Ť • • www.saintcyrils.org FATHER JOHN & FATHER LUIGI WE LOVE YOU! GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS! Sunday, October 19, 2014 HAPPY 40th BIRTHDAY FATHER JOHN SIMONEAU Wednesday, October 22, 2014 FAREWELL FATHER LUIGI Thank You! Dakujeme! You Will Be Missed! T hen repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God. (MattHew 22:21) OMŠOVÝ PORIADOK+ October 18, Saturday — Sobota 9:00AM JSE For the Holy Souls in Purgatory req. Donna For Chuck & Julie Celusnak (62nd Wed. Ann.) For Noor Matloob (B’Day) For Anthony Francis (B’Day) Ann M. Pullis 12:00PM B *Wedding Mass: Leigh Foster & Cliff Czerwinski 4:00PM LG For Moneer & Alia Korkis & Family For Peter Weil (B’Day) For Esther & Arcadio Bustillo Joseph Copenhagen req. Rose 6:00PM VP *Latin-Tridentine (Missa Cantata): For the Holy Souls in Purgatory For Vinnie & Joe Cutajar (55th Wed. Ann.) October 19, Sunday— Nedeľa Is 45:1, 4-6; 1 Thes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21(145) 7:30AM JS For Fr. John (B’Day) For Al, Ann & James Varchetti For the Living & Deceased Members of the Burrows & Sommers Family John Mills Eleanor Gietzen req. Nila Rodin 9:30AM LG For Fr. John (B’Day) For Vicki & Samantha Babbie For Anwar Robin & Family Erin Goodison (B’Day) Marie Shermetaro 11:30AM LG (Slovak) For the Living & Deceased Members of the MI District Jednota Vincent Urda Maria Korenek req. Husband Michael Jacko req. Pavol a Katka Tkac 1:30PM B *Baptism: Marie Ann Sutherland In Thanksgiving For Paul & Caroline Viviano For Rachel & Veronica Jaczkowski Charmaine Vogler 8:30PM JSE For Frank & Bev Moran req. Lucio & Yvonne Christopher Beortmann Louise Goetz ”Jay” Gerald Spranger (1st Ann.) Ocrtober 20, Monday—Pondelok 6:00AM JS For Alberto & Rosa Pertusi (60th Wed. Ann.) For Carl & Stephanie Varchetti & Family Emmanuel Raphael Robert Governanti 9:00AM LG For William Timmerman (B’Day) For Timoteo & Corazon Ponce For Sarmad, Samir, Gisin, Rawaa, Noor & Family For Elizabeth Feuerstein req. Bill Bueche 12:00PM JSE,d In Thanksgiving req. Hikmat, Noor & Family For a Special Intention For Tony & Dina Heller For Faraj Yatooma 6:15PM B For Intentions of All Parishioners October 21, Tuesday— Utorok 6:00AM JSE For Fr. John Simoneau req. Frank Nacelewicz For Carl & Stephanie Varchetti & Family Phyllis Edwards Guadalupe Divina 9:00AM LG For the Wolf Family req. WEC Group For Robert & Rosanna Stout req. Family For Timoteo & Corazon Ponce For Mary Seats (90th B’Day) 12:00PM JS For Fr. Luigi For Jason DavisSteven Fredal, III Ben Drozdowski req. Madrazo’s October 22, Wednesday — Streda 6:00AM B For World Conversion & Repentance For Charlene, Gail, Bob & Family For Carl & Stephanie Varchetti & Family For Robert Prieur 9:00AM LG,JS For the Priests of St. Cyril’s For Timoteo & Corazon Ponce Bob & Patricia Rybinski Theresa Ramenaden req. Bennett Family 12:00PM JSE For the Bueche Family For Melissa Monette For Yousif Yousif (B’Day) For Hikmat, Noor, Rawnak & Family October 23, Thursday– Štvrtok 6:00AM JSE For Paul & Julie Varchetti & Family Bill Prieur Fr. Val Gattari Helen M. Schoener 9:00AM B For Carl & Stephanie Varchetti & Family For Timoteo & Corazon Ponce For the Deceased Members & Spouses of the St. Nicholas K of C Council Marilyn Navarre (5th Ann.) 12:00PM JS For the Priests of St. Cyrils For Anthony DiPiazza (80th B’Day) req. Joe & Judy Moceri For Hikmat, Noor Waseem & Famliy For the Morman Family 7:00PM VP For Fr. Jeff Allan For Eva Fleck req. Ruth Burlas For Eric Christians For Sean Christians October 24, Friday — Piatok 6:00AM JS For Paul & Julie Varchetti & Famliy For Veronica Bartold (19th B’Day) For Khalid Gazguz Paul Schwarz 9:00AM JSE For Timoteo & Corazon Ponce For Ralph & Janet Reising req. Miller FamilyFor Andrew Sculthorpe Margaret Keller req. Patty Hollis 12:00PM B For James Varchetti For Tony & Dina Heller For Gerry ConsidineFor TJ Yelda req. Aunt October 25, Saturday — Sobota 9:00AM B For the People in Nicaragua req. Tau Maria Missionaries For James Varchetti For Ken & Maryanne Warner (Wed. Ann.) For Eva Fleck req. Denise Peters 4:00PM JSE For Rob Lavisky For Christine & Jerry Ficek For Albert & Mary Krakosky Susan Brady 6:00PM JS *Latin-Tridentine (Missa Cantata): For the Holy Souls in Purgatory For Julian Schultheis (B’Day) October 26, Sunday— Nedeľa Ex 22:20-26; 1 Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40(148) 7:30AM B For Army Lieutenanat Vince Reo For Diane & Brian McGee & Family req. Luca Family For the Living & Deceased Members of the Burrows & Sommers Family Eleanor Gietzen req. Nila Rodin 9:30AM JSE For Vicki & Samantha Babbie For Anwar Robin & Family Mary Schwarz req. Husband Anne Marie Cupp req. David & Becky 11:30AM B (Slovak) Ludmila Bucko req. Magusin’s Vladimir & Terezia Krizik req. Sobolic Family Vincent Urda req. Venglar’s Stefan & Anna Sobolic 1:30PM JSE For the Intentions of the St. Monica Sodality For Emily Christine Schultheis (Bap. Ann.) For the Living and Deceased Members of the Drozdowski Family Anne Marie Cupp 5:00PM B *Baptism: Jacob Matthew O’Connor 8:30PM JS For Moneer & Alia Korkis For the Kaly Family For Drita C., Mark & Martin Dedivanaj Christopher Boertmann Mass Celebrant Legend: Fr. Ben Kosnáč-B, Fr. Luigi Gabriš-LG Fr. John Simoneau—JS, Fr. Joseph Sekere—JSE Visiting Priest—VP, Deacon Gerald or Joe preaching-d Congratulations! October 18, 2014: Mr. & Mrs. Cliff & Leigh Czerwinski Fr. Chris Crotty * October 25 * CANCELLED We apologize that we have had to cancel our program on October 25 with Fr. Chris Crotty. Promotional materials for the Day of Reflection included information that he is known as an exorcist. The Marian Peace Center apologizes for this error and retracts this statement. Further information about Fr. Crotty can be found on the website: www.fathersofmercy.com. The Marian Peace Center of Detroit Remembering Our Beloved Deceased * Memorial Mass * November 2 November is All Souls’ month. In Christian charity and love, we pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory and offer Masses for the relief of their suffering. We especially remember our dearly departed relatives and friends. For this reason, you are invited to list the names of your loved ones in our Remembrance Book, which is located in the vestibule. MEMORIAL MASS & SERVICE: Sunday, November 2, 2014, 1:30 PM For our deceased parishioners’ family and friends November 2013 – October 2014 Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord Edward Frazho, Sr. Barbara Brys, James M. Megel, Henry C. Bardy, Mary M. Schwarz, Marie Korenek Emilia Schwarz, Frances E. Openchowski, Phyllis Edwards, Henry T. Wiegers, Paul J. Kozlowski Bill Manfredo, Vincenzo Randazzo, Esther Rosenkranz, Christine T. Dzon, Adela C. Madrazo Alojz Krajcirovic, Eleanor A. Gietzen, Eleanor G. Plec, Susan M. Ruth, Eva M. Maiuri, Michael A. DeFillippo Fr. Valentine Gattari, Robert G. Nowak, Jr., Filomena D’Onofrio, Ludmila Bucko Listed above are the names of our dearly departed parishioners and friends who entered Eternal Life during the past year. Family, friends, and fellow parishioners are invited to the Memorial Mass and Service to be held for their intentions. Sincerely, Joyce Conroy, Bereavement Ministry, (586) 795-0661 Memorial Display Board In mid-October a memorial board for the above deceased of our parish will be displayed in the vestibule. If you would like to provide a photo for the board, please mail or bring it to the church office no later than Friday, October 31. Please indicate on the envelope that it is a picture for the memorial board, and put the name of the deceased on the back of the picture. Please Note: photos should be 4x6 in size and copies only! The photos may have to be trimmed, and we are not able to return originals. As we did last year, we will have a separate board for pictures or mementos of family and friends who are not included on the Memorial Board. You may post your pictures on this board collage-style. All Saints’ Day Children’s Party November 1 Our annual All Saints’ Day Party takes place on Saturday, November 1, beginning with a Children’s Holy Mass at 4:00PM. The children are encouraged to dress as their favorite Saint and it is acceptable to be dressed up during Mass. The party will follow Mass in the Father Mikus Hall for a night of food, fun, games and activities. Each family in attendance is required to bring a dinner dish to share. In the past, we have run out of food so please bring enough to serve your family and a few others. Cupcakes will be provided, so we will not need deserts. Please bring your food on a disposable tray with disposable utensils. Each family will be responsible for clean-up of their family’s table which includes clearing and wiping the table and stacking your chairs before leaving the party. Additionally, we will need volunteers over the age of 12 during the party for games and for clean-up after the party. Also, we are asking for nut-free candy and unfrosted cupcake donations. Questions: Keri Meteer, (586) 202-3237 or [email protected] All Souls Day Novena Begins Sunday, November 2! Novena Mass Cards for All Souls Day are available after all Holy Masses on the weekends and in the Parish Office on weekdays from 10:00AM-5:30PM. EDGE Youth Ministry * Monday, October 20 EDGE Night #5 and MASS: “Intercepted by the Enemy” Where: Drop off teens at Ss. Cyril & Methodius Church and pick up teens at the Activity Center When: Monday, October 20, 6:15—8:30PM This night focuses on identifying and eliminating things that distract during prayer. Join us next week (October 27) for: Edge Night #6: “Battle Cry” This night focuses on the prayer of praise. Questions about EDGE: Alexandria Lewis, (317) 331-4772 or [email protected] Life Teen High School Ministry * Monday, October 20 Life Night Date/Time: Monday, October 20, 6:15-9:00PM (We’ll start with the Holy Mass at 6:15PM, then move immediately into the hall for the Life Night) About the Night: This night is part of our semester on Sacred Scripture. We will be learning about the different ways to read Scripture, also called the different senses of Scripture (literal sense, allegorical sense). This will help the teens to better understand Scripture and how it applies to their lives. The night will include a meal, activity, interactive teaching and prayer. Registration Still Open: Life Teen Fall Retreat Date and Location: November 14-16 at Echo Grove Retreat Center (Leonard, MI) Theme/Goal: To “re-propose” the Good News so that the teens are able to enter into a deeper relationship with Christ as their Savior. Teens will be challenged to recognize their need for Christ and will be called to put all their hope firmly in Him. Registration: Permission form, waiver & $100 must be turned in by Friday, October 31. (Please note that there are two separate forms that must be turned in—the permission/medical form and the Echo Grove waiver). Form and waiver are available in the Parish Office and on our Facebook page. “Timeline” Bible Study Series Time & Date Change: 6:30—8:00PM (not 8:30PM), running all Wednesdays in October and now also in November (except for November 26) Location: Biggby Coffee (8771 Hall Rd, Utica) Details: For the Fall Life Nights, we are diving into Sacred Scripture. This bible study series will take the teens deeper and give them the big picture of salvation history. Bible study will include video and discussion, and will be co-hosted by Deacon Joe Hulway. For updates on our events, visit us on Facebook: “Ss. Cyril & Methodius Life Teen Ministry” Questions: Youth Minister & Life Teen Coordinator, Jordan Langbeen, [email protected], (586) 943-1722 YOLO Young Adult Ministry * Friday, October 17 Young Adult Men and Women, 18-35 Years Old: Come join us on Friday, October 24, at 7:00PM in the Activity Center for a game night! There will be a rosary at 7:00PM, dinner will follow, and after dinner there will be ping pong, board games, and great fellowship! Please NOTE: There will be no meeting on Friday, October 31, as it is Halloween. On Friday, November 7, we will have a night on Theology of the Body. If you are a young adult and interested in being a part of this ministry or have any questions please contact : Facebook page: YOLO Live 4 Christ or Mary Giroux, [email protected] Catechism Corner Class Cancellation Notification Policy It is your responsibility to check if class has been cancelled. You can check our website: http://www.saintcyrils.org. It would say “Classes Cancelled”. A decision to cancel class will be made by 1:00PM on the day of classes. Normally the website says “No Closures”. Guidelines for when your Child is Feeling Under the Weather The following guidelines should be considered when making the decision whether to send your child to class or not. Fever: If your child’s temperature is 100 degrees or higher, he should remain at home. The child can return to school after he/she has been fever free for 24 hours (without fever-reducing medicine such as Tylenol or Motrin). Diarrhea/Vomiting: A child with diarrhea and/or vomiting should stay at home and return to school only after being symptom free for 24 hours. Flu: If your child catches the flu, keep him/her home until symptoms (body aches, high fever, chills, congestion, sore throat and/or vomiting) subside. Conjunctivitis/Pink Eye: Following a diagnosis of pink eye, the child can return to school 24 hours after the first dose of prescribed medication or when a physician certifies him non-infectious. Mononucleosis: Keep at home until fever free and able to resume normal activities. Strep Throat/Scarlet Fever: Your child is not contagious after he’s been on physician-prescribed antibiotics for at least 24 hours. Colds: Consider keeping your child at home if he/she is experiencing discomfort from cold symptoms, such as nasal congestion and cough. A continuous green discharge from the nose may be a sign of infection. Consider having the child seen by your health care provider. Lice: To prevent infection: 1) avoid direct contact with the head, hair, clothing, or personal belongings of a person with head lice, and 2) treat affected persons, their contacts, and their households. Do not bring your child to class until they are lice free. Please call your child’s teacher when they will be absent and obtain any homework they may miss. Thank you. PLEASE REMIND YOUR CHILD TO WASH HIS/HER HANDS BEFORE AND AFTER CLASS…. AND ALSO AFTER USING THE RESTROOM. Class/Benediction Schedule: Wednesday, Oct 22, 6:15PM: Class for all. Benediction - 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Wednesday, Oct 29, 6:15PM: Class for all. Benediction - K, 1, 2 & 3 Questions, please contact: Directors of Religious Education: Paul or Carroll Schuller (586) 254-9212 Children’s Choir The Children’s Choir has begun and all who are interested please come to the next rehearsal in the Music Room #119. We practice every Sunday after the 9:30AM Holy Mass and our first performance will be Sunday, October 26, at the 9:30AM Holy Mass. Please mark your calendars for these upcoming performances: Saturday November 1, 4:00PM: All Saint’s Day Mass (Also See Page 3) Sunday, November 23, 10:00AM Combined Holy Mass: Fr. John Simoneau’s 10th Anniversary Sunday November 30, 2014 9:30AM Holy Mass If you have questions regarding the Children’s Choir: Bethany Cabrera, [email protected] St. Cyril’s Book Club * Monday, October 20 On May 5, 1995, something extraordinary happened to Dr. Gloria Polo Ortiz, a dentist from Bogota Columbia. She was taking shelter from a storm with her nephew, when both of them were struck by lightning. What happened to her afterwards was a miracle which led to her conversion and a life of abandonment to the will of God. She now tells her story in many different countries around the world, and has the approval of her diocese in Bogota, Colombia, and her spiritual director. Her testimony is an inspiration for all of us, and will increase our faith in Christ Jesus and His Holy Catholic Church. St. Cyril's Book Club will meet on Monday, October 20, at 7:00PM in Room 112. We will be reading: "Struck By Lightning" by Dr. Gloria Polo. This book is available on spiritdaily.com. Faith At Work Catholic Book Store may also be able to order: (248) 2509216. Gina Smak Festival Wrap-Up Meeting * Tuesday, October 21 Everyone is invited to attend our Parish Festival Wrap-up Meeting on Tuesday, October 21, at 7:00PM in the Overflow Room. Final results of the 2014 Festival and preliminary planning for 2015 will take place at this meeting. Midwest Apologetics Conference – Next Planning Meeting Wednesday, October 22 Internationally-renowned Apologists TIM STAPLES (Catholic Answers), STEVE RAY, MARCUS GRODI and GARY MICHUTA are the highlight speakers at the 2nd Annual Midwest Apologetics Conference (MAC II) that takes place on Saturday, January 24, 2015! Our next conference planning meeting will take place on Wednesday, October 22, at 8:00PM in Room 117. Everyone is invited to help plan this exciting event! For information, please contact: Steven Piskorowski, (586) 883-3093 Evangelization Group * Thursday, October 23 The Evangelization Group will meet on Thursday, October 23, at 8:00PM (after the 7:00PM Holy Mass) in Room #114. The purpose of this meeting will be to discuss and establish evangelization goals for our parish. All are welcome. Deacon Joe Costume Dance and Game Night Friday, October 24 High school and college age students (14-20 years old) are invited to attend a Costume Dance & Game Night on Friday, October 24. The evening begins at 7:00PM and includes pizza and pop for $7 per person. Please bring your own games! Only costumes in good taste will be admitted. No violent, gory, revealing or offensive outfits. Attendees wearing inappropriate attire will not be allowed in. Chaperones are desperately needed. Please contact Mary Hale, (586) 773-8261 Senior Club * Thursday, October 23 The Senior Club will meet in the Father Mikus Hall this Thursday, October 23, after the 9:00AM Holy Mass. Please brown bag. Our Lady’s Rosary Makers Meetings * October 22 & 24 Wednesday Afternoon * October 22 Our Wednesday afternoon meeting will be held this week on October 22 in Room #113 from 1:00PM - 3:00PM. For more information: Jo Ann, (586) 979-1078 or Helen, (586) 469-3181. Friday Evening * October 24 Our Friday evening meeting will be held this week on October 24 in Room #113 from 8:30PM—10:00PM. For more information: Ryan, (248) 941-3994 or Laurie, (586) 216-1516. Quilt Ministry * Saturday, October 25 The Quilt Ministry will meet on Saturday, October 25, at 10:00AM. We have a huge supply of beautiful fabric and are in need of some additional members to assist in sewing Quilt Tops. If you have ever thought of stopping by to see what the Quilt Ministry is all about, now is an excellent time to check us out. Winter is fast approaching and the demand for the warmth and comfort of one of our Quilts will be increasing. Perform a Corporal Work of Mercy without spending any money and also join wonderful women in the Parish who have been working on Charity Quilts for the past six years. Any questions, call Kay, (586) 752-7991 Life Insurance Information * Sunday, October 26 Branch 743 of the First Catholic Slovak Union will hold a ten minute Informational Seminar in the Heritage Room on Sunday, October 26, at 12:45PM and 1:00PM, following the 11:30AM Slovak Holy Mass. There are a variety of insurance products on the market today and this seminar can provide you the information you are seeking. The FCSU has assets over $300 Million and is regulated by the State of Ohio. You may have life insurance today with your employer, but when you leave or retire you may not have life insurance coverage. Funerals today are expensive. So stop by. The ten minutes you spend may prove to be helpful. Mark Your Calendars * Parish Mission: “The Healing of Families” * November 16—21 By: Fr. Yozefu-B. Ssemakula Why Attend “The Healing of Families” Seminar? Have you prayed for years for healing of your family and nothing has happened? Learn this form of prayer that is effective for those stubborn personal and family problems. Through your participation, experience family-wide relief and healing of spiritual, physical, and emotional problems. “Redeem” your relationships and change the course of your family’s history. Schedule: November 16 - 21 Sunday, November 16: 3:30 – 6:30pm Session Monday – Friday, November 17-21: 5:30pm Holy Mass 6:30 – 10:30pm: Session with Small Breaks Prayer process will be taught and held on Friday from 8.30 to 11:00PM Seminar Topics: Our Image of God Our Free Will The 5 Cardinal Points The 4 Access Points Scripture Christ Our Way Out The Prayer Process Training What do I need for the Seminar? Your notebook and Bible. Acquire, or better, read the book: The Healing of Families. Cost of the seminar: Free. You may make a love offering. The entire seminar will be broadcasted live into the Parish Hall (Hall advised for families with small children) To prepare for the Parish Mission, Fr. Yozefu’s Book, “The Healing of Families” is now available in the Parish Office for $20. Save the Date/ Ministry Fair * Sunday, October 26 All Adults, Single & Married * October 30 “We must consider how to rouse one another to love and good works.” (Heb 13:15) “Thanks be to God,” Ss. Cyril & Methodius is a growing and thriving parish. However, with our tremendous growth, it is difficult for everyone to stay informed about all the great activities that take place here. This is a fantastic time to come and join us on Sunday, October 26, immediately following the 9:30AM Holy Mass in the Fr. Mikus Social Hall for coffee & bagels. You will be greeted by friendly parishioners who will be available to explain what their ministry is involved with. At this event, members from more than 60 parish ministries will be available to answer questions and provide information regarding Prayer Ministries, Parish Ministries, Youth Ministries, Homeschooling Activities, Slovak Heritage and Other Apostolates. It will be a PERFECT opportunity to learn about all of the interesting parish ministries and devotional activities that are available to you and how you can get involved. This is a chance to find out how you can join and share your God-given talents to “advance the Church’s unity, life and mission!” If you have any questions please call: Alice Tocco, (586) 752-7282 or Sandi Brady, (248) 373-3505 The Ss. Cyril & Methodius Marriage Reflection Group cordially invites you to a special evening with guest speaker Catherine M. Lanni on Thursday, October 30, from 7:00PM— 9:30PM in the Activity Center. Catherine is a gifted speaker and the founder of The Servants of Jesus of The Divine Mercy in Clinton Township, Michigan. In 1986, Catherine was miraculously healed through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary while on her deathbed, after giving birth to her youngest daughter. She made a promise that she would do something “good” for God (in return). In 1992, Jesus Christ appeared to Catherine and asked for “a total healing of every strata of the Church.” Catherine has dedicated her life to spreading the message of The Divine Mercy. She is dynamic yet humble, spiritual, yet grounded. A wife of 38 years, a proud mother of three, grandmother of nine, and a woman who has been face to face with Jesus Christ, Catherine M. Lanni is sure to inspire you with her passion for The Divine Mercy and this ministry. If you are interested in attending this special evening, please RSVP by October 27 to: Gabriella Stegner, (586) 992-8967 St. Monica Sodality Mass * Sunday, October 26 The next St. Monica Sodality Holy Mass is next Sunday, October 26, at 1:30PM. Our Lady of the Rosary and St. Monica, please intercede for our us and touch the hearts of our loved one's who are not currently practicing the Catholic Faith. Please join us for Holy Mass and prayers. Getting Married in 2015 or 2016? If you are planning to get married at Ss. Cyril & Methodius in 2015 or 2016, please contact Father Ben as soon as possible in order to discuss marriage preparation. Thank you! Not Sure Who To Vote For? Right-to-Life of Michigan has a web site (www.rtl.org) that provides a list of the endorsed Right-to-Life candidates for voting this November. By providing your address, you will immediately receive a personalized list of the pro-life candidates to take to the polls with you. Share this list (and web site) with your neighbors, friends FARNOSŤ SVÄTÝCH CYRILA A METODA and family. Please take the time to find out if your candidate supports abortion. The time you take to find out may save the life of many of God's precious infants. Soup Kitchen Report On Sunday, October 12, seventeen volunteers from our Men’s Club, YOLO, and Our Lady Queen of Peace Apostolate (OLQPA) Ministry hosted a delicious soup kitchen lunch at Crossroads in Detroit, arriving there at 8:00AM. The lunch consisted of freshly made chili, hot dogs, potato salad, apple sauce, cookies and beverage. 630 meals were served. Also, the OLQPA Ministry made up hygiene kits and distributed them on site. A sincere thank you to each and every volunteer …. including those who helped to procure the food supplies. Dave Brockman, Men’s Club Rosary Society Meeting * November 1 Our next Rosary Society meeting will take place on Saturday, November 1, in the Father Mikus Hall after the 9:00AM Holy Mass and Rosary. Come and enjoy friendship, snacks and discussion about the Salad Luncheon and our Christmas Luncheon. We hope you can join us. All are welcome over the age of 18. Northland Family Planning Prayer News * November 1 The next Pro-Life prayer event at Northland Family Planning Clinic takes place on Saturday, November 1 (All Saints Day). We can, and should, invoke the help of the Saints in all the events of life, especially in our struggles. May Our Blessed Mother, St. Maximilian Kolbe (patron of the pro-life movement) and St. Gianna Molla (patron of mothers and unborn children) pray for us and guide us! Prayer begins outside the clinic (located at 3810 17 Mile Road - just west of Ryan Road) at 11:30AM and should last about an hour. Weekday prayer also takes place at the clinic on Mondays at 8:45AM and on Friday's at 7:45AM. See the Northland Family Planning flier on the church bulletin board for other weekday prayer info. Questions: Contact Anne Marie, (586) 873-2004 or Eleanor, (586) 939-5683 : 586.726.6911 : 586.685.1070 : www.saintcyrils.org Jesus Christ, The High Priest Fr. Benjamín Kosnáč, Pastor Pastor Email: [email protected] [email protected] Fr. Ludovit Gabriš, Associate Pastor Associate Pastor Email: [email protected] Fr. John Simoneau, Associate Pastor Associate Pastor Email: [email protected] Deacon Joseph Hulway Deacon Gerald Smigell Holiday Healthy Eating Tips * November 6 The St. Raphael Healthy Ministry invites you to attend a presentation on Holiday Healthy Eating Tips on Thursday, November 6. St.John Providence Hospital Dietary Department will present tips on keeping the pounds off, recipes, samples and more. Welcome Time: 6:30PM, Presentation: 7:00PM in Room #117 Ss. Cyril & Methodius Parish is a Roman Catholic Community that welcomes all Crafters Needed * November 15 * Art & Craft Show who wish to learn about, embrace and Art & Craft Show Hosted at Ss. Cyril & Methodius Calling all Artisans and Crafters for an Art and Craft Show to be held at Ss. Cyril & actively practice the Roman Catholic religion. As a “family of families,” we Methodius on Saturday, November 15, from 9:00AM–4:00PM. Start now to make/ are dedicated to the propagation and prepare items to sell. To reserve a table or for questions, call: deepening of our Catholic faith. This is Chris, (586) 752-4332 or email [email protected] facilitated through the teaching of, and adherence to, the Magisterium and Lenten Symposium * March 14, 2015 The theme for the 2015 Lenten Symposium that takes place traditions of the Roman Catholic Church. on Saturday, March 14, 2015, at Ss. Cyril & Methodius is: FARNOSŤ SVÄTÝCH The Healing Power of Jesus – CYRILA A METODA The Source of the New Evangelization. One of our speakers will be Father Peter Glas, a Catholic Farnosť sv. Cyrila je slovenská rímskopriest and exorcist. In a rousing lecture he will present his katolícka farnosť, ktorá je otvorená experiences fighting with Satan. He has given conferences každému, kto chce spoznávať a žiť all over the US (recently in Chicago) and in Poland many katolícku vieru. Ako „Rodina rodín“ a times. He has worked in Portsmouth, England for the past „spoločenstvo spoločenstiev“ sa snažíme 20 years. Fr. Glas was born in Poland. Fr. Peter Glas is a vieru žiť a šíriť tak, aby ľudia spoznali a prinášali Kristov pokoj a radosť Member of the Association of International Exorcists. Fr. Boha medzi ľudí. Farnosť sa usiluje byť Luigi Gabris has attended many conferences with Fr. Peter centrom spoločenského a kultúrneho Glas. Don’t miss the opportunity to register early. života všetkých Slovákov, ktorí sú vždy Barbara Middleton, [email protected] or www.holytrinityapostolate.com vítaní na tunajšej pôde.
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