FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Fort Dodge, IA Open hearts, Open minds, Open doors. The people of the United Methodist Church® ® October 12, 2014 18th Sunday after Pentecost *Indicates you are invited to stand if you are comfortable doing so WELCOME If you are a visitor with us today, we warmly say welcome. We invite you to join us at the rear of the sanctuary after worship for fellowship and refreshment. Please take a moment and fill out the “Ritual of Friendship” pads at this time. Please list all family members attending today, your address and phone number, and then pass the books back through the pews after everyone has signed, so you may greet and know those sitting with you. PRELUDE TRINITY CHIMES GREETING & ANNOUNCEMENTS PASSING OF THE PEACE JOYFUL NOISE *CALL TO WORSHIP Give thanks to the Lord, for God is good Grace is good. Peace is good. Joy is good. God’s steadfast love endures forever. A love that does not end. A love that does not end. A love that does not end. *OPENING PRAYER Almighty God, we open our service today seeking your help. Help us think the right kinds of thoughts. Help us think about things that are true and honorable, things that are just, pure, and pleasing in your sight. Help us focus on things that are commendable, things that are excellent and worthy of praise. There is so much in life that is unjust and ugly, but we have gathered in your name this day to commit ourselves to following your paths—paths of justice and mercy, paths that are worthy of your calling. Amen. *OPENING HYMN “This Is My Father’s World” UM #144 PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE A moment of silent prayer Pastoral Prayer Lord’s Prayer Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. CHORAL RESPONSE “Give Thanks” FWS #2036 KID’S MOMENTS The congregation sings “Where Children Belong (p. 2233) as the children come forward. Ushers collect the “Ritual of Friendship Pads” at this time. “Where Children Belong” This, this is where children belong, welcomed as part of the worshiping throng. Water, God’s Word, bread and cup, prayer, and song. This is where children belong. CHANCEL CHOIR “I Feel the Spirit” By David Eddleman PRESENTATION OF OUR TITHES, GIFTS AND OFFERINGS The Offertory * Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” UM #95 * Prayer of Dedication God of steadfast love, we thank you for the abundant gifts in our lives: love and grace, clothing and belongings, friends and family. We thank you for the steadfast signs of your loving presence in our world: wondrous works and awesome deeds. We come before you with our offerings, rejoicing in this opportunity to help bring your realm here on earth. Amen. NEW TESTAMENT LESSON HYMN OF PREPARATION SERMON Philippians 4:4-9 “Are Ye Able” UM #530 “Celebrating Ministry—Part II” Rev. Andrea Kraushaar PASTORAL PRAYER *CLOSING HYMN “Great Is the Lord” FWS #2022 Vs 1-2 * BENEDICTION *RESPONSE POSTLUDE “Great Is the Lord” FWS #2022 Vs 3 Philippians 4:4-9 New International Version (NIV) 4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5 Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. Your Staff: The Congregation, The Ministers Andrea Kraushaar, Pastor Becky Ostheimer, Administrative Assist. Jennifer Peterson, Program Coordinator Diane Logan, Organist David Mokelbust, Interim Organist Gretchen Stanley, Chancel Choir Liz Johnson and Amy Champagne, Children’s Choirs Directors Mary Heimbruch, Praise Band Director Jon Schuman, Chief Financial Officer KayLynn Jennings, Anna Jones, Azaria Silvey, Lyndsey Bennett, Nursery Assist. Joe Egdorf, Bldg & Grounds Supervisor Linda Wakeman, Assistant Custodian First United Methodist Church 127 North 10th Street, Fort Dodge, IA 50501 Radio Broadcast at 11:05 am each Sunday - KVFD 1400 AM Office Hours: 8-12 and 12:30-4:30 Mon - Fri Pastor Office: 515-576-7586 Pastor Cell: 515-230-6169 Email Addresses: Office: [email protected] Pastor: [email protected] Program Coordinator: [email protected] Website: www.fumcfortdodge.orgTruck site: There are several new Life Groups beginning in October within First United Methodist Church. Many of these groups will be using books to guide them through their journey. If you are interested in a particular group, please pick up a book at the Welcome Station or at the church office. The books and cost of the books for each Life Group are: R.O.C.K. Bring Your Own Bible Seekers Covenant Bible Study Word from Heaven 2-4-1 2:42 The Jesus Story No Book to Purchase Purchased through Leader Covenant Beginning Prayer Pocket Guide (Optional) Love to Stay Upside Down $ 9.00 $20.00 $11.00 $ 7.00 $12.00 $ 7.00 The Mission Committee is again encouraging a Mission Volunteer Trip to the United Methodist Life Enrichment Center in Fruitland Park, Florida. This year we propose the volunteer team take Allegiant Airline’s direct flight from Des Moines On Thursday, Jan 8th, 2015, arriving in Orland/Sanford about 2 1/2 hours later. The return flight would be Thursday, January 15th. We feel $500 per person will cover all the expenses for the week, including the flight, ground transportation, excursions, meals and housing. Some scholarship funds are available. Many of those who went last year are planning to go again this year. We hope others will consider the trip this year. It is important for everyone to respond before October 20, 2014, to allow time to make flight arrangements for the January 8th Allegiant flight. Be a part of our new family directory—we need YOU to make our church album complete. We need everyone to participate in this venture to make it a useful tool for all of us. If you have not already, you will soon be receiving a recorded message telling you to go online to make your appointment for your pictures at If you do not have a computer to make your appointment or have any trouble trying to make an appointment, please call the church office and Becky will try to make the appointment for you. Pictures will be taken Tuesday, October 28—Saturday, November 1st. The hours are 2:00 pm—9:00 pm Tuesday thru Friday and 9:00 am –4:00 pm on Saturday. When you come to have your picture taken, you will be given a form requesting contact information for the church office. We will soon be implementing an automated phone contacting system at the church and need all contact information updated and to know how you would prefer to be contacted. Please be sure to take a couple of minutes to complete the form when you come in for your pictures!! Please keep the following members of First UMC in your prayers: Ron Jones, Eric Olson, grandson of Janabelle Olson, Maryls Heidi, Eva & Maynard Koppen, Genevive Mason, Diane Logan, Robert Skophammer, Cal Woods, Lauren & Helen Stanek, Kirk VanKirk (son-in-law of Gary & Joan LeValley), Robert Rasmuson, friend of Trunnell family, who is dealing cancer, Jacob and Mallory Asche’s family member, Heather, who is battling cancer, Allison Swanson’s father, Roger Dreeszen, who is beginning chemo, along with those who are homebound, in nursing homes and those men and women in our armed forces. Please let the church office know of anyone who may need prayers. The animated, science fiction film "Avatar" has several story lines which made it a movie blockbuster in 2009. Local, peaceful, spiritual inhabitants (known as Na'vi) of a distant moon (Pandora) must overcome the greed, dishonesty, and destruction of an outside worlds quest to exploit Pandoras resources at all cost. Eventually the Na'vi overcome the obstacles, love and peace prevail, and the Na'vi start their lives anew. They did this through their belief in a greater loving power, through their faith there were better days ahead, and through their communities spiritual gathering place, the Hometree and Tree of Souls. First United Methodist Church of Fort Dodge is our families "Hometree." This church welcomed Charlene and I as a young, newly married couple. Our church grew within us as our family grew. It provided Christian and mentoring opportunities for our three children through Sunday school, conformation, youth trips, and groups. For Charlene and I, the young adult Sunday school class and social group "The Light-bearers" was particularly meaningful. Now our immediate family has moved on, but our church family is still here, supporting us, mentoring us, and creating Christian opportunities for us. This congregation has shown me there is a loving faithfulness and power over all of us, there are better days ahead, and that we have a wonderful spiritual "Hometree" gathering place and family here at First United Methodist Church of Fort Dodge. This is why we support our ministry. Robert Anderson No Cook Wednesday Is Returning!!! No Cook Wednesday is returning on October 15th! The first meal will be BBQ baked ribs, twice bake potatoes, fruit kabobs and baked acorn squash. Signup sheets can be found at the Welcome Station and on the kiosk, along with save the date cards. Food preparation will take place on Tuesday evening beginning at 5:00. If you would like to help with this ministry please contact the church office or Jason Major. There are large print hymnals available in the Wesley Parlor near the library for those who may need them. Mission Offering The October mission offering will go to UMCOR Blankets. You will find a table in the back of the church to make your contribution Following the meals this year several small groups will be forming. Please see your October Chimes for information regarding each of the Life Groups. The meetings will be at 6:00 pm. More information on the meetings will be coming in the next few weeks. at your convenience. Thank you to all who help with their monetary donations! The date for the 51st Annual Soup Supper has been set!! Make sure and mark the date of November 10th on your calendar!!! And tell all of your friends to mark the dates on their calendars as well!!! Watch the bulletins and Facebook page/group for ways to help!!! Flu shots will again be offered at First United Methodist Church by Drugtown! The regular flu shot, nasal spray and the high dose flu vaccine for those 65+ will be offered. The cost of the shot is $30.00 if you do not have insurance. If you have Medicare or private insurance, Drugtown will file the insurance claim for you. The Fellowship Hall kitchen is running short on dishtowels. If you have taken towels home to launder after an event, we thank you. If you have extra dishtowels at home and would like to donate them to FUMC, please drop them in the kitchen in the basement. Thank you. The vaccines will be done on Sunday, October 26th following worship service. Pastor Andrea and various church committees are trying to raise money to purchase a new commercial type refrigerator/freezer for the church kitchen. With the many meals being prepared in the kitchen now—No Cook Wednesdays, Soup Supper, two Manna Meals each month, etc—it is felt the frigs we have not just are not sufficient and there is not enough freezer space to purchase items in bulk and have the ability to freeze the. Please consider making a donation to the refrigerator fund. If you would like to make a donation, please call Pastor Andrea at the church office and she can give you details on how to participate in this project. 2014 Mission Offering Jan $ 701.45 $ 283.00 Pastor Discretionary Fund Human Relations Sunday Feb $ 405.09 Lord’s Cupboard Mar $ 157.12 $ 484.00 Iowa Disaster Relief One Great Hour Apr $ 370.00 Heifer Project May $ 125.00 1585.25 Native American Sunday Gateway to Discovery June $ 79.00 $ 20.00 $ 285.00 October is Pastor Appreciation Month. Please take a moment to thank Pastor Andrea for all that she has done and continues to do for First UMC. Upper Des Moines School Supplies Relay for Life Peace with Justice July $ 65.35 Operation Christmas Aug $ 386.18 $ 100.00 Sidewalk Sunday School YWCA –Fence Project Sept $ 260.45 $ 438.21 In-Gathering ALS Challenge Oct $ 50.00 $ 237.00 UMCOR Blankets World Communion Youth Movie Night will be held October 17th at 7:00 pm. Please join us for an evening of fun and fellowship. Friends are always welcomed! Altar grains today are given Altar flowers in honor of are given honor of Pastor Appreciation Laura & Richard Olson’s from wedding anniversary John Schmalenberger The Lord’s Cupboard is asking for your help. Suzanne is selling the Younker’s Community Day coupon books and all proceeds will go to the Lord’s Cupboard. Each book you purchase will help to purchase a gallon and a half of milk! The cost of the book is $5.00 and the book contains hundreds of dollars worth of coupons. The coupon book can be purchased at the church office from now until November 13th. The coupons are good for the weekend of November 14th and 15th. What a wonderful way to help the Lord’s Cupboard and save some money at the same time! On Sunday, October 26th, First United Methodist Church will be celebration Consecration Sunday. District Superintendent Harlan Gilispie will be the special speaker that day. Also on that Sunday Drugtown will be providing annual flu shots. Please join us for an exciting day of worship and fellowship. Opportunities for Work, Witness and Fellowship through First United Methodist Church Sun, Oct 12 Wed, Oct 15 Cont’d 8:30 am Sunday School 8:30 am Women’s Bible Study FH 9:45 am Worship 4:45 pm Joyful Noise Choir 6:00 pm UMYF 5:00 pm No Cook Wednesday Meal 5:30 pm King’s Kids Choir Mon, Oct 13 9:00 am Pew Crew 6:00 pm Life Groups 12:00 pm Al-Anon 6:00 pm Wesley Ringers 6:00 pm Finance Committee Mtg 7:00 pm Chancel Choir 6:30 pm Evangelism Committee Mtg Thus, Oct 16 7:00 pm Missions Committee Mtg 7:30 am Donuts & Devotions MS 7:00 pm Trustees Meeting 9:30 am Lord’s Cupboard 3:30-5:30 pm Icky’s Youth Center Open Tues, Oct 14 9:00 am Staff Meeting Fri, Oct 17 9:30 am Lord’s Cupboard 1:00 pm Lord’s Cupboard 12:00 pm AA 7:00 pm Youth Movie Night 3:30-5:30 Icky’s Youth Center Open Sat, Oct 18 4:00 pm Lord’s Cupboard 7-10:00 pm 6:00 pm Education Committee Mtg Sun, Oct 19 7:00 pm Ad Council Meeting 8:30 am Sunday School 7:00 pm Boy Scouts 9:45 pm Worship 6:00 pm UMYF Wed, Oct 15 7:20 am Icky’s Youth Center Open Donuts & Devotions HS GREETERS Laura Olson (West Door) Sheilah Gailey & Robert VanderMaten (East Door) Gale & Audra McKinney (South Door) Liturgist: Pat Bennett Our mission is to provide the people of the Fort Dodge area opportunities for spiritual growth, real friendships, and giving of themselves.
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