DEATH PENALTY AND HUNGER Weavers of Justice, a collaborative of Catholic parishes and organizations in the greater Dayton area, will roll out its revised legislative advocacy toolkit. Complete with tips and addresses to enhance parish efforts, the toolkit will help reach legislators on issues the Catholic Church believes will help the poor and vulnerable. The event, Saturday, November 8, will begin with registration and a light breakfast at 8:30 a.m. at the former Trinity Center, 266 Bainbridge St. just outside Dayton’s Oregon District. It will end at 12:30 p.m. In addition to receiving a toolkit, participants will also hear from advocates to reform Ohio’s death penalty law and to work towards ending hunger for families in the United States and around the world. The event is free, but registrations are kindly requested to assure enough handouts and food for everyone. To register, please call the Catholic Social Action Office at 937.224.3026 or email [email protected]. WORLD MISSION SUNDAY, OCT. 19 “God loves a cheerful giver,” says Pope Francis. “World Mission Day (October 19) is also an occasion to rekindle the desire and the moral obligation to take joyful part in the mission ad gentes. A monetary contribution on the part of individuals is the sign of a self-offering, first to the Lord and then to others; in this way a material offering can become a means for the evangelization of humanity built on love.” Our Holy Father invites us to contribute to his Pontifical Mission Societies through our local parish collection that will help our 1,150 mission dioceses mostly in Africa and Asia. Our support trains lay catechists, seminarians, and women novices, and builds badly needed schools, clinics, orphanages, and churches. For more information, visit: View this bulletin online at View these Sponsors @ WILLIAMS BROTHERS ROOFING & SIDING CO. Residential Specialist Roofing - Siding - Gutter - Skylights - Sun Tunnels 233-4175 Rambo-Westendorf Plumbing 987 Pruden Ave. In Business for 36 Years FERNEDING Insurance 294-1755 “Our Professional Staff Has 130 Years Combined Experience” MICK KRAFT 7 Mackoil Ave. 1112 Springfield St. Sewer/Drain Cleaning Water/Gas Leak Repair Water Heater Replacement Backflow Device Testing & Repair Sewer Camera Inspections 253-9181 937/253-9154 FRIDAY-ALL THE FISH YOU CAN EAT Hours: 5am-10pm Every Day Professional Repair With Our Red Carpet Treatment Funeral Home Inc. 253-7878 Lic.# 27849 Lee C. FaLke HOUSER ASPHALT AND CONCRETE 223-9207 30 wyoming St. 937-222-3000 fAx • Wills & EstatEs • MEdical MalpracticE 937-222-1414 Dan Ferneding PANCAKE HOUSE BREAKFAST SPECIAL 3509 LINDEN AVE. 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