The Visitor October 2014 The Newsletter for Bethany Lutheran Church 5303 Madison Avenue Bethel Park, PA 15102 (412) 835-9221 The Reverend Natalie Gessert To e-mail messages to the office: [email protected] UPCOMING DATES TO REMEMBER AT BETHANY (Look inside The Visitor for more information on each event) OCTOBER IS CLERGY APPRECIATION MONTH A smile, a word, would be nice to impart! Please take a moment to appreciate your Pastor. BIBLE BEANS Each Sunday from 9:45 A.M. to 10:45 A.M. in the Bethany Lutheran Church Nursery. ADULT BIBLE STUDY Meets every Tuesday at 7:00 P.M. CHOIR PRACTICE Every Wednesday at 7:00 P.M. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION MEETING Wednesday, October 1st at 6:30 P.M. NEW MEMBER CLASSES Sunday, October 5th, 12th & 19th at 12:00 Noon FAMILY PROMISE Thursday, October 9th from 5:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. FELLOWSHIP & EVANGELISM MEETING Sunday, October 12th at 12:15 P.M. BLC WOMEN’S GROUP Tuesday, October 14th at 11:00 A.M. COUNCIL MEETING Wednesday, October 15th at 7:00 P.M. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT MEETING Monday, October 20th at 7:00 P.M. MISSION & VISION TEAM MEETING Wednesday, October 22nd from 6:30 to 8:30 P.M. NEW MEMBER WELCOME RECEPTION Sunday, October 26th at 12:00 Noon CARE & SHARE MEETING Tuesday, October 28th at 11:00 A.M. PASTOR NATALIE’S SHOWER INVITATION Please see invitation on Page 8 of the Visitor. Year to Date For a financial update, please see the Financial Report on Page 9 of the Visitor. 1 A NOTE FROM THE PASTOR… NAT N’AT Your Congregational Council recognizes that leaders in the church must first be servants. We lead by dedicating ourselves to learning the ways of God and seeking to embody those ways in our words and actions among you. One of the ways we are leading this fall is in matters of stewardship. October is typically “Stewardship Month” in many churches, and while we will place stewardship as our focus this month, I’d like to introduce you to an extended vision of how we will be engaging generosity as part of faithful life and ministry. Together through May, the Council will be reading Giving to God by Mark Allan Powell, which discusses the Christian framework for faithful living and giving. We will also read an article by authors Michael Emerson, Christian Smith, and Trish Snell, professors leading research on human generosity, about U.S. Christians and giving. The Stewardship Committee has already read the article and recommended that we share it with the Council so that together we might lead Bethany in a renewed sense of faithful giving and ministry. If you are not a member of Bethany’s Congregational Council but interested in reading along or having a discussion, please contact Pastor Natalie for a copy of the book or article. The Congregational Council believes that giving is a significant part of practicing our faith, as God calls us to acts of stewardship. We are each called to contribute as an act of worship and commitment to God and service. Faithful giving is planned ahead of time and comes from God’s instructions to offer a proportion of our income and possessions. Giving in this way is often called a tithe, which is a word to describe God’s frequent commandments in scripture that God’s people give to support both internal and external ministries. With this information in mind, the Congregational Council asks you to prayerfully review your giving habits and consider an increase to your regular offering by a percentage that works for you in the upcoming year. In mid-October you will receive a Promise Card by mail by which you can commit to planned giving for the upcoming year so that Bethany can faithfully and responsibly prepare a budget for our church, but most importantly, for ministries and outreach to support. Information about a consistent offering program called Simply Giving will be included. The cards and Simply Giving information will be returned to Bethany during a special offering on Sunday, October 26th. We give thanks that you are growing with us as a congregation reaching out into the world in God’s name and with his blessings! Also in October, we are joining together with an initiative among congregations in the Southwestern Pennsylvania Synod called Faith Works. In May and October of each year you will receive in your church bulletin a brochure that identifies synod-supported ministries, which includes regional and national Lutheran organizations that are meaningful for us. You will be invited to financially support these ministries with a portion of your annual tithe. Our synod’s Faith Works appeal will receive your tax-deductible gifts and send a receipt. Outside of Faith Works our congregation will also continue to directly support SHIM and encourages you to offer financial gifts to SHIM at the time we distribute Faith Works brochures. Please think about how it is you’d like to support these vital ministries and pray about your offering. Faith Works brochures will be distributes Sunday, October 19th and Sunday, October 26th. Outside of benevolence and regular offering Finally, the month of October will include a preaching series about stewardship: Sunday, October 5 Sunday, October 12 Sunday, October 19 Sunday, October 26 Giving Ourselves Giving to Neighbors Giving to the World Giving to God: Promise Sunday We look forward to celebrating all God has done for us and all God does through us! In Christ, Pastor Natalie Gessert 2 THOSE WHO SERVE THIS MONTH Greeters: 8:30 A.M. Joan Anthony Jim Stinson 11:00 A.M. Altar Preparation: 10/5 & 10/12 10/19 & 10/26 Linda Plesniak Juliet Johns WORSHIP ASSISTANTS FOR SUNDAY Date Reader/Comm. Asst. Reader 8:30 AM 11:00 AM Communion Asst. 11:00 AM Acolytes 10/5 Syd Litzenburger Bill Kuskil Emily Brooks Nena Kratsas 10/12 Mark Kuehl Denis Speicher Jane Scheeser Julie Brooks & Naomi Yarroll 10/19 Renee DeMay Deb Wanamaker Keith Johns Matt Stinson 10/26 Rob Rogers Zenas Zhuang Mike Unger Melody & Aria Dietrich FLOWERS AND ETERNAL CANDLE 10/5 The Stowers Family – In Loving Memory of Joseph Capasso 10/12 Bethany Lutheran Church Women’s Group – In Appreciation of Pastor Natalie 10/19 Renee DeMay – In Loving Memory of Kevin Updegraff 10/26 Don & Carolyn McIntyre – In Loving Memory of John & Merle Bowman Eternal Candle In Celebration of Bethany’s 80th Birthday – Presented by Don & Carolyn McIntyre You may either take the flowers with you after the service, or if you prefer, you may leave them on the altar for the mid-week services. Cost of flowers is $50 per Sunday. Cost of the eternal candle is $20 per month. USHERS’ SCHEDULE FOR OCTOBER 8:30am: Joan Anthony, Ron Scheeser, Don Saltzman and Don McIntyre 11:00am: Chuck Conn, Nick Kratsas, Jim Stinson and Jacob Casper COUNCIL NOTES Council Meeting is Wednesday, October 15th at 7:00 P.M.. 3 FELLOWSHIP OPPORTUNITIES LITERARY LADIES The next meeting will be on Tuesday, October 7th at 12:00 Noon at the church. If you enjoy good reading and fellowship, please join us the first Tuesday of each month for lunch and a book review. Call Joyce Bruni at 412-835-7765 for details. BLCW CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON The BLCW Christmas Luncheon will be held Tuesday, December 9th at 12:00 Noon at Ann’s Chop House on South Park Road. Tickets are $13.00 and there will be a $5.00 Gift Exchange if you want to take part. Paid reservations may be given to Sandra Lutz or Arlene MacDonald. Deadline for paid reservations is Monday, December 1st. It is a fun time for all! BLCW CHRISTMAS BASKET RAFFLE The BLCW is holding a raffle of a “Christmas Basket”. All proceeds will go to various charities. Tickets are $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. They will be on sale in the Narthex starting November 2nd. Drawing will be at the Christmas Luncheon. (Winner Need Not Be Present) FAITH IN ACTION LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF (LWR) QUILT CAMPAIGN LWR is challenging Lutherans across the United States to donate 500,000 Quilts to send around the world to people in need. FELLOWSHIP & EVANGELISM FELLOWSHIP & EVANGLELISM MEETING Sunday, October 12th at 12:15 P.M. LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD! Choir practice is each Wednesday at 7:00 P.M. Please join us!!! IMPORTANT INFORMATION BIBLE BEANS Don’t forget to sign up your Bible Beans for Sunday School! All parents and children 0-3 are welcome to join us in the Bethany Lutheran Church Nursery from 9:45 A.M. to 10:45 A.M. for music, stories, and activities geared toward our littlest ones growing in God together! There will be a structured program and time for free play and fellowship for Mom’s and Dad’s during the hour. There is a signup sheet in the Narthex! THE BEANS BOOK TREE Help us create a library for our youngest members. During the month of October, the Beans Book Tree will be in the Narthex. To participate, just take home a book ornament and bring the book detailed on the ornament back to the tree by Sunday, November 2nd. NURSERY NEWS Staffed Children’s Nursery Available During 11:00 A.M. Worship Bethany has a supervised nursery for children ages 6 and under during the 11:00 A.M. service. The nursery will open at 10:45 each Sunday. Toys, games, and coloring books will be available each week. Parents can feel free to take their children to the nursery immediately following the children’s sermon. 4 ATTENTION YOUTH 9-12 (rising 9th graders in 2015 to 2015 high school graduates): Sign-up for the National ELCA Youth Gathering for next summer in Detroit is in the narthex and registration materials have been sent to your homes. Please be sure to sign up with a deposit by Sunday, October 12th! We will organize adult leaders according to the number of youth participating. Bethany will be joining in with the large group of Southwestern Pennsylvania Synod Youth who are also attending the gathering, which is anticipated to include 40,000 Lutheran youth! FAMILY PROMISE Bethany members will be serving Family Promise homeless families on Thursday, October 9th from 5:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. at the John McMillian Church in Bethel Park. Anyone willing to make something or come help serve, please contact Cathy Irwin at 412-854-1729 or [email protected]. NEWSLETTER If you have information that you would like to appear in the newsletter, please either e-mail the information to Terry Simony at [email protected], or drop it off at the church. no later than Sunday, October 19th, for the November Newsletter. PARISH EDUCATION CHRISTIAN EDUCATION MEETING Our next Christian Education Meeting will be Wednesday, October 1st at 6:30 P.M. ADULT BIBLE STUDY LUTHERANS WILL CELEBRATE THEIR 500TH BIRTHDAY IN 2017. GET READY FOR THE PARTY WITH BETHANY’S TUESDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY! Lutheran Confessions Plenty of Apologies. No Regrets. WHY SHOULD YOU PARTICIPATE THIS FALL? If you’ve ever wondered what’s so special about Lutherans. We’ll talk about things that join us to others, and things specific to us. If you want to build up your knowledge of scripture and how to put ideas about God into action. If you’ve forgotten what you learned in Confirmation or never participated in Confirmation, this class is for you! (Except this time: no test, no stress, just right!) If you like to spend time with great people and talk about great stuff, this class is for you! Topics: October 7: Oops: Original Sin October 14: BREAK: Pastor Natalie at Bishop’s Convocation October 21: OMJ: The Son of God October 28: “Fancy Words that End in –ion for $200, Alex”: Justification ADULT BIBLE CLASS EACH TUESDAY AT 7:00 PM 5 COMPASSION INTERNATIONAL With the congregation's help, Sunday School sponsors Fabiola Osorio Haro, a fifteen-year-old girl who lives in Peru. Our sponsorship helps with her education and basic care. The cost is $38.00. Please prayerfully consider helping us sponsor Fabiola and sign up in the narthex. Thank you! NEW MEMBERS We invite you to join us at Bethany Lutheran Church! You may become a member through Holy Baptism, Affirmation of Baptism, and if you have previously been a member of another church, with a Letter of Transfer from your previous parish. If you aren’t sure about what these things mean or how to get the process started, begin by asking Pastor Natalie. BETHANY LUTHERAN CHURCH IS A PLACE WHERE: God matters The Gospel matters God’s people matter We explore what these things mean through worship together, conversation, education, fellowship, and service. IF THIS SOUNDS LIKE A COMMUNITY YOU WOULD LIKE TO COMMIT TO AND RECEIVE COMMITMENT FROM, PLEASE JOIN PASTOR NATALIE FOR THREE INTRODUCTORY CONVERSATIONS ON: Sunday, October 5th at 12:00 Noon in the Adult Bible Study Room Sunday, October 12th at 12:00 Noon in the Adult Bible Study Room Sunday, October 19th at 12:00 Noon in the Adult Bible Study Room We will welcome our new members during the 11:00 AM worship service on Sunday, October 26th with a reception at 12:00 Noon. THANK YOU! Thank you for your kindness and nice gifts I received at the Church Picnic for my years of teaching. I really appreciate it! Sincerely, George Aston CONGRATULATIONS BRODY FLOWERS! In September, Brody earned his Life Rank through the Boy Scouts of America. This completes the last phase of his preparation work prior to beginning his Eagle Scout requirements. We're proud of all you do, Brody! EVENTS IN OUR COMMUNITY HOLIDAY CRAFT SHOW The South Park Women's Club is holding their annual Holiday Craft Show on Saturday, October 4th from 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. The Craft Show will be in the Home Economics Building in South Park. We hope to see many of you there for lunch and shopping! We thank you for helping us support many charities and scholarships. 6 FUN & FAITH FOOD PANTRY NEEDS ASSISTANCE Please remember SHIM regularly each month, especially on the second Sunday, which we have designated SHIM / Tub of Love Sunday. Food items to bring for SHIM: cereal or oatmeal, canned vegetables, fruit, chili & beef stew, snacks, soup (dry & canned), beans (dry), pasta, macaroni & cheese (boxed), flour, rice & sugar, tomato sauce & puree (canned & jarred), tuna fish, mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, cooking oil, peanut butter & jelly, powdered milk, baby food, formula. Other needed items: diapers, wipes, toothpaste, toothbrushes (individually packaged), toilet paper, tissues, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant and lotion. Just place your donation in the large basket in the narthex. SHIM also accepts monetary donations for their food bank. Thank you for your donations. BULLETIN RECYCLING PROGRAM Don't forget to recycle your unwanted bulletins at the end of the worship services. There is a bin located near the door in the narthex. If you are interested in volunteering to take the contents of the bin to a local recycling container, please sign up on the bulletin board. There is a list of container locations behind the sign-up sheet. CELEBRATIONS WITHIN OUR CONGREGATION IN OCTOBER 3-October Brooke Darges 6-October Julie Currie 7-October Brody Flowers 7-October Gwen McKinley 7-October Alfred Hanna 10-October Kathy Lorenzato 1-October 4-October 5-October 6-October Happy Birthday to the following individuals: 13-October Julie Hickey 26-October Eve Yarroll 15-October Lisa Rogers 26-October William Harrison 16-October Lorraine Stokes 28-October Patricia Van Kirk 19-October Matt Mihalko 30-October Rhett Gregory 23-October Ron Scheeser 25-October Harry Flowers Happy Anniversary to the following couples: Jill & Joe Bianco 7-October Christine & Chuck Conn Ruth & Ron Lipinski 15-October Kathy & Gary Lorenzato Marilyn & Bob Roberts 27-October Parthy & Harry Chapman Jennifer & Bryan Hucko GRASS CUTTING SCHEDULE FOR OCTOBER 2014 10/4 – Leigh Brooks 10/11 – Dan Volpatti 10/18 – OPEN 10/25 – David Deckard If you have any questions, please call Ron Scheeser at (412)779-2000. Pastor Appreciation Month 7 A Wedding Shower For Pastor Natalie Gessert Sunday, November 9, 2014 12:00 pm—3:00 pm Bethany Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall 5303 Madison Avenue, Bethel Park, PA 15102 Please bring a dish to pass Children welcome Registry: R.S.V.P. by October 30, 2014 Lisa Rogers, 920-296-2424 [email protected] 8 9
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