Periplus Pacific Corinthian Yacht Club October 2014 Vol. XXXVIII Issue 10 In This Issue... Commodore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Vice Commodore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 In General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Rear Commodore. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Accouncements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 October Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 November Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 October Birthdays/Anniversaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Coastal Knowledge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Western Party Wrap-Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Western Party Photos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Ladies Who Do Lunch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 LWDL/Oktoberfest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 “The purpose of this Club shall be to encourage, foster and promote the interest of yachting and related activities involving nautical experience acquired through the love of sport rather than through necessity or the hope of gain.” Contact Us Commodore: Steve Weiss Secretary: Jana Danza Editor: Trish Johnson Graphic Designer: Chelsea Gray Photographers: Bonnie Mercadante, Copy Proof: Laurie Weiss, Trish Johnson General Manager: Brenda Dickmann Publisher: Signature Graphics Bridge at PCYC Come and Join the fun Find the Game that Suits your Skills Wednesdays Ladies Bridge 3pm to 5pm Players with some experience or more Call Laurie Weiss (805) 218-7226 Thursdays Confident Players 7pm to 9:30pm Call Janis Brierley (661) 619-1161 Fridays “Help You” Bridge 3pm to 5pm For those with very little experience on up Call Angela Switzky (818) 929-3457 Web Design: Robert Gray Channel Islands Design [email protected] Advertising: Contact PCYC Accounting [email protected] Accounting Department: Pam Vinovich 805-984-8205 The Periplus is published each month and is also available at Articles may be submitted by the 14th of each month to Editor at [email protected] Articles should be emailed and attached as Word files (.doc), with photos sent separately as .jpeg files, not embedded in the article. The word “Periplus” stems from Greek, meaning ‘journey’ and also means a circumnavigation or sea voyage around a coastline. The use of a periplus, or journal, dates back to the second century AD and was a document listing in order, the ports and coastal landmarks. In that sense, the periplus was a type of log similar to the modern day ship’s log. 2 Steve Weiss - Commodore Commodore’s Report Aloha from the bar at the Maui Ocean Club (my temporary office while in Maui) right in the heart of beautiful Kaanapali Beach, Maui. As the over used cliché goes, time flies and it is once again time for our Maui fix; but, keep in mind that if you need to get in touch with me, I check my emails once or twice a day and am available via cell phone. For my email address and/or cell phone number, the PCYC Roster has the correct info or you can call the front desk for same. This month I will once again dispense with reporting on the Club’s specific activities, but I am pleased to report that everything is presently under control and will take this opportunity to give you a brief overview of the Club from my perspective. While enjoying my R&R here on Kaanapali Beach, I’d like to acknowledge what an honor and privilege it has been to serve as the 39th Commodore of Pacific Corinthian Yacht Club, the crown jewel of the Channel Islands Harbor. Our Club continues to be recognized as one of the premier yacht clubs on the West Coast and remains the only full service yacht club between Marina del Rey and Santa Barbara. We are known up and down the coast for our warm hospitality, great food & grog, and that unsurpassed “Corinthian” spirit due in no small part to our fabulous staff, led by our GM, Brenda Dickmann, and our Chef, Rafael Collazo, and most of all because of you our fabulous members. This year’s Officers and Directors are an incredibly diverse group of exceptional leaders, independent thinkers, innovators and visionaries. I have been truly blessed for the opportunity to work side by side with this extremely talented group. Before I close, I’d like to convey that we have continued the philosophy that began at the beginning of the year that the Club would run as a partnership of the Board, Staff, and Membership. And so far it has worked, the Board has done its darnedest to tackle the tough issues such as staying on top of all the business aspects of the Club, the Staff has taken on the responsibility of the day-to-day operation of the Club, and the Membership through our various committees of volunteers have made sure we’ve flourished with that old fashioned camaraderie that makes the Pacific Corinthian Yacht Club so very special. Briefly recapping some highlights from our Quarterly Meeting on August 22nd, John Gaddis, PCYF Director, reported on the success of this year’s program and thanked its many supporters. It was announced that through the efforts of our very own S/C Martha Jean Geisler and acting YRU Commodore as well as Fleet Captain Power/Cruising Chair Phil Peck and his First Mate Adrienne that we brought home the Silver Cup Wyman Perpetual Trophy to PCYC for the first time as a result of taking first place in the YRU cruise to Catalina. Last but certainly not least, in answer to the thoughts and prayers of us all, our son Ara had successful surgery (9 hours) Tuesday, September 2nd, for the removal of his thymic carcinoma, as well as, the final pathology coming in negative. As I have mentioned so many times in the past but it is worth repeating, Laurie and I cannot thank you enough for all your kind words, thoughts, and prayers over the past year during our son’s trials and tribulations in the treatment of this extremely aggressive cancer. We consider ourselves extremely blessed to have had the constant help and support of our Pacific Corinthian Yacht Club family during these very difficult times. Just a short reminder to be sure to attend our Annual Meeting & Elections on Saturday morning, November 1st, 2014. In closing, I would like to thank each and every one of you for helping make our Club, Pacific Corinthian Yacht Club, all that it can be and that I look forward to seeing one and all the last week of this month when Laurie and I return from Maui. Until then . . . Aloha! 3 Lynda Radke - Vice Commodore Vice Commodore There has been a lot going on at PCYC in the last month. Our weather has been sunny and warm and many of our members have been enjoying the pool, the on-the-water program or having drinks on our beautiful deck. On the membership front, we have been bringing in lots of new members. I want to personally welcome each of you. We are happy to have you as new members and we hope you are enjoying all that PCYC has to offer. If you haven’t “stopped by” the PCYC Facebook page, please do so and remember to ‘like us’. This is a great way for us to share what is going on at the Club and to promote the Club externally. The House Committee continues to work on the upstairs deck. Having been unable to find replacement tiles to fix the deck, we met with a contractor to discuss a solution that would cover the deck. Our next step will be to visit other commercial locations that have used this technique to see if it will be a fit for us. I wrote last month about converting the Membership office/Rudy’s office into a Junior Fleet room. This transition has now mostly occurred. I want to thank Rudy and Brenda for clearing out all of the items previously housed in that room. The room has been painted in PCYC colors and has a TV (with streaming Netflix) and bean bags. We gratefully accepted a wii and games which were donated by the Pecks and a perfectly colored rug donated by the Danzas. We are looking for a small TV credenza that could go under the TV to keep the Wii and games. We are also looking for small toys (like legos) that can be kept in the cabinet in the room. If you have something you are willing to donate, please let me know. One other area that the House Committee is working on is the internet wifi access in the Club. As we were working on the Jr Fleet room we discovered how weak the signal is and are now looking at potential solutions to boost the signal strength. In addition to my responsibilities for the House and Membership Committees, I have also been active with two social activities. One has been the DNA event, which had a great first meeting and will have a final reveal on November 6th. The second has been the family fest, which had a fun pool party on September 7th and we are working on a costume party and harvest festival on October 25th. SAVE THE DATE Organizational Meeting October 29, 2014, at 5:00 PM. PCYC FAMILY HOLIDAY SHOW December 14, 2014 Casting Call Singers, Dancers, Musicians and Other Talents Boys and Girls - ages 3-13 The PCYC “Family Holiday Show” will be Sunday, December 14th, the day after the Boat Parade. Members’ children and grandchildren, or nieces and nephews, ages 3-13, will perform for their family and friends. Singers, dancers, musicians and other talents (you may perform with them if you wish), must contact director, Doris Melillo (see below). All performers will rehearse on their own time. There will be one group dress rehearsal on Sunday morning the 14th, (the day of the performance) from 10:00 11:30AM. The actual Holiday Show performances will be in the afternoon of the same day. Members, family, and friends will be invited to attend. Arts and crafts, as well as cookies, milk, and hot chocolate, will be available for the children before the show. There will be a limited dinner menu available after the show. If you have a child who may be interested in performing in this holiday show, or, if you are interested in assisting behind the scenes, please call or e-mail Doris Melillo: 805-985-5601, or [email protected]. 4 Brenda Dickmann - General Manager In General It’s hard to believe we are already in the Fall Season. As you know we have had beautiful weather and it is hard to imagine all of the Fall festivities that we have planned. One of our club events to look forward to is Oktoberfest on the 11th of October. Sheryl Hawkins will be your hostess of this fun party. Staff Commodore Graham Wilson will delight you with his inventive “German” music! Our very creative Bar Manager, Courtney Fredette dares you to join us in Bill’s Bar for the second annual Haunted Bar Bash on Friday, October 31st . Creep, crawl, or float over and enjoy some devilish dining and creepy cocktail creations! Costumes are encouraged. For the well being of your mind and body, we have added an extra Yoga class, thanks to your request. Yoga will now be offered Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. Aurora will be your class instructor on Wednesday and Friday and Nathan will be your teacher on Saturday. All classes start at 9:00 a.m. I would like to remind you that we start our Winter Sundays on Sunday, November 2, 2014. Remember to change your clock or to “fall back” before you go to bed Saturday, November 1st. The club hours will only change on Sunday. We will close at 7:00 PM instead of 8:00 PM. For all you new members that have yet to experience Thanksgiving at PCYC, this is for you! We will be open on Thursday, November 27th for our phenomenal champagne buffet spread. The hours are from 12:00 noon to 4:00 PM. We also offer “Take Home” Turkey Feast for Your Happy Holiday Pleasure. You may order a complete slow roasted turkey dinner for $199.95 (20-25 lbs, serves 14) with all the trimmings, Turkey only available as well. Call the Front Desk for more information. Thank you for all your support of this wonderful yacht club you belong to. You are what makes PCYC the place to be. 5 John Praiswater - Rear Commodore Rear Commodore As I sit here writing my article for the October Periplus, I can’t believe how fast this year has gone by. Summer is almost over, but we still have a few fun activities planned. The Ladies Who Do Lunch had their luncheon on August 14. This luncheon was hosted by Marcia Charney. Their very interesting speaker was the President of the Oxnard Harbor District for the Port of Hueneme, Mary Ann Rooney. Following the luncheon, the group was able to take a two-hour tour of the actual harbor. On August 23rd we held the mother of all parties the “Western Party”. We should thank S/C Jim Jones and Kathy Smith and their volunteers for all the hard work they put into making this party a great success. We had to cut off the reservation at 140 a week early, so I’m sorry for those of you who were turned away. Everyone, young and old, had a great time. By the time you read this article we will have had our “Gondola Electric Boat Event”. This event was chaired by Karen Lorenzen and Linda Allen. It was a progressive dinner with an Italian theme. Thanks to all who participated. PCYCHalloween Haunted Bar Friday, October 31, 2014 Join us if you dare for a Halloween scare! Our second annual Haunted Bar bash will take place Friday, Halloween Night in Bill’s Bar. Creep, float or crawl over and enjoy some devilish dining and Creepy cocktail specials. Costumes are encouraged! So put your costumes on and howl at the moon, we hope to see you all real soon! You’d be ghoulish to miss this monster mash! Drink Specials Dracula’s Kiss Ghostini On October 9th we will have another Ladies Who Do Lunch chaired by Judi Roussey and Rosemary Tobin. The theme will be “Tree of Hope” and the speaker will be Dr. Shawn Steen, M.D. Director of Surgical Oncology. There will be a live basket auction following a delicious lunch. A men’s table will also be available. Then on October 11th we will have our Oktoberfest dinner and party. A sumptuous dinner is planned along with the sounds of Graham Wilson. So save the date and come have a good time. Again thanks for all your support. 6 On Volunteering: Officers of the Day… …have the most fun job in the Club! And the easiest! Belonging to an organization affords the opportunity to work with other You smile, say hello, introduce yourself, and welcome members toward a common goal. It everyone who arrives to the best yacht club around! It is has enhanced my life and brought me great joy and satisfaction to such a great way for our newer members to meet others have served with other talented and and for our more long-term members to greet old friends dedicated members as a board member and meet new ones. and club officer. You can experience similar rewards and benefit the club by Our more recent members need not feel at all shy lending your talents and experience to about participating. service on its committees on the board and as an officer. We invite you to spend some time on a Friday evening -Jim Jones, Staff Commodore during Ice Breakers with the more ‘seasoned’ members, who are standing the OD Watch, just to see how fun and easy this job is. Call, 805-484-9604, or send an email, jimmarf@verizon. net to say you would like to learn more. Martha Baskerville Bill’s Bar Nautical Display Please admire the beautiful display in Bill’s Bar provided by the very talented and artistic Audrey Keller. If you would like to take a turn “hosting” the display, we would be happy to help you design and set-up. Please see Brenda for more information. 7 8 13 Club Closed 20 Club Closed 27 Club Closed 12 19 1-4pm Jazz Club MDR -TGIS Fall #3 26 5pm PP MDR Dining Room Hours: Wednesday through Saturday Dinner: 5:30pm—9:00pm Sunday: Breakfast: 8:30am—11:30am Lunch: 12:00pm—2:00pm Dinner: 5:00pm—8:00pm Bar Menu Wednesday through Saturday, 11:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m. 6 Club Closed Mon 5 Sun 28 Club Closed 21 Club Closed 14 Club Closed 7 Club Closed Tue MDR : Main Dining Room CN: Crow’s Nest BR: Board Room PP: Private Party BB: Bill’s Bar -9am Yoga BR -3pmLadiesBridgeCN 29 -9am Yoga BR -3pmLadiesBridgeCN -6pmPPMDR 22 -9am Yoga BR -3pmLadiesBridgeCN -5pmHouseMeeting -6pmMembershipMeeting 15 8 -9am Yoga BR -10am PP CN -3pmLadiesBridgeCN -6pm Wine Wednesday MDR -7pm “Confident” Bridge CN 1-9am Yoga BR Wed -7pm “Confident” Bridge CN -6pm Board Meeting BR 30 23 -7pm “Confident” Bridge CN -7pm “Confident” Bridge CN 16 -11am PP MDR 9 Officers of the Day: 10/3 - Kathy & Jim Henry 10/10 - Betty & Ray Swift 10/17 - Marge & Jim Curley 10/24 - Karen & Al Lorenzen 10/31 - Audrey & Werner Keller -3pm “Help” Bridge CN -5:30-7pm Icebreakers -6pm Haunted Bar BB 31 25 -3pm “Help” Bridge CN -9am Yoga BR -5:30-7pm Icebreakers -4-7pm Family Fest: Halloween MDR 24 18 11 4 -9am Yoga BR Sat -3pm “Help” Bridge CN -9am Yoga BR -5:30-7pm Icebreakers 17 10 3 -3pm “Help” Bridge CN -5:30-7pm Icebreakers -Island Cruise thru 10/5 Fri -11am Ladies Lunch -3pm “Help” Bridge CN -9am Yoga BR MDR-7pm “Confident” -5:30-7pm Icebreakers -6pm Oktoberfest Bridge CN MDR -6pm Captains Meeting CN -7pm “Confident” Bridge CN 2-12pm Book Club CN Thu October 2014 9 18 Club Closed 25 Club Closed 16 17 Club Closed -1-4pm Jazz Club MDR -TGIS Fall #4 23 TGIS Winter #1 Dining Room Hours: Wednesday through Saturday Dinner: 5:30pm—9:00pm Sunday: Breakfast: 8:30am—11:30am Lunch: 12:00pm—2:00pm Dinner: 5:00pm—8:00pm Bar Menu Wednesday through Saturday, 11:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m. 24 Club Closed 11 Club Closed 10 Club Closed 9 4 Club Closed Tue 3 Club Closed Mon 2 Sun MDR : Main Dining Room CN: Crow’s Nest BR: Board Room PP: Private Party BB: Bill’s Bar 26 19 -9am Yoga BR -10am PP CN -3pmLadiesBridgeCN -5pmHouseMeetingCN -6pmMembership MeetingCN 12 -9am Yoga BR -10am PP CN -3pm LadiesBridgeCN 5 -9am Yoga BR -3pmLadiesBridgeCN -6pm WineWednesday Wed 6 7 Fri 27 Thanksgiving -6pmBoardMeetingBR -7pm “Confident” Bridge CN 20 13 -7pm “Confident” Bridge CN 29/30 - 9am Yoga BR -9am Calendar/ Orientation Meeting CN 22 15 Officers of the Day: November 7 –-- Betty and Max Rodriguez November 14 – Laurie and Steve Weiss November 21 – TBD November 28 – TBD Any volunteers for the 21st or 28th? Call Martha at 805-484-9604 or email to [email protected] 28 SB Cruise thru 11/30 21 -3pm “Help” Bridge CN -5pm Skippers Meeting CN -5:30-7pm Icebreakers 14 -3pm “Help” Bridge CN - 9am Yoga BR -5:30-7pm Icebreakers 8 -9am Annual Elections MDR -9am Yoga BR 1 Sat -3pm ”Help” Bridge CN -9am Yoga BR -7pm “Confident” - 5:30-7pm Icebreakers -10am Volunteer Bridge CN -6pm DNA Follow up Brunch MDR CN Thu November 2014 October Birthdays Lynda Belchere, Alexis Browning, William Browning, S/C Dan Citera, Scott Cooper, Mary Cox, Steve Downs, Dan Ellis, Christine Gardner, Sarah Golemon, Lisa Gordon, Nicholas Guglielmo, Gina Haase, Henry Kawecki, Bonnie Knowles, S/C Karen Lorenzen, Marie Mack, Mike Mahoney, Frank McGinity, Sheila McGinity, Jane McKinney, Bonnie Mercadante, Avon Neugebauer, Linda Nielsen, Virginia Panossian, Phillip Peck, Tom Quigan, Reed Radke, Norma Reber, Elizabeth Rodriguez, Wanda Rose, Cathy Scott, Laura Skidmore, Gene Vernon, Anthony Von Teuber, Helayne Warschaw, Commodore Steve Weiss, Jerry Wells, S/C Graham Wilson, John Wood, Ray Young October Anniversaries Joe & Tammy Alexander, Glenn & Betty Beck, George & Nelda Bregante, Gary & Janis Brierley, Russell & Margaret Campbell, Tom & Patricia Carmody, Ron & Gayle Feinstein, Gerry & Sheryl Hawkins, Theodore & Bonnie Knowles, Sandy Koh & Glen Yonesawa, Marty & Dee Lakin, John & Jane McKinney, Jules & Doris Melillo, Sparky & Pamela Miller, John & Sandi Shead, Carl & Nancy Shelton, Walter & Carolynn Wotman �������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������ �������������������������� ������������������������ ��������������������������������������������������� ����������������������� ������������ 10 Captain Dave Willhite COASTAL KNOWLEDGE WEATHER: Our weather has been very different this fall with the many hurricanes coming up the coast. I do not remember in my time living in Santa Barbara and Ventura counties ever having more than a couple of Pacific Hurricanes in any year. I do know that there have been hurricanes that made landfall here in Ventura decades ago and did heavy damage to the region. Normally we would be keeping a eye out for Northeast Santa Ana Wind Storms. Best one can do is be extremely careful and check the marine weather forecast before leaving the dock. FISHING: Our fishing has been very different with the warm waters. If I had to guess I would say we are in our first year of a major El Nino. Usually the second and third year are even better. By the time this note is posted there will be Yellowfin Tuna in close to the Channel Islands. If you go fishing be sure to measure your catch. I have installed our PCYC Long Fish derby boat at the information board down stairs by the name badge holder. Submitting a catch is simple. Just take a ruler and lay it next to the fish and take a picture to record the length. Also take a picture of the angler holding up the fish. There is a first and second place for each species. Species that will place are Halibut, White Seabass, Billfish, Calico Bass, Tuna, Lingcod, Yellowtail, Thresher Shark, Jr. Biggest Fish, Ladies Biggest Fish. Check out the leader board before you go fishing for the different species which qualify at the club. Send length, angler’s name, boat name and captain’s name to Captain Dave at [email protected] for posting. Good luck fishing. YACHT: The new momentum we are seeing in boating does not hint at slowing down. While prices have stabilized, we have not yet seen a value appreciation yet. I think as inventory is sold sellers will start pricing the yachts ahead of the market and wait and see what happens. If you’re thinking of buying or selling, this is a good time while there are good choices available. Calm Seas Captain Dave 11 Jim Jones - Staff Commodore The Western Party: A Fabulous Success PCYC was transported to the Old West on August 23rd for the Western Party complete with Jail, General Store, Saloon and a number of sharp shooting and fast draw and horseshoe contests. We had a great turn-out and a good time was had by all! Thanks to a great “cast” and outstanding “crew” and other volunteers, the Western Party was one of those magical moments that will be talked about for years to come. Kudos to: The Cast Outlaws – Steve Weiss, John Praiswater, & Jana Danza Sheriff – Jack Skidmore Deputy Sheriff – Gerry Hawkins Jailer - George Bregante Tequila Shooter Gal – Arlene Beckwith Greeter - Tom Danza The Crew [who made it all possible]: Kathy Smith, a big Thank You ma’am! Char Virnig, Karen Lorenzen, Angela & Bill Switzky, Karen & Mike Mahr, Doris Melillo, Jim & Nita Miller, Mary Praiswater, Steve Smith, Sean Smith, Rosemary Tobin, Sheryl Hawkins, Adry Ezcurra, Helena Soler, Pam Miller, Mike and Carrie Mahoney, Jackie Sickles and all the rest who helped us get this event produced. Thanks also to Bonnie Mercadante who memorialized the event with her photos. The Staff Brenda Dickmann, Leslie Cortez, Rudy Cerna, and the entire wait staff and bartenders who dressed “western” for us. Chef Rafael & staff who prepared our Western BBQ. The Band The “Mighty Cash Cats” – entertainment so good, no one wanted to leave! Wine Wednesday, September 10, 2014 Wine Wednesday worked out very well. Great table as requested. Beautifully set. Fine service. Aurora does so well. We especially enjoyed the Shrimps on the Barbie. Tom, Barbara, and Rick raved about the Ahi. Yolie was impressed by one of her favorites, the Lamb Shank. All in all, another exceptional evening even though two of us had to admit we were also celebrating getting another year older. Jim Baldwin 12 PCYC’S WESTERN ROUNDUP 13 Save the Date Costume Party Bring the kids and have fun  Annual Meeting Halloween Family Fun Fest Saturday, October 25th 2014 Time: 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM Where: Main Dining Room Come and Trick or Treat Listen to the sounds of ghoulish music $5.00 Entrance Fee  Stay for off-the-menu dinner afterwards Reservations 805-985-7292 November 1st 2014 9:00 am Your Voice is Your Vote! LADIES WHO DO LUNCH THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9TH, is our ANNUAL CANCER CURE LUNCHEON Invite your friends. This luncheon is open to men and women. Our guest speaker will be Shawn Steen, MD Director of Surgical Oncology at Anacapa Surgical Associates in Ventura. Dr. Steen completed his general surgery training at Baylor University Medical Center in Texas. He completed a surgical oncology fellowship at the John Wayne Cancer Center in Santa Monica. Most recently, Dr. Steen was an Assistant Clinical Professor of Surgery at City of Hope National Cancer Center in Duarte. His interests are malignancies of breast, skin, and abdominal organs including surgery of the liver and pancreas. He brings world-class oncology care to the patients of Ventura County. This year, the funds raised at our October luncheon will be given to the Cancer Center of Ventura County at St. John’s Hospital to fund their program, which provides free mammograms to women less than forty years of age. This test for breast cancer is not paid for by insurance companies. Your participation and generous contributions will help make this event a success. Make your table reservations early. Make a contribution to the TREE OF HOPE. Make and donate a basket. 14 Ladies Who Do Lunch Oktoberfest Thursday, October 9, 2014 Saturday, October 11, 2014 Theme: Tree of Hope Time: 11:00 a.m. Reception Back by Popular Demand Graham Wilson and his Amazing Sounds and Lights Viewing of Baskets 11:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. Lunch 12:15 p.m. Live Auction Speaker: Dr. Shawn Steen, M.D. Director of Surgical Oncology Luncheon Menu Choice of one Autumn Harvest Chopped Chicken Salad Grilled Chicken Breast, Chopped Romaine Lettuce, Pears, Cranberries, Pecans, Walnuts, Crumbled Crisp Bacon and Feta Cheese Chopped together and topped with Poppy seed dressing Or Turkey Crepes a La King Fresh Roasted Turkey in home-made Crepes Topped with Whole Grain Mustard Sauce Finished with Roasted Almonds Men’s Table Open Face New York Sandwich Served with Onion Rings Rolls and Butter Dessert Pumpkin Dump Cake topped with ice-cream No Host Bar $17.85 ++ Cocktails 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Dinner Buffet Menu Appetizers Assorted Sausages Salads Field Green Salads Entrees Sliced Pork Tenderloin with Apple Sauce and Red Cabbage Breast of Chicken Bavarian Style, Red Cream Sauce with Mushrooms Grilled Salmon Filet with Lemon Caper Butter Accompaniments Sauerkraut and Fresh Vegetables Dessert Vienna Apple Strudel Black Forest Torte No Host Bar $25.00 ++ Per Person $10.00 Junior Fleet (three years to eleven years) Reservations 805-985-7292 15 Thanksgiving Day Yoga for Wellness With Aurora Wednesdays, Friday, and Saturdays at 9am in the Board Room If you would like to play Mahjongg or learn how to play Mahjongg, please call the Front Desk to inquire about future dates! 805-985-PCYC (7292) 12:00 Noon to 4:00 PM Thursday, November 27, 2014 Champagne Buffet Club open only for the Thanksgiving Dinner 12:00 Noon to 4:00 PM Bill’s Bar will be closed for all food and drink service. Salads Tray of Sliced Plum Tomatoes and Fresh Mozzarella Drizzled with Oregano and Lemon Vinaigrette Mixed Greens with Assorted Topping & Cranberry Vinaigrette Dressing Traditional Waldorf Salad Quinoa Salad with Cucumber, Tomato, Bay Shrimp, Green Olives & Feta Cheese Entrées Honey Glazed Spiral Ham Roasted Lamb Roasted Salmon with Cranberries Whole Roasted Turkey with all the Traditional Trimmings Accompaniments Old Fashioned Stuffing Mashed Potatoes Turkey Gravy Gingered Yam Soufflé Autumn Vegetables It’s not too early to start thinking about the 2015 Roster! Please submit Roster photos to [email protected] This year, we go to print no later than DECEMBER 15th! Desserts Pumpkin Cheesecake Pumpkin Spice Cake Hot Fudge Sundae with Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream $33.95 ++ Adults $12.95 ++ Junior Fleet (Ages 3 Years Old to 12 Years Old) Take Home a PCYC Turkey Feast For Your Happy Holidays You may also order to take home with a 72 hour notice a complete slow roasted turkey dinner for $199.95 (2022lbs*, serves 14) with all the trimmings; stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, gingered yam soufflé, a vegetable medley, cranberry relish and sourdough rolls. Turkey only available; $99.95 (20-22 lbs* serves 14) *Pre-cooked weight
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