www.ATZlive.de NEW DIESEL, GAS AND DUAL-FUEL ENGINES Ignition, Thermodynamics and Variable Valve Timing EMISSION REDUCTION Fuels and Exhaust Aftertreatment Systems ENGINE AND SYSTEM OPTIMIZATION Mechanical Optimization, Fuel Injection and Supercharging /// KEYNOTE SPEECH Dr. Andreas M. Lippert GE Jenbacher GmbH & Co OG /// FACTORY TOUR Robert Bosch GmbH Homburg Plant Simultaneous Interpreting German and English © MTU Heavy-Duty, On- and Off-Highway Engines Using synergies across system boundaries 9th International MTZ Conference 18 and 19 November 2014 | Saarbrücken | Germany SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD Detlev Baudach Federal-Mogul Corporation Rolf Brück Emitec GmbH Bernd Danckert DIF DIE IDEENFABRIK GmbH Dr. Robert Dr. Hans-Otto Hentschel Herrmann Ricardo Daimler AG Deutschland GmbH Dr. Andreas Lingens MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH Dr. Michael Krüger Dr. Rainer J. Lehnen Robert Bosch GmbH J. Eberspächer GmbH & Co. KG Dr. Ralf Marquard DEUTZ AG Dr. Andreas Pfeifer Jörg Rückauf Liebherr Machines MAHLE Filtersysteme GmbH Bulle S.A. Dr. Hans-Josef Schiffgens Delphi Diesel Systems Wolfgang Schröppel MAN Truck & Bus AG Dr. Ralph-Michael Schmidt L’Orange GmbH Wolfgang Siebenpfeiffer Editor-in-Charge ATZ | MTZ | ATZelektronik Prof. Dr. Helmut Tschöke Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg Scientific Director of the Conference Dr. Ioannis Vlaskos Ricardo Deutschland GmbH Prof. Dr. Georg Wachtmeister TU Munich Dr. Wolfgang Warnecke Shell Global Solutions (Deutschland) GmbH © MAN WELCOME The international MTZ conference “Heavy-Duty, On- and Off-Highway Engines” has become firmly established over the past eight years as the main forum for the exchange of information and experience among designers and developers of heavy-duty engines for the on- and off-highway sectors and for marine and stationary applications. The conference will take place for the ninth time on 18 and 19 November 2014, this year in Saarbrücken. Recent years have seen a continuous increase in pressure on manufacturers of heavy-duty engines and their components. Not only must increasingly strict emission reduction requirements be fulfilled, but there is also an ongoing need for further reductions in fuel consumption. In the long term, the finite nature of fossil energy resources will determine the direction of research and development. The manufacturers of heavy-duty engines and their suppliers must therefore pursue a wide range of approaches in order to respond to challenges that are often mutually conflicting. A holistic consideration of the powertrain as well as a view beyond the system boundaries of the different heavyduty internal combustion engines will offer synergy potentials that can contribute to further improvements in efficiency for the internal combustion engine. “Using synergies across system boundaries” is therefore also the motto of this year‘s conference. The program is rounded off by a parallel exhibition. Please take this opportunity to expand your network and make valuable contacts. In particular, the evening event with its relaxed atmosphere will also offer numerous possibilities for this. I look forward to welcoming you to the conference. On behalf of the Scientific Advisory Board Wolfgang Siebenpfeiffer Editor-in-Charge ATZ | MTZ | ATZelektronik Media Partners PROGRAM TUESDAY 18 NOVEMBER 2014 8:45 Welcome and opening of the conference Dr. Alexander Heintzel, Editor-in-Chief ATZ | MTZ Group; Dr. Robert Hentschel, Managing Director, Ricardo Deutschland GmbH KEYNOTE SPEECH / EXHAUST ENERGY UTILIZATION Moderator: Dr. Ioannis Vlaskos, Global Market Sector Director – Marine, Director – Heavy Duty Diesel, Large Engines & Gas Engines, Ricardo Deutschland GmbH 9:00 Reciprocating engines: a key building block for distributed power Dr. Andreas M. Lippert, General Manager Engineering Jenbach, GE Power & Water, GE Jenbacher GmbH & Co OG, Austria 9:30 Waste heat recovery system design for commercial vehicles with a Rankine process Marc Oliver Röhner, System Engineering Waste Heat Recovery, Dr. D. Seher, J. Krauss, Robert Bosch GmbH 10:00 Externally divided exhaust period on a turbocompound engine for fuel saving Habib Aghaali, PhD Student, H.-E. Ångström, Competence Center for Gas Exchange (CCGEx), KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden 10:30 Refreshment break with coffee and tea in the exhibition area HEAVY-DUTY ENGINES Moderator: Jonathan Walker, Chief Correspondent MTZindustrial 11:00 Medium-speed engine technology and product development trends Mikael Troberg, Director, Technology Development, 4-stroke R&D, Wärtsilä Corporation, Italy 11:30 MAN Diesel & Turbo SE, L/V 32/44 CR – increased power and efficiency as a result of continuous development Thomas Kremser, Head of Engine Test Augsburg, C. Argus, Dr. A. Knafl, MAN Diesel & Turbo SE 12:00 VCM, the key to enhancing gas engines for demanding applications Michael Gisiger, Senior Manager Sales and Application Engineering, ABB Turbo Systems AG, Switzerland 12:30 Lunch together in the exhibition area FUELS AND EMISSIONS Moderator: Dr. Hans-Otto Herrmann, Director Performance & Emissions, Chief Engineer GATS, Daimler AG 14:00 Cost-effective reduction of CO2 emissions in the heavy-duty sector in Europe – abatement curves including fuel shift to natural gas and DF engine technology Dr. Max Kofod, Scientist, Shell Global Solutions (Deutschland) GmbH; S. Hartman, Shell Global Solutions (US) Inc.; Dr. P. Gorse, MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH 14:30 What will be the right fuel for marine applications in the future? Dr. Udo Schlemmer-Kelling, Executive Engineer Technology, Commercial, lndustrial & Large Engines, FEV GmbH 15:00 Marine diesel engines with SCR: practical experiences from the perspective of a classification society Markus Osterkamp, Inspection Engineer Environmental Certification, Dr. F. Kock, DNV GL SE 15:30 Refreshment break with coffee and tea in the exhibition area EMISSIONS CONTROL Moderator: Prof. Dr. Helmut Tschöke, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg 16:00 Emissions downgrade – LowTech or challenge? Dr. Christoph Bertram, Head of Heavy Duty Engine Calibration Commercial Vehicle Powertrain, Dr. S. Rakowski, B. Tilch, Dr. J. Seebode, P. Rolke, IAV GmbH 16:30 Gas exchange optimization of marine engines during introduction of EPA Tier 3 emission standard Bernd Huneke, Manager Design Marine Applications, H. Nagler, MAN Truck & Bus AG 17:00 75 years of MTZ – a reflection of HD engine development Prof. Dr. Helmut Tschöke, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg 19:30 Evening of encounters at the “Völklingen Ironworks” World Cultural Heritage Site, Blower Shed Enjoy a delightful evening and interesting conversations over dinner with colleagues and speakers. PROGRAM WEDNESDAY 19 NOVEMBER 2014 GAS ENGINES Moderator: Dr. Michael Krüger, Senior Vice President Diesel Systems, Engineering Powertrain Technologies and Worldwide Test Center, Robert Bosch GmbH 8:30 Pre-chamber spark plug development for highest gas-engine efficiencies at Dresser-Rand / GUASCOR Leire Alonso Polanco, Development Engineer, I. Oregui, Dr. M. Weinrotter, I. Iruretagoiena, Dresser-Rand – GUASCOR Power I+D, Spain 9:00 Potentials for further thermodynamic development of the GE Jenbacher type 6 gas engine Dr. Robert Böwing, Engineering Manager Thermodynamics, M. Grotz, J. Thalhauser, J. Lang, GE Jenbacher GmbH & Co OG, Austria; Dr. P. Christiner, Prof. Dr. A. Wimmer, Large Engines Competence Center (LEC), TU Graz, Austria 9:30 Potential for the catalytic reduction of CH4 at an upstream TC turbine position Robert Bank, Team Leader Exhaust Gas Aftertreatment, Dr. B. Buchholz, U. Etzien, FVTR GmbH; Prof. Dr. H. Harndorf, Chair of Piston Machines and Internal Combustion Engines (LKV), University of Rostock 10:00 Refreshment break with coffee and tea in the exhibition area NEW CONCEPTS Moderator: Dr. Andreas Lingens, Executive Vice President Development Series Engines, MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH 10:30 The L’Orange common-rail injector family for Wärtsilä large two-stroke engines in heavy fuel oil and dual-fuel application Alexander C. Kaiser, Technical Coordinator and Test Engineer, C. Senghaas, L’Orange GmbH 11:00 Development trends for future commercial vehicle boosting systems in comparison to passenger cars Prof. Dr. Roland Baar, Chair of Combustion Engines, B. Savic, Research Area Combustion Engines, TU Berlin 11:30 Achieving the most stringent CO2 commercial truck standards with the opposed-piston engine Dr. Gerhard Regner, Vice President, Performance & Emissions, F. Redon, J. Koszewnik, L. Fromm, Achates Power, Inc., USA 12:00 Lunch together in the exhibition area ENGINE MECHANICS AND FUEL CONSUMPTION OPTIMIZATION Moderator: Dr. Andreas Pfeifer, Chief Engineer Diesel Engine Development, Liebherr Machines Bulle S.A., Switzerland 13:00 Decrease in the number of cylinders – 4-cylinder engines for heavy-duty vehicles Peter Methfessel, Research Assistant, Institute for Combustion Engines (VKA), RWTH Aachen University; M. Neitz, FEV GmbH 13:30 Developments to reduce CO2 emissions from heavy-duty engines Chris Such, Chief Engineer, Heavy Duty Diesel Engines, Ricardo UK Ltd; Dr. S. Edwards, Ricardo Deutschland GmbH 14:00 Closing remarks Dr. Alexander Heintzel, Editor-in-Chief ATZ | MTZ Group 14:15 Bus transfer or individual travel to factory tour approx Factory tour of the Homburg plant of Robert Bosch GmbH 15:00 Tour of the production line with guided tours of fuel rail production, car injector production or truck injector production approx End of the factory tour and bus transfer to 17:00 Homburg/Saar train station or individual departure THE CONFERENCE IS SUPPORTED BY RICARDO DEUTSCHLAND GMBH With more than 2,100 employees, Ricardo is a leading research and development service provider of sustainable mobility and renewable energy with a clear focus on engine, driveline and vehicle development. From our technical centres and offices in Germany, UK, USA and Asia we offer innovative technology and product development as well as delivering prototype manufacture and niche volume production. We have the competence in project management of complex vehicle series development programmes as well as offering highly flexible delivery for specialised individual projects. In the field of large engines, Ricardo has a wide range of experience from research up to support of series programmes. Ricardo provides low-emission, fuel-efficient and powerful drive unit solutions specifically tailored to markets around the world and has also developed a wide range of solutions for exhaust aftertreatment to meet European, Japanese and US legislation, and also low-cost solutions for emerging markets. Ricardo delivers concept development, simulation, design work, combustion process development, application and testing. Our test facilities include more than 30 modern large engine test beds for large engines enabling us to develop the next generation of low-emission and fuel-efficient engines for commercial vehicles for on- and off-highway, marine, rail, clean energy and power generation YOUR applications and meet PRESENTATION PLATFORM the standards for future emission legislation. Take the opportunity to present your latest products and services to the specialist audience in our exclusive exhibition or as a sponsor. Why not make use of this meeting place for an exchange of specialist information between users and pioneers in this field? For information on the various presentation options, please contact: Nicole Benner Phone +49 611 7878-320 [email protected] www.ricardo.com PARTICIPANTS The MTZ Conference “Heavy-Duty, On- and Off-Highway Engines” is aimed worldwide at experts from engine and vehicle manufacturers in the fields of commercial vehicles, off-highway and marine applications, stationary engines, suppliers and development partners, teaching staff and research assistants from universities, representatives of authorities and associations and engineers active in these fields. ABOUT THE CONFERENCE Improving efficiency and reducing emissions will remain among the key challenges facing developers of heavy-duty engines for on- and off-highway applications worldwide. An increasingly important role will be played by a consideration of the system as a whole. This event will focus on new powertrains for commercial vehicles, off-highway, marine and stationary applications, complete system optimization, solutions for emission reduction and the optimization of engine mechanics and fuel consumption. The conference will examine current and future developments in heavy-duty diesel and gas engines for various applications. It is an indispensable platform for an international exchange of experience among experts in heavy-duty engines. Both days of the conference will offer simultaneous German/English and, if required, English/German interpreting. Please find the German version of the program at www.ATZlive.de or order a copy by telephone on +49 611 7878-132. STUDENT SPONSOR www.lorange.com REGISTRATION FEE € 1,395.– plus VAT This includes the conference documentation, coffee breaks, soft drinks, two lunches and the evening reception. VENUE E WERK Dr.-Tietz-Straße 14 66115 Saarbrücken | Germany HOTELS The hotels have room blocks at reduced prices for the participants. Please make your reservation by 6 October 2014 quoting the reference “Heavy Duty 2014”. Mercure Hotel Saarbrücken City Hafenstraße 8 66111 Saarbrücken Phone +49 681 3890-0 Fax +49 681 3890-989 [email protected] www.mercure.com € 109.– Single room, includes breakfast Mercure Hotel Saarbrücken Süd Zinzinger Straße 9 66117 Saarbrücken Phone +49 681 5863-0 Fax +49 681 5863-300 [email protected] www.mercure.com € 80.– Single room, includes breakfast On the Heavy Duty conference page at www.ATZlive.de you will find more hotels with room blocks at discounted prices. LANGUAGES USED IN THE PRESENTATIONS German and English with simultaneous interpreting (German – English / English – German) CONDITIONS No cancellation charge is due if registration is cancelled by 20 October 2014. Cancellations made after that date will incur a charge of 35 % of the registration fee. For cancellations made after 28 October 2014 the full registration fee is payable. Cancellations must be made in writing. The date of the postmark will determine whether the deadline has been met. If you are unable to attend, we will be happy to accept a substitute participant. Should a speaker be unable to attend at short notice by reason of force majeure, illness, accident or other circumstances for which ATZlive cannot be held responsible, another qualified person will be appointed to the exclusion of any claim for compensation. Should the event be cancelled altogether, we will of course refund the registration fee. No conference documentation may be reproduced or transferred to third parties without the express written consent of ATZlive. Photographing the presentation slides and taking audio and video recordings of the event are not permitted. The General Terms and Conditions of ATZlive apply, as published on the website www.ATZlive.de/AGB Your personal details will be stored electronically in compliance with the German Data Protection Act. We will not disclose your address to third parties for advertising purposes. If you do not wish to receive information about our publishing products, please send an e-mail with your address details to [email protected]. Please send the registration form by post or fax to: ATZlive | Springer Vieweg Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH Marc Vestweber Abraham-Lincoln-Straße 46 65189 Wiesbaden | Germany Phone +49 611 7878-132 Fax +49 611 7878-452 [email protected] www.ATZlive.de THE ORGANIZER ATZlive // Spotlight on Powertrain and Vehicle Engineering // ATZlive organizes its high-caliber conferences for vehicle and engine specialists together with key representatives from research and industry to ensure that they are tailor-made to the needs of the participants and address the very latest issues. Our close collaboration with the editorial teams of our specialist magazines ATZ and MTZ keeps us fully up-to-date on the latest topics and trends on the market. ATZlive is part of the world’s second largest scientific publishing group, Springer Science+Business Media. CONFERENCE REGISTRATION Heavy-Duty, On- and Off-Highway Engines 18 and 19 November 2014 | Saarbrücken | Germany In accordance with the General Terms and Conditions and the price list, I would like to order the following:* Participation in the conference at a price of € 1,395.– plus VAT * The General Terms and Conditions of ATZlive apply, as published on the website www.ATZlive.de/AGB I would like to take part in the factory tour of the Homburg plant of Robert Bosch GmbH on 19 November 2014 after the conference. I would like to make use of the bus shuttle (from Saarbrücken to Homburg plant, returning from the Homburg plant to Homburg/Saar train station). I will make my own travel arrangements to and from Homburg. Registration data Family name First name Acad. title Company / Institute Department Function Street / P.O. box Postal code / City Country Phone Fax E-mail of the participant Invoice address (if different from above address) VAT No. Date, Signature BY FAX TO +49 611 7878-452 CS000709
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