THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2014 TODAY: VIETNAM MEMORIAL MOVING WALL arrives at the Madera County Courthouse Park, escorted by the Madera American Legion Riders. This Moving Wall is the half-size replica of the one in Washington, DC. Open to public 24 hours daily following set up today un(l dismantled on Monday, Oct 20. Parking available at Courthouse Park or County Parking Garage on G Street. 4th ANNUAL FOSSIL DAY, this Saturday, OCT 18, from 9AM-4PM, Fossil Discovery Center,19450 Ave 21 ½. Museum tours, ATLATL throwing, Animals from Fresno Chaffee Zoo (11AM-1PM) FREE mock dig, real fossil screen-washing, FREE cross rocks. 665-7107 CHOWCHILLA CLEAN-UP DROP-OFF EVENT, this Saturday, Oct 18 for residents living in Greenhills & those SOUTH of Robertson Blvd. Details inside. MONDAY, OCT 20—LAST DAY TO REGISTER TO VOTE BEFORE NOV. 4th ELECTION!!!!!!!! FLU SHOT CLINIC/DRIVE THRU CLINIC will be held next Tuesday, Oct 21 from noon – 3PM, at SaveMart, 1225 E Robertson. $5/vaccine. ( SOROPTIMIST SALAD BAR LUNCHEON, Wednesday, Oct 22 from 11AM – 1PM, O’Laughlin Hall. $8 eat in or take out available. Info: Nancy SiFon (559)4747249. CHOWCHILLA POLICE DEPT – Report for Oct 6—Oct 13, 2014—59 Records Roofing (les torn of Stephens School. Irene Bus(llos reported her daughter Bricenda Garcia ran away from home. City employee found a dog at intersec(on of 5th & Kings Ave. Report taken. Traffic stop completed and driver was found to be unlicensed. Subject arrested, cited/vehicle towed for driving with a none issued license. Report taken. Traffic stop conducted. Driver found to be driving on expired drivers license. Report of an out of control juvenile at 704 Humboldt. Complaint filed. Brown male pitbull transported to animal shelter. Chowchilla Elementary School District Transporta(on Department vandalized. Scrap metal stolen. Subject at 820 W Robertson Blvd reported someone broke lock off of shed. Report taken. Traffic stop conducted. Drivedr found to be unlicensed. Subject at 521 Humboldt arrested, cited, released for being under the influence. Report taken. Anonymous person reported a mom was not taking care of kids; possibly puMng them in danger. Counselled juveniles. Steven Pelayo was cited/released on a misdemeanor warrant out of Merced County. Report taken. Two juveniles were leN home alone for over an hour. Report taken. Traffic stop for obstructed license plate resulted in arrest of driver Ismael Hureta and passenger Victor Ruiz. Both subjects cited and released. Joel Sebas(an Lares was cited and released for three misdemeanor warrants. Repor(ng party reported burglary at 341 Molly Avenue. Report taken. Edward Meyer reported his wife, Chante Meyer, was missing. Report taken. Mariah Haley arrested. Report taken. James Verner reported his keys were stolen and his truck was damaged. David Gowin of 520 Cherry Court requested a theN report of a bicycle. Maria Tapia reported her son missing. Son found at a friends house; returned home to his mother. Joseph Lee Taylor cited, released on a misdemeanor warrant out of Merced County. Report taken. A child abuse case was inves(gated and turned over to Madera County Sheriffs Office. A female juvenile was in possession of marijuana on high school grounds. Vic(m reported her boyfriend hit her in the face. Report taken. A male juvenile was arrested at high school and later turned over to his mother for resis(ng and delaying officers in the course of their duty. Gabriela Robles Zavala reported her purse being stolen out of her truck. Jed Barnes of 612 Grant Drive arrested for possession of controlled substance. Burglary at 500 S. 4th Street. Traffic stop for no right brake light. Subject found to be without drivers license. Inves(ga(on of report of sexual baFery. Melina Shalysse Benninghoff Dixon arrested for driving under influence of alcohol. Incident report for damage to unit #52 at 24719 W Robertson Blvd. Vic(m reported unknown suspect broke windows at his home at 1200 Kings Avenue. Barbara Plummer arrested, cited, released for driving on suspended license. A male subject arrested for obstruc(ng an inves(ga(on and for a City Code viola(on. During verbal dispute, Frank Leyva threw a boFle of Gatorade at the vic(m and struck her on her food and contents landed on her. Subject reported his bike stolen from his front yard at 1200 Kings Avenue. Subject reported his son stabbed him with a fork. Report taken. Subject at 220 E Robertson Blvd arrested and booked for being drunk in public. Report taken. Subject accidentally poked himself with a dirty syringe. Report taken. Cynthia Kemp reported she lost her Nokia Lumia Windows 8 cell phone. An unknown suspect at 900 block of Ventura Avenue fired 6 rounds into the sky recklessly in a residen(al neighborhood. Ismael Huerta arrested, cited, released for driving without a valid license. Report taken regarding an elderly female with medical issues who lives alone and may possibly be vic(m of elderly abuse. Inves(ga(on is on-going. Valley Children’s Hospital reported a child abuse incident. Michael Troy Heffington arrested, cited, released for driving without a drivers license. Traffic stop conducted and driver found to be driving on suspended drivers license. Four animal control incidents. HALLOWEEN EVENTS -SAT, OCT 25 TRUNK OR TREAT, 5PM-7PM, for kids ages 2-12 years old. Chowchilla Fairgrounds. Info: 5K ZOMBIE RUN, 7:30PM, Get the run of your life! Benefits 2015 Sober Grad. Cost $30/runner. Register hFps:// Chowchilla/SoberGrad2015ZombieRun Once registered, pick up packet Friday, Oct 24 at Small Wonders Day Care, 915 Kings Ave. FRC SPOOKTACULAR! To be held on Thursday, October 30, from 9AM-11AM, at the Family Resource Center. Enjoy games, ac(vi(es music, Halloween contests, peMng zoo, & raffles. For more info or to register, visit or call, Family Resource Center, 405 Trinity. (559)201-5000 The driver stopped at the light. The tailga(ng woman behind him was furious, honked her horn, screaming, as she missed her chance to get through the intersec(on. As she rant, she looked up into the face of a very serious police officer. The cop took her to the police sta(on where she was arrested, and placed in jail. Later, the arres(ng cop opened the cell and said, ''Sorry for the mistake. I pulled up behind your car while you were flipping off the guy in front of you and cussing a blue streak. I no(ced the bumper s(ckers that said 'What Would Jesus Do?' and 'Follow Me To Sunday-School', so naturally...I assumed you had stolen the car.'' Do you know how to make a blonde's eyes light up? Shine a flashlight in her ear. FREE BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKS 2nd WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH RELAY FOR LIFE CAPTAIN KICK-OFF Cancer affects us all —Survivors, care givers and families. That's why we are asking everyone to join us in our 13th Annual Relay for Life event of Chowchilla. Our Team Captain Kick Off is Tuesday October 21 at 5:30 pm at the Chowchilla Library, 301 Kings. Come enjoy some refreshments, mingle, make new friends and reacquaint with old friends, as we all join together in the fight against cancer. For more info, call Linda Leonard (559) 474-0553 FUN HORSE SHOW & GYMKHANA Saturday, Oct 25 Woodell Ranch 23841 Avenue 26 Chowchilla SPECIAL ALL DAY EVENT!!! 4-H and FFA Classes included! Only $25 for En(re Day! All Ages—All Breeds My wife and I got into a conversa(on about life and death, and the need for living wills. During the course of the conversa(on I told her that I never wanted to exist in a vegeta(ve state, dependent on some machine and taking fluids from a boFle. She got up, unplugged the TV and threw out all my beer. Some(mes it's tough being married to a KNOW—IT-ALL. Everything I Need to Know, I learned from Noah’s Ark… Don’t miss the boat. Remember that we are all in the same boat! Plan ahead. It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark. Stay fit. When you’re 60 years old, someone may ask you to do something really big. Don’t listen to cri(cs; just get on with the job that needs to be done. Build your future on high ground. For safety’s sake, travel in pairs. Speed isn’t always an advantage. The snails and turtles were on board with the cheetahs. When you’re stressed, float awhile. Remember the Ark was built by amateurs; the Titanic by professionals. No maFer the storm, when you are with God, there’s always a rainbow wai(ng. A woman accompanied her husband to the doctor for his annual physical. While her husband dressed, the doctor went out to the wai(ng room to chat with her. “I don’t like the way your husband looks,” he said soNly. “Neither do I,” she replied. “But he’s handy to have around the house.” Why did the blond right “TGIF” on her shoes. To remind her toes go in first. CHOWCHILLA CLEAN-UP DROP-OFF EVENT—OCT 18 & OCT 25 Chowchilla Residents Only - MUST SHOW PROOF OF RESIDENCY. DROP OFF ONLY! NO CURBSIDE ITEMS PICKED UP! LOCATIONS OPEN 7AM - 3PM If you live SOUTH OF ROBERTSON BLVD: SATURDAY, OCT 18 DROP OFF LOCATIONS: South Front St. at Colusa Ave & South 11th St at Mariposa Ave If you live NORTH OF ROBERTSON BLVD; SATURDAY, OCT 25 DROP OFF LOCATIONS: Santa Cruz Blvd north of Howell Rd & N. 1st St at Lake Ave If you live in GREENHILLS: SATURDAY, OCT 18 DROP OFF LOCATIONS: Golf Dr W & Emerald (Rec Ctr); Golf Dr W & Pheasant Run Blvd (Park) Granite Falls Wy & Golden Sands Wy ACCEPTED ITEMS & GREENWASTE: Prunings cut to 4’ lengths • Lumber cut into 4’ lengths • Tree trunks cut into 12” lengths • Tree stumps/Rootballs 12” diameter or less • Clean wood (NO oil, paint, nails or metal hardware) • Put leaves & lawn clippings into greenwaste cart for regular weekly pick up. METAL: Refrigerators (secure or remove doors) • Lawn furniture • Pipe • Appliances • Stoves • Water heaters • Clean auto parts • Lawn mowers • Miscellaneous scrap metal ELECTRONICS & MISCELLANEOUS: Computers • Televisions • Phones Other E-WASTE elec-tronics • MaFresses • Furniture • Carpe(ng and padding (rolled and (ed) • Bagged and boxed trash/debris • Only open, dry and empty paint cans ITEMS NOT ACCEPTED: Dirt • Sod • Motor oil • Cement • Concrete • Asphalt • Bricks • Rocks • Chemicals • Paint • Solvents • Herbicides • Pes(cides • Fluorescent lights • Car BaFeries • Home Bat-teries • Tires • Construc(on debris of any kind • Roofing material. A blond tells about her first (me on a horse. "I got on this preFy liFle horse and it just took off galloping. I tried to hang on but, the saddle was slippery and I started to fall off. I was yelling for help and hanging on for dear life. I really thought I was going to die!" Then a man at Walmart came up, unplugged it from the wall and it stopped. “ A bruneFe goes to the doctor and says her body hurts wherever she touches it. "Impossible," says the doctor, "Show me." She takes her finger and pushes her elbow and screams in agony. She pushes her knee and screams, pushes her ankle and screams and so on. The doctor says, "You're not really a bruneFe are you?" She says, "No, I'm really a blonde." "I thought so," he says. "Your finger is broken." An overweight blonde consulted her doctor for advice. The doctor told her to run 10 miles a day for 30 days. This, he promised, would help her lose 20 pounds. The blonde followed the advice, and, aNer 30 days, she was pleased she had lost the 20 pounds. She phoned the doctor and thanked him. At the end of the conversa(on, however, she asked: "How do I get home, since I am now 300 miles away?" There’s a new bra for middle-aged women. It’s called the “Sheep Dog” as it rounds them up and points them in the right direc(on. Remember: that silence is some(mes the best answer. Morris Schwartz is dying and on his deathbed. He is with his nurse, his wife, daughter and 2 sons, and knows the end is near. So he says to them: "Bernie, I want you to take the Beverly Hills houses." "Sybil, take the apartments over in Los Angeles Plaza." "Hymie, I want you to take the offices over in City Center." "Sarah, my dear wife, please take all the residen(al buildings downtown" The nurse is just blown away by all this, and as Morris slips away, she says to the wife, "Mrs. Schwartz, your husband must have been such a hard working man to have accumulated so much property." Sarah replies, "Property shmoperty...the schmuck had a newspaper route." CORRECTION: WIDOWS & WIDOWERS LUNCHEON, will be held Friday, Oct 31, at Noon, Masonic Hall, 224 Ventura Blvd. Luncheon $10. RSVP Nina 665-2623 or Bonnie 6654002 or (559)395-2423 if you wish to aFend. Reserva(ons required! ALL widows and widowers invited! The mee(ng is always held on the LAST Friday of every month. This will be the last mee(ng of 2014. No mee(ngs in Nov. & Dec. Also, luncheon proceeds benefit the American Legion Post 148. CUHS DRAMA PERFORMANCES—OCT 16, 17, & 18: CUHS Drama Presents "The Curious Savage. Performances October 16, 17 or 18 @ 7pm at the CUHS Multi-Purpose Room. Adults $6 Students $2.50. The CHATTER is printed every Thursday, courtesy of Central California Public Service Broadcasters and our adver(sers. Office: 46174 Skyline Ridge Road, Coarsegold, CA 93614 (559)665-9470 E-mail: [email protected] THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16: VIETNAM MEMORIAL MOVING WALL, Madera County Courthouse Park. Open 24 hours daily following set up today un(l dismantled on Monday, Oct 20. CUHS DRAMA Presents "The Curious Savage" Performance, 7pm, CUHS Mul(-Purpose Room. Adults $6 Students $2.50. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17: 4th ANNUAL “UNDER THE BARN” WINTER GYMKHANA SERIES, Fairgrounds. CUHS DRAMA Presents "The Curious Savage" Performance, 7pm, CUHS Mul(-Purpose Room. Adults $6 Students $2.50. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18: 4th ANNUAL FOSSIL DAY, 9AM-4PM, Fossil Discovery Center, 19450 Ave. 21 ½. Call (559)665-7107 for info. CUHS DRAMA Presents "The Curious Savage" Performance, 7pm, CUHS Mul(-Purpose Room. Adults $6 Students $2.50. OKTOBERFEST- GERMAN-STYLE DINNER & MUSIC FEST, 6PM, Eastman Hall. Chowchilla Fairgrounds. German Beer, brats & wine. Music & dancing $25/person. Call Chowchilla District Chamber 665-5603 for (ckets & info. CALIFORNIA FLAT TRACK ASSOCIATION’S “King of the Valley” Championship Series. 5pm, Fairgrounds. CHOWCHILLA CLEAN-UP DROP-OFF EVENT, MUST SHOW PROOF OF RESIDENCY. DROP OFF ONLY! DROP OFF LOCATIONS OPEN 7AM - 3PM. If you live SOUTH OF ROBERTSON BLVD: DROP OFF South Front St. at Colusa Ave & South 11th St at Mariposa Ave. If you live in GREENHILLS: DROP OFF LOCATIONS: Golf Dr W & Emerald (Rec Ctr); Golf Dr W & Pheasant Run Blvd (Park) Granite Falls Wy & Golden Sands Wy (If you live NORTH OF ROBERTSON BLVD; Your Drop-Off Event is next Saturday, Oct 25!) TUESDAY, OCT 21: FLU SHOT CLINIC/DRIVE THRU CLINIC, noon – 3PM, SaveMart, 1225 E Robertson. Cost $5/vaccine. (No one will be refused service if unable to pay.) Sponsored by Madera County Public Health. Info: (559)675-7893. WEDNESDAY, OCT 22: SOROPTIMIST SALAD BAR LUNCHEON, 11AM – 1PM, O’Laughlin Hall. $8 eat in or take out available. Info: Nancy SiFon (559)474-7249.
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