Construction Quality Index Construction Conference 2010 1 About the Research FDOT contracts PR608014 and PR1575813 Research organizations 9 Applied Research Associates, Inc. 9 University of Florida Research reports p available online 9 2 What is a Construction Quality Index? CQI is i a rational ti l measure off the th overallll quality lit off a constructed facility 9 Determine the quality of the individual components 9 Link together to obtain a composite index CQI as developed d l d iis not b based d on ffundamental d l material properties directly related to long term pavement performance The subject CQI is, rather, a measure of specification compliance 3 Why do we need a CQI? Increased need for “quality-driven” workmanship There is a need for quantifying quality and implementing appropriate measurement techniques and approaches 4 Research Objectives Develop a practical and effective pavement CQI that is... 9 Implementable without modification to the Department’s current test and measurement system 9 Addresses material, structural, smoothness, and other construction requirements as defined in current specifications 9 Applicable A li bl ffor new and d rehabilitated h bilit t d pavements t 5 Technical Approach Task 1: Literature Review Task 2: Model Formulation Task 3: Model Development Task 4: Model Evaluation Task 5: Documentation 6 Model Formulation Goals 9 Based on FDOT specifications 9 Practical, transparent and easily understood 9 Address quality factors for major types of construction 9F Feature t simple, i l readily-implementable dil i l t bl relationships and logic 9 Modular 7 Acceptance Quality Characteristic Inherent pavement construction characteristic: 9 Thought Th ht to t affect ff t future f t pavementt performance f 9 Under the control of the contractor 9 Measurable at or near the time of construction Model Formulation Layer 1 Layer 2 CQI of individual AQC: ( cqi q )AQC = PWL( AQC ) . . . CQI of individual layer: CQI layer = ∑w AQC ⋅ (cqi )AQC AQC CQI of pavement: Layer n CQI pavement = ∑W layer ⋅ CQI layer layers y 9 Expert Panel Meetings Sheet 1 of 1 FDOT CONSTRUCTION QUALITY INDEX Expert panel of stakeholders developed CQI weighting factors EXPERT PANEL RATING SHEET RIGID PAVEMENT Name: Location: Date: Affliation: Florida Department of Transportation Construction Industry Consultant Academia Other 8 7 Rigid Pavement System Components Which factor has the greater influence on quality? 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Factor Stabilized Subgrade Treated Permeable Base PCC Treated Permeable Base PCC PCC 8 7 Stabilized Subgrade Which factor has the greater influence on quality? 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Factor LBR Thickness Thickness 8 7 Cement Treated Permeable Base Which factor has the greater influence on quality? 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Factor Water-Cement Ratio Cement Factor Cement Factor 8 7 Asphalt Treated Permeable Base Which factor has the greater influence on quality? 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Factor Gradation 8 7 PCC Which factor has the greater influence on quality? 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Factor Compressive Strength Profile Index Slump Thickness Water-Cement Ratio Profile Index Slump Thickness Water-Cement Ratio Slump Thickness Water-Cement Ratio Thickness Water-Cement Ratio Water-Cement Ratio Concerning: 9 Contractors 9 DOT 9 FHWA 9 Academia Factor 9 Embanmkent Embankment Embankment Stabilized Subgrade Stabilized Subgrade Treated Permeable Base Concerning: Factor 9 Density Density LBR Concerning: Factor 9 Gradation Gradation Water-Cement Ratio Concerning: Factor 9 Asphalt Binder Content Concerning: Three meetings Th ti h held ld d during i Summer ’06 Factor 9 Air Content Air Content Air Content Air Content Air Content Compressive Strength Compressive Strength Compressive Strength Compressive Strength Profile Index Profile Index Profile Index Slump Slump Thickness 10 Components of Flexible Pavement System Embankment Subgrade Subg ade Base Course Superpave Friction Course CQI FP = W E ( cqi ) E + W SG ( cqi ) SG + W BC ( cqi ) BC + W SP ( cqi ) SP + W FC ( cqi ) FC 11 Superpave AQCs cqiiSP = wP (#8) PWLP (#8) + wP (# 200 ) PWLP (# 200 ) + wPb PWLPb + wVa PWLVa + wP ( Gmm ) PWLP ( Gmm ) 12 Layer Weights – Flexible CQI ppavement = ∑W layer y ⋅ CQI layer y layers 13 AQC Weights – Friction Course CQI layer = ∑w AQC ⋅ (cqi )AQC AQC FC C5 FC 9.5 9 5 and FC 12 12.5 5 14 AQC Weights – Structural Layer CQI layer = ∑w AQC ⋅ (cqi )AQC AQC 15 AQC Weights – Supporting Layers Subgrade Base Course CQI layer = ∑w AQC ⋅ (cqi )AQC AQC Embankment 16 Components of a Rigid Pavement S t System Embankment Subgrade B Base C Course PCC Slab CQI RP = W E ( cqi ) E + W SG ( cqi ) SG + W BC ( cqi ) BC + W PCC ( cqi ) PCC 17 Layer Weights – Rigid Pavement System CQI ppavement = ∑W layer y ⋅ CQI layer y layers 18 AQC Weights – PCC Slab CQI layer = ∑w AQC ⋅ (cqi )AQC AQC 19 AQC Weights – Permeable Base CQI = ∑ w ⋅ (cqi ) layer AQC AQC AQC ATPB CTPB 20 AQC Weights – Supporting Layers CQI = ∑ w ⋅ (cqi ) layer AQC AQC AQC Subgrade Embankment 21 Model Evaluation Representative real world projects 9 Flexible/rigid 9 Rehabilitation/new Recent 9 Current methods and specifications 9 Data available in LIMS Project j managers g requested q to p provide a level of satisfaction or rating based on specification compliance 22 Model Evaluation for Flexible P Pavements t 37 projects identified with sufficient data 9 20 ‘good’ and 17 ‘poor’ 9 8 new construction projects gp projects j 9 29 resurfacing 23 CQI Rating for Flexible Projects Good Projects Poor Projects 1.00 CQI (As sphalt Layers only) 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 Project 24 CQI Rating for Flexible Projects A CQI of approximately 0.80 appears to discriminate between good and poor flexible projects Average CQI for ride number 9 Good: 0.94 9 Poor: 0.51 Average CQI for density 9 Good - Friction course: 0.88 - Structural layer: 0.85 9 Poor - Friction course: 0 0.58 58 - Structural layer: 0.64 25 Model Evaluation for Rigid Pavements 14 projects provided 9 Only 7 projects had sufficient data for statistical analysis 9 All 7 projects rated as good by district engineers 9 Because of lack of a larger representative sample, a definitive de e comprehensive co p e e s e assess assessment e was as not o appropriate 26 Model Evaluation for Rigid Pavements 1.00 0 90 0.90 0.80 PCC CQI 0.70 0.60 0.50 No poor projects evaluated 0.40 0.30 0.20 0 10 0.10 0.00 1 3 5 7 Project 27 CQI Calculator 28 CQI Calculator 29 Pavement Performance CQI is not based on fundamental properties inherent to pavement p p performance CQI is a measure of specification compliance 30 Contractor CQI 1.00 10 3 0.90 8 Asphallt CQI 0.80 1 2 1 1 0.70 0.60 2 6 1 6 4 1 2 Noncom mpliance Rate, % 8 3 3 0.50 0 Contractor Density Failure Rate Air Void Failure Rate Historical noncompliance rates from 2005 to 2007 Avg CQI CQI max/min 31 Summary and Conclusions CQI threshold of 0.80 appears to discriminate between good and p g poor flexible rehabilitation p projects j Rigid projects were limited and did not consider whole construction spectrum p 9 All good projects had a CQI > 0.80 9 Need eed to oe expand pa d e evaluation a ua o to o include c ude a larger a ge poo pool projects What’s next? 9 Continue to evaluate CQI 9 Develop implementation plan 32 Q 33
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