Solutions for HW 3, Econ 902, FALL 2014 1. Dadkhah: Ch. 8: 1 - See attached pages. 2. Dadkhah: Ch. 9: 4, 5, 6 - See attached pages. 3. Dadkhah: Ch. 10: 1, 2, 3 - See attached pages. 4. Chiang: Ch. 12: 1 - See attached pages. 5. Consider the following simple representation of the tradeoff between taxes and income. The total output (income) of an economy, Y , can be described as coming from the level of productivity, A, which represents the effectiveness with which capital (machinery, factories, etc.) are used, the amount of capital, K, and the level of government expenditure, G. Y = AK α G1−α (1) (a) Graph this function of Y against K assuming that 0 < α < 1. Why should it make sense that α is greater than zero but less than one? Take the first and second derivatives with respect to K treating everything else as a constant and graph your results. Provide economic interpretations of each. SOLUTION: The graph of the function should look like this: The assumption that α is greater than zero but less than one, 0 < α < 1, implies a positive marginal product of capital but with diminishing returns. These implications are intuitive. More machinery and factories should be able to produce more output, but the additional gains from more capital diminishes as the size of the capital stock grows since labor is not changing. The derivatives are as follows: dY dK d2 Y dK 2 = αAK α−1 G1−α > 0 = (α − 1) αAK α−2 G1−α < 0 The graphs of these two derivatives are as follows: Note that the second derivative is negative, but increases in value as K gets larger. I left the numbers on the y-axis in the graph. The numbers are not important and depend entirely on the numbers entered into an Excel spread sheet for A, G, α, and K. However, it is the negative value for the second derivative which is important. It says that the slope of the first derivative is negative, meaning there are diminishing returns to capital. In addition, as K gets larger the rate at which the M P K is falling is getting smaller in absolute value. That is, the slope of the MPK function is getting flatter. (b) Draw another graph for Y against G. Interpret this diagram. How does G affect Y? Does the effect increase or decrease? Why might that make sense? Take the first and second derivatives with respect to G treating everything else as a constant and graph your results. Provide economic interpretations of each. SOLUTION: These graphs are identical in the shape of the curves to those in part a. Government has a positive effect on output, but at a diminishing (decreasing) rate. There are a number of ways to justify these assumptions. One way, we discussed in class. The government provides goods and services that make firms and workers more productive such as a legal system that protects property rights and respects contract law, police protection, national defense, education, and health care. All of these lead to increases in the amount the economy can produce for a given amount of physical capital. However, the gains from increased government expenditure diminish as adding more and more police, for example, makes people feel more secure, but 1 the additional benefit of the one-millionth cop in my neighborhood does not add much whereas putting the first one or two officers there makes a tremendous difference. dY dG d2 Y dG2 = (1 − α)AK α G−α > 0 = −α (1 − α) AK α G−α−1 < 0 The graphs of these two derivatives are as follows: The intution here is the same as above. Government expenditures have a positive marginal product, thus a positive first derivative, but the marginal product diminishes as G gets larger, thus a negative second derivative. (c) Now consider how government expenditures are actually paid for, i.e. taxes. Thus, disposable income (income net of taxes) is: Ydisposable = AK α G1−α − T (2) if the government finances everything through taxes. Rewrite the expression in terms of just taxes and capital as determining disposable income. To do this, assume that the government does not have a government budget surplus or deficit, such that G = T . Substititute T for G in the above expression and take the derivative of disposable income with respect to T . Your firstorder condition should have two components corresponding to a marginal benefit and a marginal cost. Provide economic interpretations of these. Now graph disposable income against the level of taxation and interpret what this graph represents. SOLUTION: Substituing for G using T we have: Ydisposable = AK α T 1−α − T (3) Taking the first derivative with respect to taxes, T , we get: dYdisposable = (1 − α) AK α T −α − 1 dT (4) Interpreting this expression was probably challenging for most people. I will explain this in some detail and hopefully find some time in class to go over it. Look at the first derivate again. The first component, (1 − α) AK α T −α , represents the marginal benefit of increased taxation because it shows how output rises as the government spends (taxes) more. The second component is just −1 which represents how disposable income falls with increased government spending (taxation). For every unit of government expenditure, disposable income falls by one unit. This can be easier to see in a graph. The graph below shows these two components separately as follows: The curved line is the marginal product of government expenditure, just like the corresponding graph in part b. The straight line at one shows the cost in terms of income taken away by the government to fund expenditures. On the left portion of the graph, before the two intersect, the marginal benefits of higher government expenditure exceed the cost. That means that disposable income can be increased by raising taxes in that portion of the graph. The reason is that higher government expenditure will lead to output increases, Y , greater than the additional loss in taxes. To the right of the intersection, the increase in output from higher government expenditures gets smaller such that the marginal increase in output does not make up for the loss in disposable income through taxes. (Do not be concerned about the actual numbers on the graph, it is the shapes of the curves and interpretations that matter.) Combining these two curves and simply graphing (1 − α) AK α T −α − 1 as a whole shows us this: The graph looks the same as the marginal benefit portion in the previous graph but shifted down after substracting off the marginal cost (1) at all levels of G. Notice that where it falls to zero corresponds to the intersection in the previous graph. That intersection shows exactly where the 2 marginal benefit of increased taxation equals the marginal cost. The following graph shows the function describing disposable income: Ydisposable = AK α T 1−α − T Notice how the graph rises then falls. The rising portion on the left corresponds to where the marginal benefits in the previous graph exceed the marginal cost in terms of taxes. It shows that disposable income increases when government spending is initially low, reaches a peak (the maximum level of disposable income), and then declines as the loss in taxes outweighs the gains from production. Notice that the slope is zero at the maximum point. With that information we can solve for the level of taxes that yields the highest level of disposable income (This was not required on the homework). Since the first derivative is the slope of this function, we simply need to find the level of taxes that occurs when the slope is exactly zero. So, setting the first derivative equal to zero we have: dYdisposable = (1 − α) AK α T −α − 1 = 0 dT (5) Solving: (1 − α) AK α T −α (1 − α) AK α = 1 = Tα Tα = (1 − α) AK α T∗ = [(1 − α) AK α ] 1/α Thus, we have the level of taxes, T ∗ (where * indicates the optimal level), that generates the highest disposable income. Using the numbers that I used for the graphs above where α = 4/5, K = 10, and A = 1, implies that T∗ = T∗ = T∗ = 1/α [(1 − α) AK α ] h i1/(4/5) (1 − 4/5) (1)101/5 h i5/4 (1/5) 104/5 = 1.337 That generates a level of disposable income of 5.350 and a total income of 6.687 or precisely 20% of income goes to taxes. 6. (a) Josh’s intertemporal two-period budget constaint equates the present value of lifetime consumption to the present value of lifetime income: C1 + C2 Y2 = Y1 + 1+r 1+r (b) The lagrangian is: C2 Y2 − C1 − L = ln C1 + ln C2 + λ Y1 + 1+r 1+r The first order conditions: L1 ⇒ L2 ⇒ Lλ ⇒ C1 + 1 C1 1 C2 C2 1+r = = = λ λ/ (1 + r) Y2 Y1 + 1+r Solving the first order conditions yield: C1 C2 B Y2 = 12 Y1 + 1+r = = (1 + r) C1 = = Y1 − C1 = 3 55, 000 60, 500 −45, 000 (c) The new results would be: C1 C2 B = = = 57, 500 60, 375 −47, 500 With a decrease in the interest rate, Josh will consume more in period 1 and less in period 2. Furthermore, savings will decrease (Josh will borrow more). Since Josh is a net borrower, the decrease in the interest lessens how much he must repay in the second period, and thus gain more wealth through the income effect. This effect will try to increase consumption in both periods and decrease savings. However, borrowing is now relatively cheaper. This is the substitution effect. The cheaper cost of borrowing will increase his incentive to borrow more which will decrease savings, increase period 1 consumption and decrease period 2 consumption. The net result, considering the income and subsitution effect for a net borrower is period 1 consumption will unambigiously rise, savings will unambigiously fall, and the change in period 2 consumption depends or the relatively magnitudes of the income and substitution effects. In our case, the substitution effect dominates and period 2 consumption falls. (d) We saw from part (a) that if there were no borrowing constraint, then the optimal level of borrowing would be 45,000. Since this exceeds the maximum borrowing limit, the borrowing constraint will bind. Josh will borrow the max and consume his period 1 income. Thus, C1 will be 40,000 and B equals 30,000. Finally, C2 then becomes Y2 − (1 + r) B = 77, 000. See the graph for more details. (e) A drop in the period 2 income will decrease both current and future consumption through a pure income effect. Furthermore, we expect savings to rise, or in our case, borrowing to fall. If we reoptimize, we find Y2 = 30, 000 C1 = 21 Y1 + 1+r C2 = (1 + r) C1 = 33, 000 B = Y1 − C1 = −20, 000 Since Josh would not optimally borrow in excess of 30,000, the borrowing constraint does not bind. Again, see the graph for more details. 7. (a) Optimization problem using a Lagrangian, maxA,B,C ln A + ln B + ln C + λ (24 − A − B − C) FOC: 1 A 1 B 1 C =λ =λ =λ 24 − A − B − C = 0 The first order conditions imply that the marginal utility of each component, A, B, C, will equal the shadow value of wealth. The final FOC is the time constraint. (b) Using the first order conditions, we have a symmetric equilibrium, where A = B = C = 8. (c) We can think of the coefficients in the time constraint as their respective marginal cost. Thus, if the HA increases, Sue will devote less time on micro and leisure, and more on macro. (d) maxA,B,C HA ln A + HB ln B + ln C + λ (24 − A − B − C) FOC: HA A =λ HB B =λ 1 C =λ 24 − A − B − C = 0 Solving for A, B and C yields: A∗ B∗ C∗ = = = 4 HA (1+HA +HB ) 24 HB (1+HA +HB ) 24 1 (1+HA +HB ) 24 Using values of HA = 50 and HB = 150, we have: A∗ = 5.97; B ∗ = 17.9; and C ∗ = 0.13. (e) We have the following partial derivatives: w.r.tHA A∗ B∗ C∗ 1+HB 24 (1+HA +HB )2 HB − (1+H +H )2 24 A B − (1+H 1+H )2 24 A B w.r.tHB A − (1+HH+H 24 2 A B) 1+HA 2 24 (1+HA +HB ) − (1+H 1+H )2 24 A B The partial derivates indicate that as the amount of homework for a given subject rises, it will increase the time spent on that individual suject (dA/dHA > 0 and dB/dHB > 0), but decrease the time spent on the remaining subject and leisure (∂A/∂HB < 0 and ∂B/∂HA < 0). 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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