October 19, 2014 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Sabina Catholic Church Belton, MO Pictured above are parishioners that delivered the beans and rice donations to the migrant farm workers in Lexington, MO. 700 Trevis Avenue, Belton, MO 64012 Phone: 816-331-4713 www.stsabinaparish.org www.facebook.com/stsabinaparish Fax: 816-322-6196 Office Hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm, Monday-Thursday and 9:00am - 1:00pm, Friday Our Parish Staff Rev. Jeff Stephan, Pastor Deacon Dwayne Katzer Deacon Mike Gates Zuiri Galeano, Receptionist and PSR Assistant Bridget Hernandez, Stewardship and Social Justice Kris Larkey, Pastoral Associate Biagio Mazza, Pastoral Associate Susan Ratigan, Liturgist Kirstie Roberts, Dir. of Religious Ed. and Youth Ministry Marta Roper, Pastoral Care Coordinator Jeff Shields, Bookkeeper Tracy Wheeler, Maintenance Mary Bultmann, Diocesan Victim Advocate Jenifer Valenti, Diocesan Ombudsman Weekend Mass Schedule 816-979-3157 X57 816-979-3150 816-979-3159 816-979-3151 816-979-3153 816-979-3158 816-979-3155 816-979-3154 816-979-3152 816-714-2387 816-812-2500 Saturday: 4:00pm (Confessions at 3:00pm - 3:30pm) Sunday: 8:00am and 10:30am in English, 12:30pm in Spanish X50 X59 X51 X53 X58 X55 X54 X52 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Wellness Center 816-979-3090 Jeannine Midgett 816-979-3093 Patricia Moreno 816-979-3092 MASS SCHEDULE INTENTIONS FOR OCTOBER 20-24, 2014 Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. 8am 6pm 11am 8am 8am Prayer Service † Don Fenske † Leonissa Fenske (Carnegie Village) † George Bleier and deceased family † Vera Hamburg † Jim Hamburg SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2014 4:00pm Intentions of the Altar Society SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2014 8:00am Intentions of the Mary Curtis Family 10:30am † Joe Falco Sr. 12:30pm Spanish † Alma Romero † Pedro Lopez GENERAL INFO PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL MEMBERS Peg Agnew, Rob Kottenbrock, Kayla Roper, Harold Siglar, and Alex Torres FINANCE COUNCIL MEMBERS John Hagemann, Quin Henry, Wendy Mora, Kathy Spencer, and Jerry Stella STEWARDSHIP “We give thanks to God always for all of you, remembering you in our prayers, unceasingly calling to mind your work of faith and labor of love and endurance in hope of our Lord Jesus Christ, before our God and Father, knowing, brothers and sisters loved by God, how you were chosen. 1 Thessalonians 1: 2-4 In addition to God’s help, St. Paul gathered a team around him, which he used and empowered in many ways. Sometimes each of us may think we are more efficient operating alone. Stewardship, on the other hand, calls us to see that we are part of a community, and that community can accomplish more as a group than any one of us can individually. That is the strength of community stewardship, a faith-filled people working hand in hand to build the Kingdom of God. - See more at: http://www.thecatholicsteward.com/. STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE - OCT 12 Envelopes/Sobres: Plate/Canasta: Maintenance-Upkeep: Funds on deposit with the Diocese: Page 2 $ 9,467.27 $ 592.64 $ 936.50 $165,625.97 PARISH CALENDAR Sunday, October 19 - Domingo, 19 de Octubre 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Special Collection for World Mission Sunday 9:00am Parish School of Religion 10:00am RICA 11:00am Ensayo del Coro Hispano 11:00am Escuela de Religión 7:00pm Guadalupe Matachines Dancers Practice 7:00 pm Youth Group Hayride/Bonfire Night Monday, October 20 - Lunes, 20 de Octubre 6:30pm Marian Prayer Group 6:30pm Cub Scouts 7:00pm Boy Scouts 7:00pm Select Parables of a Jewish Rabbi Named Jesus 7:00pm Talleres de Oración y Vida Tuesday, October 21 - Martes, 21 de Octubre 7:00pm Boy Scout Committee Meeting 7:00pm Living Stones 7:00pm Ensayo de la Obra de Guadalupe Wednesday, October 22- Miércoles, 22 de Octubre 9:00am Legion of Mary 10:00am Select Parables of a Jewish Rabbi Named Jesus 11:00am Mass at Carnegie Village 7:00pm Choir Practice 7:00pm Advocacy Team 7:00pm ESL (Ingles como Segunda Lengua) 7:00pm Rebranding Catholicism: Pope Francis’ Vision Thursday, October 23 - Jueves, 23 de Octubre 9:30am Quilters 10:00am Rebranding Catholicism: Pope Francis’ Vision 7:00pm Guadalupe Matachines Dancers Practice 7:00pm Ensayo de la Obra de Guadalupe 7:00pm Spanish Class, Parish Hall 7:00pm RCIA Friday, October 24 - Viernes, 24 de Octubre 10:00am Spanish Class, Double Classroom 5:00pm Jr. & Sr. High Youth to Worlds of Fun 7:00pm Guadalupe Matachines Dancers Practice Saturday, October 25 - Sábado, 25 de Octubre 3:00pm Confessions Sunday, October 26 - Domingo, 26 de Octubre 9:00 am Parish School of Religion 10:00am RICA 11:00am Ensayo del Coro Hispano 11:00am Escuela de Religión 6:00pm Trunk or Treat 7:00pm Guadalupe Matachines Dancers Practice PASTORAL CARE FROM DEATH TO NEW LIFE DE LA MUERTE A LA NUEVA VIDA † Mary Roth, mother of Leilani Katz, William Roth, Kathleen Schnorenberg and Janet Sirna † Oscar Humberto Torres, hermano de Obdulia Chavarria † Steve VanDee, friend of Rob Kottenbrock MAY THEY REST IN PEACE. QUE DESCANSEN EN PAZ. NURSING HOME MASS SCHEDULE Oct 22 Oct 29 Nov 5 Nov 12 11:00am 8:00am 10:30am 10:00am Carnegie Village St. Sabina Day Chapel Beautiful Savior Rehabilitation of Raymore YOU ARE INVITED TO JOIN US FOR A RECEPTION FOR THOSE WHO HAVE LOST A LOVED ONE - SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2ND AFTER THE 8AM MASS All those who have lost a loved one are invited to join us Sunday, November 2 for the 8am All Soul’s Mass followed by a reception in the gathering space of the church. We especially invite all those who have lost a loved one over the past year. All widows and widowers are also invited to attend. SOCIAL JUSTICE RESPECT LIFE—ABORTION This year Missouri legislators passed a law extending the time a woman must wait to have an abortion after she is informed of all of the facts and risks involved from 24 hours to 72 hours. The hope is that this will reduce the number of abortions in Missouri. This week, let’s pray for the women making this decision, that they see the precious life that is their child. Let’s also pray for all the precious lives that never made it into this world. BREAD FOR THE WORLD SUNDAY Every year, our parish participates in an “Offering of Letters” by signing a petition urging congress to act on laws that affect the hungry. This year we will have a petition out next weekend, October 25 & 26, asking our members of congress to make changes to US Food Aid policies that would make our food aid program more effective. Some of these changes include: providing more nutritious food through food-aid— especially to women and children in the 1000 day window from conception to the child’s second birthday, and buying more of the food-aid food locally, helping to support local farmers and to reduce costs of the food provided. Please consider adding your name to the petition. PRAYER REQUESTS PETICIONES DE ORACIÓN Jim Agnew Mary Ann Bays Allie Biondo Rita Cain Christine Carr Marvin Cohen Mary Coleman Jane Coon Mary Curtis Paul DeMar Joel Fawcett Dick Garnier Vincent Giacone Gloria Hall Frank Hansel Cherie Hatfield Don Standley Joe Stanley Noah Stanley Lori Stewart Charles Stinger II Marie Stinger Nick Sullivan David Tate Jean Tate Brenda Uhler Bob Westfall Br. Fred Oberrieder Mary Westfall Carmitia Yust Doris Oberste Pablo Zayas Ann Ryan Lois Simpson Pat Simpson Ella Hemmen Richard Hoedl Pat Holbert Teresa Kelly Eric Knoll Rita Lopez Beth McKenzie Scott McKenzie Paul Miller Tony Morrison Elta Neumann PLEASE REMEMBER THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND OF OUR PARISH FAMILY IN YOUR DAILY PRAYERS. REMEMBRANCE TABLE - ALL SOULS This year in conjunction with All Souls Day and to honor those who have gone before us we will have an Area of Remembrance in the north alcove. We invite you to bring a picture of your deceased loved one beginning the weekend of Oct. 18-19. This display to honor all of our Faithfull Departed will remain up through the Feast of Christ the King, Sunday November 23rd. SAVE THE DATE - SAT., NOV. 15TH - 10AM Plan on joining us for a educational presentation by Catholic Charities “Mental Health Basics, Understanding Its Impact on Families”. FOCUS ON MENTAL ILLNESS Impact On The Family Many families are ill equipped to respond to the multiple challenges of a family member’s diagnosis of mental illness. Behaviors can be misinterpreted, and finding effective resources and medical interventions may prove overwhelming. The strain on the family can be significant. The stigma that often accompanies this illness may cause families to be hesitant to share their need for support during this difficult time. How can we be of support to people in our parish community living with this challenging illness? For more information contact Marta Roper in the parish office at 816-979-3154. Page 3 LITURGY NOW FORMING: ART & ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE What Is Art and Environment? Simply put, it is the decoration of the church space. But more than that, it is the way we enhance our worship by highlighting important areas in the church. You may notice that the church decorations change as the seasons of the church year change. It takes a group of people to make that happen. Many different skills, talents and interests are needed. You may be a seamstress and desire to help sew banners or other fabric decoration. Perhaps you have an eye for design and could help design banners or seasonal decoration. You might have a green thumb and be interested in caring for the live plants on a weekly basis. Maybe you just like to help out and would enjoy the work of putting up and taking down seasonal decorations a few times a year. Whatever your interests, you are invited to attend an organizational meeting of the Art and Environment committee on Thursday, October 23 at 1:00 PM in the parish conference room. Contact Susan Ratigan in the parish office at 979-3158 or [email protected] for more information. LECTORS 2015 Lector Workbooks are available in the sacristy. Please pick up the book with your name on the envelope. If you can make a donation of $10 to help defray the cost of the book, it is appreciated. Just place the $10 in the envelope and return it to the box. Please take a book even if you are not able to make the donation. Thank you. PARISH INFORMATION HOLIDAY CRAFT SALE - VENDORS NEEDED Our St. Joseph Table Committee is hosting a Holiday Craft Sale and Chili Supper on the weekend of November 15-16. This event will be open to the public and it will be held in the parish gym. Crafters may rent space for $35 per 8’ table or $40 per 8’ table with electricity. We only have 8 spots with electricity available. Craft sale hours will be November 15 from 10am-5:30pm and November 16 from 9am-2pm. If you would like to rent space, please contact Gabe Mitsdarffer at [email protected]. Page 4 PARISH HAPPENINGS OVER 55 OCTOBER DAY TRIP On Tuesday, October 28th we will be taking a tour of the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts. We will meet at St. Sabina to carpool at 9:30am. The tour costs a total of $100 for our group, so the more people we have, the cheaper the cost will be for each of us. After the tour we will eat lunch at Danny’s Big Easy at 18th and Vine. Please RSVP to the parish office by Friday, October 24th at 816-331-4713. BAPTISM CONGRATULATIONS Cristian Abel Amador Guzman, son of Israel Amador and Abigail Guzman. Luis Alberto Alonso Guzman, son of Luis Alonso and Abigail Guzman. AREA INFORMATION LECTURE ABOUT POPE FRANCIS’ PAPACY On Saturday, Nov. 1, Rockhurst University and National Catholic Reporter will co-sponsor a daylong conversation on the milestones and lessons from the first 18 months of Pope Francis’ transformative papacy. “Becoming a Church of Mercy” will feature speakers from both Rockhurst University, including President the Rev. Thomas B. Curran, and National Catholic Reporter. In a series of presentations and discussions, they will discuss and offer reflections on Pope Francis’ call for a renewed commitment to compassion and social justice and his vision of a “church of mercy and hope where everyone is welcomed, loved and forgiven.” Cost for the symposium is $40 and includes lunch. The symposium begins with Mass (optional) at 8 a.m. and will end at 3:30 p.m. Seating is limited. Information about the day’s schedule and online registration may be found at www.rockhurst.edu/ popefrancis. CATHOLIC CHARITIES HOPE GALA Please join Chairs Peggy & Mark Schmidtlein on Saturday, November 8, for the 2014 Celebration of Hope Gala – A Special 135th Anniversary Celebration. The evening will begin with cocktails at 6:00 pm, followed by dinner, auctions and dancing at the Westin at Crown Center in Kansas City. All proceeds directly support the mission of Catholic Charities of Kansas City-St. Joseph, which provides poverty reduction and prevention programs to more than 150,000 people in our community each year. To reserve your table, contact Rachel Larsen at [email protected] or 816.659.8216. We look forward to seeing you there! www.catholiccharities-kcsj.org. ADULT FAITH FORMATION REFLECTION ON THE 29TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, YEAR A Responsorial Psalm 96 sets the tone for the focus of this Sunday’s readings. It acknowledges that God is king and governs the people with equity or justice. Because of this we are called upon to “Give the Lord glory and honor.” All nations are called upon to worship the Lord, to honor and praise God for acting with justice and compassion toward all creation. The other readings enter into dialogue with each other and the psalm, challenging us to understand and acknowledge God as the ultimate source of power and might in the world. The first reading from Isaiah refers to Cyrus, the mighty king of the Persians who overwhelmed the Babylonians and restored the Jewish people to their land, as God’s anointed. Cyrus, a Gentile, is recognized as messiah by Isaiah because Cyrus, by his actions, accomplished the will and desire of God for the chosen people. God chose and empowered Cyrus for this very purpose even though Cyrus did not know or acknowledge the Lord. Our God is inclusive beyond anything we could fathom, and we are called to that same inclusiveness in all our dealings. Isaiah concludes by saying that all power rests in God who uses it justly and expects those who wield power in the world to use it justly and wisely as well. God, our guide and model, exercises power for the common good of all with inclusivity beyond imagining, most especially toward the poor, the powerless, and the stranger. All of us, especially those who exercise power in any fashion, are to attune ourselves to acting justly, modeling ourselves on our God. Paul in the beginning of his first letter to the Thessalonians, praises the community for living lives of faith, always acting with love and continually hopeful in Christ Jesus. The gospel, the good news of Christ Jesus, empowers Paul and his companions to live lives of conviction, guided by the Spirit, in modeling the Jesus life style with all they encounter. For Paul, the ultimate power in life to live like Jesus comes from God through the Spirit. True discipleship for Paul is our attunement to God’s power at work in our lives. Matthew’s Jesus is caught up in a controversy with some Pharisees and Herodian's, strange bedfellows who usually would not pal around together. But in their desire to trap and discredit Jesus they have teamed up to question him about the legitimacy of paying taxes to Caesar. Jesus eludes them by affirming that legitimate human power is to be respected, as long as God, the ultimate source of power is acknowledged as well. In so doing, Jesus affirms that all power is to be subject to the way God exercises power, namely with justice and compassion. Whenever human power is attuned to divine power then both work collaboratively, accomplishing God’s plans, wishes and desires for all people. This week, make time to reflect on how you exercise power in your life. Is that power aligned to God’s desire to make justice and compassion a lived reality? Do we acknowledge God and not ourselves as the ultimate source of power and might? If so, how do we manifest that acknowledgment in the way we live our lives? As we gear up once again for a lengthy election season, let us pray for the Spirit’s wisdom and guidance that we, along with all those who exert power in any way, most especially all our elected leaders, may exercise power justly and with compassion. SCC BIBLE STUDY READINGS FOR SUNDAY, OCT 19, 2014 1st Reading: Isaiah 45:1, 4-6 Psalm: 96:1, 3, 4-5, 7-8, 9-10 (7b) 2nd Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b Gospel: Matthew 22:15-21 READINGS FOR SUNDAY, OCT 26, 2014 1st Reading: Exodus 22:20-26 Psalm: 18:2-3, 3-4, 47, 51(2) 2nd Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1:5c-10 Gospel: Matthew 22:34-40 Biagio Mazza Pastoral Associate BIBLE STUDY AND SUNDAY READINGS Catholics are mostly exposed to the Bible through the Sunday Lectionary Readings. In order to help us all enter into the Bible through the Sunday readings, we are offering study sessions that will provide an opportunity to read, to study background to the readings, and to reflect on how to apply the readings to our lives. We will gather on October 26th, November 9th and November 23rd at 10:30am. All are welcome. Bring a Bible and a friend. To register for these sessions, please call Biagio at 816-9793153. Page 5 YOUTH MINISTRY SCHOOL OF RELIGION JUNIOR HIGH YOUTH GROUP Your next meetings will be November 5th and 19th, 7-8:30pm in Parish Hall. DONUT SUNDAYS Please join our First grade class on November 9th after the 8am and 10:30am Masses for donuts and orange juice. HIGH SCHOOL AND CONFIRMATION CLASSES! October 19th will be a special time from 6:30-8:30pm. This is our annual bonfire night! Permission slips were handed out at the last meeting and are still available in the Youth Office and online. Everyone must have one. Please dress appropriately for being outside! We need parents to help with driving the 4 miles to the bonfire. Please contact Kirstie Roberts if you can help. November 2nd, 7-8:30, in honor of the holy days of All Saints and All Souls, we will be meeting at the Belton Cemetery. Like the meeting before, we will need help with parent drivers and we will need to be dressed appropriately for being outside. Permission slips are available in the Youth Office and on the website. CONFIRMATION SPONSOR NIGHT Your next meeting will be November 12th, 7-8:30pm in the Parish Hall. A sponsor is an adult, 18 years or older, who is confirmed and in good standing with the church. Please contact Kirstie Roberts if you need help finding a sponsor. JUNIOR HIGH AND HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH TO WORLDS OF FUN HALLOWEEN HAUNT! On October 24th we will be getting SCARED at the haunted houses and on the roller coasters! We will leave St. Sabina by bus at 5pm and return at 12:30am. We need a couple chaperones for this event, so please call Kirstie to sign up. Youth are welcome to bring friends and EVERYONE must have a permission slip! Permission slips are online and in the Youth Office. Tickets cost about $32 online and at the gate. Do not send checks payable to the church. Each person will be purchasing their own ticket. CHILD SAFETY The Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph is committed to combating sexual abuse in the Church. If you are a victim of sexual abuse, or if you observe or suspect sexual abuse: • Call the Missouri Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-3923738 (if the victim is currently under the age of 18) and • Contact your local law enforcement agency or 911 and • After reporting to these civil and law enforcement authorities, report suspected sexual abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult to the Diocesan Ombudsman, Jenifer Valenti, at 816-812-2500 or [email protected], if the abuse involves a priest, deacon, employee or volunteer of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. • The Diocese has a sincere commitment to providing care and healing resources to victims of sexual abuse and their families. Please contact Victim Advocate Mary Bultmann at 816-714-2387 or [email protected] for more information. Page 6 KIDS LITURGY Children from the Parish School of Religion will be sharing their gifts within the liturgy once a month. If your child would like to be a lector, gift bearer, usher or greeter please visit the Youth Office and fill out a sign up form. Our next Sunday will be November 16th. FIRST RECONCILIATION MEETING If you missed the parent meeting please contact Kirstie Roberts to set up an appointment to go over the program and pick up your parent guide books as soon as possible. First Reconciliation preparation will begin in the classrooms on October 19th. CIRCLE OF GRACE Our parish is dedicated to protecting our children and teaching them about dangerous situations and how to ask for help. To further that goal, we are happy to comply with the Diocesan requirement to offer the Circle of Grace training in our classrooms. We have a trained instructor from our parish who will present lessons to each grade of PSR on a schedule of Sundays this fall. If parents do not wish for their child to receive this training they may fill out an “Opt Out” form. A letter will be mailed to each family in the next week outlining the program and will include a copy of the Opt Out form as well as the schedule of training for each grade. All volunteers with youth and children must attend one Protecting God’s Children workshop, submit to a background check and sign the policy on Ethics and Integrity in Ministry, (EIM). UPLIFT ORG. needs volunteers! If you would like to bring meals to the homeless on the 2nd, 4th or 5th Monday of any month, please contact Kirstie Roberts to sign up! This ministry is open to all parishioners age 14 and older. TRUNK OR TREAT! All parishioners are welcome to bring their little monsters, super heroes and princesses on October 26th from 68pm. Anyone who would like to enter a trunk into the event should contact Kirstie Roberts in the Youth Office. Trunks will be judged by the children and ridiculous prizes will be awarded to the top 3 best decorated trunks. A concession stand will be available for everyone to enjoy walking tacos and hot cocoa. Don’t miss this fun night to see all the kids! FORM FOR COMMUNICATION WITH MINORS Parents and guardians must now sign a form giving permission for St. Sabina staff, specifically the Youth Director, Kirstie Roberts to respond to text messages, emails and phone calls from the youth of the parish. These forms are available in the back of the church with the PSR registrations and in the Youth Office. WELLNESS CENTER A TOUR OF THE GREEK ISLES…WHERE PEOPLE FORGET TO DIE The common practices of the Greek people who live long, healthy lives: Drink some goat’s milk. Researchers found that goat milk is very similar to human milk and provides oligosaccharides, which promote healthy intestinal flora. It’s also hypoallergenic and can usually be tolerated by people who are lactose intolerant. The longest lived Greeks tend to live in the island’s highlands. They exercise by gardening, walking to their neighbor’s house, or doing their own yard work. Eat a Mediterranean-style diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, potatoes, and olive oil. Try cooking with olive oil, which contains cholesterol-lowering monounsaturated fats. Never cook with so much heat that the oil smokes. High heat breaks down healthy fats, making them much less healthy. Drink herbal teas with family and friends. They are packed with antioxidants and also act as a diuretic, which can keep blood pressure in check by ridding the body of excess sodium and water. The key is to drink herbal teas every day and rotate varieties. Take a nap. People who nap regularly have up to 35 percent lower chances of dying from heart disease. It may be because napping lowers stress hormones or rests the heart. Make family and friends a priority. Researchers have analyzed 148 different studies and found that people who weren’t connected to their communities had a 50 percent greater chance of dying during the follow-up period of seven and a half years than those who had strong social networks. So get out there and make some plans. To your health!!! WELLNESS CENTER CLASS SCHEDULE Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday Yoga 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Strength & Stretch 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Gentle Yoga 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. Restorative Yoga 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Jiu Jets 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Beginning Stretch & Strength 1– 2 p.m. Stretch & Strength 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Yoga 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Gentle Yoga 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. Family Zumba 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Family Yoga 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. STEWARDSHIP WORLD MISSION SUNDAY COLLECTION Today is World Mission Sunday! We are invited today to reach out and help build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, as well as local churches throughout the Missions, in the most remote areas across our world. Your prayers and generous gift to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith in the collection today help the work of priests, religious and lay leaders in Mongolia and throughout the Missions who offer the poor practical help and the experience of God’s love and mercy, His hope and peace. Please keep the Missions in your daily prayers. Please be as generous as you can to today’s collection. For more information, please visit www.IAmAMissionary.org. BEANS AND RICE DISTRIBUTION Thank you to the volunteers that went to Lexington, MO to distribute our rice and beans collection on Monday, October 6! Open time Exercise Machines 8:30-10:30am Yoga Stretch 10:30-11:30 a.m. Page 7 PARISH HAPPENINGS HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ¡FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS! Micki Aguayo, Alfredo Aguilar, Sonia Ayala, Kathryn Bell, Pedro Bonilla, Rylee Bornheimer, Maria Caceres, Brooke Campbell, Ivan Castillo, Carlos Chavez, Susan Chavez, Craig Cheney, Trenton Clark, Montana Cummings, Janet Dailey, Diane Daldrup, Rubi Enriquez, Jacob Fields, Louise Fleetwood, Jimmy Fuller, Tammy Gagne, Jose Gallardo, Anallely Garrido, Deacon Mike Gates, Michael Gelatko, Gerardo Giron, Linda Gonzalez, Laura Hinojos, Trey Hoeper, Jake Jacobs, Maria Keesoon, Karlie Kennedy, Dave Kratofil, Clemente Landa, Cheyann Lautner, Marvin Lopez, Gloria Madden, Ricardo Madrid, Jordan Meckstroth, Adilene Mendoza, Maria Morales, Patricia Morales, Angela Moreno, Laura Munoz, Maria Orozco, Manuel Ostrom, Diego Perez, Monica Perez, Heather Poland, Leslie Prieto, Derek Pritchett, Luz Racela, Emily Ramirez, Gabino Ramirez, Martha Ramos, Katy Rewald, Heath Rigby, Samantha Rojas, Nelybeth Rojo, Susan Rolli, Carlos Ruiz, Rudy Schmidt, Anna Schwarz, Shirley Sears, Maria Segura, Alisson Solares, Manuel Torres, Marcos Trejo, Selen Valenzuela, Ruth Vazquez, Victor Vieyra, Kyle Wathor, James Wilson, Madelon Wink, Cece Wipperman HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! ¡FELIZ ANIVERSARIO! Wayne & Darlene Jennings George & Maxine Bremer Tom & Michelle Ragsdale Valiant & Deborah Croux Jose & Maria Salas Jeff & Bev Jakobe Andy & Marsha Puleo Phillip & Kimberly Baird Ramon & Stacy Gomez Randy & Stephanie Dillon Chris & Emily Bornheimer Abraham & Yesika Benavides Don & Lisa Cummings Shawn & Margaret Fuss 60 Years! 57 Years! 36 Years! 34 Years! 26 Years! 20 Years! 19 Years! 14 Years! 13 Years! 11 Years! 10 Years! 9 Years! 4 Years! 1 Year! 10/22/1954 10/19/1957 10/21/1988 10/25/1980 10/22/1998 10/22/1994 10/20/1995 10/21/2000 10/20/2001 10/25/2003 10/24/2004 10/20/2005 10/23/2010 10/19/2013 Pictured are Miles & Trevor who helped serve donuts last Sunday. Page 8 DELEGATION TO CINQUERA, EL SALVADOR We have set the dates of January 13-20, 2015 for our trip to El Salvador. We are planning this trip in conjunction with Our Lady of the Presentation Parish. Those traveling will have the opportunity to visit the communities of Cinquera and San Rafael Cedros, along with other places of significance within El Salvador. Many of you had the chance to hear Zulma speak of her experience and her thankfulness of being a scholarship student when she visited our parish in September. We are pleased that Zulma will be our translator for our delegation when we are in El Salvador. If you are interested in traveling with this delegation, please contact Kris as soon as possible. Those interested should begin application for a passport now. PRIESTHOOD SUNDAY - OCTOBER 26 Next weekend, October 26, we celebrate Priesthood Sunday. The last Sunday of October is designated as Priesthood Sunday, a one-day celebration of the priesthood organized by parish lay leaders and coordinated by the USA Council of Serra International. In honor of Priesthood Sunday, we invite you to pray for our Pastor, Fr. Jeff this week. PRAYER FOR FATHER JEFF STEPHAN Most gentle and loving God, we, your people, thank you for your many gifts, most especially the gift of your love and presence. We praise you for the abundant love you bestow upon us through the many loving and caring people that you send our way. As we celebrate Priesthood Sunday we thank you today, in a special way, for our pastor, Father Jeff Stephan. You have blessed him with many special gifts which he generously and willingly shares with the whole parish community. He gifts us with his passion for service to others. He challenges us with his prophetic dedication to justice. He enlivens us with his enthusiasm and creativity. We ask you to bless him as he continues to live out his baptismal call to minister to your people, as a priest, pastor, guide, father, and friend. May you bless him with good health, continued energy and enthusiasm, along with wisdom, strength and courage to continue the work of justice and peace. May his life be a continued source of blessing for all. We ask this through your Son and the Spirit, both now and forever, Amen. – BANK – of BELTON JIM’S DISCOUNT MUFFLERS MEMBER FDIC Great Service • Great Prices Ph. 816-331-4888 HARDWARE-BUILDING MATERIALS-PAINT 617 North Scott Belton, MO 64012 P.O. Box 619 331-2211 Fax 331-0981 Discounts to Seniors 903 N. Scott - Belton, MO Ph. 331-0566 • Fax 322-2231 For further information, please call the Parish Office. Hours: Mon-Fri 7 AM-5 PM Sat 8 AM-1 PM BELTON TRANSMISSION AND REPAIR • Brakes • Shocks • Mufflers • Struts Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Eckhard Preuss Agent 8009 E. 171st PO Box 645 Belton, MO 64012-0645 Bus 816.331.4288 Fax 816.331.2907 [email protected] Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Domestic & Foreign Ron Gardella, Parishioner (816) 318-8955 Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 315 N. Scott, an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA 12800 2nd St., Grandview, MO 64030 Belton © GRANNY “GRAN’MA WISE” sez: “Oh, for cry’in out loud” IT HAS BEEN SAID: “If you want to be seen ‘Stand Up’!” Free Insured Estimates Ph. 816-966-8836 Doug Thurman — Parishioner • Concrete Steps • Splash Blocks • Specialty Products www.alliedconcreteproducts.com Roofing Specialists “If you want to be heard ‘Speak Up’!” AND SONS ROOFING “If you want to be appreciated,‘Shut Up’!” (816) 331-8909 Daniel Meissen Teresa M. Kelly, D.V.M. New • Re-Roofs Repairs Kenneth A. Vansickle, D.V.M. By B.A. Ray (if you can’t b.a. Ray, b.a. Sunbeam!) Jennifer D. McCallum, D.V.M. FOURWAY P L U M B I N G DRAIN CLEANING GARBAGE DISPOSALS FAUCETS • SINKS • TUBS TOILETS & SUMP PUMPS (816) 322-1013 Phone: (816) 331-0061 Fax: (816) 331-0443 17232 Bel-Ray Place 1001 E. North Avenue Belton, MO 64012 (58 Hwy) • Belton, MO Air Conditioning • Furnaces Monday-Friday 8:00am-6:00pm Saturday 8:00am-12:00noon Humidifiers • Air Filters Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. SAME DAY SERVICE Support Your Church & Bulletin. HOUSE CALLS Free professional ad design & my help! REASONABLE RATES email: [email protected] SAME LOCATION 31 YRS www.jspaluch.com Call Pat Bellanti MASTER PLUMBERS NICK & MARION BIONDO, JR. www.heartlandelectric.com Tel: (816) 318-8500 331-1650 Residential-Commercial-Industrial 607 N. SCOTT, BELTON 800.945.6629 McGilley & George Funeral Homes PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE Pre-Arranged Funeral Plans - Serving St. Sabina Since 1944 Allen L. Meyer 322-2995 Kibbey A. George Belton 611 Chestnut Funerárias McGilley & George ¡Sirviendo a nuestras comunidades desde el 1909! Directores: Allen L. Meyer y Kibbey A. George Planes Fúnebres Pre-Arreglados Benjamin Ortiz, Consejero de Servicios Familiares COLLISION REPAIR CENTER 20203 Holmes Rd., Belton, MO 64012 RICK HOWARD 816-322-1900 ST. THOMAS MORE PARISHIONER FAX 322-0705 COLLISION REPAIR SPECIALIST 522260 St Sabina Church PUSH TALK ................... 24/7 HELP ................... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 MINISTERIO HISPANO CORRESPONSABILIDAD RESPETO A LA VIDA—EL ABORTO COLECTA DEL DOMINGO MUNDIAL DE LAS MISIONES Este año los legisladores de Missouri aprobó una ley que extiende el tiempo que una mujer debe esperar a tener un aborto después de que ella se informa de todos los hechos y los riesgos que implica, de 24 horas a 72 horas. La idea es que esto reducirá el número de abortos en Missouri. Esta semana, oremos por las mujeres quienes están tomando esta decisión, que ven la vida preciosa que es su hijo. También vamos a rezar por todas las vidas preciosas que nunca llegaron a este mundo. DOMINGO PAN PARA EL MUNDO Cada año, nuestra parroquia participa en una "Ofrenda de Cartas" al firmar una petición instando al Congreso a actuar sobre las leyes que afectan a los hambrientos. Este año vamos a tener una petición el próximo fin de semana, 25 y 26 de Octubre, pidiendo a nuestros miembros del Congreso para realizar cambios en las políticas de ayuda alimentaria de Estados Unidos que harían que nuestro programa de ayuda alimentaria sea más eficaz. Algunos de estos cambios incluyen: el suministro de alimentos más nutritivos a través de la ayuda alimentaria, especialmente a mujeres y niños en la ventana de 1000 días desde la concepción hasta el segundo cumpleaños del niño, y la compra de más alimentos de la ayuda alimentaria a nivel local, ayudando a los agricultores locales y reduciendo los costos de la comida proporcionada. Por favor considerar la adición de su nombre a la petición. Por favor considere la adición de su nombre a la petición. ¡Hoy es el Domingo Mundial de las Misiones! Se nos invita a extender nuestras manos y ayudar a construir la Iglesia en Mongolia, la iglesia católica más joven del mundo, así como a iglesias locales en las zonas más remotas de nuestra planeta. Sus oraciones y generosas donaciones en la colecta del día de hoy para la Sociedad para la Propagación de la Fe, ayudarán a la labor de los sacerdotes, religiosos y líderes laicos en Mongolia y en todas las misiones, quienes ofrecen a los pobres ayuda práctica y la experiencia del amor y la misericordia de Dios, su esperanza y su paz. Por favor, rece diariamente por las misiones y tenga un corazón generoso para la colecta. Para obtener más información, visite www.IAmAMissionary.org. DISTRIBUCIÓN DEL ARROZ Y FRIJOLES Gracias a los voluntarios quienes fueron a Lexington, MO a distribuir nuestra colecta de arroz y frijoles el Lunes, 6 de Octubre! En esta foto aparecen los que asistieron a las platicas bautismales. Pagina 3 MINISTERIO HISPANO Párroco Padre Jeff Stephan (816) 979-3157 Bautismos Berenice Zayas (816) 799-7768 Rito de Iniciación Cristiana Para Adultos Lupe Bencomo (816) 331-5677 Quinceañeras Kris Larkey (816) 979-3151 Grupo de Oración Allan Medina (816) 668-0089 PLATICAS PRE-BAUTISMALES - 8 DE NOVIEMBRE Normalmente cada Sábado Segundo de mes de las 10 am a 1 pm (Sólo para Niños de 0-6 años) Salón de juntas. Sótano de la Parroquia. Para niños mayores de 7 años requerirán una formación especial. Infórmate. Para mas información, por favor comuníquese con Kris al 816-979-3151. FAVOR DE LLENAR SU APLICACIÓN PARA ASISTIR A LAS PLATICAS CON ANTICIPACIÓN. NO SE OFRECE CUIDADO DE NIÑOS. DANZA DE MATACHINEZ A todas las personas que son parte de la danza de Matachinez de nuestra parroquia de Santa Sabina: Se les informa que las practicas darán inicio en este mes de Octubre. Por favor recoger su esquema con el Sr. Juan López o el Sr. Gerardo Arenivas. A las personal interesadas en participar en la danza por primer ves, por favor hablen con el Sr. Juan Lopez al teléfono 816-382-7005 o con el Sr. Gerardo Arenivas al teléfono 816-7197563. Pláticas Matrimoniales Martina y Abelardo Arreola (816) 269-4956 Festividades Maria Rita López 816-382-7005 Coro Parroquial Arturo Piñon (816) 291-2742 Ministros de la Comunión Gloria Garcia (816) 559-1253 Comunión a los Enfermos Marta Sosa (816) 226-3239 Proclamadores de la Palabra Alejandro Torres (816) 699-2887 Acólitos Gerardo Arénivas (816) 719-7563 Acomodadores y Orden Jaime Martinez (816) 777-8848 Justicia e Inmigracion Wendy Mora 816-309-0011 Sacristía Manny Castillo 816-394-1460 Catecismo Kirstie Roberts (816) 979-3155 Adolescentes Kirstie Roberts (816) 979-3155 Alcoholicos Anónimos Oscar Castillo (816) 529-1113 Comite Romero Hilda Alvarado 816-876-5508 Pagina 2 INVITACIÓN AL RITO DE INICIACIÓN CRISTIANA PARA ADULTOS (RICA) -La catequesis normalmente ha sido orientada a los niños. De ahí que al hablar hoy de catequesis uno haga referencia directa a los niños y preadolescentes y, a veces, la referencia es sólo a "primera comunión". -Últimamente, la Iglesia ha comenzado a recalcar que la catequesis es para todos, y más principalmente para los adultos, porque de ellos va a depender el que haya una iglesia adulta y responsable. Hacen falta seglares responsables y bien preparados cristianamente. -Nuestra sociedad es una sociedad que está reclamando cristianos que sepan "dar razón de su fe", que testifiquen a un Cristo vivo, que sean constructores de un nuevo mundo. -Ante estas exigencias de "cristianos auténticos" cabe preguntarse con san Pablo: "¿Cómo van a invocar al Señor si no creen en El? ¿Cómo van a creer si no han oído hablar de El? ¿Y cómo van a oír hablar si no hay quien predique?" (Rom. 10,14). Esta es la cuestión: ¿Cómo va a haber cristianos comprometidos si casi no han oído hablar de Jesucristo y de la fe? -Por eso en nuestra parroquia vamos a comenzar un plan catecúmenal para adultos y jóvenes adultos. ¿En qué va a consistir, qué es, cómo funciona, etc.? Todo esto lo explicaremos en la reunión que se tendrá próximamente el Domingo 14 de Septiembre en el salón de la parroquia a las 10 de la mañana. Quedan todos invitados. 19 de Octubre del 2014 29° Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario La Parroquia Católica de Santa Sabina Belton, MO El domingo 5 de Octubre, el comité de Monseñor Romero hicieron pupusas para recaudar fondos para la celebración de Monseñor Romero el 14 de Marzo del 2015. En esta foto aparecen Jenny Lopez, María Vilma Cartagena y María Abarca. 700 Trevis Avenue, Belton, MO 64012 Teléfono: 816-331-4713 www.stsabinaparish.org www.facebook.com/stsabinaparish Fax: 816-322-6196 Horarios: 9:00am - 5:00pm, Lunes - Jueves y 9:00am - 1:00pm, Viernes Personal de la Parroquia Rev. Jeff Stephan, Pastor 816-979-3157 Diácono Dwayne Katzer Diácono Mike Gates Zuiri Galeano, Recepcionista y Escuela de Religión 816-979-3150 Bridget Hernandez, Corresponsabilidad y Justicia Social 816-979-3159 Kris Larkey, Asociada Pastoral 816-979-3151 Biagio Mazza, Asociado Pastoral 816-979-3153 Susan Ratigan, Liturgista 816-979-3158 Kirstie Roberts, Dir. de Religión y Pastoral Juvenil 816-979-3155 Marta Roper, Coordinadora Pastoral 816-979-3154 Jeff Shields, Contador 816-979-3152 Tracy Wheeler, Mantenimiento Mary Bultmann, Diocesan Victim Advocate 816-714-2387 Jenifer Valenti, Diocesan Ombudsman 816-812-2500 Horario de las Misas del fin de semana Sábado: 4:00pm (Confesiones de las 3:00pm - 3:30pm) Domingo: 8:00am, 10:30am en Ingles, 12:30pm Misa en Español X57 X50 X59 X51 X53 X58 X55 X54 X52 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Centro de Salud - 816-979-3090 Jeannine Midgett 816-979-3093 Patricia Moreno 816-979-3092
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