Shelby-Rising City Public Schools Home of the Huskies October / November 2014 ! Central Office - Grades PK – 5, 9-12 650 N Walnut St; PO Box 281; Shelby, NE 68662 402-527-5946 / FAX 402-527-5133 Middle School – Grades 6-8 400 E Spruce St; PO Box 160; Rising City, NE 68658 402-542-2216 / FAX 402-542-2265 Superintendent Notes What does it mean to be “Great”? Terms of status are often slung around through the media and in conversations about how “Great” individuals, teams, or organizations are. But what does it really mean to be “Great”? We can all agree that winning a gold medal in the Olympics make’s you great at that event. Does not winning a gold in the next Olympics mean you lose that status? I personally believe the answer is no – that is still a great “team” or “individual” who was just out performed on that day. So is “Great” determined by your body of work or what you do over a longer period of time? Was Tom Osborne a great coach? On some days the answer would vary among fans, but by the end of his 25+ years as Head Coach of the Nebraska football team the answer was a resounding yes. Shelby-Rising City Schools is poised to be “Great”, not for one day or one thing, but in all we do for the long term. To be “Great” it takes more than a quick fix and requires constant evaluation to determine what are the best possible changes to be made and what should stay the same. Just like Olympic Gold Medalists and Tom Osborne, they changed to meet the challenges of their time and refused to accept status quo. Our District has made tremendous strides in utilizing technology and has now turned its focus toward curriculum articulation. The curriculum process will take approximately two years as we develop, analyze, check for gaps/overlaps, revise materials, instructional strategies, and align the core courses to the Nebraska Standards. These are the tedious processes that will ensure we can be “Great” and sustain it. Our School Board has begun the process of hiring professional services for our facility planning and possible bond election. We have several steps to take but the goal is to have a plan and costs available to patrons in January of 2015. We truly appreciated the response and feedback we received at our public meeting in late August. The Board will continue to use the Strategic Plan to determine the priorities and goals of this project. Last but not least, everything we do at Shelby-Rising City Schools is to make the overall educational experience for our students one that is challenging and will prepare them for their future. I want to encourage our students to be invested in what goes on at our school – take advantage of the “Great” opportunities you have here! Proud to be a Husky! Chip Kay, Superintendent! 1! ! Shelby-Rising City Public Schools Home of the Huskies October / November 2014 ! Front row:! Josh Garcia, Jaden Kuhnel, Parker Micek, Jared Nekl, Shaelyn Voss Back row:! Tiffany Vavricek, Ashley Prososki, Danielle Schaf, Jessamyn Myers, Theresa Potter ! The Shelby-Rising City Chapter of the National Honor Society has been busy since the end of last school year. We’ve selected officers, spent a day at Pilger to help with clean up, we participated in the blood drive, put on the freshman orientation, and just recently inducted new members. Overall the past few months have been very productive. Just before the end of school last year NHS elected officers for the 2014-15 school year, and they are: Danielle Schaf, President; Tiffany Vavricek, Vice President; Ashley Prososki, Secretary; Jessamyn Myers, Treasurer, and Theresa Potter as Historian. The NHS volunteered for a day at Pilger. They gave us buckets and we went into a cornfield to clean up debris for a farmer who had lost a good portion of his crop during the storm. We worked together with other volunteers to remove huge pieces of metal, wood and debris found everywhere. It was a lot of hard work, but it was worth it because you could really see how much the residents of Pilger appreciated it. Later in the summer, after Pilger, the National Honor Society worked with the student council to put on a blood drive. A lot of people donated blood, including some of our members. The two organizations, NHS and Student Council, work together to sponsor two blood drives a year. Right before school began, NHS sponsored a freshmen orientation night. Freshmen and their parents were invited to attend the orientation to learn about high school. Mr. Holmberg spoke about the rules that the new freshman would need to follow, and high school teachers introduced themselves. The members of NHS also led the freshmen on a tour of the school and gave them tips about high school. Refreshments were served after the tour. Five junior members were inducted into NHS on September 2nd: Joshua Garcia, Shaelyn Voss, Jaden Kuhnel, Parker Micek, and Jarod Nekl. The ceremony was lead by the current senior members. Mr. Holmberg and Mrs. Ruth provided some inspirational words and members reviewed the four pillars of NHS – scholarship, leadership, character and service. There were refreshments and time to congratulate the new members after the ceremony. Fall projects will include highway clean up, paper and plastic bottle recycling. NHS meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:30 a.m. 2! ! Shelby-Rising City Public Schools Home of the Huskies October / November 2014 ! ! RED!LETTER!WEEK! RED!RIBBON!WEEK!–!“Love!Yourself.!!Be! Drug!Free.”! Each!year!a!nationwide!campaign!takes! place!as!a!reminder!to!all!of!the! importance!of!living!a!drug!free!lifestyle.!! This!campaign,!entitled!Red!Ribbon!Week,! aims!to!prevent!our!children!from! becoming!involved!with!drugs,!tobacco,! and!alcohol.!The!Red!Ribbon!Week! message!will!be!evident!in!the!halls!of!SNRC! when!the!following!activities!promoted!by! the!Student!Council!take!place.! Monday,!October!27…STAY!IN!THE! GAME…BE!DRUG!FREE!!!Wear!your!favorite! sports!team!clothing!to!school.!!! Tuesday,!October!28…WE!CAN!be!DRUG! FREE!!!Everyone!who!CAN!is!asked!to! donate!a!canned!food!item!for!Blue!Valley! Community!Action.!!They!CAN!also!be! brought!to!the!volleyball!game!that!night.! Wednesday,!October!29…PUT!A!CAP!ON! DRUGS!!!!Wear!your!favorite!cap!or!hat!to! school.! Thursday,!October!30…BEING!DRUG!FREE! IS!NO!SWEAT!!!Wear!sweat!pants!to! school.! Friday,!October!31…RED!DAY!!!Everyone!is! encouraged!to!wear!red!from!top!to! bottom.! ! In!addition,!StuCo!members!will!be!tying! Red!Ribbon!Reminders!to!vehicles!as!they! enter!the!parking!lot!on!the!morning!of! th Monday,!October!27 .!!Students!will!also! try!to!guess!and!match!faculty!and!staff!to! their!baby!pictures!on!the!“Born!to!Be! Drug!Free”!bulletin!board.!!Additional! writing!and!art!projects!will!assist!all! students!in!getting!the!word!out!about!SN RC!being!Drug!Free!!!! ! ! ! ! The Shelby-Rising City Public School hosted a meeting of the East Central Nebraska Reading Council (ECNC) on August 28th in the school/public library in Shelby. The guest speaker for the event was Sonja ChatfieldPeetz, Regional ASD Network Coordinator. Faculty, staff, ECNC members and district patrons from S-RC, Leigh, Columbus Lakeview, HowellsDodge, North Bend and Schuyler were in attendance. Staff attending from Shelby-Rising City included: Chip Kay, Bill Curry, Denise Glock, Mary Gillespie, Kelly Willis, Brenda Alt, Suzanne Schultz, Sherri Georges, Deb Doehling, Cindy Sanley, Cate Maslonka, Jeanne Alt, Kristin Wilton, Sherri Nielsen, Lori Ziemba, and Stacy Stewart. Pictured is Mary Lou Benesch, ECNC President. ! 3! ! Shelby-Rising City Public Schools Home of the Huskies October / November 2014 ! ! !!!!!!Elementary!News:! It’s hard to believe that we’re already more than halfway through the first quarter of the school year. It’s been a great start to the year and I want to say thank you for partnering with us as we work to inspire and equip your students every day. As we find our stride for the year, students are already hard at work acquiring and applying the skills they’ll need to pursue their dreams. As we think about that mission, the Shelby-Rising City Elementary Staff wants to ensure that we provide that quality and guaranteed education for ALL students. One aspect that the team is working on to fulfill this guarantee is a commitment to a system of intervention for students when they “don’t get it.” We want to do our best to ensure that every student gets what he/she needs to be successful. We know that all students learn at different rates, but the key aspect is all students learn! Our Student Assistance Team helps pinpoint the specific learning and/or behavior concerns for improvement and provides classroom teachers with intervention ideas and tools to adjust teaching approaches within the classroom. If at any time this year you feel that your child needs that “little extra help,” please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher. As parents, you play a vital role on this team, and we can not do what we do without you! This year teachers are working hard to enter their academic objectives and lessons into the Curriulum Trak program. This will allow us to analyze where any gaps or overlaps exist between grade levels and insure students are being taught all of the standards required for a complete education at the elementary level. Another program that is new to S-RC this year is the PowerSchool student information system. Teachers and office personnel are working diligently with this new program to enter grades, attendance, and student/family information. Once learned, this will be a more user-friendly system for school staff and parents alike. We ask for your patience as we learn these new programs and become familiar with their operations and capabilities. Upcoming events: *Many field trips are planned for this fall. Please read newsletters and notes from your child’s teacher carefully. They may contain information regarding return times, the need for sack lunches, permission slips, etc. *The Book-It Kick-off is scheduled for Monday, October 6th beginning at 1:00 pm. In conjunction with the Shelby Community Library, S-RC will present the children’s entertainment group, The String Beans. They will perform in the school’s west gym. The public is invited and encouraged to attend this event. *Parent-Teacher Conferences are October 15 and 16. There is a 1:30 dismissal on both of those days. Additionally, there is no school on Friday, October 17. Remember if you ever have any questions or concerns; please feel free to call the school anytime. Denise Glock, Elementary Principal 4! ! Shelby-Rising City Public Schools Home of the Huskies October / November 2014 ! Shelby'Rising-City-School-earns-the-Designation-of-“Read-Aloud-School”-for-the-2014'2015School-YearThe!ShelbyN!Rising!City!Public!School!joins!several!schools!and!childcare!centers!across!the!state! that!have!earned!the!designation!of!“Read!Aloud!School”!for!the!2014N2015!school!year.!Read! Aloud!Schools!are!required!to!promote!November!as!“Read!Aloud!to!a!Child!Month”!among! their!students,!parents!and!staff!as!well!as!to!engage!in!a!variety!of!readNaloud!activities! throughout!the!school!year.!“The!ShelbyN!Rising!City!Public!School!has!made!the!commitment! to!promote!reading!aloud!to!children!as!one!of!the!most!important!things!adults!do!to!help! children!learn!to!read!and!be!successful!in!school,”!says!Mark!Claussen,!chairman!of!Read!Aloud! Nebraska.!“We!are!proud!to!support!the!“Read!Aloud!Schools”!throughout!Nebraska!as!they! share!the!joy!of!reading!with!their!students.”! The!“Read!Aloud!Schools”!program!is!an!initiative!of!Read!Aloud!Nebraska,!a!nonprofit! organization!whose!mission!is!to!“promote!healthy,!successful!children!and!families!through! reading!aloud”.!To!learn!more!go!to!Read!Aloud!Nebraska!website!at!! Article!by:!Sherri!Georges,!First!Grade!Teacher! Labels!for!Education! ShelbyNRising!City!Public!Schools! participates!in!the!Labels!for! Education! program.!It!is!a!fun!and!easy!way!for! families!and!members!of!the!! community!to!work!together!to!earn! free!stuff!for!our!school!!By!collecting!! UPCs!and!beverage/sauce!caps,!our! school!earns!points!that!can!be!! redeemed!for!art,!athletic!and! academic!merchandise.!Labels!can!be! dropped!! off!or!sent!to!school!with!your!child.! Thanks!for!your!support!!Participating!! products!include:! ! Husky Middle School State Fair Awards Last!school!year,!students!in!Mrs.!Wilton’s!Language!Arts!classes!and!in!Middle!School!art! classes!worked!on!projects!for!competitions!at!the!Nebraska!State!Fair.!!Each!different!competition!area! 5! ! Shelby-Rising City Public Schools Home of the Huskies October / November 2014 ! had!unique!themes!relating!to!Nebraska,!such!as!“Nebraska!in!Spring!Time”!and!“Nebraska!Products.”!! Completed!projects!that!met!the!entry!criteria!were!sent!to!Grand!Island!to!be!entered!in!the!State!Fair! Education!Department,!which!is!sponsored!by!the!NebraskaLand!Foundation.!!Judging!took!place!prior! to!the!State!Fair,!and!many!projects!were!displayed!during!the!fair.! ! !TwentyNfour!ShelbyNRising!City!Middle!School!entries!placed!in!this!competition.!!All!students! who!placed!3rd!–!10th!place!or!earned!Honorable!Mention!will!receive!tNshirts!and!ribbons.!!Students!who! placed!1st!and!2nd!will!receive!tNshirts,!ribbons,!plaques,!and!scholarships,!with!first!place!winners! receiving!a!$100!scholarship!and!second!place!winners!receiving!a!$50!scholarship.!!Third!place!winners! receive!$25!scholarships!along!with!ribbons!and!tNshirts.!!These!scholarships!are!payable!to!any!college! of!the!students!choice!when!they!enter.!!Mrs.!Wilton!was!also!presented!with!a!special!award!from!the! Nebraska!State!Fair!as!an!Outstanding!Educator.!!Congratulations,! Huskies,!on!a!job!well!done!! 3-D Art 1st place – Antonia Lopez 4th place – Julia Augustin 5th place – Sydnie Adams 6th place – Camille Micek 9th place – Carson Rathje (tie) 9th place – Jackson Logan (tie) 10th place – Grant Ohnemus Honorable Mention –Riley Eller, Kamryn Pokorney, Carson Rathje (2nd entry), Stephanie Smith, Clare Kohl, Kalli Kilgore Essay-9th place—Brenna Houdersheldt 10th place – Jacob Willis Honorable Mention – Nicole Herbeck, Jamie Hopwood, Camille Micek, Mason Schleis and Austin Coffin Penmanship -Honorable Mention – Vanessa Velasco, Emily Neujahr, Trinity Einspahr - Counselors Corner: 6! ! Shelby-Rising City Public Schools Home of the Huskies October / November 2014 ! ACT Dates – Juniors and Seniors The!ACT!is!a!college!entrance!exam!many!students!will!be!required!to!take!to!complete!the!college! admissions!process.!!I!would!encourage!second!semester!juniors!and!seniors!to!register!for!this!if!their! post!–!secondary!plans!require!it.!!Another!reason!to!take!the!ACT!is!that!several!scholarships!will!utilize! an!ACT!score!range!as!criteria!to!be!eligible.!The!Basic!fee!for!the!ACT!is!$38.00.!!A!late!registration!fee!is! assessed!for!registering!after!the!regular!deadline!but!during!the!late!registration!dates.!!ACT!accepts! onNline!registration!through!! TEST!DATE! ! ! October 25, 2014 December 13, 2014 February 7, 2015 April 18, 2015 June!13,!2015! ! REGULAR!DEADLINE! LATE!REGISTRATION! September 19, 2014 November 7, 2014 January 9, 2015 March 13, 2015 !!!!!!!!!!May!8,!2015! ! October 3, 2014 November 21, 2014 January 16, 2015 March 27, 2015 ! ! May!22,!2015! College Campus Visits Now!is!the!time!while!the!weather!is!tolerable!to!visit!college!campuses.!!Plan!ahead!to!do!this!as! colleges!request!oneNtwo!weeks!notice!to!make!arrangements!for!your!visit.!!If!you!would!like!me!to! arrange!the!visit!for!you!please!let!me!know!a!date!or!two!you!can!go,!how!many!people!are!going!with! you,!the!program/department!you!are!interested!in,!an!email!address!to!receive!confirmation!and!if! there!are!any!special!areas/people!you!would!like!to!visit!while!you!are!on!campus.!!After!making!the! arrangements!the!college!will!usually!confirm!by!email!or!mail!and!provide!you!parking!information!as! well!as!an!itinerary!for!the!day.! Seniors!are!allowed!two!days!of!college!visits!while!Juniors!are!allow!one!day!during!the!2014N2015! school!year.!!It!is!possible!to!complete!2!visits!in!a!day!depending!on!the!geography!of!the!schools!you! are!interested.!! College Fairs Several!college!fairs!are!sponsored!throughout!the!state!as!a!means!of!bringing!college!representatives! to!one!area!where!prospective!students!can!obtain!information.!!If!you!!would!like!to!take!advantage!of! a!college!fair!the!dates!are!listed!below:! The!Norfolk-Area-College-Fair-September-21!from!1:00!N!3:00!p.m.!at!!Northeast!Community!College.! ! The!Lincoln-Area-College-Fair-is-Sunday,-October-19!from!1:00!N!3:00!p.m.!at!Southeast!Community!College,!8800! O!St.,!Lincoln! The!Omaha-Area-College-Fair-is-Sunday,-October-26!from!1:00!N!4:00!p.m.!at!!The!University!of!Nebraska!at! Omaha,!Sapp!Fieldhouse.! College/Military Representatives Area!college!representatives!do!visit!students!at!Shelby!–!Rising!City.!!These!reps!typically!make!one!visit! in!the!fall!and!one!in!the!spring.!!This!is!a!great!time!to!ask!questions!about!the!admissions!process,! 7! ! Shelby-Rising City Public Schools Home of the Huskies October / November 2014 ! scholarships,!financial!aid!and!your!program!of!interest.!!Representatives!are!allowed!one!class!period!to! visit!with!students.!!During!the!fall!semester!visits!are!reserved!for!current!seniors!while!visits!in!the! spring!are!open!to!juniors!and!seniors.!!Please!watch!the!announcements!and!the!school!website!for!a! list!of!representative!visits.!!If!you!are!interested,!sign!up!with!Mrs.!Voss!at!least!one!day!prior!to!the! visit.! College Admissions Seniors,!NOW!is!the!time!to!apply!for!admission!to!your!top!college!choices.!!Many!schools!will!have! December!deadlines!for!scholarship!review!and!being!admitted!is!one!part!of!the!criteria!for!receiving! scholarships.!!If!you!apply!for!admission!on!–!line!please!notify!me!the!next!school!day!so!I!can!send!your! transcript!and!other!records!which!will!make!your!application!complete.!!If!you!are!completing!a!paper! application!(these!are!rare!anymore)!please!fill!out!the!application!with!all!the!necessary!signatures!and! bring!it!to!the!guidance!office!where!I!will!send!it!with!your!transcript.!!Just!because!you!apply!for! admission!does!not!mean!you!are!locked!in!to!attending!that!college.!!!It!does!open!the!door!for!further! discussion!with!admissions!counselors!at!the!college!regarding!scholarships!and!financial!aid!which! might!impact!your!college!decision.! PSAT/NMSQT Testing for Juniors and Sophomores Juniors!planning!to!attend!a!4!–!year!college!after!graduation!should!plan!to!take!the!Preliminary! Scholastic!Aptitude!Test/National!Merit!Scholarship!Qualifying!Test.!!The!PSAT!will!be!given!Wed.!Oct.! 15,!2014!beginning!at!8:15!a.m.!!This!is!a!National!test!date!and!all!students!must!be!tested!under! similar!conditions!with!exact!timing!for!results!to!be!valid!for!scholarships!and!other!uses.!!THIS!IS!THE! ONLY!OPPORTUNITY!TO!TAKE!THIS!EXAM!THIS!YEAR!!!The!PSAT!is!a!multiple!–!choice!test!that!measures! developed!verbal!and!mathematical!reasoning!abilities!important!for!academic!performance!in!college.!! Reasons!for!taking!the!PSAT!are:! • • • • ! • To!find!out!what!the!Scholastic!Aptitude!Test!(SAT)!is!like.!!Some!colleges!use!the!scores!for! admission!and!scores!are!sometimes!used!by!scholarship!committees!to!determine!their! winners.! To!enter!the!competition!for!scholarships!awarded!by!the!National!Merit!Scholarship! Corporation.! To!participate!in!the!Student!Search!Service!and!have!your!name!sent!to!colleges!that!are! looking!for!students!like!you.! To!forecast!your!SAT!scores!from!the!PSAT/NMSQT!and!to!compare!these!scores!with!those! of!applicants!at!hundreds!of!colleges!published!in!the!College!Handbook.! To!estimate!your!chances!of!getting!into!the!college!of!your!choice.! ! ! ! REGISTERING!AND!PREPARING!FOR!THE!TEST:! 8! ! Shelby-Rising City Public Schools Home of the Huskies October / November 2014 ! 1. Pick!up!a!PSAT/NMSQT!Student!Bulletin!in!Guidance!and!pay!your!$14!fee.!!THE!FEE!IS!NONN REFUNDABLE!AND!MUST!BE!PAID!BY!CHECK-MADE!OUT!TO:!SHELBY!–!RISING!CITY!PUBLIC! SCHOOL.! 2. You!must!register!for!the!test!by!Thursday,!Oct.!9.! 3. A!practice!test!is!included!in!the!Student!Bulletin!for!test!preparation.! 4. Get!a!good!night’s!sleep!prior!to!the!test.!!Testing!will!begin!at!8:15!on!Oct.!15th! 5. Bring!two!#2!sharpened!pencils!with!erasers.! 6. Know!or!bring!your!social!security!number! 7. You!are!not!permitted!to!bring!books,!compasses!or!food!in!to!the!test.! Using-a-calculator-on!the!math!sections!is!permitted.!!You!are!strongly!encouraged!to!bring!a! calculator!with!you!when!you!take!the!PSAT,!even!if!you!don’t!think!you!will!use!it.!!You!may!use!a! four!–!function,!scientific,!or!graphing!calculator.!!See!your!Student!Bulletin!for!unacceptable! calculators.!!! SOPHOMORES TAKING THE PSAT Sophomores!who!take!the!PSAT!do!so!strictly(for(practice.!This!test!is!very!similar!in!difficulty!to!the! SAT!that!a!student!may!take!during!the!Junior!and!Senior!years.!!Due!to!the!difficulty!of!this!test,! only!sophomores!whose!grade!point!average!is!a!93%!or!higher!will!be!allowed!to!register!for!the! test.!!If!you!have!questions!concerning!your!grade!point!average!please!stop!in!or!call!Mrs.!Voss!in! Guidance.!!If!you!choose!to!register!for!this!test!you!will!need!to!follow!the!same!registration!steps! as!listed!above!for!juniors.! ! Tabs Wanted From Cans Mrs. Georges’ first grade classroom is collecting tabs for the Ronald McDonald Charity House in Omaha, Nebraska. The current total is 587,500 tabs for the beginning of the 2014-2015 school year! We encourage everyone to continue to collect and save tabs. It is easy! Simply remove the tab off any can and save them in a plastic bag. When you have saved a large amount, drop them off at the Shelby-Rising City School first grade classroom (room 101) or call (402) 527-5946 ext. 1010 and leave a message. Mrs. Georges will be happy to pick them up. Our goal is to collect one million tabs! We can make this goal with your help! Mrs. Georges and her first grade students would like to thank everyone who has collected tabs in the past. Your participation in this wonderful program is greatly appreciated. By Sherri Georges, First Grade Teacher Can you “Bean it Like You Mean It”? ShelbyNRising!City!Public!School!will!hold!the!annual!kickNoff!assembly!for!the! BookNIt!!AtNHome!Reading!Program!on!October!6th!at!1!p.m.!in!the!West!Gym.!! This!year’s!theme!is!“Look!in!a!Book”.!!The!assembly!will!be!open!to!the!public!as! 9! ! Shelby-Rising City Public Schools Home of the Huskies October / November 2014 ! a!joint!event!with!the!Shelby!Community!Library.!!We!will!be!celebrating!the!fiveNyear!anniversary!of!our! new!communityNschool!shared!library!facility.!!Musical!group!“The!String!Beans”!will!be!performing.!!The! program!should!inspire!students!and!parents!to!discover!fun!stories!and!interesting!facts!during!their! personal!and!family!reading!for!the!sixNmonth!program!which!will!run!from!October!through!March.! Book-It! Program Requirements – What Does Each Family Do? Kindergarten, First Grade & Second GradeFamilies Third Grade Families Read 15 books at home each month Parents fill out and sign monthly reading sheet and return by deadline each month! Read 20 books at home each month Parents fill out and sign monthly reading sheet and return by deadline each month! Individual point goals set each month Fourth & Fifth Grade Families! Students read Accelerated Reader library books and take computer tests to earn points, meet monthly point goal by deadline each month, increase goal as progress is made each month! Special Incentives for Meeting Reading Goals - Don’t miss out! Monthly Rewards – for every child making monthly goal • • • Pizza Hut free personal pizza coupon Name entered in drawing for free book & prize Participate in mystery treat/activity each month ! End-of-Year Rewards • • Special certificate and free book, free treasure box item Attend special mystery activity (like swimming, bowling, or maybe a field trip)! • Top Readers K-3 & 4 -5 grades receive certificates and prize each month Top Readers overall for each grade receive special prize in April (distributed in April) – for every child making goal for 5/6 or all 6 months of program! Special Recognition (Wow yourself! Read more than the minimum monthly goal) • th th ! 10! ! Shelby-Rising City Public Schools Home of the Huskies October / November 2014 ! The!volunteers!helping!with!our!program!this!year!include:!!Laurie! Houdersheldt,!RoxAnn!Rasmussen,!Doris!Glatter,!and!Jen!Vrbka.!!These!parents! will!help!prepare!our!classroom!posters,!pizza!certificates,!and!tally!books!and! points!each!month.!!BookNIt!!would!be!impossible!to!manage!without!their! valuable!behindNtheN scene!help.!!We!love! our!volunteers!! ! Parents,!you!are!the!key!to!success!!!Students!in! the!lower!elementary!grades!especially!need! support!at!home.!!Remember!to!read!with!and! to!your!child!no!matter!what!his!or!her!age.!! Beginning!readers!love!to!show!off!their!skills!by! reading!easier!books!to!their!Mom!and!Dad.!! Older!readers!can!still!read!to!Mom!and!Dad! too.!!Let!your!child!see!you!“Look!in!a!Book”!as! you!explore!books,!newspapers!or!magazines.!! Talk!with!your!child!about!what!you’ve!read! together.!!Have!your!child!tell!about!selections! they!have!read!independently.!!Just!15!minutes!of!reading!and!talking!together!can!increase!your!child’s! reading!abilities.!!We!are!excited!for!your!family!to!“Look!in!a!Book”!and!have!fun!reading!! Mrs.!Kelly!Willis! Title!I!Reading!Teacher! ! Protect Your Digitals Laptops, cameras, and any digital media are take-along equipment which means they can be easily lost or stolen. Check with your renter’s or homeowner’s insurance agent to see if your digital equipment is covered. Record the serial numbers so your item can be identified after a theft. Police check the numbers against recovered property. Your insurance company might also need the serial numbers to process your claim. ! 11! ! Music Notes - Sept/Oct 2014 Hello from the Shelby-Rising City Band Department! The students hit the ground running in August with multiple performances already under their belt. The marching band had two very successful performances, one at the NE State Fair, and one at the 2014 Yorkfest Parade. In fact, the SRC Marching Band received third place in the Class C Division in York! We have two more out-of-town marching performances to go, and many more pep band performances. The students are working harder than ever to reach their full potential. We all truly appreciate the encouragement and support that has been coming in from parents, teachers, and community members! Sincerely, Christopher Gugel Husky Marching Band and Parents: The following are the final two out-of-town marching band performances for the high school marching band: September 20 - UNK Band Day/Homecoming Parade (Kearney, NE) -Students must arrive to the Shelby Band Room no later than 7AM to load the bus. -The parade begins at 10AM and awards ar at 1:15PM. -Students will arrive back to Shelby around 3:30PM. -Bring money for lunch! October 11 - Columbus Marching Festival (Columbus, NE) -Students must arrive to the Shelby Band Room no later than 8:30AM to load the bus. -The parade begins at 10AM. -We should arrive back to Shelby around noon. Attention all high school and middle school band parents! The SRC High School and 7-8 Bands will combine into one band to march in the SRC Homecoming Parade. This event will take place in the afternoon on Friday, September 26, 2014 in Shelby. Come and enjoy the music of the 70+ member marching band as we help show our school spirit for the 2014 homecoming festivities! GO BIG GOLD! September/October Pep Band Performances: September 12 Pep Band (FB, Arcadia-‐Loup City) 16 Pep Band (VB, Hampton) 26* Pep Band (FB, Homecoming, Thayer Central) October 2 Pep Band (VB, Palmer) 9 Pep Band (VB, Giltner/McCool Junction) 17 Pep Band (FB, Centennial) 24 Pep Band (FB, Fillmore Central) 28 Pep Band (VB, Exeter-‐Milligan) *The SRC 7 & 8 Grade Bands are invited to perform with the High School Band for the Homecoming pep band performance! Students wishing to perform must register in advance with Mr. Gugel. All students will all meet in the Shelby Band Room at 6PM on the 26th. Attendance will be taken, there will be a short rehearsal, and then the band will head over to the football field to perform. The band will perform for pre-‐game, the 1 & 2 quarters, and at half-‐time. Congratulations to the SRC Marching Band on an outstanding performance at the 2014 Yorkfest Parade! Keep up the good work!
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