Protektor: H.K.H. Prins Joachim Supplementary regulations Copenhagen Historic Grand Prix, CHGP 3-5 August 2012 1. Sporting Code Copenhagen Historic Grand Prix (CHGP) is organized according to the International Sporting Code of the FIA and the National Sporting Code of DASU (Dansk Automobil Sports Union) and the following supplementary regulations. 2. DASU DASU is a member of the Sports Confederation of Denmark (Dansk Idræts-Forbund, DIF). 3. Dates CHGP takes place on the 3rd, 4th and 5th of August 2012. The racetrack is purpose build in “Fælledparken” a public park in the centre of Copenhagen. The main entrance is at the following address: Oester Alle – 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark CHGP is organized as a national race, open for international participation in all classes. Class 8 counts with ½ points in the Super Pole race. Regulations for race series are available on 4. Organization and Race Secretariat Copenhagen Historic Grand Prix is organized by Historic Motorsport, Denmark and CHGP ApS. Race administration: Copenhagen Historic Grand Prix Aps Hollufgaards Allé 12, 5220 Odense SO – Denmark Mail: [email protected] Phone: +45 86519929 Fax: +45 66132832 Race secretariat on Friday August 3rd is located at the main entrance at Øster Alle. During the race the secretariat is located at the service area in Fælledparken. Phone: Lene Hansen +45 26118409 Official Notice Board in the secretariat and in the three paddocks. Race Control Located at Start/finish line on the inside Clerk of the course Kim Bjerg OF512 Deputy Clerks of the course Mogens Høj OF512 Preben Skov OF512 Kia Witthøfft OF514 Lars Stærkær 5. Race Track The race track is established as a non permanent street circuit, with a length of 2.000 meters and a width of between 11 and 15 meters. There are 5 left hand turns and 1 right hand turn. The direction of the race is anticlockwise. There is no “stop and Go” lane on the track. 6. Participation Participation in classes 7 and 9 is by invitation. In all other classes by registration. Maximum number of participants is 40 cars per class. Copenhagen Historic Grand Prix ApS Hollufgaards Allé 12, DK-5220 Odense SØ, Denmark · CVR 29424497 Tlf. +45 8651 9929· [email protected] · Protektor: H.K.H. Prins Joachim 7. Classes No Class Period Year Race length Regulations 1 TC/GTS Period E and F Up to 1965 15 min + 1 lap App K 2 GTS, GTP, Sport Cars Period E and F Up to 1965 15 min + 1 lap App K 3 Racing cars Period C and D Up to 1947 15 min + 1 lap App K 4 TC/GTS < 1300 cc Period G Up to 1971 15 min + 1 lap App K 5 TC/GTS > 1300 cc Period G Up to 1971 15 min + 1 lap App K 6 TC/GTS Period H and I Up to 1976/1981 15 min + 1 lap App K 7 Le Mans, Group C All periods By invitation 15 min + 1 lap Presentation Race 8 Camaro Cup Super Pole Camaro Cup 9 Royal ProAm 2x8 laps – 1st and 2nd heat Legend By invitation The classes can be modified according to entries. Class 7 is a presentation race. Classes can be closed or put together if there is less than 15 entries by July 17th 2012. 8. Race length Classes 1-7 will race 15 minutes + 1 lap in each of the 2 heats. Class 8 is a Super Pole race. Class 9 will race 2 x 8 minutes (=32 km) in each of the 2 heats. The above according to regulations for the race series. Read more at 9. Fuel Fuel in accordance with App. K and App J 252.9 10. Registration Registration period: From March 1st 2012 Anyone who wants’ to participate in the race, will have to register on no later than the 20th of July 2012 Copenhagen Historic Grand Prix ApS - Hollufgaard Alle 12, DK-5220 Odense SO - Denmark Phone: +45 86 51 99 29 Fax: +45 66 13 28 32 [email protected] Online registration on: Copenhagen Historic Grand Prix ApS Hollufgaards Allé 12, DK-5220 Odense SØ, Denmark · CVR 29424497 Tlf. +45 8651 9929· [email protected] · Protektor: H.K.H. Prins Joachim Entry Fee Payment is together with the online registration: th th Until 20 July: DKK 2,625 / Euro 350 including VAT. After July 20 : DKK 3,125 / Euro 416 including VAT. Entry fee including hospitality for 2 persons in The Drivers Lounge: th th Until 20 July: DKK 3,625 / Euro 483 including VAT. After July 20 : DKK 4,125 / Euro 550 including VAT. 11. Start and Starting Grid Starting signal is given by the Danish national flag (red with a white cross). Start with National flag, “30 sec. to start” sign and “15 sec. to start” sign. The start of each heat takes place when the flag begins its upwards movement. Starting procedure will be explained at the drivers’ meeting. For classes 1-7 (classes 8 and 9 excepted) the following apply. Starting positions in the first race is the result of time recorded in the first qualifying. Starting positions in the second race is the result of the time registered in the second qualifying. Alternative starting procedures according to specific race series. Best starting position is the inside track. 12. Car/start numbers Starting numbers and organizers’ stickers must be mounted before presenting the car for scrutinising. Starting numbers are for sale at the race secretariat. 13. Results, Points Points will be assigned according to regulations for the race series or the national track racing points system (regulation 5, 56.1041) see Results will be displayed at the official notice board in the secretariat of the event, and at the notice boards in the 3 paddocks. 14. Tyres, Oil Spill Tyre regulations under the applicable regulations of the race series and championships. See Containers for collection of oil etc. are located in the 3 paddocks and marked at the notice boards in the respective paddocks. 15. License Control, Scrutinizing License control Location: Race secretariat Date and time: Friday August 3rd August 2012 10.00am - 09.00 pm. Scrutinizing Location: In respective paddocks: Scrutinizing come to you in the paddock. Date and time: Friday August 3rd 2012 10.00 am. To 09.00 pm. 16. Training Start time on the track, both days at 08:30am. 17. Drivers’ Meetings Mandatory meeting for all drivers – Compulsory attendance. Location: Drivers’ Lounge Copenhagen Historic Grand Prix ApS Hollufgaards Allé 12, DK-5220 Odense SØ, Denmark · CVR 29424497 Tlf. +45 8651 9929· [email protected] · Protektor: H.K.H. Prins Joachim Date and time: Saturday, August 4th 7.30 am. and Sunday, August 5th 07.30 am. 18. Racing flags, Safety Car Flag signalling according to the national regulations 5, item 58.4. (App H to the international sporting code, chap. 2 art 4. with 3 national additions about starting procedure.) The Race Control reserves the right to bring a safety car into operation to neutralize a race. Starting procedure will be explained at the drivers’ meeting. 19. Responsibility Responsibility: All competitors and officials participate at their own risk and responsibility. DASU, the organizers and their officials cannot be made responsible for any damage which drivers, mechanics or cars may inflict on themselves, or on third party or third party's property. 20. Compulsory liability accident insurance A general compulsory liability accident insurance has been arranged by DASU. 21. Protests Protests must be submitted max half an hour after published result. Protest Fee is 750 DKK/100 Euro. 22. Prize Giving The prize giving will take place Sunday the 7th after each heat at the podium on the start/finish line. Awards will be handed out in all classes. 1st, 2nd and 3rd place will be awarded. 23. Cancellation The event may be cancelled in case of force majeure. 24. Invitees The organizer reserves the right to pay the entry fee and travel fee for certain invited participants. 25. Paddocks The 3 paddocks are located at: Øster Alle, Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9 Universitetsparken: Classes 7 and 8 Vibenhus Runddel: Classes 10 Noise level: According to regulations. All teams must have at least 1 pcs. 6 kilo powder extinguisher for each participating race car, and located inside each team’s area in the paddock. Each racing car must have a tilt below the car, it also a must to have a matt (race mat) who can absorb any oil leaks. (It will be possible to by this mat in the paddock on Øster Alle.) According to the security of spectators, the maximum speed in paddocks is 10 km/t and pit bikes and ATV´s are not allowed. (Please use bicycles :-o). Timekeeping is done by AMB transponder system. Copenhagen Historic Grand Prix ApS Hollufgaards Allé 12, DK-5220 Odense SØ, Denmark · CVR 29424497 Tlf. +45 8651 9929· [email protected] · Protektor: H.K.H. Prins Joachim Transponder can be rented (200 DKK/27 Euro) Se entry form on After unloading your trailers, trailers must be parked in Rovsinggade (directions at check-in) Driving on the track before and after the race end, with all types of motorized vehicles is prohibited without permission from the race management! Exception for race management service personnel. It’s not allowed to play music after 10.00 pm. Violation will be reported. It is not allowed to start engines outside the time span 08.00 am and 07.00 pm. Race Management reserves the right to judge whether a car that has been hit or damaged must be retained in the bottom of the escape roads until after the last heat! Race Management disclaims any responsibility for damage that may arise at the car in that occasion, and in general for damages that may be caused during removal of the car. It’s not allowed to use radio frequencies that will disturb the radio on the track. All non participating cars have to be provided with permission with reg. number and phone number placed in the windscreen. Cars with no permission will be removed. Asphalt in the paddocks or elsewhere, may not be damaged by putting up a tent. Any possible damaging of asphalt will result in a claim for compensation to the owner of the track of 1.500 DKK (201 Euros) per hole. There is one-way traffic in the paddock at Øster Alle. Best regards CHGP, HMS and the race control Copenhagen Historic Grand Prix ApS Hollufgaards Allé 12, DK-5220 Odense SØ, Denmark · CVR 29424497 Tlf. +45 8651 9929· [email protected] ·
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