SUMMARY REPORT | 2014 10 -Year Transmission System Assessment A changing landscape SUMMARY REPORT | 2014 The changing landscape of the energy industry requires an understanding of all grid functions, not just connecting power plants to communities. and location of generators require us to work closely with the generator owners, MISO, and other stakeholders to determine how we will continue to provide reliable service. We continue to work with stakeholders when considering such traditional planning elements as changes in load, usage and possible generator retirements. Load on our system varies significantly across our service area; while load growth has slowed in recent years, our plans must account for differing needs driven by geography, population, energy-intensive industries, changes in the general economy and other variables. Such is the case with our Bay Lake Project – a combination of new 138-kV and 345-kV lines in the northern part of our service area. The lines are designed to address a delicate, shifting balance between generation, load and transmission. A large percentage of load in that portion of our system runs nearly continuously, making it difficult to schedule maintenance outages for transmission system components. When maintenance is performed while the system operates at near-capacity, the risk of losing service to customers is higher. At the southern end of our system, transmission congestion has often prevented our customers from buying and selling the most economic power available in the region. The Pleasant Prairie‑Zion Energy Center line, our first Midcontinent Independent System Operator-approved Multi‑Value Project, was placed into service late last year and began providing benefits immediately. In fact, earlier this year, one of the Wisconsin utilities announced plans to return money to its customers as a result of increased sales to other utilities. We believe that this new MVP line was an important factor that reduced congestion, helping the sales increase. We continue to be challenged by significant changes in generation. Some generators have retired, others have announced retirements and we have added new generation to the system. The changing mix and location of these generators require us to work closely with the generator owners, MISO and other stakeholders to determine how we will continue to provide reliable service with these changes. High-profile events such as acts of terrorism and vandalism have placed increasing emphasis on physical and cyber security measures. A new mandatory Critical Infrastructure Protection standard is expected to be issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission soon. We have launched a targeted, 10-year program to enhance security at many of our substations based on a risk methodology that assessed our threats and vulnerabilities. We also are involved in industry discussions to address additional ways to maintain the safety and security of the electrical grid. The 2014 Assessment covers the years 2014 to 2023 and indicates a need for $3.3 billion to $3.9 billion in transmission system improvements. The planning zone summaries included in this report detail some of the specific projects identified to improve reliability, access to the market and renewable energy resources. A more comprehensive listing of these projects is available at Ron Snead Vice President of System Planning Mark Davis Vice President of Asset Management Transmission investments The 10-year projections from past and current Transmission System Assessments 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Specific Network Projects $1.0B$1.0B $1.9B $1.2B $1.4B Regional Multi-Value Projects$0.7B $0.8B $0.5B $0.5B $1.1B $1.1B $1.2B $0.7B Asset Maintenance $0.7B$1.0B Other Capital Categories $1.0B$1.1B/$1.7B$0.1B/$1.0B $0.2B/$0.8B$0.2B/$0.8B Total 10-Year Capital Cost$3.4B $3.8B/$4.4B$3.9B/$4.8B $3.0B/$3.6B$3.3B/$3.9B 2–3 10 -Year Transmission System Assessment The changing mix For several years, we have been discussing evolving energy markets, the need for regional planning to provide economic benefits, and the ways technology and public policy are challenging and changing the way we plan and operate the grid. New variables enter into consideration each year. Consequently, industry dynamics require an ever-expanding view and understanding of all the benefits of a strong transmission grid. SUMMARY REPORT | 2014 Regional and economic planning update Eastern Interconnection Planning Collaborative Building on a planning initiative started in 2010, a group of 25 registered planning authorities continues to refine plans for transmission grid needs from the Rocky Mountains to the east coast and several Canadian provinces. Recent “stress test” studies performed by the collaborative show that the system has the potential to increase transfers in 2018 by 1,100 megawatts to 5,000 megawatts. In 2023, transfers could be increased between 550 and 5,000 megawatts, depending on the regions involved. These transfers are in addition to the transfers that already take place in the base case and would involve no transmission being built other than what is already included in existing plans across the interconnection. Two additional scenarios using 2018 and 2023 models are being studied using updated plans from the previous study and a drought scenario in part of the Eastern Interconnection with transfers coming from non-drought areas. Market constraints Two of the three narrow constrained areas identified in the MISO region are associated with ATC. The two areas are within the Wisconsin and Upper Michigan System. Congestion within the northern WUMS study area declined significantly since 2012 due in part to transmission upgrades and generation additions. The Pleasant Prairie-Zion Energy Center MVP transmission line also has helped alleviate congestion. We continue to evaluate projects that may eliminate the NCA designation. MISO Transmission Expansion Planning MISO planning studies address longand short-term issues as well as targeted needs. Long-term studies primarily look at value-based options that provide economic benefits in the 10- to 20-year horizon. Shortterm planning is primarily driven by transmission owners’ reliability and NERC compliance needs in a five- to 10-year period. MTEP 14 Our staff participates in the shortterm reliability and economic studies in a variety of ways: ensuring accurate project information is included in the MISO database, building and reviewing models, correlating needs identified by MISO analyses with specific ATC projects and participating in various studies and stakeholder forums. Other MISO planning activities Our Strategic Projects staff participates in various technical and policy discussions and provides future direction of MTEP activities. We also are involved in joint planning studies with neighboring regional transmission organizations, including PJM and SPP. MISO and PJM coordinated, conducted and analyzed several Market Efficiency Project studies. This analysis is reviewed by an inter-regional planning stakeholder advisory committee and typically examines economic projects that could benefit both RTOs and qualify for crossborder cost-sharing. FERC Order 1000 We also have participated in MISO’s efforts to implement a competitive bidding process for selecting developers of Market Efficiency Projects and MVPs as part of its compliance with FERC Order 1000. ATC has applied to become a qualified developer and also has participated in the stakeholder process for drafting the business practice rules for selecting developers. In May 2014, FERC accepted revisions to our local process to comply with requirements that transmission needs driven by public policy requirements be considered in planning. 4–5 4–5 10 -Year Transmission System Assessment ATC is involved with several planning efforts that address regional, inter-regional and Eastern Interconnection-wide needs that could impact grid operations. Proposed legislation regarding renewable energy developments and greenhouse gas emission reductions continues to evolve at the federal level. ATC monitors these discussions and continues to undertake internal analyses and participate in regional studies to anticipate the future demands on the transmission system. SUMMARY REPORT | 2014 Pleasant Prairie-Zion Energy Center Reliability and Multi-Value Projects strengthen the grid within our service territory We also are developing a preliminary southeast Wisconsin-northeast Illinois 345-kV transmission project to further address reliability issues at this interface. While it has not yet been identified in the specific project list, it has been considered in the capital forecast. Mackinac HVDC Converter Station This unique facility to help manage the flow of power across transmission lines in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula was placed into commercial operation in summer 2014. The station, located adjacent to the Straits Substation in St. Ignace, Mich., is one of only three facilities of its kind in the United States. The device allows MISO to control power flow in and out of the Upper Bay Lake The Bay Lake Project is a package of proposals to address the delicate, shifting balance between generation, load and transmission in the northern portion of our service area. The Holmes-Old Mead Road portion of Bay Lake was approved by Michigan regulators in early 2014. It includes a single 58-mile, 138-kV line from the Holmes Substation in Menominee County to the Old Mead Road Substation in Escanaba, Mich. Construction of the $120 million project is scheduled to begin in late 2014 with an in-service date of mid-2016. The North Appleton-Morgan project includes a 345-kV and 138-kV line from our North Appleton Substation in Outagamie County to the Morgan Substation in Oconto County, Wis. Both substations will be expanded and a new substation, Benson Lake, will be required to accommodate a large voltage-control device at the site of our Amberg Substation in Marinette County. Additional work will be required at 11 other substations. The project is currently being reviewed by the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin. If approved, construction would begin in 2017 with an in-service date of 2019. Cost of the project ranges from $307 million to $327 million depending on the route selected. ATC has initiated a Northern Area Reliability Assessment effort to engage stakeholders and identify potential reinforcements due to generation uncertainties in the northern portion of the ATC system. While not yet specifically identified in the project list, the capital forecast includes consideration of preliminary alternatives that could include: -- Plains-National project -- Lakota-Winona conversion from 69-kV to 138-kV -- Morgan-Crivitz project -- Uprates or rebuilds in the Green Bay area -- Rhinelander area upgrades ATC is collaborating with MISO to complete this assessment in late 2014. Potential generation solutions also will be considered. Badger Coulee Badger Coulee, one of the 17 Multi‑Value Projects proposed by MISO in late 2011, also is being reviewed by the Wisconsin PSC. The 160- to 180-mile 345-kV line between the La Crosse and Dane County areas will deliver reliability, economic and public policy benefits. Sponsored jointly with Xcel Energy, the project will n Offset the need for about $160 million in lower-voltage upgrades in western Wisconsin, n Increase access to the wholesale energy market and could provide between $259 million and $841 million in net economic benefits over the life of the project and n Establish another pathway for renewable energy into Wisconsin with a connection to key load centers. Cardinal-Hickory Creek This project between Dane County, Wis., and Dubuque County, Iowa, is a 125-mile line that will provide benefits that exceed its cost. As a joint venture with ITC Midwest LLC, this MISO Multi-Value Project would improve local and regional reliability and deliver economic benefits by providing greater access to the wholesale market. The 345-kV line would run from the Cardinal Substation in Dane County, to the proposed Hickory Creek Substation in Dubuque County. Initial Wisconsin public outreach for routing and siting the line will begin in fall 2014. 6–7 10 -Year Transmission System Assessment Major projects update As noted in our opening letter, this project began producing economic benefits as soon as it was placed in service in late 2013. The 5.3-mile, 345-kV line between substations in Pleasant Prairie, Wis., and Zion, Ill., relieves congestion in the region and provides savings to electric utilities and their customers by enabling the most efficient generators to supply power to the energy market. It also has increased local and regional reliability by providing another interstate high-voltage connection for utilities in Illinois and Wisconsin. Peninsula, helping to accommodate the transmission of renewable wind energy being developed in the west. The station was a quick and less-expensive solution compared to a portfolio of transmission lines studied as alternatives. Since we were formed in 2001 as a utility solely focused on electric transmission, we have: n u pgraded more than 1,824 miles of transmission line, n improved 165 electric substations and n b uilt 48 new transmission lines (600 miles) Our progress performance in line reliability in 2013 highlighted by a “Best in Class” Transmission Reliability Composite Score for 100‑ to 161‑kV lines. Today, we have a more robust network and have established more connections to systems in other states. But a regional energy market is maturing, the grid is being asked to perform in ways it was not originally intended, and our interconnected customer needs continue to change based on economics and public policy regarding air quality issues. As a utility company with an obligation to serve, we work closely with our customers not only to provide reliable service, but also to share information about how changes in their operations impact our system. Regional planning has become a logical outgrowth of a geographically broader energy market. As new air quality rules take effect, older coalfired generation will be retired and replaced with newer generation, including renewable energy developments in areas with a rich wind resource but without large load centers. Transmission system expansion or reconfiguration of the system will play an important role as changes are made in generation. Managing our existing assets goes hand in hand with our planning strategy for maintaining and improving reliability and cost-effectiveness. Our Quad County Electric Reliability Project is a major maintenance effort to replace aging lattice and H-frame structures and wires on lines in Waukesha, Jefferson, Dodge and Washington counties in Wisconsin. Originally built in the late 1940s, the 58 miles of 138-kilovolt transmission lines will be upgraded to include fiber optic wires on portions of the project, providing high-speed data transfer and overall support to the electric system. ATC line reliability maintained top performance in 2013, highlighted by a “Best in Class” transmission reliability composite score for 100‑ to 161-kV lines, and ranked in the top 10 percent for 345- to 500-kV lines. While lines are performing well, targeted investment is required to maintain reliability. Transmission remains a good value for the electricity consumer. Transmission costs within our service area remain at about 8 to 9 percent of a retail customer’s electric bill. Retail customers pay for the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity, plus fuel costs, through regulated utility rates. Generation and fuel make up the major portion of the bill, followed by distribution infrastructure. We have made progress by actively seeking input and making our plans and proposals public. To date, ATC has: n produced and issued 19 transmission system assessments to the public, n h eld dozens of major public planning and siting meetings and n p articipated in thousands of interactive local, state and industry discussions, both giving and receiving information to carry out our duties and responsibilities. 8–9 10 -Year Transmission System Assessment ATC maintained top The landscape in which we operate today looks vastly different than it did when we began our operations in 2001. Then, we were operating a balkanized system of transmission assets with few interconnections with each other, let alone connections with other states. There was little operating margin, especially during times of peak demand in the summer. A more reliable transmission system has enabled us to: n r eliably deliver electricity to customers in Wisconsin, Michigan and Illinois at all hours of the year including peak demand hours, n m aintain top reliability performance, n s upport approximately 1,200 MW of new peak electric usage, n c onnect 6,048 MW of new generation at 24 sites, n c onnect more than 630 MW of wind generation, n increase the ability of our system to import power and n r esolve problems in 19 specific areas to move power into or through our system. – Arrowhead-Weston (Northwestern Wisconsin) – Blackhawk-Colley Road (Rock County, Wis.) – Christiana-Kegonsa (Dane County, Wis.) – Cranberry-Conover-Plains (Northern Wisconsin and Upper Peninsula of Michigan) – Eau Claire-Arpin (Wood County, Wis.) – Gardner Park-Central Wisconsin (Marathon and Shawano (Wis.) counties) – Kewaunee (Kewaunee County, Wis.) – Manistique-Hiawatha (Schoolcraft and Mackinac (Mich.) counties) – Morgan-Werner West (Shawano, Waupaca, Outagamie and Oconto (Wis.) counties) – North Madison-Huiskamp (Dane County, Wis.) – North Appleton-Lost Dauphin (Outagamie and Brown (Wis.) counties) – North Appleton-White Clay (Outagamie and Shawano (Wis.) counties) – Paddock-Rockdale (Dane and Rock (Wis.) counties) – Paris-St. Martins (Kenosha, Racine and Milwaukee (Wis.) counties) – Plains-Stiles (Oconto, Marinette, Menominee (Wis.), and Dickinson, (Mich.) counties) – Rockdale-Cardinal (Dane County, Wis.) – Rhinelander area (Lincoln, Oneida and Langlade (Wis.) counties) – Wempletown-Paddock (Rock County, Wis., and northern Illinois) – Whitewater-Mukwonago (Walworth and Waukesha (Wis.) counties) SUMMARY REPORT | 2014 Major accomplishments to date Plans and proposals for the transmission system Economics – We evaluate the impact of transmission congestion on wholesale power prices and study projects to determine economic savings to offset most or all of the congestion and loss costs. An example is evaluating increased access to markets outside our footprint. Solutions: Two projects based on economics have been completed and two more are proposed. For planning purposes, we divide our service area into five zones representing distinct geographic or usage areas. Within each zone (shown below), we compile and assess the transmission system needs. Generator retirements – Similar to new generator requests, when a large generator is retired due to age or other reasons, we will determine how system requirements will be affected. Changing economics, age and recently issued EPA rules are expected to impact retirements across the U.S. in the next five to 10 years. Solution: We are working closely with generation owners and MISO to anticipate reliability impacts to our transmission system. New generation – When a new generating facility is proposed, we conduct a system impact study and, if requested, a facilities study. If the existing transmission system is inadequate to ensure generator stability or reliable transmission service, we will determine what system expansion will be needed. Solutions: 12 generators are active in the ATC footprint of the MISO generation queue, and many reflect the growing development of wind energy and natural gas. 24 generators added since 2001 required construction of transmission facilities. Asset renewal – Keeping transmission lines, substations and related equipment in good operating condition extends the life of the facilities, improves system performance and safety, and minimizes the potential for outages. Part of the $3.3 to 3.9 billion investment ATC will make over the next 10 years is dedicated to asset renewal. Major projects at substations include replacing circuit breakers, protective relays, lightning protection and transformers. Major work on transmission lines involves rebuilding or upgrading aging power lines, including the replacement of structures, conductors, insulators and other equipment. Solutions: More than 110 projects to address asset renewal needs are anticipated in the next 10 years. Load growth – Demand for electricity during peak usage periods is forecasted to grow at a rate of approximately 0.7 percent across our service territory from 2015 through 2024. Solutions: More than 90 projects are planned for assuring reliability, at least in part, due to load growth. Approximately 3 projects were cancelled, in part, due to slower load growth rates. Regulatory environment – Physical and cyber security and reliability standards continue to increase, which may affect planning criteria and facility design standards. Solution: We are participating in the North American Electric Reliability Corp.’s standards development process to help anticipate the future impacts of these changes on our planning criteria and facility design standards. Integration of new technologies – Demand-side management, variable generation, distributed resources and smart grid technologies all require changes in how the grid is planned and operated to maintain reliability. Solution: The type of flow-control device between Upper and Lower Michigan will be one of three utilized in the U.S. Project classifications Within each zone, we have recommended network and asset renewal projects to address system limitations. The network projects are classified into one of three possible categories – Planned, Proposed or Provisional – depending upon the stage a project may be in. Planned Proposed Provisional Status of ATC planning activities Studies complete Studies not complete Studies not complete Application for regulatory approval Application pending or issued None None Project status Project in construction Project identified as planning phase or preliminary preferred under construction alternative Project included System solution included in generation interconnection power flow models Project not included Placeholder project; not necessarily a preferred project alternative Project not included 10 – 11 10 -Year Transmission System Assessment Public policy – Pending air quality regulations, a maturing wholesale energy market and renewable energy mandates have introduced uncertainty and complexity in transmission planning. Solutions: We work closely with our customers to determine what changes in their operations will impact the transmission system. We also are participating in several regional transmission studies to identify the transmission needed to integrate renewable generation, including wind, much of which could be located in areas remote from large load centers. Distribution interconnections – The transmission system is dynamic; changes in load forecasts, replacing aging distribution facilities, new customers and existing customers adding load all drive the need for additional and/or modified transmissionto-distribution interconnections. Solutions: 110 are planned in the next 10 years. More than 362 new or improved T-D interconnections have been made since 2001. SUMMARY REPORT | 2014 What drives the need for transmission system improvements? SUMMARY REPORT | 2014 North Central Wisconsin Zone 1 Transmission system characteristics in Zone 1 ATC delivers power in Zone 1 with various transmission facilities including: n n Counties included in Zone 1 – North central Wisconsin Adams Oneida Forest Portage (southwestern portion) Fond du Lac (northwestern portion) Green Lake Juneau Langlade Lincoln Marathon Marquette Monroe (eastern portion) Shawano (western portion) Vernon (eastern portion) Vilas (southern portion) Waupaca Waushara Winnebago (western portion) WOOD n n East-west 345-kV line from Arpin Substation through Stevens Point extending to the Appleton area, Electric System Overview 45-kV line extending from 3 Wausau to northeastern Minnesota, Population in Zone 1 is projected to grow at 0.7 percent annually between now and 2023. Employment is projected to grow at 1.0 percent annually between now and 2023. Marathon County is projected to realize the largest increase in population and employment, while Adams County is projected to have the highest growth rate in population and employment. 45-kV line extending from 3 Wausau to Stevens Point to eastern Outagamie County (Highway 22), 15-kV network in the northern 1 portion of the zone, and 38-kV and 69-kV network in the 1 southern portion of the zone. Transmission system limitations in Zone 1 Key system performance issues from this Assessment in Zone 1 include low voltages and thermal overloads in the southern portion of the zone. These issues will necessitate a combination of reinforcements. In addition, for the northern portion of the zone, other studies occurring in parallel with this Assessment, including the Northern Area Reliability Assessment, have identified several voltage and Slight increases expected in population, employment Electricity usage Peak electric demand typically occurs during the summer months, with some winter peaks appearing in the northern portion of the zone. Primary electricity users in Zone 1 include a number of large paper mills and food processing plants. Electric load is forecasted to grow approximately 0.5 percent annually through 2024. 12 – 13 10 -Year Transmission System Assessment n thermal limitations. The most severe limitations occur during off-peak periods. See the Zone 2 section for a summary of a preliminary preferred alternative. !"" ! ( ( " " " " ONEIDA " * # * # Creek Westfield Silver Lake (ALTE) * # ACEC Chateau * # Montello * # * # * # # * * # Roeder Eastom * # * # * # * # * # * # LINCOLN Grandfather Falls * # LANGLADE " * # ¬ « * # ( ! OCONTO ( ! " ( ! * Sherman St # # * * # Cassel * # * # ( ! Sunnyvale ( ( ! ! ( ! MARATHON * # * # Kelly * # # Weston SW YD * * Morrison Ave # 2019Overloads and condition * # CWEC Wittenberg Wittenberg ## * * Gardner Park Stratford Whitcomb * # CLARK Wildwood (MEWD) Condition and performance White Lake (WE) * # Werner SS * # " " ( " ( ! ( ! ! " Casaloma " DPC New Lisbon Buckhorn West Mauston Hilltop (ALTE) * *# # *# Mauston DPC Elroy * # ACEC Glen Neenah Creek * # * # River Run to Madison area * # GREEN LAKE Roeder * # Metomen Rosendale * # Green Lake SW STA Brandon 2 Mackford Prairie * # * Aviation # Alto North Fond Du Lac Sanborn * *# # ACEC ACEC Cambria Friesland North Randolph *# # *# * Staff # * Randolph Didion Cambria ## * * * # Fox Lake (ALTE) * # " North * # Sadoff Co East Scott St * # ## * * Ledgev # * * # # * Ohmstead FOND * *# *# # South Fond *C # DU LAC * * # R # # * Du Lac SW YD Martin Rd * # * Forest # Hickory St Koch Oil * # * # Waupun Waupun Main # * * # ¬ « * # Fairwater Lakehead Portage SM * # * * # # * Ripon # * * # # ACEC Endeavor Roslin * # * # * Oshkosh # * * # ## * 12th Ave * # ¬ « * # Portage Ind Park * # * # Trienda # *# * Portage Bowen St Ripon Ind Park * # ACEC Lewiston CALU Sunset Point Pearl Ave Fitzgerald Northwest Ripon Markesan * # Tayco Melissa T Montello * # Wisconsin Dells Muni 2 Finnegan * Platt *# # *# Dell Kilbourn Creek * # # * Loch *# Mirror Reedsburg Zobel Birchwood * Nishan # Lake * Reedsburg # Fox Delton Hills # * Artesian # * Co Lo ( ( ! ! Ellinwood * # Berlin ## * * Dartford * # DPC Lyndon Station * # * # * # # * * # # * # # * * Lake Park * Meadows # * Mears Corners # Oakfield " " " " " " "" " " * # Omro Industrial Park * * # # * # * # MARQUETTE # * * # Omro Fox River Appleton Kaukau * # No Apple Hills Maes City Limits * # !" ( ! ! ( ( " " " " Lake (ALTE) Lyndon Station Union Center * Wonewoc # # * Hillsboro * # ACEC Chateau Brooks ACEC Winnebago * # VERNON Castle Rock " to La Crosse area * # " Dorset Corners Westfield ACEC Turtle Lake "" * # *" "# " ACEC Richford 4 " " Mckenna Grand #" " * ACEC Marsh " " " Quincy # * " * # *" # DPC # * * # ACEC JUNEAU * # " " " " *" # * # ACEC Red Spring Granite Lake ( ! ( ! ( *!( ! # ( ! ( ! ! ( ( ! Camp Douglas Chaffee Creek ( ! ! ( 1 DPC * Oakdale # * # Wings Coloma * # * # ACEC Friendship Friendship *# # * Lincoln Houghton Pump STA * # Rock # * " Winneconne * # " * Whistling # ADAMS " T LA CROSSE SM ACEC Dellwood * # "# * Wautoma " * # " Silver WINNEBAGO Fountain Valley WAUSHARA * North # "" DPC ¬ « Woodenshoe Rose * # ( ! ( ! ( ( ! ( ! ( ! (! ! # ! * ( ( ! * # MONROE Necedah # * ( ! ( ! ( ! ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ! ( ( ACEC Coloma " ¬ « ¬ « * # Cardinal ( ( ! ! Glass Tomah *# # Industrial * Tomah ( ! ! ( ( Pk ! * # # (* ! " 345 kV DPC Ocean Spray " T Big Pond Neevin * ACEC Wild Rose Pump # ACEC Wautoma * # * # Northside Wildrose * Wild # * Sand # Lake ACEC Hancock Hancock # * * # Butte Des Morts * ACEC # " 230 kV SS * # # * 138 kV ¬ « * # # * ¬ « Ellington * # " 115 kV 161 kV * # Supports transmission system expansion OUTAGAMIE # Hintz * C " " " " "" " 69 kV ACEC Plainfield Plainfield (ALTE) ACEC Sherwood ACEC Cottonville Badger West * # Warrens 69-kV transmission line rating upgrade New substation Harrison 69kV ¬ « ( ! 115- or 138-kV transmission line rating upgrade SUBSTATION KEY * # Saratoga " "" # * Werner West Harrison North 138kV Waupaca * # ( ( ! ! Supports local growth ACEC Grant " " " " " " " " " T-D interconnection Hartman Creek * # " " " Relieves low voltages or high voltages Rebuilt 69-kV transmission line * # ( ! Capacitor bank or reactor # Baker St * WAUPACA # * * # Golden Sands * # Manawa * # Sheridan (ALTE) " " " " " " Supports local growth and improves voltage levels * # SM Lawn Rd Iola * # " " " " Rebuilt 115- or 138-kV transmission line * # # * * # Armenia EXISTING TRANSMISSION LINES KEY 115-, 138- or 161-kV transmission line Transformer Arnott * # PORTAGE Coyne St * # Amherst Jct * # * # # * CWEC Sannes " " " * # Whiting Hoover Ave " Hollywood Rocky Run ACEC Arrowhead 345-kV transmission line 69-kV transmission line Rudolph " " " "" JACKSON CWEC Iola * # * # #" " Okray * Plover *" * # West Wisconsin Rapids # Northern Steel Casting Vulcan Port Chem # * Edwards # * System Solutions Key Upgrades equipment ratings to avert facility overloads Clintonville Northpoint " " " " " * ## * " " " Lakehead Vesper * # Substation modifications * # " * # Vesper Sigel WOOD Supports transmission system expansion # Highway 22 * * Cloverleaf # Belle Plaine * # * # " " * # New substation * # * # * # Pittsville TRANSMISSION LINE KEY * # Auburndale Arpin SUBSTATION KEY Badger Marion Rosholt Rosholt CWEC # * * # Hume * * # # Mill * Creek # * # TREMPEALEAU * # " 2016 Groenier CWEC Dewey * # 4 Caroline * # Rozellville * # McMillan " EAU CLAIRE * # ¬ « White Clay West East Shawano Shawano SHAWANO CWEC Tigerton * # " " Provisional Projects None MENOMINEE Brooks Corners Birnamwood * # ( ! Wien SW STA * # T Corners Deer Trail * # " 10 -Year Transmission System Assessment " Hilltop (WPS) " Maine * # Proposed Projects Fairwater – Mackford Prairie 2018Network service, condition, 69-kV line construction overloads and low voltages Asset Renewal Projects Montello – Wautoma 69-kV line rebuild * # Aurora St * # SW STA 3 ( ! Low-voltage, economics, avoid reconfiguration during emergencies CHIPPEWA 14 – 15 Polar Antigo * " " " " "# # * Blackbrook ( ! Planned Projects Monroe County – Council Creek 2015 161‑kV line construction M13 Reinforcement Bunker Hill-Blackbrook Mountain * # SS ( ! 3 In-Service YearNeed Driver Bunker Hill SW STA ( ! ( ! ( ( ! ! ( ! ( ! 2 Pine (WPS) ( ! 1 " * # on the status of the projects shown, the transmission line additions may be for illustrative purposes only and may not reflect the actual routes. Fox H * # " Summit Lake (WPS) TAYLOR Project Description Silver Cliff # * * Tomahawk # ATC 115kV " " * # MARINET " Metonga * # * # GREEN LAKE * # *# * # *Depending # Goodman # * " * # Venus * # * # * # # * * # *# # * * # * # FOREST Rhinelander Paper Hodag Highway Eight * # * ACEC Turtle Lake MARQUETTE # * # ACEC Brooks * # ACEC Richford *" "# " " Chaffee * # * # * # " " *" # " " " " " " Lincoln ACEC Pump *# # * Friendship STA *" " " * Houghton # # Rock " " Grand * " # " ""Mckenna Marsh ( ! ( ! * # Pin * # " " " * # * # Three Lakes * # The most notable planned, proposed and provisional network projects and asset renewal projects in Zone 1, along with their projected year of completion and the factors driving the need for the projects, are listed below. FLORENCE " SUMMARY REPORT | 2014 Transmission projects in Zone 1 Waupaca Eagle River WAUPACA " " ADAMS RUSK Harrison 69kV # Cranberry * St Germain * # Clear Lake (WPS) 138kV " " "# * # Hartman Creek # * * # * * # Florence " " Sherwood " *" " *# *# # * # Harrison North * # PORTAGE # * "" " " " " " " " " " Zone 1 Woodmin Plainfield * ACEC # (ALTE) # * ACEC Plainfield Wildrose Sand * # ACEC Wild Lake Wild Rose Pump # * # Fountain * Rose ACEC Valley ACEC WAUSHARA Hancock Hancock # * * # Wautoma # * PRICE ACEC Red Spring ACEC " * Wautoma # Granite Coloma " Lake * # Coloma ACEC * Cottonville # * # Golden Sands Aspen * # Amherst Sannes Jct Sheridan (ALTE) " " "" " " "" " ACEC Arrowhead North Central Wisconsin * CWEC # * # * # * # ACEC * # Arnott Plover ACEC Grant Michiga * # * # * # Wautoma Area WOOD * # * Coyne St # *# * SAWYER #" * Baker St # * # * # * # * # Saratoga # * * # * * # # * # * *" "# Okray # " " " " " """ *# *" # * # * "# ( ! * # G Forward Energy Center * # Butternut * # A Zone 2 Transmission system characteristics in Zone 2 Counties included in Zone 2 – Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and Northern Wisconsin Alger, Mich. Luce, Mich. Baraga, Mich. Mackinac, Mich. Chippewa, Mich. Delta, Mich. Dickinson, Mich. Florence, Wis. Forest, Wis. (northern portion) Gogebic, Mich. (eastern portion) Houghton, Mich. Iron, Mich. Keweenaw, Mich. Marinette, Wis. (northern portion) Marquette, Mich. Menominee, Mich. (northern portion) Ontonagon, Mich. (eastern portion) Schoolcraft, Mich. Vilas, Wis. (northern portion) WOOD Transmission system limitations in Zone 2 There are a number of transmission system performance issues in Zone 2 including limited ability to import or export power, generator instability, overloaded lines and equipment, low system voltages and chronic limitations to transmission service. Primary drivers of these issues include a mismatch of load to generation in the Upper Peninsula and aging facilities in poor or obsolete condition. In addition, other studies occurring in parallel with this Assessment, including Northern Area Studies performed by ATC and MISO, have identified several voltage and thermal limitations. The most severe limitations occur during off peak periods. While not specifically identified in the project list for this assessment, ATC’s capital forecast does include dollars in anticipation of reinforcements needed to address pending generation retirements, such as the White Pines and Presque Isle plants. Potentially, Electric System Overview Small increases expected in population, employment Population in Zone 2 is projected to grow about 0.4 percent annually between now and 2023, and employment is expected to grow about 0.8 percent each year in the same time period. Marquette County, Mich., is projected to realize the largest increase in employment, while Florence County, Wis., is projected to have the highest growth rate. Electricity usage Zone 2 typically experiences peak electric demand during the winter months. Ore mining and paper mills are the largest electricity users in the zone. Electric load is forecasted to increase by 0.5 percent annually through 2024. Also, locally generated electricity is declining in the area with smaller, coal-fired generators most at risk. This includes generation owned by industry, municipalities and utilities. 16 – 17 10 -Year Transmission System Assessment ATC delivers power in Zone 2 with various transmission facilities including: n Morgan-Plains and Plains-Dead River 345-kV lines, n P lains-Stiles 138-kV double-circuit line n Lakota Road-Plains 138-kV line, and n 138-kV facilities tying the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to Lower Michigan. the scope of the project to address the White Pine retirement might include conversion of the 69-kV facilities between the Conover Substation in northern Wisconsin and the Winona Substation in Michigan to 138-kV operation. The potential scope of additional solutions to address the Presque Isle retirement could include a Plains-National project as well as other upgrades in Zones 1 and 4. SUMMARY REPORT | 2014 Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and Northern Wisconsin Zone 2 EXISTING TRANSMISSION LINES KEY 161 kV 115 kV 230 kV The most notable planned, proposed and Rebuilt 115- or 138-kV transmission line provisional network projects and asset 138 kV Rebuilt 69-kV transmission line renewal projects in Zone along with their 115- or 138-kV transmission line 2, rating upgrade projected year of completion and the factors 69-kV transmission line rating upgrade driving the need for the projects, are listed on the next page. 2015Overloads and low voltages 3 Bay Lake: Holmes-Old Mead Road 138-kV project 2016Overloads and low voltages 4 Bay Lake: Benson Lake 138-kV Substation -- Installation of SVC 2019Overloads and low voltages Lake Superior Proposed Projects None 345 kV KEWEENAW System Solutions Key Condition and performance ¬ « SM 7 Munising – Gwinn 69-kV line partial rebuild 2017 Condition and performance " " IRON Lakehead Iron River * # * ## * Iron Grove * Twin # Sagola Randville Nordic * # * # # * * Michigamme *# Falls Hy # # Aspen * * # ( ! # * FLORENCE Three Lakes SS Felch Mountain * # * # * Arnold # * Watson # * # Cornell-UP * # Chandler * # * # * # Eastom * # * Tomahawk # Silver Cliff High Falls Hy *" " " "# " " "" " Nathan ( ! * #" " " # * MENOMINEE # * * Ingalls # ( ! ( ! * # Bay De Noc Crivitz * # Menominee * # 30th Ave # * Pound Roosevelt Rd # **# *# * # * *# * West Marinette SW YD # # *# Peshtigo # * * Aurora St # *# # * * # ( ! ( ! ( ( ! ( ! ! Hilltop (WPS) * Sherman St # Cassel * *# # Sandstone Thunder Rapids Hy * # Blackbrook SW STA Deer Trail * # Birnamwood Brooks Corners MENOMINEE ¬ « ¬ « SM SM Sister Bay * # Egg Harbor * # Sherwood OCONTO Pine River Rexton * # # * Rudyard * # MACKINAC Brevort * # 1 Evergreen * # Rockview * # Limeston Talentino SW STA # * * # Goetzville * # Limestone * Mich # Loading Dock Detour * # ¬ « SM 3 * ## * Mountain * # * McGulpin # Gladstone * White Rapids Hy # Holmes Grand Rapids Hy * # Polar Antigo * ## * Trout Lake (CEC) * *# # * Mackinac # * # Masonville (UPPCO) # * Trout Lake (ESE) SW STA Kincheloe * Housing *# # Kincheloe Main Pickford Delta (UPPCO) Harris " Pine Bunker (WPS) Hill SW STA * # ( ! Garden Manistique Glen Jenks Corners Caldron Falls Hy LANGLADE * # C * # LINCOLN Maine * # " * # Grandfather Falls * # ¬ « ¬ « * Daves Falls # * Fox Hills SW STA * # # DELTA Mich Western Limestone * *# # * Old Mead Road # ## * * Mead *# Pump * # # * Escanaba Steam Plant Chalk Hills Hy * # Amberg " Summit Lake (WPS) ATC 115kV 4 MARINETTE * # ## * * # ** # Tone # * " " " Engadine " " *" " # * Lakehead # Naubinway Hiawatha (ESE) Curtis * * # # * # * 9 Mile ## * CHIPPEWA * * Powers # # SS " Venus " " " " "" Metonga ¬ « Gould City SW STA * # * # Mead Paper " " # * " FOREST " 345 kV Goodman Hodag North Bluff Indian Valley Lake (ESE) Lakehead Rapid River * # ONEIDA * # Perkins * # # Bass * * Lake # Plains Champion Armory * # *# # *# * Norway * # *# # *# * Aragon Bluff Blaney Park SW STA SM 2 View Rhinelander Paper * Highway # *# Eight 6 T Twin Falls SW STA Pine Hy (AD-REA) SCHOOLCRAFT DICKINSON ( ! Florence Cranberry EXISTING TRANSMISSION LINES KEY * # Peavy Falls Hy ( ! Lake ¬ « * # ( ! ! ( Strawberry Hill Crystal Falls Lincoln Ave (UPPCO) # Seney * Forest Hiawatha Lake (AD-REA) ¬ « Mansfield # Mansfield * * # " # * Seney (UPPCO) * # ALGER "" " ( ! * # * # " * Gwinn # * # Forsyth Eagle River * # "# * * # Timber # * Products Shingleton Hulbert ( ! * # " " " " " Chatham Pines (UPPCO) * # Raco * # " St Germain Clear Lake (WPS) * ## * Star Siding Eckerman (" ! Woodmin KI Sawyer # * "# * Alger # * Brimley Dafter Newberry Vlg * Lou Pac # * Newberry # *# * Roberts SW STA # * Newberry # Correctional Facility " " " " " " 115- or 138-kV transmission line rating upgrade Sawyer Lumber * # * Conover # Lakota Rd VILAS 7 Munising " Rebuilt 69-kV transmission line ¬ « ( # ( ! ! # * * SM LUCE " Rebuilt 115- or 138-kV transmission line * # " ¬ « ( ! Humboldt * Perch Mine National # Lake Mich * # Transmitter Facility " " " Land O Lakes * # # * * # # * * Watersmeet # 69-kV transmission line North Lake Barnum Greenstone Magazine *# * Portage St Hy ## * * Sault *# # Pine Grove * # 3 Mile " "" " SM " 115-, 138- or 161-kV transmission line MARQUETTE Us Hydro 9 & 10 ( ! 345-kV transmission line Dead River (WE) * # Big Bay # * * # ( ! (*# ! Marquette ( ! Diesel * Freeman # " GOGEBIC TRANSMISSION LINE KEY BARAGA " Supports local growth L'anse " " " "" " " " " " " T-D interconnection * # JH Warden # * * # ( ! ! ( " Baraga Vlg ( ! ! ( ! ( * # * # Bruce Crossing Relieves low voltages or high voltages * # Mass ( (! ! Capacitor bank M-38 * Lake Mine # " " " "" " Victoria Hy ONTONAGON Supports local growth and improves voltage levels * # ( ( ! ! White Pine Vlg Transformer Twin Lakes (UPP) Winona * # # * 5 Rockland (UPP) # * * # * # " Upgrades equipment ratings to avert facility overloads " Substation modifications " Ontonagon UPSCO White Pine Mine * # " Old Winona ## * * Supports transmission system expansion 138 kV 2015 " Stone Container New substation 230 kV Asset Renewal Projects Pine River – Hiawatha 69-kV line partial rebuild " " Toivola 115 kV * # #" * # # * ** # Portage (UPPCO) SUBSTATION KEY 161 kV 6 Lena * # Oconto Dunn Rd L ak e M h c i ig an Depending on the status of the projects shown, the transmission line additions may be for illustrative purposes only and may not reflect the actual routes. 10 -Year Transmission System Assessment Elevation St 69 kV 2019Overloads and low voltages Osceola Atlantic 69-kV transmission line rating upgrade 5 * # HOUGHTON 18 – 19 Provisional Projects Victoria – Winona 69-kV line construction Keweenaw * # " " " " 69-kV transmission line 69 kV Arnold 345-kV Substation construction and 345/138-kV transformer ( ! Transmission projects 345-kV transmission line 115-,Zone 138- or 161-kV in 2 transmission line 2 ( ! TRANSMISSION LINE KEY In-Service YearNeed Driver Planned Projects Mackinac 138-kV Substation: Install 2014Address/Control flow across eastern back-to-back HVDC flow control device U.P., overloads and low voltages 1 " evels Project Description SUMMARY REPORT | 2014 overloads Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and Northern Wisconsin Zone 3 Transmission system characteristics in Zone 3 ATC delivers power in Zone 3 with various transmission facilities including: n C olumbia-Rockdale 345-kV line, n P addock-Rockdale 345-kV line, n n Zone 3 – South Central/ Southwest Wisconsin and North Central Illinois Columbia Crawford (southern portion) Dane Dodge Grant Green Iowa Lafayette Jefferson Richland Rock Sauk Walworth Winnebago, Ill. (northern portion) C olumbia-North Madison 345-kV lines, n n P addock-Wempletown 345-kV line, Rockdale-Wempletown 345-kV line, Rockdale-Cardinal 345-kV line, and 38-kV facilities from the Nelson 1 Dewey Power Plant, around the Madison area, and in the northwest and southeast portions of Zone 3. Transmission system limitations in Zone 3 In our analysis of Zone 3, we identified low voltages, high voltages and transmission-facility overloads. Low voltages are located in the Verona, Lake Geneva and Hustisford areas. Several overloads on 138-kV and 69-kV facilities in Zone 3 are emerging concerns. The causes of these emerging issues include steady growth in certain areas, power plant retirement and different generation dispatch scenarios. Increases expected in population, employment Population in Zone 3 is projected to grow about 1.0 percent annually between now and 2023, and employment is projected to grow about 1.3 percent each year for the same time period. Dane County is projected to realize the largest increase in population and employment Electricity usage Electric load is forecasted to grow approximately 1.2 percent annually through 2024 for all of Zone 3. 20– 21 10 -Year Transmission System Assessment n Electric System Overview SUMMARY REPORT | 2014 South Central/Southwest Wisconsin and North Central Illinois "" "" ! ( ! (! (" (! ! ( " " ROCK # # # # # # # # # ### # # # """ " " " WALWORTH # ! ( * # * #" " " " " " " " " # # # 1 ¬ « # C 3 ¬ « # SS # # ¬ « SM !# ( # #! ( ! ( * # ! ! ( ( ! ( Rockton Burlington Elkhorn * # # ## " " " " "" " "# # # # # # " " "#" " # # # " # ## # # # * # T# * East ¬ « Lafayette # # * # * # Air * Liquide North Southwest * Lake Delavan * Geneva * Williams * Delavan Bay Lake * * West * Darien Geneva * South Lake Zenda Geneva * * * * Walworth Katzenberg * Twin Lakes (ALTE) * Cobblestone * Richmond Sharon * Road Bristol (ALTE) ( (! ( ! ! ( ! ( (! ( ! ! ( ! " "" ## Sugar Creek * # * # RACINE ! ( " ## # # * # * # * # " " " " "" " Monroe Central "" " "" " " " " " " " " " " " South Monroe " " " " "" " " " " "" " "" * # " " " " " " ! ( ! ( " Browntown # Tichigan * Bluff # " ! ( ! ( ! ! ( ( " " " " " " " " " * * # # * # * *# # # ! ( Tibbits Viking * * Parkview Footville Badger * Sunrise * * * * Bass Pump STA Janesville REC General SW YD REC Brodhead Orfordville Orfordville Creek * * * Bradford REC ** North Venture Tripp Rd LaPrairie * ** Brodhead Central Brodhead * BOC Rock * * Gasses River Brodhead Clinton *** * Turtle Blacksmith South (ALTE) Scot Marine Spring * Brodhead REC Northwest * Forge 2 * * Grove SW STA Newark Beloit Cranston Beloit Gateway Scot Forge 1 * * * * Paddock * * * Colt Industries * ** REC * *** Clinton Shirland * East Beloit * Ave "" Idle Hour Jennings Wiota Rd SW STA ## # * # ! ( SM * # * # # REC Harmony ## * Wilcox * # " !( ( !( !( ! GREEN * # Albany (ALTE) Mukwonago Creek McCue * Milton Lawns * " * # * # * # Whitewater * # * # SM LaMar REC Red Hawk * # Moorland " "" " " "" " " " "" " " # Russell * # Edgewood ¬ « ¬ « * * # *# # * # * # " Shullsburg Miner * * # " Benton * # DPC Shullsburg REC Fulton * # Lakehead Delavan * # * # ! ( to Dubuque County area * # * # * # Saunders Creek Evansville Muni "" * # Cuba City South DPC Gratiot " " LAFAYETTE Cuba City Kieler Darlington * # * # WAUKESHA * (# ! ( ! * # * # "" "" "" ! (" " " " "" " * # North Monroe "" " Elmo * # * # * Union # * Townline # REC Center DPC Argyle Waukesha * # "# * Arcadian * # ( ( ! (! ( ! ! ( ! ! ( DPC Platteville Sheepskin * # DPC LaMont * # University (WE) Dana Corp * *# # Monticello (ALTE) * Belm ont # " " " * * # # * * # # Hillm an Pioneer(ALTE) JEFFERSON " Potosi * # Duplainville * # Merrill Hills " # # # # Mill Rd # Brooklyn * # 8 # # # * # New Glarus * # " # # " Cassville * DPC Nelson * Dewey * Stoneman SW YD Mcgregor (ALTE) # # # " # * # Blanchardville * # Summit *" # " "" " "" " """"" " " " " " "" Glen Haven * # # Belleville * # * # Mineral Point Cooney # # * Tamarack # * *# # " " * # * # Rewey * # # Sussex Cottonwood (WE) * # * # !! ( ! (( ( !! ( " * # " " "" 345 kV 4 Lancaster Distribution Lancaster * # * # New Hollandale Rock Branch " ! ( GRANT * # "" ! ! ( ! ( ( ( ! (! Bloomington * # * # Bark River " * # * # Germantown SW YD ( ( ! (! !! ! ( ! ( ( # # Forward 9 (! ! ( ( ! ( ( ! (! ! (! (! 5 # #!(# # #! ( # " # # # #" # ## # # # # " # " "#" DANE # #" "" # # Maple (WE) * # "( ! EXISTING TRANSMISSION LINES KEY * # Mount Horeb # # Road " Lands End * # Dodgeville ## # Pleasant Valley WASHINGTON " * # # # # # # * # Butler Ridge Barton * # Rubicon " * # " * # IOWA Eden * Wally # Road # * # " Hooterville 69-kV transmission line rating upgrade # * # "# * Glacier * Arthur # Hartford * # * # Columbus South # " "" * # St Lawrence Hustisford Vinburn * Deforest # Auburn " * # * Du Chien *#Hillside # Juneau Industrial " DPC Prairie * # * # Gran Grae * # # " Black " " Earth ""# ! ! * !( Cross Plains # ( ( #" Stage Coach SW STA # # # # # T Hampden * # Dane 6 *" # Fall River Fountain * * Prairie Academ y * Columbus Maple * * (ALTE) Street Columbus Muni 1 ## # ## North Madison 345/138 kV * # * # * # * # * # * # " La Pointe * # ¬ « Wick Drive Mazomanie ACEC Doylestown Arlington * # * Lodi # * # Butternut * Mayville # Beaver " * Dam East # * # * DODGE Horicon # Spring Brook Ind Park * # Hubbard *# # * # * # * Center St Horicon * # Juneau South " " " Downtown *" " # " " "* Beaver *# Juneau Northside # Dam * Sun Prairie Vienna Business Easy Park * Street Division Bird St * Centennial * Street * * Stony * Park Lakehead Yahara Colorado * **** Brook * South Waterloo * River Waunakee SW STA * * Concord * American * * Burke Sun Prairie SW YD * Huiskamp Sycamore Boxelder * Reiner Rd Westport SW YD * East Gaston Rd West Pheasant Branch * Towne * * Middleton Blackhawk * Tyranena Ruskin * Royster Sprecher (MGE) * * Cardinal * * Cottage * * * * *Blount * Grove * AGA Gas ** Timberlane London * * Walnut Crawfish * Femrite 138/69 kV GIS * West * River * Femrite McFarland Lakehead Towne Tokay Wingra * * Nine Cambridge * * Cross * * Springs Cambridge * Syene Jefferson Country Fitchburg * Kegonsa Verona Colloday * Oak * * Christiana * * Rockdale Fort Point * Ridge North Atkinson Stoughton * Sun * Stoughton East Valley * * Stoughton * Stoughton Oregon South * ( ! Brisbois * # * # Okee ACEC Calamus * # * # * # Beaver Dam 3rd St # COLUMBIA ! ( Wauzeka Rebuilt 115- or 138-kV transmission line King (king) * # * # * # # * * # # # # "### " Muni Wyoming Valley 11 Mazomanie Arena Industrial Spring Green ## Poynette 7 Lone " " "" Rock "# * * Avoca # " * Boscobel *# # Boscobel 69-kV transmission line * # * # * # Boscobel Muni Eastside Troy North Beaver Dam * # Lodi Industrial Park * # Pardeeville Manley Wyocena Rio Pumping ** Sand * Station Columbia SW * YD (ALTE) # Forward Energy Center " 345-kV transmission line # # # # # # * # Muscoda Industrial Muscoda Sub " " ## Fox Lake (ALTE) * # Kettle Morraine (ALTE) * # * # " " ! ( ! ( ! (! ( * # * "# * *# # Randolph " Merrimac ¬ « *# # * Cambria ** Didion * # " 10 Eagle Dam View Heights Milwaukee Valve * Prairie Du Sac Plant * * Tower * Ninth Street Substation * Spruce * Street Sauk City Phillips St # Eagle Blue River 115-, 138- or 161-kV transmission line Badger Ordinance Works Richland * Brewer Pine River (ALTE) DPC Bell * Center # TRANSMISSION LINE KEY 138 kV Skillet Moore St Creek *# # * Staff Sanborn Waupun " " " * # * Robert J # CRAWFORD 230 kV Island Hamilton St ACEC North Friesland Randolph * # Oakfield Alto * # Waupun Main ACEC Cambria * # * # # *( * "!# SM Portage Caledonia (ALTE) * Baraboo # * * # * Kirkwood # * ## * # * # Mackford Prairie * # "" " * # Seneca 115 kV * # SAUK Richland Center Gays Mills * # 161 kV * # * # * # Condition Fairwater and performance " " " " Loganville Trienda Lake Delton Rock Springs RICHLAND Supports local growth 69 kV Fox Hills * # Portage Ind Park LAC " " * Artesian # * # " "" Brandon " " " !( ( ! Reedsburg * # " " " " * # * # T-D interconnection 115- or 138-kV transmission line rating upgrade ## # * * # # * # # # ## # # # ## ## ## # FOND DU Condition and performance ! ( " Zobel * # ACEC Lewiston 22 – #*23 North Fond Du Lac Sadoff * Co * East Scott St * Forest * ** Ledgeview Macy St * Hickory St * Cedar * * * Ohmstead Ridge Wind Mercury Marine * Rienzi Road South Fond Du * * Martin Rd * Generation * Lac SW YD Willow Lawn Koch Oil Rosendale " "" " " Reedsburg Nishan Metomen * # Green Lake SW STA ACEC Roslin # Ind Park " " # * # Relieves low voltages or high voltages 2017 Montello Cypress SW YD * # * # # * Lakehead Portage ## # Transformer Rebuilt 69-kV transmission line Wisconsin Dells Finnegan Muni 2 * * * Platt Dell Kilbourn Creek Loch * * * Mirror Birchwood * # 2 * # !( "( ! ( ! " " VERNON Capacitor bank * # * # # *# * New Holstein SW STA Meyer Rd * * Ripon # Condition and performance LAKE * # Ford Tecumseh Rd Drive 10 -Year Transmission System Assessment * # * # Supports local growth and improves voltage levels * # 2016 GREEN Roeder CALUMET Northwest Riponand performance Condition Ripon Dartford ! (( !!( Upgrades equipment ratings to avert facility overloads 2015 2018 Markesan ! !( !( ( Substation modifications * # Wonewoc Gravesville * # ¬ « " " " " " " " "" " " " " * # Endeavor * # " Supports transmission system expansion * # " New substation ACEC Creek MARQUETTE * Glen # # Dam Heights – Portage# 69-kV line rebuild * Sunset Point T Condition and performance 2015 ACEC Turtle Lake # to LaCrosse area Depending on the status of the projects shown, the transmission line additions may be for illustrative purposes only and may not reflect the actual routes. * # * " " " " SUBSTATION KEY at dam 11 Boscobel – Lone Rock 69-kV line rebuild # Hillsboro * # ## Concord – RubiconBrooks – Butler RidgeACEC – Hartford Chateau * # 138-kV line rebuild (portionNeenah of Quad Counties project) 9 JUNEAU 10 * # System Solutions Key # # ## * # " Richford " Chaffee Creek " " Asset Renewal#*Projects "" # " " 7 Dam Heights "– "Dane 69-kV line re-route #" Grand "" Westfield Marsh 8 Belmont - Rewey 69-kV line rebuild " " ADAMS * * # # " * # " ACEC ### # to La Crosse area *" # Red # Omro Bowen St Granite 2025Overloads and low voltages * # Pearl Ave * * # # * # * Oshkosh # River * ! # (! ( *# WAUSHARA WINNEBAGO #* 12th Ave Run 2028Overloads and lowEllinwood voltages * Progress # * # * # Fox Berlin Aviation Fitzgerald River # *# * # * * # West Middleton – Pheasant Branch #*69-kV line rebuild ACEC # # # " ACEC Spring Lake Silver Lake (ALTE) # ! (! ( ! ( Omro Industrial Park " ¬ « 6 * # "" ! (! ( ! ( #! ( (! ( ! # T # MONROE " * # # !( ! ( !( ! ( ! ( ( ! ( !( ! ( ! !( ! ( * # " ## SS ## DANE 69-kV transmission line rating upgrade ¬ « # ! ( *! # ( " ¬ « * # * # Provisional Projects * Wautoma # "" 5SMCardinal – Blount 138-kV ACEC " line construction Coloma * # " Coloma " Madison Area 2020Reliability, economics and *public policy " * # *# # * Vienna * # * # * # *# # * " * # * # * # * # * # 2019Overloads and low voltages, provide network service * # " T Easy Street LA CROSSE 345 kV Cardinal –#*Hickory Creek SUMMARY REPORT | 2014 230 kV ¬ « * # " The most notableline planned, proposed and 69-kV transmission 115 kV provisional network projects and asset renewal Rebuilt 115- or 138-kV transmission line projects in Zone 3, along with their projected 138 yearkV Rebuilt 69-kV transmission line of completion and the factors driving the need for 115- or 138-kV transmission line rating upgrade the projects, are listed on the next page. 4 * # * # * # 2018Reliability, economics and public policy "" " * # Spring Valley – North Lake Geneva 138-kV line construction * # Big Pond DPC Ocean * Sun Prairie Spray Petenwell Yahara Token Business Park Necedah * River Creek Centennial # * * # Bird St Tomah # ACEC Mazomanie Division Street Park * * *North * Colorado # * South # ACEC Tomah Industrial Pk Dellwood Industrial *# Mazomanie * *# "# # * Waunakee ** Industrial Park Friendship Friendship * # DPC * # # * * * # * # Waunakee Huiskamp ** Whistling American Burke * Sun Lincoln * SW STA Wick * * # # Wings * Houghton # Prairie DPC Pump STA Drive * Westport * # Black Earth Rock * Oakdale Camp Rd * Reiner East # Timberwolf * #" " *Towne # Douglas " * Mckenna "Pheasant Branch Gaston Rd Ruskin * * # " SW YD # ! ( Sycamore * * * DPC New * West Middleton # " # ACEC ! ( Walnut Lisbon * *( # Gateway Cross Plains " # ! ! Sprecher (! *" " # ( ! ( ( ! Blount Quincy (MGE) * # * * Stage Coach SW ! Royster # * Cardinal # * Blackhawk # Cottage ( * * # DPC * # # * STA # AGA Gas * # * Dorset Pflaum # ** (MGE) Grove East Buckhorn Timberlane Pleasant ** # Castle Walnut * # Corners Campus * Femrite # View # * Femrite 138/69 kV Rock GIS ** # Nine West Tokay Hilltop * Springs # McFarland Wingra Wally Towne Cross West (ALTE) * " # " Road * # Country # *" Mauston * * * Fitchburg # ACEC * " " " "# * Colloday Syene Winnebago * Mount # Mauston Oak Point Kegonsa Horeb * Ridge # * Verona * DPC# # * Elroy * # Lyndon * North Stoughton Sun Station * # Valley * Union DPC Lyndon * Oregon # # * Center # Station * SAUK 161 kV 69 kV 3 "" " "" "" " "" 115-, 138- or 161-kV transmission line Proposed Projects Badger Coulee: La Crosse area – North Madison – Cardinal 345-kV line construction ! !( ! ( ( * Transmission 345-kV transmission line projects in Zone 3 2 * # * # * # * *# # * # * # * # # LINES KEY EXISTING TRANSMISSION TRANSMISSION LINE KEY Planned Projects Colley Road – Brick Church 69-kV line 2018Overloads, low voltages, condition, rebuild and provide line sectionalizing """" """ " "" Zone 3 1 * # " e levels South Central/Southwest Wisconsin and North Central Illinois In-Service YearNeed Driver " y overloads Project Description SUMMARY REPORT | 2014 Northeast Wisconsin Zone 4 Transmission system characteristics in Zone 4 ATC delivers power in Zone 4 with various transmission facilities including: n n Counties included in Zone 4 – Northeast Wisconsin n n Brown Calumet Dodge (northeastern corner) Door Fond du Lac (eastern portion) Kewaunee Manitowoc Marinette (southern portion) Menominee, Mich.(southern portion) Menominee, Wis. Oconto Outagamie Shawano (eastern portion) Sheboygan Winnebago (eastern portion) n our 345-kV lines extending from F the Point Beach Nuclear Plant, wo 345-kV lines extending from T the Edgewater Power Plant, our 345-kV lines connecting F the Gardner Park, Werner West, Morgan, and Plains Substations, wo 345-kV lines from North T Appleton to Werner West and Fitzgerald, hree 345-kV lines connecting T South Fond du Lac Substation to the Columbia, Edgewater and Fitzgerald Substations, and A 138-kV network in the Fox River Valley/Green Bay area. Transmission system limitations in Zone 4 In our analysis of Zone 4 we identified potential high voltages in the Outagamie and Calumet County areas and low voltages in the Brown County area. In addition, other studies occurring in parallel with this Assessment, including Northern Area Reliability Assessment, have identified several voltage and thermal limitations. The most severe limitations occur during the off-peak periods. See the Zone 2 section for a summary of a preliminary preferred alternative. Increases expected in population, employment Population in Zone 4 is projected to grow 0.8 percent annually between now and 2023. Brown County is expected to realize the largest increase in population. Employment is projected to grow 1.0 percent annually in the same time period, with the largest increase projected in Brown County. Electricity usage Peak electric demand typically occurs during the summer months, although the northern portion of Zone 4 typically experiences nearly equal summer and winter peaks. Paper mills and foundries in the Green Bay and Appleton metropolitan areas are some of the largest electricity users in the zone. Electric load is forecasted to grow at approximately 0.4 percent annually through 2024. Also, locally generated electricity is declining in the area with smaller, coal-fired generators most at risk. This includes generation owned by industries, municipalities and utilities. 24 – 25 10 -Year Transmission System Assessment n Electric System Overview * # * # ¬ « ¬ « * *# # Chalk Hills Hy * # White Rapids Hy * * # SS Holmes Fox Hills SW STA " " " SUMMARY REPORT | 2014 " Grand Rapids Hy " * # " * # *# # * Ingalls Caldron Falls Hy High Falls Hy Northeast Wisconsin Thunder MARINETTE * * # # LANGLADE Zone 4 Sandstone Rapids Hy * # Mountain * # * # * # " Pound ** # # n h " " " " " " " " " " " " * # Huebner SW YD Holland * # Potts Avenue ¬ « T Random Lake * # Auburn * 7th St # * South * # # Broadway Ashland Ave * # * # * # Eastman Ave Henry St (WPS) # * " * # Preble Finger Rd SW STA BROWN Highway V Glory Rd * Nicolet Paper Co *# *# Oak St # Depere Mystery Hills * # * # ¬ « SM * # * # Bluestone * # " Fredonia " * # " WASHINGTON * # " " " " " " " *" " " " # " " * # Butternut Liberty St * # Danz ! ! ( Ave SW ! ( ! ( * Van ! ( Buren St STA # *# *( # ! "( " " " ¬ « * # * # C Lyndon * # * # * # * Riverside # * (ALTE) 20th St # * # * * # # * * Adams # Sauk Trail * # *# # *# St * # # * Edgewater * # * # 32nd St " T-D James St " * "# Mayville ¬ « * # Mason St North Gate " " DODGE Erdman " * # Forward Energy Center SHEBOYGAN Pulliam SW YD Tower Dr Plymouth Sub 4 Plymouth Plymouth Sub 3 * # Muncipal * * Sheboygan # # North Mullet River # * Falls Energy Mullet Center* River * # " Fox Lake (ALTE) * # " " * # Waupun Kettle Morraine (ALTE) ¬ « "" " * " " " " # * " # T" Velp Ave * # * # Ledgeview * ** # # # Macy St # * Cedar * # Ohmstead Ridge Wind * * # # * *# # Generation Rienzi Road * Martin Rd * * # # * # # Willow Howard Howards Grove Green Bay Area "" "" " Bayport SW STA * # Hickory St * # " M k * # " (! ! !" (( ( ! " " "" " " " " Alto Beaver Dam East " Oakfield * # * # * # Meyer Rd " " Koch Oil * # North Beaver Dam Plant T " ( ! COLUMBIA Randolph * # ¬ « " " *# # * Didion * " # " "" * Depending on the status of the projects shown, the transmission line additions may be for illustrative purposes only and may not reflect the actual routes. * Northeast # Revere Dr * # # * * # * " " " " * #Mpu # " " Dewey Elkhart Lake " " " " Cambria *# # * # Mirro " " Supports transmission system expansion * # " " " ( ( ! ! " New Holstein SW STA South Fond Du Lac Lawn SW YD SUBSTATION KEY New substation Columbus St * # * # " * # FOND DU LAC * # * # ACEC ACEC North Cambria Friesland Randolph * Staff # * # # * * # Shoto " * # Fairwater Mackford Prairie Ford Drive * # # *# * North Fond Du Lac Sadoff East Forest Scott St * Co # Rosendale * # Waupun Main Upgrades equipment ratings to avert facility overloads Tecumseh Rd Cypress SW YD " " " " " " " " "" " " " " * # 5 * # Brandon Markesan St Nazianz Gravesville * # Ripon Ind Park * # MANITOWOC CALUMET Sunset * # * Ripon # * # " SS " Manrap Custer Pearl Ave Metomen Green Lake SW STA *# * # * " " " " " " " " " " " * # GREEN LAKE * Mishicot # Kellnersville " Roeder * # * # Brillion Iron Works * # " " * # SS * Point Beach SW YD # " Northwest Ripon Dartford SM " * # Ryan St ¬ « ¬ « T * # C T 69-kV transmission line rating upgrade Substation modifications ¬ ¬ « « ¬ « Forest Junction * # Mears ¬ « 345 kV Rebuilt 69-kV transmission line 115- or 138-kV transmission line rating upgrade Berlin ** # # 2 " Supports local growth Fox River * # Combined Locks * # " T-D interconnection Rebuilt 115- or 138-kV transmission line 138 kV 230 kV * # Kaukauna Central * # Woodenshoe * Point Bowen St # * # * Oshkosh # ( ! ! ( # * # ** Ellinwood # 12th Ave * # Progress * # Fitzgerald Aviation * # City Kewaunee SW YD Wesmark " Relieves low voltages or high voltages 115 kV * # C * # * # * # " " Capacitor bank or reactor Rebuilt 345-kV transmission line River Run Spring Lake ¬ « * # Glenview Corners " " *# # * Algoma ¬ « " " Supports local growth and improves voltage levels * # ACEC ¬ « " Transmission line voltage conversion * * # # * # KEWAUNEE " Transformer 161 kV Omro Industrial Omro Park Red Granite * # ( ! ( ! ( (! *! # (! ( ! 69-kV transmission line WAUSHARA * # 69 kV Winneconne ( ! 115-, 138- or 161-kV transmission line Upgrades equipment ratings to avert facility overloads WINNEBAGO Fountain Valley * # * # EXISTING TRANSMISSION LINES KEY ( ( ! ! Substation modifications * # 345-kV transmission line * # City Lake Limits Park * # # * * # Northside * # * Meadows # * # * # Tayco * Melissa # Neevin " " " Supports transmission system expansion " " New substation Hills Greenleaf Fox River SW YRD Kaukauna North * Apple # " " SUBSTATION KEY * * # Butte Des Morts * # TRANSMISSION LINE KEY # SS Maes " " " " " " " " Casaloma * # System Solutions Key ¬ « " 7 * # " "" " * # White Lake (WE) * # " Condition and performance OUTAGAMIE Ellington " 2017 " North Appleton – Butte des Morts 138-kV rebuild " " 7 Harrison 69kV ¬ « Werner " " " " # * # * # * " Condition and performance Hintz Harrison North "#138kV Waupaca * Algoma " " " * # C * # " " " " " " " " " " " Werner West 2016 ¬ « Manawa * # " " " " " Asset Renewal Projects Dyckesville – Sawyer 69-kV line rebuild e 1 WAUPACA * # * # " Danz Ave SW STA University * # "" 6 2022Overloads and low voltages " (# * *# # * # # ( ! *"! * (WPS) * " 7th St " "# * # *# # * * # Liberty St * " " " Luxemburg " " " Barnett *# " " " " *# " # 24.9 * " # * " # " " Beardsley St SM Booster * * # # " T * * "# # * # * Ashland # " * Ave * * # # # East Oak St SM * Krok # # *" BROWN Red Mystery * Maple # Hills * # Lost Rockland Dauphin # * (WPS) Mason St " 5 Iola * # L * "# *" " Howard # * # * James St # * # Provisional Projects Shoto – Custer 138-kV line *" # T Bayport SW STA Lawn Rd " Rosiere " CWEC Iola * # Dyckesville ¬ « " " " ¬ « * # * # " " " " " " " "" " " Maplewood " 2019Overloads and low voltages " Bay Lake: North Appleton – Morgan 345-kV and 138-kV line construction " Brusbay " 4 4 * # " " * # "" " 26 – 27 SM "" " " " "" " " " " " " Provide network service * # Suamico " 2018 Clintonville 6 * " Industrial # " " " Canal " " Ogden St. – Bayshore 69-kV line construction * # " " " " 3 * Cloverleaf # DOOR Michigan St * # * # " 2018Accommodate new generation #* * * # Belle Plaine First Ave Redwood * Sawyer SW STA"# *# " * # Marion Little Suamico * # * Sobieski # Highway 22 Dunn Rd * # 10 -Year Transmission System Assessment Badger ¬ « " Caroline 2 * # * # * # * # Proposed Projects Branch River 345-kV Substation construction East Shawano * # "" 2016Overloads and low voltages White Clay Stiles SW STA " West Shawano CWEC Tigerton SM " SHAWANO * # * # SM ( ! In-Service YearNeed Driver Morgan SM " " " " " " " " " " " " " ¬ « « ¬ CWEC Wittenberg *# # * * # a * # " Oconto * # ic Pioneer (WPS) * # 1 a * # " * # * # ig * # Brooks Corners Falls Planned Projects Pulliam – Glory Road 138-kV line conversion Sherwood Lena The most notable planned, proposed and provisional network projects and asset renewal projects in Zone 4, along with their projected year of completion and the factors driving the need for the projects, are listed below. Egg Harbor SM OCONTO MENOMINEE * # SM " Deer Trail ¬ « ¬ « Scott * # Paper Co Fourth Ave * # Roosevelt Rd # "*# * ** * # # * Wells # West Marinette # * # SW YD St Peshtigo * # Project Description 3 * # Transmission projects in Zone 4 * # Menominee Aurora St * # " * # * # Sister Bay Bay De Noc Crivitz * # Polar ! ( ! ( Silver Cliff " " " " " " FOREST Amberg Daves Falls SUMMARY REPORT | 2014 Southeast Wisconsin Zone 5 Transmission system characteristics in Zone 5 n n n Counties included in Zone 5 X –– Southeast XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Wisconsin Adams KENOSHA Oneida MILWAUKEE Forest (southwestern portion) OZAUKEE Fond du Lac RACINE Portage WASHINGTON Green Lake WAUKESHA Juneau Vernon (northwestern portion) Langlade Lincoln Marathon Marquette Monroe (eastern portion) Shawano (western portion) (eastern portion) Vilas (southern portion) Waupaca Waushara Winnebago (western portion) WOOD n n he southern portion of 345‑kV T lines from Point Beach and Edgewater, T he Saukville, Arcadian, Granville, Oak Creek, and Racine 345/138‑kV substations, he transmission lines emanating T from the Pleasant Prairie and Oak Creek power plants, 30-kV facilities near Milwaukee 2 and A significant 138-kV network in the Milwaukee area, a portion of which is underground. Transmission system limitations in Zone 5 Transmission system performance issues in Zone 5 are generally related to heavy market flows from and to the south, resulting in high 345-kV and 138-kV line loadings and the need to monitor potential multiple contingency conditions. While not specifically identified in the project list for this assessment, ATC’s capital forecast includes the cost of a preliminary alternative Electric System Overview Increases expected in population, employment Population in Zone 5 is projected to grow 0.6 percent annually between now and 2023, and employment is projected to grow 1.1 percent in the same time period. Waukesha County is projected to realize the largest increase in both population and employment. Electricity usage Peak electric demand typically occurs during the summer months. Large industrial loads in the Milwaukee metropolitan area, including Charter Steel and Miller Brewing, are among the largest electricity users in the zone. Electric load is forecasted to grow approximately 0.8 percent annually through 2024. 28 – 29 10 -Year Transmission System Assessment ATC delivers power in Zone 5 with various transmission facilities including: needed to address additional constraints identified in the southeast portion of ATC’s system. Potentially, the scope of this project might include additional connections between existing transmission lines in this part of the system. " " " " " " " " "" * # Barton * # Glacier " Charter Steel " DODGE * # " "" " WASHINGTO N St Lawrence * # * # * # Hartford SM # * Saukville * # * # Port Washington SW YD Arthur Road 7 * # River Bend " " "" Butler Ridge * # " " " " Rubicon Cedarburg South Maple (WE) * # " " " * # Mequon " " * # " " The most notable planned, proposed and provisional network projects and asset renewal projects in Zone 5, along with their projected year of completion and the factors driving the need for the projects, are listed below. * # " Transmission projects in Zone 5 " "" * # " " " " " Hustisford ¬ « Cedarsauk Pleasant Valley ( ! ( ( ! ( ! (! ! ( ! Industrial !( " " OZAUKEE ( ! " " " " " " ( ! " " " " " " * " " " " " " " " " " " # Juneau Juneau Downtown # * Northside * Juneau # Fredonia * # SUMMARY REPORT | 2014 ( ! " " " " " " " " Spring Brook Horicon Hubbard * # * # * # " ( ! Zone 5 * # Horicon Ind Park Center St Southeast Wisconsin * " "# Mayville " (! ( ( ! ! !! ( ( * # * # Beaver Dam 3rd St * # *" # " " " " " " " North Beaver Dam Beaver Dam East * # " " " " " In-Service YearNeed Driver Germantown SW YD " " " * # T-D interconnection 230-kV transmission line rating upgrade * # Delavan * # * # West Darien * # Williams Bay Lake Geneva ¬ « * # KENOSHA Cobblestone * # ( ! "("! " " ("! ( ( ! (! "! " " " " " " " " " ( ! ( "! ( "! (! ! (! ( ( *! # " Zenda Somers ¬ « SM * # ! ( ( ! Tw in Lakes (ALTE) * # ( ! Richmond ( ! * ! ( ! ( Road # Katzenberg ( *! # ( ! Spring Valley (WE) * Pleasant Prairie # SW YD ( ! Albers ( ! ( ! *! # ( ! Kenosha ( Bain * # ( ! Sharon * # 2 !( *" " " " " " " "# ( ! ! ( " ¬ « SS ( !( ! " South Lake Clinton (ALTE) Brick Church Walworth * # * # * " " "# * # * Geneva # * " " "# " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " C 5 North Lake * Geneva # Southwest Delavan * # * *# *# # Paris * " " " " " " " "# WALWORTH * # 69-kV transmission line rating upgrade " "" " " " " " " * # Bradford 115- or 138-kV transmission line rating upgrade * # Air Liquide # * ( ( ! ! 345-kV transmission line rating upgrade Burlington 345 REC kV 138 kV * # Racine Elkhorn Bristol (ALTE) Rebuilt 69-kV transmission line Relieves low voltages or high voltages ROCK 230 kV St Rita * # ! (( ! (! (! (! (! ! ( (! ( ! (! ( ! Rebuilt 115- or 138-kV transmission line 115 kV Lafayette * # " Transformer 161 kV RACINE " 69-kV transmission line 69 kV Raymond * # ( ( ! ! 115-, 138- or 161-kV transmission line ("! ! ( * # ! ( ( ( ! ( ! (! ( ! (! ( ! ( Elm Road 345 Sws Yd ( ! ( ! ( ( ! ! ( ! ! ( ! (! ( ! ( ! ! ! ( ( ! ! ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ( ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ( ! ( ! ! ! ( ! ( ( ! ( ! ( ! Sugar Creek * # * # Oak Creek 230kV Oak Creek SW YD SW ( " YD # * *# "! * # " EXISTING TRANSMISSION LINES KEY Pennsylvania Root River " TRANSMISSION LINE KEY Tibbits * # St Martins * # Tichigan * *! (# # Ramsey * # Nicholson (WE) Branch " * # 345-kV transmission line Upgrades equipment ratings to avert facility overloads Supports local growth " Depending on the status of the projects shown, the transmission line additions may be for illustrative purposes only and may not reflect the actual routes. Bluff Creek "" " * # Barland * # " SM * # Capacitor bank or reactor " ( ( ! ( ! ! ( ! Kansas ( ( ! " " " ! Whitewater # * Delavan System Solutions Key " " " " " " " " " " " " " " (" " " " " "! ( "! Condition and performanceLakehead Supports local growth and improves voltage levels " " 2017 Substation modifications "" " " Mukwonago – Edgewood – St. Martins 138-kV line rebuild Supports transmission system expansion " 8 ¬ « ¬ « SM * # * # * # Lakeside Norwich * * # ( # ( ! *# ( ! ! Allerton ! ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ( ! ! ( ( Condition and performance * # ( ( ! ! ( ! Mukwonago * (WE) # * # MILWAUKEE Brookdale Dewey Montana ( (! ( ! ( ! ( ! (! ! ! ( ( " ! ! ( ! ! ( ( ( ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ! ( ( ! ! ! ( ! ( ( ! ( ! ( ( ! ( ! ! ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ! ( ( ( ( ! ! ( ( ( ! ! ! ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( 2016 Edgewood ( ! St. Lawrence – Hartford 138-kV line rebuild (portion of Quad Counties project) * # ( ( ! ! University (WE) 7 SUBSTATION KEY " 8 * # "" " " " " " " " "" Condition and performance (WE) Lincoln West Junction ( ( ! ( ! (! ! ! ( 2016 * * # *# # * # * (# ! ( ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ! Waukesha – Merrill Hills 138-kV line partial rebuild (portion of Quad Counties project) Condition and performance Haymarket Square * # Everett * # Harbor * # * (WE) Valley # Park Hill 28th St ( ! 2015 * # Center ( ! ! (( ! ( ! ! ( Paris – Albers 138-kV line rebuild Condition and performance Moorland ( ! ! ( ! ! ( ! ( ( !( !! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ( ! ( 2015 * # Arcadian * # Merrill Hills – Summit 138-kV line partial rebuild (portion of Quad Counties project) New substation " " # * Merrill Hills Shorewood * # * # * # SM * # * # 96th St * # * # i ich e M WAUKESHA * # ( ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! (! (! !! ( (! JEFFERSON * # Bluemound *" # Waukesha ¬ « ¬ « T-D 1 " ! (! ( 6 6 * # " " 5 " "" " 4 * # Condition and performance Tosa * # " " 4 Duplainville *" # Crawfish River Fiebrantz Butler Summit " " " 2015 * # * # " 3 Cottonwood (WE) Cooney * # Provisional Projects None Asset Renewal Projects Concord – Cooney 138-kV line rebuild (portion of Quad Counties project) * !# ( ( ( ! ( ! ! Tamarack " 3 Mill Rd * * # # " "" " " " Range Line Dist * # * Range # Line SW * Glendale # Cornell Milwaukee Granville ( ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ! * # " " " " Sussex " " " " " " "" " * # " Parkland * # Lak Proposed Projects Spring Valley – North Lake Geneva 2019Overloads and low voltages, 138-kV line construction provide network service Bark River * # " ( ! " " " " "! (" ( (" ! ! ! ( " * # Concord SW YD ( ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ! " T-D interconnection * Lakeview ( ! ( ! ( ! ( # (! ( ! ( ! ( ! ! 10 -Year Transmission System Assessment 2 2015 30 – 31 Swan " 1 Planned Projects Milwaukee County T-D 138-kV lines 68th St * # * # ( ! !! (! ( ! ! ( ( ! ( ( ( ( ! ! Project Description Hayes P.O. Box 47 Waukesha, WI 53187-0047 Helping to keep the lights on, businesses running and communities strong ® ATC at a glance Formed in 2001 as the first multi-state, transmission-only utility n Owner and operator of approximately more than 9,530 miles of transmission lines and 530 substations n Meeting electric needs of more than five million people in 72 counties in four states: Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota and Illinois n $3.6 billion in total assets n Contact Mail P.O. Box 47 n Waukesha, WI 53187-0047 Toll-free 866-899-3204 Email [email protected] More detailed information is available at Would you like a speaker from ATC to address your group? Give us a call, toll-free, at 866-899-3204, ext. 6922. Follow us on Twitter @AmerTransCo
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