PASTORAL TEAM AND SERVICES Website: E-mail: see website for list of email addresses St DOMINIC’S PARISH CHURCH – Mass Times 816 Riversdale Road, Camberwell 3124 12 noon and 6 pm Monday to Friday: Saturday: 9 am and 6 pm (Vigil) Sunday: 8 am, 9.30 am, 11 am and 6 pm Public Holidays: 9 am only RECONCILIATION Wednesday-Friday: 11.30 am -11.55 am Saturday: 4.00 pm - 5.00 pm NAZARETH HOUSE – Mass Times 16 Cornell Street, Camberwell 3124 Monday to Friday: 6.45 am Saturday & Public Holidays: 7.00 am Sunday: 10.00 am Amy Lau 9912 6870 ext 3 Mon-Thurs : 9am -12pm; 1pm – 4pm Friday : 9am – 1pm Public Holidays & Weekends: Closed 9912 6880 PRIORY Fr. Paul Rankin OP 9912 6870 ext 4 PARISH PRIEST 9912 6870 ext 5 PASTORAL ASSOCIATE Jacinta Bibby Adrian Wayland 9912 6870 ext 6 BUSINESS MGR Mon, Tues & Thurs 0431 599 795 YOUTH COORDINATOR Catherine Dent 9836 8300 ACTING SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Lisa Taylor PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL [email protected] PARISH OFFICE OFFICE HOURS New Parishioners are invited to complete the Membership Form available at all Church entrances. Completed form can be returned to the Parish Office or dropped into the Parish letterbox, which is situated in front of the church. MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST: 25th / 26th Oct Sat 06:00pm J Dowling T Wilson Sun 08:00am Y Cluning R Walter 09:30am T Stark M Egan J Arundell T McGlade D Taveira 11:00am C Thomson 06:00pm M Holm J Conway Mews 22nd Oct A Deakin READERS Sat 06:00pm Sun 08:00am 09:30am 11:00am 06.00pm C: S McGee C: C: Parish C: D Fitzgerald C: T McAleenan R: R: R: R: R: 25th / 26th Oct S Tobin A Deakin Family B Lynch D Barwood SANCTUARY CARERS FOR Weeks 3 & 4: G Maher Altar Washing Flowers & Candles Week 3 & 4: J Forsyth INTECERCESSORY PRAYERS Denis Fitzgerald COLLECTION COUNTERS Tom O’Hanlon and Aileen Crothers COLLECTION COUNTERS Frank Sharpe and Helen Dowsing Oct 2014 26th October This week Next week WELCOMERS 26th Oct 09:30am Wheeler and Di Stefano Family 11:00am Chantal Thomson and Geraldine Fennessy COLLECTION STATISTICS- Monthly Average Month Sep Thanksgiving $5,054.18 Dominican Priests $681.85 “The Dominican” is online KAIROS Loose $1,542.05 $2 PARISH CALENDAR: 19th – 26th October 2014 Sun 19th 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 06:00pm Youth Mass Mon 20th 08:00pm Charismatic Prayer Group Tue 21st 09:45am Exercise Class: Chair-based 6:30pm Siena Chapel Holy Hour 07:30pm PPC Meeting Wed 22nd 06:30pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 07:00pm Benediction Thu 23rd 09:30am Exercise Class: Active adults Fri 24th 11:00am Craft Group 11:00am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 08:00pm Rosary and Night Prayer Sun 26th 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time WE PRAY FOR THOSE RECENTLY DECEASED: and for those whose ANNIVERSARIES occur at this time: Adrian Ryan, Joan Chin, James and Elizabeth Furey, Phillip Bongiorno and the sick of our Parish: Monica Mahoney, Graz van Egmund, Christine Wright, Alina Kobylanski, Illena Wilson, Roma Jansen, Noel Robinson, Winifred Adam, Barbara Dunstan, Margaret Collis, Brad Herbert, Danielle Richardson, Fiona Robinson, Sarah Cumming, Eileen Walker, Yvette van den Driesen, Patricia McInnes, Kathleen Conlan, Kathleen Knight, Martin Blake, Grace Dunn, Brian Pound, Zita O’Kane and those visited by St. Vincent de Paul Society this week. MASS INTENTIONS Sun 19th Oct 08:00am Joan Chin 09:30am For the people of the Parish 11:00am James & Elizabeth Furey Mon 20th Oct 06:00pm Dominican Vocations Fri 24th Oct 12:00pm Phillip Bongiorno 06:00pm Deceased Dominicans The Library of the Dominican Centre of Studies Tues & Thurs: 9.30am – 5.00pm Sat: 9.30am – 12.30pm Enquiries: Librarian 9836 2632 Deadline for Bulletin: 2:00pm Thursday PARISH LIFE Our PERPETUAL REMEMBRANCE BOOK for the month of October is located in the St Joseph’s Chapel to remind us to pray for those mentioned. RE CLASSES DATES (TERM 4) Oct Nov Dec 19, 26 9, 16, 23 7 CHILDREN’S LITURGY DATES (TERM 4) Oct Nov Dec 19, 26 9, 16, 23 14 A VOCATION VIEW: We do not choose a vocation completely on our own. We must prayerfully reflect on how we can best give to God what is God’s, and then live as though everything depends on God. ZIMELE WALKATHON 2014: Please join us on th Sunday 26 October at Yarra Bend Park Fairfield to raise awareness and funds to support the work of the Zimele Foundation, a Christian Brothers Charity. Bookings, donations, sponsorships are online at Or visit WALKING GROUP Next walk will be on Monday 20th October along the Maribyrnong River. Meet at Camberwell station at 9.30am. BYO lunch. Enquiries Rosalie 9090 7117. SENIORS OUTING: Departing at 9.00am, we will be heading to Mornington Market and Cranbourne Gardens. We will be enjoying morning tea at Mothers Beach, Mornington and later to the Mornington markets. 2-course lunch will be provided at Steeples Bistro, Mornington Racecourse. After lunch, we will visit The Royal Botanic Gardens Cranbourne. Nature-lovers will have the chance to explore natural gardens, birds and animal life, including several th rare and endangered species. DATE: 26 November. COST: $60.00 per person. CALL: Parish Office at 9912 6870 ext 3. 2015 COLUMBAN CALENDARS is on sale now. Please pick up a copy from the Parish Office for $9 each. TOMATOES FOR TIMOR: The Hawthorn Catholic parish gardeners propagate and sell tomato plants each year to support a mobile medical clinic and nutrition program at Railaco, an hour north of Dili, in East Timor. Established tomatoes this year will be available from mid October, an excellent time for planting. Varieties include old favourites Rouge de Marmande, Grosse Lisse, and Roma plus Black Russian, Money Maker, and cherries (Sweet 100, Tommy Toe and Honeybee). All sell for $3 each. Plants will be delivered on request. Orders: may be placed now by calling Kevin on 98193766 or email [email protected] ECUMENICAL RECEPTION AND LECTURE: Date: Wednesday 22 October 2014 Venue: Catholic Leadership Centre, Corner of Hoddle and Victoria Streets, East Melbourne Topic: “Fifty Years of Dialogue: An overview of major advances in interchurch relations since Vatican II and the challenge of reception” Special guest: Prof Catherine E. Clifford, PhD STL. RSVP and more information: David Schütz E: [email protected] M: 0400 978 938 CUPPA AFTER 11AM: Join us for a cuppa, th home-baking and a chat this week, 19 October in the Parish Centre. Please bring a gold coin donation. SVDP CHRISTMAS CARDS: Please support the Vinnies and keep Christ in Christmas cards by purchasing SVDP Christmas Cards at $5.00 per packet of 8 cards. The cards will be available for purchase in the th Parish Office from 20 October. They will also be sold nd after Sunday mass from 22 November. CRAFT GROUP will meet on Friday 24th quiet Exam Prayer Evening on 26th October 2014 at 7.00pm. Parents, grandparents, teachers and friends are welcome to pray for one another. → Interested in being involved in your local parish as a young leader? Looking to improve your skills? Join the YIA.Leaders. For more details, contact Catherine, Youth Coordinator on [email protected] BREAD MAKING MACHINE WANTED: If anyone has a bread machine that has been lying neglected in a cupboard for the last five or ten year, Fr Joseph is prepared to take it with him to PNG and give it a good home. Contact him at [email protected] or on 9912 6870 Ext 208 CATHOLIC THEOLOGICAL COLLEGE: Open Day. Wednesday 5 November. Study options, Building tour, Refreshments. Two programs: 4.00pm– 6.00pm or 6.00pm–8.00pm. Bookings essential. RSVP to Jenny Delahunt by Friday 31 October 2014. Phone: 9412 3314 Email: [email protected]. 278 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne VIC 3002 FAITH SEEKING UNDERSTANDING: monthly talk and discussion nights. Wednesday 5 November, 7pm St Dominic's Parish Centre. Dr Joel Hodge, theology lecturer at ACU joins us this month to speak on: "What Does Forgiveness Really Mean for the Follower of Christ?" What does forgiveness actually entail in our lives? Does Christ commission us to forgive all the time, even at the expense of justice or self-preservation? Is forgiveness possible in the worst circumstances, such as violence? A casual dinner is provided, please bring a gold coin donation. All are welcome! Contact: Fiona 0402 474 074 [email protected] YARRA THEOLOGICAL UNION (YTU) OPEN DAY: Sunday 19 October, 2pm–5pm. 98 Albion Road, Box Hill. Information can be obtained regarding all available undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Contact: 9890 3771 or [email protected]. More info: Special T@P Election Event: A Bipartisan Take on why your voice counts…: Come to a special pre- October at 10.00am in the Parish Centre. Bring in your project and join us for a cuppa and a chat. PERPETUAL CANDLE FOR OUR STUDENTS: A perpetual candle has been provided by the St. Dominic’s community to remember those students sitting for exams or with assessments at this time. If you would like special prayers offered for a student, please write their name in the book next to the candle. Our prayers are with all of our students. 11AM CHOIR MOTET text: I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never be hungry; and he who believes in me, will never thirst. Hymns for 11am Mass: E: 721 Ps: 433 O: 722 YIA: YOUTH MINISTRY: Come along to our next youth Mass, this Sunday, 19th October 2014 at 6:00pm. Our YIA.Music.Team is very excited to sing our new contemporary hymns and to listen to Fr Chinh’s sermon! → For all those preparing for assessment or sitting for exams, come and join us for a R: 788 election edition of T@P to hear Liberal Party Government MLA Michael Gidley and ALP Opposition Chief Whip Marlene Kairouz discuss their journey into politics and why your voice counts. These two MPs will inform us all on the critical importance of good people taking a strong interest in politics and discuss matters of importance to Catholics. Where: Pumphouse Hotel, 128 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy. When: 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm on Monday, October 27. Info: Neil on 0409 171 459 or Collin 0438 643 070. Audience: 18 to 35 years old; Priest, Deacons and Religious of all ages welcome SCHOOL NEWS: • SCHOOL MASS (All Saints Day) will be th on Thursday, 30 October at 10.00am
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