The Journal of Radiology. Photon 125 (2014) 133-141. Original Research Article. ISJN: 5743-8483: Impact Index: 4.89 Ph ton The Journal of Radiology Study in fMRI of the stimulation of the auricular areas of the knee as the French –German and Chinese localizations David Alimia*, Alfred Geissmannb, Denis Gardeurc , Frank Bahrd a Institute Gustave Roussy, Dpt of Auriculotherapy, Villejuif, 94800 France Centralbahnstrasse 4 CH-4051 Basel, Switzerland c Centre RMX 80, avenue Félix Faure 75015 Paris, France d Oselstrasse. 25 A 81245 München Deutchland, Germany b David Alimi*, Alfred Geissmann, Denis Gardeur, Frank Bahr receive Photon Young Scientist Award-2014 in Radiology by Photon Foundation. Article history: Received: 15 August, 2014 Accepted: 21August, 2014 Available online: 15 October, 2014 Keywords: French-German Knee auricular area, Chinese knee auricular area, Auriculotherapy, fM.R.I, Cartography accuracy. Gardeur D. MD Bahr F. MD Abstract French-German auricular area is greater than that related to the Chinese auricular area, which is less specific (more anterior and superior, sylvien and frontal activation or more occipital) Corresponding Author: Alimi D.* MD Email: [email protected] Citation: Alimi D., Geissmann A., Gardeur D., Bahr F., 2014. Study in fMRI of the stimulation of the auricular areas of the knee as the French –German and Chinese localizations. The Journal of Radiology. Photon 125, 133-141. Geissmann A. MD All Rights Reserved with Photon. Photon Ignitor: ISJN57438483D741415102014 1. Introduction All the power of Auricular therapy is based on 3 fundamental axioms: the accuracy of the diagnosis, the correctness of the corresponding neurophysiological reasoning and the accuracy of the locations of points. 1.1 Actual maps Currently, 3 maps are routinely used: 1 in China (Figure 1), 2 in Europe: a FrancoGerman, established in 1974 by Paul NOGIER and Frank BAHR and drawn by René BOURDIOL (Figure 2), a more recent and established by the school scientific French University led by David ALIMI and validated by the World Federation of Chineses Medicine Societies (Figure 3) (Alimi, 2011). Overall they overlap all by displaying some shades or processing differences. localization and Franco-German localization of Paul NOGIER and Frank BAHR (the location of the knee of the scientific University French School being in agreement with the latter). 1.3 Choice of tool It seemed interesting, at the suggestion of Pr. Frank BAHR, to approach scientific highlighted by a study in functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fM.R.I). fM.R.I today remains the preferred technique to capture almost extemporaneously the cerebral lighting caused by auricular stimulation. Its spatial (up to 1 mm) and temporal resolution (1.5 sec), its safety, and the absence of invasive effect allowing to certify the neurophysiological action of Auricular therapy. 1.2 Aim of the study We have, in this study, particularly interested in the area of the knee which localization is somewhat different between the Chinese Ph ton 133 2. Literature review Only three former studies have focused on the demonstration of the correspondences of auricular zones and their somatotopic cerebral locations. 2.1 First study The first (Alimi et al., 2007), demonstrate neurophysiological connection between thumb auricular acupoint and somatotopic cerebral location. 2.2 Second study The second study (Liboni et al., 2007) reproduces exactly the first and has been done by the group of Liboni in Turin, Italy and find the same results. 2.3 Third study And the last one (Romoli et al., 2014) focusing on two auricular zones (thumb auricular acupoint and brain stem auricular acupoint), demonstrate again exact correlations between the ear acupoints and their corresponding cerebral locations. 3. Justification of research One of the difficulties of Auricular therapy is to have the broadest consensus on the exact location of the points. . There is currently a discussion between Europeans, Americans and Chinese, particularly regarding the location of the area of the knee. This is very important, both for the community of the auriculotherapists, as for the effectiveness and appropriateness of treatments. On the other hand it is essential for research, education and publications, that baseline data are consistent and international. It is the credibility of this discipline, both physicians and patients. This research fits into this perspective and was made in the logical continuation of those we conducted previously. 4. Objective of research We want to make, using scientific arguments, using the tools of modern neuroimaging, necessary details concerning the exact location of the area of the knee to the ear. The choice of fMRI we was dictated by the patient safety and quality of the results obtained by this technique: absence of irradiation, resolution space 1 to 3 mm, resolution time 1 to 2 seconds, thereby realizing the best compromise between spatial resolution, temporal resolution, sensitivity, dangerousness, the repeatability and Ph ton statistical significance. The main objective of this research is to attempt to scientifically clarify the area of the knee to the ear. 5. Need For the sensitivity and the significance of the results, a sufficient number of patients was necessary. The sensitivity of the fMRI machine should be sufficient for a good capture of records and for their quality. It also took us study in the smallest unit of time and place, with the same stakeholders for good homogeneity of the results. C’est ainsi que nous avons pu recruter 10 patients, et bénéficier d’une machine 6. Materials and Methods 6.1 Work plan For each subject,the order of the records has been randomized and is as follows: record sequence brain at rest, cutaneous stimulation of knee record sequence, sequence of recording during stimulation of the ear point of the knee, according to the Chinese localization then according to the French localization, with mechanical needle or cryonics needles. All records were held for 5 minutes, alternating 30 seconds of stimulation, 30 seconds rest and 10 minutes of relaxation. 6.2 Subjects 9 right-handed and one left-handed, healthy volunteers, 5 men and 5 women, aged 26-72 years, took part in this research. Written informed consent according to the Vaud Ethics Committee approval for MR pilot studies was obtained following a description of the conditions and the purpose of the study. 6.3 records The records were made on 28 and 29 of June 2013 at the Institute of Radiology of Dr. Alfred GEISSMANN in Basel, Switzerland, on a 3-T MRI Hdxt machine of G.E.M.S (General Electric Medical System), started in 2006 and equipped for E.P.I (Echo Planar Imaging). This instrument was equipped with accurate time and space resolutions (about 1mm and 1 second).The fM.R.I objective was the increase of local blood pressure and consumption of oxygen (B.O.L.D effect : Blood Oxygen Level Dependent), which reflects hyper oxygenation hyperemic related to neuronal activities without any radioisotope injection. To perform the stimulations of the study areas, we used two types of tools: either mechanical needles (non-magnetic) single use, heart of copper and copper coating type ESIN 134 (0.4 mm in diameter, 25 mm in length) pricked in areas of study, either a Cryospray of a special liquid nitrogen injected into these same areas, through a system that we have developed (C.A.T), used by the French academic school as a new auricular stimulation tool, and achieving the same stimulation. 6.4 Stimulated points. In the International Auriculotherapy Nomenclature, the tested areas were for the Chinese zone, with coordinates: D 5, and for the French-German zone with coordinates: E 4. (Figure 4) Figure 1: Ph ton 135 Figure 2: Figure 3: Ph ton 136 Figure 4: Figure 5: Records of the cutaneous stimuli of the knee Ph ton 137 Figure 6: Records of French-German and Chinese auricular knee zones stimulations (1) Figure 7: Records of French-German and Chinese auricular knee zone stimulations (2) Ph ton 138 7. Results 7.1 Validate results All of the 10 records took place in good conditions, without incident of any kind. Countless images collected during this study, submitted to Dr. Denis GARDEUR, who has made the statistical counting and anatomicfunctional analysis. The results obtained have led us a remove the records of 4 subjects which lacked certain elements of functional imaging, which did not rigorous analysis: for KF, lacked the functional imaging of the activation of the auricular area of Chinese knee. for HM and GA, lacked the functional imaging of activations of the auricular areas of FrenchGerman and Chinese knee. And KJ lacked the functional imaging of the skin stimulation of the knee. Finally, we find, 8 good records for analyzing the results of functional imaging of the skin stimulation of the knee, and 6 good records for discriminate the stimulation of Chinese and French-German auricular areas of the knee, 3 with mechanical needles and 3 with C.A.T, for correlate them with the corresponding knee stimulations. 7.2 Stimulations of right knee Concerning the 8 functional imaging of the skin stimulation of the right knee: Activation was temporal in all cases: Bitemporal 5 times on 8 Unitemporal 3 times on 8. The predominance was contralateral to 7 times on 8 and unilateral stimulation once on 8. Posterior temporal topography 7 times 8 and anterior temporal topography once on 8. Temporal location T1: 7 times on 8, T2: 6 times out of 8, T3: 1 times on 8 and T4: 1 time on 8. With perisylvians extensions 3 times 8, operculars 2 times 8 and occipitals twice on 8. 7.3 Interpretation All these data are consistent with what we know of the functioning of the brain somatotopic maps: bilateral acquisitions with predominance of the opposite side to the stimulation, variability statistical of the display areas, genetically determined, and finally functional connectivity varies depending on the history of the experiences of each subject, the nature of his mental imagery during stimulation, of the complexity of the associative fibers and the angle of flexion of the knee during stimulation; that explains the extensions. Ph ton 7.4 Stimulations of right ear areas of knee Regarding 6 functional imageries of the stimulations of the right ear areas of knee (Figure 5) : It has not been found differences between the stimulations carried out by mechanical needles and those carried out by the cryonics needles. 7.5 Stimulations of right auricular French-German area of knee. (Figure 6, Figure 7). The cerebral lighting is made in all cases in the temporal region: 5 times on 6 bitemporal, 1 time of 6 for unitemporal. The predominance was contralateral on left side 5 times on 6, unilateral on right side 1 on 6. Posterior temporal topography 5 times out of 6 and temporal anterior 1 time on 6. Temporal location T1: 4 times on 6, T2: 3 times on 6, T3: 1 time on 6, T4: 1 time on 6. With perisylvians extensions 2 times on 6, frontal 2 times on 6 and occipital twice on 6. With, generally, an area of activation more focal than stimulation dermal of the knee, and with a very focal character twice on 6. 7.6 Stimulations of the right auricular Chinese area of knee (Figure 6, Figure 7). The cerebral lighting is made in all cases in the region temporal but not always predominant: 4 times on 6 bilateral, 2 times out of 6 in unilateral. The predominance has always been left. Posterior temporal topography 3 times on 6 and temporal anterior 3 times on 6. With perisylvians extensions 4 times on 6, occipitals 3 times on 6 and operculars 3 times on 6. With, in General, a zone of activation more larger than French area, less clearly temporal, more anterior topography, most often more in high situation, perisylvian and opercular. 7.7 Correlations analysis. 7.7.1 Correlation of stimulation of the right auricular French-German area of the knee versus skin stimulation of the right knee. Resulting from this stimulation of brain activation, areas are overall pretty focal. Correlations of topographies are considered excellent 4 times on 6 and satisfactory 2 times on 6 (as a result of a still more focal activation of these 2 cases). Hence a very satisfactory specificity. 7.7.2 Correlation of stimulation of the right auricular Chinese area of the knee versus skin stimulation of the right knee. 139 Subsequent to this stimulation of brain activation areas are never excellent in the fact that they are extended and Multifocal. Correlations are satisfactory 3 times on 6, but with extended activation zones, too posterior 2 times and too high operculum 1 time. They are judged mediocre 3 times 6, because they cut that vaguely the area of stimulation of the knee, 2 too high times located and too anterior (sylvien and frontal) and once too posterior. Hence much less specificity in half of the cases. 7.7.3 Correlations French-German auricular area versus Chinese auricular area In 5 out of 6 cases the correlation related to the French-German auricular area is greater than that related to the Chinese auricular area, which is less specific (more anterior and superior, sylvien and frontal activation or more occipital); while covering in all cases, but in a piecemeal way, the zone of the stimulation of the knee. Discussion This study seems to be interesting in several respects: This is the first time that is made such a study of comparative scientific determination of topography of Auricular therapy areas, using the fMRI; one of the best current neuroimaging tools. 2 Areas are reactive but with similarities and differences: the cerebral lighting is temporal in both cases, with a ratio of bilateral or unilateral allocation substantially identical (15%), which corresponds to the known neurophysiological proportions of filling of somatotopics fields. Extensions exist in both cases, but are more frequent for the Chinese area (50%) than for the French-German (33%).These same areas of extensions are much larger for the Chinese area for the French-German. Analysis of correlations allow noted that: The topographic correlation of the French-German zone is considered excellent 4 times on 6 and satisfactory 2 times on 6, while the Chinese zone is never found to be excellent. It is satisfactory 3 times on 6 (but extended, too high and too posterior operculum); and poor 3 times on 6, cutting that incompletely stimulation knee, located too high and too anterior or posterior area. The correlation of accuracy of the French-German zone is considered to be rather focal, the Chinese zone rather vague, incomplete, too imprecise. Ph ton Conclusion The Chinese area covers in all cases the area of skin activation of the knee but way piecemeal, incomplete, too vague and less specific than the French-German area way; which the precision and specificity are instead more than satisfactory, giving to this area a largest superiority 5 times 6. We believe that these differences may find an explanation in the fact that, in the international Nomenclature of Auriculotherapy, French auricular mapping attributes to the Chinese area of the knee (D 5), the representation of the leg. However, in brain mapping, the projections of the leg and the knee are 2 areas of the same brain segment level (Penfield et al., 1937); what can explain the large zones recorded and frequent extensions consecutive to the stimulation, as well as the lack of precision. This Chinese auricular zone could very well represent the region of the leg with the linked knee, while the French-German auricular zone would be more specific of the knee itself. Beyond these details, this new study validates again the concept of neurophysiological links between representations of Auriculotherapy areas on the Auricular pavilions and brain somatotopics maps. In a previous study of fMRI (Alimi et al., 2007), we had already shown the existing neurophysiological connections between the auricular area of the thumb and brain. The area of the thumb and that of knee being very remote into the brain somatotopics geographies, and these zones having their strength through their Hebbian organization (Wlodzislaw., 2000); this other evidence strongly confirms the operating mode of Auricular therapy that make of each ear the touch screen of the opposite cerebral hemispheres. Research Highlights Neurophysiological connections This new research illustrates once more the existence of neurophysiological connections between the auricular keyboard and the cerebral hemispheres. Sunrise of uncertainty This scientific determination of the zone of the representation of the knee to the ear will lift the existing uncertainty to this day. 140 Therapeutic details Finally, the result of this research will increase the Auriculotherapy relevance in diseases of the knee. Limitations FMRI is a wonderful tool for the study of the brain functions both anatomical as functional, and based on the bold effect (blood oxygen level dependency), reflecting the proportionality of the response to the hypo oxygenation of venous flow, after activation of groups of cortical neurons. But it is true that one is never sure registration obtained on the MRIs is a direct reflection of the peripheral stimulation. Indeed, on the one hand, the brain functions are the result of activations of networks of neurons and astrocytes, and on the other hand, it is rare that the vascularization of the registered areas be terminal-type. These facts constitute a limitation of the veracity of the data of fMRI., but mitigated by the reproducibility of the data and their consistency with the neurophysiology. On the spatial and temporal resolutions, constitute for us a very acceptable limit, because in most cases, it is rather anatomo-functional studies. He does that in the current knowledge, fMRI is still one of the best tools for the study of neuro-functional characteristics of the brain. Recommendations We believe that we must continue characterization studies of Auricular therapy with the fMRI tool and its technical improvement points, with as many topics as possible to minimize biases or deficiencies. However if it appeared that another technique became greater than fMRI, while keeping its qualities, it will not hesitate to use it. Authors’ Interests Contribution and Competing The Authors declares that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Funding/Support This study was possible due to research funds from the EuropäischeAkademiefür TCM, Vorsitzender Prof. mult. h. c./ China. Dr. Med. Frank R. Bahr. München, Deutschland. Ph ton Aknowledgements Dr David Alimi thanks: Pr Frank BAHR and his Association (EuropäischeAkademiefür TCM) for having provided research funds. Mrs. Emilie GERARD and Sophie BUTSCHA, Technicians and Mr. Franck GIRARD, Physicist, for their help and their wise advices. Geographical coordinates This study was conducted , Switzerland, In Europe, in 2013. in Bazel, References Alimi D., Geissmann A., Gardeur D., 2002. Auricular Acupuncture Stimulation Measured On Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Medical Acupuncture, 13(2), 18-21. Desclée D., B. (Editor) 2011; International Chinese and French Normative Nomenclature of Fundamentals terms and expressions of Chinese Medicine, ISBN : 978-2-220-06330-0. Liboni W., Romoli M., Allais G., 2007. et al. The fMRI for the auricular acupuncture validation: Experimental protocol (presentation; in Italian). Acti XXII Congresso Nationale Soc Ital Rifles Ago Auri (SIRAA): November, 16-17. Penfield W., Boldrey E., 1937. Somatic motor and sensory representation in the cerebral cortex of man as studied by electrical stimulation. Brain, 60, 389-443. 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