Julie Payette P.S. Rêver. Viser. Devenir. ~ Dream. Aspire. Become. Please visit us on the web at http://juliepayette.ddsbschools.ca/ Telephone: 905.668.2225 Fax: 905.668.7555 Follow us on Twitter @JuliePayettePS Principal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. de Villers Vice-Principal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. Rousell Administrative Assistants . . . . . . . . . M. Symons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K. Cannon Superintendent of Whitby/ Safe Schools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. Bowyer Administrative Office . . . . . . . . . . . . G. Island Whitby Trustees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K. Zeppieri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C. Winters Message from the office... September was a very busy month as our students reconnect with old friends, make new ones and of course… adjust to their new classrooms, teachers and routines! Thank you to our students, staff and parents for ensuring such a great start to another school year. Our first month is already behind us and we are very pleased with the progress thus far. For our staff, September is also the time to review past accomplishments and plan for the year ahead. Our focus this year will remain on helping our students to develop their skills, to live healthy lifestyles, to achieve success socially, emotionally and academically with a special attention to self-regulation. Many teams, clubs and programs are already in full swing and many students are getting involved in learning and perfecting new skills! Students at JPPS are very fortunate to have many co-curricular opportunities available to them through school. In a few days over 200 students will participate in the Regional Cross-Country Area Meet. Our Cross Country team has been working exceptionally hard during the month of September. Congratulations to all our runners who will represent us. Allez les “Stars”! Our intermediate volleyball teams and junior soccer teams are also in the middle of their season, and of course our lunchroom monitors, ambassadors, wellness leaders, etc. are also keeping busy! I would like to encourage students to continue their great work and don't forget to always do your best; attitude and effort make all the difference. Continuez votre excellent travail! Dates to Remember... October 3 - Safety Village, Mme Clerc (a.m.) I'd also like to thank all of the parents for all that you do for your child and for our school. A special thank you to all of the people who attended our first SCC meeting of this new school year last week and congratulations to our new executive! I believe the partnership and hard work of students, staff and parents is what makes Julie Payette PS such a wonderful and vibrant school. 6 - Safety Village, Mme Barker (a.m.) 8 - Safety Village, Mme Hogenbirk (a.m.) 9 - SCHOOL PHOTOS - ALL SCHOOL 13 - THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY 16 - PIZZA COUNT 17 - Safety Village, Mme Faucon-Murray (a.m.) - S.C.C. Meeting at 6:30 pm At this time of the year, as we move into the Thanksgiving season, it is important to remember how fortunate we are as a school community. MERCI to staff, students and parents for making JPPS a truly special place to learn, work and grow. 25 - Parent as Partners Conference (9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.) On behalf of the staff I wish you and your families a Happy Thanksgiving weekend! 23 - Gr 6 & 8, Citrus Fundraising Campaign ENDS 28 - Pizza Lunch - All School 29 - Safety Village, Mme Lafontaine (a.m.) 30 - Volunteer of Distinction Celebration (7 p.m.) 31 - Halloween Julie Payette P.S. Pink Sh irts Day Last Wednesd ay of the m onth. Pink Sh irts $8.00 e a October 2014 Bonne Action de Grâce! S.C.C. Meeting - Oct. 23 - 6:30 pm Page 1 Julie Payette P.S. Curriculum Night Our Meet the Teacher night, held on September 11th was a great success. Thanks so much to all the parents and guardians for their participation and their partnership. It was a great turn out! A very special MERCI to Mrs. Peterson and her team of Gr. 6 parents and students who took care of the meal portion of the night for us! Allergies Many of our students have allergies and some are life threatening. Julie Payette P.S. recognizes its responsibility to protect our students. As a community, we must work together to provide a safe environment for these children, and as such we ask you to ensure that no peanut or nut products enter our building. Please take the time to read the list of ingredients carefully as many labels read “may contain traces of nuts”. These items are not permitted as a trace amount may lead to a severe anaphylactic reaction. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation with this very important matter. No “WOW Butter” at School Please! We would like to remind parents that Soy Butter, also sold as “WOW Butter” is not permitted at school. Although the product is actually peanut free, it creates a stressor in the classroom for our students with allergies as it looks and smells just like peanut butter. We thank everyone for their continued understanding with this matter. Indoor shoes All students are reminded of the need to reserve one pair of shoes with non-marking soles for indoor use only. These are necessary to participate in indoor gym classes and assemblies as well as to maintain a level of safety within the school. One should not be travelling the halls in sock feet or be caught in a fire drill with inappropriate footwear. Students need to be conscious of this rule, especially when they are rushing out in good weather. Keep one pair of shoes for indoor use only. Administration of Medication Medication is not administered by the school, unless a Request for Administration of Oral Medication form is completed and signed by both the doctor and parents. This form is available from the website and our school office. Please ensure that the school is informed of any pertinent medical information/allergies, etc. Medical forms and medication should be sent to the office as soon as possible. If your child requires an epi-pen, please inform the office. For the safety of your child, we request that epi-pens be stored in the office AND a second one be kept in the classroom. Once again, the form needs to be completed for epipens. Custody and Access Orders If there are any special arrangements for your child of which the school needs to be aware, please ensure that the school administration and office personnel have an updated copy of court orders for access or custody, signed by an Ontario Court Judge. We must have a copy on file if you wish us to carry out the direction stated in the order. The school will continue to provide information on a child's progress when requested by a non-custodial parent who has legal access. Your prompt attention regarding this matter would be greatly appreciated. Communication As a school, we believe that effective two-way communication is essential to ensuring successful learning. At JP, use a variety of methods to communicate with the home including phone calls, notes, conferences, newsletters, report cards etc. If you ever have a question or concern, please contact the staff member in question as soon as possible. We want to remind students that they are not permitted to use cell phones on school property unless their teacher has approved the use of specific technology for purposeful instruction. Cell phones must be turned off and kept in the student's backpack or locker. Julie Payette P.S. October 2014 Page 2 Julie Payette P.S. Emergencies and Sickness In case of emergencies the school will contact parents. For this purpose, please advise the school as soon as possible of any changes in your home, work or cell phone numbers. If you wish to communicate an urgent message to your child, please contact the office, however, we ask your cooperation in limiting these requests to the office to essential matters. Safety and Security At Julie Payette, our top priority is the safety of our students. In order to keep all of the students as safe as we can, we need to know who is visiting the building at all times. We request that: 1. All visitors report to the office to sign in before going elsewhere in the school. 2. If you are picking your child up for medical appointments, etc., please inform the school and sign your child out at the office. Please do not arrange to meet children outside the school. When returning with a child, please sign him/her in at the office. 3. Notify the school well in advance if your end of school routine is changing (ie getting picked up instead of taking the bus). If we don't know until the last minute, we may not be able to inform the student or the student's teacher in time. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and for keeping our kids safe!!! Bus rules The following rules have been compiled in the best interest of safety and the courtesy of all passengers. Please review these rules with your child(ren). 1. Enter the bus in an orderly manner. 2. Remain seated at all times. 3. Keep hands, arms and head inside bus at all times. 4. Do not cause excessive noise. 5. Keep aisles clear. 6. Small articles (balls, toys, etc.) must be placed in an enclosed bag or knapsack. No eating or drinking on the bus. 7. Follow the instructions of the bus driver. 8. IF ANY PROBLEMS ARISE DURING THE BUS RIDE THE BUS CAN RETURN TO THE SCHOOL TO HAVE THE PRINCIPAL OR VICE-PRINCIPAL MEET THE BUS AND DEAL WITH THE PROBLEM. SAFE ARRIVAL TO AND FROM SCHOOL IS THE NUMBER ONE PRIORITY Parking Lot Safety At Julie Payette, we have 13 school buses that drive through our parking lot every morning and afternoon, as well as numerous cars that use our Kiss and Ride program. This can make for a very busy parking lot at times. However, if everyone follows some simple rules and guidelines, the traffic flows quite smoothly. For the safety and convenience of everyone, we ask that you obey the rules listed below. 1. WHEN ENTERING THE PARKING LOT, KEEP LEFT. The right lanes are for school buses and emergency vehicles only. 2. While in the Kiss and Ride queue, DO NOT LEAVE YOUR CAR, unless you see your child in the waiting area at the west side of the school. At that time, you may use the crosswalk to get your child and then get back in your car. We need to keep the queue moving. 3. USE YOUR TURN SIGNALS to indicate your intention to pull into the Kiss and Ride lane, into a parking space, and to merge back into the parking lot traffic. 4. ONLY PARK IN DESIGNATED PARKING SPACES. Parking anywhere other than a designated parking space clogs up traffic. If there are no spaces available, continue to loop until a space opens up. 5. DO NOT PARK IN DESIGNATED DISABILITY PARKING SPACES unless you have a visible sticker indicating that you are entitled to park there. Julie Payette P.S. October 2014 Page 3 Julie Payette P.S. 6. WHEN LEAVING THE PARKING LOT, TURN RIGHT between 7:30 and 8:30 AM and between 2:00 and 3:00 PM. This will keep the parking lot traffic moving and allow our buses to get to their next route in the morning and to drop off our students on time in the afternoon. We appreciate your cooperation in keeping our parking lot safe and convenient for everyone! Fall Safety Tips With the cooler weather approaching, be reminded that students go outside for morning and afternoon recesses and for 40 minutes during the lunch hour. Appropriate warm clothing should be worn so that the students are able to comfortably take advantage of the fresh air and engage in outdoor activity. Lost and Found We are still in need of volunteers to help with Lost and Found. If you could volunteer one morning or afternoon per week on your way to or from work, it would assist us in keeping the lost items organized for the students to be able to identify their belongings. Forms Registration forms are generated each year by the Durham District School Board. If you have not already done so, please check it carefully, sign the back portion, and return it promptly to your child's home room teacher noting any changes from last year. If there are any special arrangements concerning your child, please make sure all information is clearly communicated in writing and discussed with the home room teacher and the school administration. Legal documentation (a Court Order) must be on file in the school office before any custody concerns can be addressed. Dogs in the school yard This is a reminder that many students are frightened of dogs and we request that you respect others and ensure our safety by keeping your dogs at home. The students and staff thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Terry Fox Day - September 26 Thank you for supporting Terry Fox Day, your donations raised over $1,200.00 for this worthy event. Cross Country Meet On your mark, get set...GO! The cross country meet for the athletes who signed up to compete on this year's cross country team will take place on October 3rd at Lakerigde Ski Club. Depending on thier placement at the area meet, runners may move on to the Regional meet on October 15th. Our school will be competing in the afternoon of Friday October 3rd. Races will begin at 1pm, starting with the youngest runners(grade 3's) to the oldest runners(grade 8's). Every grade has been assigned coaches as well as at least 2 training days per week. The training will take place during morning and lunch recesses. Parents are more than welcome to attend the meet, but the students must travel to the meet on the bus with the rest of the team. Parents will be asked to pick up their child at Lakeridge at approximately 3pm or busses will be returning students to Julie Payette at approximately 4pm for pick up. Students must attend all practices and are encouraged to practice on their own time at school or at home. Good luck athletes. Julie Payette P.S. October 2014 Page 4 Julie Payette P.S. Spiritwear Attention all Payette students and parents! It is time to blast into a new school year and what better way to do that than by purchasing some Julie Payette school clothing. All orders can be purchased on-line at: www.roysenterprise.com/school/payette/payette.htm. There is a large selection of items such as t-shirts, hoodies, warm-up suits, shorts, hats and bags. All of our spirit wear will have either our school or sport logo on it. Everyone can view all of the items available on-line if you missed us at curriculum night. On-line orders can be placed anytime and are be picked up directly at Roy's Enterprise located at 1609 McEwen Drive in Whitby. What better way to show our school spirit than by wearing a piece of our Julie Payette clothing? 5,4,3,2,1...Blast off into our very own Julie Payette school spirit wear. Changes in the routine We would like to remind parents to send a note to the homeroom teacher or phone the office regarding anything out of your child's ordinary daily routine. This would include information such as students not taking the bus home on a particular day, dismissal for appointments or a child going out for lunch with a parent or friend. It can be confusing to a child if their routine changes from day to day so we ask that you try to establish a regular routine for your child. We are also asking you to please avoid calling the office at the end of the day to make last minute changes to your child's dismissal routine. Children should come to school knowing what to do at the end of the day, no surprises please! We thank you in advance for your cooperation in this area. Weather The cold weather will be upon us very soon. We would like to remind all parents that we provide before school supervision beginning at 7:50 a.m. every morning. We ask that children being dropped off by their parents arrive after supervision has begun and that the students all wait in the schoolyard. Thank you Bus Loop & Kiss and Ride To ensure the safety of our students, we remind you that the bus loop is for school busses KISS and RIDE only and not a drop off zone or parking lot. Students should be dropped off in the Kiss & Ride loop, and no cars should be left unattended. Parents who park their car in the “no parking zone” and leave their car unattended create traffic congestion, so please respect the “no parking zone”. Kindergarten parents are invited to park in our visitor's parking lot to pick up their child. Thank you very much! ! Pouring Rain at Dismissal Time Student waiting to be picked up by parents/babysitter at the end of the day will stay inside the school. Students will wait in the atrium (near the front door) until parents/babysitter arrive. School Website Don't forget to check our school website regularly for new information and updates. We are trying our best to live as an “EcoSchool” and are therefore doing what we can to reduce the amount of paper and waste that we produce in the school. As a result monthly newsletters will be posted for viewing at the beginning of each month. Homework Routines are needed for success during the school day but are also very important at home during homework time. Homework assignments are designed to reinforce and practise skills taught during the school day. Please see page 8 of the student handbook for guidelines regarding the amount of time required to complete homework This time frame accomplishes the purpose of the homework while avoiding frustration. Make sure to communicate with your child's teacher if you have any questions or concerns regarding the homework program. Julie Payette P.S. October 2014 Page 5 Julie Payette P.S. No sweets please… In an effort to continue with our Healthy Eating initiatives, we are requesting that students leave at home their “special snacks” following Halloween night instead of bringing them to school. We are asking parents to monitor the treats that make their way into the lunch bag after this special day. We thank you in advance for your cooperation. Late arrivals Punctuality is of utmost importance at our school. If your child arrives late, please have them report to the office to check in and get a late slip before joining his/her class. This will prevent any unnecessary phone calls home.! Photo Days BrightPics will be taking school photos on Oct.9. It is recommended that your child wear solid color clothing for best results. Re-takes are scheduled at a later date. Head Lice Check Head lice are a common recurring problem particularly when large numbers of children are together. When the school becomes aware of a case of head lice, parents/guardians of the class are notified by letter and given information about how to check for and treat head lice. It is important to remind your child not to exchange brushes, clothing and especially toques with other children. This reduces the chance of spreading the head lice. Please make a thorough check of your child's head on a weekly basis to check for head lice. Watch for itching behind the ears or in the nape of the neck. If you detect head lice, please contact the school. Happy Global Hand Washing Day…on October 15th! As we are about to enter the start of the “flu season” let's all make sure that our students understand the importance of hand washing with soap and water! Our primary students in particular need some friendly reminders at times! Let's all have a healthy Fall season! In preparation for the flu season…How to wash your hands - 7 tips 1. Remove all rings and wet your hands with warm running water. 2. Put a small amount of liquid soap in the palm of one hand. Bar soaps are not as hygienic as liquid soaps because they stay moist and attract germs. If a bar soap is the only option it should be stored on a rack so that the bar doesn't sit in water. 3. Rub your hands together for 20 seconds so you produce lather. Make sure you scrub between your fingers, under your fingernails and the backs of your hands. 4. Rinse your hands well with clean running water for at least 10 seconds. Try not to handle the faucets once your hands are clean. Use a paper towel to turn off the water. 5. Dry your hands with a single use paper towel. If you use a hand towel be sure to change it daily. During cold and flu season you may want to give each family member his or her own hand towel. 6. Use hand lotion to put moisture back into your skin if your hands are dry. 7. Model good handwashing technique to your children. Have them sing a song like Twinkle Twinkle Little Star while rubbing their hands together to teach them the amount of time it takes to clean their hands properly. Julie Payette P.S. October 2014 Page 6 Julie Payette P.S. Illness Please be advised that we cannot accommodate students at the office during recess due to illness such as a cold or a minor injury. If your child is well enough to come to school, we feel that 15 minutes of fresh air is beneficial. Very special circumstances do apply, but need to be discussed in advance with the administration. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Lunch Room News Students are expected to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Seat in assigned seats. Speak in a calm “inside voice”. Respect their peers and supervising adults. Clean-up after they have completed their lunch. Students will be asked to bring home unfinished foods. We will discourage students from “throwing away” their food. We appreciate your support. If at all possible please cut fruit in bitesize pieces. We ask that parents provide the necessary cutlery. Thank you for providing healthy lunches. Emergencies In case of emergencies (when a child becomes ill or is seriously hurt), the school will contact parents. For this purpose, please advise the school as soon as possible of any changes in your home, work or cell phone numbers. If you wish to communicate an urgent message to your child, please contact the office, however, we ask your cooperation in limiting these requests to the office to essential matters. EQAO 2013-2014 Results We are pleased to share the overall results of the 2013 - 2014 Assessment Results for Reading, Writing and Mathematics. The results clearly indicate that Julie Payette's Primary and Junior students performed above the Board and Provincial average results in most areas. Mathematics will continue to remain our area of focus for our staff, especially in the Junior division. We acknowledge and commend both teachers and parents for their support of our students and programs which facilitated these results. Individual student results will be reviewed by our teachers and school improvement team to identify how we can further improve student learning and achievement. School Community Council 2014-2015 The first meeting of the School Community Council for 2014/2015 took place on Thursday September 25. One purpose of the meeting was to establish the council for the school year. Thank you, and congratulations to the following parents/guardians who will serve this year: Co-Chairs: Kirsten Frost, Jaclyn McLeod Treasurer: Tracy Swift Secretaries: Scott White Fundraising Co-ordinator: Sue Adams Teaching Staff: Jennifer Clark/Kim Belmonte Our executive team will also be assisted by an amazing group of dedicated parents. All parents are invited to attend regular meetings, held in the school library. Our next meeting is Thursday, October 23rd 2014. Julie Payette P.S. October 2014 Page 7 Julie Payette P.S. Meet our Lunchroom Supervisors! We would like to introduce our new and returning Lunch Supervisors at JPPS from supervising in the hallways to encouraging fun and safe play outside, we are fortunate to have them. They work collaboratively with school staff and help students solve problems both big and small. The following are a part of the Julie Payette crew: Mrs. Nath, Miss Williams, Mrs. Lally, Mrs Beattie, Schwehr, Mrs Skinner, Mrs. McDonald, Mrs Kennedy, Mrs EcElhanney, Ms. Sperling and Mrs. Fleury. If you are interested in becoming a supply lunchroom supervisor, please contact the school office for more information. VOLUNTEER OF DISTINCTION At JPPS staff and students enjoy welcoming and working with our parent volunteers. They are a valuable part of the school community and every year we have an opportunity to recognize one for exceptional commitment to assisting the school. This year's recipient of the Volunteer of Distinction Award is Paul Adams. Paul has been on 'in-house' videographer and yearbook co-ordinator since our school opened in 2011. He is also one of our regular Friday kissand-ride volunteer! We are so grateful for the time he has given us here at Payette. Paul's efforts will be recognized by Durham District School Board Officials at the Volunteer of Distinction Award Ceremony that will be held on Thursday, Oct. 30! Félicitations Paul! And also…a big MERCI to all of our parent volunteers! On behalf of the staff and community, a special thank you goes out to all of the parents who have contributed their time to support our teachers and students in the classrooms/library, to organize our QSP magazine campaign, the pizza days, Fun Fair, Whitby Christmas Parade, to name just a few of our events. Merci to all of you! The FAMILY READING MAGAZINE FUNDRAISER... has arrived! CAMPAIGN KICK-OFF ASSEMBLY SEPTEMBER 30 • You get great magazines at great prices. QSP will honour any lower price coupons and you can save up to 91% off of newsstand prices. A single magazine can cost as little as $1.00 per issue. • Our school earns a profit while you save on your magazines. • Magazines encourage children to read and are fun for the whole family. • Consider giving magazines as gifts, each issue acts as a reminder of your thoughtfulness. If you wish to order, you can go to www.QSP.ca anytime and support our school. Remember, if you ever have a question regarding your magazine orders, please call QSP Customer Service directly at 1-800-667-2536. Thank you in advance for your support. We look forward to a successful campaign. Julie Payette P.S. October 2014 Page 8 Julie Payette P.S. Grade 6 & Grade 8 Citrus Fundraider October Pizza Count Volunteers Needed! September 29th to October 23rd Thursday, October 10th at 8:15 am If you love to eat fresh oranges and grapefruit and know a Gr. 6 or Gr. 8 JPPS students….then you are in luck! If you are available to help count, even if it’s only for a half hour, please e-mail Kirsten Frost at [email protected] October Pizza Lunch Volunteers Needed! Our students are selling yummy and juicy citrus from Florida until October 23rd! The delivery will be arranged for mid-November (at E.A. Fairman P.S). Tuesday, October 22th If you are available to help deliver to the classrooms for either lunch Yummy! Healthy! Juicy! FRESH! Shipped that day from Florida! Halloween Safety Tips! As the night is quickly approaching, there are a few important Halloween safety guidelines that should be observed to ensure the night runs smoothly. 1. Be sure to keep the path leading up to your door free of obstacles for those with masks who might have trouble seeing in dim light. 2. Keep pets indoors on Halloween to protect them from hazards and preventing them from being frightened or aggressive to visitors. 3. Consider using inexpensive safety glow sticks in your pumpkin. Nothing says spooky like a glowing green jack-o-lantern! 4. Children should use a thick plastic container to avoid broken bags. Although tampering with loot is rare, remind children that they must have their candy inspected by their parents or guardian prior to eating them. 5. Costumes— When helping a child pick out a costume, safety should be the main concern: ! Wear a light-coloured or bright costume, reflective tape or arm bands to in-crease visibility. ! Wear a costume that is properly fitted to reduce the chance of tripping. ! Select a costume that is constructed from flame-retardant materials. ! Make sure your vision is not restricted. Use make-up rather than a mask. ! Shoes should fit properly even if they do not go well with a costume. ! If a child's costume requires the use of props, such as a flexible- plastic sword, make sure the sharp tip is cut or filed round. ! Glow sticks are an excellent method to increase a child's visibility. You might want to consider creating a fun necklace with string to ensure they will want to wear it as part of their costumes. Have a safe and ghoulishly good Halloween! Julie Payette P.S. October 2014 Page 9 Julie Payette P.S. Three steps to homework success Eco-School Certification You’ve probably noticed that your child has a little more homework each year. Help your child get a handle on this year’s workload with a daily plan. Julie Payette PS received the gold level certification for the 2nd year in a row! We earned this level through our demonstration of commitment to protecting our environment in six categories. 1 Discuss. Begin each afternoon or evening by asking what homework your child has. You can set a positive tone with comments like “I loved writing in my journal when I was your age” or “It’s exciting that you’re old enough for long division.” 2. Plan. Ask your youngster what order they will do the work in. You might suggest that they finish her hardest subject or longest assignment as soon as they get home and save easier ones for after dinner. Or perhaps they prefers to get simpler assignments out of the way so they'll have fewer tasks ahead of her. They could try each way to see which works best for them. 1. Teamwork and Leadership 2. Energy Conservation 3. Waste Minimization 4. School Ground Greening 5. Curriculum 6. Environmental Stewardship This year we are continuing to work hard to improve our environment as an ECO SCHOOL! Thank You Mrs. Hewitt and your eco-club for helping us achieved the silver level!!! 3. Review. Look over their finished work together. You might compliment your child on something they did particularly well. Then, if you see careless mistakes, have them double-check their work — but avoid telling them any answers. Their teacher needs to know what they are able to do all by themselves. What is self-regulation? Self-Regulation can be described as the ability to… 1. Attain, maintain, and change one's level of energy to match the demands of a task or situation; 2. Monitor, evaluate, and modify one's emotions; 3. Sustain and shift one's attention when necessary and ignore distractions; 4. Understand both the meaning of a variety of social interactions and how to engage in them in a sustained way; 5. Connect with and care about what others are thinking and feeling – to empathize and act accordingly (Handbook of Self-Regulation: Research, Theory, and Applications, Roy Baumeister and Kathleen Vohs's, 2011) Julie Payette P.S. October 2014 Page 10 Julie Payette P.S. Julie Payette P.S. October 2014 Page 11 Julie Payette P.S. STUDENT ACCIDENT INSURANCE Parents and Guardians, please be aware that the Durham District School Board does NOT provide accident insurance coverage for student injuries. Families should recognize that there is always a potential risk of injury with field trips, sports and other student activities both on and off school grounds. Although precautions are taken to ensure the protection of students, accidents can and do happen. Some injuries result in medical, dental or other expenses that are not covered by provincial health care or employer group plans and can be very costly. As a parent or guardian, you become responsible for these expenses. In accordance with the Education Act we do make available a Student Accident Insurance Program for students. Participation in this program is voluntary and the costs are to be paid by the parent or guardian. For your convenience, we have arranged access to a Student Accident Insurance Policy through Reliable Life Insurance Company. This program offers a variety of plans and benefits at affordable prices. Some of the benefits included are: · dental expenses (resulting from an accident) · fracture or dislocation · rehabilitation · emergency transportation · total and permanent disability If your child participates in co-curricular activities or activities outside the school day, there is also a plan tailored to your needs. All rates are one-time annual premiums. The insurance agreement is between you and Reliable Life Insurance Company. For complete details please refer to the “insuremykids® Protection Plan 2014 Application Brochure” that was sent home with your child or visit the website at: www.insuremykids.com. Any questions should be directed to Reliable Life Insurance Company toll free at 1-800-463-KIDS (5437). Julie Payette P.S. October 2014 Page 12 Julie Payette P.S. Julie Payette P.S. October 2014 Page 13
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