20 legals Tuesday, October 14, 2014 calmar courier OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS Calmar City Council OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS CALMAR CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 6, 2014 Prior to the meeting Bob Lentz reviewed with the council the City Employees Health Insurance Renewal information. The city is grandfathered into the current plan and if the plan would change the cost would be considerably more. He stated that the city could consider self-funding part of the employee’s deductible which is $ 3,000 per employee or $ 9,000 per family. The City is not eligible to have an HSA. Bob answered council questions. Mayor Frana called the regular meeting of the Calmar City Council to order at 7:05 P.M. on Monday, October 6, 2014 at the Calmar Fire Station. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Present were: Kleve, Huinker, Sabelka, Schissel and Zweibahmer. Claims September Acco, anti-freeze, reagent etc........... 805.95 Acentek, internet 2 months ................. 59.90 Alliant, electricity ........................... 10957.44 Aramark, uniform ................................ 59.36 Barnes & Noble, books ..................... 138.12 Black Hills, gas ................................. 874.35 Bodensteiner Impl, sweeper motor, motor ...................... 437.94 Book Look, books ............................. 259.83 Calmar Motors, service....................... 86.84 Century Link, telephone.................... 353.62 Croell Redi Mix, intakes .................. 1239.00 Culligan, fd seasonal .......................... 42.50 Data Tech, fall training session ........... 95.00 Decorah Elec, repair damage ww plant .................. 500.00 Decorah Newspapers, subscription lib ................................... 35.00 Delta Dental, ins reimb ..................... 148.00 Dorsey & Whitney, tif urban ren etc 4212.50 Drillings, repair-supplies ....................117.07 Farmers Union, roundup and fuel ..... 330.42 Hacker, Nelson, annual exam......... 2975.00 Heying Lbr, supplies ......................... 262.66 Hubers Store, supplies ....................... 28.95 IAMU, quarterly safety fees .............. 322.58 IAWEA, registration ............................ 50.00 Ingram, books ................................... 178.82 IRS, taxes ....................................... 5080.87 Iowa DOT, emulsn oil........................ 592.50 Iowa Dept. Revenue, taxes water & pool ......................... 4010.00 Iowa One Call, services ...................... 41.20 Iowa Workforce, quarterly unempl ................................ 56.80 Ipers, ipers ...................................... 3167.15 Iroc Web Design, computer and backups .................. 1376.98 Iroc Web Design, domain renewal...... 80.00 John Deere Financial, supplies ........ 244.15 Keystone, testing .............................. 196.20 Kwik Star, fuel ................................. 1360.48 Malcom Ent, garbage ..................... 6401.23 Marv Smith Elec, toilet replacement ............................ 395.84 Marv Smith Elec, timers signal lights 974.32 Micromarketing, books on cd............ 645.40 Mid-American Publishing, publishing 502.54 Postmaster, stamps .......................... 294.00 Postmaster, mail water bills .............. 155.29 Postville Vet Clinic, ship samples ....... 62.50 Anderson, Wilmarth, Zahasky, fees .................................. 837.38 Rite Price Office Supply, supplies..... 184.25 Sherwin Williams, paint .................... 226.16 Storey Kenworthy, receipt books ...... 208.20 Fehr Graham, service well.............. 2905.50 Treas. State IA, taxes ....................... 804.00 US Cellular, phone............................ 422.67 Walmart, supplies, dvd etc ............... 121.71 Wellmark, premium......................... 3300.85 Wiltgen Const, intakes n street ......... 220.00 Winn Cty Public Health, shot fd .......... 50.00 Payroll Sept, ................................ 15957.18 Total ............................................ 75446.20 Claims by fund General .........................................41151.24 Road Use ....................................... 4654.13 Benefits .......................................... 5187.66 Water ........................................... 13008.64 Sewer ...........................................11444.53 Total ............................................ 75446.20 Revenue by fund General ........................................ 37570.21 Road Use ....................................... 7799.34 Benefits .......................................... 8509.23 Emergency ...................................... 664.41 Questions were answered regarding the clarification of a claim and the ABD license for Whiskey Grove, this is strictly the approval of an outdoor permit for the Haunted 5 K. Motion by Schissel, second by Kleve to approve the consent agenda (agenda, minutes of September 2, 2014, clerk/treasurer report, claims and the ABD outdoor permit for Whiskey Grove). Aye: Sabelka, Kleve, Huinker, Schissel and Zweibahmer. Motion carried. OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS Turkey Valley Community School District OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS TURKEY VALLEY COMMUNITY SCHOOL MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2014 The Turkey Valley School Board met for a Joint Work Session on Monday, October 6, 2014 with South Winneshiek Community School board members. The meeting was held at South Winneshiek Elementary Middle School Library in Ossian, Iowa. Ernie Schmitt called the meeting to order at 8:10 p.m. The following board directors answered roll call: Leon Shatek, Don Blazek Jr., and Ernie Schmitt. Jody Steinlage and Renee Throndson were absent. Duane Willhite, Superintendent of North Fayette Valley Community School, along with Roy Gunther, North Fayette School Board President, Karen Michelson, North Fayette School Board member and Mark Howard, Valley School Board President, shared their experiences in regards to whole grade sharing between the two districts. Mr. Gunther stated that “There is a difference between surviving and thriving and NFV is thriving”. Due to the declining enrollment at each school, the North Fayette and Valley School boards felt that they needed to make some changes. Their decision would be based on what was best for the students. The biggest decision was what should they do? FREE without photo Combine? Whole grade share? Are there other options? Once they made the decision to whole grade share, they posted an “ad” on the school websites and in the local papers. They were looking for students, parents, community members and more to form committees to help make decisions. The following committees were formed: student activities, curriculum, policies (board policies, handbooks, etc), graduation credit requirements, school name & color, transportation, and finance. Mr. Willhite shared the 28E agreement with the Turkey Valley and South Winneshiek School Boards. The Boards thanked the North Fayette Valley representatives for their time and information. Moved by Leon Shatek and seconded by Don Blazek Jr. to adjourn at 9:35 PM. Motion carried. ATTEST: President Secretary Published in the Calmar Courier on Tuesday, October 14, 2014. Council agreed to keep the current health insurance plan and will discuss self-funding of some of the deductible at a later date. Motion by Sabelka, second by Schissel to approve the 28E Agreement for joint administration between the Northeast Iowa Community College, City of Calmar and Calmar Development for an economic development director. Aye: Huinker, Sabelka, Zweibahmer, Schissel and Kleve. Motion carried. Motion by Huinker, second by Zweibahmer to appoint Keith Frana and TJ Schissel to the joint 28E administration board. Aye: Huinker, Sabelka, Zweibahmer, Kleve and Schissel. Motion carried. A discussion regarding the development of the next addition to Rolling Hills Estate was held. Chris Wiltgen stated the costs to develop these 10 or 12 properties (depending on the size of the lots) were considerable. He stated they would need the co-operation of the city and others to make this development a reality. TIF funds would be one of the options under consideration. A new TIF would have to be developed. Some members agreed that there is a need for building lots as they are in short supply in the City. Many options were discussed and this will be discussed further by a committee that will include the economic development director, Mayor Frana, Council members Huinker and Kleve and the developer. They will come back to the council with a recommendation at a later date. Junior Boyer stated that the pool has been winterized, the cement work completed, new doors installed in the rest room facility. The roof and siding have been replaced and the shelter will be put back in place shortly. The Fire Department report was presented by TJ Schissel. Members had their monthly business meeting and training night and assisted in a 4 wheeler accident, motorcycle accident and responded to a call to assist looking for a lost child. At their training they went to the Joe & Marcia Bullerman farm to get a close look at a variety of grain bins while they were empty to get a new perspective on how a rescue could be accomplished. Lance Peters presented the police report in the absence of Chief Ward. He reported September was busy but things had slowed down recently. Their new body cameras have been purchased and are currently in use. The Street Department report was present- ed. Junior Boyer asked again about the depot windows and what should be done. After discussion it was decided to use insurance monies and replace all the windows. Junior will check to see if Kohlmeyer is a certified installer for the windows that Heying Lumber sells and get back to the council. He also reported that L & R Mfg. should have one of the signs completed so the design can be reviewed by Thursday. He stated that he can paint them in the shop prior to installation. He reported that the timers have been purchased for the school flashers on Hwy 150 and will be installed shortly for the specified hours Monday thru Friday. He stated that a request had also been submitted to the DOT for flashers on Hwy 24, after installation by the DOT they would become the city’s responsibility. A discussion was held regarding the old shop door. This needs to be replaced. The door will be ordered from Heying Lumber and Mr. Curtin will install. An article on the shop renovations will be in the Calmar Courier and an Open House scheduled for October 23, 2014 from 4-7 P.M. at the facility for anyone interested in viewing the improvements. Sidewalks were discussed. The clerk stated that residents were having difficulty finding a contractor to make the needed repairs for them. Junior spoke with the contractor the city uses and he agreed to come in the spring and repair sidewalks for the homeowners at their expense. Letters will be sent to all residents that have to repair or replace sidewalks explaining this option and the new deadline. Junior Boyer presented the water/wastewater report in the absence of Matt Bullerman. All testing was completed and is in compliance. Matt is flushing fire hydrants this week. Mayor Frana had nothing to report. George Tekippe of Fehr Graham reported that they will finish up with the documents to be submitted to the DNR shortly. As of yet they have no cost estimate. He anticipates the earliest we could go out for bids would be January 2015 with completion of the new well the summer of 2015. Due to this time frame Junior questioned if we should have the piping and well pump re-installed into the well under the water tower as a precautionary measure. George Tekippe and council agreed to this plan. Information was presented regarding the sale of a lot at the end of West Main Street. This is a minor division of property and would require nothing on the city’s part as water and sewer is available to the location. Motion by Zweibahmer, second by Kleve to approve the Annual TIF report. Aye: Kleve, Sabelka, Huinker, Zweibahmer and Schissel. Motion carried. Motion by Huinker, second by Schissel to approve the Community Development & Housing Needs Assessment as presented. Aye: Kleve, Schissel, Huinker, Zweibahmer and Sabelka. Motion carried. Motion by Huinker, second by Schissel to set the date for a public hearing regarding the CDBG Housing Application for November 3, 2014 at 7:00 P.M. at the Calmar Fire Station. Aye: Kleve, Schissel, Zweibahmer, Huinker and Sabelka. Motion carried. Presented for the first reading was Ordinance # 369 regarding sidewalk regulations. Motion by Sabelka, second by Schissel to approve the first reading and to waive the second and third readings of Ordinance # 369 and make it effective upon publication. Aye: Sabelka, Schissel, Zweibahmer, Kleve and Huinker. Motion carried. Presented for the first reading was Ordinance # 368 regarding street use and maintenance. Motion by Zweibahmer, second by Huinker to approve the first reading and to waive the second and third readings of Ordinance # 368 and make it effective upon publication. Aye: Kleve, Sabelka, Zweibahmer, Huinker and Schissel. Motion carried. These two ordinances update our code to comply with new state laws that remove the city from liability should someone trip and fall and make the city exempt from any possible lawsuit. A discussion of possible Ordinance # 370 regarding no parking zones was held. No action was taken to adopt this ordinance. Motion by Kleve, second by Schissel to adjourn. Aye: Kleve, Huinker, Sabelka, Schissel and Zweibahmer. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M. ATTEST: Keith Frana, Mayor Michele Elsbernd, City Clerk Published in the Calmar Courier on Tuesday, October 14, 2014. PUBLIC NOTICE City of Calmar PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF CALMAR ORDINANCE NO. 368 ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CALMAR, IOWA, 2002, REGARDING STREET USE AND MAINTENANCE Be it enacted by the City Council of the City of Calmar, Iowa: 1. The Code of Ordinances of the City of Calmar, Iowa, 2002, Section 135.10 is hereby amended as follows: 135.10. PROPERTY OWNER’S RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE. The abutting property owner shall maintain all property outside the lot and property lines and inside the curb lines upon public streets and shall keep such area in a safe condition, free from nuisances, obstructions, and hazards. In the absence of a curb, such property shall extend from the property line to that portion of the public street used or improved for vehicular purposes. The abutting property owner shall not be required to remove diseased trees or dead wood on the publicly owned property or right-of-way. Maintenance includes, but is not limited to, timely mowing, trimming trees and shrubs, and picking up litter and debris. The abutting property owner shall be liable for damages caused by failure to maintain the publicly owned property or right-of-way. 2. REPEALER. All ordinances or part of ordinances, insofar as they are in direct conflict herewith, are hereby repealed. 3. SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. If any section, provision or part of this ordinance shall be adjudged invalid or unconstitutional such adjudication shall not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole or any section, provision or part thereof not adjudged invalid or unconstitutional. 4. WHEN EFFECTIVE. This ordinance shall be in effect from and after its final passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by the City Council of the City of Calmar, Iowa this 6th day of October 2014. Date of First Reading: October 6, 2014 Second Reading: Waived Third Reading: Waived I certify that the foregoing was published as Ordinance No. 368 on the 14th day of October 2014. ATTEST: Keith Frana, Mayor Michele Elsbernd, City Clerk PUBLIC NOTICE Zoning Board WINNESHIEK COUNTY ZONING BOARD PUBLIC NOTICE AUGUST 12, 2014 In Compliance with the State of Iowa gender balance mandates for boards & commissions, the Winneshiek County Board of Supervisors is soliciting female volunteers to serve on either the Planning and Zoning Commission or the Board of Adjustments. Interested parties may contact the County Zoning Administrator at: 201 West Main St. Decorah, IA 52101 or 563-387-4080 Published in the Calmar Courier on Tuesday, October 14, 2014. Published in the Calmar Courier on Tuesday, October 14, 2014. Have an Announcement? Anniversaries • Engagements • Weddings • Newborns • Birthdays • Invitations Submit your information to the Calmar Courier: [email protected] *With a photo: $10
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