Parallel Multiplier-Aceu Rad- -2 gorithm by odified Booth VLSI AUlhor 1 : A. Sathya M.E. Communjcation yslern Department of ECE ailam Engineering College s<[email protected] ator Based on u ing u rehiteeture Author 3 : S. Divya M.E. Communication Sy tern Depru1ment of E E Mailarn ngineering allege div yapreelh i 14@ grnai Lcorn Author 2 : S. Fathimabee M.E. ommunication System Department of ECE Mailam Engineering ollege mani ·ha. ·[email protected] 14) i oomm n ly usoo . However, t hi crmn t completely solve Il1e problem d ue I the long crilical palll for mul(ipliC<llion r-J, (6J. In gcnemJ. a mulliplier . ), or nlll udders i,e .. thi multiplier f.:lIcoder, [ ] ami of in. tead of t he array of F' . .• rile three part: Bootl1 niL inly III tre' to oompr{.'S a Booth's 81 ' o rithm [71 and U!>CS lin e tree the partial pr-od u tree, and fin al adder (9], [I ]. Bccause part i a l pr dllCI from encooer lim' i proportioruil to red uce il1'lptcJtlcntali mrulY ( :_) inlO I &. 1'1, In real r ( :J) counter:. to in rease the. peed of r Ihe partial rrodtlc addition pera(ion the numbcr of oun ting the num ber of I' among Ille the n umbe r 0 outputs in ca h pipeli ne \\.', po sible. i paraliel Ihe n umbe r of 01111 u n., Wallacc to add lhe Is 'U (Io� ..\ ), \\h�TC N i in put s. It u e the fact that hlplil. as h allace tree i becau UM:d to rl!ducx: Clre tep. Th most effective u multip lier i 10 reduce the nu.mber e mu h iplic.l li '1 proceed erie f for lh- p niol produ IS. To r�'(\uc c the number r algorithm has steps for the partial products. MB c alculati on been applied m .lIy \\here � a lia :e tree has taken Ihe role 0 ir\�T\:r ing Ille peed to odd the panial pro duct speed of the MB a rcl1 itec turcs have T increase the . ulg rithm. many parallel multiplication been researched III ]·(13 J. III ng them, the hill.' lures ba ed on lhe Baugh-Wooley algorirhm (B\ been d 'vcloped and they hn e been nhering cal ulations [141-[ 16J. I. INTRomlnlO \ ITt I the y t'm•• rcal -ti m e signa.l praees ing ' like audi munication ignal proees. ing, d ata ne dvances in mullinledia and com enl rapid re proce ing in re [ngly being mulliplier and multiplicr-and-a cumulator (M es e n tial elem nt of the digital ignal proce C) II J arc the ing 'uch tering. con olution. aod inner products. Most d i g ita l proc ing methods nonlinear cQsine Imn fonn (D T) (DWT) [ 1. repetitive PI Th' demanded. un lion. u b II a Iii ignal di crl!tc or discretc wa det Iran lemn Because they are b iC<llly ac co mp li hed b pplicUliotl of multiplicatioll and addition.!he pe d of Ihe mullipli ation llnd additi o n arithmdics dl�tcrmines the e e tltion peed nd performan I.' of lhe e nti re caleul tion. the m ultip l ie r requires the IOllg t deJay among lIe Becnu e b�'i' pcratiollal blot:ks in digital d etcrmi ned multi1'1 icati • stem. lh crili al path i' y the m ultipli e r, in gcn ruL For high- "peed 11. the modified mdix-4 B !h' algorithm (MD f th mo M I advan cd IYD f r general-purp e i an arc hitl.'C tun: in whic h ) tn lhe, b umul ntio n has been II hilccture proposed in climinatin I I. ins lin been propo -<I by Elguibaly [I digital ignol proce Ihe calT)' save adder (C. 1\) tree that compre ideofimage processing. or large-.capaci are hove ppli c:d to various digital l J 7 j. se. c o m bin L"<i parlial produ me rili (II pgth \\ II with IS. reduced III - adder Ii r accumulotion and tk n.-asing the number of inpul bilS in the final adder. Whilc it has a better perfonnance beclIu. e of lhe redu ed ritical palh compared pre iou j IA architc 1Ut\: output mte due a cum ulmi 11. , • 11\ re II to the usc of the 11 r hileewre 10 umulat r relli tcr in the M tic final merge the opcl1ltor d to 10 Ihe improve Ihe adder resullS for dder block the wa' 10 propo cd in II 1 10 prov ide Ille po' ibilil)' o r u s i n ' (\\0 cpuratc 7V72-bil ,dden; insle<ld of OtiC ·bil add r �ult . Recenlly, Zicari pro n1 ·rging Ie hn iq u<! t took 11 circuil, accumulal� t he as ·bit MA ed an arcllitecntre lhol tl)Qk a lully ulilit.C th • 4-2 Illis comprcs or multilllicali 10 mprc 'SOt 1191. It al!>O the basic building bloclc for the This paper is organized as follows. In Section II, a simple introduction of a general MAC will be given, and the architec ture for the proposed MAC will be described in Section III. In Section IV, the implementation result will be analyzed and the characteristic of the proposed MAC will be shown. Finally, the conclusion will be given in Section V. If (2) is used multiptication can be expre sed a N/2-1 X x Y = L 'i=O di2ziy' (4) If these equations are used, the afore-mentioned multipUca tion-accumulation results can be expressed as II. N/2-1 OVERVIEW OF MAC In this section, basic MAC operation is introduced. A mul tiplier can be divided into three operational steps. The first is radix-2 Booth encoding in which a partial product is generated from the multiplicand (X) and the multiplier (Y). The second is adder array or partial product compression to add all partial products and convert them into the form of sum and carry. The last is the fmal addition in which the final multiplication result is produced by adding the sum and the carry. If the process to accumulate the multiplied results is included, a MAC consists of four steps, as shown in Fig. 1, which shows the operational steps explicitly. A general hardware architecture of this MAC is shown in Fig. 2. It executes the multiplication operation by multiplying the input multiplier X and the multiplicand Y. This is added to the previous multiplication result Z as the accumulation step. P = X x Y + Z = L i=O c42iy + 2N-l L zi2i. (5) j=o Each of the two terms on the right-hand side of (5) is calcu lated independently and the final result is produced by adding the two results. The MAC architecture implemented by (5) is called the standard design [6]. Ill. PROPOSED MAC ARCHITECTURE In this section, the expression for the new arithmetic will be derived from equations of the standard design. From this result, VLSI architecture for the new MAC will be proposed. In addi tion, a hybrid-typed CSA architecture that can satisfy the oper ation of the proposed MAC will be proposed. y x A.Derivation of MAC Arithmetic I) Basic Concept: If an operation to multiply two TV -bit numbers and accumulate into a 27V-bit number is considered, the critical path is determined by the 27V-bit accumulation operation. The overall performance of the proposed MAC is improved by eliminating the accumulator itself by combining it with the CSA function. If the accumulator has been eliminated, the critical path is then determined by the final adder in the multiplier. The basic method to improve the performance of the final adder is to decrease the number of input bits. In order to reduce this number of input bits, the multiple partial products are compressed into a sum and a carry by CSA. The number of bits of sums and carries to be transferred to the final adder is reduced by adding the lower p bits of sums and carries in advance within the range in which the Fig. 2. Hardware architecture of general MAC. overall performance will not be degraded. A 2-bit CLA is used to add the lower bits in the CSA. In addition, to increase the output The iV-bit 2's complement binary number X can be expressed a X = -2.N-lxN_1 + previous cycle are inputted to CSA. Due to this feedback of both L xi2i� sum and carry, the number of inputs to CSA increases, compared Xi EO, 1. (I) N/2-1 di = to the standard design and [17]. In order to efficiently solve the increase in the amount of data, a CSA architecture is modified to If (I) is expres ed in base-4 type redundant sign digit form in order to apply the radix-2 Booth's algorithm, it would be [7]. L CSA are accumulated instead of the outputs from the final adder in the manner that the sum and carry from the CSA in the N-2 ,i=O X= rate when pipelining is applied, the sums and carrys from the treat the sign bit. 2) Equation Derivation:The aforementioned concept is applied to (5) to express the proposed MAC arithmetic. Then, the multiplication would be transferred to a hardware architecture dAi (2) ,i=O -2X2i+l + XZi + X2i-1. (3) that complies with the proposed concept in which the feedback Value for accumulation will be modified and expanded for the new MAC If the multiplication in (4) is decomposed , it becomes Z If (6) is divided into the first partial product, sum of the middle partial products, and the final partial product, it can be reex-pressed as (7). XXY ;;;; do2Y + NJ2-2 L ch2Z::iy + dNf2_12N-2y. i i Stepl ---- Booth Encoding I . I I I I : : j ""N ZojZi. (8) 2N-l L Z 20 i 'i""N (7) (8) Z If (7) i 1\ -1 = LZl'H'i2i2N i""O N-2 = L(Ci+S'j)2i2N. (9) 'i""Q finally separated into three terms a = and i N-l N-2 1\-2 'i=O i=O 'i=O L z.j2'i + L Ci2i2N + L (10) ,jzoiZN. are used, the MAC arithmetic in (lO) (5) can be expres ed as ,t+ I Accumulattion /1+ I bits Partial Product (Po) 1t+1 bits Parti al Product (P,) bits Partial Product V'}) (11) 1,,+1 bits Partial Product (Pl I) I •. J________ � _____________________________________ I I : Step3 i Fig. 3. 1 1 PartIal Product : : Summation I Step2 : & ---- "bits Multiplier (Y) ' The econd term can be eparated further into the carry term Thu , I I I 'i=O �-------- � ------------------------------------I ____ I " bits Multiplicand (X) = 2N-l L Z,iZi + L and sum term as i;;;;l : N-l Final Addition : I i 1 :I Sum (S) I Carry (G) �-------- � ------------------------------------- 211 bits Accumulation Result (Z) Proposed arithmetic operation of multiplication and accumulation. n n .. 0 .80 X g W .t: Y Fig. 4. 0 n � 1ii "3 § u u « ctd « en U P[n-l:O] Z .. ... "'0 C S If the MAC process proposed in the previous section is rear ranged, it would be as Fig. 3, in which the MAC is organized into � ] B. Proposed MAC Architecture P[2n-l:n] n "" difference that the accumulation has been merged into the process of adding the partial products. Another big difference from Fig. 1 is that the final addition process in step 3 is not always run even Hardware architecture of the proposed MAC. though it does not appear explicitly in Fig. 3. Since accumulation The reason for separating the partial product addition as (7) is that three types of data are fed back for accumulation, which are the sum, the carry, and the preadded results of the sum and carry from lower bits Now, the proposed concept is applied to Z in three steps. when compared with Fig. 1, it is easy to identify the (5). If Z is first is carried out using the result from step 2 instead of that from step 3, step 3 does not have to be run until the point at which the result for the final accumulation is needed. C. Proposed CSA Architecture The architecture of the hybrid-type CSA that complies with the 5, divided into upper and lower bits and rearranged, (8) will be operation of the proposed MAC is shown in Fig. derived. The first term of the right-hand side in (8) corresponds to performs 8 x 8-bit operation. It was formed based on (12). In Fig. the upper bits. It is the value that is fed back as the sum and the 5, carry. The second term corresponds to the lower bits. l's complement number into 2's complement number.S [i) which Si is to simplify the sign expansion and Ni is to compensate and C [i} correspond to the ith bit of the feedback sum and carry. Z[iJ is the ith bit of the sum of the lower bits for each partial product that were added in advance and Z' [iJ is the previous result. Clil P,['J qOI llli P'['l l'[61 q71 Fig. 5. Architecture of the proposed P�61 1111 >{71 q61 P,(ll 2141 P.I'I ZIlI P,(ll <PI pJlI 111] PJII 1101 P,(OI .1161 q51 q'l >{51 .11'1 qJI .IIll q21 .1121 qll .1111 qOI .1101 CSA tree. IV. IMPLEMENTATION AND EXPERIMENT In this section, the proposed MAC is implemented and analyzed. Clock 1 Then it would be compared with some previous researches. SInge 1 A. Hardware Resource J) Analysis mentioned are 1 I The analyzed to three compare FinaiAddilion FinaiAddilion2 Fin.alAddili0l13 1 (a) hardware Clock I resources and the results are given in Table II.The hardware Stage I resources in Table II are the results from counting all the logic elements for a general 16- BoolhCncoding CSA/ACC 1 Slage2 I Clock 2 Clockl Clock 4 Clockl Clock 6 OoochUncoding2 Booth encoding3 Dooth Encoding4 Booth Encoding � BoolhfncQding6 CSAJACC2 CSAJACC3 CSA/ACC4 CSA/ACeS CSAlACC6 FinllAddi!ionl FinalAddilion2 Fina[Addirion3 Fill31 Addition4 Final AdditionS bit architecture. The 90 nm CMOS HVT standard cell library (b) from TSMC was used as the hardware library for the 16 bits. As Table II shows, the standard design uses the most hardware eSA/ACC) J architecture the Clock 6 ClockS DoolhEncodinaJ OoothEnoodi",2 CSAJACC2 Slage2 of Hardware Resource: before eSA/ACC Clock 4 Clock 3 Clock 2 BooIhEncodina Pipelined operational sequence. (a) Elguib:aly's operation. (b) Proposed operation. resources and the proposed architecture uses the least. TABLE I CHARACTERISTICS OF CSA 10 16J [17J The Proposed ) 's Complement 2·!o. COl11pk�menl l"s Complement Sign Extension U cd Used Accumulation Result Data of Result Data of Final Addilion Final Addition CSA Tree FA. HA FA. 2 bils CLA Final Adder 2n bil umber SYSlcrn (n+2) NOI -- EltPribily(llOom) ....... S.o(llOom) ...... EltPribaly(9Onm) sed Sum and Carry of CSA I .:. F F � E FA. HA. 2 bil5 CLA 0 1'1. bits bil5 2 -I SO 9l 110 125 (a) TABLE n CALCULATION OF HADWARE RESOURCE Component [17] (6) General 16 bits 2 964.8 (T� FA (T�2 +n) HA 0 0 2 b it CLA 0 0 Accumulator (2n+ 1) bits CLA Final adder Total 2n bits General The 16 bils +2n+3) 1092.1 0 (� -1) General 16 bits 2 (; +�) 0 214 197 1375.8 (n+2) bits 109.5 1250.6 n ....... ElgWbaly(25Onm) .:. e F F E e 3n 76.8 � 56 bits 97 F.-quOl'Y (MHz] 1141 (e) 2 49 911.2 IS5 200 (b) ....... 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