2014 Benton Dance Invitational October 11th, 2014 Benton High School Arena 211 N. Border Benton AR, 2015 Competition will begin at 9:00 Coaches: Upon your arrival, you will receive a packet of information at the registration desk. Preordered t-shirts will be packaged for pickup at the registration desk. There will be a coaches meeting for junior high and senior high 30 minutes prior to the beginning of your competition. All school teams will adhere to NFHS Spirit Rules. The Arkansas Activities Association sanctions this competition. Classifications: Schools will compete based on their AAA classification (2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 6A or 7A) and division (junior, junior varsity or senior high). Regional junior and senior high team competition classifications will be split 2A/3A/4A and 5A/6A/7A. This means all 2A, 3A & 4A teams will compete against each other and all 5A/6A/7A teams will compete against each other. EXCEPTION: If FIVE or more teams from 2A/3A/4A or 5A/6A/7A compete in the same category, then the classifications will be separated. Junior Varsity teams will not be split by classification Divisions: Junior High Arkansas School Teams – competition begins at 9 a.m. Junior Varsity Arkansas School Teams – competition will begin following junior high Senior High Arkansas School Teams – competition will begin following junior varsity Entry Information: Pom, Hip-Hop, Jazz, Kick, Prop, Military-Marching, and Lyrical dance categories will be offered with teams allowed to enter as many routines as they choose by paying the entry fee of $5.00 per participant per routine. Individual Competition Any junior or senior high team member may compete in their division. The team that the individual is on does not have to be participating in the competition, however, the school that the individual is on does have to be a member of AAA (Declared as a competitive team with AAA). The individual competition will NOT be separated by school classification, and can be any dance category (jazz, hip hop, lyrical, etc.) Ensemble Competition Any junior or senior high group of two to six members may compete in their division. The team that the ensemble is on does not have to be participating in the competition, however, the ensemble must 1 consist of dancers from the same school team, the school must be a member of AAA (Declared as a competitive team with AAA). Please review Timing of Music for required time length and Music for cassette/CD requirements. The ensemble competition will NOT be separated by school classification, and can be any dance category (jazz, hip hop, lyrical, etc.) Ensemble participants can only participate in one ensemble. Media Objection: It is understood by parents/guardians of all participants that their child’s participation in this competition waives all objections to their child being photographed, videotaped or name used for publication purposes. It is the coaches’ responsibility to make sure that these criteria is understood prior to competition entry and that parent/guardian will hold the event staff harmless. Music Time Limits & Info: Timing is from the first movement to the last movement!!! Team Performance Time Limit: 3 minute maximum-no minimum Individual Performance Time Limit: 1 minute maximum – no minimum Ensemble Performance Time Limit: 2 minute maximum – no minimum A 15 second grace period will be used for human error and speeding up/slowing down of music with the competition sound system. CD’s will be the responsibility of the coach, and must be brought to the sound system at the beginning of your participant(s) performance. CD must be ready to insert and play. Please carry a backup copy with you. Please provide separate CD’s for each performance. A viewing chair will be provided for the coach at the music table. It is highly suggested that each performance be on a separate CD. You will prompt the music technician when the music should begin. Site Information: Admission into the competition is $5 for adults and $4 for students. All coaches and dancers in the competition will be admitted free if they arrive together. Current Arkansas Activities Association passes WILL be honored with presentation of photo identification and AAA card. NO OUTSIDE FOOD OR DRINK WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE FACILITY. A concession stand will be open during the entire competition. T-shirts and programs will also be available. Participants have the option of pre-ordering t-shirts and saving money. Pre-ordered t-shirts will be available for the coach to pick up at registration; however, the order must be placed by the deadline. An athletic trainer will be available in case of injuries. The competition will be on a regulation wooden basketball court. Entrances and exits to and from the competition floor will NOT be judged. The Coach will signal to her team and music technician that they are ready for the music to be started. Balloons, noisemakers and other items that might impair the audience’s view, will not be allowed in the competition viewing stands. 2 NO “negative” signs, banners, posters, etc. will be allowed at the competition site. All signage must be removed by end of the competition by the responsible party. Note: any damage to the facility will be at the cost of the person putting up the signage/responsible party. Team Competition Information: A team may enter any of the categories by paying the entry fee of $5.00 per participant per routine. Costumes may be worn for various routines, but it is not a requirement. A team may wear its regular uniform. Costumes/uniforms WILL be considered by judges in overall appearance scoring. Offensive or vulgar language, dance movements, or costumes (as determined by the judges) will not be tolerated and may result in disqualification or low scores by the judges!!!!! Keep it “age appropriate”!!!!! Judges, Score Sheets, and Tie Breakers: In case of a tie for a placement trophy, the tie will be broken using scores from the combined scores from the judges’ score sheets starting with Technique, continuing with Choreography, Performance, and Overall Effect respectively until the tie is broken. For those that apply we use the AAA score sheets used at State. There will be a minimum of three performance judges. The decision of the judges will be final! Awards will be given for 1st through 3rd place in each dance category, division and classification. Due Date: September 19, 2014 Your entry and payment must be received by this date. Make all checks payable to: o o Benton Athletics Important: CHECK MUST BE RECEIVED WITHIN 5 DAYS OF DATE ON CHECK! Competition Schedule: The competition schedule will be emailed to all coaches approximately two weeks prior to competition. Contacts: Melissa White : [email protected] 501-778-3288 Kristn Elrod [email protected] 501-778-7698 Steve Quinn: [email protected] 501- 778-4861 3 2014 Benton Dance Invitational Team Competition Entry Form Team Name: ___________________________________________________________ Coaches Name: _________________________________________________________ Coaches Email address (please print): ________________________________________ This is for entry confirmation purposes Division: - Circle One Junior High Junior Varsity Senior High Classification – Circle One 1A 2A 3A 4A 5A 6A $5.00 Per Dancer Per Routine DANCE STYLE # OF DANCERS AMOUNT PAID POM HIP HOP JAZZ____________________________________________________________________ KICK____________________________________________________________________ PROP___________________________________________________________________ MILITARY/MARCHING_____________________________________________________ LYRICAL_________________________________________________________________ Total Amount Paid _______ Deadline: All competition forms and entry fees must be received by September 19, 2014 – No Refunds. There will be no refunds. All checks should be payable to: Benton Athletics!!!! Send forms & fees to: Melissa White 211 N. Border St. Benton, AR 72015 4 7A 2014 Benton Dance Invitational Team Roster PLEASE PRINT NAME & GRADE OF EACH PARTICIPANT BELOW Please attach paper if needed. Names: Grade: RETURN THIS FORM WITH ENTRY. Will you need a dressing for a male dancer? Circle one: 5 YES NO 2014 Benton Dance Invitational Individual Competition Entry Form (Please make copies for each individual competing) Name _____________________________________________________________ Grade: ___________ Name of School You are Representing:___________________________________ Coach's Name: ______________________________________________ ENTRY FEE = $25.00 PER INDIVIDUAL ENTRY. DEADLINE: Postmark by September 19,2014 – No Refunds MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Benton Athletics. RETURN THIS ENTRY FORM AND ENTRY FEE TO: Melissa White 211 N. Border St. Benton, AR 72015 6 2014 Benton Dance Invitational Ensemble Competition Entry Form (Please make copies for each Ensemble competing) PLEASE PRINT!!!! Name Grade 1. ________________________________ 2. ______________ 3. ______________ 4. ____________________ 5. ______________ 6. ______________ Division (Junior 6th - 9th or Senior High 10th - 12th) - determined by highest grade of participants Circle One: Junior High Senior High Name of School Representing: ____________________________________________________ Coach's Name: _________________________________________________________________ ENTRY FEE IS $35.00 PER ENSEMBLE ENTRY. DEADLINE: Postmark by September 19, 2014 – No Refunds MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Benton Athletics RETURN THIS ENTRY FORM AND ENTRY FEE TO: Melissa White 211 N. Border St. Benton, AR 72015 Ensemble participants can only participate in ONE ensemble. 7 2014 Benton Dance Invitational MEDICAL TREATMENT AND LIABILITY RELEASE FORM Participant’s Name Street Address City, State, Zip Code Name of Parent/Legal Guardian Emergency Contact Phone Numbers (2) School Name I, _____________________, as parent or legal guardian of ______________________, here-by grant permission for my son/daughter to participate in the 2014 Benton Dance Invitational. I further agree to release and hold harmless Benton School District from any and all liability. In order that my son/daughter may receive the necessary medical treatment in the event that he/she may sustain injury or illness during participation in this competition, I hereby authorize the dance coach or other supervising adult to obtain medical treatment for my son/daughter. I understand that this activity will involve risk to my child. I also understand that the Benton Dance Invitational will enforce the safety guidelines as set forth in the National Federation of State High Schools Rule Book. It is the coach’s responsibility to know and inform their squad of these rules which son/daughter must abide during participation in this activity, and that my son/daughter and I will be responsible for his/her failure to abide by those rules and regulations. Signature of Parent/Guardian Date Signature of Participant Date 8 2013 Benton Dance Invitational T-SHIRT ORDER FORM Circle One: YM YL AS AM AL AXL Cost is $20 which may be paid by check or cash. Make checks payable to: Benton Athletics School Name: ___________________________________________________ Student’s Name:__________________________________________________ *ALL T-SHIRT ORDERS MUST BE RECEIVED WITH THE TEAM’S REGISTRATION FORM. 9
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