2014 IACSIT GENEVA CONFERENCES CONTENT Welcome to Geneva Conferences ………………………………………………………………………….2 Announcement ………………………………………………………………………….3 Introduction of Conference Chair and Keynote Speakers ……………………………………………………………………….…5 Instruction for Oral Presentation ………………………………………………………………………….8 Technical Program at a Glance ………………………………………………………………………….9 Detailed Technical Program Schedule for October 8…………………………………………10 Schedule for October 9…………………………………………11 Information of Conference Venue ………………………………………………………………………27 Call for Paper ………………………………………………………………………28 Note ………………………………………………………………………………34 1/ 34 2014 IACSIT GENEVA CONFERENCES Welcome to Geneva Conferences Dear Professors and Distinguished Delegates, Welcome to 2014 IACSIT Geneva Conferences. On behalf of IACSIT organization, I would like to thank all the Conference Chairs, Program Chairs and the technical Committees. Their high competence and professional advice enable us to prepare the high-quality program. We hope all of you have a wonderful time at the conference and also in Geneva. We believe that by this excellent conference, you can get more opportunities for further communication with researchers and practitioners with the common interest in Information Communication and Management, International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering, Distance Learning and Education. In order to hold more professional and significant international conferences, your suggestions are warmly welcomed. And we are looking forward to meeting you again next time. Best Regards! Yours sincerely, Teresa Zhang Director of Conference Department, IACSIT 2/ 34 2014 IACSIT GENEVA CONFERENCES Announcement All accepted papers of ICDLE 2014 will be published in International Journal of Information and Education Technology (IJIET, ISSN: 2010-3689, www.ijiet.org ),which will be indexed by Engineering & Technology Digital Library, Google Scholar, Crossref and ProQuest. All accepted papers of ICCEE 2014, both invited and contributed, will be reviewed by two or three experts from the TC. After a careful reviewing process, all accepted paper will be published in the following journals: International Journal of Electrical Energy (IJOEE) ISSN: 2301-3656 Abstracting/Indexing: EI (INSPEC, IET), Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Google Scholar, EBSCO, Engineering & Technology Digital Library and etc. International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering (IJCEE) ISSN: 1793-8163 Abstracting/ Indexing: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Google Scholar, EBSCO, Engineering & Technology Digital Library, Crossref, ProQuest, EI (INSPEC, IET), and Electronic Journals Library International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering (IJIEE) ISSN: 2010-3719 Abstracting/ Indexing: Google Scholar, Electronic Journals Library, Engineering & Technology Digital Library, Crossref and ProQuest, DOAJ, Ei (INSPEC, IET). 3/ 34 2014 IACSIT GENEVA CONFERENCES All accepted papers of ICICM 2014, both invited and contributed, will be reviewed by two or three experts from the TC. After a careful reviewing process, all accepted paper will be published in the Lecture Notes on Information Theory (LNIT, ISSN: 2301-3788, www.lnit.org ),which will be indexed by Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, EBSCO, Engineering & Technology Digital Library, Crossref and Electronic Journals Digital Library. *Attention: For the journal publication schedule, some authors could not get the journal on conference site. We’ll post the journal after publication. The soft copy of the conference proceeding including all registered papers will be handed out to the presenters. One excellent presentation will be selected from each session and the author of excellent presentation will be awarded the certificate after the session is over. IACSIT Committee 4/ 34 2014 IACSIT GENEVA CONFERENCES Conference Chairs & Keynote Speakers Prof. Stephanie Teufel University of Fribourg international institute of management in technology, Switzerland Stephanie Teufel studied Informatics / Computer Science at the Technical University of Berlin and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH). From the University of Zürich she received her Doctor's degree. She was a lecturer at the University of Wollongong, Australia, and a university professor for Management Information Systems at the Carl von Ossietzky Univer-si-tätOldenburg, Germany. Since April 2000 she holds a full professorship in ICT-Management at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. Furthermore, she is the director of the international institute of management in technology (iimt). She is author/co-author of a multitude of scientific publications and books and a member of numerous national and international boards and committees. Major research interests: Innovation and Technology Management, Energy Systems Management, Management of Information Security, Project Management. Title:Decentralization and Energy-Prosumers Abstract:After the Fukushima disaster European politicians began to reassess the energy strategy for their countries. The focus is now on renewable energy sources and as a result on decentralization. The decentralized generation, storage, and of course consumption of energy is the central point. Now with the new developments under the roof of energy turnaround the way back from the centralized architecture of our energy system to a more decentralized one is predetermined. Moreover, decentralization implies the change in the role of today’s consumers. They become energy prosumers. This is the basis for the Crowd Energy concept. 5/ 34 2014 IACSIT GENEVA CONFERENCES Dr. Fang Lou School of life Science / learning and Teaching Institute, University of Hertfordshire, UK Dr Fang Lou was born in 1963 in Hangzhou, China. She obtained a BSc in Biology from the University of Science and Technology of China (1986), and a PhD in Medical Sciences from the Lund University, Sweden (1994). She did post doctorial research at the Imperial College, London, United Kingdom, in muscle physiology. Dr Fang Lou joined the University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom, in 2002 as a lecturer in Physiology. She is interested in pedagogy with the application of blended learning, particularly in peer assessment and group work. She has been seconded to the Learning and Teaching Institute between September 2009 to August 2014 as a principal lecturer. She has been involved in the management and staff training of the online teaching tool ‘Elluminate/Collaborate’ and ‘Adobe Connect’ across the university. She works with many colleagues in the university on assessment for learning and flexible learning. She is the Departmental Lead in Learning and Teaching. Dr Fang Lou is a Senior Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy, and member of the Physiological Society. Her publications cover both the physiology and learning and teaching fields. Title:Assessments for distance learning Abstract: Assessment is always a challenging topic, especially with online courses. What are the purposes and principles of assessments? How can students benefit from assessments and feedback? What about staff effort? What can technology do to assist assessments? Examples of various formative and summative assessments will be shared, including peer assessment, group assessment, online assessment tools, e.g. QuestionMark Perception, Examsoft, EZ, etc. 6/ 34 2014 IACSIT GENEVA CONFERENCES Prof. Dr. Dimiter Georgiev Velev Department of Information and Communication Technology, University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria Prof. Dr. Dimiter Georgiev Velev was born in 1958 in Vidin, Bulgaria. He holds a M.Sc. degree in Electro-engineering from the Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria (1984) and a Ph.D. degree in Engineering Sciences (Computer Systems, Complexes, Systems and Networks) from the Institute of Simulation Problems in Power Engineering at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1994). Prof. Dr. Dimiter G. Velev is with the Department of Information and Communication Technology at the University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria since 1996. He is the Bulgarian representative in the TC5 Technical Committee (Application of Information Technology) of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP). He is an IEDRC fellow and a member of other professional organizations. Prof. Dr. Dimiter G. Velev’s main R&D interests include Internet business applications, cloud computing, online social networking, mobile applications and mobile learning, information systems for management of natural disasters. Prof. Velev teaches Internet technologies, Web programming languages, service-oriented architectures, informatics. Prof. Dr. Dimiter G. Velev is an established chair and a keynote speaker in conferences in China, UAE, Malaysia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, etc. He also is a regular program committee member and reviewer in many conferences in Europe and Asia. Title: Virtualizing the Education – Participants, Technologies, Challenges Abstract: The rapid development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has brought to significant changes in the many fields of life. Educational institutions have learned quickly to integrate ICT solutions into education and training, which in turn has produced new models of education such as distance learning, e-learning, and blended learning. Internet, computers, tablets, and smartphones have become a main point of focus in everyday life in many households, offices and schools around the world. In this continuous and interconnected process not only ICT changes – the human participants (teachers and students) undergo a major shift in the way they teach and learn. 7/ 34 2014 IACSIT GENEVA CONFERENCES Instruction for Oral Presentation Devices Provided by the Conference Organizer: Laptop (with MS-Office & Adobe Reader) Projector & Screen Laser Sticks Materials Provided by the Presenters: PowerPoint or PDF files Duration of each Presentation (Tentatively): Regular oral presentation: about 13-15 minutes (including Q&A) Keynote speech: about 45 minute (including Q&A) Notice: Please keep your belongings (laptop and camera etc) with you! 8/ 34 2014 IACSIT GENEVA CONFERENCES Technical Program at a Glance October 8 Venue: Lobby 10:00-17:00 09:00-09:10 09:10-09:55 October 9 9:00-11:45 Venue: IACSIT Meeting Room -BILL 09:55-10:40 10:40-11:00 11:00-11:45 October 9 12:00-13:30 Breakout Area BILL Venue: IACSIT Meeting Room –BILL Venue: IACSIT Meeting Room -Marissa October 9 19:00-20:30 Opening Prof. Stephanie Teufel Remarks Plenary Dr. Fang Lou Speech I Plenary Prof. Dimiter G. Velev Speech II Group Photo &Coffee Break Plenary Prof. Stephanie Teufel Speech III Lunch (Novotel Café Restaurant) Venue: IACSIT Meeting Room –BILL Venue: IACSIT meeting room -Marissa October 9 13:30-18:30 Registration 13:30-16:00 13:30-16:00 Session I-E-education (10papers) DL0003,DL0011,DL0015,DL0018,DL0021,DL0022, DL1004,DL1007,DL1017,A1008 Session II-Education and e-health (11papers) DL0006,DL0009,DL0010,DL0012,DL0013,DL0017,W015, W005,W031,W003,W033 16:00-16:20 Coffee Break 16:20-18:30 Session III-Enterprise management and IT(11papers) 16:20-18:30 Session IV- Smart grid and communications (12papers) W006,W008,W009,W010,W011,W034, W024, DL0026,W210, A0021,A0036 W209,W025,A0004,A006,A0017,A0019,A0025,A0027, A0032,A0037,A0039,A0042 Dinner Banquet (Novotel Café Restaurant) 9/ 34 2014 IACSIT GENEVA CONFERENCES Detailed Technical Program Schedule for October 8 Onsite registration: October 8, 2014 Time Event Location 10:00-17:00 Arrival, registration and conference materials collection Lobby Address Rue de Zurich 19 1201 GENEVE SWITZERLAND Telephone Staff Tel. (+41)22/9099000 Teresa Zhang /Yoyo Yang Note: (1) You can also register at any working time during the conference (2) Certificate of Participation can be collected at the registration counter. (3) The organizer won't provide accommodation, and we suggest you make an early reservation. (4) Please get the notification for your paper printed out and it is required when you register on desk. 10/ 34 2014 IACSIT GENEVA CONFERENCES Schedule for October 9 Morning, October 9, 2014 Plenary Speeches Location: IACSIT meeting room BILL 09:00-09:10 Opening Remarks Prof. Stephanie Teufel 09:10-09:55 Topic: Assessments for distance learning Plenary Speaker: Dr Fang Lou Speech I School of Life and Medical Sciences, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, Herts AL10 9AB, United Kingdom Abstract—Assessment is always a challenging topic, especially with online courses. What are the purposes and principles of assessments? How can students benefit from assessments and feedback? What about staff effort? What can technology do to assist assessments? Examples of various formative and summative assessments will be shared, including peer assessment, group assessment, online assessment tools, e.g. QuestionMark Perception, Examsoft, EZ, etc. 09:55-10:40 Topic: Virtualizing the Education – Participants, Technologies, Plenary Challenges Speech II Speaker: Prof. Dimiter G. Velev University of National and World Economics, Bulgaria Abstract—The rapid development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has brought to significant changes in the many fields of life. Educational institutions have learned quickly to integrate ICT solutions into education and training, which in turn has produced new models of education such as distance learning, e-learning, and blended learning. Internet, computers, tablets, and smartphones have become a main point of focus in everyday life in many households, offices and schools around the world. In this continuous and interconnected process not only ICT changes – the human participants (teachers and students) undergo a major shift in the way they teach and learn. The keynote speech discusses how the digital age changes the minds of both educators and students, new ICT technologies coming to education and the challenges to be resolved. 10:40-11:00 Group Photo &Coffee Break 11:00-11:45 Topic: Decentralization and Energy-Prosumers Plenary Speaker: Prof. Stephanie Teufel Speech III University of Fribourg international institute of management in technology, Switzerland Abstract—After the Fukushima disaster European politicians began to reassess the energy strategy for their countries. The focus is now on renewable energy sources and as a result on decentralization. The decentralized generation, storage, and of course consumption of energy is the central point. Now with the new developments under the roof of energy turnaround the way back from the centralized architecture of our energy system to a more decentralized one is predetermined. Moreover, decentralization implies the change in the role of today’s consumers. They become energy prosumers. This is the basis for the Crowd Energy concept. 11/ 34 2014 IACSIT GENEVA CONFERENCES 12:00-13:30 Lunch Novotel Café restaurant Afternoon, October 9, 2014 Session I-E-Education Venue: IACSIT meeting room BILL Time: 13:30-16:00 Session Chair: Kaninda Musumbu, LaBRI University of Bordeaux, France DL0018 DL0011 Learning via A Social Media Enabled Tool – Do Learning Styles Make a Difference? Vimala Balakrishnan University of Malaya-Malaysia Abstract—This paper investigated if students’ varying learning styles affect the use of social media for learning based on two learning styles, that is independent and collaborative. Questionnaires were used to gather the students’ perceptions after using a social media enabled tool, which was specifically developed based on three key factors (i.e. Self, Effort and Function). A total of 48 students with Computer Science background were recruited to participate in the experiment. Path modeling analyses indicate the factors to predict 70% and 59% of usage among the independent and collaborative groups, respectively. Results show collaborative students to emphasize more on Function and Effort than Self, whereas Self and Effort had stronger impacts on the independent students than Function. Pair-wise comparisons revealed the differences between the learning styles to be significant for Self and Function, that is Self to be more important for independent students whereas Function was more important for the collaborative students. No significant differences were noted for Effort. The findings clearly indicate that students’ learning styles play important roles in their learning activities, and hence academics should look into the possibilities of using different approaches in their teaching practices. Essential Considerations in Distance Education in KSA: Teacher Immediacy in a virtual Teaching and Learning Environment. A. Al. Ghamdi, A. Samarji, and A. Watt College of Education, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia Abstract—Teacher immediacy (verbal and non-verbal) remains an important factor towards prompting efficient pedagogical approaches. Whilst teacher immediacy in a classroom setting is important, there is growing awareness about the importance of the construct in a virtual setting as education shifts from explicit conventional face-to-face teaching and learning to a blended environment which includes distance education. This paper attempts to generate some understandings about the correlation between teacher immediacy, both verbal 12/ 34 2014 IACSIT GENEVA CONFERENCES DL0015 DL0003 DL0022 and non-verbal, and students’ active participation and satisfaction in a distance education learning environment. This paper considers, in a preliminary research framework, a Saudi university which offers a range of distance education courses as an initial cohort from which to generate such understandings. Students’ opinions, perceptions, and reported satisfaction were captured through utilising a structured questionnaire completed by 413 participants, enrolled in a variety of distance education courses offered by the aforementioned university. This study found that there was significant correlation between the overall adopted teacher immediacy (verbal and non-verbal) and students’ overall online participation and satisfaction in the investigated distance education courses. In terms of gender differences, male participants have higher willingness to participate than female participants within the perceived immediacy behaviours. On the other hand, female participants were more satisfied in terms of communication than male participants within the perceived “e-immediacy” behaviours. These results serve as a prompt for further research on teacher immediacy in the rapidly developing and increasing virtual education domain in a global and connected world. Perceived Barriers towards E-learning by Faculty Members at a Recently Established University in Saudi Arabia M. A. AlGhamdi and A. Samarji AlBaha University, Saudi Arabia Abstract—E-learning is nowadaysan essential teaching and learning setting to both faculty members and students in a digital and connected 21st Century. Despite the attempts and the claims that many higher education institutes make in regards to e-learning, a number of barriers retard many faculty members to progress from the state of appreciating and acknowledging e-learning to the state of actually adopting and implementing it. Saudi higher education institutes and Saudi faculty members are no exception in facing such barriers. This paper investigated the challenges to adopting e-learning in higher education by focusing on one of the recently established Saudi universities as a case study. Quantitative data were collected through 214 questionnaires. Findings from quantitative data analysis revealed a number of barriers which challenge the effective implementation of e-learning at the targeted Saudi university. This paper found that barriers towards e-learning are gender-related. In addition, this paper reports that the most cited barriers were external sources barriers which suggests that strategic policies need to be in place to overcome such resources barriers. Once external sources barriers are overcome, focus can shift on the pedagogical opportunities that e-learning creates and makes possible. As e-learning is a developing field of interest in Saudi higher education institutes, this paper adds to the little literature conducted so far in a Saudi context. In addition, findings from this paper contribute to the global literature on e-learning in a globalised and connected world. Promoting of Knowledge and Moral Lessons about the Life’s 38 Blessings with Video on the Web-Based Instruction Sirichom Pichedboonkiatrst Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna, Chiang Rai campus, Thailand Abstract—An action research analysis of findings from 120 controlled evaluation studies showed that web-based instruction with the title on the Life’s 38 Blessings usually produces positive effects on students. The studies covered learners of undergraduate students who registered the Life and Social Skills subject in the second semester year 2013. The Life’s 38 Blessings on WBI raised student examination scores by 86.64 standard percent in the average study, and changed their behaviors by 4.12 standard deviations in the average study, a high significant effect. Size of effect varied, however, as a function of study feature. The Life’s 38 Blessings on WBI also produced small but positive changes in student attitudes toward teaching and computers, and it reduced substantially the amount of time needed for instruction. New Directions in the Arts: Building Quality Online Courses and Degree Programs 13/ 34 2014 IACSIT GENEVA CONFERENCES April Munson, Lindsey Archer; Edward Eanes; Dori Garziano; and Deborah Hutchinson DL0021 DL1004 DL1007 College of the Arts at Kennesaw State University, US Abstract—The landscape of virtual learning is vast, filled with rich opportunity and need to grow new programs, reach innovative learning experiences, and offer extraordinary opportunities for students who otherwise might not have the opportunity for a quality education. Like any area of learning, the virtual one also has areas that lack the understanding or transformation in pedagogy needed for proper growth, as many associate with online learning in the arts. The focus of this paper is the path one University to nurture the field of content and technical challenges, pioneering a well-laid foundation for virtual learning experiences in all areas of the arts. Developing an Open Book Examination in a Sensor Technology Course A. J. Rissanen National Defence University, Helsinki-Finland Abstract—According to the Bologna declaration, the Finnish National Defence University (NDU) provides undergraduate- and graduate-level courses in academic and military disciplines. Military technology is one of the major learning aims at the NDU. Learning aims in master level technology courses are on scientific knowledge, understanding how technology is related to science, and life-long learning in technology-based working environments. Sensor technology is one of the key elements for surveillance and target acquisition principles. This study presents one development concept in assessment research and how it has been applied to learning sensors. Obligatory lectures and exercises are specific to NDU’s teaching environment. As such, they are effective methods for co-operative learning and teacher resource utilization. On the other hand, distance education features have been actively added to NDU’s curriculum structures. Exams can estimate students’ learning outcome and act as tools to diversify teaching processes. When aiming for better student motivation and learning results, enough space must be given for students’ contributions in examination protocols. Using Emerging Technologies in Distance Learning 0054o Improve Admission Rate into Nigerian Universities. Ojajuni Jethro Federal College Of Education (Technical), Akoka, Lagos State-Nigeria Abstract—One of the major objectives of the Nigerian National policy on Education (2004) is the provision of equal educational opportunities to all citizens at every levels of education. With regard to high education, an aspect of the policy encourages distance learning to be organized and delivered by tertiary institutions in Nigeria. While distance education has been in existence for over 50 years, it can be described to be at the infantile stage in Nigeria. With the emergence of radio, television and internet technology the mode of teaching has changed drastically. Distance learning has been used to reduce the illiteracy rate in many developing countries by giving admission to as many students that applied. In Nigeria more than a million legible candidates every year could not be admitted into higher institutions due to inadequate infrastructures in the conventional universities and other related problems. This paper therefore examines various factors inhibiting the use of distance learning, the present state in Nigeria, and how it can be used to improve the admission rate into higher institutions thereby reducing illiteracy rate in the country. Decision-Making Skills And Academic Performance Of Distance Education Learners: Implications For Students Counsellors NebathTanglang and AminuKazeem Ibrahim National Open University of Nigeria- Nigeria Abstract—The study adopted an Ex-post facto research design. The population consisted of 14/ 34 2014 IACSIT GENEVA CONFERENCES DL1017 A1008 637 PGDDE students that were selected with the use of randomization sampling technique. 248 students were sampled for the study and the samples were grouped into two (High and Low) Decision-making skills students. The grouping was done based on the analysis of the samples responses on a standardised Students Academic Decision-making Skills Scale (SADMSS). The instruments for data collection were: Students’ Academic Decision-making Skills Scale (SADMSS) and Semester Examination course result grades in four courses (Psychology of learning, Measurement and Evaluation, Sociology of Education and the Good Study Guides). The Psychometric properties of the research instruments, SADMSS were established with face and content validity and a test re-test administered after three weeks. The obtained alpha value was 0.84 while, semester examination course result grades of the four courses were moderated by External examiners appointed by the Senate of the University in the four subject areas. The study employed Pearson Product Moment Correlation coefficient statistical method to analyse the data at 0.05 level of significance. The findings indicated no statistically significant relationship between the academic performance in Psychology of learning (r = 0.013 < 0.901), Measurement and Evaluation (r =0.086 < 0.391) and the Good Study Guide (r = -0.029 < 0.77) except Sociology of Education (r = 0.27 > 0.007) between High and Low decision-making skills students. Implications for Student’s Counsellors particularly, those serving in open and distance learning institutions were recommended. Comparison Study of Learning Outcomes between the Traditional Lecture and IELS Ahmed Althobaiti Durham University, UK Abstract —This main goal of this paper is to compare between learning outcomes within undergraduate students between Traditional Group and Interactive Electronic Lecture Group. Two types of lectures were delivered to undergraduate students, the first type was traditionally delivered in the class and enhanced by presentation slides, 16 students were involved in this lecture. The other type was electronically delivered via the Interactive Electronic Lecture System. Both groups were tested before and after conducting this experiment. They were given pre-test and post-test to examine their learning outcomes. The IELS group was asked to complete a questionnaire to measure their attitude when they used the IELS application. The result showed that the IELS students achieved more learning outcomes than the traditional group achieved. Learning at Your Own Pace: M-learning Solution for School Students Uma Srithar, Dhivya Selvaraj University of Applied Sciences, FHNW, Business School, Olten- Switzerland. Abstract—Today’s computing trend is more towards anywhere anytime computing. Nowadays m-learning is one of the hot topics in the educational sector and UNESCO believes that mobile technologies can expand and enrich educational opportunities for learners in diverse settings due to the increase in usage of mobile handheld devices. More and more applications are being developed to make the knowledge accessible from anywhere and at any time. The main goal of our work is to observe the usage of m-learning solution in a developing country. Our focus was making recommendation towards the design of self-directed learning. With the help of Quizlet application, we analyzed the effect of m-learning solution in the rural context of Mpumelelo secondary school, Zimbabwe from both teacher’s and student’s point of view. Session II-Education and E-health Venue: IACSIT meeting room -Marissa Time: 13:30-16:00 15/ 34 2014 IACSIT GENEVA CONFERENCES Session Chair: Ahmad Samarji Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia DL0006 Global Trends in Transnational Education Betsy J. Bannier Lake Region State College, Devils Lake, ND 58301- USA Abstract—The realities of globalization, both positive and negative, dominate the landscape of higher education. Transnational education programs allow students to pursue higher education in other countries without physically relocating. These programs offer collaborative learning opportunities which are valuable for increasingly globalized societies, and hold great potential for developing countries. However, concerns regarding cultural compromise and quality assurance remain. This article highlights current global trends in transnational education, with a dual focus on culture and quality. DL0009 Adaptation of Learning Objects with Multi-format Assets Joab E. Agaba and Jude T. Lubega Makerere University Kampala, Uganda Abstract—A good number of tools and techniques have been developed to support reuse of learning objects in instruction design for e-learning environments. However, the challenge is that learning objects with multi-format assets can not be fully adapted for reuse using existing adaptation tools and techniques. This limits reusability in instruction design. This research proposes a model to support full adaptation of learning objects with multi-format assets so as to improve reusability in instruction design. DL0010 Assessing Student Attitudes to Online versus Print Materials for L2 Vocabulary Acquisition John Howrey and Kelly Quinn Nanzan University, Japan Abstract—Past research indicates that learners underutilize second language vocabulary acquisition strategies. This paper presents four different methods of learning English vocabulary from the Academic Word List (AWL), with emphasis on comparing the benefits of print materials versus online Moodle materials. The participants in the project were first year English majors at a private university in Japan. One set of students used print materials: vocabulary cards and in class assessment in the first semester and a vocabulary workbook for out of class practice combined with in class assessment in the second semester. The second set of students used Moodle materials: out of class online Moodle activities in the first semester and a workbook combined with out of class Moodle assessment in the second semester. A pretest and posttest were administered to determine how well students learned the material. Students using the print materials slightly outperformed students using the online materials. A survey was given to assess student attitudes toward the different types of materials and toward the method and style of the activities. This paper will discuss the results of the posttests and learner attitudes survey. DL0012 Lexical Analysis of Student’s Learning Activities during the giving of Instructions for Note-taking in a Blended Learning Environment Minoru Nakayama, Kouichi Mutsuura, and Hiroh Yamamoto 16/ 34 2014 IACSIT GENEVA CONFERENCES Tokyo Institute of Technology-Japan Abstract—Note-taking activity affects student’s learning performances in blended learning courses, which consist of face-to-face sessions and online learning materials. To promote the effectiveness of note-taking, a lecturer gave students instructions during the course. According to the results of a lexical analysis of the contents of notes taken by students, the lecturer’s instructions had a significant effect on some of the indices of features of notes taken. This effectiveness can be observed when the lecturer gives instructions as opposed to not giving them. Also, the relationships between student’s characteristics and indices of features of content of notes taken were analyzed. DL0013 Disruptive innovation in higher education: The professional doctorate G. Robinson and W J. Morgan. Reed Capella University, US Abstract—The new Doctor of Business Administration [DBA] Program at a recognized US University is a disruptive innovation in the field of doctoral education. It is meeting the demand for professional doctoral education as a next step in individual professional development. It is disruptive in several ways. First, the courses and curriculum, face-to-face Residencies and Mentor courserooms are innovative by design. Second, learners are matched with a DBA Mentor, chosen for their expertise and strong interpersonal skills. Third, the dissertation process begins immediately with learners choosing a preliminary topic by end of quarter 1. One of the unique innovative characteristics is its high touch character achieved through technology. Additional elements of disruptive innovation include; Recognition that online education is an innovative and disruptive force in the delivery of higher education. Design is the new fulcrum for management to achieve its performance goals and the DBA enables the candidate to graduate in 12 quarters or less. The new DBA professional doctorate meets the definition of innovation through three qualities of innovation: 1. An invention, i.e., creation of something entirely new;2. An improvement, i.e., a refinement of what has been developed; 3. The diffusion or adoption of innovation developed elsewhere. DL0017 Exploring Factors In Contributing Student Progress In The Open University Muhammad Husni Arifin W015 University of Southampton-United Kingdom Abstract—The Open Universities nowadays have been growing up with the high number of students. At the same time, they also facea high number of non re-enrolment and in turn have affected the retention rate. This study was aimed to explore factors contributing to student progress in the Indonesia Open University by employing mixed methods study. In this study, student progress refers to continuation of learning by re-enrolling within four consecutive semesters. A mixed methods research with the design of sequential explanatory study was opted by obtaining the quantitative findings from surveying 127 students and then was followed by multiple case study from four purposefully selected respondents. In the quantitative phase, 12 predictor variables were found to have important contributions to the predictive model of student progress. Meanwhile, in the qualitative phase, three major themes emerged from the multiple case study analysis: (1) self-motivation; (2) quality of institutional support; (3) interaction; and (3) supporting environment. The quantitative and qualitative findings are discussed with reference to previous research. Feature Grouping for Intrusion Detection based on Mutual Information Jingping Song, Zhiliang Zhu, and Chris Price Software College of Northeastern University-Shenyang, China Department of Computer Science, Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth-United Kingdom Abstract—Intrusion detection is an important task for network operators in today’s Internet. 17/ 34 2014 IACSIT GENEVA CONFERENCES W005 W031 W003 Traditional network intrusion detection systems rely on either specialized signatures of previously seen attacks, or on labeled traffic datasets that are expensive and difficult to re-produce for user-profiling to hunt out network attacks. This paper presents a feature grouping method for the selection of features for intrusion detection. The method is based on mutual information theory and is tested against KDD CUP 99 dataset. It ranks the mutual information between features and uses the fuzzy C means algorithm to compose groups. The largest mutual information between each feature and a class label within a certain group is then selected. The evaluation results show that better classification performance results from such selected features. Intrusion Detection Techniques in Mobile Adhoc Networks: A Review Salman Naseer and Rashid Mahmood University of the Punjab, Gujranwala Campus- Pakistan Abstract—Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) use has been well-known from the last few years in the many applications, like mission critical applications. In the (MANETS) prevention method is not adequate as the security concerned, so the detection method should be added to the security issues in (MANETs). The authentication and encryption is considered the first solution of the MANETs problem where as now these are not sufficient as MANET use is increasing. In this paper we are going to present the concept of intrusion detection and then survey some of major intrusion detection techniques in MANET and aim to comparing in some important fields. MDH*: Multidimensional Histograms for Linked Data Queries Yongju Lee School of Computer Information, Kyungpook National University, Sangju- Korea Abstract—Recently, a very pragmatic approach towards achieving the Semantic Web has gained some traction with Linked Data. While many standards, methods, and technologies are applicable for Linked Data, there are still a number of open problems in the area of Linked Data. In this paper, we investigate how Linked Data are stored, indexed, and queried. We present an MDH* structure capable of efficiently storing, indexing, and querying Linked Data. The goal of the MDH* is to support efficient join query processing with a compact storage layout. We evaluate the MDH* with existing methods on a synthetic RDF dataset. The experimental results show that our method performs better in terms of both the join response time and the amount of storage compared to existing methods. Factors affecting electronic medical record acceptance by specialist physicians Parvin Lakbala, Mahboobeh Lakbala and Kavoos Dindarloo Inaloo Health information management research center,Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences, Bandar Abbas-Iran. Abstract—An Electronic Medical Record (EMR) is a longitudinal record of a patient consisting of data owned by a single provider, Generated as by-product of daily Health Information System (HIS) functions, an EMR provides caregivers with immediate access to information relevant to that patient, impacting care and safety in real time. Physicians’ acceptance and willingness must be present in order to successfully implement an EMR system; understanding Physicians’ attitudes and perceptions are of vital importance to physicians' acceptance and willingness. The main objective of this research is to explore physicians, attitude and perceptions of the impact on EMRs. The cross-sectional study was conducted on 133 specialist physicians of Hormozgan Medical Sciences University in 3 educational hospitals in the city of Bandar Abbas capital city of Hormozgan province. The most important barrier factors of EMRs in this study were technical barriers such as limitation of the system 96 (72.2%) and interconnectivity/standardization96 (72.2%) and social factor of uncertainly about vendor 97 (72.9%), that mentioned by majority of physicians. This finding will help to address the barrier more appropriately, and plan for 18/ 34 2014 IACSIT GENEVA CONFERENCES W033 implementation EMRs. With peak interest in implementing EMR, in Iran and worldwide, knowing and acting on the beliefs associated with physicians about this technologies is as essential as ever. Paired Transcriptional Regulatory System for Differentially Expressed Genes Aurpan Majumder and Mrityunjay Sarkar Dept. of E.C.E, National Institute of Technology, Durgapur- INDIA Abstract—A fully functional gene regulatory network can be formed using gene-gene and/or gene-protein interactive patterns. To maintain a healthy cell cycle, it is necessary to have a proper control of the regulatory proteins in the network. Excess protein concentration may lead to beyond control division of the healthy cells causing cancer. In this context, transcriptional regulators (proteins) are responsible for changes in gene expression levels across different developmental stages. In our work we have extended a recently developed procedure to find out the pair(s) of TFs, which can control a target gene from a linear prospective. Here, we have explored the pairwise regulatory action through mutual information and spline regression. In the result segment we have shown that the controlling action between these two methods is dependent upon the dimension (number of samples) of the data. For large dimension spline regression based controlling shows better result that MI, and vice versa for smaller dimensions. 16:00-16:20 Coffee Break(Breakout area BILL) Session III- Enterprise Management and IT Venue: IACSIT meeting room –BILL Time: 16:20-18:30 Session Chair: Dr. Muhammad Mudasar Ghafoor University of Dundee, United Kingdom DL1009 The Big Student Big Data Grab A.S. Weber Weill Cornell Medical College, Qatar Abstract—This contribution addresses a serious emergent policy issue regarding student data privacy that has arisen in the United States the last five years due to the increasingly widespread use of cloud computing services in education and the creation of large datasets–commonly known as ‘Big Data’–collected by educational online (hosted) services. Considerable confusion exists around the actual privacy protections offered by laws such as FERPA, PPRA, and COPPA in online environments, and in addition the actual use and extent of the collection of data by hosted services is not transparent. Large datasets have proven immensely valuable to for-profit corporations, and schools generate large amounts of information about students including state and federally-mandated student records. Thus technology giants such as Facebook, Google, Apple, and Microsoft as well as non-profit entities such as inBloom with strong links to for-profit companies, have been competing to gain greater access to student Big Data for the purposes of commercialization. Using two 19/ 34 2014 IACSIT GENEVA CONFERENCES W006 W008 W009 W010 cases studies (Google Apps for Education and inBloom, Inc.), the author demonstrates that new student privacy laws are required in the U.S., and the author suggests the outlines of a federal statute. Technology Transfer as a Driver of Cooperation and Communication in a New Knowledge Management Methodology Amílcar A. R. Baptista, M. J. Madeira Silvaa, Carlos M. Cabritab, Fernando B. Santosc, and José C. Pascoa University of Beira Interior (UBI) / Department of Electromechanical Engineering, Covilhã- Portugal Abstract —The growing tendency of globalization and interdependency of economies is inferred in highly competitive and chaotic context for firms and universities. Due to the high competitiveness and changes that firms face, Technology Transfer (TT) is assumed as a key factor to success. A better management of innovation created in research units as well as a deeper and closer cooperation and communication of these units with the business sector are the biggest factor of hope and strengthening for the global economy. This study arises due to the growing necessity of the Electromechanical Department (DEM) of University of Beira Interior (UBI) to diffuse their studies and technology among their logistic, institutional and more importantly, enterprise partners. Production Network Planning based on Constraint Relaxation and Discount Approach Atour TAGHIPOUR University of Le Havre/Faculty of International Business, Le Havre- France Abstract—In the real world, one of the major factor that contributes to the complexity of supply chains is the structure of supply chain. Compared with a supply chain with two members, operations planning in a manufacturing network where members are independent entities require a special attention to the details. This paper will focus on the specific case of manufacturing network planning. Our objective is to propose a new planning methodology between independent production companies to achieve an agreed plan. Performance measurement of Indian Banks using Data Envelopment Analysis Nikita Agarwal, Banhi Guha, Avijan Dutta and Gautam Bandyopadhyay National Institute of Technology, Durgapur-India Abstract—In the paper an attempt was made to study the performance of Indian Banks with the help of CAMEL rating system, taking eighteen banks (eight being Private Sector Banks and ten being Public Sector Banks) over the period of ten years from (2004 to 2013) and then finding out their efficiency of banks with the help of DEA in terms of gaining confidence from investors and ranking them accordingly. Our finding suggests that private sector banks are in advantage situation and thereby hinting at the possibility of further improvisation of most of the public sector banks. Private sector banks show marked consistency in their efficiency level during the period under study. Technical Efficiency Measurement of Indian Banking companies: An Investigation using DEA and Super Efficiency Model Arijit Ghosh, Munmun Dey, Gautam Bandyopadhyay and Banhi Guha National Institute of Technology,Durgapur- India Abstract—This paper investigates the efficiency of Indian banks enlisted in Bombay Stock Exchange. We applied Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), to estimate the efficiency of the Indian banks using publicly available financial data of various different parameters related to the financial health of Indian banks. The efficiency of each company in comparison with other companies of the banking sector is estimated. We applied super efficiency model to measure the most efficient bank over a certain time horizon among all the banks. Bank efficiency scores derived using the DEA contributes significant information towards identifying the 20/ 34 2014 IACSIT GENEVA CONFERENCES W011 W034 W024 DL0026 scope for improvement. What Content of Information Customers Want from aTourism Website? An Empirical Study for Latent Factors Identification Kaushik Mandal and Monami Dasgupta (Banerjee) National Institute of Technology,Durgapur-India Abstract—Now a day’s website is performing the role of an instrument for achieving competitive excellence through disseminating information as per requirement of customer. This research carries out an empirical study to understand the latent factors which are essential for tourism customer need and thus helpful for developing the content of the websites. Further we measure the stability of these latent factors across the socio demographic of tourism customer. Result founds a stable result and thus provides a good model for website development for tourism marketer. Modeling Cloud Computing Integration with E-Supply Chain Management Ahsan Ali Chaudhri, Anita Ajmeri and Jaishree Asarpota Asarpota Higher Colleges of Technology- Business Department, Dubai- United Arab Emirates Abstract—This paper proposes a conceptual framework model for integration of cloud computing with the e-supply chain network. This integration can potentially allow firms to leverage the benefits inherent in a cloud computing environment and thus, enable organizations to optimize their cost and operational efficiency of management of their electronic supply chain. A cloud based environment can greatly enhance e-SCM success by creating information visibility along the entire supply chain; improving speed, cost, quality, customer service, and amalgamation of all e-SCM activities into a unified, accessible and virtualized platform. The e-SCM activities can be modeled after the cyclic view in order to improve the conceptualization of integration of e-SCM with cloud computing An Overview of Data Mining Techniques Applied for Heart Disease Diagnosis and Prediction Salha M. Alzahani, Afnan Althopity, Ashwag Alghamdi, Boushra Alshehri, Suheer Aljuaid Taif University, Saudi Arabia Abstract—Data mining techniques have been applied magnificently in many fields including business, science, the Web, cheminformatics, bioinformatics, and on different types of data such as textual, visual, spatial, real-time and sensor data. Medical data is still information rich but knowledge poor. There is a lack of effective analysis tools to discover the hidden relationships and trends in medical data obtained from clinical records. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art research on heart disease diagnosis and prediction. Specifically in this paper, we present an overview of the current research being carried out using the data mining techniques to enhance heart disease diagnosis and prediction including decision trees, Naive Bayes classifiers, K-nearest neighbour classification (KNN), support vector machine (SVM), and artificial neural networks techniques. Results show that SVM and neural networks perform positively high to predict the presence of coronary heart diseases (CHD). Decision trees after features reduction is the best recommended classifier to diagnose cardiovascular disease (CVD). Still the performance of data mining techniques to detect coronary arteries diseases (CAD) is not encouraging (between 60%-75%) and further improvements should be pursued. Use of Statistical Implicative Analysis in complement of Item Analysis Raphaël Couturier and Rubén Pazmiño Facultad de Ciencias, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH)-France Abstract—In many different situations, students or more generally individuals fill forms or surveys. Such forms could be used to evaluate the knowledge of students after a lesson in a classroom or could form a global evaluation of all the students in a country. More generally a survey aims at gathering the opinion of people on a particular subject. In such a case, item 21/ 34 2014 IACSIT GENEVA CONFERENCES W210 A0021 A0036 analysis gives interesting information on how the items have been answered. In this paper, we present the Statistical Implicative Analysis (SIA) that produces oriented rules. A survey about the future of students in the different schools of the ESPOCH is studied to highlight the interest of using SIA in order to be able to analyze the general behavior of the population. Antecedents and Consequences of Leadership Styles: Evidence from Successful Entrepreneurial Ventures Muhammad Rauf University of the Punjab and University of Sargodha, Gujranwala- Pakistan Abstaract-The purpose of this paper is to study the leadership dynamics and the innovative processes in it throughout the years. The importance of leadership in the corporate world cannot be overemphasized considering the impetus that it implants in the organisation the synergy that it creates among the employees and the organisational principles. It is often seen that the companies start their businesses with a clear vision but they do not implement clear and concrete mechanisms to transform their visions into reality (Aaker, 1991). Leadership is important for the transition of the company from one phase to another smoothly and swiftly as it provides direction to the employees thereby ensuring against the company going off-course. The methodology applied in this research paper is qualitative.The qualitative method of study implies that Leadership is studied through secondary sources by the existing literature and the concepts and ideologies present about leadership in them. Runtime Comparison of CPU and GPU using Portable Programming Models Franz Wiesinger, Florian Nairz, Michael Bogner University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria Abstract—Since increasing clock speeds are not enough to speed up computation, there exist several alternative options. One of them is parallelism. For some problems it is possible to use the graphics processor as a massive parallel system and gain high speedups. Since NVIDIA introduced the unified device architecture and AMD switched to the OpenCL programming model it is possible for everyone to achieve high speedups through massive parallel systems easily. In this paper CUDA and OpenCL are introduced and differences are shown. To point out that graphics processor can be used for common tasks too, there is a comparison on runtime of two different test cases. The results show why the problem size is a very important factor for decisions to make use of the massive parallelism. An MCA based method for API Association Extraction for PE Malware Categorization Mohamed Belaoued and Smaine Mazouzi department of computer science, University of Skikda-Algeria Abstract—In Computer security, protecting systems against malwares has become the main concern of particulars and companies. Unfortunately, the existing anti-malware systems are so fare unable to provide an efficient protection. However, a new generation of powerful malware detection techniques has emerged. One of these techniques is that based on the static analysis of the called API functions by a program in order to detect any suspicious behavior. In this paper we provide a method to extract existing associations between the imported API functions by malware codes under Microsoft Windows environment. The main goal of this work is to be able to determine with a high degree of confidence what the most likely used Windows APIs and their associations by malware are. We have used for that purpose a well known and a powerful statistical method which is the Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA). We applied the MCA method on a set of APIs which were priori extracted from a large dataset of malware and clean portable executable (PE) files. According to our knowledge, this is the first work having used factorial analysis to determine API associations in malwares. We assume that this allows a more accurate behavior based malware detection. Session IV-Smart Grid and Communications 22/ 34 2014 IACSIT GENEVA CONFERENCES Venue: IACSIT meeting room -Marissa Time: 16:20-18:30 Session Chair: W209 W025 A0004 Behaviors of Multi-hop Routing Protocols Based on Cross-Layer Approach Amal. Boumedjout, Ali. Kies, Zoulikha. Mekkakia Maaza and Sidi Mohamed. Senouci University of sciences and the technology of oran Mohamed Boudiaf USTO-MB/Faculty of mathematic and computing science, Oran-Algeria Abstract— Most of the recent performance studies in MANETs (Mobile Ad Hoc Networks), consider the effects of multiple layer interactions. These interactions allow layers to exchange state information in order to obtain performance gains. For instance, the routing layer may use the channel state information such as interference and noise in the route discovery process, in order to dynamically select the most stable routes. In this paper, we present a behavior comparison of the routing protocols based on cross-layer approach among physical and network layers. The first protocol is a reactive protocol Ad Hoc On- demand Distance Vector (AODV), the second one is a proactive protocol Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR). Both of them are based on Signal to Interference and Noise Ratio (SINR) metric in their route discovery process. The behavior comparison of the routing protocols is implemented using NS2 simulator with mobile nodes in a shadowing environment qualified as an environment with important variations in the received signal power. Simulation results, using NS2, show that AODV based on SINR metric maximizes the packet delivery ratio and minimizes the overhead cost compared to OLSR based on SINR metric. Mathematical Models to Support the Issue of Electrical Blackouts in the Context of Smart Grid Fairouz Iberraken, Rabah Medjoudj and Djamil Aissani Faculty of technology, University of Bejaia- Algeria Abstract—This paper aims to provide knowledge to understand the impacts of the integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the conventional power network giving birth to a smart energy grid. We have developed the attributes of combining smart systems with renewable energy resources to mitigate the occurrence of blackouts. Two main issues were investigated from mathematical models point of view: First, we have considered time series analysis and forecasting models to understand the occurrence of the blackouts and consequently the behaviour of the power system. Second, we have modelled the restoration process of the system after the blackout using Markov method. This work has highlighted the dominance of ARMA model in forecasts and that the smart systems can mitigate the blackouts occurrence thanks to the information given online looking to the weather conditions and to the load demand. Using Markov method we have highlighted the importance of decentralized clean resources in the reduction of the downtime during the restoration of the power network. Experimental Study of the Artificial Neural Network Solutions for Insulators’ Leakage Current Modeling in a Power Network Ali Bahramiazar and Mohammad Oskuoee West Azarbaijan Electric Power Distribution Co.- Iran Abstract—The leakage current which flows through insulators is dependent on many different environmental variables like temperature, humidity, wind and pollution. The leakage current rate varies during a daily period; so the leakage current curve versus time in a 24 hour period will be nonlinear. Implementing field experiments in a Research Site, the leakage current peak amounts were collected in different intervals and using two neural network methods of Feed Forward BP algorithm and Radial Based Function, the relation between leakage current and 23/ 34 2014 IACSIT GENEVA CONFERENCES A0016 A0017 A0019 A0025 variation of effective parameters of leakage current was studied in this paper and the most effective algorithm revealed. Robust Control of Two Link Rigid Manipulator Pawan Singh Yadav and Narinder Singh Bhangal Dr. BR. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, PUNJAB- INDIA Abstract—Two Link Rigid Manipulator (TLRM) is highly unstable and non-linear system thus its stability is a matter of concern. This paper presents Lagrange-Euler method for deriving the dynamics of TLRM. The uncertain model is considered using LFT. Parametric uncertainty in moment of inertia and co-efficient of friction in the TLRM is considered and uncertainty in actuators. Two different robust control strategies, H∞ and µ-synthesis are used and compared. Results show that µ-synthesis controller has superior robust performance of the proposed two robust control methods. Multilayer Secured SIP Based VoIP Architecture Basma Basem, Atef Z. Ghalwash and Rowayda A. Sadek Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, Cairo-Egypt Abstract—VoIP faces many emerging attacks and threats. securing SIP based VoIP is a major challenging task, hence confidentiality, integrity, availability, as well as authenticity must be provided. Focusing on three main critical attacks targeting SIP based VoIP infrastructure, which are Denial of service (DoS), man-in-the middle attack, and Authenticity based attacks. In this paper the main contribution is providing a secure efficient multilayer security architecture based on open source applications (snort, snortsam and iptables, as well as OPENVPN Tunnel), The architecture provides a secure reliable VoIP services for the enterprise network, that have been deployed based on asterisk PBX. The proposed security architecture aims to prevent the mentioned critical attacks, to provide CIAA security services, by proposing an adaptive rule based queuing polices. QoS is a major challenge, the paper also provides an enhancement for the proposed architecture to minimize the delay for more efficient secure communication, as well as preventing zero day attacks by exploiting method and updating Snort DB with attack signatures. QoS factors have been measured using OPNET simulators. The proposed architecture gives promising results when it comes to attacks prevention with 0.01% better performance results compared to previous work. A Case Study of Resonance in 11kV Network in the presence of Series Current Limiting Reactors, VSDs and Power Factor Improvement Capacitors Yadavalli Venkata Sridhar Kuwait Oil Company-Kuwait Abstract—Presence of electrical network elements such as reactors, power factor capacitors along with harmonics injecting loads such as Variable Speed drives create an ideal situation for resonant conditions in an industrial electrical network. This paper attempts to identify various conditions that influence the resonance situation in the 11KV network of hydrocarbon industry and its sensitivity to influencing factors is assessed. Further, the effect of detuning reactor in the power factor capacitors on the THD values, harmonic frequency and other parameters is studied. Based on the case study, the impact of configuration of electrical network and variation of capacitance in the electrical network on the THD and harmonic frequency is established. Using Neutral Reactor for Suppression of Secondary Arc Current during Single-Phase Auto-Reclosing under Different Fault Locations Mahyar. Bolhasani and Somayeh. Sadat. Hashemi. Kamangar Moshanir, Electrical Engineering Consultant Company,Tehran- Iran Abstract—when single-phase grounding fault occurs in high voltage transmission line, secondary arc current and recovery voltage must be suppressed in order to ensure that 24/ 34 2014 IACSIT GENEVA CONFERENCES A0027 A0032 A0037 A0039 single-phase auto-reclosing operates reliably and successfully. Automatic single-phase reclosing is used to clear single-phase-to–ground faults, which are about 80% of the transient faults. In order to have successful fast reclosing, different methods are used to extinguish the arc. One of the common methods is to use a single-phase reactor in the neutral of shunt reactor, when transmission line is compensated with shunt reactors. In this paper, exact system and an exact arc modeling is used for transient simulation of neutral reactor and guidelines for selecting the appropriate amount for the neutral reactor are proposed. then uses EMTP-RV software to simulate suppression effect about different fault point locations toward an example of 400kv double-ended sources high-voltage transmission line. Assessment of Electromagnetic Radiation With Respect To Base Station Types Levent Seyfi Selçuk University- Turkey Abstract—In this paper, radiation of base stations (BSs) in different installation types was measured in order to determine how the electromagnetic pollution level is affected by the installation types of them. Measurements were carried out on 8 BSs in Konya, Turkey. Additionally, a survey including 10 questions was applied to Selçuk University students (334 people) to show how informed about radiation of mobile phones and BSs they are. As a result of measurements, the maximum radiations from BSs were observed at an apartment across BS on a tower, and at an apartment across BS on an apartment, respectively. Yet, the most of mobile phone users participating in the survey believes that a BS on their apartment roof has more radiation than the others. Competing risk of degradation processes of a photovoltaic system under several conditions Fairouz Iberraken, Rabah Medjoudj and Djamil Aissani University of Bejaia, faculty of technology, Unit research LaMOS- Algeria Abstract—The regions of Sahara provide a very important solar resource, trying countries to move towards the production of photovoltaic energy. But operating systems are installed in a hostile environment and equipment is more vulnerable than in the north. This paper deals with the failure mechanisms of photovoltaic system and highlights the effect of competing risk of breakdowns initiated by severe weather in the south. The effect of the sandstorm is not often discussed in the literature, for this a special interest has been given to this phenomenon in this paper. The work developed in this paper was initiated following our understanding of the interest granted by a group of countries from the Maghreb and from Europe to develop green energy in the DESERTEC project, considered of regional significance. A Hierarchical Routing Protocol for Smart Grid Mohsen Dorsetan, Azadeh Jafarinezhad and Sayyed Majid Mazinani faculty of Engineering in Imam Reza University, Mashhad- Iran Abstract—Nowadays, power grids have many variations and each day we see more development. Meanwhile power grids have a significant importance and their structure are developing and improving. Due to more efficiency and increasing the performance of traditional power grid, smart grid is appeared. In view of the traditional electric grid network infrastructure and integration with wireless sensor networks, new services ability is added to the total structure of traditional electrical grid. One of the smart grid infrastructure requirement is wireless sensor networks that is perfect solution for data acquisition from environment and equipment in the smart grid and transmission of information. Routing in wireless sensor networks due to its particular application in smart grid have gained significant attention. In this paper, we provide a hierarchical routing protocol for both HAN and NAN level by considering low power consumption and delay. Our proposed protocol is compared with two energy-aware and shortest path protocol, in addition to achieving energy efficiency and lower latency, higher data delivery rate and less data loss is achieved. A Secure Spectrum-Aware Routing Scheme by Detecting Black hole Attacks for Smart Grid 25/ 34 2014 IACSIT GENEVA CONFERENCES Applications Azadeh Jafarinezhad, Mohsen Dorsetan, Sayyed Majid Mazinani, and Masoud Shirkhani A0042 Iranian Construction Engineering Organization Province of Khorasan Razavi, Mashhad-Iran Abstract—Recently, cognitive sensor network (CSN) emerges as a key technology to enhance spectrum efficiency of wireless sensor network (WSN) and thus creates opportunistic transmissions over links. Dynamic and opportunistic spectrum access capabilities of CSN can be benefited to address many of the unique requirements and challenges of smart grid for WSN. The migration of power grids from an isolated network to a public communication network has created many challenging issues in the security of smart grids and one of the major challenges of CSN face today is security. This paper proposes a secure spectrum-aware routing scheme, which considers black hole attacks in smart grid communication structure and also considers traffic balance, route configuration and power control for reliable routing. We propose a mechanism to detect black hole attacks and also a method is employed to combine the routing objectives into a single target function. Randomized route selection strategy is adopted for traffic balance. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme improves the communication reliability and packet delivery rate in smart grid. An Efficient Routing Protocol for Video Streamin ClusteredWireless Sensor Networks Sayyed Ahmad Hoseini , Sayyed Majid Mazinani , Mehdi Shahedi , Omid Naderi Electrical Engineering Department, Imam Reza International University, MashhadIran Abstract—In the time limit network traffic, especially video traffic, Packet delay is an important issue. However, there are several limitations in wireless sensor networks their main argument is that the network lifetime. The Congestion in Wireless Sensor Networks is significantly higher and thus severely affects the network performance leading to increased data loss and end to end delay and applications that require fast response time such as emergency preparedness and hostile environment surveillance pose challenging obstacles to wireless sensor network (WSN) protocols. A routing protocol must provide fast and reliable techniques for data propagation. In this study, we intend to approach in order to reduce energy consumption with maintaining the quality of service we provide to achieve improved network lifetime. 19:00-20:30 Dinner Banquet (Novotel Caférestaurant) 26/ 34 2014 IACSIT GENEVA CONFERENCES Conference Venue Novotel Genève Centre hotel http://www.accorhotels.com/gb/hotel-3133-novotel-geneve-centre/index.shtml Address:Rue de Zurich 19 1201 GENEVE SWITZERLAND Tel. (+41)22/9099000 Fax. (+41)22/9099001 [email protected] The 4-star Novotel Genève Centre hotel is located in the heart of Geneva, close to Lake Geneva and 15 mins from the UN headquarters. The hotel has 206 rooms, a restaurant, bar, and 5 conference rooms. This 4-star hotel is equally suited to business tripsand holidays in Geneva with your partner or family. In addition to the fitness center and spa, with relaxation room, hammam, sauna, solarium and massage room, guests enjoy free public transport and free WIFI access. Located in the heart of Geneva, your hotel offers free travel on all public transport in town and by the lake. Get out and about with peace of mind thanks to Novotel. Reconnect using our free WIFI, available throughout the building. Accessible by public transport Line Station Bus 1 Monthoux Railway Station Airport 27/ 34 2014 IACSIT GENEVA CONFERENCES http://www.icmre.org/ Welcome to ICMRE 2015 2015 International Conference on Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia during January 17-18, 2015. The aim of ICMRE 2015 is to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, academics as well as industry professionals from all over the world to present their research results and development activities in the area of Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering. This conference provides opportunities for delegates to exchange new ideas and research findings in a face to face environment, to establish business or research relationships and to find global partners for future collaboration. All papers, both invited and contributed, will be peer reviewed by the program and technical committees of the Conference. After a careful reviewing process, all registered and presented paper will be published in Applied Mechanics and Materials Journal (ISSN: 1660-9336), which will be indexed Ei Compendex and ISI proceeding. Applied Mechanics and Materials (ISSN: 1660-9336) is Indexed by Elsevier: SCOPUS www.scopus.com and Ei Compendex (CPX) www.ei.org. Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA) www.csa.com, Chemical Abstracts (CA) www.cas.org, Google and Google Scholar google.com, ISI (ISTP, CPCI, Web of Science)www.isinet.com, Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) www.iee.org, etc. Important Dates Before November 1, 2014 Before November 20, 2014 Before December 10, 2014 Before December10, 2014 Full Paper Submission Notification of Acceptance Final Paper Submission Authors' Registration Submission Methods I. Electronic Submission System; (.pdf) II. [email protected] (.doc and .pdf) Contact Us Ms. Yashin Tu (Conference Secretary) E-mail: [email protected] 28/ 34 2014 IACSIT GENEVA CONFERENCES http://www.iciim.org/ Welcome to ICIIM 2015 2015 3rd International Conference on Innovation and Information Management (ICIIM 2015) will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia during January 17-18, 2015. The aim of ICIIM 2015 is to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, academics as well as industry professionals from all over the world to present their research results and development activities in the area of Innovation and Information Management. This conference provides opportunities for delegates to exchange new ideas and research findings in a face to face environment, to establish business or research relationships and to find global partners for future collaboration. All papers, both invited and contributed, will be peer reviewed by the program and technical committees of the Conference. After a careful review process, all registered and presented papers will be published in WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies (ISSN: 1743-3517), which will be indexed by EI Compendex, Scopus and ISI. Important Dates Before November 5, 2014 Full Paper Submission Before November 20, 2014 Notification of Acceptance Before December 10, 2014 Final Paper Submission Before December 10, 2014 Authors' Registration Submission Methods I. Electronic Submission System; ( .pdf) II. [email protected] (.doc and .pdf) Contact Us Ms. Yolanda L. Dong (Conference Secretary) E-mail: [email protected] 29/ 34 2014 IACSIT GENEVA CONFERENCES http://www.icsmo.org/ Welcome to ICSMO 2015 ICSMO-International Conference on System Modeling and Optimization is the main annual research conference aimed at presenting current research being carried out. The ICSMO 2013-2014 were held in Rome and Barcelona, Spain, and the currently ICSMO 2015 will be held in Amsterdam Netherlands during February 12 to 13, 2015 together with the workshops ICCMS 2015 and ICICA 2015. The idea of the conference is for the scientists, scholars, engineers and students from the Universities all around the world and the industry to present ongoing research activities, and hence to foster research relations between the Universities and the industry. ICSMO 2015 is sponsored by International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology, and technical assisted by many other universities and institutes. The ICSMO 2015 conference proceeding will be published in the International Journal of Modeling and Optimization (ISSN:2010-3697 www.ijmo.org ), and will be included in the Engineering & Technology Digital Library, and indexed by ProQuest,Google Scholar and Crossref. Important Dates Before November 20, 2014 On November 15, 2014 Full Paper Submission Notification of Acceptance Before December 30, 2014 Final Paper Submission and Authors’ Registration Submission Methods I. Electronic Submission System; (.pdf) II. [email protected] (.doc and .pdf) Contact Us Ms. Yoyo Yang (Conference Secretary) E-mail: [email protected] 30/ 34 2014 IACSIT GENEVA CONFERENCES http://www.icica.org/ Welcome to ICICA 2015 ICICA-International Conference on Information Computer Application is the main annual research conference aimed at presenting current research being carried out. The ICICA 2012 -2013 were held in Hong Kong,Rome and Barcelona, Spain respectively.And the currently ICICA 2015 will be held in Amsterdam, Netherlands during February 12 to 13, 2015, together with the workshops ICCMS 2015 and ICSMO 2015. The idea of the conference is for the scientists, scholars, engineers and students from the Universities all around the world and the industry to present ongoing research activities, and hence to foster research relations between the Universities and the industry. ICICA 2015 is sponsored by International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology, and technical co-sponsored by many other universities and institutes. Publication The ICICA 2015 conference proceeding will be published in the International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering (ISSN:2010-3743 www.ijcce.org ), which will be indexed by Google Scholar, Engineering & Technology Digital Library,ProQuest, and Crossref Important Dates Before November 5, 2014 Full Paper Submission Before November 25, 2014 Notification of Acceptance Before December 5, 2014 Final Paper Submission and Authors' Registration Submission Methods I. Electronic Submission System; (.pdf) II. [email protected] (.doc and .pdf) Contact Us Mr. Seymour Chiang (Conference Secretary) E-mail: [email protected] 31/ 34 2014 IACSIT GENEVA CONFERENCES http://www.ickem.org/ Welcome to ICKEM 2015 2015 5th International Conference on Key Engineering Materials (ICKEM 2015) will be held during March 21-23, 2015 in Singapore together as the workshop of ICRMM 2015. The aim of ICKEM 2015 is to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, academicians as well as industrial professionals from all over the world to present their research results and development activities in Key Engineering Materials. This conference provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration. All accepted papers of ICKEM 2015 will be published by Advanced Materials Research Journal, which will be indexed by EI Compendex. And some excellent papers will be select to be published in International Journal of Materials Science and Engineering (IJMSE)free of charge. Important Dates Before December 10, 2014 Full Paper Submission Before December 30, 2014 Notification of Acceptance Before January 5, 2015 Final Paper Submission and Authors' Registration Submission Method I.Electronic Submission System (.pdf) II. [email protected] (.doc and .pdf) 32/ 34 2014 IACSIT GENEVA CONFERENCES Note 33/ 34 2014 IACSIT GENEVA CONFERENCES . 34/ 34
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