fa l l 2014 Fall 2014 Classes Page 57 fa l l 2014 How to Read the Class Schedule READING THE CLASS SCHEDULE Course Name & Number Course Title Units of Credit ANTHR 1 Physical Anthropology 0883 MW Section/ Synonym Number Days 3.0 2:40P- 4:50P Redbud 3 Time Clarke P Building & Room Finding Online & Hybrid Classes Throughout the class schedule, you will see icons that represent fully online or hybrid classes. For a list of online and hybrid classes, see page 115. 0 This is an online section via Blackboard. Students must have access to a computer and an internet connection. There is additional online information at: www.gocolumbia.edu/online_ learning. Check your instructor’s web page for possible class-specific instructions. 0: This is a hybrid section, requiring both Instructor 0 Online section 0: Hybrid section Evening and weekend classes are listed in the shaded boxes. face-to-face meetings and online activities via Blackboard. Students must have access to a computer and an internet connection. There is additional online information at: www.gocolumbia.edu/ online_learning. Check your instructor’s web page for possible class-specific instructions. Students are strongly encouraged to review the web pages of each instructor before the first day of class. This recommendation is given in the interest of student success. w For the latest class scheduling updates go to My Columbia www.gocolumbia.edu Page 58 fa l l 2014 Fall Schedule of Classes Art Anthropology ANTHR 1 Physical Anthropology 3.0 Scientific study of humankind and our evolutionary history with emphasis on recent developments; primatology; the fossil sequence beginning with pre-human through the Paleolithic era to the domestication of plants and animals and the dawn of civilizations and contemporary huntergatherers. (MJC ANTHR 101) Transfer: UC/CSU 0883 MW Clarke P Lec 1:00P - 2:25P Sequoia 1 ANTHR 2 Cultural Anthropology 3.0 The scientific study of human societies including preliterate societies along with the concept of culture basic to Anthropology. Emphasis is on methods of fieldwork, cultural ecology, language, social and political structure, the psychological perspective, religion, cultural change and the cultural future of humanity. (MJC ANTHR 102) Transfer: UC/CSU 9433 MW Clarke P Lec 9:40A - 11:05A Sugar Pine 126 This class is team-taught with GEOGR-12-1335. Students are advised to contact Profs. Clarke or Hamilton and consult their college web pages. ANTHR 7 Gender, Culture and Society 3.0 The course takes an inclusive bio-cultural evolutionary perspective on gender, focusing on non-human primate societies as well as primitive (small scale) and modern (large scale) human societies. Factors such as culture, ecological conditions and historical circumstances, forces of stratification (e.g. age, social class), socialization (e.g. rites of passage, conformity and deviance) as well as the science (e.g. concepts, theories and methods) of studying these topics will be addressed. Though course readings will represent many disciplines, the foundation readings reflect the perspectives of bio-cultural anthropology as well as sociology. This emphasis addresses the fundamental assumption that while sex differences are biological, gender encompasses the traits that culture assigns and inculcates (with varying degrees of success) in males and females. Credit may be earned for only one of the following: ANTHR 7 or SOCIO 7. Transfer: UC/ CSU 2777 TTH Clarke P ART 1 Basic Freehand Drawing 3.0 Introduction to principles, elements, and practices of drawing, employing a wide range of subject matter and drawing media. Focus n perceptually based drawing, observational skills, technical abilities, and creative responses to materials and subject matter. Transfer: UC/CSU 2703 TTH AND TTH Accurso J Lec 6:00P - 7:05P Willow 1 Lab 7:15P - 8:40P Willow 1 ART 2 Basic Color and Design 3.0 Introduction to elements and principles of visual design and color theory as applied in a studio setting. Class will encompass organizing principles of two-dimensional art, including balance, proportion, repetition, contrast, harmony, unity, point of emphasis and visual movement. Focus will be on problem solving to develop twodimensional awareness and development of skills in a variety of media. The translation of ideas and visual experience are an important consideration in creating finished class work/images. Course will include examination of historical and contemporary trends, materials and approaches in two-dimensional art. Development of a visual vocabulary for creative expression through lecture presentations, studio projects, problem solving, and written assignments. Transfer: UC/CSU 2843 MW AND MW Hanson L Lec Lab 6:00P- 7:05P Sugar Pine 207 7:15P- 8:40P Sugar Pine 207 ART 9A Figure Drawing: Beginning 3.0 Introduction to observational drawing of the human figure by using various techniques and media. Students will learn both descriptive and expressive approaches to drawing the human figure. Topics include an introduction to human anatomy and the historical and contemporary roles of figure drawing in the visual arts. (MJC ART 123) Transfer: UC/ CSU 2726 TTH AND TTH Accurso L Lec 9:40A - 10:45A Willow 1 Lab 10:55A - 12:20P Willow 1 Lec 9:40A - 11:05A Sequoia 1 ART 9B Figure Drawing: Intermediate 3.0 Prerequisite: ART 9A with a grade of C or better, or P. An extension of ART 9A emphasizing various media and compositional problems. Transfer: UC/CSU 2727 TTH AND TTH Accurso L Lec 9:40A - 10:45A Willow 1 Lab 10:55A - 12:20P Willow 1 Page 59 fa l l 2014 art (continued) ART 11 History of Art: Ancient and Medieval 3.0 Recommended for Success: ENGL 151. Survey of art history from the Paleolithic Age through the Late Gothic Era. (MJC ART 164) Transfer: UC/CSU 0900 MW Lec 9:40A - 11:05A Sequoia 1 Sylwester L ART 12 History of Art: Renaissance, Baroque, and Modern 3.0 Recommended for Success: ENGL 1A. Survey of art history from the 14th through the 20th century. (MJC ART 165) Transfer: UC/CSU 2704 TTH Accurso L Lec 8:00A - 9:25A Sequoia 1 2705 M Accurso L Lec 6:00P - 9:05P Cedar 1 ART 13 Art of Africa, Asia, Australia and the Americas 3.0 1945 F Lec 9:00A - 12:05P Sequoia 1 Sylwester L 3.0 Introduction to principles, elements, and practices of painting. Focus on exploration of oil and/or acrylic painting materials, perceptual skills and color theory, paint mixing and technique, as well as creative responses to materials and subject matter. (MJC ART 148) Transfer: UC/CSU 2706 TTH AND TTH Accurso L Lec 1:00P - 2:05P Willow 1 Lab 2:15P - 3:40P Willow 1 ART 21B Painting: Intermediate 3.0 Prerequisite: ART 21A with a grade of C or better, or P. Continuation of ART 21A with emphasis on personal expression. (MJC ART 149) Transfer: UC/CSU 2707 TTH AND TTH Accurso L Lec 1:00P - 2:05P Willow 1 Lab 2:15P - 3:40P Willow 1 Page 60 Lec 9:40A- 11:45A Willow 1 Lab 12:00P- 3:05P Willow 1 3.0 Lec 9:40A- 11:45A Willow 1 Lab 12:00P- 3:05P Willow 1 ART 31 Ceramics: Introductory 3.0 Introduction to basic ceramic methods including handbuilding and wheel-thrown forms, and introduction to glazes and decoration. (MJC ART 108) Transfer: UC/CSU 2708 MW Lec 1:00P - 2:25P Willow 1 AND MW Lab 2:35P - 4:00P Willow 1 Sylwester L 3.0 Course emphasis is on glazes, formulation and application with increased opportunity for personal expression and experimentation. Transfer: UC/CSU 2709 MW Lec 1:00P - 2:25P Willow 1 AND MW Lab 2:35P - 4:00P Willow 1 Sylwester L ART 33 Ceramics: Advanced 3.0 Course emphasis is on personal growth and independence. Transfer: UC/CSU 2710 MW Lec 1:00P - 2:25P Willow 1 AND MW Lab 2:35P - 4:00P Willow 1 Sylwester L ART 35 Raku and Alternative Firing Methods 2.0 Introduction to raku process, pit firing, fuming, barrel smoked, historic origins and contemporary uses. Practical experience in clay bodies, glazes, raku and other firing. Transfer: UC/CSU 2716 W Lec 6:00P - 7:25P Willow 1 AND W Lab 7:25P - 8:50P Willow 1 Sylwester L ART 35 Raku and Alternative Firing Methods 3.0 Introduction to raku process, pit firing, fuming, barrel smoked, historic origins and contemporary uses. Practical experience in clay bodies, glazes, raku and other firing. Transfer: UC/CSU 2712 TTH ART 23A Watercolor: Beginning 3.0 Introduction to basic materials, techniques and problems of transparent watercolors. Transfer: UC/CSU 2841 F AND F Hanson L 2842 F AND F Hanson L ART 32 Ceramics: Intermediate Survey of the art of Africa, Asia, Australia, and the Americas from prehistoric to modern periods. This course is designed to meet an ethnic studies requirement. (MJC ART 169) Transfer: UC/CSU ART 21A Painting: Beginning ART 23B Watercolor: Intermediate Prerequisite: ART 23A with a grade of C or better, or P. Continuation of ART 23A introducing opaque watercolors and various experimental techniques. Transfer: UC/CSU Lec 3:45P - 4:45P Sonora High Ceramics Room AND TTH Lab 4:45P - 5:50P Sonora High Berchtold S Ceramics Room 09/09/2014 to 11/13/2014 ART 46 Field Photography: Composition and Design ART 36 Wheel-Thrown Ceramics 2.0 An introduction to throwing on the potter's wheel, and its historical and contemporary significance. This class will introduce the process of wedging clay, centering a pot, pulling a wall, shaping process, and trimming techniques to complete well balanced forms on the potter's wheel. In addition, students will examine, discuss, critique and write about the techniques, terminology and processes of historical and contemporary thrown clay vessels. Students will use vocabulary in verbal and written class critiques. Transfer: CSU 2718 TTH Lec 3:45P - 4:45P Sonora High Ceramics Room AND TTH Lec 4:45P - 5:50P Sonora High Berchtold S Ceramics Room 09/09/2014 to 11/13/2014 2717 W Lec 6:00P - 7:25P Willow 1 AND W Lab 7:25P - 8:50P Willow 1 Sylwester L 2.0 An introduction to elements of design and composition as they relate to field photography. Field instruction in locations of natural beauty and historical significance followed by lectures, demonstrations, and critiques. Requires adjustable 35mm camera or larger format, or adjustable SLR type digital. Field trips required. Transfer: CSU 2317 S Lec 9:00A - 10:25A Fir 3 AND S Lab 10:35A - 12:00PFir 3 Sylwester L ART 53 Computer Graphics I 3.0 Lecture: 2 hours Laboratory: 3 hours This course introduces the student to the fundamentals of computer graphics. Topics include the elements and principles of good graphic design, vector versus raster graphics, color theory, image scanning and formatting for print and screen. Students will acquire basic skills in current graphic design software and create original design pieces. Credit may be earned for only one of the following: ART 53 or CMPSC 33. Transfer: UC/ CSU MATERIALS FEE: $20.00 ART 40 Photography: Beginning 4.0 Introduction to the history, art, craft, and scope of blackand-white photography. Emphasis will be on the choice, types, and use of various cameras and lenses (special emphasis on the 35mm camera), camera work and handling, composition, and black-and-white darkroom procedures. Adjustable 35mm film camera (or equivalent) will be utilized. (MJC ART 170 or ART 181 & 182) Transfer: UC/ CSU 1042 T Lec 8:00A - 11:05A Maple 102 AND TH Lab 8:00A - 11:05A Fir 8 Waterbury T Lec 6:00P - 6:50P Tamarack Hall 134 AND TTH Lab 7:00P - 8:30P Tamarack Hall Christensen K 134 Students must provide special equipment or supplies or may incur additional cost. Software used is ADOBE Illustrator. Automotive Technology AT 100 Introduction to Automotive Technology 4.0 Field trips required or selected class meetings will be held at alternate locations within the college district. Students must provide special equipment or supplies or may incur additional cost. 2516 M Lec 6:00P - 9:05P Dogwood 1 AND W Lab 6:00P - 9:05P Fir 8 Staff ART 45 Field Photography 2566 TTH 3.0 An introduction to producing professional quality nature photographs. Field instruction in locations of natural beauty followed by lectures, demonstrations, and critiques. The student will utilize an adjustable film or digital camera. Field trips required. Transfer: CSU 2724 WF Lec 9:00A - 11:10A Maple 104 AND WF Lab 10:35A - 12:00PField Location Schermeister P Introduction to theory, operation and maintenance of automotive systems. Includes fundamentals of math, measuring devices, fasteners, shop safety, careers and certifications, tools/equipment common to the automotive industry, environmental issues, classifications/applications of lubricants, and resume writing. Environmental issues will be discussed. This course is designed to comply with the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF) objectives, enabling students to prepare for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification. Offered for Pass/No Pass grading only. MATERIALS FEE: $10.00 2636 MTWTHF Andal E Lec 8:00A - 1:05P Madrone 1 08/25/2014 to 09/12/2014 Students must provide special equipment or supplies or may incur additional cost. 10/17/2014 to 12/05/2014 Page 61 fa l l 2014 art (continued) fa l l 2014 Biology automotive technology (continued) AT 102 Engine Repair 5.0 Techniques involved in gasoline engine diagnosing and repair. Diagnosis of the engine’s systems will be emphasized. This course is designed to comply with the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF) objectives, enabling students to prepare for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification. Field trips may be required. MATERIALS FEE: $10.00 2637 MTWTHF AND MTWTHF Andal E Lec 8:00A - 9:15A Madrone 2 Lab 9:15A - 1:05P Madrone 1 10/21/2014 to 12/04/2014 Students must provide special equipment or supplies or may incur additional cost. AT 103 Practical Laboratory 2.0 Recommended for Success: Six units of completed AT units with a grade of C or better, or concurrent enrollment in six units of AT courses. This course includes special automotive repair projects that are assigned to students, with emphasis on speed, accuracy, and quality work habits. MATERIALS FEE: $10.00 2414 MTWTHF Andal E Lab 8:00A - 12:00P Madrone 1 09/15/2014 to 10/20/2014 Students must provide special equipment or supplies or may incur additional cost. AT 105 Automotive Braking Systems 4.0 BIOL 2 Principles of Biology 4.0 Prerequisite: MATH 104 with a grade of C or better, or P. Covers principles and applications of the structure and function of biological molecules, prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell structure and function, homeostasis, cell reproduction and its controls, molecular biology, molecular genetics, transmission genetics, cell metabolism, including photosynthesis, respiration, and viruses. Science as an ongoing process of inquiry is a theme that runs throughout this course. BIOL 2 is a laboratory course. (MJC BIO 101) Transfer: UC/CSU (Transfer credit limited. See a counselor.) 1952 TTH AND TTH Miller M Lec 1:00P - 2:25P Sugar Pine 114 Lab 2:40P - 4:05P Sugar Pine 207 BIOL 4 Principles of Animal Biology 4.0 Prerequisite: MATH 104 with a grade of C or better, or P. This course covers the comparative structure and function of animals and protists, development, homeostasis, microevolution and macroevolution, taxonomy and systematics, molecular and morphological phylogeny, and behavior. Population and evolutionary history are also emphasized. Principles of Animal Biology is a laboratory course where dissection of animals is required. Field trips may be required. (MJC ZOOL 101) Transfer: UC/CSU 1967 MW AND MW Naegle E Lec 11:20A - 12:45P Sugar Pine 214 Lab 1:00P - 2:25P Sugar Pine 200 Recommended for Success: AT 100. This course covers the principles of operation and repair of automotive drum and disc brake systems. Also covered are anti-lock braking systems. The subjects covered allow for compliance with the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF) objectives, thus enabling students to prepare for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification. MATERIALS FEE: $10.00 0851 MTWTHF AND MTWTHF Andal E Lec 8:00A - 9:15A Madrone 2 Lab 9:15A - 1:05P Madrone 1 09/15/2014 to 10/20/2014 Students must provide special equipment or supplies or may incur additional cost. w For the latest class scheduling updates go to My Columbia www.gocolumbia.edu Page 62 FAQs columbia college counseling What is orientation and why should I go? Orientation is a process in which you learn about Columbia College, its programs and services, and how to effectively enroll in coursework at Columbia according to your educational goal. Refer to our Orientation page gocolumbia.edu/student_ services/orientation for more information about upcoming sessions as well as an on-line option. BIOL 10 Human Anatomy BIOL 24 General Ecology 4.0 Prerequisites: ENGL 151 and MATH 104 with grades of C or better, or P. Recommended for Success: BIOL 17 or BIOL 150. An introduction to the study of the gross and microscopic structure of the human body using an organ systems approach including the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, sensory, endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems. This course is primarily intended for nursing, allied health, kinesiology, and other health related majors. (MJC ANAT 125) Transfer: UC/CSU Supplemental Instruction may be offered for these sections. See page 56. 2459 TTH Lec 8:00A - 9:25A Sugar Pine 214 AND TTH Lab 11:20A - 12:45P Sugar Pine 200 Kenna K 2458 TTH AND TTH Kenna K Lec 8:00A - 9:25A Sugar Pine 214 Lab 9:40A - 11:05A Sugar Pine 200 2451 TTH AND TTH Naegle E Lec 1:00P - 2:25P Sugar Pine 214 Lab 2:40P - 4:05P Sugar Pine 200 2452 TTH AND TTH Lec 6:00P - 7:25P Sugar Pine 214 Lab 7:40P - 9:05P Sugar Pine 200 Naegle E BIOL 17 Fundamentals of Biology 4.0 An integrated lecture and laboratory course of study emphasizing the fundamental principles common to all forms of life. The course is a core biology class for transfer students and for AA and AS students at Columbia College. The laboratory makes extensive use of computer simulations as well as experimentation in traditional laboratory. (MJC BIO 111) Transfer: UC/CSU (Transfer credit limited. See a counselor.) 1133 MW AND MW White S Lec 8:00A - 9:25A Sugar Pine 214 Lab 11:20A - 12:45P Sugar Pine 217 1132 MW AND MW White S Lec 8:00A - 9:25A Sugar Pine 214 Lab 9:40A - 11:05A Sugar Pine 217 1134 TTH AND TTH Whited B Lec 9:40A - 11:05P Sugar Pine 214 Lab 11:20P - 12:25P Sugar Pine 217 1135 TTH AND TTH Staff Lec 6:00P - 7:25P Sugar Pine 126 Lab 7:40P - 9:05P Sugar Pine 217 4.0 Recommended for Success: ENGL 1A and MATH 101. Students will be introduced to environmental biology, which focuses on physiological, behavioral, and population ecology, and on linking ecological processes to evolution. Principles of evolution at the molecular, organismal, and population levels will be related to conservation issues affecting ecosystem management. The ecology component will cover basic principles and experimental approaches to solving ecological problems. Case studies in pollution issues, resource use, global warming, and ozone depletion will also be covered. Field trips may be required. Transfer: UC/CSU 1136 TTH AND TTH Staff Lec 1:00P - 2:25P Sugar Pine 126 Lab 2:40P - 4:05P Sugar Pine 217 BIOL 39 Field Biology 2.0 A lecture field course in biology to be held in natural surroundings. The study site will vary with the seasons. Natural history, ecology, and biology of the locale will be studied. Transfer: CSU 1773 M AND THFSSU Hofstra T Lec 6:00P - 8:00P Sugar Pine 100 Lec 9:00A - 5:30P Field Location 11/03/2014 to 11/16/2014 Big Sur Orientation Meeting: Wed(11/3/14), 6:00P-8:00P, CSUG100 Field Trip: Thu-Sun (11/13/14-11/16/14), 9:00A-6:30P Spend a three-day weekend exploring the biology of Big Sur. Protected by the Santa Lucia Mountains and rocky cliffs, the Big sur coast includes the largest and most pristine coastal wildlands in central and southern California. Lodging or camping will be available at the University of Calfornia Natural Reserve System Landells-Hill Big Creek Reserve. Adjacent to the terrerstiral reserve are two State marine protected areas: the Big Creek State Marine Reserve and the Big Creek State Conservation Area, both administered by the California Department of Fish and Game. BIOL 50 Nutrition 3.0 Introductory study of energy and nutrient requirements of the body in relation to growth, maintenance, and reproduction; factors influencing normal metabolism, construction of the adequate diet. Emphasis is placed upon the chemical aspects of nutrition. (MJC FDNTR 219) Transfer: UC/CSU 1067 MW Dyer K Lec 9:40A - 11:05A Sugar Pine 114 1146 Dyer K 0 This is an online section. See page 114. 1590 Dyer K 0 This is an online section. See page 114. Page 63 fa l l 2014 biology (continued) fa l l 2014 biology (continued) BIOL 60 Human Physiology BIOL 158 Birds of Central California 4.0 Prerequisites: ENGL 151 and MATH 104 with grades of C or better, or P. Recommended for Success: BIOL 10, BIOL 17, CHEM 14, CHEM 14L. Study of the physiological principles, function, integration and homeostasis of the human body at the cellular, tissue, organ, organ system and organism level: integumentary system, bone, skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscles, nervous system, sensory organs, cardiovascular system, lymphatic and immune systems, respiratory system, urinary system, digestive system, endocrine system, and reproductive system. This course is primarily intended for Nursing, Allied Health, Kinesiology, and other health related majors. (MJC PHYSO 101) Transfer: UC/CSU Supplemental Instruction may be offered for these sections. See page 56. 2765 MW Lec 8:00A - 9:25A Sugar Pine 126 AND MW Lab 9:40A - 11:05A Sugar Pine 207 Miller M 2764 MW AND MW Miller M Lec 1:00P - 2:25P Sugar Pine 214 Lab 2:40P - 4:05P Sugar Pine 207 BIOL 65 Microbiology 4.0 Recommended for Success: BIOL 17, CHEM 14 and CHEM 14L. Morphology, physiology, genetics, cultivation and control of micro-organisms, particularly bacteria and viruses. Principles of immunology and the relationship of microbes to disease will be included. (MJC MICRO 101) Transfer: UC/CSU Supplemental Instruction may be offered for these sections. See page 56. 2462 TTH Lec 8:00A - 9:25A Sugar Pine 126 AND TTH Lab 9:40A - 11:05A Sugar Pine 207 Yost H 2463 TTH AND TTH Yost H Lec 8:00A - 9:25A Sugar Pine 126 Lab 11:20A - 12:45P Sugar Pine 207 BIOL 150 Elementary Anatomy and Physiology 3.0 Introduction to human structure and function. Designed as a foundation course for the allied health student, but open to all interested students. (MJC AP 50) 1771 F Sousa J Lec 9:00A - 12:05P Sugar Pine 126 1147 F Lec 6:00P - 9:00P Sugar Pine 214 AND S Lab 8:00A - 5:00P Field Location Van Cleave G 09/05/2014 to 12/13/2014 Class meets on 9/5-9/6, 12/5-12/6, 12/12-12/13. Fridays, 6:00pm-9:00pm, lecture. Saturdays, 8:00am-5:00pm, field trips. BIOL 179 Fishing and Fishery Biology of the Sierra Nevada 1.0 An overview of the identification, ecology, and management of fish species inhabiting the foothill, forest and alpine communities of the Sierra Nevada. Offered for Pass/No Pass grading only. Field trips required. 2488 TH AND FSSU Hofstra T Lec 6:00P - 8:00P Sugar Pine 100 Lec 9:00A - 2:30P Field Location Business Administration BUSAD 2A Financial Accounting 4.0 Recommended for Success: BUSAD 161A, BUSAD 161B, CMPSC 30. Provides Business Administration and Accounting majors an opportunity to develop a working knowledge of accounting information systems used in recording and reporting business transactions for service and merchandising businesses under corporation entities. Special focus is on the accounting cycle, financial statements, analysis and generally accepted accounting principles, including internal control and ethical issues. Students will work with asset, liability and equity valuation, revenue and expenditure recognition, cash flow calculations and appropriate computer applications. (MJC BUSAD 201) Transfer: UC/CSU 2730 TTH Barton R Lec 6:00P - 8:05P Buckeye 3 BUSAD 18 Business Law 4.0 Laws and regulations affecting managerial decisions; legal concepts and case analyses in the areas of ethics, employment, agency, consumer transactions, business torts and crimes, business organizations, and with special emphasis on contracts. (MJC BUSAD 218) Transfer: UC/ CSU 0771 MW Staff Page 64 1.0 A survey of the birds of Central California through field observations and lectures. Students will learn how to identify birds by sight and sound, then use identification skills as a tool for understanding other aspects of avian biology and ecology. Discussion topics will include anatomy, physiology, behavior, and ecology of birds. Offered for Pass/ No Pass grading only. Field trips may be required. Lec 6:00P - 8:05P Buckeye 3 BUSAD 20 Principles of Business BUSAD 158 Payroll Accounting 3.0 Survey of business principles, problems and procedures; ownership; recruitment and training of personnel; labormanagement relations; production and distribution of goods; competition; profit; transportation; finance; managerial controls; government and business relations. (MJC BUSAD 248) Transfer: UC/CSU 0772 MW Barton R Lec 9:40A - 11:05A Buckeye 3 BUSAD 30 Principles of Marketing 3.0 Marketing principles, policies, and functions, price policies and controls, trade channels, merchandising, market research, advertising, and competitive practices. (MJC BUSAD 245) Transfer: CSU 2411 TTH Sheehan A Lec 9:40A - 11:05A Fir 7 BUSAD 40 Principles of Management 3.0 Lec 11:20A - 12:45P Buckeye 4 Lec 11:20A - 12:45P Buckeye 3 BUSAD 161A Small Business Accounting I 4.0 Accounting procedures and analysis for most small businesses. Includes complete double entry accounting system with journals, ledgers, worksheets, and financial statements, with adjusting and closing entries for service or merchandising businesses; payroll for employees and employers, a voucher system and use of manual simulations. 2725 TTH Ponder I Lec 9:00A - 11:05A Buckeye 3 4.0 After review of mathematical processes, students will apply math skills in business situations that include banking, credit cards, discounts, retailing, payroll, interest, compounding, present value, annuities, sinking funds, revolving credit, home mortgages, financial analysis and ratio interpretation, depreciation, inventory, taxes, insurance, stocks, bonds, business statistics. 0768 TTH Barton R Lec 1:00P - 3:05P Buckeye 3 BUSAD 164 Income Tax BUSAD 135 Computerized Accounting (QuickBooks) 2.0 Recommended for Success: BUSAD 161A. Provides the student opportunities to set up and maintain a computerized accounting system using QuickBooks application software. Review of financial accounting in working with payables, receivables, banking transactions, company transactions and the financial statements. 2723 TTH Staff 0766 TTH Ponder I BUSAD 163 Business Mathematics The functions of management, techniques of decision making and problem solving, methods used by the manager to achieve organizational goals, various theories of management, lines of authority, functions of departments, and the importance of policies, procedures and controls. (MJC BUSAD 240) Transfer: CSU 0776 MW Staff 3.0 Introduction and practice in all payroll operations, the preparation of payroll registers, recording of payroll transactions, understanding of payroll laws, and preparation of required tax returns and reports. 2.0 Instruction on income tax preparation and reporting based on the current requirements of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code and the California State Tax Code for individuals and Small Business filers. Successful completion of the course leads to VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) Certification. 2410 TTH Lec 8:00A - 9:25A Buckeye 4 Coombes L Lec 2:40P - 4:45P Buckeye 4 10/21/2014 to 12/11/2014 BUSAD 151 Finance and Investments 3.0 A study of financial systems and functions including markets, which funds are traded, institutions which participate in fund flows, and principles and concepts of management for making sound financial and investment decisions. 2656 MW Barton R Lec 1:00P - 2:25P Buckeye 3 FAQs columbia college counseling How can I contact a counselor? Four options are available for connecting with a counselor. You can make a face-to-face appointment, use drop-in hours for quick questions, use the internet (e-advising and facebook), or talk over the phone with a counselor. Refer to our web page (gocolumbia.edu/counseling) for details and contact information. Page 65 fa l l 2014 business administration (continued) fa l l 2014 Chemistry CHEM 4AL Organic Chemistry I Laboratory CHEM 2A General Chemistry I 3.0 Prerequisite: MATH 104 with a grade of C or better, or P. Prerequisite: CHEM 5 or CHEM 14 or CHEM 20 with a grade of C or better, or P. The first half of a twosemester course designed to give an in-depth survey of chemical principles and theories. The application of the scientific method to observable chemical phenomena is an overarching theme of this course. Subjects covered in-depth include measurement theory and practice, data acquisition and analysis, modern atomic theory, ionic and covalent bonding, reaction classifications, stoichiometry, gas and solution chemistry, thermochemistry, intermolecular forces, and colligative properties. Further introductions to molecular orbital theory, quantum chemistry, materials science, and environmental analysis ensure practical use of general chemical principles. (CC CHEM 2A + CHEM 2AL = MJC CHEM 101). Transfer: CSU 2496 WF Bowlus S Lec 8:00A - 9:25A Sugar Pine 100 CHEM 2AL General Chemistry I Laboratory 2.0 Prerequisite: CHEM 2A with a grade of C or better, or P, or concurrent enrollment in CHEM 2A. The first laboratory course in a series designed so students gain multiple experiences in a chemistry lab. The investigation of compounds and elements using gravimetric, colorimetric, calorimetric, titrative, and qualitative means will be explored. The analysis of the validity of quantitative data will be included throughout the course. Standard laboratory safety (SLS) and good laboratory practice (GLP) will be emphasized. (CC CHEM 2A + CHEM 2AL = MJC CHEM 101). Transfer: CSU 2497 F AND F Bowlus S Lec 1:20P - 2:25P Sugar Pine 215 Lab 2:40P - 5:45P Sugar Pine 215 If you have not already passed (or are not currently enrolled in) CHEM 2A, you must first register for CHEM 2A before you can register for CHEM 2AL. CHEM 4A Organic Chemistry I 3.0 Prerequisite: CHEM 2B with a grade of C or better, or P. A mechanism-based investigation of the reactions of carbon and the analysis of the compounds produced. The nomenclature, structure, bonding, stereochemistry, and physical properties of alkanes, alkyl halides, alkenes, alkynes, alcohols, and ethers will be emphasized. Multistep synthesis is also introduced. This is the first semester in a two-semester series in organic chemistry designed for students majoring in chemistry or life sciences. (CC CHEM 4A + CHEM 4AL = MJC CHEM 112). Transfer: CSU 2508 M Ryan J Lec 8:00A - 9:25A Sugar Pine 100 0: This is a hybrid section. See page 114. 2509 Ryan J 0: This is a hybrid section. See page 114. Page 66 2.0 Prerequisite: CHEM 4A with a grade of C or better, or P, or concurrent enrollment in CHEM 4A. The practice of laboratory skills involved in the synthesis, purification, and identification of organic molecules. The specific functional groups addressed will include alkanes, alkenes, alcohols, aromatics, and ethers. (CC CHEM 4A + CHEM 4AL = MJC CHEM 112). Transfer: CSU 2510 T AND T Ryan J Lec 4:45P - 5:50P Sugar Pine 215 Lab 6:00P - 9:05P Sugar Pine 215 If you have not already passed (or are not currently enrolled in) CHEM 4A, you must first register for CHEM 4A before you can register for CHEM 4AL. CHEM 5 Introductory Chemistry: Environmental Emphasis 3.0 Prerequisite: MATH 101 with a grade of C or better, or P. Introductory chemical principles and theories applied to the study of the environment. Intended as a preparation course for general chemistry and other physical sciences, subjects include problem solving, measurement theory, data analysis, water solubility, spectral analysis, atomic structure, nuclear chemistry, ionic compounds, crystallography, stoichiometry, molecular compounds, gas laws, solutions, acids, bases, toxicity, equilibrium, kinetics, and the environmental analysis of water, soils and air. Science majors looking for an excellent foundation of chemistry before taking degreeapplicable physical science courses will benefit the most from this course offering. Transfer: CSU 2511 T Ryan J Lec 11:20A - 2:25P Sugar Pine 100 2763 Staff 0 This is an online section. See page 114. CHEM 5L Introductory Chemistry Laboratory 1.0 Prerequisite: CHEM 5 with a grade of C or better, or P, or concurrent enrollment in CHEM 5. Chemical laboratory practices related to environmental analysis including laboratory safety, measurement theory, data analysis, water sampling and analysis, soil sampling and analysis, atomic absorption spectroscopy, ionic and molecular compounds, environmental sampling, sample preparation, solution preparation, and use of standard solutions. Transfer: CSU 2514 TH Lab 11:20A - 2:25P Sugar Pine 215 Stavytska-Barba M If you have not already passed (or are not currently enrolled in) CHEM 5, you must first register for CHEM 5 before you can register for CHEM 5L. CHEM 16 Fundamental Organic and Biochemistry CHEM 14 Fundamental Chemistry for Allied Health 3.0 Fundamental theories and principles of chemistry related to biological systems; scientific method, measurements and units, atomic and molecular structure, common biological ions, Lewis structures, nuclear medicine, gas laws, chemical reactions, solutions, acids, bases, buffers, oxidation reduction reactions, and biologically important organic compounds. Transfer: CSU Supplemental Instruction may be offered for these sections. See page 56. 2489 T Lec 8:00A - 11:05A Sugar Pine 100 Ryan J 3.0 Prerequisite: CHEM 14 or CHEM 5 or CHEM 2A with a grade of C or better, or P. The chemistry needed to pursue advanced allied health fields including the structure, nomenclature, physical properties, preparation, and reactions of organic compounds containing functional groups related to biological systems and the biochemistry of carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, and nucleic acids. Special topics may include neurotransmitters, hormones, steroids, and other related biological molecules. (CC CHEM 16 + CHEM 16L = MJC CHEM 144). Transfer: UC/CSU (Transfer credit limited. See a counselor.) 2493 M Ryan J Lec 11:20A - 2:25P Sugar Pine 100 2494 Staff 0 This is an online section. See page 114. 2490 Staff 0 This is an online section. See page 114. CHEM 14L Fundamental Chemistry for Allied Health Laboratory 1.0 Prerequisite: CHEM 14 with a grade of C or better, or P, or concurrent enrollment in CHEM 14. Fundamental laboratory practices related to chemistry and biology; measurements and units, physical separations, solution preparation, observing chemical reactions, computer added molecular modeling, spectrophotometer analysis, organic synthesis, enzyme kinetics, qualitative analysis. Transfer: CSU Supplemental Instruction may be offered for these sections. See page 56. 2491 TH Lab 8:00A - 11:05A Sugar Pine 215 Stavytska-Barba M If you have not already passed (or are not currently enrolled in) CHEM 14, you must first register for CHEM 14 before you can register for CHEM 14L. 2492 TH Lab 2:40P - 5:45P Sugar Pine 215 Stavytska-Barba M If you have not already passed (or are not currently enrolled in) CHEM 14, you must first register for CHEM 14 before you can register for CHEM 14L. w CHEM 16L Fundamental Organic and Biochemistry Laboratory 1.0 Prerequisite: CHEM 16 with a grade of C or better, or P, or concurrent enrollment in CHEM 16. Experiments and laboratory practices in organic and biochemistry will be explored in a wet lab setting. Organic purification techniques, compound analysis, and synthesis will be emphasized in the first half while reactions of biological molecules such as sugars, fats and oils, amino acids, and nucleic acids will be accomplished in the second half of the course. (CC CHEM 16 + CHEM 16L = MJC CHEM 144) Transfer: CSU 2495 W Bowlus S Lab 11:20A - 2:25P Sugar Pine 215 If you have not already passed (or are not currently enrolled in) CHEM 16, you must first register for CHEM 16 before you can register for CHEM 16L. CHEM 30 Survey of Chemistry and Physics 4.0 Prerequisite: MATH 101 with a grade of C or better, or P. An investigation of basic principles of physics and chemistry including matter, physical and chemical properties, energy, motion, light, atomic structure, bonding, solutions and chemical reactions. The inter-dependence of chemistry and physics will be emphasized. The inquiry-based learning experience is designed to assist students and future science educators in learning how to guide learning by self-discovery. Credit may be earned for only one of the following: CHEM 30 or PHYCS 30. Transfer: CSU 2766 TTH AND TTH Staff Lec 2:40P - 4:05P Sugar Pine 100 Lab 4:05P - 5:30P Sugar Pine 100 For the latest class scheduling updates go to My Columbia www.gocolumbia.edu Page 67 fa l l 2014 chemistry (continued) fa l l 2014 Child Development CHILD 1 Child Growth and Development CHILD 12 Creative Activities in Math 3.0 Recommended for Success: ENGL 1A or ENGL 151. Growth and development of children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. Basic concepts related to physical, social, intellectual, and emotional development, including the effects of culture, will be explored. Emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences, and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (MJC CLDDV 103) Transfer: UC/CSU 2416 F Sullivan K Lec 8:00A - 11:05A Maple 102 2417 T Sullivan K Lec 6:00P - 9:05P Maple 102 CHILD 3 Principles and Practices of Teaching Young Children Lec 9:00A - 12:05P Maple 102 CHILD 4 Observation and Assessment 3.0 This course focuses on the appropriate use of a variety of assessment and observation strategies to document development and behavior. Child observations will be conducted and analyzed. Transfer: CSU 0 This is an online section. See page 114. 2.0 Survey of a variety of educational activities suitable for young children in art, music, movement, language and literature; for pre-school teachers, family day care providers, parents, teacher aides, and anyone who is interested in creative expression for children. Transfer: CSU 0792 M Meiss D Lec 6:00P - 8:05P Maple 102 This is a Blackboard Enhanced section. See page 114. Page 68 CHILD 13 Creative Activities in Science 2.0 Survey of science activities and concepts developmentally appropriate for young children; for pre-school teachers, family day care providers, teacher aides, parents and anyone interested in early childhood science education. Transfer: CSU Lec 1:00P - 3:05P Maple 102 3.0 Prerequisite: CHILD 1 and CHILD 22 with grades of C or better, or P. Co-requisite: CHILD 3. In this course, students will practice and demonstrate developmentallyappropriate early childhood program planning and teaching competencies at an approved placement site. Students will utilize practical classroom experiences to make connections between theory and practice, develop professional behaviors, and build a comprehensive understanding of children and families. Child-centered, play-oriented approaches to teaching, learning, and assessment, and knowledge of curriculum content areas will be emphasized as student teachers design, implement and evaluate experiences that promote positive development and learning for all young children. (MJC CLDDV 127 or 128). Transfer: CSU 2421 W Lec 4:40P - 5:50P Maple 104 Plus 6.5 hours weekly by arrangement Seegers A This is a Blackboard Enhanced section. See page 114. CHILD 22 Child, Family, Community 2424 Seegers A CHILD 10 Creative Activities in the Arts Lec 1:00P - 3:05P Maple 102 CHILD 16 Practicum An examination of the underlying theoretical principles of developmentally appropriate practice applied to programs, environments; emphasizing the key role of relationships, constructive adult-child relationships, and teaching strategies in supporting physical, social, creative and intellectual development for all children. This course includes a review of the historical roots of early childhood programs and the evolution of the professional practices promoting advocacy, ethics and professional identity. (MJC CLDDV 101) Transfer: CSU 2658 W Sullivan K 0780 T Sullivan K 0781 TH Sullivan K 3.0 2.0 Survey of math activities and concepts developmentally appropriate for young children; for pre-school teachers, family day care providers, teacher aides, parents and anyone interested in early childhood math education. (Transfer: CSU 3.0 An examination of the developing child in a societal context which focuses on the interrelationships of family, school, and community and emphasizes historical and sociocultural factors. The processes of socialization and identity development will be highlighted. (MJC CLDDV 109) Transfer: CSU 2422 M Seegers A Lec 9:00A - 12:05P Maple 102 This is a Blackboard Enhanced section. See page 114. CHILD 23 Guiding Children's Social Development CHILD 116 Infant/Toddler Practicum 3.0 This course is designed to provide early childhood educators and parents with the skills necessary to promote the emotional support and guidance young children need for healthy social development. Topics include: the developmental aspects of social/emotional development, supporting children in stressful situations, fostering selfdiscipline, supporting children’s friendships, promoting pro-social behavior, handling children’s aggressive behavior, and diversity issues. This course covers children birth through school-age. Transfer: CSU 2423 TH Sullivan K Lec 8:00A - 11:05A Maple 102 CHILD 25 Infant/Toddler Care 3.0 Principles and philosophy of infant care for children up to two years of age including growth and development, health and nutritional needs, social-emotional needs, cognitive development, language development, development of a positive self-image, parent education, community resources, and cultural and ethnic differences. (MJC CLDDV 125). Transfer: CSU 0790 W Seegers A Lec 1:00P - 4:05P Maple 104 This is a Blackboard Enhanced section. See page 114. CHILD 26 Health, Safety and Nutrition 3.0 Introduction to the laws, regulations, standards, policies and procedures and early childhood curriculum related to child health safety and nutrition. The key components that ensure physical health, mental health and safety for both children and staff will be identified along with the importance of collaboration with families and health professionals. Focus on integrating the concepts into everyday planning and program development for all children. Transfer: CSU 1941 Seegers A 0 This is an online section. See page 114. w For the latest class scheduling updates go to 3.0 Prerequisite: CHILD 1 and CHILD 22 with a grade of C or better, or P. Co-requisite: CHILD 3. In this course the student will practice and demonstrate developmentally appropriate early childhood program planning and teaching competencies in an approved infant or toddler field site. Students will utilize practical classroom experiences to make connections between theory and practice, develop professional behaviors, and build a comprehensive understanding of children and families. Child-centered, play-oriented approaches to teaching, learning and assessment, and knowledge of curriculum content areas will be emphasized as student teachers design, implement and evaluate experiences that promote positive development and learning for all young children. This class can be used by students as a specialization class toward their Child Development Permit (issued by the California Teacher Credentialing Office). (MJC CLDDV 127 or 128). 2418 W Lec 4:40P - 5:50P Maple 104 Plus 6.5 hours weekly by arrangement Seegers A This is a Blackboard Enhanced section. See page 114. Computer Science The computer labs (Fir, Rooms 1, 4, 7) are open for student use during the following hours: Fir 1 Monday/Wednesday Tuesday/Thursday 11:20A – 12:50P 1:00P – 2:20P Fir 4 Monday/Wednesday Tuesday/Thursday 8:00A – 9:00A 1:00P – 2:20P Fir 7 Tuesday/Thursday 11:30A – 2:00P _______________________________________________ CMPSC 1 Computer Concepts and Information Systems 4.0 This course includes concepts of computer information systems in business, industry and other institutions. Study of computers, applications and network communications will also be covered. Actual practice is on personal computers in Windows environment on a network. Lab applications include graphical user interface, spreadsheets, word processing, database management, multimedia presentations and access to the Internet and World Wide Web. (MJC CSCI 220). Transfer: UC/CSU 1716 MW AND MW Ponder I Lec 1:00P - 2:25P Fir 3 Lab 2:40P - 4:05P Fir 4 0823 TTH AND TTH Barton R Lec 9:40A - 11:05A Fir 3 Lab 11:20A - 12:45PFir 4 My Columbia www.gocolumbia.edu Page 69 fa l l 2014 child development (continued) fa l l 2014 computer science (continued) CMPSC 3 Operating Systems CMPSC 12 Website Development Applications 3.0 3.0 Recommended for Success: CMPSC 1. Provides an introduction to operating systems concepts, system architecture, structure, and management. Topics include operating system history, system commands, system programs, role of the operating system, its operational characteristics, its configuration, how to execute programs, installation, and file management. Transfer: CSU 0764 MW AND MW Ponder I Lec 9:20A - 10:20A Fir 4 Lab 10:20A - 11:45AFir 4 This course provides instruction in Operating Systems. Topics include management of window elements, desktop arrangement, folders and files, and file management. Students will use multitasking, cut and paste, linking, and printing operations within selected Windows applications. Offered for Pass/No Pass grading only. Transfer: CSU 1.5 Recommended for Success: CMPSC 10. This course provides instruction in Advanced Internet Research and will provide students advanced search and research techniques via the World Wide Web. The course reviews basic components of Internet search engines and includes advanced subject matter research techniques, database resources and advanced Internet technology skills. Topics include E-Commerce, Internet Resources, Digital Content, and Internet Publications. Transfer: CSU 0 This is an online section. See page 114. 3.0 Recommended for Success: MATH 104 or equivalent. First course in computer programming for students with little or no programming experience. Covers computer architecture, data representation, file systems and networks, software development methods (structured and objectoriented design), and basic problem solving using analysis, documentation, algorithm design and control structures. Programming using scripting languages such as JavaScript and Python, and a compiled, object-oriented language such as Java will be introduced. This course is designed for majors and non-majors. Transfer: UC/CSU Lec 12:00P - 1:00P Fir 4 Lab 1:00P - 2:05P Fir 4 This is a Blackboard Enhanced section. See page 114. CMPSC 10 Internet Essentials 2.0 Instruction in how to access the Internet using communications software and a web browser on personal computers. Topics include navigating browsers, electronic mail, search techniques, personal privacy, downloading, and the World Wide Web. Offered for Pass/No Pass grading only. Transfer: CSU Lec 2:40P - 4:40P Fir 1 10/20/2014 to 12/10/2014 0: This is a hybrid section. See page 114. Page 70 Application used is Adobe Dreamweaver 10/20/2014 to 12/11/2014 CMPSC 5 Introduction to Programming 2659 TH Wright D Lec 9:40A - 11:05A Fir 1 2153 Schultz K Lec 2:40P - 4:05P Fir 1 08/25/2014 to 10/16/2014 1421 MW AND MW Smith D 0824 MW Schultz K CMPSC 17 Advanced Internet Research CMPSC 4 Windows Operating Systems Essentials 1.5 2663 TTH Wright D Recommended for Success: CMPSC 4. Students will be able to use website/webpage development application software to prepare multimedia presentations for use with an Internet browser. They will also be able to combine text, graphics, video, and sound, enhance computer displays for an audience, and prepare home page links for access over the Internet. (MJC CSCI 250). Transfer: CSU CMPSC 22 Programming Concepts and Methodology I 4.0 Recommended for Success: MATH 104, CMPSC 5. Designed for computer science majors but open to all students. Emphasizes problem-analysis skills and algorithm development. Software engineering skills will be developed for both procedural and object-oriented programming techniques. Programming language will be the currently preferred object-oriented language used by equivalent UC/CSU courses. Extensive programming projects demonstrating problem-solving and implementation skills will be assigned throughout the semester, including use of data types, conditions and Boolean logic, loops, recursion, arrays, functions, references, and file input/output. (MJC CSCI 271). Transfer: UC/CSU 1148 TTH AND TTH Smith D Lec 9:40A - 10:40A Fir 1 Lab 10:40A - 12:45PFir 1 CMPSC 28 Visual Studio .NET Programming CMPSC 33 Computer Graphics I 3.0 Recommended for Success: CMPSC 5. Covers programming with current Microsoft Visual Studio tools (.NET environment). Emphasis is on structured design, object orientation, Graphical User Interface design, and eventdriven applications. Includes programming projects using screen development, control constructs, array processing, file input/output and database access. (MJC CSCI 221) Transfer: UC/CSU 2737 TTH AND TTH Smith D Lec 5:30P - 6:30P Fir 4 Lab 6:30P - 8:00P Fir 4 CMPSC 29A Introduction to Computer Video Production 2.0 Introduction to Computer Video Production introduces the student to the basic computer video production stages. Students will learn the process of creating computer video productions. This course is a project-based course. Students will be required to work in groups on approved class-related and school event projects. Transfer: CSU 2746 F Lec 12:00P - 1:00P Tamarack Hall 134 AND F O'Neill B Lab 1:00P - 4:05P Tamarack Hall 134 CMPSC 29B Advanced Video Production Prerequisites: CMPSC 29A with a grade of C or better, or P. Advanced level of video production using the threestage process. Students will learn the process of creating computer video productions using advanced techniques in video shooting, lighting, audio, editing, and authoring. This course is a project-based course. Students may be required to work in groups on approved class-related and/or school event projects. Transfer: CSU 2738 F AND F O'Neill B MATERIALS FEE: $20.00 0835 TTH Lec 12:00P - 1:00P Tamarack Hall 134 Lab 1:00P - 4:05P Tamarack Hall 134 Lec 6:00P - 6:50P Tamarack Hall 134 AND TTH Lab 7:00P - 8:30P Tamarack Hall Christensen K 134 Students must provide special equipment or supplies or may incur additional cost. Software used is ADOBE Illustrator. CMPSC 35 Digital 3D Modeling and Animation 3.0 Recommended for Success: CMPSC 19. This course introduces digital 3D modeling and animation. Students will explore 3D modeling software, digital modeling techniques, and animation. CMPSC 35 is intended to train students who are pursuing 3D computer-driven animation in preparation for additional study in digital animation, game design and Multimedia. The course uses industry standard, state-of-theart, high-end computer-driven animation software which is upgraded as industry changes. Transfer: CSU 2260 TTH 2.0 3.0 This course introduces the student to the fundamentals of computer graphics. Topics include the elements and principles of good graphic design, vector versus raster graphics, color theory, image scanning and formatting for print and screen. Students will acquire basic skills in current graphic design software and create original design pieces. Credit may be earned for only one of the following: CMPSC 33 or ART 53. Transfer: UC/CSU Lec 2:40P - 3:40P Tamarack Hall 134 AND TTH Lab 3:40P - 5:10P Tamarack Hall Christensen K 134 CMPSC 36 Introduction to Digital Multimedia 3.0 An introduction to the various elements that comprise the multimedia development environment. This includes hardware and software tools for text, sound, images, animation, video, multimedia authoring, and multimedia tools for the Web. Transfer: CSU 2259 MW Schultz K Lec 1:00P - 2:25P Fir 7 This is a Blackboard Enhanced section. See page 114. CMPSC 39 Photo Editing for Digital and Print Publication 3.0 This course focuses on the principles and practices of photo editing, artistic expression, and development of problemsolving skills, using an industry standard photo editing software program. Included is a survey of the tools and techniques used to create effective and sophisticated digital imagery for websites, multimedia and print publications. Additionally, the course will integrate the use of tablets and cloud technology as they pertain to photo editing. Transfer: CSU 2428 MW Lec 6:00P - 6:50P Tamarack Hall 134 AND MW Lab 7:00P - 8:30P Tamarack Hall Christensen K 134 Page 71 fa l l 2014 computer science (continued) fa l l 2014 computer science (continued) CMPSC 41 Networking Essentials CMPSC 57 GIS Data Management Introduction to Geodatabase 3.0 Recommended for Success: CMPSC 1. An introduction to computer networking and data communications. The focus is on concepts, terminology, and technologies in current networking environments. It is based on, and covers the Open System Interconnect (OSI) model including discussions of Local and Wide Area Networks (LAN & WAN). A laboratory component provides hands-on experience in network setup and computer configuration. Includes the first semester of Cisco Networking Academy Program which prepares students for Cisco Certified Network Association(CCNA) certification. The topics covered are also applicable to Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) and other industry networking certifications. Transfer: CSU 2739 MW AND F Smith D Lec 2:40P - 5:50P Fir 7 Lab 3:00P - 8:00P Fir 7 CMPSC 55 Database Management 4.0 Recommended for Success: CMPSC 1. Fundamentals of database design and administration. Covers basic terminology, types of database systems, and how to design a database appropriate to an application. Topics include linking of tables in a relational database, SQL commands, Query By Example, and design of input forms and reports. Hands-on component uses a current commercial database management system in a Windows environment. (MJC CSCI 230) Transfer: CSU 2664 MW Tobin B Lec 5:30P - 7:35P Fir 4 CMPSC 56 Typography Page 72 2667 FS Earle R Lec 8:00A - 5:00P Fir 1 09/19/2014 to 09/20/2014 1.0 Introduction to practical application of ArcView software; importation of GIS data, display, visualization, exploration, query, analysis, and production of hard-copy maps and reports. Students will be guided through a complete sequence of application fundamentals similar to what would normally be used in displaying, analyzing, and plotting a standard ArcView GIS application. Credit may be earned for only one of the following: CMPSC 58 or GEOGR 58. Offered for Pass/No Pass grading only. Transfer: CSU 2671 FSSU Schmidt J Lec 10:00A - 4:00P Fir 1 10/17/2014 to 10/19/2014 CMPSC 59 Geographic Information and Global Positioning Systems 3.0 3.0 Prerequisite: CMPSC 33 or ART 53, with a grade of C or better, or P. This course is designed to focus study on the elements of typography as related to print and to the World Wide Web. This is an interactive course where students practice and apply skills of typography for visual communication. Emphasis will focus on identifying type as a dynamic visual element; typographical forms and nuance; and the development of successful typographic solutions to convey concepts. Through collaborative discussions of assigned exercises and projects, students will acquire skills of analysis and critique. The course outcome will be the creation of a student portfolio of completed projects. Credit may be earned for only one of the following: CMPSC 56 or ART 56. Transfer: UC/CSU 2665 MW Lec 1:00P - 2:25P Fir 1 Christensen K Recommended for Success: CMPSC 4, CMPSC 10. Students who take this course will learn to use the ArcGIS Geodatabase format for management of spatial data. Students will be introduced to the concepts of database design and system architecture using ArcGIS software. Concepts covered include: introduction to the geodatabase; metadata; geodatabase vs. shapefile formats; overview of ArcGIS data models; feature datasets and feature classes; editing a geodatabase; personal geodatabase vs. multiuser geodatabase; domains and validation rules; and relationships and subtypes. Credit may be earned for only one of the following: CMPSC 57 or GEOGR 57. Transfer: CSU CMPSC 58 GIS - ArcView 08/25/2014 to 10/17/2014 1.0 Introduction to basic GIS and GPS concepts and applications in the field of natural resources, earth sciences, and environmental systems. Students will learn to use Global Positioning System units, combined with Geographic Information System software to collect field data and produce maps for spatial analysis and decisionmaking purposes. Six weeks will be spent learning ArcView software; another six weeks will be spent learning to use GPS units; and another six weeks will be spent learning to design and carry out a research project merging GPS and GIS technologies. Credit may be earned for only one of the following: CMPSC 59 or GEOGR 59. Transfer: CSU 2031 W Tolhurst J Lec 5:30P - 8:35P Fir 1 Students must provide special equipment or supplies or may incur additional cost. CMPSC 62 GIS Mapping Introduction to SAR GIS CMPSC 67 GIS Geocoding 1.0 Students who take this course will learn how to apply their GIS skills in Search and Rescue (SAR) Mapping. Students will learn SAR incident symbology, data standards and organization, establishing incident locations, search segments, SAR incident map products, and responsibilities of a GIS specialist on SAR’s and other critical incidents. The course will use a workflow and data model developed by SAR personnel that integrates with ArcGIS 10. Additionally, students will utilize GPS data that they have collected from GPS devices, convert them to shapefiles, and create team and briefing incident maps. During a full-day exercise, students will also live-track SAR teams using satellite tracking devices. This course includes hands-on experience in SAR incident Mapping and data organization. Credit may be earned for only one of the following: CMPSC 62, SAR 62, or GEOGR 62. Offered for Pass/No Pass grading only. Transfer: CSU 2531 FSSU Durkee G Lec 10:00A - 4:00P Fir 1 11/07/2014 to 11/09/2014 CMPSC 63 GIS and Making Maps: The Essential Skills 1.0 This course is intended as a resource for emergency responders, outdoor enthusiasts and anyone interested in acquiring basic skills in understanding maps and using geospatial information and devices. Emphasis will be on developing a working knowledge of coordinate systems, establishing a location when given coordinates, finding coordinates from a location, and converting among coordinate systems to create a basic map using this information. Credit may be earned for only one of the following: CMPSC 63 or GEOGR 63. Offered for Pass/No Pass grading only. Transfer: CSU 2696 Durkee G 10/27/2014 to 11/17/2014 CMPSC 64 ArcGIS: Creating a Basic Map 0.5 This course will teach the skills and tools to use ArcGIS 10 mapping software to create maps. It will be useful to anyone wanting a quick “how to” for using the industry standard ArcGIS to make and edit a map. Credit may be earned for only one of the following: CMPSC 64 or GEOGR 64. Offered for Pass/No Pass grading only. Transfer: CSU 2742 Durkee G 10/13/2014 to 10/27/2014 0 This is an online section. See page 114. 2740 FS Earle R Lec 8:00A - 5:00P Fir 1 10/03/2014 to 10/04/2014 CMPSC 70 Introduction to Raster-Based GIS 3.0 Recommended for Success: CMPSC 59, GEOGR 59, CMPSC 60, or GEOGR 60. This course uses the ArcGIS ArcView software along with the Spatial Analyst and 3D extensions to explore the use of raster GIS data in analysis and visualization. Topics include terrain analysis,hydrologic analysis, suitability analysis, and 3D modeling. The course consists of a combination of lectures, demonstrations, hands-on exercises, and a student project. Credit may be earned for only one of the following: CMPSC 70 or GEOGR 70. Transfer: CSU 2669 M Tolhurst J Lec 5:30P - 8:35P Fir 1 CMPSC 138 Excel Spreadsheets 2.0 Instruction in spreadsheet applications on computers, using Microsoft Excel. Develop, plan,and build spreadsheets for business decisions. Use formatting, charting, and lists to customize desired output. Offered for Pass/No Pass grading only. 2426 TH Schultz K 0 This is an online section. See page 114. 1.0 Students who take this course will learn to use GIS software for geocoding purposes. Geocoding is the process of using common data to quickly and easily create location maps and is used by most government agencies and many businesses. GIS software will be used to produce maps useful in such things as routing emergency vehicles, providing effective customer service delivery, understanding crime incident patterns, or locating restaurants, schools, and fire stations. Students will also learn to create and refine address data to develop the reference data necessary to build address or geocoding indexes. Strategies will be exercised to clean input addresses, achieve better address-matching results, and finetune software parameters. Credit may be earned for only one of the following: CMPSC 67 or GEOGR 67. Offered for Pass/ No Pass grading only. Transfer: CSU Lec 2:40P - 4:40P Buckeye 4 08/25/2014 to 10/17/2014 0: This is a hybrid section. See page 114. w For the latest class scheduling updates go to My Columbia www.gocolumbia.edu Page 73 fa l l 2014 computer science (continued) fa l l 2014 computer science (continued) CMPSC 162 Networking - CCNA 2: Routing and Switching Essentials DRAFT 50B Computer Assisted Draftring II 3.0 Prerequisite: CMPSC 41 with a grade of C or better, or P. Cisco Networking Academy Semester 2. Describes the architecture, components, and operations of routers and switches in a small network. Students learn how to configure a router and a switch for basic functionality. By the end of this course, students will be able to configure and troubleshoot routers and switches and resolve common issues with RIPv1, RIPv2, single-area and multi-area OSPF, virtual LANs, and inter-VLAN routing in both IPv4 and IPv6 networks. A laboratory component provides hands-on experience in the configuration of routers. 2733 MW AND F Smith D Lec 2:40P - 5:50P Fir 7 Lab 3:00P - 8:05P Fir 7 3.0 The first of two courses designed to prepare students to pass the current CompTIA A+ exams. Includes theory and hands-on activities for installing and maintaining current desktop computer installations. Also covers upgrading and adding I/O devices to desktop PCs. 2376 TTH AND TTH Newell T Lec 5:30P - 6:30P Fir 7 Lab 6:30P - 8:00P Fir 7 DRAFT 50A Computer Assisted Drafting I 3.0 Introduction to the use of the computer as a tool for accomplishing basic drafting tasks. Included topics: polar and rectangular coordinates, lines, polygons, layers, blocks, editing, hatches, dimensioning, orthographic projections, isometric drawing, layout view, plotting, and an introduction to 3-D. (MJC ENGTC 210 and 211) Transfer: CSU Lec 5:30P - 6:30P Fir 1 Lab 6:40P - 8:10P Fir 1 Recommended for Success: ENGL 1A. Techniques in reading literature aloud; vocal development, production, articulation, and variety; understanding and interpreting prose, poetry, and dramatic literature; processes in the oral performance of principal literary genre. (MJC COMM 120) Transfer: UC/CSU 1283 MW Bilotti D Lec 2:40P - 4:05P Dogwood 1 DRAMA 42 Acting Fundamentals 3.0 Investigation of techniques and theories prerequisite to theatrical performances; psychological, philosophical, and practical preparation for the actor's art. (MJC THETR 160) Transfer: UC/CSU Lec 2:40P - 3:45P Dogwood 1 Lab 3:45P - 5:10P Dogwood 1 Earth Science ESC 5 Physical Geology 4.0 Recommended for Success: ENGL 1A. The study of the earth, its materials, structures, and processes. Erosion and deposition by streams, wind, waves and glaciers; mountain building and volcanoes at subduction zones, and rifting of the earth's plates at mid-ocean ridges; tracing the energy from the sun and from the earth’s interior as it drives all of the processes of change on earth; the study of life on earth, past and present; the search for valuable minerals and building materials from the earth. Field trips may be required. (MJC GEOL 161) Transfer: UC/CSU 1115 TTH AND TTH Tolhurst J Page 74 Lec 5:30P - 6:30P Fir 1 Lab 6:40P - 8:10P Fir 1 Drama 1333 TTH AND TTH Bilotti D Drafting 0834 TTH AND TTH Nugier C 2329 TTH AND TTH Nugier C DRAMA 20 Oral Expression and Interpretation 3.0 10/20/2014 to 12/12/2014 CMPSC 167 PC Assembly, Upgrade and Support (A+) 3.0 Prerequisite: DRAFT 50A with a grade of C or better, or P. Intermediate to advanced features of AutoCAD through creation of 3-D drawings. Included topics: customizing the AutoCAD environment, use of digitizer tablet, 3-D surfaces, solids modeling, elevated plane, extrusions, revolution, shading, rendering, scenes, lighting, textures, user coordinate system, views and ports, exporting of drawing, external databases. Transfer: CSU Lec 9:40A - 11:05A Sugar Pine 107 Lab 11:05A - 12:30P Sugar Pine 107 ESC 10 Environmental Geology ESC 35SN Geology of the Sierra Nevada 3.0 Recommended for Success: Eligibility for ENGL 1A. Students will be introduced to environmental geology, which includes the study of hazards associated with seismicity, mass wasting, flooding, coastal processes, and volcanism. Resource and pollution issues will be discussed in the context of population pressures. Global climate change and ozone depletion/hole are also covered. Students will learn to conduct geologic research and will work collaboratively with peers inquiring about geo-environmental issues. Transfer: UC/CSU 2467 M Meade R Lec 6:00P - 9:05P Oakdale High 2238 T White G Lec 6:00P - 9:05P Sugar Pine 107 School E-6 ESC 22 Historical Geology 3.0 This course will provide an introduction to the origin, development, and evolution of the earth and its inhabitants. The course covers the 4.5 billion year history of life on earth, as interpreted from the geologic and fossil record. The course will emphasize the diversity of life through geological time, including the origin, evolution, and extinction of the major groups of animals and plants. Additionally, impacts of changing landscapes and geologic environments on the history of life will be assessed. Through the course, students will learn to critically think as geologists and paleontologists do in order to solve geologic, paleontologic, and evolutionary problems. Topics include the study of fossils and rocks, evolution, continents and ocean basins, geologic time, plate tectonics, climate change, and mass extinctions. Intended audience: This course is both a general science class intended to satisfy general education requirements for non-majors, as well as one of the requirements for geology majors. Field trips required. Transfer: UC/CSU 2768 W Putnam R Lec 8:00A - 11:05A Sugar Pine 107 ESC 35LT Geology of the Lake Tahoe Region 1.0 A field study of the Lake Tahoe region’s selected geologic features and related Earth Science topics, including coverage of the California State Earth Science Standards. A one- to seven-day field trip will be taken with possible pre- and postclassroom sessions. Transfer: CSU 2772 T AND THFSSU Tolhurst J Lec 6:00P - 7:30P Sugar Pine 115 Lec 8:00A - 5:00P Field Location 1.0 A field study of the Sierra Nevada’s selected geologic features and related Earth Science topics, including Yosemite, King's Canyon, and Sequoia National Parks. Also included will be coverage of the California State Earth Science Standards. A one- to seven-day field trip will be taken with possible preand post-classroom sessions. Transfer: CSU 2773 T AND THFSSU Putnam R Lec 6:00P - 7:30P Sugar Pine 115 Lec 8:00A - 5:00P Field Location 09/09/2014 to 11/06/2014 ESC 35TR Geology of the Tuolumne River 1.0 A field study of the Tuolumne River’s selected geologic features and related Earth Science topics, including coverage of the California State Earth Science Standards. A one- to seven-day field trip will be taken with possible pre- and postclassroom sessions. Transfer: CSU 1802 T AND FS Tolhurst J Lec 6:00P - 7:30P Sugar Pine 115 Lec 8:00A - 4:15P Field Location 10/21/2014 to 10/25/2014 Mandatory Pre-Meeting: Tues 10/21 Field Trip: Fri-Sat 10/24-10/25 ESC 40 Descriptive Astronomy 3.0 Recommended for Success: Eligibility for ENGL 1A. A survey course in astronomy. Topics include history of astronomy, telescopes, solar system, stars, galaxies, origin of universe, and extraterrestrial life. Field trips may be required. Transfer: UC/CSU 2468 W Tolhurst J Lec 11:20A - 2:25P Sugar Pine 107 ESC 42 Natural Hazards 3.0 This course is intended to provide an introduction to natural hazards as studied through the disciplines of geology, oceanography, astronomy, and meteorology. Through the course, students will learn to critically think as geologists, oceanographers, meteorologists, and astronomers do in order to solve earth science problems. Topics include the study of subsidence, flooding, mass wasting, wildfires, comet/asteroid impacts and extinctions, climate change, severe weather, coastal hazards, earthquakes, and volcanoes. Intended audience: This course is a general science class, intended to satisfy general education requirements for nonmajors. Field trips may be required. Transfer: UC/CSU 2814 TH Lec 6:00P - 9:05P Sugar Pine 207 Petersen M 08/26/2014 to 09/07/2014 Page 75 fa l l 2014 earth science (continued) fa l l 2014 Education earth science (continued) ESC 50 Oceanography 4.0 This course will provide students with insights into the field of Oceanography. Students will be exposed to various subtopics including plate tectonics, the ocean floor, air-sea interactions, ocean circulation, waves and water dynamics, tides, earth resources, the coast and coastal processes, the marine habitat and its animal and plant life, etc. This course will spend time teaching you to critically think as an oceanographer does in order to solve oceanographic problems. You will be able to transfer these thinking skills to other areas of your life. This course is a general science class, intended to satisfy general education requirements for non-majors as well as one of the first courses expected of oceanography and marine geology majors. (MJC EASCI 162) Transfer: UC/CSU 2088 MW AND MW White G Lec 6:00P - 7:25P Sugar Pine 107 Lab 7:35P - 8:55P Sugar Pine 107 Economics ECON 10 Principles of Economics - Macro 3.0 Prerequisite: MATH 101 or higher-level math with a grade of C or better, or P, or placement through the assessment process. Recommended for Success: MATH 104. Focus is on the ongoing concerns of a market economy, particularly the United States and its dealings with growth, unemployment, inflation, and gross domestic product. Students will explore macroeconomic models, national income accounting, aggregate demand, aggregate supply, fiscal, and monetary policy. International implications are introduced throughout the course to explain the impact of globalization on our economy. Further understanding of these concepts and topics will be aided by the use of current events both foreign and domestic, and enhanced instruction by the use of electronic communication and interactive material. (MJC ECON 101). Transfer: UC/CSU 2744 MW Barton R Lec 8:00A - 9:25A Buckeye 3 EDUC 50 Online Course Development 3.0 This course will emphasize techniques for developing universally-designed online learning modules, effective pedagogy for teaching online, including effective teaching practices while demonstrating how to use the course management learning system. Synchronous and asynchronous communication will be covered to encourage regular and effective communication. Offered for Pass/No Pass grading only. Transfer: CSU 2684 Colon M 10/06/2014 to 12/08/2014 0 This is an online section. See page 114. Emergency Medical Services EMS 4 Emergency Medical Technician Training 7.0 Prerequisite: EMS 13 or EMS 157, with a grade of C or better, or P. Recommended for Success: EMS 175. An intensive course to assist the student in developing didactic and manipulative skills to recognize and treat illness and injuries in the pre-hospital environment. The course meets or exceeds both State of California and United States Department of Transportation’s EMT-Basic National Standard Curriculum (DOT HS 808 149) training guidelines. This course prepares students for both State of California and National Registry certification as an Emergency Medical Technician. At the first class session students will be required to show verification of current CPR certification equivalent to current American Heart Association’s Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care at the Healthcare Provider level as specified by State of California regulations. (MJC EMS 390) Transfer: CSU 2567 W AND S Murphy P Lec 6:00P - 9:00P Murphys Fire Lab 9:00A - 3:00P Station #1 Students are required to get a Live Scan (paid by student) and TB test (free through College Nurse). Class held at Murphys Fire Station #1 located at 37 Jones Street in Murphys. 0808 TTH Lec 1:00P - 4:35P Oak Pavilion 9 Watterson S 0: This is a hybrid section. See page 114. NOTE: Students are required to get a Live Scan (paid by student) and TB test (free through College Nurse). w For the latest class scheduling updates go to My Columbia www.gocolumbia.edu Page 76 EMS 12 Pre-Paramedic Training EMS 153 CPR and Basic First Aid 8.0 Provides prerequisites needed for entry into a Paramedic Training Program. An intensive course dealing with anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, and EKG interpretation, and their relationship in the pre-hospital environment. Current EMT certification is required. Two or more years of pre-hospital work experience is strongly recommended. A class entrance exam will be administered on the first evening of class. Transfer: CSU 2436 Podolsky L 0 This is an online section. See page 114. 0.5 A basic course designed for the citizen who wishes to maintain or acquire Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and Basic First Aid certification, or who wishes to learn basic CPR and basic first aid techniques. Successful course completion results in Adult, Child and Infant CPR certification and Basic First Aid certification. Offered for Pass/No Pass grading only. 1575 S Lec 8:00A - 5:20P Oak Pavilion 9 Fernandez G 09/06/2014 ONLY 2674 S Lec 8:00A - 5:20P Oakdale High Fernandez G School F-6 09/27/2014 ONLY 2675 S Lec 8:00A - 5:20P Oakdale High Fernandez G School F-6 10/25/2014 ONLY 1780 S Lec 8:00A - 5:20P Oak Pavilion 9 Fernandez G 11/08/2014 ONLY EMS 157 Emergency Medical Responder and CPR 3.0 FAQs columbia college counseling Should I take all general education classes first? If your English assessment level is English 151 or below, we recommend that you concentrate on improving your college-level reading and writing skills. Taking an English course your first semester is a good idea no matter where you assessed. If you placed at English 1A or above, you should consider taking general education courses that interest you and/or courses that are related to your major. Also, if you are a math or science major, it is essential that you begin the math sequence as soon as possible (a counselor can help you choose your appropriate course selection for your major). Taking an elective course that you enjoy (guitar, art, physical activity, or computers) is a good idea because it makes your college experience more rewarding. Counselors can help you determine your best course progression and choices depending on your own educational goal. A basic course for emergency service workers (volunteer or professional) who may, in the performance of their duties, be responding to medical emergencies. Particular emphasis will be placed on situations unique in the rural setting. Stresses continuity of care through the approach to the patients and prioritization of their injuries/illnesses where advanced life support response is delayed or unavailable. Meets or exceeds United States Department of Transportation National Standard Curriculum, and State and local government requirements. (MJC EMS 350) 2676 M Lec 8:00A - 11:10A Oak Pavilion 9 Watterson S 0: This is a hybrid section. See page 114. 2439 F Lec 8:30A - 11:00A Oak Pavilion 9 Watterson S 0: This is a hybrid section. See page 114. 2438 T Murray M Lec 6:00P - 8:30P Oak Pavilion 9 0: This is a hybrid section. See page 114. EMS 175 EMS Skills Development 2.0 This course focuses on the development of basic skills needed for the operation of a variety of emergency medical equipment according to commonly accepted protocols. Sessions are designed to develop speed and accuracy in the application of equipment and enhance assessment and treatment techniques. Offered for Pass/No Pass grading only. 0812 TH AND TH Turner M Lec 4:45P - 6:00P Oak Pavilion 9 Lab 6:10P - 7:45P Oak Pavilion 9 Page 77 fa l l 2014 Emergency Medical Services (continued) fa l l 2014 English 2792 TTH Flanagan J Lec 1:00P - 2:25P Cedar 1 ENGL 1A Reading and Composition: Beginning 3.0 2793 TTH Flanagan J Lec 2:40P - 4:05P Sugar Pine 214 0959 T Sledge R Lec 6:00P - 9:05P Fir 3 2580 TH Sledge R Lec 6:00P - 9:05P Fir 3 0954 W Steele K Lec 6:00P - 9:05P Oakdale High Prerequisite: ENGL 151 with a grade of C or better, or P, or placement through the assessment process. Development of college-level reading and composition skills. Emphasis will be on applying techniques of critical analysis to reading, interpreting, writing, and conducting research. Writing emphasis will be on the expository essay, including the longer documented essay. Note: Students will complete writing assignments with a total minimum of 8,000 words by the end of the semester. (MJC ENGL 101) Transfer: UC/ CSU 2794 MW Toner J Lec 9:40A - 11:05A Cedar 10 2852 MW Wandell N Lec 4:00P - 5:25P Bret Harte School E-7 0957 W Lec 9:40A - 11:05A Fir 3 Johnston C 0: This is a hybrid section. See page 114. High School 52 2625 Steele K 2791 MW Lec 4:20P - 5:45P Sugar Pine 114 Bonjean-Coleman R 0958 TTH Laney L Lec 9:40A - 11:05A Sugar Pine 214 0956 TTH Toner J Lec 9:40A - 11:05A Juniper 4 0960 TTH Toner J Lec 11:20A - 12:45P Juniper 4 0 This is an online section. See page 114. 0943 Smith A 0 This is an online section. See page 114. 2466 Johnston C 0 This is an online section. See page 114. Writing Skills ENGL 650 English Fundamentals *ENGL 649 Writing Skills Workshop ENGL 151 Preparation for College Composition *Concurrent enrollment in either ENGL 151 or 650 Page 78 ENGL 1C Critical Reasoning and Writing ENGL 10 Creative Writing ENGLISH PROGRESSION CHART TRANSFERABLE ENGLISH ENGL 81 ENGL 1A Introduction to World Literature: 1500 to Present Reading & Composition: Beginning ENGL 1B Advanced Composition & Introduction to Literature Columbia College ENGL 11 Film Appreciation ENGL 17/18 American Literature ENGL 46/47 Survey of English Literature ENGL 49 California Literature ENGL 50 Introduction to Shakespeare ENGL 1B Advanced Composition and Introduction to Literature ENGL 10 Creative Writing 3.0 Prerequisite: ENGL 1A with a grade of C or better, or P. This transfer-level course introduces students to major literature genres: poetry, drama, short story, and long works of fiction from diverse cultural sources and perspectives. Students write approximately 8,000-10,000 words in critical essays, employing methods of literary analysis and research, demonstrating further development of reading, critical reasoning, and writing skills. (MJC ENGL 102) Transfer: UC/CSU 2795 MW Lec 11:20A - 12:45P Maple 104 Pippa Tonnesen K 2465 W Lec 11:20A - 12:45P Sugar Pine 100 Johnston C 0: This is a hybrid section. See page 114. 2779 Soto M 0 This is an online section. See page 114. ENGL 11 Film Appreciation 3.0 Prerequisite: ENGL 1A with a grade of C or better, or P. Development of technical awareness and critical thinking in individual response to cinema. (MJC ENGL 161) Transfer: UC/CSU 2308 TH AND TH Toner J Lec 6:00P - 8:25P Dogwood 1 Lab 8:25P - 9:50P Dogwood 1 2840 Toner 0 This is an online section. See page 114. 0946 Canty J 0 This is an online section. See page 114. ENGL 17 American Literature 0 This is an online section. See page 114. 1150 Johnston C 0 This is an online section. See page 114. ENGL 1C Critical Reasoning and Writing 3.0 Prerequisite: ENGL 1A with a grade of C or better, or P. Designed to develop critical thinking, reading, and writing beyond the level taught in ENGL 1A. Will focus on the development of logical reasoning, analysis, and argumentation in composition. Note: Students will complete writing assignments with a total minimum of 8,000 words by the end of the semester. (MJC ENGL 103) Transfer: UC/ CSU Lec 11:20A - 12:45P Sugar Pine 114 Lec 11:20A - 12:45P Sugar Pine 100 2796 TH Johnston C 0: This is a hybrid section. See page 114. 0965 Rivera R 3.0 Prerequisite: ENGL 1A with a grade of C or better, or P. Recommended for Success: ENGL 1B. A study of American literature from its beginning to the late nineteenth century. Reading, analysis, and discussion of the major literary trends and authors of the time, including Emerson, Thoreau, Poe, Hawthorne, Melville, Whitman, and Dickinson. (MJC ENGL 135) Transfer: UC/CSU 2622 Johnston C 0950 MW Rivera R 3.0 Prerequisite: ENGL 1A with a grade of C or better, or P. Instruction and practice in writing poetry, fiction, drama, and non-fiction prose, including autobiography, essays, and articles. Analysis of contemporary works with respect to literary techniques. The class employs a workshop format. Transfer: UC/CSU 2786 MW Lec 1:00P - 2:25P Maple 104 Pippa Tonnesen K ENGL 49 California Literature 3.0 Prerequisite: ENGL 1A with a grade of C or better, or P, or equivalent. Recommended for Success: ENGL 1B. An overview of the literary heritage of California, from its early origins to Harte, Bierce, and Twain through the realism of Norris and London, the regionalism of Steinbeck, Saroyan, Jeffers to the naturalism of Muir. Also will include writings from the Carmel cadre, the San Francisco Beat writers, to contemporary writers including Stegner, Yamamoto, Soto, Haslam, Tan, Didion, Rose, Miles, and Valdez. The approach will emphasize the rich ethnic diversity that has contributed to our literary heritage. Transfer: UC/CSU 2797 Pippa Tonnesen K 0 This is an online section. See page 114. 0 This is an online section. See page 114. Page 79 fa l l 2014 English (continued) fa l l 2014 english (continued) ENGL 151 Preparation for College Composition 5.0 Prerequisite: ENGL 650 with a grade of C or better, or P, or placement through the assessment process. Developing writing skills. Students will implement writing process strategies in the production of 500-750 word essays. Course will emphasize techniques for developing descriptive, narrative, and expository essays, including essays requiring research and the inclusion of source materials, while demonstrating control over structural components of writing. Students will also develop critical reading skills and information-gathering competency. Satisfactory completion of this course will prepare students for ENGL 1A. Note: Concurrent enrollment in ENGL 649 will complement studies in ENGL 151. (MJC ENGL 50) 1041 MTWTH Rivera R Lec 8:00A - 9:10A Aspen 1 1037 MTWTH Rivera R Lec 1:00P - 2:10P Aspen 1 1036 MW Soto M Lec 1:00P - 3:25P Cedar 10 1284 TTH Soto M Lec 9:40A - 12:05P Cedar 10 2785 TTH Wandell N Lec 9:40A - 12:05P Oak Pavilion 9 1039 TTH Soto M Lec 1:00P - 3:25P Cedar 10 1038 TTH Laney L Lec 1:50P - 4:20P Maple 104 This class is part of the First Semester Experience. See page 56. 1040 MW Lec 6:00P - 8:25P Sugar Pine 114 Bonjean-Coleman R 1537 M Kitchen C Lec 9:40A - 12:45P Fir 3 0: This is a hybrid section. See page 114. 1740 Smith A 0 This is an online section. See page 114. Page 80 ENGL 649 Writing Skills Workshop 1.0 Co-requisite: Enrollment in ENGL 151 or ENGL 650. Individual assistance for students enrolled in ENGL 151 or ENGL 650. Students will be assisted with prewriting, revision and proofreading strategies. The focus will be on encouraging students to identify their specific problems when completing writing assignments for ENGL 151/650. Offered for Pass/No Pass grading only. 2310 T Wandell N Lec 8:00A - 9:05A Oak Pavilion 12 09/08/2014 to 12/13/2014 ENGL 650 English Fundamentals 3.0 Fundamentals of the writing process. Students will engage in the various stages of the writing process. Emphasis will be on improving writing fluency and grammatical skills, developing sentence structure, and proofreading strategies within the context of brief 250-500 word essays. Instruction will include using word processing for writing. (MJC ENGL 49) 1827 TTH Rivera R Lec 2:40P - 4:05P Sugar Pine 114 Entrepreneurship ENTRE 101 Introduction to Entrepreneurship 2.0 The student will evaluate the business skills and commitment necessary to successfully operate an entrepreneurial venture and review the challenges and rewards of entrepreneurship. The student will understand the role of entrepreneurial businesses in the United States and the impact on our national and global economy. 1785 TTH Ponder I Lec 5:30P - 7:35P Buckeye 4 08/26/2014 to 10/16/2014 ENTRE 102 Entrepreneurial Marketing 2.0 The student will gain insights essential for marketing an entrepreneurial venture utilizing innovative and financially responsible marketing strategies. The student will analyze marketing philosophies implemented by key successful entrepreneurs. Additionally, the student will prepare a marketing plan to launch the entrepreneurial venture and a marketing plan to implement during the first two years of business operation. 1788 TTH Ponder I Lec 5:30P - 7:45P Buckeye 4 10/21/2014 to 12/11/2014 ENTRE 105 Social Media Marketing FIRE 7 Wildland Fire Control 2.0 Learn to use social media as a marketing tool, and develop competitive strategies to make your business or product stand out from the crowd. Whether it's a blog, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, or any other social media tool, social platforms are driving purchasing decisions in both the online and offline worlds. 2257 TTH Ponder I Lec 2:40P - 4:45P Fir 4 08/26/2014 to 10/16/2014 3.0 Introduction to fire protection; career opportunities in fire protection and related fields; philosophy and history of fire protection; fire loss analysis; fire department as part of local government; laws and regulations affecting the fire service; fire service nomenclature; specific fire protection functions; basic fire chemistry and physics; introduction to fire protection systems; introduction to fire strategy and tactics. (MJC FSCI 301) Transfer: CSU 2685 M Jones A Lec 6:00P - 9:05P Oakdale High School F-6 0803 TH Lec 6:00P - 9:05P Redbud 2 Wimberly D FIRE 2 Fire Prevention Technology 3.0 2686 Ramos D 0 This is an online section. See page 114. FIRE 4 Building Construction for Fire Protection 3.0 Prerequisite: FIRE 1 with a grade of C or better, or P. The study of the components of building construction that relate to fire safety. The elements of construction and design of structures are shown to be key factors when inspecting buildings, pre-planning fire operations, and operating at fires. The development and evolution of building and fire codes will be studied in relation to past fires in residential, commercial, and industrial occupancies. (MJC FSCI 304) Transfer: CSU Lec 6:00P - 9:05P Redbud 2 Lec 6:00P - 9:05P Redbud 2 1.0 Prerequisite: FIRE 101 with a grade of C or better, or P, or Firefighter I certificate, or Volunteer Firefighter certification, or equivalent. Designed to provide the student with information on driver techniques for emergency vehicles and techniques of basic inspection and maintenance for emergency vehicles, including actual driving exercises under simulated emergency conditions. (CC FIRE 29A and 29B = MJC FSCI 364) Transfer: CSU 2687 F Lec 8:00A - 4:00P Sugar Pine 115 AND SSU Lab 8:00A - 4:00P Sugar Pine 115 Rhoades K 11/07/2014 to 11/16/2014 Students must have authorization from their Training Officer to attend class. A form will be given out to students the first day of class. Students must be prepared to pay a certification fee of $80 to the Business Office the first day of class. FIRE 50 Low Angle Rope Rescue Prerequisite: FIRE 1 with a grade of C or better, or P. Fundamental information regarding the history and philosophy of fire prevention, organization and operation of a fire prevention bureau, use of fire codes, identification and correction of fire hazards, and the relationship of fire prevention with fire safety education and detection and suppression systems. (MJC FSCI 302) Transfer: CSU 2539 W Toy J 2688 T Mc Neal T FIRE 29A Driver/Operator Training 1A Fire Technology FIRE 1 Fire Protection Organization 3.0 Prerequisite: FIRE 1 with a grade of C or better, or P. Provides practical knowledge and an overview of the fundamental principles of wildland fire control and management. Topics include firefighter safety, wildland fire behavior, strategy and tactics, wildland-urban intermix fires and the role of prescribed fire activities. (MJC FSCI 337) (CC FIRE 7, FIRE 50, FIRE 101, FIRE 106, FIRE 108 & FIRE 110 = MJC FSCI 362 & FSCI 363) Transfer: CSU 0.5 This course is designed to take the student to the basic skill and knowledge levels of Low Angle (not vertical) Rope Rescue. Topics will include, but are not limited to: basic rappelling, rescue of ambulatory and non-ambulatory persons with an emphasis on safety and teamwork. Topics reflect current Urban Search and Rescue and California State Fire Training standards and equipment. Successful students will be certified in Low Angle Rope Rescue by the California State Fire Marshal's Office. Credit may be earned for only one of the following: FIRE 50 or SAR 50. Offered for Pass/No Pass grading only. (CC FIRE 7, FIRE 50, FIRE 101, FIRE 106, FIRE 108 & FIRE 110 = MJC FSCI 362 & FSCI 363) 2689 FSSU Palmer B Lec 8:00A - 5:00P Cedar 10 11/14/2014 to 11/16/2014 Students must provide leather gloves for hand protection. Columbia College will provide a helmet for head protection. Leather hiking or safety boots recommended. Students who want to receive a California State Fire Marshal certification must be prepared to pay an additional fee of $20 on or before the first day of class to the Business Office. Page 81 fa l l 2014 entrepreneurship (continued) fa l l 2014 Fire Technology (continued) FIRE 101 Firefighter I Academy FIRE 110 ICS 200 - Basic Incident Command System 16.0 Prerequisites: EMS 157 and HHP 55A with grades of C or better, or P, or concurrent enrollment in EMS 157 and HHP 55A. This course is designed for students who desire to enter the firefighting field and meet requirements, units A-X, for the California State Firefighter 1 certification. Upon successful completion of the course, the student is then responsible for completing the required field experience with Fire Department verification (either six months full-time or one year part-time or volunteer) before submitting an application to the State. Curriculum for the fire academy includes firefighting skills, safety, incident management systems, operations, manipulative skills, tools and equipment, emergency scene operations, fire prevention, and investigation. Additional certifications include I-100, I-200, I-700.a, S-130, S-133, S-134, S-190, L-180, Seasonal Wildland Firefighter, Basic Land Navigation, Auto Extrication, Low Angle Rope Rescue, Hazardous Materials Full FRO, Firefighter Safety and Survival, Confined Space Awareness, and Basic Power Saw Safety. Note: Students must have a medical release for the course to engage in strenuous physical lifting, carrying, and related activities. Field trips required. 2537 AND AND AND AND AND M M TTH TTH WF WF Warner S Lec Lec Lec Lec Lec Lec 8:00A - 10:30A Redbud 2 11:00A - 4:00P Field Location 9:40A - 11:00A Redbud 2 11:30A - 4:00P Field Location 8:00A - 11:30A Redbud 2 12:00P - 5:00P Field Location Field trips required or selected class meetings will be held at alternate locations. Students must provide special equipment or supplies or may incur additional cost. NOTE: EMS 157 and HHP 55A are co-requisites (unless you have previously taken and passed these courses) of FIRE 101. To register for FIRE 101, you must first register for the co-requisite classes. FIRE 106 Hazardous Materials First Responder 1.0 Operational Meets requirements of CAL-OSHA for training of emergency responders to hazardous materials incidents, per CFR 1910.120(q)(6)(ii) and Title 8 California Code of Regulations 5192(q)(6)(B). Includes awareness and recognition of potential hazards, and procedures to insure safety of emergency personnel, the public and the environment. Offered for Pass/No Pass grading only. 2050 FS Rhoades K Lec 8:00A - 5:00P Cedar 10 10/03/2014 to 10/04/2014 NOTE: Students must be prepared to pay a certification fee of $5 on or before the first day of class to the Business Office. Page 82 1.0 Introduces students to the principles and features associated with the Incident Command System. Offered for Pass/No Pass grading only. 2052 SSU Toy J Lec 8:00A - 5:00P Redbud 2 11/15/2014 to 11/16/2014 NOTE: Students must be prepared to pay a certification fee of $20 on or before the first day of class to the Business Office. FIRE 111 Basic Power Saw Safety 1.0 Power Saw Safety is aligned with State Fire Marshal S-212 to provide instruction on the function, maintenance and use of internal combustion engine powered chain saws, and their tactical fire application. Instruction will support entry-level training for firefighters with little or no previous experience in operating a chain saw, providing hands-on experience in maintaining power saws. 1818 SSU Toy J Lec 8:00A - 5:00P Redbud 2 10/18/2014 to 10/19/2014 Forestry FORES 1 Introduction to Professional Forestry 3.0 Survey of the major U.S. forest regions and significant forest history events. Forestry practices, wood utilization and applied techniques of private tree farm/woodlot management for long-term production of timber, fuel wood, Christmas trees and other resources. Forestry education, career opportunities, licensing and ethics. Field trips required. (MJC NR 220) Transfer: CSU 0794 MW Hofstra T Lec 11:20A - 12:45P Sugar Pine 107 FORES 10 Dendrology 3.0 Covers evolution, systematics, identification, terminology, morphology, anatomy, life cycle, ecology, growth requirements, distribution and ethnobotany of trees and shrubs. Emphasis is on trees and shrubs of the Sierra Nevada, California and the western United States. Field trips required. (MJC NR 376) Transfer: UC/CSU 0795 TTH AND TH Hofstra T Lec 1:00P - 2:05P Sugar Pine 107 Lab 2:15P - 5:00P Sugar Pine 107 GEOGR 58 GIS - ArcView 1.0 Techniques of forest inventory and management including forest surveys, cruising, and scaling; data collection and analysis; location and delineation of forest properties and resources; survey and management of other natural resources. Field trips required. (MJC NR 376) Introduction to practical application of ArcView software; importation of GIS data, display, visualization, exploration, query, analysis, and production of hard-copy maps and reports. Students will be guided through a complete sequence of application fundamentals similar to what would normally be used in displaying, analyzing, and plotting a standard ArcView GIS application. Credit may be earned for only one of the following: GEOGR 58 or CMPSC 58. Offered for Pass/No Pass grading only. Transfer: CSU 2246 F Mc Nicol L 2672 FSSU Schmidt J FORTC 162 Applied Forest Inventory and Management 2.0 Lec 9:40A - 2:00P Sugar Pine 107 Lec 10:00A - 4:00P Fir 1 10/17/2014 to 10/19/2014 Geography GEOGR 12 Cultural Geography 3.0 Examines humankind’s relationship with the environment using multidisciplinary perspectives and techniques. Historical and contemporary patterns of culturalenviro adaptations, the landscape of cultural diversity, demography and mobility, political organization, the process of urbanization, and economic organization will be emphasized. (MJC GEOG 102) Transfer: UC/CSU 1335 MW Lec 11:20A - 12:45P Sugar Pine 126 Hamilton W This class is team-taught with ANTHR-2-9433. Students are advised to contact Profs. Clarke or Hamilton and consult their college web pages. GEOGR 57 GIS Data Management Introduction to Geodatabase 1.0 Recommended for Success: CMPSC 4, CMPSC 10. Students who take this course will learn to use the ArcGIS Geodatabase format for management of spatial data. Students will be introduced to the concepts of database design and system architecture using ArcGIS software. Concepts covered include: introduction to the geodatabase; metadata; geodatabase vs. shapefile formats; overview of ArcGIS data models; feature datasets and feature classes; editing a geodatabase; personal geodatabase vs. multiuser geodatabase; domains and validation rules; and relationships and subtypes. Credit may be earned for only one of the following: GEOGR 57 or CMPSC 57. Transfer: CSU 2668 FS Earle R Lec 8:00A - 5:00P Fir 1 09/19/2014 to 09/20/2014 w For the latest class scheduling updates go to My Columbia GEOGR 59 Geographic Information and Global Positioning Systems 3.0 Introduction to basic GIS and GPS concepts and applications in the field of natural resources, earth sciences, and environmental systems. Students will learn to use Global Positioning System units, combined with Geographic Information System software to collect field data and produce maps for spatial analysis and decisionmaking purposes. Six weeks will be spent learning ArcView software; another six weeks will be spent learning to use GPS units; and another six weeks will be spent learning to design and carry out a research project merging GPS and GIS technologies. Credit may be earned for only one of the following: GEOGR 59 or CMPSC 59. Transfer: CSU 2030 W Tolhurst J Lec 5:30P - 8:35P Fir 1 Students must provide special equipment or supplies or may incur additional cost. GEOGR 62 GIS Mapping - Introduction to SAR GIS 1.0 Students who take this course will learn how to apply their GIS skills in Search and Rescue (SAR) Mapping. Students will learn SAR incident symbology, data standards and organization, establishing incident locations, search segments, SAR incident map products, and responsibilities of a GIS specialist on SAR’s and other critical incidents. The course will use a workflow and data model developed by SAR personnel that integrates with ArcGIS 10. Additionally, students will utilize GPS data that they have collected from GPS devices, convert them to shapefiles, and create team and briefing incident maps. During a full-day exercise, students will also live-track SAR teams using satellite tracking devices. This course includes hands-on experience in SAR incident Mapping and data organization. Credit may be earned for only one of the following: GEOGR 62, CMPSC 62 or SAR 62. Offered for Pass/No Pass grading only. Transfer: CSU 2568 FSSU Durkee G Lec 10:00A - 4:00P Fir 1 11/07/2014 to 11/09/2014 www.gocolumbia.edu Page 83 fa l l 2014 Forestry Technology fa l l 2014 geography (continued) GEOGR 63 GIS and Making Maps: The Essential Skills GEOGR 70 Introduction to Raster-Based GIS 1.0 This course is intended as a resource for emergency responders, outdoor enthusiasts and anyone interested in acquiring basic skills in understanding maps and using geospatial information and devices. Emphasis will be on developing a working knowledge of coordinate systems, establishing a location when given coordinates, finding coordinates from a location, and converting among coordinate systems to create a basic map using this information. Credit may be earned for only one of the following: GEOGR 63 or CMPSC 63. Offered for Pass/No Pass grading only. Transfer: CSU 2697 Durkee G 10/27/2014 to 11/17/2014 0 This is an online section. See page 114. GEOGR 64 ArcGIS: Creating a Basic Map 0.5 This course will teach the skills and tools to use ArcGIS 10 mapping software to create maps. It will be useful to anyone wanting a quick “how to” for using the industry standard ArcGIS to make and edit a map. Credit may be earned for only one of the following: GEOGR 64 or CMPSC 64. Offered for Pass/No Pass grading only. Transfer: CSU 2743 Durkee G 10/13/2014 to 10/27/2014 GEOGR 67 GIS Geocoding 1.0 Students who take this course will learn to use GIS software for geocoding purposes. Geocoding is the process of using common data to quickly and easily create location maps and is used by most government agencies and many businesses. GIS software will be used to produce maps useful in such things as routing emergency vehicles, providing effective customer service delivery, understanding crime incident patterns, or locating restaurants, schools, and fire stations. Students will also learn to create and refine address data to develop the reference data necessary to build address or geocoding indexes. Strategies will be exercised to clean input addresses, achieve better address-matching results, and finetune software parameters. Credit may be earned for only one of the following: GEOGR 67 or CMPSC 67. Offered for Pass/ No Pass grading only. Transfer: CSU 2741 FS Earle R 2670 M Tolhurst J Lec 5:30P - 8:35P Fir 1 Guidance GUIDE 1 Career/Life Planning 2538 T Olson J Lec 6:00P - 9:05P Sequoia 1 1.0 An introduction to occupational exploration and career choice. Emphasis will be on linking personal information (interests, values and abilities) obtained through career assessment, with information about occupations, researched by using Career Center and online resources. Career choices will be clarified and corresponding and appropriate educational goals will be selected. Students will receive instruction in goal setting, decision making, and problem solving as they relate to the development and fulfillment of educational and career plans. (MJC GUIDE 111) Transfer: CSU 2530 TTH Lec 1:00P - 2:30P Sequoia 1 Fitzwater J 10/07/2014 to 11/06/2014 Lec 8:00A - 5:00P Fir 1 10/03/2014 to 10/04/2014 w For the latest class scheduling updates go to My Columbia www.gocolumbia.edu Page 84 3.0 Recommended for Success: ENGL 151. Designed to help students formulate and experience an organized and realistic approach to career planning. Development of awareness and objectivity in the areas of interests, skills, values, aptitudes, etc. Introduction to sources of occupational information, and occupational trends. Introduction to decision-making, career information, career trends and social influences on career-life planning. May include administration of standardized interest and personality inventories. (Satisfies MJC Guidance requirement.) Transfer: CSU GUIDE 11 Occupational Exploration 0 This is an online section. See page 114. 3.0 This course uses the ArcGIS ArcView software along with the Spatial Analyst and 3D extensions to explore the use of raster GIS data in analysis and visualization. Topics include terrain analysis, hydrologic analysis, suitability analysis, and 3D modeling. The course consists of a combination of lectures, demonstrations, hands-on exercises, and a student project. Credit may be earned for only one of the following: GEOGR 70 or CMPSC 70. Transfer: CSU GUIDE 100 College Success GUIDE 150 Guidance for Nursing Majors 3.0 Prepares students for the challenges of college-level coursework. Designed for students new to college, reentering college, or those on academic or progress probation status who would like to develop or improve skills and abilities necessary for college success. Topics include: values, goal-setting methods, time management, note-taking techniques, textbook reading strategies, test-taking skills, memorization, critical and creative thinking, learning styles, and the use of technology for academic success. Familiarizes students with the College, its curriculum, facilities, services, policies, programs and degree and transfer requirements. (MJC STSK 78) 2693 M Kroeze S Lec 3:30P - 6:40P Sonora High 2544 MW Sullivan W Lec 2:40P - 4:05P Fir 3 2273 TTH Miller D Lec 9:15A - 10:40A Aspen 1 2080 TTH Kolstad A Lec 10:30A - 11:55A Maple 104 School C-4 1.0 10/14/2014 to 11/18/2014 1.0 Designed to assist students in gaining basic knowledge of leadership skills, to develop skills in principles and administration of parliamentary law; the co-curricular activity program; finances, including budgetary procedure; and group dynamics. Offered for Pass/No Pass grading only. (MJC SOCSC 58) 2534 F AND SSU Kolstad A 09/03/2014 to 09/24/2014 Health & Human Performance HHP 2 Women’s Health Issues 3.0 0 This is an online section. See page 114. Lec 1:00P - 2:30P Fir 3 GUIDE 115 Principles of Leadership Lec 2:40P - 4:55P Sequoia 1 1102 Frost-Leaird E Designed to familiarize students with the various Career Technical Education certificates and degrees available at Columbia College. Course topics will include college resources available to assist students in meeting the rigor of college coursework, as well as the research and planning required to successfully achieve educational goals. Offered for Pass/No Pass grading only. Field trips required. 2645 TTH Harris R 2692 W Pfleging E This course will focus on the politics of women’s health and medical care issues in the United States including analyzing, as well as establishing methods of utilizing, the health care system with specific attention to women as health care consumers; contemporary concerns about the health care delivery system with emphasis on the gender politicalization of the social, physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual and environmental aspects of gender-health. (MJC HE 111) Transfer: UC/CSU This class is part of the First Semester Experience. See page 56. GUIDE 108 Guidance for Career Technical Education 0.5 Course will familiarize Columbia College students with the MJC Associate Degree in Nursing Program and will also cover requirements for transfer to baccalaureate level nursing programs. Important aspects of nursing as an occupational choice will be covered along with information regarding the nursing profession. Offered for Pass/No Pass grading only. Field trips may be required. (Satisfies MJC Guidance requirement.) Lec 1:00P - 2:00P Sugar Pine 114 Lec 9:00A - 4:00P Baker Station HHP 3 Introduction to Kinesiology 3.0 Provides an introduction to the interdisciplinary approach to the study of human movement. Emphasis on the importance of the subdisciplines will be discussed as well as career opportunities. (MJC PE 124) Transfer: UC/CSU 2844 Juarez R 0 This is an online section. See page 114. HHP 5 Introduction to Recreation and Leisure 3.0 This course provides students a detailed overview of the history, developments, and current trends in leisure and recreation studies. It reflects recent social change and challenges facing recreation industries in the 21st Century including: population shifts, technology and marketing. It also addresses the history of the parks movement and tourism/sport segments. This course is of interest to students of Hospitality and Human Performance (Recreation-related subjects). Credit may be earned for only one of the following: HHP 5 or HPMGT 10. Transfer: CSU 1749 Rien N 08/25/2014 to 09/26/2014 0 This is an online section. See page 114. 09/05/2014 to 12/12/2014 Class meets Fridays 9/5, 10/10, 11/7, 12/12, Sat 9/13, and Sun 9/14 Page 85 fa l l 2014 guidance (continued) fa l l 2014 health & human performance (continued) HHP 6A Lifetime Fitness Program I HHP 9 Circuit Cross-Training 2.0 Introduction to the fundamental principles and practices of scientific exercise conditioning, nutritional requirements, weight control techniques, coronary heart disease concepts, and considerations of preventive medicine. Basic exercise routine involves the circuit training system. Transfer: UC/ CSU (Transfer credit limited. See a counselor.) 1099 T AND TTH Fabry M Lec 9:25A - 10:30A Oak Pavilion 12 Lab 8:00A - 9:25A Oak Pavilion 25 HHP 6B Lifetime Fitness Program II 1.0 Prerequisite: HHP 6A with a grade of C or better, or P. A continuation of the exercise principles and practices employing the circuit training system presented in Lifetime Fitness Program I with emphasis on improving fitness component levels, compliance, motivation, and increased awareness of sound nutritional practices. Transfer: UC/CSU (Transfer credit limited. See a counselor.) 1100 TTH Fabry M Lab 8:00A - 9:25A Oak Pavilion 25 HHP 8A Aerobic Exercise 1.0 Provides an introduction to cardiovascular conditioning, with an emphasis on the fundamental principles of exercise as a component of health. Transfer: UC/CSU (Transfer credit limited. See a counselor.) 2512 MW Walker A Lab 1:00P - 2:25P Oak Pavilion 25 1.0 A comprehensive workout at an introductory level to achieve personal fitness goals through the use of cardiovascular and strength training systems. Transfer: UC/CSU (Transfer credit limited. See a counselor.) 2474 MWF Kenna K Lab 6:15A - 7:20A Oak Pavilion 24 2482 MWF Lab 8:00A - 9:05A Twain Harte Permenter R Center 2480 MW Walker A Lab 8:00A - 9:25A Oak Pavilion 24 2627 MWF Lab 9:15A - 10:25A Twain Harte Permenter R Center 2470 MWF Lab 4:30P - 5:35P Twain Harte Permenter R Center 2472 TTH Fabry M Lab 6:00A - 7:25A Oak Pavilion 24 2476 TTH Howell K Lab 9:00A - 10:25A Senior Center Sonora 2759 TTH Lab 11:20A - 12:45P Oak Pavilion 26 Osterhout J 2484 TTH Mager D Lab 4:20P - 5:45P Oak Pavilion 24 2478 MW Howell K Lab 6:00P - 7:25P Oak Pavilion 24 2757 TTH Lab 6:00P - 7:25P Oak Pavilion 26 Hoyt R / Hansten L HHP 10 Adaptive Physical Education FAQs columbia college counseling How many units should I enroll in? It depends on your unique situation. Students who are employed full-time (40 or more hours per week) should limit themselves to no more than 6 units. If you are employed no more than 20 hours per week, you may sign up for 12 or more units provided that you don’t have additional time commitments (e.g. child, spouse, outside activities). If you are not employed, fulltime coursework (12-18 units) may be appropriate. Page 86 1.0 Designed to offer individually prescribed fitness direction to the physically limited with emphasis on the improvements of cardiovascular, flexibility, and strength components. Transfer: UC/CSU (Transfer credit limited. See a counselor.) 2524 MWF Juarez R Lab 8:30A - 9:35A Oak Pavilion 4 2526 MWF Juarez R Lab 10:00A - 11:05A Oak Pavilion 4 2719 TTH Rios J Lab 7:00A - 8:25A Oak Pavilion 4 The emphasis of this section will be on cardiac maintenance. 2721 TTH Juarez R Lab 11:20A - 12:45P Oak Pavilion 23 2522 TTH Fabry M Lab 11:20A - 12:45P Oak Pavilion 4 HHP 16 Walking for Fitness HHP 32A Basketball I 1.0 Provides various methods of walking along with other exercises to achieve whole-body fitness. Emphasis is on cardiovascular efficiency, muscle endurance and strength, flexibility, and body composition. Transfer: CSU 2729 TTH Hansten L Lab 9:40A - 11:05A Oak Pavilion 24 HHP 18A Yoga I for Better Health 1.0 This is a beginning Yoga class using postures, breathing and relaxation techniques to increase flexibility, strength, balance and coordination. Transfer: UC/CSU (Transfer credit limited. See a counselor.) 2731 MW Lab 2:40P - 4:05P Alder 5 Newman S 1.0 An intermediate level of skills and strategies for the experienced player. An introduction to offensive and defensive team concepts surrounding man-to-man, zone and transitional schemes will also be implemented in this course. Transfer: UC/CSU (Transfer credit limited. See a counselor.) 2776 MTWTH Hoyt R Lab 1:00P - 3:05P Oak Pavilion 23 1.0 Lab 1:00P - 3:05P Oak Pavilion 23 08/25/2014 to 10/03/2014 HHP 45 Co-Ed Flag Football 1.0 Recommended for Success: HHP 18A. Intermediate yoga practice using more advanced postures, breathing, and relaxation techniques to further increase flexibility, strength, balance and coordination. Transfer: UC/CSU (Transfer credit limited. See a counselor.) 2752 TTH Lab 11:20A - 12:45PAlder 5 Sturtevant D HHP 32B Basketball II Recommended for Success: HHP 32B. An advanced level of skill and strategies for the experienced basketball player. Intra-class scrimmages, scorekeeping and refereeing included. Transfer: CSU 2749 TTH Lab 1:00P - 2:25P Alder 5 Sturtevant D 2754 TTH Lab 9:40A - 11:05A Alder 5 Newman S 08/25/2014 to 10/03/2014 HHP 32C Basketball III 2751 TTH Lab 11:20A - 12:45PAlder 5 Sturtevant D 2735 TTH Lab 8:00A - 9:25A Alder 5 Newman S Lab 1:00P - 3:05P Oak Pavilion 23 08/25/2014 to 10/03/2014 2753 TTH Lab 9:40A - 11:05A Alder 5 Newman S 2732 MW Lab 2:40P - 4:05P Alder 5 Newman S 2774 MTWTH Hoyt R 2775 MTWTH Hoyt R 2734 TTH Lab 8:00A - 9:25A Alder 5 Newman S HHP 18B Yoga II for Better Health 1.0 This course is a basic introduction to basketball rules and terms, as well as an introduction to the basic skills of dribbling, passing, shooting, rebounding and defending in basketball. Transfer: UC/CSU (Transfer credit limited. See a counselor.) 1.0 Designed to introduce the necessary skills and knowledge to participate in recreational flag football. Instruction of rules along with drills to improve the student's skill level. Transfer: UC/CSU (Transfer credit limited. See a counselor.) 2528 MW Parola T Lab 3:15P - 5:50P Symons Field 08/25/2014 to 10/31/2014 HHP 47A Soccer I 1.0 Provides basic instruction, practice and participation in game play. Course emphasis on rules, skills and game strategies for the beginning player. Man-to-man defensive strategies are included as well as inter-class competition. Transfer: UC/CSU (Transfer credit limited. See a counselor.) 2769 TTH Fabry M Lab 3:15P - 5:50P Symons Field 08/25/2014 to 10/31/2014 2750 TTH Lab 1:00P - 2:25P Alder 5 Sturtevant D Page 87 fa l l 2014 health & human performance (continued) fa l l 2014 health & human performance (continued) HHP 47B Soccer II HHP 55A Fitness Training I for Firefighting 1.0 Recommended for Success: HHP 47A. Provides intermediate instruction and practice, and participation in game play. Course emphasis on rules, skills and strategies for the intermediate player. Zonal defensive strategies are included as well as inter-class competition. Transfer: UC/CSU (Transfer credit limited. See a counselor.) 2770 TTH Fabry M Lab 3:15P - 5:50P Symons Field HHP 47C Soccer III 1.0 Recommended for Success: HHP 47B. Provides advanced instruction, practice and participation in game play. Course emphasis on skills and strategies for the experienced player. Defensive concepts surrounding zonal versus man-to-man strategies are included. Transfer: UC/CSU (Transfer credit limited. See a counselor.) 2771 TTH Fabry M Lab 3:15P - 5:50P Symons Field Tennis I 1.0 Instruction and practice in fundamentals of Eastern grip tennis. Emphasis on development of sound ground strokes, serve, and volley. Includes rules, scoring, and game play in both singles and doubles tennis. Transfer: UC/CSU (Transfer credit limited. See a counselor.) 2145 MW Gregory N Lab 3:15P - 5:50P Tennis Courts 08/25/2014 to 10/31/2014 HHP 50B Tennis II 1.0 Prerequisite: HHP 50A with a grade of C or better, or P. Instruction and practice in the advanced aspects of Eastern grip tennis. Emphasis on game play and development with individualized coaching and analysis for the more experienced player. Includes tactics and court coverage to encourage a more powerful game in both singles and doubles tennis. Transfer: UC/CSU (Transfer credit limited. See a counselor.) 2146 MW Gregory N Lab 3:15P - 5:50P Tennis Courts 08/25/2014 to 10/31/2014 Page 88 Lab 8:00A - 9:25A Oak Pavilion 26 1.0 An intermediate course designed to prepare students for the Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT) which is a requirement to become a firefighter in California. Training and conditioning will focus on specific agility, flexibility, muscle strength, muscle endurance, and cardiovascular activities. Emphasis on developing a well-balanced workout will be emphasized. Transfer: CSU 2767 MWF Juarez R Lab 7:15A - 8:20A Oak Pavilion 26 HHP 56A Weight Training I 08/25/2014 to 10/31/2014 HHP 50A 2576 TTH Juarez R HHP 55B Fitness Training II for Firefighting 08/25/2014 to 10/31/2014 1.0 An introductory course designed to prepare students for the Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT) which is a requirement to become a firefighter in California. Training and conditioning will focus on specific agility, flexibility, muscle strength, muscle endurance, and cardiovascular activities for the CPAT and work-related duties. Emphasis on nutrition and maintaining a healthy lifestyle will be included. Transfer: CSU 1.0 Instruction in use of weights and body building equipment with emphasis on individual program development. Transfer: UC/CSU (Transfer credit limited. See a counselor.) 2498 MW Hoyt R Lab 9:40A - 11:05A Oak Pavilion 26 2502 MW Juarez R Lab 1:00P - 2:25P Oak Pavilion 26 2500 TTH Juarez R Lab 9:40A - 11:05A Oak Pavilion 26 2504 TTH Howell K Lab 1:00P - 2:25P Oak Pavilion 26 HHP 56B Weight Training II 1.0 Recommended for Success: HHP 56A or equivalent. Designed to help individuals accomplish a fine state of physical fitness through the use of "overload" equipment and progressive resistance exercises. Each person shall, with the counseling of the instructor, analyze particular needs and establish a program that will help accomplish these goals. Transfer: UC/CSU (Transfer credit limited. See a counselor.) 2499 MW Hoyt R Lab 9:40A - 11:05A Oak Pavilion 26 2503 MW Juarez R Lab 1:00P - 2:25P Oak Pavilion 26 2501 TTH Juarez R Lab 9:40A - 11:05A Oak Pavilion 26 2505 TTH Howell K Lab 1:00P - 2:25P Oak Pavilion 26 HHP 57 Body Sculpting HHP 82 Varsity Basketball (Men) 1.0 Provides an introduction to the active application of mechanical and anatomical principles. Emphasis is on muscular strength and endurance using free weights, resistance bands, and toning exercises. Transfer: UC/CSU (Transfer credit limited. See a counselor.) 2506 MW Hansten L 2519 TTH Howell K Lab 11:20A - 12:45P Oak Pavilion 27 2595 MTWTH Hoyt R Lab 1:00P - 3:05P Oak Pavilion 23 10/06/2014 to 12/13/2014 HHP 86 Varsity Volleyball (Women) Lab 2:40P - 4:05P Oak Pavilion 26 HHP 60 Health and Fitness Education 3.0 Personal and community health: an understanding of contemporary health issues and problems with an emphasis on personal fitness and adjustment. An informative material survey contributing to a person's mental, physical, and social well-being. (MJC HE 110) Transfer: UC/CSU 1097 TTH Hansten L 1.5 Preparation and training for intercollegiate varsity basketball competition. Participation in contests with other colleges will be scheduled. Field trips required. May be repeated three times. Transfer: UC/CSU (Transfer credit limited. See a counselor.) Lec 8:00A - 9:25A Oak Pavilion 9 History 3.0 Prerequisite: ENGL 1A with a grade of C or better, or P. An introduction to the ideas, processes and consequences of science through history. The historical development of philosophies of science will be central throughout. Critical reasoning and extensive writing will be required. Contextual cultural analysis is expected. Credit may be earned for only one of the following: HIST 5 or PHILO 5. Transfer: UC/CSU 08/25/2014 to 09/27/2014 0 This is an online section. See page 114. 2609 Rien N 09/29/2014 to 12/05/2014 0 This is an online section. See page 114. 3.0 Examines the history of sport and its political, social and economic impact on public opinion. Includes an investigation into the phenomenon of sport, including cultural stratification, race, gender, education, economics, politics and the mass media. Transfer: UC/CSU 2610 Parola T 09/29/2014 to 12/05/2014 0 This is an online section. See page 114. HHP 66 Mental Aspects of Sport 2487 MTWTHF Lab 3:30P - 5:10P Oak Pavilion 23 Osterhout J HIST 5 Introduction to the History and Philosophy of Science 1750 Rien N HHP 63 Sociology of Sport 3.0 Preparation and training for intercollegiate varsity volleyball competition. Participation in contests with other colleges will be scheduled. Field trips required. May be repeated three times. Transfer: UC/CSU (Transfer credit limited. See a counselor.) 3.0 Lecture: 3 hours Theoretical, practical and mental aspects of sport, exercise, and rehabilitation settings. The influence of psychological variables on participation in sport and exercise. The influence of participation on psychological factors and well-being. Topics include motivation, anxiety, observational learning, imagery, exercise adherence, goal setting, and youth sport participation. Transfer: CSU 1755 MW Lec 8:00A - 9:25A Sugar Pine 115 Hamilton W HIST 13 World Civilizations: to 1650 3.0 Survey of the history of the world from the Neolithic period to the middle of the seventeenth century. The course will use a cross-cultural comparative approach as it analyzes the origins, achievements and decline of civilizations in Asia, Africa and the Americas, as well as the Middle East and Western Europe. Emphasis on the application of major theories of history to various stages of world development. The position of women in society will be highlighted. (MJC HIST 106) Transfer: UC/CSU 9713 MW Johnson T Lec 11:20A - 12:45P Cedar 1 Supplemental Instruction may be offered for this section. See page 56. 1980 Rien N 09/29/2014 to 12/05/2014 0 This is an online section. See page 114. Page 89 fa l l 2014 health & human performance (continued) fa l l 2014 Hospitality Management history (continued) HIST 16 United States: to 1877 3.0 Survey of the history of the United States from pre-European settlement to the end of Reconstruction. Important topics include: the Art and Science of History, pre-European civilizations, Colonization and Society, the War for Independence, Constitutional Development and Federalism, American Leadership, Westward Expansion, Industrialization and Economic Transformation, Urbanization, Sectional Conflicts and the Impending Crisis, Slavery and experiences of historically disadvantaged groups in the United States, relative to their geographic, economic, political, and social contexts. Political and historical developments particular to California and in relation to the federal government will be highlighted. (MJC HIST 101) (HIST 16, taken in conjunction with POLSC 10, satisfies Associate Degree and CSU requirements in United States History, Constitution, and American Ideals. Completion of HIST 16 and/or HIST 17 in combination with MJC HIST 101 or HIST 102 will not fulfill the requirement for CSU graduation.) Transfer: UC/CSU HPMGT 102 Introduction to Hospitality Careers and Human Relations An introduction to the hospitality industry (comprising lodging, food and beverage services, and tourism) with focus on its career opportunities and human relations management in the hospitality industry. Individual goalsetting and career planning are emphasized. 0860 T Womble R Lec 5:45P - 7:10P Cedar 1 HPMGT 104 Hospitality Laws and Regulations Lec 9:40A - 11:05A Cedar 1 0906 TH Womble R 2611 W Van Zant S Lec 6:00P - 9:05P Cedar 1 HPMGT 112 Front Office Management/ Hotel Catering 3.0 Survey of the history of the United States from the end of Reconstruction to the present era. Course includes examinations of Reconstruction, Western Conquest, Federalism, Industrialization and Post-Industrialization, Urbanization, Foreign Relations, Social Movements, Major Wars, the Great Depression, Major Political and Institutional Developments, and Globalization. This course will also examine U.S. citizens’ rights and obligations, with special attention given to the experiences of historically disadvantaged groups in the U.S. Political and historical developments particular to California and in relation to the federal government will be highlighted. (MJC HIST 102) (HIST 17, taken in conjunction with POLSC 10, satisfies Associate Degree and CSU requirements in United States History, Constitution, and American Ideals. Completion of HIST 16 and/or HIST 17 in combination with MJC HIST 101 or HIST 102 will not fulfill the requirement for CSU graduation.) Transfer: UC/CSU 0982 MW Johnson T Lec 2:40P - 4:05P Cedar 1 0981 TTH Johnson T Lec 11:20A - 12:45P Cedar 1 1332 TH Van Zant S Lec 6:30P - 9:35P Bret Harte High School 52 Lec 4:30P - 6:35P Fir 3 2.0 Introduction to the essential equipment, routines, and duties of the front desk clerk and their relationship to other hotel departments. Covers planning and preparation for private parties, dinners, meetings, and other special events that a hotel or restaurant may cater. 2542 TH Womble R Lec 9:00A - 11:05A Manzanita 2 HPMGT 114 Introduction to Maintenance and Housekeeping 1.5 Introduces the essential components of effective hotel or motel maintenance and housekeeping operations, including technical information on equipment and its servicing to establish a preventive maintenance routine. Provides broad scope of the housekeeping position, stressing employee responsibilities, record-keeping and use of equipment and materials. 2677 M Womble R Lec 2:00P - 3:30P Manzanita 3 w For the latest class scheduling updates go to My Columbia www.gocolumbia.edu Page 90 2.0 The study of legal issues relating to commercial food service and lodging operations which are national, State and local in scope. Using both the case method and specific statutes, introduces students to general concepts including the types of law, the nature of agreements and the judicial system, as well as regulatory agencies and the particular laws they enforce in the hospitality field. 0979 TTH Johnson T HIST 17 United States: 1877 to Present 1.5 HPMGT 120 Safety and Sanitation 1.0 Sanitation and safety principles and practices for the food service professional. Provides ServSafe certification from the National Restaurant Association. 2545 F AND S Boetzer J MATERIALS FEE: $50.00 Lec 1:00P - 6:00P Maple 104 Lec 8:00A - 4:00P Maple 104 0926 M Lec 5:30P - 7:05P Manzanita 2 Plus 8.5 Hours Weekly by Arrangement (MTWTH 7:00A-3:30P) 09/05/2014 to 09/13/2014 Class meets Fridays 9/5 and 9/12, and Sat. 9/13 2635 F AND S Boetzer J Womble R Students must provide special equipment or supplies or may incur additional cost. Lec 1:00P - 6:00P Maple 104 Lec 8:00A - 4:00P Maple 104 HPMGT 134 Commercial Baking: Beginning 11/07/2014 to 11/15/2014 Class meets Fridays 11/7 and 11/14, and Sat. 11/15 HPMGT 122 Restaurant Math 1.0 This is an arithmetic course for restaurant personnel. Students will be learning and applying basic math skills: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, and percentages. There will be use of hand-held calculators, gauges, scales and devices for measuring weights and volumes. Currency will be handled and time, distance, and temperature will be measured. There will be an emphasis on recognition and use of geometric shapes. 2054 M Vierra R Lec 4:00P - 5:05P Aspen 1 2572 T Robbins V Lec 6:00P - 7:05P Stanislaus 3.0 Co-requisite: HPMGT 120. Initial culinary training for chefs includes concepts about safe, sanitary, and efficient food production procedures, orientation and training on equipment, hand tools and foods, and applications of nutritional concepts to recipe writing. Food inventory management skills will be practiced using both traditional and computer-aided costing. Adopting professional standards regarding uniforms, dependability, teamwork and quality performance will be emphasized. Field trips may be required. MATERIALS FEE: $50.00 0896 T Lec 3:45P - 5:15P Manzanita 2 Plus 5.5 Hours Weekly by Arrangement (MTWTh 7:00A-12:30P or 10:00A-3:30P) Vierra R Students must provide special equipment or supplies or may incur additional cost. 2 .5 Co-requisites: HPMGT 120 and HPMGT 122. This course covers tools, terms and functions in preparation of baked goods: yeast breads and pastries, cookies, cakes and specialty items to American Culinary Federation (ACF) competencies. Field trips may be required. MATERIALS FEE: $25.00 2803 M AND M Womble R Lec 7:30A - 8:30A Manzanita 2 Lab 8:30A - 1:05P Manzanita 2 Students must provide special equipment or supplies or may incur incur additional cost. 2802 T AND T Womble R Culinary Arts Institute HPMGT 133A Introduction to Commercial Food Preparation 4.0 Prerequisite: HPMGT 133A with a grade of C or better, or P. Focus is on restaurant line cookery. Involves preparation of soups, salads, entrees, vegetables and starches. Menu cycle extends from family-style to classical cuisine, including buffets. Quality assurance, production efficiency and kitchen management are emphasized. Lec 7:30A - 8:30A Manzanita 2 Lab 8:30A - 1:05P Manzanita 2 Students must provide special equipment or supplies or may incur incur additional cost. HPMGT 136 Dining Room Service and Management I 2.0 Operation of the Cellar Restaurant dining room and related service support stations is covered. The focus is on how to hire, train, motivate, schedule and assign jobs to a wait staff. Cost control, labor and supplies, Quality assurance and productivity standards are addressed. 0915 M AND W Bender T Lab 11:00A - 3:10P Manzanita 3 Lec 10:00A - 11:00A Manzanita 3 2248 T AND W Bender T Lab 11:00A - 3:10P Manzanita 3 Lec 10:00A - 11:00A Manzanita 3 0920 W AND W Bender T Lec 10:00A - 11:00A Manzanita 3 Lab 11:00A - 3:10P Manzanita 3 1715 W AND TH Bender T Lec 10:00A - 11:00A Manzanita 3 Lab 11:00A - 3:10P Manzanita 3 Page 91 fa l l 2014 HPMGT 133 Commercial Food Preparation hospitality management (continued) fa l l 2014 hospitality management (continued) HPMGT 140 Contemporary Cuisine HPMGT 148 Introduction to Wines 2.0 Prerequisite: HPMGT 133B with a grade of C or better, or P. Focused on the preparation of seasonal ingredients used to develop the menus for the advanced culinary course. Cooking techniques and theory pertaining to contemporary cuisine will be emphasized and the student will prepare online cooking stations in pastry, pantry, saute, and grill. MATERIALS FEE: $25.00 2161 W Mansu R Lab 2:00P - 8:45P Manzanita 3 Students must provide special equipment or supplies or may incur additional cost. HPMGT 142 Garde Manger 1.0 A study of cold food preparation which includes vegetable and fruit carvings, appetizers, hors d’oeuvres, canapes, sauces, salads, forcemeats, pates, tray presentations, table setups, room setups, and food show competitions. Field trips may be required. MATERIALS FEE: $25.00 2393 M Robbins V Lec 6:30P - 8:35P Stanislaus Culinary Arts Institute HPMGT 143 Advanced Garde Manger 1.0 2.0 A study of wines from around the world with an emphasis on California. History and development of the wine industry, viticulture, winemaking techniques, restaurant sales, and restaurant service. Wine evaluation, marketing, and wine's relationship to food and menus will be covered. Field trips may be required. MATERIALS FEE: $15.00 2164 W Bender T Lec 11:30A - 1:35P Sugar Pine 100 Humanities HUMAN 2 Modern Culture 3.0 Recommended for Success: ENGL 151. An introductory survey of humanistic culture, historically structured from the Enlightenment to the present, focusing on enduring works of art, drama, literature, music, and philosophy. (MJC HUMAN 106) Transfer: UC/CSU 2780 Lee P 0 This is an online section. See page 114. 2781 Lee P 0 This is an online section. See page 114. HUMAN 4 World Religions and Spirituality 3.0 Prerequisite: HPMGT 142 with a grade of C or better, or P. Advanced study of cold food preparation to include vegetable, fruit, and ice carvings, appetizers, hors d’oeuvres, canapes, sauces, salads, forcemeats, pates, tray presentation, table and room setup with attention to food shows and special event programs. Study of the development of religious consciousness, including the earliest belief systems in the world, the major “living religions” today, tribal religions, “new age” religion and spirituality, and an examination of the meaning of the religious experience. Field trips may be required. (MJC PHILO 115) Transfer: UC/CSU MATERIALS FEE: $25.00 2782 Lee P 2615 T Robbins V 0 This is an online section. See page 114. Lec 7:30P - 9:35P Stanislaus Culinary Arts Institute Students must provide special equipment or supplies or may incur additional cost. HPMGT 146 Dining Room Service and Management II 2.0 Prerequisite: HPMGT 136 with a grade of C or better, or P. Advanced service techniques, table settings and dining room etiquette utilizing a restaurant as a laboratory. Emphasis is on elegance and showmanship, developing the fine points of service, understanding wine and food compatibilities, building sales, managing the dining room with reservations, proper staffing and hosting. Field trips required. 2546 W Lec 4:00P - 8:10P Manzanita 3 Bender T Interdisciplinary Studies INDIS 48 Sustainable Living 3.0 This course introduces life skills and decision-making strategies to students interested in a sustainable future for themselves and their local/global communities. The course covers topics such as: how do our food choices affect both our health and our environment, what are the impacts of various consumer goods on the environment and society, what does it mean to build and maintain a sustainable house/building, where do my wastes go when I flush the toilet, where does my drinking water come from, where does my energy come from and what is its true cost? The course is designed to help students see the individual as the pivot point between community health/world health and personal health. Field trips may be required. Transfer: CSU 2812 F Lec 9:00A - 12:05P Sugar Pine 217 White G / Staff Page 92 INDIS 101 Career Tools for Excellence I MGMT 111 Customer Service 2.0 This course is designed to emphasize leadership, project management, team-building and problem-solving as they apply in the workplace. Students will use a project-based format and design an e-portfolio while incorporating a wide variety of leadership skills required for success in the workplace. Offered for Pass/No Pass grading only. 2678 W Lec 4:30P - 5:55P Buckeye 3 AND W Lab 6:00P - 6:40P Buckeye 4 Ponder I / Reiman J Lec 9:40A - 6:30P Buckeye 3 MGMT 112 Team Building 1.0 Provides students with techniques and strategies for peer tutoring. Students will study learning styles, multiple intelligence theory, learning disabilities, as well as effective communication skills, planning and structuring a tutor session, questioning techniques and multicultural perspectives. Studying these topics will lead to clarifying the nature of an effective tutor. This course meets State regulations for peer tutoring training and College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) certification. Offered for Pass/No Pass grading only. 2325 M Staff 2560 F Olsen T 10/03/2014 ONLY 09/03/2014 to 12/10/2014 INDIS 110 Peer Tutoring 0.5 Designed to provide the student with certain key skills and attitudes in order to effectively meet the needs of customers. The student will be introduced to the concept of internal and external customers, customer satisfaction and customer retention. Topics will also include communicating with customers, developing a positive attitude, handling complaints and sales skills. Offered for Pass/No Pass grading only. Lec 2:40P - 3:45P 0: This is a hybrid section. See page 114. Library 2561 F Ponder I This course is an introduction to the use of electronic and print resources, including developing effective search strategies and evaluating information sources. Emphasis is on library online catalogs, online periodical databases, print and electronic reference sources, and Internet resources. Transfer: CSU 1491 Griffiths-Bender W 10/06/2014 to 11/12/2014 0 This is an online section. See page 114. Lec 9:40A - 6:30P Buckeye 3 09/19/2014 ONLY MGMT 114 Values and Ethics in the Workplace 0.5 Designed to acquaint the student with the importance of values and ethics in the workplace. The importance of values and ethics involved in the supervisor's carrying out his/her duties will be emphasized. Offered for Pass/No Pass grading only. 2562 F Olsen T LIBR 1 Introduction to Library and Information 1.0 Resources 0.5 Designed to provide the student with an understanding of how teams work together, common problems teams encounter and how to solve them. Students will learn to recognize various team player styles. Students will be introduced to team building in the workplace. Offered for Pass/No Pass grading only. Lec 9:40A - 6:30P Buckeye 3 11/07/2014 ONLY MGMT 120 Generational Diversity: Managing Cross-Generational Teams 0.5 For the first time in America's history, we have four generations working side by side in the workplace. This course is designed to equip students with knowledge and skills to work with and lead cross-generational teams. Offered for Pass/No Pass grading only. 2633 F Lec 9:40A - 6:30P Buckeye 3 Ponder I 11/21/2014 ONLY Management MGMT 110 Communication in the Workplace 0.5 Designed to introduce the student to key elements in communication within business organizations. Topics include verbal and nonverbal communication, listening skills and specific supervisory communication skills. Offered for Pass/No Pass grading only. 2632 F Lec 9:40A - 6:30P Buckeye 3 Ponder I 09/05/2014 ONLY Page 93 fa l l 2014 interdisciplinary studies (continued) fa l l 2014 Mathematics MATH 4 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers 3.0 MATH 2 Statistics Prerequisite: MATH 104 with a grade of C or better, or P, or placement through the assessment process. Critical study of the real number system and its subsystems for prospective elementary school teachers. Includes the definitions of the basic arithmetic operations and their algorithms, numeration systems, number theory, problem solving, and mathematical communication and reasoning. Field trips may be required. (MJC MATH 105) Transfer: UC/CSU (Transfer credit limited. See a counselor.) 4.0 Prerequisite: MATH 104 with a grade of C or better, or P, or placement through the assessment process. Statistics is the study of how to collect, organize, analyze, interpret, and communicate information from data. This course will cover descriptive statistics, normal distributions, correlation and regression, probability, sampling distributions, inference about quantitative and categorical variables, and inference about relationships. (MJC MATH 134) Transfer: UC/CSU 2807 MWF VonEpps L 2815 MW Lec 4:20P - 5:45P Juniper 4 Cavagnaro A Lec 11:20A - 12:35P Juniper 4 MATH 12 Finite Mathematics Graphing calculator required; TI 83/84 recommended 2808 MW F VonEpps L Lec 2:40P - 4:05P Juniper 4 Lec 1:00P - 2:15P Juniper 4 Graphing calculator required; TI 83/84 recommended 2811 TTH Rosasco M 2591 TTH Lec 2:40P - 3:30P Juniper 1 Thompson K Lec 6:00P - 8:05P Juniper 4 Graphing calculator required; TI 83/84 recommended Graphing calculator required; TI 83/84 recommended 0: This is a hybrid section. See page 114. Non-transferable Math Columbia College MATH PROGRESSION CHART MATH 601 Elementary Mathematics MATH 602 Prealgebra MATH 101 (100A/B) Algebra I Equivalent to K-12 Algebra I *MATH 104 Algebra II Equivalent to K-12 Algebra II TRANSFERABLE MATH MATH 2 Statistics MATH 6 Math for Liberal Arts Students * Meets minimum math requirement for associate degree ** Transferable to CSU only Page 94 3.0 Prerequisite: MATH 104 with a grade of C or better, or P, or placement through the assessment process. Introduction to mathematical modeling, linear systems of equations and inequalities (linear programming) sets, combinatorics, probability, statistics, and the mathematics of finance. (MJC MATH 130) Transfer: UC/CSU MATH 4 Math for Elem School Teachers This will transfer to UC, but will not meet a math requirement for admission **MATH 8 Trigonometry MATH 12 Finite Math MATH 17A Precalculus I MATH 17B Precalculus II MATH 18 A/B/C Calculus MATH 17A Precalculus I 5.0 Prerequisite: MATH 104 with a grade of C or better, or P. A one-semester college algebra course or, together with MATH 17B, a two-semester Precalculus course. Emphasis on algebra skills essential for success in calculus. Topics include: review of linear, quadratic, rational, radical, exponential and logarithmic equations; functions and graphs; synthetic division; complex roots of polynomials; the Fundamental theorem of Algebra; applications of exponential and logarithmic equations; linear and nonlinear systems of equations. (MJC MATH 121) Transfer: UC/CSU (Transfer credit limited. See a counselor.) 2600 MWF Weston K Lec 8:00A - 9:30A Juniper 1 Graphing calculator required; TI 83/84 recommended 1155 MWF Weston K Lec 9:40A - 11:10A Juniper 1 Graphing calculator required; TI 83/84 recommended MATH 18A Calculus I 5.0 Prerequisite: MATH 17B with a grade of C or better, or P. Families of functions, limits, continuity, the derivative, derivative formulas, implicit differentiation, applications of derivatives, and an introduction to concepts and applications of the definite integral. Graphing calculator required. (MJC MATH 171) Transfer: UC/CSU 2806 MWF VonEpps L Lec 9:40A - 11:10A Juniper 4 5.0 Prerequisite: MATH 602 with a grade of C or better, or P, or placement through the assessment process. Introduction to algebraic structures using tabular, graphical and symbolic representations. Properties of real numbers, evaluating and simplifying algebraic expressions, linear equations and inequalities in one and two variables, systems of linear equations and inequalities, proportions and direct variation, linear functions and models, integer exponents, polynomial operations, factoring, solution of quadratic equations by factoring and the quadratic formula. (MJC MATH 70) 2460 MTWTH Staff Lec 8:00A - 9:10A Juniper 4 2457 MTWTH Landess M Lec 1:00P - 2:10P Juniper 1 2848 MTWTH Staff Lec 2:40P - 3:50P Redbud 2 2798 MTWTH Staff Lec 4:20P - 5:30P Cedar 1 2456 TTH Shaffer J Lec 3:30P - 6:00P Oakdale High 2455 TTH Taylor K Lec 4:00P - 6:25P Bret Harte High 2589 MW Sweeley M Lec 6:00P - 8:25P Juniper 1 School A-3 School 52 Graphing calculator required; TI 83/84 recommended MATH 100A Algebra I: First Half 3.0 Prerequisite: MATH 602 with a grade of C or better, or P, or placement through the assessment process. This course is equivalent to the first half of MATH 101, allowing the student more study time for the course topics. Completion of both MATH 100A and MATH 100B is equivalent to completion of MATH 101. (MJC MATH 71) 2137 TTH Landess M Lec 9:40A - 11:05A Juniper 1 2138 TTH VonEpps L Lec 11:20A - 12:45P Juniper 1 w For the latest class scheduling updates go to My Columbia www.gocolumbia.edu Page 95 fa l l 2014 MATH 101 Algebra I mathematics (continued) fa l l 2014 mathematics (continued) MATH 602 Prealgebra MATH 104 Algebra II 5.0 Prerequisite: MATH 100B or MATH 101 with a grade of C or better, or P, or placement through the assessment process. Algebra II continues from Algebra I, studying functions using graphical, numerical, formulaic and descriptive techniques. Students will solve problems and applications modeled by linear, polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic functions and quadratic functions in one and two variables using conic sections. Students also perform operations, simplify expressions and solve equations involving polynomials, complex numbers, matrices and rational exponents. Introduction to series and summation notation, as well as transformations and the algebra of functions. Graphing calculator required. This course is prerequisite to undergraduate transfer general education mathematics courses. (MJC MATH 90) 2847 MWF Staff Lec 8:00A - 9:30A Sugar Pine 114 Graphing calculator required; TI 83/84 recommended 2601 MWF Landess M Lec 9:40A - 11:10A Sugar Pine 214 Graphing calculator required; TI 83/84 recommended 2801 MWF Staff Lec 11:20A - 12:50P Juniper 1 Graphing calculator required; TI 83/84 recommended 2799 MW AND F Staff Lec 2:40P - 4:10P Juniper 1 Lec 1:00P - 2:30P Juniper 1 Graphing calculator required; TI 83/84 recommended 2592 MW Shaffer J Lec 3:30P - 6:00P Oakdale High School A-3 Graphing calculator required; TI 83/84 recommended 2590 TTH Lec 6:00P - 8:25P Juniper 1 Thompson K Graphing calculator required; TI 83/84 recommended MATH 601 Elementary Mathematics 4.0 Study of the concepts and procedures of arithmetic, with emphasis on developing understanding as well as computational skills. Topics include mathematical vocabulary, symbolic representation, arithmetic operations, fractions, decimals, percents, ratio, proportion, prime factorization, and student study skills. (MJC MATH 10) 1830 MTWTH Sweeley M Page 96 Lec 4:20P - 5:20P Juniper 1 4.0 Prerequisite: MATH 601 with a grade of C or better, or P, or placement through the assessment process. Designed to help students prepare for algebra and applied math courses by reviewing fundamental operations of arithmetic and common geometric formulas, and introducing the algebraic concepts of simplifying expressions, polynomial arithmetic, and solving linear equations. Arithmetic reviewed includes calculation with integers, decimals, and fractions. Ratios, percents, and their applications are also studied. (MJC MATH 20) 2326 MTWTH Lec 1:00P - 2:00P Juniper 4 Cavagnaro A Lec 8:15A - 10:20A Maple 104 1833 TTH Cavagnaro A This class is part of the First Semester Experience. See page 56. 2849 TTH Lec 2:40P - 4:45P Juniper 4 Andersen S 2810 MW Staff Lec 6:00P - 8:05P Juniper 4 MATH 650 Personalized Mathematics Development This course provides students opportunities to review or learn mathematics in an individualized, self-paced setting. Topics include: Basic Math, Prealgebra, Beginning Algebra, Introduction to Geometry, Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra, Trigonometry, Precalculus, and Introduction to Statistics. Offered for Pass/No Pass grading only. 1835 Landess M 0.5 1836 Landess M 1.0 1837 Landess M 1.5 1838 Landess M 2.0 NOTE: Students are required to attend a 1.5 hour orientation and assessment session. Sessions will be held at the dates and times listed below in the Library Computer Instruction Area. Please note that the course requires a subscription to the ALEKS computer program, which be be purchased online with a credit card during the orientation or at the Manzanita Bookstore prior to attending an orientation. Orientations: Tuesday, August 26, 2:30P-4:00P; Wednesday, August 27, 6:00P-7:30P; Friday, August 29, 11:30A-1:00P. For more information, please see the instructor’s web page at: http://directory. gocolumbia.edu/landessm. If you have questions, contact the instructor at 588-5175 or [email protected]. This course is taught online only. MUSIC 21A Intermediate Music Theory MUSIC 2 Introduction to Music 3.0 Recommended for Success: ENGL 151. Survey of the many fields within the discipline of music, including a brief overview of fundamentals, music history, the voice, musical instruments, the science of acoustics, rock, jazz, and current styles, psychology of music, and analytical listening. Attendance at selected local concerts is required. Transfer: UC/CSU 2109 MW Harris R Lec 11:20A - 12:45PAspen 1 MUSIC 4A Elementary Musicianship 3.0 Recommended for Success: Concurrent enrollment in MUSIC 20A. Basic course for developing musical skills. Teaches sight singing, ear training, melodic dictation, and basic keyboard skills. (MJC MUST 131) Transfer: UC/CSU 2096 TTH Marks A Lec 9:40A -10:25A Cedar 5 MUSIC 5A Intermediate Musicianship 2.0 Prerequisite: MUSIC 4B with a grade of C or better, or P. Continuation of MUSIC 4B, including development of individual proficiency in sight singing, dictation, aural and keyboard skills. (MJC MUST 133) Transfer: UC/CSU 2831 TTH Harris R Lec 2:40P - 3:45P Aspen 1 MUSIC 10 Survey of Music History to 1750 3.0 A survey of elements of style, major composers, and masterpieces of music from the Greek era through Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, and Early Classic periods; survey from 1000 BC through 1750 AD. Includes the music of Palestrina, Bach, and Handel. (MJC MUSG 121) Transfer: UC/CSU 1048 MW Staff Lec 9:40A - 11:05A Dogwood 1 MUSIC 12 American Popular Music: Blues and Jazz to Rock 'n' Roll 3.0 2830 TTH Harris R Lec 4:20P - 5:45P Aspen 1 MUSIC 31A Elementary Piano 1.0 An introduction to the skill of piano playing based on music reading; fundamentals of rhythm, notation, and technique. Basic theory will include knowledge and application of musical terms, scales, key signatures, and chords. Field trips required. (MJC MUSA 121) Transfer: UC/CSU 2851 MW Marks A Lab 11:20A- 12:45P Cedar 5 Students must provide special equipment or supplies or may incur additional cost. 2105 TTH Marks A Lab 11:20A - 12:45P Cedar 5 Students must provide special equipment or supplies or may incur additional cost. MUSIC 31B Elementary Piano 1.0 Prerequisite: MUSIC 31A with a grade of C or better, or P. Continuation of the fundamentals of piano performance with emphasis given to the essentials of music reading. Theory will include the presentation of scales and keys, both major and minor, review and application of chords and inversions, and an introduction to improvisation. Piano literature will include both classical and popular compositions as well as exercises and technical studies. Field trips required. Transfer: UC/CSU 2106 MW Marks A Lab 9:40A - 11:05A Cedar 5 Students must provide special equipment or supplies or may incur additional cost. MUSIC 36 Elementary Voice 1.0 Large group instruction in singing for those with little or no vocal solo training. Includes basic singing techniques and songs for improving pitch, building range, endurance, tone, and breath control. (MJC MUSA 151) Transfer: UC/CSU An introduction to jazz style, jazz history, and popular music of the 20th and 21st centuries. Transfer: UC/CSU 2328 F Lec 1:00P - 4:05P Cedar 1 Day C MUSIC 20A Elementary Music Theory 3.0 A continuation of the study of the basic structural elements of music such as melody, rhythm, harmony and form with an emphasis on the organization of these elements; also includes a study of chromaticism, chromatic alterations, and complex tertian structures. UC/CSU (Transfer credit limited. See a counselor.) 3.0 2585 TH Staff Lab 6:00P - 9:05PAspen 1 Recommended for Success: Concurrent enrollment in MUSIC 4A. Analysis of the essentials for understanding and writing music. Included are rhythm, scales, intervals, chords, notation, melody writing; study of diatonic 4 part harmony, figured bass, chord progressions, and harmonic motion. Transfer: UC/CSU (Transfer credit limited. See a counselor.) 1050 TTH Harris R Lec 11:20A - 12:45PAspen 1 Page 97 fa l l 2014 Music fa l l 2014 music (continued) MUSIC 41B Intermediate Piano MUSIC 37 Advanced Elementary Voice 1.0 Prerequisite: MUSIC 36 with a grade of C or better, or P. Large group instruction in singing for those with one semester of private or solo class voice. Includes reinforcement of basic singing techniques for building range, endurance, tone, and breath capacity as taught in MUSIC 36. Music includes folk/traditional as well as English and Italian art song. (MJC MUSA 152) Transfer: UC/CSU 2586 TH Staff Lab 6:00P - 9:05PAspen 1 MUSIC 38 Intermediate Voice 1.0 Prerequisite: MUSIC 37 with a grade of C or better, or P. Individual and small group instruction in the refinement of vocal technique for people with two semesters of class voice. Includes continued development of tone, endurance, and flexibility with an emphasis on solo public performance with traditional and art song literature. Transfer: UC/CSU 2587 TH Staff Lab 6:00P - 9:05PAspen 1 MUSIC 39 Advanced Intermediate Voice 1.0 Prerequisite: MUSIC 38 with a grade of C or better, or P. Individual and small group instruction in the development of vocal technique for people with three semesters of class voice. Includes continued development of expression and increased emphasis on public performance. Field trips may be required. (MJC MUSA 153) Transfer: UC/CSU 2588 TH Staff Lab 6:00P - 9:05PAspen 1 1.0 Prerequisite: MUSIC 31B with a grade of C or better, or P. Continuation of the fundamentals of piano performance attained in MUSIC 31B with more emphasis given to technique, phrasing, and dynamics as progressively difficult music is presented. Theory will include additional major and minor scales and keys, chords, and inversions including seventh chords, improvisation, and transposition. Piano literature will include both classical and popular compositions as well as exercises and technical studies. (CC MUSIC 41A + 41B = MJC MUSA 123) Transfer: UC/CSU 2107 MW Marks A 2108 MW Marks A Lab 9:40A - 11:05A Cedar 5 Students must provide special equipment or supplies or may incur additional cost. MUSIC 50-56 Series - Private Lessons Study of performance techniques, interpretation, and repertoire related to private instruction. Designed primarily for music majors and minors. Outside performance required. May be repeated three times. Transfer: UC/CSU Instructor consent required before enrollment. For more information, please see the instructor’s web page at http://directory.gocolumbia.edu/harrisr. If you have questions, contact the instructor at 588-5211 or harrisr@ yosemite.edu. MUSIC 50 Private Lessons-Guitar Lab 9:40A - 11:05A Cedar 5 Students must provide special equipment or supplies or may incur additional cost. 1.0 2111 1 hour weekly by arrangement Harris R MUSIC 52 Private Lessons-Woodwinds 1.0 (MJC MUSA 183) 2112 1 hour weekly by arrangement Harris R MUSIC 53 Private Lessons-Brass 1.0 2113 1 hour weekly by arrangement Harris R MUSIC 54 Private Lessons-Strings 1.0 2114 1 hour weekly by arrangement Harris R MUSIC 55 Private Lessons-Percussion 2115 1 hour weekly by arrangement Harris R Page 98 1.0 (MJC MUSA 145) 2110 1 hour weekly by arrangement Harris R MUSIC 51 Private Lessons-Keyboard MUSIC 41A Intermediate Piano 1.0 Prerequisite: MUSIC 41A with a grade of C or better, or P. Continuation of the fundamentals of piano performance attained in MUSIC 31A, 31B, and 41A with more emphasis given to the adaptation of various techniques regarding style, touch, dynamics, and phrasing as they apply to different periods of piano literature. Opportunity to accompany instrumentalists and vocalists is offered as well as the performance of two-piano works. Theory will include all key signatures, scales, embellishments, diminished and augmented chords, and study of the Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Contemporary periods in music. (CC MUSIC 41A + 41B = MJC MUSA 123) Transfer: UC/CSU 1.0 MUSIC 76 Community Orchestra 1.0 (MJC MUSA 154) Study and performance of orchestral literature of various styles and media. Audition required for wind, brass, and percussion players as needed. May be repeated three times. (MJC MUSE 161) Transfer: UC/CSU 2116 1 hour weekly by arrangement Harris R 1267 T Harper M MUSIC 56 Private Lessons-Voice MUSIC 60 College Choir 1.0 1.0 Instruction and performance in vocal and choral techniques including group tone production, singing, parts, and reading music. Designed for singers with limited or no choir experience as well as Intermediate. Repertoire includes selections of various styles. May be repeated three times. Field trips required. Transfer: UC/CSU 2098 TTH Staff Lab 2:40P - 4:05PAlder 5 MUSIC 64 Jazz Choir 1.0 Study and performance of vocal jazz and improvisation in an ensemble of limited size. May be repeated three times. Transfer: UC/CSU 1766 MW Harris R Lab 1:00P - 2:25P Dogwood 1 MUSIC 66 Community Chorus 1.0 Study and performance of mixed choral works of various styles and periods. Includes development of vocal technique and musicianship. May be repeated three times. (MJC MUSE 151) Transfer: UC/CSU 1061 M Staff Lab 6:00P - 9:05P St. James 1.0 Study and performance of instrumental jazz and improvisation; techniques of improvisation will beexplored. May be repeated three times. Transfer: UC/CSU 1767 W Harris R Lab 6:00P - 10:10P Dogwood 1 MUSIC 75 Jazz Studies 1.0 Study and performance of instrumental and vocal jazz in both solo and ensemble (including big band, choir, combos, and solo with accompaniment). Includes beginning jazz theory, improvisation, style, interpretation, performance practice and the development of an individual standard jazz repertoire. Repertoire may vary from semester to semester. Field trips may be required. May be repeated three times. Transfer: UC/CSU 1769 AND AND AND MW TTH W F Harris R Lab Lab Lab Lab Band Room MUSIC 78 Ensemble: Instrumental Emphasis 1:00P - 2:25P Dogwood 1 1:00P - 2:25P Dogwood 1 6:00P - 10:10P Dogwood 1 12:00P - 5:05P Dogwood 1 1.0 Study and performance of music for small ensembles, duets, and chamber groups. May be repeated three times. (MJC MUSE 166 or MUSE 176) Transfer: UC/CSU 1768 TTH AND F Harris R Lab 1:00P - 2:25P Dogwood 1 Lab 1:00P - 4:00P Dogwood 1 Natural Resources NATRE 1 Environmental Conservation 3.0 Conservation of the biological and physical environment. History of the conservation movement. A case-study approach to land use practices of environmental conservation with current topics on endangered species, environmental pollution, wilderness management, energy, population, and the uniqueness of California and Alaska natural resources. Field trips may be required. Transfer: UC/ CSU 0798 TTH Hofstra T Lec 11:20A - 12:45P Sugar Pine 126 NATRE 6 Soil Resources Episcopal Church MUSIC 72 Jazz Ensemble Lab 6:00P - 9:05P Sonora High 3.0 Introduction to physical, chemical, and biological properties of soils. Soil development, type, and analysis. Implications and applications for natural resources management. Field trips may be required. Transfer: CSU 2550 MW Lec 8:30A - 9:30A Sugar Pine 107 AND MW Lab 9:30A - 11:10A Sugar Pine 107 Beaudette D NATRE 22 Ecology and Use of Fire in Forest Ecosystems 2.0 Introduction to the ecology and management of fire in California. Selected topics include the effects of fire on vegetation, soils, hydrology, wildlife, air quality, and esthetics; forest fire behavior and the role of fire suppression; the history and current issues of prescribed burning; the planning and implementation of fuels reduction and prescribed burning programs in selected locations. Field trips required. (MJC NR 379). Transfer: CSU 2549 T AND T Mc Nicol L Lec 2:30P - 3:55P Sugar Pine 107 Lab 4:10P - 5:30P Sugar Pine 107 Page 99 fa l l 2014 music (continued) fa l l 2014 Natural Resources Technology NARTC 160 Introduction to Maps and Remote Sensing Office Technology 2.0 Application and interpretation of map and remote sensing information uncluding aerial photography, multispectral and thermal scanning, and digital imaging. Emphasis on map features, coordinate systems, topography, land cover, resource management and navigation. Field trips required. (MJC NR 224) 2057 W AND W Hofstra T Lec 1:00P - 2:00P Sugar Pine 107 Lab 2:10P - 5:20P Sugar Pine 107 NARTC 161 Introduction to Water Resources Management 3.0 An introduction to the Water Resources Management Program. This course provides an overview of the educational tracks offered in the program including; Watershed Management, Water for Consumption and Distribution, Wastewater Collection and Treatment Plant Operations, and the emerging field of Decentralized Wastewater Management. OFTEC 50 Medical Terminology 0881 Reiman J 0 This is an online section. See page 114. Students will need to gain access to the REQUIRED "Publisher ACCESS CODE" which is bundled with the textbook. 2229 Reiman J 0 This is an online section. See page 114. Students will need to gain access to the REQUIRED "Publisher ACCESS CODE" which is bundled with the textbook. OFTEC 100 Computer Keyboarding I 0871 TTH Reiman J NARTC 169 Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants 2 OFTEC 125 Records Management and Filing Applications An advanced course designed to train wastewater treatment plant operators in the practical aspects of operating and maintaining wastewater treatment plants. Topics covered include conventional activated sludge processes, sludge digestion and solids handling, effluent disposal, plant safety and good housekeeping, plant and equipment maintenance, laboratory procedures and chemistry, use of computers for plant operation and maintenance, analysis and presentation of data, records and report writing, analyzing and solving operational problems, and performing mathematical calculations relating to wastewater treatment process control. This course is worth 9 CEUs (90 contact hours). Field trips may be required. 2548 W Nessl D Lec 3:00P - 6:05P Sugar Pine 115 Lab 1:00P - 2:25P Buckeye 4 3.0 This is a basic course in the principles and practices of effective records management systems and includes practice in classifying, arranging, and storing of records for both manual and computerized records systems. Emphasis is placed on practical applications of alphabetic, numeric, geographic and subject filing systems. Meets or exceeds specifications of American Records Management Association. 0878 MW Reiman J Lec 1:00P - 2:25P Buckeye 4 OFTEC 130 Business English 3.0 A review of the mechanics of English grammar, punctuation and sentence structure with emphasis on business applications. Vocabulary development, spelling, and use of the dictionary are also studied. 2679 MW Reiman J Lec 2:40P - 4:05P Buckeye 4 This is a Blackboard Enhanced section. See page 114. Page 100 1.0 Designed for students wishing to master the touch method of keyboarding. 1942 M Lec 1:00P - 4:05P Sugar Pine 107 Hofstra T / Nessl D / Rosefield K 3.0 3.0 An introduction to basic word structure including word roots, prefixes and suffixes used in medical vocabulary; also specialized vocabulary for the various anatomical systems used by allied health fields. (MJC MDAST 321) Transfer: CSU OFTEC 140 Beginning Word Processing OFTEC 152B Medical Coding II 2.0 Recommended for Success: OFTEC 100. Students receive instruction in a current word processing program which includes editing, saving, changing format, fonts, tabs; using Spell Check; creating headers/footers and footnotes/ endnotes; cutting and pasting; and using file management techniques. 0827 MW Schultz K Lec 8:00A - 9:25A Fir 1 08/25/2014 to 11/12/2014 OFTEC 142 Desktop Publishing Essentials 2.0 3.0 Recommended for Success: OFTEC 152A. Intensive application of coding skills in the various medical specialties which expands on procedure and diagnostic coding skills. Abstracting information from the patient records and combining it with knowledge of coding guidelines to optimize physician payment. 2555 Reiman J 0 This is an online section. See page 114. Students will need to gain access to the REQUIRED "Publisher ACCESS CODE" either by checking the online syllabus, email blast or new textbook. OFTEC 168 Creating a Virtual Office 3.0 Introduction to general desktop publishing theory with emphasis on design elements of formatted text, frames, photographs, clip art, lines, and pictures. Students will create sample projects such as newsletters, brochures, flyers, business cards, etc. Note: Basic word processing skills needed. Credit may be earned for only one of the following: OFTEC 142 or CMPSC 142. Offered for Pass/No Pass grading only. Recommended for Success: CMPSC 4, CMPSC 10. Application of administrative support and entrepreneurial skill sets in the development of a virtual office business. Emphasis will be placed on business development, personal skill sets, marketing strategies, communication, organization, and operations. In this setting, a virtual entrepreneur is a highly skilled professional working independently in support of other businesses and providing a multitude of services, often using the latest technology. 2060 Wright D 2748 Reiman J 10/20/2014 to 12/10/2014 0 This is an online section. See page 114. 0 This is an online section. See page 114. OFTEC 149 Electronic Health Records 2.0 Students learn to apply hands-on skills by creating charts for new patients, recording vital signs, managing office visits, and creating letters to patients and healthcare providers. Students experience computer-simulated office management through EHR software. 2553 Reiman J 0 This is an online section. See page 114. OFTEC 150 Medical Law and Ethics 2.0 An introduction to law and ethics in the medical office. The course covers principles, procedures, and regulations involving legal and ethical relationships among physicians, patients, and medical assistants. It also includes current ethical issues and risk management as they relate to the practice of medicine and fiduciary responsibilities. 2747 Reiman J 0 This is an online section. See page 114. OFTEC 210 Typing Speed and Accuracy Bldg 1.0 Speed building and accuracy on straight copy, and statistical writing, intensive drills, timed writings and remedial work. 0877 TTH Reiman J Lab 1:00P - 2:25P Buckeye 4 Philosophy PHILO 1 Introduction to Philosophy 3.0 Recommended for Success: Eligibility for ENGL 1A. Survey of the field of philosophy, including humannature, meaning in life, and values in ethics, social justice, and art; knowledge, truth, logic, and the scientific method; ultimate reality and philosophy of religion. (MJC PHILO 101) Transfer: UC/CSU 2839 MW Milnik N Lec 6:00P- 7:25P Sugar Pine 126 2850 TTH Elizondo T Lec 1:00P- 2:25P Oak Pavilion 12 w For the latest class scheduling updates go to My Columbia www.gocolumbia.edu Page 101 fa l l 2014 office technology (continued) fa l l 2014 philosophy (continued) PHILO 5 Introduction to the History and Philosophy of Science PHYCS 5A Introductory Physics I: Calculus Level 5. 3.0 Prerequisite: ENGL 1A with a grade of C or better, or P. An introduction to the ideas, processes and consequences of science through history. The historical development of philosophies of science will be central throughout. Critical reasoning and extensive writing will be required. Contextual cultural analysis is expected. Credit may be earned for only one of the following: PHILO 5 or HIST 5. Transfer: UC/CSU 1756 MW Lec 1:00P - 2:25P Sugar Pine 115 Hamilton W Physics 4.0 Prerequisite/Co-requisite: MATH 17B or MATH 8 with a grade of C or better, or P, or concurrent enrollment in either MATH 17B OR MATH 8. A trigonometry-level introduction to the modeling of physical phenomena using Newtonian theory and its extensions. Core topics include: kinematics, dynamics, work and energy, momentum, fluids, and simple harmonic motion. This course requires the student to use algebra, trigonometry, abstract concept assimilation, and critical thinking. Field trips may be required. (MJC PHYS 142) Transfer: UC/CSU (Transfer credit limited. See a counselor.) 2805 MW Lec 4:20P - 6:25P Sugar Pine 100 AND MW Lab 6:25P - 7:30P Sugar Pine 100 Pourtarvirdi Z columbia college counseling What is a major? Do I have to declare one? A major is an organized program of courses within a discipline leading to an Associate Degree, Career Technical Education Certificate, or transfer to a college or university. If you haven’t declared a major, and you would like to, or if you have declared one and would like to change it, you must meet with a counselor for assistance in major selection and declaration. Page 102 2804 MW Lec 4:20P - 6:25P Sugar Pine 100 AND MW Lab 6:25P - 7:50P Sugar Pine 100 Pourtarvirdi Z PHYCS 30 Survey of Chemistry and Physics PHYCS 4A Introductory Physics I: Trigonometry Level FAQs Prerequisite: MATH 18A with a grade of C or better, or P, or concurrent enrollment in MATH 18A. A calculusbased introduction to the modeling of physical phenomena using Newtonian theory and its extensions. Topics include macroscopic force laws, linear and rotational dynamics, energy, fluids, oscillations, thermal physics, and waves. This course requires the student to use the following college-level skills: algebra, trigonometry, beginning calculus, abstract concept assimilation, and critical thinking. Field trips may be required. (MJC PHYS 101) Transfer: UC/CSU (Transfer credit limited. See a counselor.) 4.0 Prerequisite: MATH 101 with a grade of C or better, or P. An investigation of basic principles of physics and chemistry including matter, physical and chemical properties, energy, motion, light, atomic structure, bonding, solutions and chemical reactions. The inter-dependence of chemistry and physics will be emphasized. The inquiry-based learning experience is designed to assist students and future science educators in learning how to guide learning by self-discovery. Credit may be earned for only one of the following: PHYCS 30 or CHEM 30. Transfer: CSU 2783 TTH AND TTH Staff Lec 2:40P - 4:05P Sugar Pine 100 Lab 4:05P - 5:30P Sugar Pine 100 POLSC 10 Constitutional Government Psychology 3.0 A survey course in the political system of the United States from its inception at the end of the eighteenth century until the present time. Primary focus will be the Constitution, its ideological underpinnings, uses and limitations. Class will also cover the two-party system, the process of justice, the specific mechanisms of legislature, and the governmental power at the national, State, and local levels, with specific emphasis on the state of California. The interests and rights of all historically under-represented groups will be included in the analysis of the power structure. (MJC POLSC 101) (POLSC 10, taken in conjunction with HIST 16 or HIST 17, satisfies the Associate Degree and CSU requirements in United States History, Constitution and American Ideals.) Transfer: UC/CSU 2784 M Lec 3:30P - 6:35P Oakdale High Simoncini P School F-11 1005 MW Johnson T Lec 9:40A - 11:05A Cedar 1 Supplemental Instruction may be offered for this section. See page 56. 1007 TTH Johnson T Lec 2:40P - 4:05P Cedar 1 Supplemental Instruction may be offered for this section. See page 56. 1337 M Krieg L Lec 6:00P - 9:05P Oak Pavilion 9 PSYCH 1 General Psychology 3.0 Recommended for Success: ENGL 151. An introductory survey course of the general field of psychology. Topics to be covered include: the scientific method (including the impact of diversity and ethics), conditioning, personality development, aggression, emotions, stress, anxiety, therapy, sexuality, motivation, consciousness, biology and behavior, and abnormal psychology. (MJC PSYCH 101) Transfer: UC/ CSU 2281 MW Trolier T Lec 9:40A - 11:05A Oak Pavilion 9 2282 MW Daniel M Lec 1:00P - 2:25P Cedar 1 Lec 11:20A - 12:45P Sugar Pine 114 2787 TTH Williamson L 2283 TTH Trolier T Lec 2:40P - 4:05P Sequoia 1 Lec 6:00P - 9:05P Sugar Pine 100 2284 T Koorkoff M PSYCH 5 Human Sexual Behavior 3.0 Recommended for Success: ENGL 151. Exploration of issues in human sexuality from the biological perspective. Study and discussion of sexual behavior, feelings and attitudes as they affect one’s self and others.(MJC PSYCH 110) Transfer: UC/CSU Lec 6:00P - 9:05P Oakdale High 1008 T Simoncini P School F-11 2085 MW Trolier T Lec 2:40P - 4:05P Sugar Pine 126 Lec 6:00P - 9:05P Sequoia 1 POLSC 12 American Political Thought 1792 M Daniel M 3.0 Historical survey of major American political ideas, political processes, ideals and aspirations. The origins, evolution, and current directions of American political thought will be examined through specific American values and beliefs. The course will introduce the major political ideologies, their origins, and the implications and consequences of those in American history. Transfer: UC/CSU 1334 MW Lec 1:00P - 2:25P Maple 102 Hamilton W PSYCH 10 Lifespan Human Development 3.0 Recommended for Success: PSYCH 1. An introduction to the scientific study of the human being from conception to death. The interplay of biological, psychological, social and cultural forces on the developing human will be examined. As well as examining universal development, the course will examine individual differences in human development that includes developmental problems associated with physical, cognitive, social and personality issues. Instruction will include theoretical concepts as well as practical application. (MJC PSYCH 141) Transfer: UC/CSU 2788 Williamson L 0 This is an online section. See page 114. Page 103 fa l l 2014 Political Science fa l l 2014 psychology (continued) PSYCH 15 Research Methods in Psychology PSYCH 40 Stress Management 3.0 Prerequisites: PSYCH 1 and MATH 2 with grades of C or better, or P. An introduction to basic research methods used in Psychology (and other behavioral sciences). This includes an examination of the scientific method, research design (descriptive, observational, correlational and experimental methods), experimental procedures, the collection, analysis and reporting of research data, the review and evaluation of research articles and ethics in research. Research design and methodology will be illustrated through selected research topics in psychology; for example, neuroscience, learning, memory, development and social psychology. (MJC PSYCH 102) Transfer: CSU 2450 TTH Trolier T Lec 11:20A - 12:45P Sequoia 1 PSYCH 30 Psychology of Adjustment 3.0 Recommended for Success: ENGL 151. This course is designed for students to learn and apply psychological principles and theories to their everyday life and foster their personal and social adjustment. This includes an examination of different psychological perspectives and their theoretical foundations as well as the influence of culture, society, gender, ethnicity, historical cohort and socio-economic status. Furthermore, students shall learn how scientists, clinicians and other practitioners study psychology. Lastly, this course should facilitate student understanding of other social sciences and improve critical thinking skills. Field trips may be required. (MJC PSYCH 130) Transfer: CSU 2789 Jensen B 0 This is an online section. See page 114. PSYCH 35 Introduction to Drugs and Behavior 2790 MW Daniel M Page 104 2285 MW Trolier T Lec 1:00P - 2:25P Sugar Pine 126 PSYCH 52 Introduction to Peer Support for Psychosocial Rehabilitation 3.0 Lec 2:40P - 4:05P Sugar Pine 114 3.0 This course provides an overview of the knowledge, skills and attitudes that are required for individuals entering the field of Peer Counseling. The individual role of peer counselor is defined, as well as how the peer counselor integrates into a multidisciplinary team. The core values of psychosocial rehabilitation and recovery are reviewed, and students will identify their strengths in relationship to these values. Core skills are defined and demonstrated, such as self-management (using Mary Ellen Copeland's Wellness Recovery Action Plan), advocacy, boundaries and working from a strengths perspective. In addition, the student learns basic documentation skills and reviews confidentiality regulations under HIPAA. Transfer: CSU 1604 TH Lec 6:00P - 9:05P Oak Pavilion 12 Koorkoff M Search & Rescue SAR 50 Low Angle Rope Rescue Recommended for Success: PSYCH 1. An introduction to how drugs affect behavior. Instruction in basic pharmacology and neurophysiology as it relates to drug selfadministration and resultant altering of behavior. Overview of the history, concepts and theory of drug use. Includes discussion of issues related to drug use such as drug abuse as a disease or disorder, and drug use for specific purposes such as enhancing sports performance. Designed for students who do not possess a technical background. (MJC HUMSR 116) Transfer: UC/CSU 3.0 Recommended for Success: ENGL 151. An overview of the psychological, physiological, sociological and behavioral dynamics underlying the management of the human stress response. The class covers the biological and psychological aspects of the stress response, as well as the appraisal and management of stress. This includes time management, lifestyle choices, behavior modification techniques, relaxation training, and interpersonal communication techniques. Transfer: CSU 1.5 This course is designed to take the student to the basic skill and knowledge levels of Low Angle (not vertical) Rope Rescue. Topics will include, but are not limited to: basic rappelling, rescue of ambulatory and non-ambulatory persons with an emphasis on safety and teamwork. Topics reflect current Urban Search and Rescue and California State Fire Training standards and equipment. Successful students will be certified in Low Angle Rope Rescue by the California State Fire Marshal's Office. Credit may be earned for only one of the following: SAR 50 or FIRE 50. Offered for Pass/No Pass grading only. (Transfer: CSU 2690 FSSU Palmer B Lec 8:00A - 5:00P Cedar 10 11/14/2014 to 11/16/2014 Students must provide leather gloves for hand protection. Columbia College will provide a helmet for head protection. Leather hiking or safety boots recommended. Students who want to receive a California State Fire Marshal certification must be prepared to pay an additional fee of $20 on or before the first day of class to the Business Office. SAR 62 GIS Mapping - Introduction to SAR GIS 1.0 Students who take this course will learn how to apply their GIS skills in Search and Rescue (SAR) Mapping. Students will learn SAR incident symbology, data standards and organization, establishing incident locations, search segments, SAR incident map products, and responsibilities of a GIS specialist on SAR’s and other critical incidents. The course will use a workflow and data model developed by SAR personnel that integrates with ArcGIS 10. Additionally, students will utilize GPS data that they have collected from GPS devices, convert them to shapefiles, and create team and briefing incident maps. During a full-day exercise, students will also live-track SAR teams using satellite tracking devices. This course includes hands-on experience in SAR incident Mapping and data organization. Credit may be earned for only one of the following: SAR 62, CMPSC 62 or GEOGR 62. Offered for Pass/No Pass grading only. Transfer: CSU 2565 FSSU Durkee G Lec 10:00A - 4:00P Fir 1 11/07/2014 to 11/09/2014 Sign Language SIGN 40A ASL - Beginning Communication with the Deaf 3.0 This is the beginning course in American Sign Language (ASL) and Deaf culture. ASL is the language used by culturally Deaf people in the United States. The class focus is on everyday conversations and situations. Emphasis is on both receptive and expressive skills. Transfer: UC/CSU 1591 MW Lec 11:20A - 12:45P Oak Pavilion 12 Howard S 2838 MW Howard S Lec 1:00P - 2:25P Oak Pavilion 12 2159 T Lec 6:30P - 9:35P Bret Harte Neumann A High School 52 SIGN 40B ASL - Elementary Communication with the Deaf Lec 6:30P - 7:55P Maple 104 3.0 Introduction to the principal concepts and methods of sociology; survey of interactions, interrelationships and processes of society, such as culture, socialization, stratification, minorities, primary and secondary groups, social change. (MJC SOCIO 101) Transfer: UC/CSU 1316 TTH Clarke P Lec 8:00A - 9:25A Fir 3 SOCIO 7 Gender, Culture and Society 3.0 The course takes an inclusive bio-cultural evolutionary perspective on gender, focusing on non-human primate societies as well as primitive (small scale) and modern (large scale) human societies. Factors such as culture, ecological conditions and historical circumstances, forces of stratification (e.g. age, social class), socialization (e.g. rites of passage, conformity and deviance) as well as the science (e.g. concepts, theories and methods) of studying these topics will be addressed. Though course readings will represent many disciplines, the foundation readings reflect the perspectives of bio-cultural anthropology as well as sociology. This emphasis addresses the fundamental assumption that while sex differences are biological, gender encompasses the traits that culture assigns and inculcates (with varying degrees of success) in males and females. Credit may be earned for only one of the following: SOCIO 7 or ANTHR 7. Transfer: UC/ CSU 2778 TTH Clarke P Lec 9:40A - 11:05A Sequoia 1 SOCIO 28 Death and Dying 3.0 Principles, concepts and methods of sociology used in examining predominant attitudes and practices regarding death, dying, and grief in the U.S.; included will be interdisciplinary methods and materials relevant to suicide, the terminally ill, bereavement, and various viewpoints about the phenomenon of death. Field trips may be required. (MJC HUMSR 114) Transfer: CSU 2816 TTH Lec 1:00P - 2:25P Fir 3 3.0 Prerequisite: SIGN 40A with a grade of C or better, or P. This is an elementary-level course in American Sign Language (ASL) and Deaf culture. ASL is the language used by culturally Deaf people in the United States. The class focus is on everyday conversations and situations. Emphasis is on both receptive and expressive skills. Transfer: UC/CSU 2829 TTH Allan G SOCIO 1 Introduction to Sociology w For the latest class scheduling updates go to My Columbia www.gocolumbia.edu Page 105 fa l l 2014 Sociology search and rescue (continued) fa l l 2014 Spanish SPCOM 4 Introduction to Human Communication SPAN 1A Spanish: Beginning 5.0 Recommended for Success: Eligibility for ENGL 1A. Introduction to the Spanish language, emphasizing natural communications and supported by foundation grammar. For true beginners and students with one year of high school Spanish or the equivalent. (MJC SPAN 101) Transfer: UC/ CSU Course material focuses on the history of the study of human communication, basic research methods for the evaluation of human communication phenomena, and ethical perspectives in communication. Recurrent variables in verbal and non-verbal interaction are traced through the intrapersonal, interpersonal, and multi-personal systems. (MJC COMM 102) Transfer: UC/CSU 1976 MW Borden T Lec 1:00P - 3:25P Oak Pavilion 9 2826 TTH Perez A Lec 1:00P - 2:25P Redbud 2 1010 MW Pfleging J Lec 6:00P - 8:25P Sugar Pine 126 2823 MW Olsen T Lec 4:20P - 5:45P Fir 3 SPCOM 5 Intercultural Communication 1291 Borden T 0 This is an online section. See page 114. Speech Communication SPCOM 1 Introduction to Public Speaking 3.0 Principles of oral communication including speech composition and techniques of presenting informal and formal speeches. Emphasis given to organization, delivery, critical thinking, and evaluative listening. (MJC COMM 100) Transfer: UC/CSU 2827 TTH Perez A Lec 2:40P - 4:05P Sugar Pine 126 SPCOM 7 Forensics Workshop 2819 MW Elizondo T Lec 11:20A - 12:45P Sequoia 1 2818 TTH Elizondo T Lec 9:40A - 11:05A Sugar Pine 126 2448 MW Elizondo T 2820 TTH Elizondo T Lec 11:20A - 12:45PFir 3 SPCOM 9 Introduction to Small Group and Team Communication 2822 MW Olsen T Lec 6:30P - 7:55P Bret Harte 2821 TTH Perez A Lec 6:00P - 7:25P Sugar Pine 114 My Columbia www.gocolumbia.edu Page 106 Lec 1:00P - 2:25P Redbud 2 3.0 This course focuses on the intersection between communication and the ability of small groups or teams to effectively achieve objectives. Course includes the study of, and practice in, discussion methodology, types of discussion groups, information gathering, problem solving, decision making, and leadership roles. Credit may be earned for only one of the following: SPCOM 9 or BUSAD 9. (MJC COMM 106) Transfer: CSU 2828 MW Olsen T w 3.0 Principles of applied speech communication through participation in competitive speech performances. Students will participate in intercollegiate forensics. Competitive events include debate, individual speaking, and interpretive performances. Field trips required. May be repeated three times. (MJC COMM 105) Transfer: CSU Lec 9:40A - 11:05A Sugar Pine 100 For the latest class scheduling updates go to 3.0 A study of intercultural communication with a focus on the analysis and comparisons of message perception and transmission in interactions between people from different cultures. Practical application of skills for effective communication between people of different domestic and international cultures is emphasized. Field trips required. (MJC COMM 130) Transfer: UC/CSU 2817 MW Elizondo T High School 52 3.0 Lec 11:20A - 12:45P Oak Pavilion 9 WT 101 Practical Laboratory 1.0 The student shall gain practical welding experience by working on individual projects (including certification projects). Emphasis is on quality, appearance and function. MATERIALS FEE: $20.00 Students must provide special equipment or supplies or may incur additional cost. 2082 T Lab 4:00P - 7:05P Mahogany 101 Holman D 2556 M Frost M Lab 6:00P - 9:05P Mahogany 101 2074 W Holman D Lab 6:00P - 9:05P Mahogany 101 WT 103 Practical Laboratory - Metal Sculpture 1.0 Prerequisite: WT 166 with a grade of C or better, or P. The student shall gain practical experience by working on individual projects in metal sculpture design and fabrication. Emphasis is on quality, appearance and function. Credit may be earned for only one of the following: WT 103 or ART 103. MATERIALS FEE: $40.00 1430 TH Frost M Lab 2:00P - 5:05P Mahogany 101 Students must provide special equipment or supplies or may incur additional cost. WT 121 Welding Technology Level I 3.0 and Schools Excelling through National Skills Education (SENSE) curriculum standards. Materials fee is $20.00. Students are required to supply leathers, safety glasses, and welding gloves. Credit may be earned for only one of the following: WT 122 or WT 110. Field trips may be required. MATERIALS FEE: $20.00 2078 W AND W AND TH Holman D Lec 6:00P - 7:00P Madrone 2 Lab 7:00P - 9:30P Mahogany 101 Lab 6:00P - 9:30P Mahogany 101 Students must provide special equipment or supplies or may incur additional cost. WT 123 Welding Technology Level III MATERIALS FEE: $20.00 2122 W AND W AND TH Holman D Lec 6:00P - 7:00P Madrone 2 Lab 7:00P - 9:30P Mahogany 101 Lab 6:00P - 9:30P Mahogany 101 Students must provide special equipment of supplies or may incur additional cost. Covers welding safety, shielded metal arc welding (SMAW), and metal cutting processes. This course complies with American Welding Society (AWS) and Schools Excelling through National Skills Education (SENSE) curriculum standards. Students are required to supply leathers, safety glasses, and welding gloves. Field trips may be required. WT 165 Metal Sculpture MATERIALS FEE: $20.00 Students must provide special equipment or supplies or may incur additional cost. 2079 M Lec 4:00P - 5:00P Madrone 2 AND M Lab 5:00P - 7:30P Mahogany 101 AND T Lab 4:00P - 7:30P Mahogany 101 MATERIALS FEE: $40.00 Holman D 2557 M AND M AND T Frost M Lec 6:00P - 7:00P Madrone 2 Lab 7:00P - 9:30P Mahogany 101 Lab 6:00P - 9:30P Mahogany 101 WT 122 Welding Technology Level II 3.0 Prerequisite: WT 121 or WT 100 with a grade of C or better, or P. Covers welding safety, welding symbols and detail drawings, characteristics of metallurgy, Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW), Flux Core Arc Welding (FCAW) and Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) processes. This course complies with American Welding Society (AWS) 3.0 Prerequisite: WT 122 with a grade of C or better, or P. Covers welding safety, Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW), including stainless steel, all positions, Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) all positions, Flux Core Arc Welding (FCAW) all positions and Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW), including stainless steel, all positions. This course complies with American Welding Society (AWS) and Schools Excelling through National Skills Education (SENSE) curriculum standards. Students are required to supply leathers, safety glasses, and welding gloves. Field trips may be required. 1.5 An introduction to various metal working techniques with an emphasis on aesthetic design and quality of metal joining. An introduction to M.I.G. welding will be offered, time being available. Credit may be earned for only one of the following: WT 165 or ART 165. Field trips may be required. 2075 TH AND TH Frost M Lec 1:30P - 2:00P Madrone 2 Lab 2:00P - 5:00P Mahogany 101 Students must provide special equipment or supplies or may incur additional cost. WT 166 Metal Sculpture Projects 1.0 Prerequisite: WT 165 or ART 165, with a grade of C or better, or P. This course is designed to allow students to expand upon their skills in metal sculpture techniques and to provide for the student a more individualized pursuit in metal sculpturing. Students will work progressively more independently from instructor direction. Field trips may be required. Credit may be earned for only one of the following: WT 166 or ART 166. Field trips may be required. MATERIALS FEE: $40.00 2252 TH Frost M Lab 1:30P - 4:40P Mahogany 101 Page 107 fa l l 2014 Welding technology fa l l 2014 Work Experience OCCUPATIONAL WORK EXPERIENCE Supervised employment extending classroom learning at an on-the-job learning site related to the student’s educational/occupational goals. 1. The student must be employed in an approved job to enroll in the course. 2. The student must be enrolled in and complete at least at least 7 units per semester including Work Experience. 3. A total of 4 units per semester can be earned in ONE occupational area only; a maximum of 16 units TOTAL can be earned at the college. 4. Work experience units are as follows: 2 units = 150 hours per semester of paid work 3 units = 225 hours per semester of paid work 4 units = 300 hours per semester of paid work 5. Offered for PASS/NO PASS grading only. 6. Last date to enroll in Work Experience for Fall Semester is September 12, 2014. 7. Students who are enrolled must contact the instructor in the Work Experience discipline by September 12, 2014 or they will receive a NO-PASS Grade for the class. Required Orientation: All students enrolled in Work Experience must attend one of the on-campus orientation sessions to receive the appropriate forms and semester timeline. ORIENTATION SESSIONS – Fall 2014 HPMGT Tuesday, September 2 Thursday, September 9 2:00-3:00P Manzanita 3 2:00-3:00P Manzanita 3 ALL OTHERS Wednesday, September 105:00-6:00PSugar Pine 115 Thursday, September 115:00-6:00P Sugar Pine 115 WORK EXPERIENCE SECTIONS Auto Technology / AT 97 Erik Andal 209.588.5200 Two Units........................................................................1708 Three Units......................................................................2216 Four Units.......................................................................2217 Business Administration / BUSAD 97 Michael Hill 209.588.5212 Two Units........................................................................0699 Three Units......................................................................0700 Four Units.......................................................................0701 Child Development / CHILD 97 April Walker 209.588.5180 Two Units........................................................................0704 Three Units......................................................................0705 Four Units.......................................................................2237 Emergency Medical Services / EMS 97 Sylvia Watterson 209.588.5186 Two Units........................................................................2243 Three Units......................................................................2245 Four Units.......................................................................2441 Fire Technology / FIRE 97 Shane Warner 209.588.5308 Two Units........................................................................1705 Three Units......................................................................1706 Four Units.......................................................................1707 Health & Human Performance / HHP 97 Lara McNicol Two Units........................................................................0717 Three Units......................................................................2569 Four Units.......................................................................2570 Health Occupations / HLOC 97 Lara McNicol Two Units........................................................................0719 Three Units......................................................................0720 Four Units.......................................................................2835 Hospitality Management / HPMGT 97 Gene Womble 209.588.5135 Two Units........................................................................0723 Three Units......................................................................0724 Four Units.......................................................................0725 Natural Resources / NATRE 97 Lara McNicol Two Units........................................................................1700 Three Units......................................................................2227 Four Units.......................................................................2228 Office Technology / OFTEC 97 Judy Reiman 209.588.5216 Two Units........................................................................0732 Three Units......................................................................0733 Four Units.......................................................................2552 Teacher Aide / TAID 97 April Walker 209.588.5180 Two Units........................................................................0739 Three Units......................................................................0741 Four Units.......................................................................2083 Welding Technology / WT 97 Darrren Holman 209.588.5365 Two Units........................................................................2253 Three Units......................................................................2255 Four Units.......................................................................2558 For Work Experience in academic areas not listed above, contact Lara McNicol at [email protected] or Linda Cross at 209.588.5142. Page 108 fa l l 2014 Non-Credit Classes The State Education Code allows Columbia College to offer non-credit courses in designated categories taught by instructors who meet competency requirements. Participants are not charged an enrollment fee as no units are earned, but are required to pay an $18 health fee (amount subject to change). Some classes also charge a small materials fee. Non-credit classes have a discipline as part of their name, e.g. ENGL 705A. REGISTRATION FOR NON-CREDIT CLASSES English ENGL 705A English as a Second Language: Low Beginning Elementary course in speaking, hearing, reading, and writing English for persons learning English as another language. Emphasis is on vocabulary and sentence structure for practical communication. Basic literacy in first language is recommended. May be repeated five times. 2126 MW Lec 8:15A - 10:05A Mark Twain Renner-Ingber J Elementary School District • A current Columbia College Application must be on file with the Admissions & Records Office. Call 209.588.5231 for more information. • You may register using the connectColumbia registration system on the college website prior to the beginning of the class. Complete instructions are listed on pages 10-12 of this schedule. The College website is www.gocolumbia.edu. Lec 9:00A - 10:45A A-TCAA Family 2123 TTH Renner-Ingber JLearning Ctr. Continuing students are pre-assigned a specific registration date and time to register on the College website. You can obtain your date and time for registration on the website as well. ENGL 705B English as a Second Language: High Beginning • Open registration for Fall classes June 11, 2014 (see page 6 of this schedule for other dates and times). • Registration for late starting classes can be done online, or in person at the Admissions & Records Office, until the last working day prior to the start of the class. • After the first day of the class, registration can only be done in person on campus at the Admissions & Records Office. An Add Slip signed and dated by the instructor will be required at that time. • Registration may not be done through the mail. Early registration is recommended to ensure a space in the class. For registration procedures, call Admissions & Records, 209.588.5231. 2132 MT Lec 5:30P - 7:20P Murphys First Renner-Ingber J Cong. Church Recommended for Success: ENGL 705A. Elementary II course in speaking, hearing, reading and writing English for persons learning English as another language with continued emphasis on practical communication. May be repeated three times. 2127 MW Lec 8:15A - 10:05A Mark Twain Renner-Ingber J Elementary School District 2124 TTH Lec 9:00A - 10:45A A-TCAA Family Renner-Ingber JLearning Ctr. 2133 MT Lec 5:30P - 7:20P Murphys First Renner-Ingber J Cong. Church ENGL 705C English as a Second Language: Low Intermediate Recommended for Success: ENGL 705B. Low Intermediate I course in speaking, hearing, reading and writing English for persons learning English as another language with continued emphasis on practical communication. May be repeated three times. 2128 MW Lec 8:15A - 10:05A Mark Twain Renner-Ingber J Elementary School District 2125 TTH Lec 9:00A - 10:45A A-TCAA Family Renner-Ingber JLearning Ctr. Lec 5:30P - 7:20P Murphys First 2134 MT Renner-Ingber J Cong. Church Page 109 fa l l 2014 non-credit Classes (continued) HHP 303 Rehabilitation for Physically Limited Health & Human Performance Designed to offer individually prescribed fitness to the physically limited with emphasis on the improvements of cardiovascular, flexibility and strength components. 2525 MWF Juarez R Lab 8:30A - 9:35A Oak Pavilion 4 HHP 300 Lifelong Health and Fitness 2527 MWF Juarez R Lab 10:00A - 11:05A Oak Pavilion 4 2722 TTH Juarez R Lab 7:00A - 8:25P Oak Pavilion 23 2483 MWF Lab 8:00A - 9:05A Twain Harte Permenter R Center 2523 TTH Fabry M Lab 11:20A - 12:45P Oak Pavilion 4 2481 MW Walker A 2720 TTH Lab 11:20A - 12:45P Oak Pavilion 23 Rios J / Hukari D Designed to offer lifelong education and promote the health and physical wellbeing of individuals. It includes a comprehensive workout designed to achieve personal fitness goals. Note: 27 to 108 contact hours. Unlimited repeats. 2475 MWF Kenna K Lab 6:15A - 7:20A Oak Pavilion 24 Lab 8:00A - 9:25A Oak Pavilion 24 2628 MWF Lab 9:15A - 10:25A Twain Harte Permenter R Center The emphasis of this section will be on cardiac maintenance. 2471 MWF Lab 4:30P - 5:35P Twain Harte Permenter R Center Music 2473 TTH Fabry M Lab 6:00A - 7:25A Oak Pavilion 24 MUSIC 302 Choral Singing 1101 TTH Fabry M Lab 8:00A - 9:25A Oak Pavilion 25 2477 TTH Howell K Lab 9:00A - 10:25A Senior Center Sonora 2760 TTH Lab 11:20A - 12:45P Oak Pavilion 26 Osterhout J 2485 TTH Mager D Lab 4:20P - 5:45P Oak Pavilion 24 2479 MW Howell K Lab 6:00P - 7:25P Oak Pavilion 24 2758 TTH Lab 6:00P - 7:25P Oak Pavilion 26 Hoyt R / Hansten L Study and performance of mixed choral works of various styles and periods for older adults. Includes development of vocal technique and musicianship. Field trips required. Unlimited repeats. 2099 TTH Lab 2:40P - 4:05PAlder 5 Staff 1062 M Staff Lab 6:00P - 9:05P St. James Episcopal (Red) Church MUSIC 303 Orchestra Study and performance of orchestral literature of various styles and media for older adults. Audition required for wind, brass, and percussion players as needed. Field trips may be required. Unlimited repeats. 1268 T Harper M Lab 6:00P - 9:05P Sonora High Band Room MUSIC 305 Jazz Studies Study and performance of instrumental and vocal jazz in both solo and ensemble (including big band, choir, combos, and solo with accompaniment). Includes beginning jazz theory, improvisation, style, interpretation, performance practice and the development of an individual standard jazz repertoire. Repertoire may vary from semester to semester. Field trips may be required. May be repeated 32 times. 2575 W Harris R Page 110 Lab 6:00P - 10:10P Dogwood 1 fa l l 2014 non-credit Classes (continued) Need Transportation to Columbia College? SkillS Development SKLDV 410 Supervised Tutoring Provides supervised tutoring in a designated laboratory/ learning center in order to support student success in course(s) in which they are enrolled. NOTE: Student contact hours may range from 1-10 hours weekly. Convenient public bus transportation is available to and from handy locations throughout Tuolumne and Calaveras Counties. 1309 Academic Achievement Center Tamarack Hall 205 Enrollment requires instructor or counselor referral. Contact the Academic Achievement Center at 209.588.5088 for information. SKLDV 700 GED Preparation Designed to teach the general skills needed to pass the General Educational Development test. tuolumne County TransiT 532.0404 www.tuolumnecountytransit.net 2388 MW Lec 6:00P - 8:00P Sequoia 109 Kesterson P 754.4450 www.calaverastransit.com Campus Shuttle Service Our evening campus shuttle is a free service that operates from 5:30 to 9:30 pm on Mondays through Thursdays. The 16 passenger bus runs on a continuous loop around the campus perimeter (no interior routes). Along with pick ups while en route, there are specific shuttle stops located at the Oak Pavilion, Manzanita Building at the rock bridge, Toyon/Sequoia Buildings, Redbud Building, w For the latest class scheduling updates go to My Columbia and Columbia Student Housing. Maximum wait time is 11 minutes. Not available during summer semester. www.gocolumbia.edu Page 111 fa l l 2014 Calaveras Classes Angels Camp Bret Harte High School • 364 Murphys Grade Road Mark Twain Elementary School District • 981 Tuolumne Avenue Murphys First Congregational Church • 509 North Algiers Street Murphys Fire Station #1 • 37 Jones Street Section # Course Title Dates Units Days Times 2567 EMS 4 2852 Emergency Medical Technician Training 08/25-12/13 7.0 W S 6:00P-9:00P 9:00A-3:00P Murphys Fire Station #1 ENGL 1A Reading and Composition: Beginning 08/25-12/13 3.0 MW 4:00P-5:25P Bret Harte High School 1332 HIST 17 United States: 1877 to Present 08/25-12/13 3.0 TH 6:30P-9:35P Bret Harte High School 2455 MATH 101 Algebra I 08/25-12/13 5.0 TTH 4:00P-6:25P Bret Harte High School 2159 SIGN 40A ASL - Beginning Communication with the Deaf 08/25-12/13 3.0 T 6:30P-9:35P Bret Harte High School 2822 SPCOM 1 Introduction to Public Speaking 08/25-12/13 3.0 MW 6:30P-7:55P Bret Harte High School 2126 ENGL 705A English as a Second Language: Low Beginning 08/25-12/13 0.0 MW 2132 ENGL 705A English as a Second Language: Low Beginning 08/25-12/13 0.0 MT 2127 ENGL 705B English as a Second Language: High Beginning 08/25-12/13 0.0 MW 2133 ENGL 705B English as a Second Language: High Beginning 08/25-12/13 0.0 MT 2128 ENGL 705C English as a Second Language: Low Intermediate 08/25-12/13 0.0 MW 2134 ENGL 705C English as a Second Language: Low Intermediate 08/25-12/13 0.0 MT Page 112 Location 8:15A-10:05A Mark Twain Elem. School District 5:30P-7:20P Murphys First Congregational Church 8:15A-10:05A Mark Twain Elem. School District 5:30P-7:20P Murphys First Congregational Church 8:15A-10:05A Mark Twain Elem. School District 5:30P-7:20P Murphys First Congregational Church fa l l 2014 Oakdale Classes Oakdale High School 739 West G Street • Oakdale 95361 Section # Course Title Room Dates Units Days Times 2674 EMS 153 CPR and Basic First Aid F-6 09/27 0.5 S 8:00A-5:20P 2675 EMS 153 CPR and Basic First Aid F-6 10/25 0.5 S 8:00A-5:20P 0954 ENGL 1A Reading and Composition: Beginning E-7 08/25-12/13 3.0 W 6:00P- 9:05P 2467 ESC 10 Environmental Geology E-6 08/25-12/13 3.0 M 6:00P-9:05P 2685 FIRE 1 Fire Protection Organization F-6 08/25-12/13 3.0 M 6:00P-9:05P 2456 MATH 101 Algebra I A-3 08/25-12/13 5.0 TTH 3:30P-6:00P 2592 MATH 104 Algebra II A-3 08/25-12/13 5.0 MW 3:30P-6:00P 2784 POLSC 10 Constitutional Government F-11 08/25-12/13 3.0 M 3:30P-6:35P 1008 POLSC 10 Constitutional Government F-11 08/25-12/13 3.0 T 6:00P-9:05P Stanislaus Culinary Arts Institute Oakdale Community School • 1040 Wakefield Drive • Oakdale 95361 Section # Course Title Room Dates Units Days Times 2572 HPMGT 122 Restaurant Math 1 08/25-12/13 1.0 T 6:00P-7:05P 2393 HPMGT 142 Garde Manger 1 08/25-12/13 1.0 M 6:30P-8:35P 2393 HPMGT 143 Advanced Garde Manger 1 08/25-12/13 1.0 T 7:30P-9:35P w For the latest class scheduling updates go to My Columbia www.gocolumbia.edu Page 113 fa l l 2014 What is Blackboard 9.1? Blackboard 9.1 is Columbia College’s web-based learning management system, a tool that allows instructors to develop and support online education. Specific Blackboard features and tools to be used in an online class will vary from instructor to instructor. Most students will find Blackboard easy to use, especially if they are familiar with the internet and have some basic computer skills such as searching the internet, word processing, copy and paste, and uploading/downloading files. Fall 2014 F2F & Online Orientations All face-to-face orientations will be held in the ITC (Instructional Technology Center) located in Tamarack Hall, Room 134 in the Library Building unless otherwise notified. Fri August 22 4P-5P or online (see below) Mon August 25 10A-11A Blackboard is used in three types of classes at Columbia College: Tues August 26 10A-11A Wed August 27 10A-11A Fully Online classes meet 100% online (no face-to-face meetings). Thurs August 28 10A-11A Hybrid classes have some combination of online instruction and face-to-face meetings. Dates of oncampus meetings are listed in the printed schedule of classes. Blackboard Enhanced classes use Blackboard in conjunction with traditional face-to-face instruction. For example, an instructor may post a syllabus, host threaded discussions, or provide additional online resources to enhance or enrich the classroom experience. Assistance in using Blackboard will normally be provided during class. Login Instructions Most fully online and hybrid classes are available in Blackboard five calendar days prior to the class start date. Early login is recommended so that any login issues can be resolved before classes begin. Go to https://yccd.blackboard.com. Before logging in, click on Blackboard 9.1 Browser Compatibility Check and follow the prompts. This is to determine whether your browser is correctly configured for use with Blackboard, and should be done each semester even if you have successfully logged into Blackboard in the past. Log into Blackboard by entering your username and password. Username: Enter your 8-character student ID number beginning with a lower-case “w”, e.g., w0012345. Password: If you are new to Blackboard, your initial password is your six-digit birth date, mmddyy, e.g., 041765. If you have used Blackboard before, enter your existing Blackboard password. If necessary, contact the Help Desk at 209.575.6412 or [email protected]. Help Desk hours can be found under the Help tab at the top of the login screen. Page 114 Fri August 29 9A-10A, 10A-11A, 11A-Noon Online Orientation Using CCCConfer (Virtual Conferencing Tool) Fri August 22 4P-5P PRIOR TO YOUR FIRST CCC CONFER MEETING • Test your computer readiness • Connect with your mobile devices STUDENT DETAILS • Dial your telephone conference line: 1.913.312.3202 or 1.888.886.3951 • Cell phone users dial: 1.913.312.3202 • Enter your passcode: 467762 • Go to www.cccconfer.org • Click the Student Log In button under the Teach & Confer logo • Locate your meeting and click Go • Fill out the form and enter the passcode: 467762 STUDENT TELEPHONE CONFERENCE FEATURES *0 - Contact the operator for audio assistance *6 - Mute/unmute your individual line FOR ASSISTANCE CCC Confer Client Services: Mon- Fri, 8A-4P Phone: 1.760.744.1150 ext 1537 or 1554 Email: [email protected] 2609 HHP 60 Health and Fitness Education Title 2610 HHP 63 Sociology of Sport HHP 66 Mental Aspects of Sport 0 ONLINE CLASSES Section Course 1146 BIOL 50 Nutrition 1980 1590 BIOL 50 Nutrition 2780 HUMAN 2 Modern Culture 2781 HUMAN 2 Modern Culture 2763 CHEM 5 Introductory Chemistry: Environmental Emphasis 2782 HUMAN 4 World Religions and Spirituality 2490 CHEM 14 Fundamental Chemistry for Allied Health 1491 LIBR 1 Introduction to Library and Information Resources 2494 CHEM 16 Fundamental Organic and Biochemistry 0881 OFTEC 50 Medical Terminology 2424 CHILD 4 Observation and Assessment 1941 CHILD 26 Health, Safety and Nutrition 2153 CMPSC 17 Advanced Internet Research 2696 CMPSC 63 GIS and Making Maps: The Essential Skills 2742 CMPSC 64 ArcGIS: Creating a Basic Map 2684 EDUC 50 Online Course Development 2436 EMS 12 Pre-Paramedic Training 0943 ENGL 1A Reading and Composition: Beginning 2466 ENGL 1A Reading and Composition: Beginning 2625 ENGL 1A Reading and Composition: Beginning 0946 ENGL 1B Advanced Composition and Introduction to Literature 1150 ENGL 1B 2229 OFTEC 50 Medical Terminology 2060 OFTEC 142 Desktop Publishing Essentials 2553 OFTEC 149 Electronic Health Records 2747 OFTEC 150 Medical Law and Ethics 2555 OFTEC 152B Medical Coding II 2748 OFTEC 168 Creating a Virtual Office 2788 PSYCH 10 Lifespan Human Development 2789 PSYCH 30 Psychology of Adjustment 1291 SPAN 1A Spanish: Beginning 0: hybrid CLASSES Section Course Title 2509 CHEM 4A Organic Chemistry I 2508 CHEM 4A Organic Chemistry I 2659 CMPSC 10 Internet Essentials Advanced Composition and Introduction to Literature 2426 CMPSC 138 Excel Spreadsheets 0808 EMS 4 Emergency Medical Technician Training 2438 EMS 157 Emergency Medical Responder and CPR 2439 EMS 157 Emergency Medical Responder and CPR 2676 EMS 157 Emergency Medical Responder and CPR 0957 ENGL 1A Reading and Composition: Beginning 2465 ENGL 1B Advanced Composition and Introduction to Literature 2796 ENGL 1C Critical Reasoning and Writing 1537 ENGL 151 Preparation for College Composition 2622 ENGL 1B Advanced Composition and Introduction to Literature 0965 ENGL 1C Critical Reasoning and Writing 2779 ENGL 10 Creative Writing 2840 ENGL 11 Film Appreciation 2797 ENGL 49 California Literature 1740 ENGL 151 Preparation for College Composition 2686 FIRE 2 Fire Prevention Technology 2697 GEOGR 63 GIS and Making Maps: The Essential Skills 2743 GEOGR 64 ArcGIS: Creating a Basic Map 1102 HHP 2 Women's Health Issues 2844 HHP 3 Introduction to Kinesiology 2325 INDIS 110 Peer Tutoring 1749 HHP 5 Introduction to Recreation and Leisure 2591 MATH 12 Finite Mathematics 1750 HHP 60 Health and Fitness Education Page 115 fa l l 2014 Online & Hybrid Classes fa l l 2014 Short-term Classes If semester-long courses are not practical for you, then consider our short-term classes. These classes provide flexibility to accommodate busy student schedules. They are of various lengths, and have different start dates throughout the semester. For detailed information on a class, please refer to pages 59-111. august Section # Course Title Begin End 2636 AT 100 Introduction to Automotive Technology 08/25/14 09/12/14 2663 CMPSC 4 Windows Operating Systems Essentials 08/25/14 10/16/14 2739 CMPSC 41 Networking Essentials 08/25/14 10/17/14 2426 CMPSC 138 Excel Spreadsheets 08/25/14 10/17/14 1749 HHP 5 Introduction to Recreation and Leisure 08/25/14 09/26/14 2774 HHP 32A Basketball I 08/25/14 10/03/14 2775 HHP 32B Baksetball II 08/25/14 10/03/14 2776 HHP 32C Basketball III 08/25/14 10/03/14 2528 HHP 45 Co-Ed Flag Football 08/25/14 10/31/14 2769 HHP 47A Soccer I 08/25/14 10/31/14 2770 HHP 47B Soccer II 08/25/14 10/31/14 2771 HHP 47C Soccer III 08/25/14 10/31/14 2145 HHP 50A Tennis I 08/25/14 10/31/14 2146 HHP 50B Tennis II 08/25/14 10/31/14 1750 HHP 60 Health and Fitness Education 08/25/14 09/27/14 0827 OFTEC 140 Beginning Word Processing 08/25/14 11/12/14 1785 ENTRE 101 Introduction to Entrepreneurship 08/26/14 10/16/14 2257 ENTRE 105 Social Media Marketing 08/26/14 10/16/14 2772 ESC 35LT Geology of Lake Tahoe Region 08/26/14 09/07/14 2692 GUIDE 150 Guidance for Nursing Majors 09/03/14 09/24/14 2678 INDIS 101 Career Tools for Excellence I 09/03/14 12/10/14 1147 BIOL 158 Birds of Central California 09/05/14 12/13/14 2534 GUIDE 115 Principles of Leadership 09/05/14 12/12/14 2545 HPMGT 120 Safety and Sanitation 09/05/14 09/13/14 2632 MGMT 110 Communication in the Workplace 09/05/14 09/05/14 1575 EMS 153 CPR and Basic First Aid 09/06/14 09/06/14 2310 ENGL 649 Writing Skills Workshop 09/08/14 12/13/14 2388 SKLDV 700 GED Preparation 09/08/14 12/12/14 2712 ART 35 Raku and Alternative Firing Methods 09/09/14 11/13/14 2718 ART 36 Wheel-Thrown Ceramics 09/09/14 11/13/14 2773 ESC 35SN Geology of the Sierra Nevada 09/09/14 11/06/14 2414 AT 103 Practical Laboratory 09/15/14 10/20/14 0851 AT 105 Automotive Braking Systems 09/15/14 10/20/14 september Page 116 (continued) september Section # Course Title Begin End 2668 GEOGR 57 GIS Data Management - Introduction to Geodatabase 09/19/14 09/20/14 2561 MGMT 112 Team Building 09/19/14 09/19/14 2674 EMS 153 CPR and Basic First Aid 09/27/14 09/27/14 2609 HHP 60 Health and Fitness Education 09/29/14 12/05/14 2610 HHP 63 Sociology of Sport 09/29/14 12/05/14 1980 HHP 66 Mental Aspects of Sports 09/29/14 12/05/14 2325 INDIS 110 Peer Tutoring 09/29/14 11/10/14 2740 CMPSC 67 GIS Geocoding 10/03/14 10/04/14 2050 FIRE 106 Hazardous Materials First Responder Operational 10/03/14 10/04/14 2741 GEOGR 67 GIS Geocoding 10/03/14 10/04/14 2560 MGMT 111 Customer Service 10/03/14 10/03/14 2684 EDUC 50 Online Course Development 10/06/14 12/08/14 october 2595 HHP 82 Varsity Basketball (Men) 10/06/14 12/13/14 2530 GUIDE 11 Occupational Exploration 10/07/14 11/06/14 2742 CMPSC 64 ArcGIS: Creating a Basic Map Skills 10/13/14 10/27/14 2743 GEOGR 64 ArcGIS: Creating a Basic Map Skills 10/13/14 10/27/14 2645 GUIDE 108 Guidance for Career Technical Education 10/14/14 11/18/14 2724 ART 45 Field Photography 10/17/14 12/05/14 2671 CMPSC 58 GIS - ArcView 10/17/14 10/19/14 2672 GEOGR 58 GIS - ArcView 10/17/14 10/19/14 1818 FIRE 111 Basic Power Saw Safety 10/18/14 10/19/14 2659 CMPSC 10 Internet Essentials 10/20/14 12/10/14 2153 CMPSC 17 Advanced Internet Research 10/20/14 12/11/14 2733 CMPSC 162 10/20/14 12/12/14 2060 OFTEC 142 Networking-CCNA 2: Routing and Switching Essentials Desktop Publishing Essentials 10/20/14 12/10/14 2637 AT 102 Engine Repair 10/21/14 12/04/14 2723 BUSAD 135 Computerized Accounting (Quickbooks) 10/21/14 12/11/14 1788 ENTRE 102 Entrepreneurial Marketing 10/21/14 12/11/14 1802 ESC 35TR Geology of the Tuolumne River 10/21/14 10/25/14 2675 EMS 153 CPR and Basic First Aid 10/25/14 10/25/14 2696 CMPSC 63 GIS and Making Maps: The Essential Skills 10/27/14 11/17/14 2697 GEOGR 63 GIS and Making Maps: The Essential Skills 10/27/14 11/17/14 1491 LIBR 1 Introduction to Library and Information Resources 10/06/14 11/12/14 2641 LIBR 101 Introductions to the Library 10/06/14 11/12/14 Page 117 fa l l 2014 Short-term Classes fa l l 2014 Short-term Classes (continued) november Section # Course Title Begin End 1773 BIOL 39 2531 CMPSC 62 Field Biology 11/03/14 11/16/14 GIS Mapping - Introduction to SAR GIS 11/07/14 11/09/14 2687 FIRE 29A Driver/Operator Training 1A 11/07/14 11/16/14 2568 GEOGR 62 GIS Mapping - Introduction to SAR GIS 11/07/14 11/09/14 2635 HPMGT 120 Safety and Sanitation 11/07/14 11/15/14 2562 MGMT 114 Values and Ethics in the Workplace 11/07/14 11/07/14 2565 SAR 62 GIS Mapping - Introduction to SAR GIS 11/07/14 11/09/14 1780 EMS 153 CPR and Basic First Aid 11/08/14 11/08/14 2689 FIRE 50 Low Angle Rope Rescue 11/14/14 11/16/14 2690 SAR 50 Low Angle Rope Rescue 11/14/14 11/16/14 2052 FIRE 110 ICS 200 - Basic Incident Command System 11/15/14 11/16/14 2633 MGMT 120 Generational Diversity: Managing Cross-Generational Teams 11/21/14 11/21/14 w For the latest class scheduling updates go to My Columbia www.gocolumbia.edu Page 118 fa l l 2014 Final Examination Schedule Fall Semester 2014 December 8–12 Unless otherwise indicated, classes do not meet at their regularly scheduled times during the final examination period. Only this final examination schedule applies. The final examination for any day class that meets only once a week, Monday-Thursday, will be given during the last class meeting prior to the final examination period. Classes will meet for finals on Friday, December 12. The examination times for lecture/laboratory and lecture/seminar courses are determined by the time of the lecture. EVENING CLASSES ONLY (Classes that begin at 5:00 pm or later): All evening classes continue to meet through the last day of the semester. Final examinations for evening classes may be given during either of the last two sessions. If given during the next-to-last session, the last class session must still be held, and may be used to review the results of the final examination. OFF-CAMPUS CLASSES: Classes that meet off campus continue to meet through the last day of the semester. Final examinations for off-campus classes may be given during either of the last two sessions. If given during the next-to-last session, the last class session must still be held, and may be used to review the results of the final examination. Final examinations for Independent Study, Work Experience, and classes with a meeting pattern not shown below are arranged with the instructor. Final examinations are held in the regularly-scheduled classrooms. Regular Meeting TimeExamination DateExamination Time All classes meeting MW or MWF or MTWTH or 8:00 am 9:40 am Monday December 8 Wednesday December 10 December 8 8:00 am - 10:00 am 8:00 am - 10:00 am 11:20 am Monday MTWTHF 1:00 pm Wednesday December 10 11:00 am - 1:00 pm 2:40 pm Monday 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm 4:20 pm Wednesday December 10 All classes 8:00 am Tuesday December 9 8:00 am - 10:00 am meeting TTH 9:40 am Thursday December 11 8:00 am - 10:00 am December 8 11:00 am - 1:00 pm 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm 11:20 am Tuesday December 9 11:00 am - 1:00 pm 1:00 pm Thursday December 11 11:00 am - 1:00 pm 2:40 pm Tuesday December 9 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm 4:20 pm Thursday December 11 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Friday December 12 Regular Class Time All classes meeting All Times Fridays only Page 119 Services & Programs Tips to get around online: www.gocolumbia.edu To apply to Columbia College • Visit college website: www.gocolumbia.edu • Click on “Admissions” • Click on “Apply Now!” • Scroll down & click on the yellow “APPLY” button • Click “Create an Account” • Complete the admissions application • Submit electronically & wait for an email response To request official transcripts • Visit college website: www.gocolumbia.edu • Click on “Admissions” • Click on “Order Official Transcripts” on the left • Read the “Instructions to Request Official Transcripts via the Clearinghouse” • Follow the link to the National Student Clearinghouse website • Complete the request and submit it electronically To check class status – open seats? wait list? • Visit college website: www.gocolumbia.edu • Click on "MyColumbia" • Click on connectColumbia • Click “Prospective Students” • Click “Search for Classes” To print class schedule – track important dates • Visit college website: www.gocolumbia.edu • Click on “My Columbia” at the top of the screen • Click on “connectColumbia Login” • Login to your account • Click on “Current/Former Students” • Click on “My Class Schedule” • Login a second time • Select Columbia College • Select a term in the drop down menu • Click “Retrieve Schedule” • For password help, contact the Help desk 209.588.5382 To find student online forms • Visit college website: www.gocolumbia.edu • Click on “Admissions” • Click on “Student Online Forms” Columbia College Admissions & Records Sequoia 102 209.588.5231 Page 120 Services & Programs Access Columbia College Counselors Online! www.gocolumbia.edu/counseling ➡ Our updated website, including FAQ’s and extensive transfer information, will help you find answers to questions you have as well as information you need to know. ➡ E-Advising— If you haven't found the answer to your questions from the FAQ pages, click on e-advising from our Counseling website (www.gocolumbia.edu/counseling) to ask a counselor your brief question and get an answer by the end of the week! ➡ Like us on Facebook (cccounseling) and receive updates, reminders of deadlines, upcoming events and participate in fun contests for prizes! You can also post questions or message us straight from our page. ➡ Online Individual Counseling Appointments: If you have a high speed Internet connection and Columbia College transcripts only, this could be the counseling option for you. If you have transcripts from other colleges, you will need to make an in person counseling appointment or use email counseling. ➡ Google+ Hangout with a Counselor: All current students and those who are interested in pursuing classes at Columbia College are invited to ask quick general counseling related questions in a live chat/drop-in style forum. Columbia College Counseling Office Sequoia 120 209.588.5109 Page 121 Services & Programs Columbia College Library Books and… Wi-Fi 9 Study Rooms 80 computers Macs and PCs Ipads Cram Nights DVDs and Movies Meet the Author Events CDs Research Databases Children’s Collection Research Classes Interlibrary Loan Magazines and Journals Textbooks on Reserve Reference Help Tamarack Hall, lower level Fall & Spring: M-Th 7:45A-7:45P Friday 7:45A-4:30P Summer: M-Th 7:30A-5:30P Closed school observed holidays www.gocolumbia.edu/library Manzanita Bookstore Do you need money for your textbooks now? Sell your books online. GO TO www.manzanitabookstore.com • Click on Buyback Info • Click Online Buyback Link • Enter ISBNs • Send your books • A check will be mailed to you. Call the Bookstore for details. 209.588.5126 Page 122 Save Money Coffee & Espresso Served Daily next door at Columbia College Lakeside Deli & Cafe Get a Convenience Card from the Bookstore It can be used in the Manzanita Bookstore or Columbia College Snack Bar. Save 5% on purchases when used in the Snack Bar. For details go to www.manzanitabookstore.com Services & Programs Academic Achievement Center For free tutoring, come to the AAC! The Academic Achievement Center offers free tutoring in most subjects and study skills to all students at Columbia College. Students can also use the AAC for study groups or make use of the computers and free printing. Columbia College Academic Achievement Center Tamarack, 2nd floor Appointment line 588.5088 www.gocolumbia.edu/aac Child Care for Families The Student Center Columbia College offers high quality and dependable child care for families. If you demonstrate a need and meet income eligibility guidelines, you may be eligible for free or reduced fee child care. All families, regardless of income, are encouraged to call for more information about our programs. Three college programs are available for you: n Infant Program – Birth to 18 months n Toddler Program – 18 to 36 months n Preschool Program – 3, 4 and 5 year olds Child Care Center 11600 Columbia College Dr. Sonora, CA 95370 588.5278 gocolumbia.edu/child_care_center or email Tiffeny Flies, Program Director: [email protected] Licenses: #553602594 and #553611159 The Student Center, located in Ponderosa, is a place for students to comfortably have discussions, workshops, club or Student Senate meetings. The Center provides students with access to college materials and computers. All are welcome! Associated Students of Columbia College Ponderosa Building 209.588.5270 Fall Hours: M-Th 8:00A–4:00P Friday 8:00A–2:00P Summer: Closed Page 123 Services & Programs Columbia College Scholarships One application — 80+ awards! Application dates for Fall 2014 Osher Scholarships – 21 $1,000 awards Apply by FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17 All Other Scholarships – opportunities for all majors Apply by FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5 Apply online: gocolumbia.academicworks.com • Use your student email to log on • Check often for updates • Opportunities for all! For help contact: Columbia College Foundation Tamarack 119 588.5065 [email protected] Financial Aid / Veterans Benefits TRiO Student Support Services The Columbia College Financial Aid web page http://www.gocolumbia.edu/financial_aid provides you with a wealth of information! TRiO Student Support Services (SSS) program is a federally funded grant that serves first-generation, low-income, and/or students with a disability who are seeking a certificate, degree, and transfer to a 4-year University. ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Financial Aid information and opportunities Calendar of FAFSA workshops (on campus and in the community) Important dates and deadlines Veterans benefits and services And much more… The goal of the TRiO program is to provide students a structured and supportive learning network that motivates and propels students to complete their academic goals. Please review our web page frequently for posted notifications regarding changed Federal regulations and new Student Responsibilities. TRiO increases student success by offering intensive academic services, hands-on scholarship assistance, research assistance for transfer universities, motivational workshops, and many other activities. Summer Hours: M-Th 7:30A– 5:30P, closed Fri Fall Hours: M-Th 8:00A–4:30P, Fri 9:00A–4:30P Applications and instructions for enrolling are at our comprehensive website www.go.columbia.edu/trio Sequoia 110 209.588.5105 Fax 209.588.5391 Page 124 TRiO SSS Summer Hours: M-Th 8:00A– 4:30P, closed Fri Fall Hours: M-Th 9:00A–4:30P, Fri 9:00A–4:30P Sequoia 121 • 209.588.5066 or 588.5145 www.gocolumbia.edu/trio Services & Programs Columbia College Student Health Services College Nurse 588.5204 Office located in Juniper 2 Fall hours: MTWTH 9:00A–3:00P Summer: Closed Treatment and evaluation for minor illnesses and injuries are given by the college nurse. Lab tests for pregnancy, blood sugar, TB screening, seasonal flu shots, and more. Medications—Ibuprofen, Vitamin C, allergy meds, cough drops, hydrocortisone cream, antibiotic ointment and more! Condoms are free in the Health Services Office. Mental Health Counseling Services—appointments with licensed professionals available. Schedule appointments with the college nurse. Vending Machines with medications and condoms are located in the Oak Pavilion and the Tamarack Gallery. All services are confidential & free The Food Bank Now available from EOPS • • • • $300 Textbook Vouchers Free Parking permits and bus passes One-on-one academic counseling Math textbook and calculator loans Get what you need to help you succeed! Download our applicaton today by visiting us at: www.gocolumbia.edu/eops_care OR pick up an application at our office to see if you qualify. The Food Bank, located at Ponderosa Building, is open to all! A part of Amador-Tuolumne County Action Agency, the Food Bank provides food to anyone; no one is turned away. The goal of the Food Bank is to help meet student needs. Healthy bodies are healthy minds. Open Wed & Thurs 9:00A–12:0P Or Fridays by appointment (Closed in Summer) To make an appointment or if you have any questions, please call 209.588.2174, 209.588.5270 or 209.588-5111 Columbia College EOPS/CARE Toyon 2 209.588.5130 Page 125 Services & Programs Columbia College Community Education Columbia College Community Education provides opportunities for education, enrichment, and adventure for local lifelong learners. The courses are not-for-credit ranging from cooking to fitness boot camp and from kid’s camps to art. Information regarding courses, trips, and other related programs is posted on our website at www.gocolumbia.edu/comed. Community Education is a self-supporting department, which doesn’t require resources from the College’s general fund—rather it sustains itself through registration fees. Community Education is a win-win solution to provide courses that may no longer be available in credit-mode due to pending changes in repeatability requirements, budget cuts, and minimum enrollment criteria. Additionally, the program hosts a wide variety of one-day excursions throughout the year, including trips to sporting events, theatre shows, cultural functions, educational venues, and recreational activities. ComEd is… • Short classes and activities We are now accepting course proposals for the Fall 2014 term. Community Education fall classes typically begin mid-September and continue through mid-December. Please visit our website www.go columbia.edu/comed to fill out the proposal. • Not-for-credit If you have questions regarding Community Education at Columbia College, please contact Tiffany Moore at 209.588.5198 or email at [email protected]. • Low fees • No tests or grades • Easy registration • Outstanding instructors education | enrichment | adventure Page 126 Off Campus Locations Calaveras County Tuolumne County Angels Camp Bret Harte High School 364 Murphys Grade Road Kennedy Meadows area Baker Station – High Sierra Institute 40000 Highway 108 (58 miles east of Sonora) Mark Twain Elementary School District 981 Tuolumne Avenue Mountain Springs Golf Course 17566 Lime Kiln Road Sonora High School 430 N. Washington Street St. James Episcopal Church (Red Church) 42 Snell Street Sonora Amador-Tuolumne Community Action Agency (A-TCAA) Family Learning Center 18080 Blue Bell Road East Murphys First Congregational Church 509 North Algiers Street Tuolumne County Senior Center 540 Greenley Road Murphys Fire Station #1 37 Jones Street The Yoga Loft 72 South Stewart Street Stanislaus County Twain Harte Twain Harte Center 22511 Twain Harte Drive To Bear Valley Oakdale Oakdale High School 739 West G Street Big Trees Stanislaus Culinary Arts Institute (Oakdale Community School) 1040 Wakefield Drive Arnold To Baker Station 4 To San Andreas Murphys 49 Vallecito Altaville COLUMBIA COLLEGE Angels Camp Sugar Pine Columbia ➤ 49 N Me-Wuk Village Sonora Jamestown 108 Twain Harte Mono Village Tuolumne connectColumbia Location Codes A-TCAA Family Learning Center CFLC Baker Station CBAK Bret Harte High School CBRT Mark Twain Elementary School District CMTE 108 Mountain Springs Golf Course CMTS Murphys Fire Station #1 CMFS Murphys First Congregational ChurchCFCC 120 108 Groveland 120 J59 To Oakdale Lake Don Pedro Hacienda Moccasin 49 To Mariposa Oakdale High School COHS Sonora High School CSON St. James Episcopal Church CSTJ Stanislaus Culinary Arts Institute CSCA Tuolumne County Senior Center CSRC The Yoga Loft CYOG Twain Harte Center CTFC Page 127 Key YO SE M I T E CO M M UN I T Y COLLEGE DISTRICT Sugar Pine • President 20 • EOPS & DSPS Toyon Admissions & Records 209.588.5231 or 5233 11600 Columbia College Drive, Sonora CA 95370 www.gocolumbia.edu Sequoia 18 21 Limited Access Road / Gate Redbud 24 17 30 16 STROM ARBOR E 15 23 19 Pinyon TUM 11 12 14 • IMC (Instructional Materials Center) • VP Student Learning SEGER 13 Oak Pavilion Laurel 8 29 22 28 Limited Access • Dean of Career Road / Gate Technical Education • Dean of Instructional Services, Arts & Sciences Facilities Office • VP College & Administrative Services 10 27 Tamarack Limited Access Road / Gate 26 • Yoga Alder • AAC (Academic Achievement Center) 25 C A L I F O RNIA STUD ENT HOU SIN G* 31 * Privately owned and operated by Pogacar Properties CAMPUS MAP From January 2014 through summer 2015, upper level Manzanita Building services will be relocated as shown. Emergency Access • Dean of Student Services • Admissions & Records • Business Services • Financial Aid • Veterans Benefits • Counseling • Career Center • TRiO Student Services • CalWORKS 1 Alder 2 Aspen 3 Buckeye 4 Cedar 5 Dogwood (Forum Bldg) 6 Fir 7 Juniper (College Nurse) 8 Laurel (Chilld Care Center) 9 Madrone 10 Mahogany 11 Manzanita 12 Maple 13 Oak Pavilion 14 Pinyon 15 Ponderosa 16 Redbud 17 Sequoia 18 Sugar Pine 19 Tamarack Hall 20 Toyon 21 Willow 22 Public Safety Center / Firehouse 23 Amphitheater 24 Arboretum Nature Trail 25 Warehouse, Shipping/Receiving, Transportation & Maintenance 26 Me-Wuk Cultural Center 27 Observatory 28 Starting Point, Jogging Trail 29 Davis Cabin 30 Transit Stop 1 Information/Toll Booth 3
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