FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH NEWSLETTER First United Methodist Church 270 Main Street Savannah, Tennessee 38372 October 9, 2014 RON BROWN, Pastor Parsonage: 731-925-3224 Cell: 731-412-9881 Email: [email protected] BOB BROWN, Worship, Music & Youth Director WENDY GANNON, Nursery Worker MARTHA SMITH, Pianist – Organist DEBBIE NEYMAN, Assistant Pianist NATHAN VAUGHN, Custodian Email: [email protected] GEORGIE ANN VAUGHN, Secretary CHURCH WEBSITE Email: [email protected] CHURCH ADDRESS SUSAN HORTON, Bookkeeper 270 Main St. Email: [email protected] Savannah TN 38372 If you would like to subscribe or unsubscribe to the email newsletter, please let us know your preference by email to [email protected]. The weekly newsletter can be found on FUMC facebook & on our church website, This Week at our Church THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9 11:30AM--Lunch Bunch leaving for Hagy’s Catfish Hotel 7:00PM--Scouts FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, OFFICE CLOSED SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11 Happy Fall Ya’ll downtown at the court square SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12 8:30AM--Men’s Breakfast at Mollie Monday’s 9:30AM--Holy Communion in the sanctuary 10:00AM--Sunday School for all ages 11:00AM--Worship 4:00PM--Youth Choir 5:00PM--Youth outing to Florence AL MONDAY, OCTOBER 13 NEWSLETTER ARTICLES DUE BY 12 NOON! 10:00AM--Faith Bible Study meeting in the choir room 5:30PM--Covenant Bible Study in Salt & Light SSC TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14 10:00AM--Staff Meeting 12:00PM--Rotary meeting in Youth Center WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15 10:00AM--Covenant Bible Study in Salt & Light SSC 5:00PM--Chancel Ringers, Covenant Prayer, Youth Bible Study 5:45PM--Fellowship meal will be meat loaf, creamed potatoes, green beans, & a roll from Hickory Pit. Shugart Martin SSC will have set up, clean up & desserts. 6:30PM--Choir, Bible Zone THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16 1:00PM--Wesleyan Circle meeting at home of JoAnne Taylor 7:00PM--Scouts FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, OFFICE CLOSED SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 8:00AM--SCA car wash in front parking lot SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 8:30AM--Trunk or Treat Pancake Breakfast in Youth Center 9:30AM--Holy Communion in the sanctuary 10:00AM--Sunday School for all ages 11:00AM--Worship 4:00PM--Youth Choir 5:00PM--Youth HOLY COMMUNION OFFERED EACH SUNDAY IN THE CHURCH 9:30 – 9:55 AM (EXCEPT 1ST SUNDAY COMMUNION SERVED DURING WORSHIP) Our next Lunch Bunch destination on Thursday, October 9th will be to Hagy’s Catfish Hotel. We will leave the church at 11:30am. Please call the church office by noon on Monday, October 6th to make reservations. Faith Bible Study meets at First United Methodist on Monday mornings at 10:00 in the choir room. Sunday, October 12, 2014 Ephesians 4:1-8 & 11-13 Luke 11:42 “Gifts” ATTENDANCE SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5 Sunday School: 84 Worship: 142 GIFTS As we look at the gi of gi s there are two scriptures that come to mind. The first scripture is I Corinthians 4:7: ”For who sees anything different in you? What do you have that you did not receive? And if you received it, why do you boast as if it were not a gi ?” This reminds us that God is giving and does not withhold anything we need from us. Addi*onally, it reminds us that if we would be like God, we too would be giving. The second scripture is from Genesis 28:22. Here Jacob makes a promise to God that has been a tradi*on in Jewish and Chris*an faiths since made. Jacob said, “…of all that you give me I will surely give one tenth to you.” This scripture reminds us that God does not ask for all that has been given to us, but only for a tenth. God does not need everything, for God can do more with one tenth than we can do with all that we have received. But God wants us to know the joy of giving and the blessings to be had. As you pray about giving back to God from that you have received, please consider *thing. If you cannot give a tenth, then give what you can and begin working toward *thing. Remember, giving to God is a privilege and a source of great blessing. Love and Peace, STEWARDSHIP SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5 GIVING for the week of 10/05/14 $ 7,511.19 YTD projected budget needs $291,498.40 YTD budget offerings received $247,909.06 JESUS ACTS OF KINDNESS WITNESSED THIS WEEK 164+ A total of 16 people reported Jesus Acts of Kindness. JESUS ACTS OF KINDNESS SEPTEMBER 2013 TO DATE 13,175+ OCTOBER LITURGIST Susanna Brown OCTOBER USHERS Janice Boling, Jack Adams, Gary Gannon & Shawn Duren OCTOBER GREETERS Joe Holland, Amy Holland, Judith Holland & Susanna Brown OCTOBER ACOLYTES Latonia Gilbert & Pam Wolfe COUNTING TEAMS 10/12 B. Goodyear, K. Wilkes, N. Smith 10/19 D. Hutchinson, D. Vaughn, Y. McGinley 10/23 S. Duren, D. McLean, J. Adams 10/30 K. Kemp, R. Shank, T. Smith Ron *Please remember to arrange for a substitute if you are unable to attend. IMMEDIATE NEEDS Patricia Aird Gwin Anderson Joe & Patty Anderson Earnest Bacon Betty Bellis Abigail Blevins Annabelle Blevins Lucy Burgess Penny Chaney Family Jason Chenault Cynthia Clement Tom Clement Betty Lynn Collier Larry Davis David Fisher Anita Fletcher Jimmie Freeman Barry Gilchrist Larry Harrell Joey Hinton Stan Holt Curt Hopper Sharron Hopper Vincent Hopson James Huddleston Tim Hudson Gladys Hudspeth Wendy Lard Ryan Lasource Todd Lassiter Chuck Medlin Nick Newhouse Bo Oxley Vilenda Parrish Gene Paulk Barbara Peiper Steve Pettigrew Barbara Prather Jimmy Qualls Patricia Qualls Cathy Cromwell Rains Larry Richardson Richard Rogers Margaret Seaton Rhonda Shannon Thomas Allen Stewart Paisley Tull Cinda Walz Joe Warrington Vernell White Mike Wills Tommy Wolfe Bobby Yeiser Family We would like to express our appreciation for all cards, calls, visits and prayers for Gene’s recovery. He is at home. He will enjoy calls or emails, but he is not allowed visitors for the next two weeks. God bless you all! Gene and Marie Paulk ONGOING NEEDS Regina Alexander Russ Alexander Jimmie Allegood Peggie Brown Polly Burgess Ronald Casey Jeannie Cothom Melissa Crenshaw Betty English Meda Falls Margie Franks Amy Garner Latonia Gilbert Steve Harrison Marguerite Hughes George Ann Ingram Dr. Charles Lull Don Morris Streetie Morris Dr. Pat Newhouse Jesus Acts of Kindness Ministry Medical Workers serving in Africa battling the Ebola virus Charles Pannell Verlesha Parsons Raven Plumlee Cammie Priesmeyer Ken Qualls Dorothy Rainey Bonnie Shelby Mary Morgan Stanley Ann Stricklin Our Church Our Church Staff Our Military Our World The fellowship meal for October 15th will be meat loaf, creamed potatoes, green beans, & a roll from the Hickory Pit. Shugart Martin SSC will have set up, clean up, & desserts. The cost is $6 per person. Please sign up on Sunday’s attendance sheets or by calling the church office by noon on Monday, October 13th if you would like to join us. STEWARDSHIP MONTH SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12 GIFTS The next meeting will be Sunday, Nov. 2nd SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 SERVICE SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26, COMMITMENT SUNDAY WITNESS at 8:30AM at Jack’s NEXT MEETING WILL BE SUNDAY, Nov. 9th at 8:30AM at Mollie Mondays COOKBOOK PRE-ORDER FORM The next Wesleyan Circle will meet at 1:00pm on Thursday, October 16th at the home of JoAnne Taylor. Charlotte Gammill will be co-host. NAME:______________________________________________ PHONE #:____________________________________________ HOW MANY COOKBOOKS WOULD YOU LIKE TO ORDER?_____________________________________________ AMOUNT PAID $_____________________________________ First United Methodist is responsible for canned meat for CAM. Please bring your donations and place them in the basket located downstairs as you enter the back door. You may also bring your donations on the first Sunday of each month and place them in the narthex. Thank you for helping in this important ministry! *NOTE: Cookbooks should be ready by the end of November. The cost is $20.00 per cookbook. Please pay when placing your pre-order. Thank you! The next Laity Club Supper will be on Tuesday, November 4th at 6:00PM at Campground UMC Given in memory of Bobby Yeiser by Helen Alexander, Ginger Ingle, and Emmett and Lee Yeiser. 1) Buy lunch for a stranger. 2) Volunteer to wash a senior adult’s car. 3) Send cards to local veterans and let them know how much they are appreciated. 4) Become a Meals on Wheels volunteer. 5) Volunteer to mail cards to American soldiers serving in other countries. When I was young, I used to admire intelligent people; as I grow older, I admire kind people. ALTAR FLOWERS 10/12 Anne Jimmerson 10/19 Roger & Michele Blevins 10/26 Shawn & Vanessa Duren 11/02 Carla Deatherage 11/09 This date is available We have October 12th, November 9th & 23rd and December 28th open for altar flowers. If you would like to sign up for one of these dates, please call the church office at 925-3436. What’s in the Bag? October 12 Betty Lynn Collier October 19 Kevin Wilkes October 26th Ben Brown November 2nd Jeanette Cronise TRUNK OR TREAT KICK-OFF PANCAKE BREAKFAST November 9th David & Anna Carroll SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19TH November 16th Ron Shank 8:30—TIL SUNDAY SCHOOL IN YOUTH CENTER November 23rd Mickey Curtis Please sign up on Sunday’s attendance sheets or by calling November 30th Pam Wolfe the church office if you would like to attend. There will December 7th Susanna Brown be no charge for the breakfast, but you may donate indi- December 14th Betty Lynn Collier vidually wrapped candy to be used at Trunk or Treat on Wednesday, October 29th. Anyone who would like to volunteer to help with the “What’s in the Bag?” ministry, please call Betty Lynn Collier at 607-5757.
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