ZION’S MESSENGER OCTOBER 2014 For What It’s Worth… 4“Happy are those who live in your house, ever singing your praise. 10For a day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere.” Psalm 84:4,10 Even as football has taken over as our primary sports ritual these days, we would do well not to forget that October is still the summit of baseball season. The boys of Fall still have to grant due respect to the boys of October. I am reminded of this in these last days of September as I cheer on our Brewers who overall all put up a good effort this year, despite falling off the pace only to make it an interesting run for the pennant. Baseball, like football, and like many of our other favorite pastimes and hobbies, are filled with ritual, in fact in many ways we can say that they are almost sacramental for us. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, unless they actually take the place of God in our lives. I remember not too long ago being told by a wife that her husband did not feel comfortable in the Lutheran church because we are too ritualistic with all of our standing up and sitting down, our rote prayers, and our call and responding. And yet I thought, like millions of people everywhere, including myself, he has no problem doing the same thing at a sporting event. It’s interesting isn’t it, and we probably don’t spend much time reflecting on it, but what happens at a ball game? The crowd stands and sings the national anthem. Someone throws out the first pitch. People wear goofy outfits, take a seventh-inning stretch, sing “Take Me Out to the Ball Game,” and buy overpriced hot dogs. Most of them will never know that what they are doing is religion, which of course is filled with ritual. Like the man I referred to earlier, a common question posed by many is, “why do Christians need to do all these rituals?” In light of our love affair with sports, it seems that rituals are important to us. The fact is that rituals are simply what human beings do. Rituals make us feel close to one another and to God. They take away our guilt. They comfort us in times of stress. They remind people of what they believe, and teach us the values of our culture. It must have been the same way in the temple. The psalmist says that “one day in the temple courts is better than a thousand elsewhere,” and he envies even the sparrow who makes its nest in a corner of the building (84:3). For these people, the temple was an important place to gather. It was a place where they practiced their important rituals. Above all it was the place where they could go to formally wipe the slate clean, to start their relationships with God all over again. In dying on the cross Jesus performed a life giving act that changes who we are. It was an act that we now remember and celebrate in the ritual of Holy Communion. By engaging in this ritual as often as we meet, we are strengthened and renewed in our faith by the presence of the Risen Christ. Jesus’ death on the cross was more than just a terrible injustice. It was more than just an inspiring act of nonviolent resistance. It was more than a ritual that makes us feel better. Jesus’ death on the cross altered the very fabric of reality. Jesus’ action of offering his own blood - that divine, life-giving substance, somehow made possible a new relationship between human beings and God. Our faith then is not entombed in a set of rituals and dramatic actions that make us feel better. No, our faith is in a God who has acted once and for all on our behalf so they we may have life, and have it more abundantly. See you in church – Pastor Lloyd ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES are in the Conference room across from the Fellowship Hall. Bring your coffee and snack and join us for a time of fellowship, sharing and learning. Bell Choir is 6:00-7:00pm. Sanctuary Choir is 7:15-8:30pm. Come & enjoy the great music & fellowship! See Matt or email him: [email protected] Women's Fellowship Ladies Night Out! Women of Zion & friends meet at 6:30pm for dinner the 4th Tuesday of each month at varying local restaurants. Women of all ages are welcome! Watch the bulletin for our next location. Sign-up in the Narthex or call Sue Joosten at 739-0705 with questions or to sign-up. ATTENTION: PRESENT & NEWLY INTERESTED VISITATION/COMMUNION MINISTERS… Pastor Lloyd & Parish Nurse Judy ask for your attendance to join them for an informational gathering on Sun., Oct. 26th, 9:15-10:15am in the Chapel. We wish to have a unified effort for parishioner visits and the sharing of home communion and would like more people involved with this wonderful ministry. Please RSVP to Judy Zich 450-7997 or call the church office. OWLZ - Watch the bulletin for our next meeting place at 6pm. Sign-up in the Narthex. FROM ZION CHURCH COUNCIL PRESIDENT WENDY SACHS: Change. I don’t deal well with change. I like the old ways because they are comfortable. When I am told we will be doing things a new way, it takes me a bit to process that and be able to move forward. Wouldn’t you know, A Field Guide for the Missional Congregation speaks to churches and change. It talks about how congregations are resistant to change even if it would enhance ministry. The authors talk about the need for dynamic and healthy tension. They speak of the need to maintain continuity but also to respond creatively to change. “Asking the pastor to resign or electing new lay leaders seems to be an all too common approach to solving a crisis and seeking to revitalize a struggling congregation.” The authors of A Field Guide for the Missional Congregation provide the following: Kelly Fryer suggests there are five strategic behaviors that can effect change and also enable a congregation to become the church God intends it to be. A congregation that knows its purpose is to equip and empower people to be the kind of church God needs out there will be a congregation where people engage in five strategic behaviors: get focused set people free take action expect surprises be hopeful We at Zion are in the midst of change. Are we able to adopt these strategic behaviors to move forward? Blessings, Wendy The Council is asking for your support and participation in a very important effort. On October 22 nd and 23rd we will be hosting a Listening Post. The goal of this Listening Post is to gather the thoughts and feelings of our congregation members concerning the ministry of Zion. We hope to have as many people as possible in attendance for this effort. You will be receiving a letter in the mail soon that will explain the importance of this effort. We treasure the opportunity to hear of the joys and concerns that you are facing just now so that we might better form a plan of action for our Congregation’s ministry. Please contact any Council member with questions or concerns. Your participation and support is greatly appreciated. Sign-up sheets for the Listening Post are in the narthex area. You may sign in along with up to five others in the areas marked. We, your Church Council, hope this effort will play a critical role in our short term and long range planning for the future. Let’s all strive to get involved in this process to support the ministry of our church and the mission we are called to share in the name of Jesus Christ. -2- FROM THE DESK OF MATT WALSH, ORGANIST So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting the message of reconciliation to us. So we are ambassadors of Christ, since God is making his appeal through us; we entreat you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 Last month in my article I wrote about having faith to step out of the boat to tackle new adventures. This month I want to expand on that thought, using the verses from 2 Corinthians. Summer is always a test of my patience. I bemoan the fact that rehearsals have to come to an end. I would much rather rehearse all year round; after all, the liturgical year doesn’t stop for the muggy Wisconsin summers. Each May/June I sadly relieve the choir members of their Wednesday rehearsal duties, and wait rather impatiently for September to come. This past summer was no different than any other summer, except this year it felt like September would never come. Thankfully September has come and has once again provided a brand new set of opportunities and challenges. I am grateful to the dedication of the people that are participating in either the bell choir, sanctuary choir, and in some instances both. Most of the people in these groups have been a part of these groups for many years and return faithfully each year to make music in praise to God. As we move forward together in the upcoming months and years I want to encourage everyone to come and try a rehearsal out, see what it feels like to be in the fellowship of one of our musical groups. There are some things that are very new, like the location of the music room, but many things that are old. As we explore music together we are discovering new ways of doing things, spicing things up a bit, but also claiming some of the rich heritage of the past. Our rehearsals are welcoming, there is no negativity allowed to happen in the rehearsal space. When you walk through the doors of the music room, the old passes away and we all start new upon entering. As Paul states, “We are ambassadors of Christ,” and that is what we claim as musicians of Zion, now and always. Our music is founded on God, not on instruments or people. We have the honor to serve the church, not just ourselves. I invite you to come and experience God’s grace and love, even if it is just once. God has the power to make everything new through the gift of music. Please, come and witness that great gift of being a musical ambassador of Christ. In Christ; Matthew FROM DISCIPLES’ CLOSET: A young woman in Appleton conceived the idea to give residents of the Emergency Shelter of the Fox Valley a day of pampering to help them elevate their self esteem and give them some hope for a better future. The event video recorded will be used at the annual fundraiser for the ESFV. I was approached in mid-August to see if Disciples' Closet could provided the clothing portion of the process. Abbey Larsen agreed to help in choosing the clothing from her Career Corner project. She also agreed to find a few high school friends to help with any childcare that might be needed throughout the day. The timing of the event was unfortunate for me as I was out of town, and while I got the DC portion started Abbey took over and did the bulk of our work. The event was a resounding success. I was able to see several participants at the salon and they were glowing with happiness. In all about 14 residents, both male and female, were involved. For those of you who see Abbey in the coming weeks please take time to congratulate her on a job well done. She showed true Christian kindness and concern for the less fortunate in our area. Disciples' Closet is an asset of Zion and continues to appreciate the support from the Zion Congregation. ~ Marilyn Catlin -3- SOCK IT TO ME & UNDIES SUNDAYS… Disciples’ Closet is in need of men's, women's and children's socks & underwear. This is a great time to make a donation. Please consider a donation October 5 and 12. This is the best OUTREACH OF ZION members and we are known for helping others through Disciples’ Closet. Help Support Zion’s Youth Programs by purchasing Scrip all Year! When you purchase scrip, you buy a gift card for a store you regularly shop at. You pay $25, you get a $25 gift card. Zion then earns a percentage kickback on the amount you purchase. Order forms are in the narthex and can be dropped off in the box on the office door. We can now order any amount for Festival Foods! FLEET FARM - Zion must have $1000.00 minimum total to be ordered. MARY’S RESTAURANT available for ordering. See Jodi to purchase some! The Central Lay School of Ministry of the East Central Synod of Wisconsin presents the Fourth Annual “Listen to My Teaching” - Proverbs 3:1-2 Saturday, October 25, 2014 from 8:15 am – 2:30 pm Classes held at: Saint Andrew Lutheran Church 3200 North Mountain Road Wausau, Wisconsin 54401 Come join us for a day of learning as we explore diverse topics in spirituality, theology, Bible study, and more. There’s something for everyone! Don’t miss it! Look for more info at our website www.wausaulayschool.org Blessings to all who are celebrating a birthday, anniversary or any special occasion in October! ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH MINISTRY PLAN 1/01/2014 thru 8/31/2014 CASH RECEIPTS Member Donations Rental Income Interest Income Other Income** Total Cash Receipts 202,886 41,140 777 93,835 338,637 OPERATING COSTS Personnel Administrative Property Total Operating Costs 162,852 23,574 50,780 237,207 MINISTRY TEAMS/PROGRAM COSTS Worship & Music Family Ministries Discipleship Social Concerns Hospitality Communications Benevolence Total Ministry Teams/Program Costs 4,669 459 1,439 520 1,264 24,693 33,045 Cash Balance 68,386 **In the month of June, a bequest in the amount of $25,000 is included in Other Income. Council has approved the bequest be held to assist in cash shortages during the summer months due to lower giving by members of Congregation. In the month of August, a bequest in the amount of $52,500 is included in Other Income. These funds are being held to assist in cash shortages through the end of the year. The Ministry Plan projected Member Donations received by the end of 8/31/14 to be $224,000. Zion is short $21,114.26 of reaching this goal at this time. EXCLUDING RECEIPT OF THE BEQUESTS TOTALING $77,500, THE CASH SHORTAGE YEAR-TO-DATE WOULD BE $(9,114). -4- Wendy Sachs - President Phil Meyer - Vice President Tom Meltz - Secretary Deb Reis - Treasurer Amy Baehman - Family Ministry Jamie Behnke - Worship & Music Mike Grimmer - Personnel 2014 ZION CONGREGATION COUNCIL MEMBERS [email protected] Marilyn Hetzler - Hospitality [email protected] Tom Hintz - at large [email protected] Paul Murray - Property [email protected] Ray Pittman - ZLC Foundation [email protected] Carl Schelm - ZMH [email protected] Steve Smith - Social Concerns [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] August 2014 Council Meeting Highlights Organ Committee: Jim Schley said the Organ Committee needs to be more open and transparent. Steve Smith felt we have all handled the Organ Project poorly. There have been delays and a lack of communication in order to explain why these delays happened. 7:45pm - Executive session called. Motion to accept the July Council minutes as printed, seconded and passed. Treasurer’s Report - ZMH $100 move in fee required and returned to renters provided the renter has cleaned up. A $25 background check fee for new renters. A $10,500 payment was made to Steve Russell in August. Motion for 50% of the General Benevolence Mission Support in August to go to the Gathering Place at UW-O. In September the ministry teams will receive a copy of their spending in 2014 to prepare their spending plan for 2015. Finance Team will review the ministry teams’ information in October. Preliminary ministry plan will be reviewed by Council in November. Final ministry plan will need to be approved at the December Council meeting for presentation to the congregation in the annual report. Pastor’s Report - New members: Matthew, Steffanie, Hayleigh, Gabriel, Lukas Walsh, Cambri Reuter. Removed Pete & Lynn Glienke per their request - no contact info. Marlin & Kim Butt at their request - moving. Dorothy Hottenstine - death. Motion to accept membership matters was passed. There was a motion to spend $2150.00 for risers in the Sanctuary. Matt Walsh will attend the Council meetings to present Musician’s Report. There was a motion not to participate with Work Experience with W-2 program by Disciples’ Closet. It was seconded and passed. There was a motion to complete the work on the Zion parking lot which would total $6755.00. It was seconded and passed. There was a motion to rescind the Staff Insurance motion Health Compensation Package from the April 24, 2014 Council Meeting. Motion seconded and passed. A motion to go forward with a Parish Nurse as opposed to a Visitation Pastor for the foreseeable future. Reactivation of Worship & Music Team - we need to survey the Congregation. We base decisions on the survey results to plan types and quantities of services. Copies of the Constitution edits to date were given to Council members with the expectation the edits through Chapter 7, will be reviewed and comments brought to September Council Meeting. A COMPLETE COPY OF THE MINUTES IS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST FROM THE CHURCH OFFICE Director of Choirs – Zion is seeking a part-time director of choirs. The director of choirs will be responsible for directing all choirs of the congregation. Working knowledge of Zion’s worship services and a theological understanding of church music is desired. A full job description is available on our web site at www.zionappleton.com or in the church office. -5- ALTAR FLOWERS: Clarice & Jim Belling and Carol & Frederick Weiss in memory of Elmer & Helen Belling. Jim & Ellie Wilz in celebration of their 57th wedding anniversary. SPECIAL GIFTS AND MEMORIALS GRATEFULLY RECEIVED: Katherine Schefe in loving memory of Earl Schefe, designated for the Organ Fund. The following people remembered Carl Dittmar with their gifts to Zion’s Organ Fund: Charles & Karen Arnoldussen, Roger & Sally Fieck, Shirley Frank, Marlene Gorman, Harry Hameister, Don & Marilyn Hetzler, Tom & Sue Joosten, Jim & Bev Kohl, Karen Meyer, Don & Gwen Schwandt, Diana Staedt, Dave & Janice Weber, George & Vera Zimmer, Family & Friends of Carl Dittmar. Joni Keider (Schinke), Jim Schinke, Bill Schinke, Jan Keider in memory of Mavis Schinke, designated for roof repairs. Geri Paschke in memory of Vi Sagert, designated for the General Fund. WEDDINGS: Pirkola & Minkebige - September 27, 2014 BAPTISMS: Mateo Lee Millard - August 31, 2014 Karrinah Louise Moderson - September 15, 2014 Expressing Your Thanks to God How are you saying THANKS to God for all that he has given and entrusted to you? When you think of Christian stewardship, you probably think of what you place in the offering plate. I hope that you are showing your gratitude through generous giving, but what about using your talents for God through the church? All of us, to one degree or another, have the ability to do things that can be of benefit to our church. In other words—after you have heard the sermon and participated in Holy Communion—now it’s time to show your thanks by doing some work for the Lord. You may ask: “Why should I?” Think for a moment about our situation. Many do not realize that sin is a big problem and obstacle in this world. We do. Thanks to the Word of God, we have been brought to the realization that forgiveness is needed every day. Scripture also tells us that salvation is a free gift that we can’t earn. That fact should make us more eager to say thanks to God who has saved and freed us from eternal condemnation and who gives us a fresh start every day. As stewards, we realize that our talents and abilities are gifts from God that are to be used in his service. When we use our gifts for God’s glory, we are acknowledging that he is the provider, and we express our thanks for what he gives to us. Some of the tasks that we can do around the church are fairly obvious, such as being kind and courteous to fellow worshippers and visitors, giving words of encouragement, singing in the choir, ushering, teaching Sunday school, serving on committees or boards, washing the windows, etc. If you’re unsure, please check with us in the church office to see how you can use your gifts. There are many ways of expressing thanks to the Lord. We hope that one of the ways that you will say thanks is through using your talents at our church. -6- OCTOBER WORSHIP ASSISTANTS OCTOBER 5/6 OCTOBER 12/13 OCTOBER 19/20 OCTOBER 26/27 Altar Care 8:00 Diana Staedt 10:30 6:00 George/Vera Zimmer Altar Care 8:00 Behnke Family 10:30 6:00 George/Vera Zimmer Altar Care 8:00 Bob & Jodie Larsen 10:30 6:00 George/Vera Zimmer Altar Care 8:00 Sue Joosten 10:30 6:00 George/Vera Zimmer Assisting Minister 8:00 Mary Turner 10:30 Jo Schiedermayer Assisting Minister 8:00 Wendy Sachs 10:30 Emma Desens Assisting Minister 8:00 Janice Weber 10:30 Dave Murphy Assisting Minister 8:00 Deb Reis 10:30 Jo Schiedermayer Communion Assistants 8:00 Steve, Kaylee Daniels Sari, Zach Ashauer 10:30 Lynn Murphy, Shirley Frank Tommy Meltz, Jane Dittmar Communion Assistants 8:00 Karen Arnoldussen, Deb Reis, Amy Baehman Harry Hameister 10:30 Grace Van Eyck, Phil Meyer Alden Kuschel Amy Luedeman Communion Assistants 8:00 Elmer & Karen Luedtke LeRoy & Darlene Roehl 10:30 Dan & Liz Ebben Wendy Sachs, Shirley Frank Communion Assistants 8:00 Sue Joosten, Bob Pautz Mary Turner, Wendy Sachs 10:30 Mike/Dawn, Aimee Grimmer Gary Neumann Tommy Meltz Fellowship Luedtkes & Doris Murray Fellowship Larsen Family Fellowship Behnke Family Fellowship Doris Murray Greeters 8:00 Shorty Managan Vivian Schutte 10:30 Sonja Eick Greeters 8:00 Shorty Managan Sally Fieck 10:30 Gail Dutcher & Family Greeters 8:00 Shorty Managan Behnke Family 10:30 Behnke Family Greeters 8:00 Shorty Managan 10:30 Ken & Sandy Lange Lectors 8:00 Mary Turner 10:30 Jo Schiedermayer 6:00 Jennifer Massey Lectors 8:00 Wendy Sachs 10:30 Emma Desens 6:00 Val Smith Lectors 8:00 Janice Weber 10:30 Dave Murphy 6:00 Matt Walsh Lectors 8:00 Deb Reis 10:30 Jo Schiedermayer 6:00 Jennifer Massey Linens: Linens: Linens: Linens: Ushers: 8:00 Dave Rades, John Becker Lyle Butts, Clyde Bergmann Carl Abendroth Karen Arnoldussen Dave Weber 10:30 Tex Goehring Al Gresl, Carl Schelm Lynn Walter Gary Neumann 6:00 Duane Schoepke Ushers: 8:00 Dave Rades, John Becker Lyle Butts, Clyde Bergmann Carl Abendroth Karen Arnoldussen Dave Weber 10:30 Tex Goehring Al Gresl, Carl Schelm Lynn Walter Gary Neumann 6:00 Duane Schoepke Ushers: 8:00 Dave Rades, John Becker Lyle Butts, Clyde Bergmann Carl Abendroth Karen Arnoldussen Dave Weber 10:30 Tex Goehring Al Gresl, Carl Schelm Lynn Walter Gary Neumann 6:00 Duane Schoepke Ushers: 8:00 Dave Rades, John Becker Lyle Butts, Clyde Bergmann Carl Abendroth Karen Arnoldussen Dave Weber 10:30 Tex Goehring Al Gresl, Carl Schelm Lynn Walter Gary Neumann 6:00 Duane Schoepke Communications Team: Jason Ashauer Zach Ashauer, Dan Weber Jacob Weber, Ray Hestres Sidney Hestres Curt Swanson Communications Team: Jason Ashauer Zach Ashauer, Dan Weber Jacob Weber, Ray Hestres Sidney Hestres Curt Swanson Communications Team: Jason Ashauer Zach Ashauer, Dan Weber Jacob Weber, Ray Hestres Sidney Hestres Curt Swanson Communications Team: Jason Ashauer Zach Ashauer, Dan Weber Jacob Weber, Ray Hestres Sidney Hestres Curt Swanson If you are unable to serve on the date you are scheduled, please make sure to have a replacement and let Jodi know in the church office. -7- October 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 9:30am Bible Study 3:30pm Property Team Meeting 6:00pm Confirmation 6:00pm Kingdom for Kids 6:00pm Bell Choir 7:15pm Sanctuary Choir 6 7 8 6:00pm Worship - 1:00pm Caregivers 9:30am Bible Study Amy Group 10:30am Social Marie Concerns Meeting 6:00pm Confirmation 6:00pm Kingdom for Kids 6:00pm Bell Choir 7:15pm Sanctuary Choir 2 9:00am LEAVEN 9:00am Disciples’ Closet 3 4 9 9:00am LEAVEN 9:00am Disciples’ Closet 6:00pm Executive Meeting 10 11 Kitchen Fellowship Hall Reserved 12 8:00am Worship 9:15am Sunday School, Confirmation, Adult Education 9:15am Fellowship 10:30am Worship 13 6:00pm Worship 14 9:00am Zion Place Meeting 10:00am Staff 6:00pm Finance Team Meeting 15 Newsletter Deadline 9:30am Bible Study 6:00pm Confirmation 6:00pm Kingdom for Kids 6:00pm Bell Choir 7:15pm Sanctuary Choir 16 9:00am LEAVEN 9:00am Disciples’ Closet 17 18 19 8:00am Worship 9:15am Sunday School, Confirmation, Adult Education 9:15am Fellowship 10:30am Worship 20 6:00pm Worship 21 1:00pm Caregivers Group 6:00pm Council Meeting 22 9:30am Bible Study 5:00pm-9:00pm Listening Sessions 6:00pm Confirmation 6:00pm Kingdom for Kids 6:00pm Bell Choir 7:15pm Sanctuary Choir 23 24 9:00am LEAVEN 9:00am Disciples’ Closet 9:00am-9:00pm Listening Sessions 25 26 8:00am Worship 9:15am Sunday School, Confirmation, Adult Education 9:15am Fellowship 9:15am Visitation Ministers Meeting 10:30am Worship 27 6:00pm Worship 28 Newsletter Assembly 10:00am Staff 6:30pm Women’s FellowshipLocation TBD 29 9:30am 6:00pm 6:00pm 7:15pm 30 9:00am LEAVEN 9:00am Disciples’ Closet 5 8:00am Worship 9:15am Sunday School, Confirmation, Adult Education 9:15am Fellowship 9:15am Blood Pressure Checks 10:30am Worship -8- Bible Study Confirmation Bell Choir Sanctuary Choir 31 From the desk of Judy Zich, RN, Parish Nurse Happy Fall – no matter what we see outside our window! While looking up what national health issues were on the list for awareness or observation, I was surprised at the variety – yet interconnectedness of many. * Arthritis awareness * Mental Health month * Healthy vision month * Better hearing and speech month * National Osteoporosis (generalized loss of bone density, causing skeletal weakness) awareness and prevention. * National physical fitness and sports month * Melanoma / skin cancer detection and prevention month; Ultraviolet awareness and UV safety month. * National Asthma and Allergy awareness month * And as always nutritional recommendations and guidelines. As I skimmed several sites for info on some of these topics, the general “theme of moderation and taking care of ourselves” was often included. Taking good care of your body and mind can make a difference in how healthy you are in general and how well you cope and adapt to change.” Even if we are coping with a major illness or life changing situation such as loss of job, divorce or financial difficulty, the key factors of rest, relaxation and exercise are vital. Stress is a normal part of everybody’s life, sometimes just from not sleeping well or having too much to do or worrying about someone or something. In response to stress, your body to counter increases blood pressure, heart rate, respiration, metabolism and blood flow to your muscles to help your body react quickly and effectively to a high pressure situation. However, prolonged or continued stress without making adjustments to counter the effects can threatened your health. The tips for reducing or controlling stress include: * Be realistic – learn to say No! * Shed the “Superman / Superwoman” urge * Meditate – pray * Share your feelings *Take one thing at a time * Be flexible * Go easy with criticism – of others and yourself I am including healthy eating websites: Mediterranean Diet Pyramid = http://oldwayspt.org. This pyramid continues to be a well known guide to what is now universally recognized as the gold standard eating pattern that promotes lifelong good health. It has been widely used for years by consumers, educators, and health professionals alike to implement healthier eating habits. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reminder…. “The Caregiver Gathering” held at Zion, that is facilitated by the Parish Nurse, will continue in October on Tuesdays 7 & 21 from 1:00pm-2:30pm in the Conference Rm. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -9- NATIONAL YOUTH GATHERING - JULY 15-19, 2015 in DETROIT, MI The ELCA Youth Gathering for high school-age youth takes place every three years and is about faith formation, worship, study, fellowship, service and play. It is an opportunity for youth to engage with peers from across the United States and the world who share a common commitment and faith in Christ. The Gathering is a five-day event that begins on a Wednesday evening and ends with a service of communion the following Sunday morning. The opening night sets the stage for the days ahead in which young people may have an encounter with Jesus that energizes their faith and helps them discover their call to serve in the world — locally and globally. On the days between Wednesday & Sunday, young people rotate through a variety of service learning experiences in the surrounding community. They explore and strengthen their faith by studying God’s word, serving their neighbor, sharing bread and wine in worship, participating in lively faith discussions and broadening their experience of God’s world and diverse communities through travel. The theme for the 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering, Rise Up Together, was discerned by a diverse group of people. It was particularly important that the group intentionally reflect a diversity that mirrors the population of Detroit. Any teenager going into ninth, tenth, eleventh or twelfth grade or having just graduated from high school at the time of the 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering is eligible to register as part of a congregational group. All registrants should be members or guests of ELCA congregations. The registration fee is $325 per person and includes five inspirational sessions in Ford Field, Community Life activities in Gathering venues, interactive, faith-informing, service-learning experiences, and community-based justice projects. Additional fund raising will need to be done to cover transportation, housing food & other costs. Sign-up on the youth bulletin board in the chapel hallway if you are interested in going. Adult chaperones are also needed. Organ Committee Update With each visit from our builder, Russell Organ Builders, Zion’s organ rebuilding project moves closer and closer to completion! The latest trip to Zion, during the week of 9/22, included the installation of pipes, pipes and more pipes. The builder team added a variety of new reed sounds and some of the softer flutes to enhance the tonal qualities of pipes that were installed during previous visits. During this visit, an educational meeting was held in the balcony with Steve Russell, members of the Council, and the organ committee to demonstrate the organ’s “playability” and to address questions that anyone had about the project. There are plans to have additional pipes installed later this fall. Discussions are under way for completing the casework and façade and for the dedication activities. Exciting times are upon us! Look for additional news in the coming weeks. We would like to thank the members of the congregation that help reduce costs for the project by providing housing for our builder and his crew during their stays! Memberprovided housing eliminates hotel costs. If you would be able to provide housing for two or three individuals during future stays, please contact any member of the Organ Committee. Thank you to the many members who provide support for this project! The Organ Committee Jim Schley Greg Pettigrew Gwen Schwandt Matt Walsh (Organist) Ellen Gast Marilyn Hetzler (Council Liaison) -10- Please join the Fox Valley Warming Shelter for our 3rd annual October 12th - Registration Grateful Plateful fundraiser on Oct. 9th! The event will be begins at 12:30pm, walk at 1pm held at the Grand Meridian, 2621 N. Oneida St. in Appleton Memorial Presbyterian Church from 5-8 p.m. Guests will enjoy a heavy hors d’oeuvres buffet, 803 E. College Ave program, silent auction, and entertainment by Druids Table, Choose 1, 3 or 6 miles walk. Faith communities, school a local Celtic band. Tickets for $50 available online at groups, organizations, families, individuals, neighbors, www.foxvalleywarmingshelter.org, at Festival Foods in strollers, wheelchairs, leashed dogs are all welcome! Darboy, Appleton & Neenah, or call Connie at 419-0928 to purchase. BENEVOLENCE AT WORK! Grace Van Eyck “For as one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members of one another.” Romans 12:4-5 Mission Support When you give at Zion, a percentage of that money is shared with your synod and with the ELCA churchwide organization. The portion of your offering that is shared with the wider church is called Mission Support. As members of the ELCA, we are freed in Christ to love and serve our neighbor, open to the Holy Spirit’s invitation to be active in the world. By sharing your time, talents and financial resources, you are participating in God’s work throughout the United States and around the world. Mission Support that is shared with the churchwide organization returns back to our congregation and synod in the form of services, programs, resources or grants. Following is a “Faith in Action” story about a new ELCA worshipping community that Mission Support dollars has helped to start: “Whenever community members worship at Followers of Christ, a new ELCA worshiping community at the Nebraska State Penitentiary in Lincoln, Neb., they are always astonished. “These people look like me. They could be my neighbors,” they say. To which Bob Bryan, the ministry’s pastor, nods and replies, “They are.” Followers of Christ is supported by ELCA members, grants from the ELCA Nebraska Synod and the ELCA churchwide organization. And along with its partner ministries at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church in Lincoln, it works hard to restore the broken relationships between the inmates, God and society. Most inmates get out in four years and are eager to return to normal lives. Followers of Christ is there to make that transition easier. Bob says he meets many people in the community who think that the inmates don’t deserve such a service, to which he will reply: “We are all equal at the foot of the cross.” To find our more on what Mission Support does look for “Your Offering at Work” and “Mission of the Month” flyers on the bulletin boards and in the Fellowship Hall. ZION EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH A Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 912 North Oneida Street, Appleton, WI 54911 ♦ (920) 739-3104 Fax # (920) 832-8680 [email protected] ♦ Website – www.zionappleton.com Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 9:00am-3:00pm Zion Place Worship Experiences Monday: 6:00 p.m. ♦ Sunday: 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Fellowship on Sunday: 9:15 a.m. Reverend Lloyd Leo Luedeman Grace Van Eyck Matthew Walsh Jodi Hoesli Judy Zich RN Nao Bee Moua Sari Ashauer Ashley, Brei, Jenni Governile Steve Smith Elmer Luedtke Senior Pastor Finance Manager Organist Secretary Parish Nurse Building Manager Confirmation Youth Sunday School ZP Maintenance & Manager ZP Maintenance ╝ ╚ ╗ ╔ MAILED SEPTEMBER 25, 2014 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH 912 N. ONEIDA STREET APPLETON, WISCONSIN 54911 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID APPLETON, WISCONSIN PERMIT NO. 41
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