Parish Directory Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Faith Community 5300 Old Howell Branch Road Winter Park, FL 32792 (407) 657-6114 Sacramental Life of the Parish Reconciliation: Saturday - 4pm to 4:45pm. Also by appointment. Please call the Parish Office. Baptisms: Parents must be registered, active members of this parish for three months before they may begin the Baptism process. Please call the Parish Office (Ext. 260) to make arrangements. Marriages: The Catholic party must be a registered, active member of this parish for a minimum of three months before marriage preparation can begin. A six month preparation is also required. Please call the Parish Office (Ext. 260) for more information. Anointing and Pastoral Care of the Sick: Please call the Parish Office if anyone is sick at home, in the hospital or nursing home, and would like to be visited. Schedule of Masses and Prayers Saturday Vigil Mass……………………………………....5pm, 7pm (Spanish) Parish Office Phone: (407) 657-6114 Fax: (407) 657-9375 Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm Pastor Fr. Derk Schudde Parochial Vicar Fr. Fidel Rodriquez Cuza, OCD Sunday Masses……………………………..….………8am, 10am, 12pm, 6pm Holy Day Mass……………………………………….……………8:30am, 7pm Weekday Masses Monday-Friday……………………………………...8:30am Morning Prayer Monday-Friday…………………………………………..8am Rosary, Novena & Divine Mercy Chaplet……………….....Monday at 7pm Adoration and Benediction…….....Tuesday 6pm-9pm, Thursday 9am-12pm Deacons Al Castellana Norm Levesque Scott Lindeman Donald Warner Charismatic Prayer Group………………………….………..Thursday at 7pm Pope Francis' universal prayer intention for October is: “That the Lord may grant peace to those parts of the world most battered by war and violence. ”. Parish Directory Parish Mission - This Week! Jesus, Heart of Forgiveness Fr. Kevin Mac Donald, C.Ss.R. Monday - Wednesday at 7:00pm Monday The Bible - the living and personal Word of God which proclaims salvation. Tuesday The Paschal Candle - The Light of Christ that dispels all darkness and creates peace in our lives. Wednesday The Altar - where God’s servants are called into ministry and sent forth to proclaim God’s Word and Kingdom. Monday and Tuesday evening will have a parallel children’s catechetical session for ages 5 and up in the Peter and Paul Room. Parents must sign children in and out of that session. Wednesday evening children will join their parents in church for Mass. Fr. Kevin will also preach at the 8:30am morning Mass on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Join us after each session for refreshments in the Parish Hall. Parish Offices Adult Faith Formation/RCIA/ Young Adults Sal Ballacchino ............... Ext 254 Bookkeeper Andrea Cole ................... Ext 253 Fingerprinting Gloria Miller................... Ext 228 Maintenance Frank Noviello ............... Ext 250 Will Rivas....................... Ext 250 Faith Formation Fax (407) 657-9530 Scott Lindeman ............... Ext 246 Sacrament Coordinator Denise Farrington ............ Ext 260 Business Office Pat Nunes ....................... Ext 225 Pastoral Care/Ministry to the Sick/ Bereavement Kate Clark ...................... Ext 223 Children’s Faith Formation/ Youth Ministry Paula Wright .................. Ext 249 Liturgy/Music Ministry Paul Kusler ..................... Ext 235 Joe Marcellino………….. Ext 244 Early Learning Center Phone (407) 677-6191 Dr. Kate Clark ................. Ext 433 Terry DeVore .................. Ext 433 Hispanic Ministry Anna Torres .................... Ext 236 Receptionist Denise Farrington ........... Ext 221 Website Sts Peter & Paul... Sacristan Michael Arthur-Wong ..... Ext 355 Parish Directory In Our Parish Prayer for our Parish Mission God, Our Father, we offer you praise and thanksgiving for all the many gifts you have given us through Jesus, Your son. We thank you especially for the gift of our parish Mission. Loving and gracious God, quiet our minds and hearts, that we may be open to the gift of your truth. Grant that our Mission may be: a Time of Grace for all, a Time of growth for the young, a Time of refreshment for the old a Time of renewal for families, a Time of healing for the broken, a Time of joy for the sorrowing, a Time of challenge for the complacent, a Time of forgiveness for the sinner, a Time of strength for the holy, a Time of homecoming for those who have been away. Grant, most Loving God that our Mission may bring down your richest blessings on each and every member of our Parish community. We pray through the intercession of Mary, our Mother, in the name of Jesus Christ who lives with you and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen. Youth Group Spaghetti Dinner The annual Youth Group Spaghetti Dinner will be held on Saturday, October 25th at 6:30pm in the parish hall. Cost of the dinner is $10.00 for adults and $4.00 for children age 6 and under. There will be a 50/50 raffle, Catholic t-shirts and Keep Christ in Christmas car decals will be for sale. Ablaze - Young Adult Ministry Join us and the rest of the parish tomorrow night for the first evening of the Parish Mission. Bible Study continues on Thursday at 7:00pm at Crispers where we read, study, discuss, and reflect on the upcoming Sunday readings. For more information about Ablaze and our upcoming events, follow us on Facebook ( StsPandPYAM) or email us at [email protected]. Men’s Club Breakfast Next Sunday The Men’s Club will be serving breakfast after the 8:00am and 10:00am Masses. Breakfast includes eggs, French Toast, sausage, orange juice, danish, coffee and tea. Price is $4 per adult, $1 for children 3 to 10 years old, when accompanies by a paying adult, and free to children under 3. All are welcome. Come and enjoy breakfast and fellowship with you parish family. Bulletin Deadline Articles for the bulletin are due by noon on Monday. Please send all articles and notices to Pat Nunes at the Parish Office. You can email her at: [email protected]. Altar Server Training Altar server training will be offered on Saturday, October 25th, starting at 9:00am in the church. Altar servers must be 10 years old, in the 4th grade, and have made their First Holy Communion. Please contact Merry Warnock at (321) 439-5592 or [email protected] if you plan to attend. English as a Second Language Important Notice The Monday night Advanced class has been rescheduled to Wednesday evenings beginning October 22nd from 7:00-9:00pm. The Tuesday -Thursday evening class will be held as usual and open for any new students interested in basic English. As always bring a notebook, pen and a friend! All classes are free. Ladies Day Out All the ladies of Sts. Peter and Paul Parish are invited to an afternoon of fun. Please join us on Saturday, November 1st, from 12:30 to 4pm. in the Parish Hall. In gratitude for all the hard work and dedication that the ladies of our parish do to support our community during the year, we will gather for an afternoon of fun; pampering, activities, prizes, and food. CCW Council Sunday is being celebrated at the noon Mass on October 19th. All CCW members are asked to sit together (look for the blue) so that we may celebrate our blessings from the last year and asking God to bless all that we do this year. After Mass, we will gather at Tom Henry’s with our families. All are invited to attend. King of Kings Join us this Thursday, October 16th, from 7:00 - 9:00pm in the Chapel. Our guest speaker will be Deacon Scott Lindeman. He will be blessing us with his inspiring, powerful topic "All Things Lead us Back To God". 300 Club Winner The 300 Club winner for Winner for October 5th is: #270. Feast of Saint John Paul II On Sunday, October 26th from 1:00 to 3:30pm in the Parish Hall, there will be a presentation on “Man and Woman He Created Them: A Theology of the Body”. At 3:00pm we will pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Please join us. In Our Parish Boy Scouts Christmas Wreath Sale It's not even Halloween yet, but it's time to pre-order your Christmas wreaths from the Boy Scouts. Troop 613 will be accepting pre-orders for wreaths before and after Mass on the weekends of October 25th-26th, and November 1st-2nd. There will be booths in front of the church and the parish hall. We will accept cash, credit card, and checks. The proceeds will go towards summer camp, and a portion will be tithed to Sts. Peter and Paul. Please help support our scouts! Blood Drive Our next Blood Drive will be held on October 26th, from 8:30pm until 1:30pm. Free limited edition Halloween t-shirt for all donors plus a wellness checkup including blood pressure, temperature, iron count and cholesterol screening. Help us better serve you! Make an appointment online at and use sponsor code #9614. Picture ID Requested. Or call 1-(888)-9-DONATE. Pictures from the Women of Purpose Evening of Fellowship, Food and Fun held on October 4th. Music Ministry News Our Music Ministry continues to grow with adults, children and instrumentalists. Our Children’s Choir started rehearsing two weeks ago with 23 children in grades 3 through 8 in attendance. They will sing for the first time at the 12:00pm Mass on October 19th. Thank you to all the parent volunteers as well as Joseph Marcellino and Aaron McGarvey for leading them. We also had new members in our Adult Choir, you can always hear them at the Sunday 10:00am Mass. And finally, we had many talented youth step up to join who are instrumentalists, from trumpet and trombone players to flute and violin. Thanks to Jomar Soto a high school senior for sharing his talent by playing the violin at the 12:00pm Mass last week. If you are interested in sharing your talent, please don’t hesitate to call Paul Kusler, Director of Music and Liturgy at (407) 657-6114 ext. 435 or email him at [email protected]. Liturgy Notes - The Cantor The cantor leads and sustains the singing of the assembly. The cantor may also sing solos or alternate with everyone else. The cantor is one of the ministers assigned to parts of the Mass. When the priest, deacon, cantor, servers, assembly, and others accept their respective roles, we all celebrate Mass with more understanding. The cantor may lead the psalm at the ambo, assuming the same position as the reader of Scripture. The cantor may read or sing the petitions of the penitential rite and of the general intercessions. The cantor may lead other music such as the alleluia, and the communion song. Thus the cantor adds a degree of solemnity to the Eucharist. A cantor will also provide encouragement and example for others to join in singing. Cantors should possess enough musical ability to execute their ministry, but they need something more. They need to be men and women with religious understanding, who can not only sing a text accurately but also share their faithful soul and inspire the prayer of others. Some people prefer not to sing when they hear the cantor. In our culture, we expect that someone singing into a microphone is a soloist, so we may forget that all of us are “performers” at church. When the cantor leads our song, we should sing, not listen. Since the cantor sings praise, prayer, petition, and sorrow, the ministry demands someone experienced with life. Cantors who share their struggles and joys in song will help us meet ours. Parish Ministries In Our Diocese World Mission Sunday Collection to be Held October 18th-19th October 19th is World Mission Sunday. Catholics are invited to reach out and help build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, as well as local churches throughout the Missions, in the most remote areas across our world. Your prayers and generous gift to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith help the work of priests, religious and lay leaders in Mongolia and throughout the Missions who offer the poor practical help and the experience of God’s love and mercy, His hope and peace. Please keep the Missions in your daily prayers. Please be as generous as you can. For more information, please visit Annual Soup Bowl Supper Saturday, October 25th at 7:00pm at St. Mary Magdalen Parish in the Parish Life Center, 861 Maitland Ave., Altamonte Springs. The Second Annual Soup Bowl Supper is benefiting Pathways to Care, a respite center which provides health, housing and hope for homeless men and women recovering from a serious injury or illness. The evening will include a variety of gourmet soups from local restaurants and served by Bishop John Noonan with members of the board of directors. Keynote speaker, John Hillenmeyer, Chair of the Central Florida Commission on Homelessness will share his thoughts as part of the event program. Doors open at 6:30pm along with the silent auction. The evening will include a live auction offering an ocean-front villa that sleeps 10 in County Cork, Ireland plus many other too-good-to-pass-up items! Tickets and sponsorships are available, visit or call (407) 388-0245 for more information. Youth for Life Rally The Office for Advocacy and Justice is hosting a Youth for Life Rally and concert with Steve Angrisano on November 1, 2014 at Bishop Moore Catholic High School from 4:00pm-10:00pm in the gymnasium. The event is for High School Students only and the theme is Who’s Your Hero? in honor of All Saints Day. The evening will feature presentations on Pier Georgio Frassati, as a model of Catholic Social Teaching, and St Josephine Bakhita,, as an intercessor for victims of human trafficking and exploitation. There will be pizza, 25+ vendors from various ministries around the Diocese, opportunities to win wonderful door prizes and mass with Bishop Noonan. Vendors include: Ave Maria University, Knights of Columbus, Legion of Mary, Saint Vincent de Paul, Office of Vocations, 40 Days for Life, JMJ Life Center, Haitian Ministry, Office of Communications, San Pedro Youth Program, Diocese of Orlando Missions Office, Harbor House, Office of Advocacy and Justice, Catholic Charities Adoption Services, the Secular Franciscans, Office of Evangelization and Family Life, Catholic Relief Services/ Fair Trade, CatGear, Steve Angrisano, Holy Family Respect Life Ministry, etc… Teens need to be accompanied by diocesan youth ministers, teachers, or Safe Environment approved chaperones. The cost is FREE, although teens may want to bring money to purchase music, books, t-shirts, sweatshirts, free trade coffee, free trade chocolate, or other items offered by our vendors. Tickets can be reserved by calling the Office of Advocacy and Justice at (407) 658-1818 x 2086 or emailing Kelley Santalla at [email protected].. We have over 700 diocesan youth already registered for this event and remaining tickets are going fast, so don’t delay! Altar Care Michael Arthur-Wong .. 671-3208 Altar Servers Merry Warnock ...... 321-439-5592 Annulments Lorayne Stelling............ 830-1971 Bereavement Ellen Ryall …………….694-0216 Boy Scouts Chuck Hippler .............. 310-4731 Catholic Scripture Study Mary Pavlis .................. 678-5283 Charismatic Prayer Group Claude Cassagnol ......... 657-1539 Children’s Liturgy Christine McFarland ..... 672-1757 Christ Renews His Parish Michael Tricoche .......... 754-6542 Council of Catholic Women Nora Stark .................... 252-4537 Compass Lou Rajchel .................. 671-0974 English as a Second Language Mary/Enzo Del Vento...542-5482 Feeding the Homeless Bill Rowan ................... 365-6730 Filipino Group Dan Lacsamana ............ 227-2712 Food Pantry Michael Arthur-Wong .. 671-3208 Hospitality Art Robinson & Claudia Silva ................ 208-0788 Lay Carmelites Albert Perez.................. 657-0074 Legion of Mary Jose Sharpe................... 690-3749 Marriage Enrichment Ministry Willie & Gigi Santiago .. 227-1504 Men’s Club Ernie Smith .................. 671-3998 Ministers of Holy Communion Donna Chuchla ............ 542-6483 Ministry of Mothers Sharing Rose Tuttle ................... 765-3394 Neighborhood Network Gloria Miller ................ 657-6114 Parish Council Hank Marchese............ 679-5592 Readers Terrie Rowan ............... 365-6730 Rosary Makers Rosemarie DiSimone .... 671-9560 Ultreya/Cursillo Michael & Denise Farrington .............. 321-422-5603 Ushers Michael Kubanet .......... 657-2836 Women of Purpose Diane Fitzsimmons ...... 672-0612 WorkForce Stephen Smith…....386-566-6689 Parish Directory Mass Intentions for this Week Saturday, October 18 –St. Luke, Evangelist Monday, October 13 8:30 am...†Caroline Gaughan by Jackie Biser Tuesday, October 14 Vigil Mass for Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30 am…†Roy Barber by Gloria Miller Wednesday, October 15-St. Teresa of Jesus 8:30 am…†Gloria Stackfleth by Trunkie Sadowsky Thursday, October 16 8:30 am…†Douglas Kottraba by Marian Crawford & Mary Grove Friday, October 17-St. Ignatius of Antioch 8:30 am…†Brian Pung by Catholic Charities Scripture Readings for Next Weekend Is:45:1,4-6 1Thes:1:1-3b Mt 22:15-21 Visit us on Facebook! *Please Note: Names will be left on the Prayer List for one month. If you would like a name to be kept on the list for an additional month, please call the Parish Office (407) 657-6114. 5:00 pm…†Lillian Mathieu by Bill & Terrie Rowan 7:00 pm…†Javier Manuel Lopez by Mom & Dad Sunday, October 19 - Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 am...†Robert Kruger by The Wake Family 10:00 am...†Mildred Cabales by Nancy Rodriguez & Family 12:00 pm...†Kristopher Palko by The Schendel Family 6:00 pm...†Van Della Griffith by Ann Sage And Please Pray For... Cali Rose Adkins Tere Alcantara Maria Balisado The Barrera Family Bernard Carr Frank Cavolo Irene Chessa Ken Clark Justine Cline Joseph S. Columbus Asher Donovan Micah Ashley Duff Emerita Dulce Patricia Dwyer Carla Ely Esther Ely Lynn Fekany Ron Ferrara Judi Flanagan Christy Gallucci The Galvin Family Nicholas Garcia Joan Gogulski Billy Graham Arsenio Gumahad Michelle Haug Rose Horgan John Horvath Margie Ingalls Robert Jablonski Tracie Jackson Maria Jaen Andy Jenkins Conrad Kaminski Edward Kane Betty Kearney Donald Kowalski Ann Lancaster Phyllis Lapeus Morgan Layco Dominick Livera Andrew Loire Jo Longo Renee Love Maria Lung Emilie Lyons Marianne Santos Malsi Joe Marotta The Matta Family Michael McGrail Georgina Medina Midia Medina Momizagans Mgdl The Nanadiego Family S. Lee Nease Joan Noviello Gloria Ocasio The Ortega Family Beverly Owen Jesus Panora Mary Pashayan Christopher Petrisin Silvio Petrone Jr. Manuel Pino Myrna Pino Rafael Pino Rosa Pino Jayne Precor Ruth Proaño Ed Provencher III Elizabeth Quintana Todd Raby Michael Ramos Alice Redmond Julia Reparip Helen Rice Richard Ridigill Brendalee Rivera Dennis Joel Rivera Lissette Rivera Sandra Rivera Lois Roundy Annette Schimpf Carolyn Sherlock Andrew Sinclair Sue Smith Raymond Srebernak Donna Stas Ruth Stokes The Stratton Family David Talbert Fr. Joseph Terra Lindsey Terrell Remy Torres Flora Twachtman Nancy Tyson Inez Uhler Emil Veselka Susan Vaughan Kathleen Voodre Son Vu Trisha Watson Joe Weber Elizabeth Winter Sam Woodward Beth Young Steven Young Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
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