New Members This Week With FIRSTPROTESTANT Sunday 10/19/14 8:00am 8:30am 9:00am 9:15am 10:30am 10:30am 12:00pm 3:00pm 4:00 pm 5:00pm Traditional Service – Sanctuary Breakfast - Schumann Hall Youth Sunday School - Seele Adult Bible Study Classes – FP Church Office Conference & Meeting Rooms, Mornhinweg Traditional Service – Sanctuary Contemporary Service – Schumann Hall Youth Play Practice - Seele/Bormann Rm KFPC Christmas Pageant Tryouts - Seele Run For God - Mornhinweg Confirmation - Marshall’s Monday 10/20/14 10:00 am 6:00 pm Flying FIngers - Mornhinweg BSF - Mens’ Bible Study - Sanctuary Prayer Leadership Team - Mornhinweg Tuesday 10/21/14 10:00am Women’s Bible Study - Mornhinweg 6:30pm Band of Brothers - offsite Wednesday 10/22/14 11:30 am NBC Noon Bible Chat - Mornhinweg 6:00 pm Wednesday Night Live - Seele /Bormann Rm Handbell Choir Rehearsal ~ Handbell Room 7:00 pm Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal - Choir Room Wednesday WOW - Mornhinweg Thursday 10/23/14 6:30 pm River’s Edge Band Practice - Schumann Hall GriefShare - Mornhinweg Lg. Rm Sunday 10/26/14 8:00am 8:30am 9:00am 9:15am 10:30am 10:30am 12:00pm 4:00 pm 6:00pm Traditional Service – Sanctuary Breakfast - Schumann Hall Youth Sunday School - Seele Adult Bible Study Classes – FP Church Office Conference & Meeting Rooms, Mornhinweg Traditional Service – Sanctuary Contemporary Service – Schumann Hall Youth Play Practice - Seele/Bormann Rm KFPC Christmas Pageant Practice - Seele Run For God - Mornhinweg Confirmation - Seele - Brown’s Welcome New Members We feel blessed that you have chosen First Protestant Church as your new church home. We embrace the opportunity to help you build your relationship with Jesus Christ and this church family through fellowship, service and study. Joining us today are: Max Guadiano, Barney Halm. Sharon Halm, John Howard, Kitten Howard, Mandy Lindeman, and Janessa Slayton. Men Band of Brothers will meet on October 21 at 6:30pm at Wynne’s (890 E. Torrey St.) For more info, contact Rob Miller 830-606-5253. “Connecting men with God and each other through Jesus Christ”. Women Important Dates for Women’s Fellowship: Sat. Nov. 1 @ 9am Cook Potato Soup -- We will need volunteers to peel, dice, & cook potatoes, carrots, & onions in advance, persons to help combine ingredients and cook soup (requires stirring frequently) and then fill containers to freeze . Sun Nov 9th and 16th -- Volunteers to sell soup after 8 o’clock service (8:45am) and before and after 10:30 service The sale of this soup finances our mission and outreach projects as well as a gift to our home-bound members. For more info call Gay Wimberley @ 830-625-8883. Mission Commitee Monthly Food / Diaper Donations Commitments: 500 lbs. of non-perishable food items for S.O.S. 750 diapers for Options For Life The S.O.S. food item for September/October is canned tuna. Please help us support our local food bank the next time you shop! Love, Pray, Serve: Being An Intercessory Missionary Sunday October 26th 12-2:30 Mornhinweg Center For Lay Ministers, One on One Prayer Ministers, and those interested in a life of prayer and ministry in Christ’s Name. Lunch will be served! Mission of the Month Wink and Glyn Kelso are our supported missionaries who have served throughout many regions of the world: Asia, Thailand, Singapore, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Morocco, India, Nepal, Philippines, Mexico, Peru, United Kingdom, Hungary, Romania and many others. While being missionaries, they provide both encouragement and other various resources (both spiritual and financial) to many other missionaries. For example, they support over 300 missionaries in Thailand. Their ministry helps both the missionaries and the indigenous people they serve, ensuring that nations are discipled too, the lost evangelized, churches are started, and leaders are equipped and served. They network with other Kingdom-minded ministries in the pursuit of a global revival and awakening and the Great Commission Fulfilled. Examples of this are: * SOS Getaways- hosting and funding retreats for missionaries on the field * Corporate worship, intercession, Ladies ministry * Indigenous leadership training, village outreaches * Rescuing women from sexual abuse and trafficking * Prayer ministry, counseling and mediation * Special outreaches and short-term group projects * Networking, team-building and mentoring * New music for the Kingdom (Wink is currently in the process of recording a new CD) * Missions/Worship/Intercession ministry in the U.S. As you can see, they have a very broad spectrum of outreach and needs. Please continue to pray for their safety and the many countries throughout the world to have openness for the spreading of God’s Word. Through First Protestant”s continuous support, God’s love has been felt throughout the world. To read more about their happenings, please visit their website at: php?page=Home Youth Play Practice: TODAY from 12-2:30! Bring your own lunch, starting at 12 sharp. Confirmation: TODAY from 5-7 @ the Marshall’s and next 5-7 Sunday @ the Brown’s Community Operation Christmas Child 2015 “Every shoebox offers an opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with a hurting child.” – Franklin Graham, President, Samaritan’s Purse This year, First Protestant Church will once again be participating in Operation Christmas Child, sending shoeboxes filled with toys, school supplies and other fun things to children in need all around the world. For just $7, (the cost of shipping), we can each make a powerful impact in the life of children, sharing God’s love with them this Christmas. Shoeboxes and packing guides will be available TODAY in the corridor and can be returned to FPC next Sunday, October 26. Happy Halloween! It’s time for the annual candy drive for the wounded warriors and their families in San Antonio. Please bring in any kind of individually wrapped goodies and drop in the box or bring to the church office. Monetary donations are also accepted and appreciated. For more information, contact Pat Krause at [email protected]. Baylor University Women’s Choir joins us in worship, Sunday, October 26 @ 10:30 AM HOME STAYS NEEDED for 75 YOUNG LADIES!!! If you can welcome singers into your home overnight Saturday, Oct. 25, please contact Dr. Martin and let him know how many you can host. Joey M. Martin 512-787-2269 [email protected] For Our Guests & Members Traditional Worship Service Welcome! To better serve our newcomers, we ask that guests please fill out a Visitor Card* located in the pews in the sanctuary and at the Connection Center in Schumann Hall. Cards may be placed in the offering trays or given to an usher or minister. New Member Classes Find out what we stand for, why we do things the way we do, and meet the ministers. Anyone interested in becoming a member of First Protestant Church should contact Mae Kraft, Volunteer Coordinator, at X33 in the church office. God Answers Prayer If you or someone you know needs prayer**, please fill out a Prayer Request Card* located in the pews in the sanctuary and at the Connection Center in Schumann Hall. If you would like to be added to the E-mail Prayer & Praise Chain to pray for those requesting prayer, or would like to submit E-mail requests to pray, please contact [email protected]. Parking Information As a courtesy, we reserve the curbside parking on Coll St by the sanctuary and the drive-thru parking area by the school for the elderly, handicapped, or those who require assistance. There is always an Ambassador there to greet and offer assistance. Also, we prohibit parking on the curbside by the Seele Hall for the safety of the children going in and out. Media Outreach All posters, flyers, or literature posted on the bulletin boards, Connection Centers, or distributed on church grounds must be approved by the church office. All requests for approval must be made by noon on Wednesdays to be posted by church staff on Fridays. Entries for the Sunday bulletin must also be submitted by noon on Tuesday for the upcoming Sunday. Nursery A staffed nursery is provided for infants through 4 year olds in the FP School area on Sunday mornings. Please see an usher for assistance. Closed Doors, Open Arms It is necessary to keep doors in all FPC buildings closed so that our AC/Heating systems will work properly. Please don’t let these closed doors make you think you are not welcome! Everyone is welcome to stay comfortable at FPC! *All info on Prayer & Visitor cards is kept confidential. **There is no longer a local switchboard at Christus Santa Rosa-NB. All the calls are routed through San Antonio. Therefore it is IMPERATIVE that family, friends and loved ones call FPC church office or notify the pastors of any hospitalizations. Prelude “Prelude on FOUNDATION” ~ Afred Fedak Welcome *Hymn (#547) “The Church’s One Foundation” *Sharing of Fellowship *Opening Prayer *Gloria Patri (10:30) Reception of New Members Service of Prayer Hymn (#417) “Just As I am” Scripture Reading Psalm 139 (p.444) (8:00) Special Music “Give Me Jesus” ~ spirituall Josh Arguelles, baritone (10:30) Anthem “Nothing But the Blood” ~ Ron Mallory FPC Handbell Choir ~ Christian de la Cruz, director Message Responding to Divine Perfections Rev. Chuck Huckaby 172 West Coll Street - New Braunfels, TX 78130 Phone (830) 609-7729 Rev. Daryl Higgins - Senior Minister [email protected] Ext. 16 Rev. Phil Brown - Associate Minister [email protected] Ext. 20 Rev. Chuck Huckaby - Minister of Congregationl Life [email protected] Ext. 18 Doreen Schaeffer - Business Manager [email protected] Ext. 21 Sheenae Hernandez-Garcia - FP School Director [email protected] 606-4110 Ext. 12 Jerald Schroeder - Director of Operations [email protected] Ext.19 Pastor Chris Savage - Director of Youth Ministries [email protected] Ext. 22 Jill Rodriguez - Director of Children’s Ministries [email protected] Ext. 26 Mae Kraft - Volunteer Coordinator [email protected] Ext.52 Melanie Gillum - Administrative Assistant [email protected] Ext. 10 Melissa Morris - Communications Coordinator [email protected] Ext. 27 Joey Martin - Director of Music & Fine Arts [email protected] This Sunday Offertory “10,000 Reasons” (10:30) FPC Handbell Choir ~ Christian de la Cruz, director This week’s radio broadcast is given to the honor and glory of God by an anonymous donor. The flowers on the altar are in memory of Russ Martin. Prayer partners are available for personal prayer at any time *Doxology *Prayer of Thanksgiving Hymn (#32) “How Firm a Foundation” *Blessing * indicates when those who are able may stand October 19, 2014 512-787-2269 Tithes & Offerings Postlude “Trumpet Tune” ~ Gordon Young Have you liked FPC on FaceBook? Follow the link at! Staff Contact Information Where Everybody is Somebody Next Sunday Traditional Worship Rev. Chuck Huckaby Ultimate Values Luke 18:18-23 Contemporary Worship Rev. Phil Brown The Fruit of the Spirit is FAITHFULNESS and Jesus Christ is Lord
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