Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 St. Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Church Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 Pastoral Team Parish Information Office Hours Mass Schedule Monday through Friday: 9:00am - 3:00pm Phone: (704) 549-1607 Fax: (704) 549-1614 Website: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:30am & 12:15pm Wednesday: 12:15pm & 7:00pm Saturday: 10am & 5:30pm Sunday: 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:30am & 5:00pm Religious Education Office Hours Monday through Thursday: 9:30am - 4:30pm Phone: (704) 549-0199 Priests Rev. Patrick Winslow, Pastor Rev. Jason Christian, Parochial Vicar Rev. Matthew Kauth, in Residence Eucharistic Adoration Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 9:00am to Noon Wednesday: 12:45pm to 6:45pm First Friday: 12:45pm-8:00pm Sunday: 8:30am to 9:15am Reconciliation Wednesdays, 6:00-7:00pm; Saturdays, 4:00-5:00pm; or by appointment. Deacons Rev. Mr. James Witulski Rev. Mr. Joseph Diaz Baptism Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena Sr. Ana Celestial, O.P. Sr. Edeva Jover, O.P. Parish Staff Katie Herzing Office Manager Valerie Gebhardt Administrative Assistant Gina Schafer Finance Administrator Thomas F. Savoy Dir. of Sacred Music & Liturgical Events Andi Walsh Volunteer Director Jose Melgar Facilities Marie Aymar Parish Secretary Sr. Ana Celestial, O.P Religious Education Connie Nesbit Director of Preschool Sr. Edeva Jover, O.P Youth Minister Baptisms are held on Saturday mornings & Sunday afternoons. The Preparation Class is held one Sunday each month at 12:45pm. To make arrangements, contact the Parish Office at least three months in advance of your desired Baptismal date. Marriage Registered parishioners are required by Diocesan Policy to contact one of the priests or deacons six months prior to the date of marriage. Couples married at our parish should contact Father Christian ([email protected] or 704-549-1607, x208) to begin the marriage preparation process. Sacrament of Anointing / Visiting Sick If anyone needs a visit from a Priest, please call the Office. Please do not wait until an emergency to call for a Priest. 1400 Suther Road, Charlotte, NC 28213 St. Thomas Aquinas Charlotte, NC Welcome to Saint Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 Everything Belongs to God The first reading from the prophet Isaiah concerns the Persian King Cyrus, called the Lord’s “anointed.” Cyrus deserves this title because he ended the Babylonian captivity of the Jews. However, Isaiah reminds us that it was God who gave Cyrus his power. He may be a great king, but “I am the LORD and there is no other,” says God (Isaiah 45:5). Today’s Gospel is also concerned with worldly power. In the passage from Matthew, the Pharisees try to trick Jesus into speaking against the emperor. His famous answer is the perfect reply. Like the kings of old, Caesar can be given the respect due his position, but everything belongs to God. In the second reading, Paul gives thanks for all who are faithful to Jesus Christ and his gospel. He, too, reminds us that our call and the power to be faithful come from God.. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Saints and Special Observances Sunday: Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time; World Mission Sunday Monday: St. Paul of the Cross St. John of Capistrano Friday: St. Anthony Mary Claret Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary Jesus Is The Son Of God, Our Healer Retreat On Saturday, October 25th, from 9:15 am – 3:30 pm, you are warmly invited to participate in Jesus is the Son of God, Our Healer, the retreat at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church. The event features international evangelist Alan Ames. He will share his “Saul to Paul” conversion story and powerful healing ministry. For details, you may contact Beth Manning at (704) 365-6601, Margaret Hoar at (704) 230–4824, Agnes Schaper at (704) 660–6862 or Sherr Siplon at [email protected]. You may also go to “Jesus, is the Son of God our Healer” on Facebook and Special Thank You’s! World Feast Red Cross Blood Donation Readings for the Week Monday: Eph 2:1-10; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 12:13-21 Tuesday: Eph 2:12-22; Ps 85:9ab-14; Lk 12:35-38 Wednesday: Eph 3:2-12; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lk 12:39-48 Thursday: Please visit our website,, for details and to learn more about us. THANK YOU!!! World Feast was a wonderful day – God’s grace has blessed us with an amazing group of volunteers to make it all happen! The list of hands is long – and truly each and every person contributed to make our first World Feast a success! Wednesday: Blessed John Paul II Thursday: CCWG Evening Reflection Charlotte Catholic Women’s Group (CCWG) also invites you to their EVENING REFLECTION given by Fr. Matthew Kauth speaking on “Blessed Are the Pure of Heart”, including a general introduction on the Beatitudes. The gathering will be held on Wednesday, October 22nd at Charlotte Catholic High School Chapel. Light refreshments and fellowship starting at 6:30pm with talk to follow. Eph 3:14-21; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 11-12, 18-19; Lk 12:49-53 Friday: Eph 4:1-6; Ps 24:1-4ab, 5-6; Lk 12:54-59 Saturday: Eph 4:7-16; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 13:1-9 Sunday: Ex 22:20-26; Ps 18:2-4, 47, 51; 1 Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40 The Red Cross would like to thank all who donated blood at the recent blood drive at St. Thomas Aquinas. Our goal was 38 pints, and 32 pints were collected. This will help nearly 100 patients in the Western North Carolina region. Our next drive will be held March 7, 2015. Please consider donating at this blood drive. Again, thank you! Don Siefert, Blood Drive Co-ordinator Conference for Mothers All mothers are invited to attend a one day conference, "God Equips the Called." Come experience renewal in your vocation through inspiring talks, prayer, and Holy Mass! Featuring talks by Fr. Patrick Winslow and author Danielle Bean. Saturday, November 8, 8:30am3:30pm at St. Thomas Aquinas. Register at to reserve your seat today! Today’s Readings First Reading — The LORD said to Cyrus, his anointed, “I am the LORD, there is no other” (Isaiah 45:1, 4-6). Psalm — Give the Lord glory and honor (Psalm 96). Second Reading — Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy to the church of the Thessalonians: We thank God always for all of you (1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b). Gospel — Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s (Matthew 22:15-21). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. 3 St. Thomas Aquinas Charlotte, NC Coming This Week AH = Aquinas Hall FLC = Family Life Center N = Nursery in AH BLR = Brother Leo Rm K = Kitchen in AH OCR = Office Conf CH = Church chp = Chapel BR = Bridal Room Date Mon. Oct. 20 Time 9:00am 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Event / Activity Adoration [CH] Carolina Catholic Chorale Rehearsal [CH] K of C Planning Meeting [BLR] Financial Peace Class [FLC-18] Columbiettes/Squirettes Meeting [AH] Parish Council Meeting [OCR] Tues. Oct. 21 9:00am 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm Wed. Oct. 22 10:00am 10:30am 12:45pm 2:30pm 4:30pm 6:00pm 6:15pm 6:30pm 6:15pm 6:45pm 7:00pm 7:45pm Bible Study [AH] Legion of Mary [BLR] Adoration [CH] Prayer Shawl [AH] Religious Education Classes [FLC] Reconciliation [CH] Respect Life Rosary [CH] Finance Council Meeting [OCR] Religious Education Classes [FLC] Benediction [CH] MSYM [GYM] B- Coordinator Meeting [BLR] 9:00am 3:00pm 5:45pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 6:30pm Adoration [CH] Scottish Dance [GYM] Youth Choir [CH] Filipino Basketball Practice [GYM] RCIA [AH] University Alpha Group [FLC-18] Thurs. Oct. 23 Adoration [CH] Boy/Cub Scouts [FLC-18, Up] Bible Study [FLC-2,3] Spanish Rosary [chp] Hispanic Ministry [BLR] Date Fri. Oct. 24 Sat. Oct. 25 Time 9:00am 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:30am 8:30am 9:15am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 4:45pm Event / Activity Adoration [CH] Couples for Christ [ FLC-18] Ushers Meeting [AH] HSYM Fall Dinner/Theater Ticket Sales K of C BBQ Ticket Sales Men of Veritas [BLR] Third Order Dominicans [OCR] Rosary for Priests’ Intentions [CH] Baptism [CH] Allan Ames Retreat [CH, AH] Filipino Basketball League [GYM] Vocations Rosary [CH] Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sun. Oct. 26 8:00am 8:30am 10:00am 10:00am 10:15am 10:30am 12:45pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 2:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm HSYM Fall Dinner/Theater Ticket Sales K of C BBQ Ticket Sales Religious Education Classes [FLC] Holy Hour [CH] St. Basil [chp, BLR] Religious Education Classes [FLC] Choir Warm Up [OCR] Donuts [AH] New Comers Coffee [AH] Squires Meeting [FLC-18] Squires [GYM] Baptisms [CH] Confirmation Practice [CH,AH] Religious Education Classes [FLC] For latest events: Parish News & Events Joyful Hearts Luncheon All the members of the church 40 and over are invited to join our Joyful Hearts Group today, Sunday, October 19th at 1:30pm at The Peculiar Rabbit Restaurant, 1212 Pecan Avenue, Charlotte 28205, (704) 333-9197. If you plan on attending please call or email Barbara Sands at (704) 720-0727, or email at [email protected], or call Joey Hinson at (704) 549-1411 Columbiettes Open House St. Thomas Aquinas Columbiettes Auxiliary 10505 will be hosting an Open House in Aquinas Hall on Monday, October 20, 2014 at 7:00pm. Come and meet our members; hear more about this Catholic-based woman’s organization. We offer fellowship and friendship in addition to serving the community in a number of charitable events throughout the year Prayerfully consider joining our group. For information, contact Chris Coutre at (704) 256-4262 or email [email protected]; Margie Mueller at (704) 240-2983 and Gen Rollin, President at [email protected]. Columbiettes Veteran’s Day Outreach Our Columbiettes Auxiliary is organizing their annual Veterans’ Day Outreach event and is asking for your help in donating items. The VA’s wishlist is as follows: pocket calendars for 2015, all occasion cards, family-sized personal care items, large combo hair and body wash, postage stamps for veterans to mail correspondence (Forever Stamps), toothpaste & toothbrushes, hair brushes & combs, prepaid phone cards, misc. toiletries, sweatpants & socks (therapy), DOVE bath, individual snack packs, fruit cups and soup cups. Please prayerfully consider purchasing some items to show your support of those who so generously offered their service in support of our country. Last year, we were able to deliver 55 bags full of items to the VA facilities in Charlotte and Salisbury, where they were distributed amongst our worthy veterans. Please bring your donations to church during the weekends of October 25th and 26th, and November 1st and 2nd. Collection bins will be in the narthex. Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 Join Our Music Ensembles at St. Thomas Aquinas! Our growing musical program at St. Thomas Aquinas currently features three ensembles that sing at our various liturgies. We welcome you to consider joining them. Giving of our time involves being with God in prayer and worship and volunteering our time in the church and community activities that help others. Squirettes of the Carolinas Saint Thomas Aquinas is seeking to form the only group of Squirettes in the Carolinas. Any girls between the ages of 10 and 17 who are interested should please contact Anne DeSart at (704) 651-6725, or [email protected]; or Gen Rollin at (704) 548-0644 or [email protected]. The St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Choir rehearses on Thursday evenings from 7:30-9:00pm and sings from the great repertory of Roman Catholic choral music weekly at the 11:30am liturgy. We welcome new members; music-reading ability is helpful. The St. Thomas Aquinas Youth Choir rehearses on Thursdays from 5:45-6:45pm and currently sings at the 9:30am Sunday liturgy on the third Sunday of each month. The choir is open to children Grades 2-8. In addition to fine sacred music, the youngsters are taught music reading and fundamentals. Interested singers are asked to contact the conductor, Mrs. Deborah Savoy, at [email protected]. The St. Thomas Schola Aquinatis sings Gregorian chant at the 11:30am Liturgy, as well as on Christmas, Easter and selected feast days. We have both a men’s and women’s group. Rehearsals are scheduled as needed. We welcome new members; music reading ability is required. Anyone interested please contact Mr. Thomas Savoy at [email protected] or see him after any weekend liturgy. Third Order Lay Dominicans You are invited to consider joining us in our journey to God in the footsteps of St. Dominic. The four pillars of the Dominican Order are: Prayer, Study, Community and Apostolate. Father Matthew Kauth is our Spiritual Advisor. We meet each month at St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Charlotte. Please refer to our web for more information: Third Order Secular Franciscans (OFS) We invite you to Come & See how secular Franciscans live joyfully & Celebrate God’s Creation by walking in the spirit of St. Francis. The four pillars of the OFS are: Spirituality, Formation, Fraternity and Apostolate. We gather once a month at St. Mark Church in Huntersville, NC. Please pick up a brochure in the narthex to learn more about the Franciscan way of life or for more information please contact: Rob Buchanan, OFS (704) 548-9009 or email [email protected] 9:30am Family Mass Fellowship Volunteers Needed We are looking for more volunteers to help with our 9:30am Family Mass Fellowship! Each week we have doughnuts for families to enjoy some sweet treats and fun fellowship over in Aquinas Hall! Please sign up to volunteer at Bingo is coming to St. Thomas Aquinas and We Need Volunteers! The vision of Bingo at St. Thomas Aquinas is to create a program that strengthens parish life, opens our church to the Charlotte community and enhances resources to improve and maintain facilities on the STA campus. This is a new effort at STA and one that will take parishioners from across our parish family to participate and contribute. Bingo will begin in November 2014, but to make that happen, we are looking for volunteers to work on a Bingo Team. Volunteers should be Adults (18 or older) and willing to work at least once a month on a Bingo Team. The Bingo Steering Committee will contact those interested! If you have never experienced Bingo before, now is your chance! This is a fun and exciting opportunity – don’t miss out on a chance to volunteer! Please see the website at for more details! I am interested in being a Bingo Volunteer! I have checked what roles I am interested in below: Bingo Hall Set-up Table Worker Bingo Hall Clean-Up Bingo Caller Concessions Worker Other:________________________ Floor Walker Name: ______________________________ Phone: ________________________ Email:_____________________________________ 5 St. Thomas Aquinas Charlotte, NC Religious Education Family Life Center Building Phone: (704) 549-0199 Sr. Ana Celestial, O.P. [email protected] Registration is ongoing! Registration forms can be found in the Family Life Center or filled out and submitted through our website: All families are encouraged to register early to receive your preferred class times and a discounted rate for tuition! Information regarding class times and tuition can be found on the online registration form at: Pre-School St. Thomas Aquinas Children's Enrichment Preschool is enjoying the Fall Season! Our students are discovering all the changes that fall brings....How Pumpkins grow? and Why leaves change colors? We are also learning about Fire Safety and what Fire Fighters do for our Community. Our Preschool Staff is wonderful at engaging our students. We love helping children grow and experience new things. We also enjoy making lasting memories and meeting new friends. We even have room for a few NEW friends! If you are interested in an engaging, academic preschool for your child (ages two through four) contact: Connie Nesbit, Preschool Director via email at [email protected] or call (704) 549-0199 ext.. 303 for more information. PARENT REMINDER: Link your Harris Teeter VIC card to #6056 to support the educational programs of St. Thomas Aquinas. (Preschool, Religious Ed., and Youth) Thanks for your help! Youth Ministries Youth Ministry Contact: Sr. Edeva Jover, O.P. Middle School (MSYM) Attention 6th-8th Graders! MSYM is time for fellowship, fun, & faith. We meet in the Gym on Wednesdays from 7:00pm-8:30pm High School (HSYM) Meeting time: Sundays 6:15pm-8:00pm After the 5:00pm Mass, we gather in the courtyard in front of the Church after the 5:00pm Mass to convene in Aquinas Hall. Find us on Facebook for our most up-to-date calendar at Adult Ministries College Catholic Campus Ministry The meeting house is located one block from campus & one block from the church at 9408 Sandburg Avenue. RCIA “And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." -Mt 16:18 Before Our Lord Jesus Christ ascended into heaven, he promised to send the Holy Spirit who would lead believers to all truth and gather them in to the mystical body of His Church which He founded upon Peter and the Apostles. Whether you feel the Holy Spirit prompting you to seek full sacramental communion in His Church or are merely curious to learn more about the Catholic Church, all are encouraged to explore the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA). While the program is intended to prepare catechumens to be received in to the Church, all are invited to attend and learn more about the rites and beliefs of Catholics. This year, we will meet on Thursday evenings either in the Aquinas Hall or in the Church at 6:30pm. Please call the main office (704) 549-1607 or contact us at [email protected] for more information. We look forward to welcoming you to our local parish family at St. Thomas Aquinas. Bulletin Announcements must be submitted to the Parish Office in writing by 9:00am twelve (12) days prior to the weekend of publication. E-mail: [email protected]. Please format announcements in Book Antiqua Font, size 11, if possible. Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 Mass intentions Daily Masses held in the Church Date Time Intention Mon., Oct. 20 8:30am Pro Populo 12:15pm Fr. Paul McNulty (Birthday Blessings) Tues., Oct. 21 8:30am †Vincent Engbith 12:15pm Pro Populo Wed., Oct. 22 12:15pm †Villa Almonte 7:00pm †Joseph A. Hefele Thurs., Oct. 23 8:30am †Y J Chacko 12:15pm †Emma Baratta Fri., Oct. 24 8:30am †Magnolia Ingente 12:15pm Sr. Anne Columba CSJ Sat., Oct. 25 10:00am Cathy and Brian Borysewicz (Anniversary Blessings) 5:30pm †John the La San Tran Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sun., Oct. 26 7:30am 9:30am 11:30am 5:00pm Pro Populo †Kathleen Shaw †Vincent Engbith †Sylvia Hernandez Cruz Prayers for our Troops “Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; you stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes, with your right hand you save me.” —Ps. 138: 7 Please pray for those serving in our military. Major Brian J. Burke Sr. Airman Charles Broadway, US Air Force SrA C Meghan Cabaniss, US Air Force Corpsman Eric Clark, US Navy Daniel Frazier, Charlie Troop 4-73 82nd Airborne Division, US Army Kyle Gauck, Green Beret, US Army LCPL Mario Griffith, US Marine Corps CAPT Gregory Harris, US Navy Captain Jonathan Mark Harris US Marine Corps Capt. William Joseph Hinchey AFC Adam Christian Hunt, US Air Force PFC Alex Jerome Lt. Matthew Keidel, US Navy PFC Ryan Cameron Keistler, US Marine Corps E-3 Jason Kline SS C. Newman SSgt. Benjamin M. Pake, US Army National Guard Lt. Jeffery Platoon CPL Nicholas E. Rosario AFC Joshua Runfola MSgt. Ronald Ryckman Sgt. Michael James Sanchez AFC Sean Scheuerman PFC Stephen Sergent AFC Matthew Simono, US Air Force A1C Christopher Robert Smith Capt. Jeffrey P. Sparrow, US Marine Corps PFC Brandon G. Taylor, US Army AFC Alonda West PFC Medic, Patrick Wyllie Please notify the Parish Office to have yourself or a family member placed on the Military Prayer List. Names will appear for one month and cycle through this column. If needed, we will gladly continue in one month increments as often as you request .For our complete list of prayer requests, please visit our website at: Prayer Requests “I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people” — 1Tim 2:1 Acker Family Edith Arocho Hendry Arokiasamy Kay Atkinson Ben Banas Joe Bellott Anne Bezek Katie Blackmar Derrick Brown Pat Brown Lena Cavalluzzi Janet Cerasi Chantal Family Brenda Corey Cruz & Lopez-Cintron Families Susan Davis David DeLaRosa Joann Dempsey Carmen Marie Diaz Joseph Falcone Joseph Falcone Judy Farrell Charles C. Fawcett, III JJ & AJ Fedder Patricia Fernandes Joan Fowler Donna Gambone Rita Goulet Eric Graham Beverly Habercamp Elaine Haynes Faride Herrera Ricardo Herrera Craig Hinson Samantha Hinson Holloway Family Judy Hungreder Ralph Jennelli Jimenez Family Erika J. Jimenez Karen Johnson Travis Jones Edward Karlovich Betty Kincaid Catherine Knox Melissa Kump Brenda Manning Massiah Family George McGowan Barbara McNamara Catalina Melgar Ryan Moorehouse Thiagarajah Muthu Sang T. Ngo Joseph Ormsby Sarah Ott Carol Pasquale Angel Paulse Mary Pardue Laura Peterson Antony Ramgohn Valerie and Gloria Ramgohn Ramjohn Family Reitano Family Angelina Reyes Maria Rodriguez Family Hugo F. Rosillo Karna Schantz Scott Simono Keith Stepp Shirley Straka Oliver Subendran Belle Trantham Garrett Toenjes Dave Vogelien Vogelien Family Michael Walton Sandra Wasielak Carol Wechter John Wieloszynski Please notify the Parish Office to have yourself or a family member placed in the Prayer List. Names will appear for one month and cycle through this column. If needed, we will gladly continue in one month increments as often as you request. For our complete list of prayer requests, please visit our website at: 7 St. Thomas Aquinas Charlotte, NC Baptisms Weddings Anniversaries Nicholas William Curran, son of Finian and Maria Curran Hudson Robert Venzian, son of Jarrod and Jamie Vinzian Jennifer Bert & Nini Rodriguez Cathy and Brian Borysewicz Altar Care ALTAR FLOWERS for this weekend are supported by Jennifer Bert & Nini Rodriguez in honor of their Wedding Anniversary and David & Mary Olbrich in memory of Joan T. O’Day. BREAD & WINE MEMORIAL for this weekend are supported by Elizabeth Checkal in memory of Bernard L. Checkal, Jr. To honor a loved one, consider making a donation to help support ALTAR FLOWERS, the ALTAR NECESSITIES, and BREAD & WINE MEMORIAL for each week at Mass. Contact the Parish Office or indicate your name on the boards in the Narthex and place the envelope with the donation in the Offertory Basket with the date and name indicated. Spiritual Ministries Bereavement Ministry Mary Myers [email protected] Enthronement of the Sacred Heart Geri King [email protected] Immaculata Prayer Ministry Robyn Magyar [email protected] Legion of Mary Mark Myers [email protected] Men of Veritas Charlie Simoneaux [email protected] Prayer Shawl Mary Isabelle Goettl [email protected] R.C.I.A Father Christian [email protected] Respect Life Gretchen Filz [email protected] Vocations Awareness Mary-Claire Dempsey [email protected] Wedding Director Chris Goodman [email protected] Liturgical Ministries Acolyte Program Position Open Altar Linen Care Mary Isabelle Goettl [email protected] Art & Environment Julie Maceyko [email protected] Choirs & Cantors Thomas F. Savoy [email protected] Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Jim DeSart [email protected] Greeters Chris Coutre [email protected] Readers Jim DeSart [email protected] Soundboard Damon & Carol Kindig [email protected] Transportation Ministry Position Open Usher Coordinator Audrey Nathan [email protected] Parish Family Book of Prayer Under the Statue of the Infant of Prague in the back of the Church is a book with space to include your prayer request. Reference to these prayers is made at each Mass during the Prayers of the Faithful. Devotional Life PRAY THE ROSARY Wednesday at 6:15pm: For the respect of human life from conception until natural death. Saturday at 9:15 am: For our Priests’ intentions with the Immaculata Prayer Ministry. Saturday 4:45pm: For increase in Vocations to the priesthood and religious life, in the Church. First and Third Tuesdays at 7pm: Rosary in Spanish in the Chapel. El Santo Rosario es cada primer y tercer martes del mes a las 7:00pm en la Capilla. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 9:00am—Noon Wednesday at 12:45pm, Benediction at 6:45pm. First Friday 9:00am until 8:00pm: Immaculata Prayer and Enthronement ministries. First Friday 7:00pm until 8:00pm: Divine Mercy Holy Hour, closing with Benediction. VOCATION AWARENESS We hope that all parishioners will participate in hosting the Vocations Blessing Cup, which involves praying for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Host Family: Grace Armstrong Interested in Becoming An Usher? We are seeking volunteers for 5:30pm (Saturday Vigil), 7:30am and 11:30am Sunday Masses. This is a wonderful service that blesses each of us during the Mass! If you are interested, please contact Audrey at (704) 787-1686 or email [email protected]. Goal: $104,769.00 Pledged: $107,234.85 Paid To Date: $94,887.85 DSA Donate online at or by returning the pledge form you received in the mail. Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 Christian Life Program (CLP) Calling all couples- young and old, parents, widows, widowers and single adults! The Couples for Christ (CFC) invites you to attend the Christian Life Program (CLP), a 12 –part course intended to renew one’s understanding of Christian life. It also explores God’s call to Christian couples. The CLP is ongoing at the Family Life Center (FLC), Room 18, Fridays at 7:00-10:00pm. This program is FREE. Dinner will be provided. The topic on October 24th will be “Receiving the Power of the Holy Spirit”. For more information and to register, please contact: Jon & Cathy Quizon at (980) 267‐0596 or email [email protected]. Be there and learn more about this family life renewal program that has touched the lives of thousands of families worldwide! Community News *Natural Family Planning classes are offered throughout the Diocese on a regular basis. See our website for information: *The Separated and Divorced Catholic Ministry ( is expanding support groups for Catholics in the Charlotte area. To learn more about this Church-sanctioned peer support ministry, please email [email protected] or telephone (336) 632-8999. *The Helpers of God’s Precious Infants - Charlotte chapter invites you to attend our next Procession for Life hosted at St. Marks Catholic Church in Huntersville on Saturday, October 25th. The Charlotte Helpers organizes prayerful, Eucharist-centered processions at our local abortion clinics with our diocesan priests. We will begin at 9:00am with Mass and continue our prayer with Father Putnam at A Preferred Women's Health Center on Latrobe Dr. in Charlotte. Those who do not prefer to join us on the sidewalk are welcomed to spiritually support us in prayer after Mass with Eucharistic Adoration in St. Mark’s Perpetual Adoration chapel. Please join us in praying for a Culture of Life in our city. Visit for more information. *"Then repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God." Have we worked to make our marriage of God, or is it of the worldly things? Come and learn how to bring God into your marriage. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is November 7-9, 2014 in Atlantic Beach, NC . Early sign up is highly recommended. For more information visit our website at: or contact [email protected] or (704) 315-2144. *MARRIED COUPLES: Teams of Our Lady ,, is an international movement of small groups of married couples around the diocese. Each Team (5 – 7 couples and a priest/spiritual counselor) meets monthly to share a meal, prayer, scripture, and a discussion. Teams provide a solid, spiritual direction for couples through a way of life promoting growth in married love, holiness, and Christian community. If you're interested in a great opportunity to grow in your relationship with Christ and your spouse, please join us for an Information Night (husbands and wives should attend) at St. Ann Catholic Church on Monday, November 17, at 7:00pm in the Conference Room (2nd floor of the Allen Center). For more information please contact John & Jeannie Grant at (704) 527-2100 or [email protected]. *There is hope, healing and forgiveness following abortion. Rachel's Vineyard is a week-end retreat for women and men to begin their healing journey. The next retreat is November 21-23, 2014, Charlotte. Please contact Shelley, (828) 230-4940 or visit: Sponsored by the Respect Life Program, Catholic Charities Diocese of Charlotte. Corporal Ministries Bereavement Luncheons Mary Isabelle Goettl [email protected] Blood Drive Donald Seifert [email protected] Clothing Drive Jackie Quigley [email protected] Friends of St. Francis Gardening Kathy Johnson [email protected] Hospice House Dinners Rita & Jim Healy [email protected] Hospitality Helpers Mary Isabelle Goettl [email protected] Room in the Inn Deacon Joe Diaz [email protected] Sandwiches for Men’s Shelter John Henry [email protected] Share Sunday Ray Haywood [email protected] Share Thy Bread (Food Pickup) Lainie Lord [email protected] Thanksgiving Food Baskets Martha Basco [email protected] Visitors to Sick & Homebound Lucy Rodriguez [email protected] Women’s Shelter Meals Position Open Parish Life Groups Boy Scouts Kent Shuford [email protected] Catholic Campus Ministry Sr. Eileen Spanier [email protected] Columbian Squires Dan Crockett [email protected] Columbiettes Genevieve (Gen) Rollin [email protected] Cub Scouts Danny Foskey [email protected] Girl Scouts—Daisies Position Open Girl Scouts—Brownies Barbara Scott [email protected] Girl Scouts—Juniors Angelique Mitchell [email protected] Girl Scouts—Cadettes Rebecca Peplinski [email protected] Girl Scouts—Seniors Rocio Greene [email protected] Girl Scouts—Ambassadors Rocio Greene [email protected] Hispanic Ministry Susie Melgar [email protected] Joyful Hearts Barbara Sands [email protected] Knights of Columbus William Murphy [email protected] Nursery Peggy Major [email protected] Pastoral Council Joe Bjerg Special Events Committee Betsy Hidalgorojas [email protected] Welcoming Committee Barbara Sands [email protected] Youth Ministries Sr. Edeva Jover, O.P. [email protected] Harrisburg Family House Restaurant for advertising in our Parish Bulletin. Please patronize our advertisers and thank them for supporting our bulletin when using their products and services. Through our arrangement with the J.S. Paluch Company, the parish does not pay for bulletin printing which saves us thousands of dollars. For information about advertising in our bulletin, please contact Roberto Neri, Ad/Sponsor Sales Consultant, at or (704) 996-8314. Bulletin Announcements must be submitted to the Parish Office in writing by 9:00am twelve (12) days prior to the weekend of publication. E-mail: [email protected]. Please format announcements in Book Antiqua Font, size 11, if possible. Note: Bulletin Editor reserves the right to edit content. Announcements will typically run for two weeks. 9 ATTORNEY AT LAW *Aim High * Exceed Expectations * JANE E. CROCK Mike Hege, Realtor® TRUSTS & WILLS ABR, GRI, RELO, RCC, CRS Parishioner Family Owned 704.491.9445 (c) [email protected] 704-545-3553 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 Evening & Weekend Appointments Available (704) 597-7374 Parishioner 4715 Margaret Wallace Rd. • Interior & Exterior • Residential & Commercial • Fence & Deck Staining an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Paint Corporation Deacon Carlos Medina President • Pressure Washing • Repaints • Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured 704-400-3111 Handmade Crafts from Bolivia Vases ✱ Jewelry ✱ Purses Hammocks ✱ Home Décor [email protected] visit our store at Carolina Funeral Service & Cremation Center Steven Kuzma Director / Member K of C Open 7 Days B.Fast - Lunch - Dinner 5429 Highway 49 S. Harrisburg, NC 28075 (704) 455-3525 Se Habla Español Acuerdos Internacionales Y Locales 5505 Monroe Rd. 704-568-0023 Independently Owned & Operated Beech Mountain, NC Escape From The City Hike • Bike • Ski • Relax PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts Catholic, Private, ➢ Price Guarantee Traditional & ➢ A+ Rating with BBB Adult Degrees TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months The Only Catholic College of the Carolinas 1-888-222-0110 S&V ROOFING & CONSTRUCTION Commercial/Residential • Weather, Wind & Hail Damage Experts Free Consultation/Parishioner Discount Mike Mullis (c) 704.770.5936 (o) 704.361.6249 Insurance Approved • Licensed/Bonded & Insured [email protected] Jason Horton Owner/Parishioner Authentic, Homemade Italian Cuisine B & A AUTOMOTIVE McEwen Funeral Service-Derita SERVICE CENTER Dinner & Lunch Menu. Catering Available. 6300 Mallard Creek Rd. 5016-B North Tryon Street Charlotte, N.C. 28213 (704) 598-7082 704-596-3291 3014 Baucom Rd., #200 Charlotte 28269 Marc & Deborah Zappa, Parishioners All Mechanical Services 002099 St Thomas Aquinas Church (A) 10% OFF with Ad Dr. Brian P. McNulty Dr. Luis L. Dancausse 704-596-3186 ASE CERTIFIED 704-971-7313 Gentle Dentistry with a Caring Touch 10230 Berkeley Place Dr. New Patients Welcome Just off Mallard Creek Church Rd. at Pinnacle Pt. shopping center PARISHIONER Open Tuesday-Sunday 11 AM-10 PM Closed Mondays ForAds: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 11 St. Thomas Aquinas Charlotte, NC Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 13 St. Thomas Aquinas Charlotte, NC World Feast 2014 – Tickets! Tickets are on sale now after all masses. Tickets can be used for Food, Raffle, Drinks and Games. Cost per ticket is $1, or purchase 25 tickets for $20 (advance purchase discount!). Wristbands for Games will be available for $10 for ALL DAY PLAY (advance purchase discount) or $12 for ALL DAY PLAY on the day of the Feast. Games cost 1 ticket/game and 2 tickets/Bounce Houses. Wristbands are good for GAMES only. Family Packages are available! For a Family of 4 - $60 – 50 Tickets and 2 Games Wristbands; For a Family of 6 - $80 – 50 Tickets and 4 Games Wristbands. World Feast 2014 – Games! Remember the days where games were played outside and without a video controller? Well you will be excited to see the Carnival games we will have at the World Feast 2014! The games will entertain kids of any age, prizes will be won, and faces will be painted! We will offer bounce houses just the right size for the smaller children and even “bounce” opportunities for the “bigger” kids! Zorb Balls (think human gerbil ball), Bungee run (see how far you can get!) and an obstacle course! Visit the ticket booth to purchase a wristband for all day play or tickets to enjoy Ring Toss, Go Fish!, Milk Jug Toss, Duck Pond, a 3-hole Putt Putt, and many more! Pssst…Fathers Winslow, Christian and Kauth will be racing in the Zorb Balls – stop by for a giggle! Tickets for Games – 1 ticket/Carnival game; 2 Tickets/Bounce Houses; $10 advance sale ALL DAY PLAY wristband; $12 sold day of Feast ALL DAY PLAY wristband. World Feast 2014 – Food! Our parish is blessed with generous people from all over the world who will be cooking and preparing amazing food for World Feast 2014! The Food Midway will offer ethnic food from the following countries: Cameroon Ecuador India Nigeria Puerto Rico Trinidad/Tobago Colombia Eritrea Italy Peru Dominican Republic Germany Liberia Philippines Togo USA Mexico Poland Each Country will offer a main entrée (3 tickets), side dish (2 tickets) and a dessert (1 ticket). Water and soda will be offered at the Drink booth for 1 ticket each. Fill up at one booth or visit them all for a delightful culinary trip around the world! World Feast 2014 – Volunteers! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! We cannot host this exciting event without lots of help! There are over 550 time slots to fill and we have wonderful volunteers! If you have signed up on a white card, now is the time to pick your time slot! Please use the links on the World Feast site to sign up for when you are able to help! The website is: World Feast 2014 – BINGO! When you thought we couldn’t offer more fun for one day…World Feast 2014 serves up the first STA BINGO event EVER! The rules of the game are simple, but you must be 21 to play! Prizes will be won by whoever gets 5 in a row first! Beach Bingo games will be held at 12:00pm, 2:00pm and 4:00pm.
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