What’s On for women living with breast, uterine, ovarian, cervical or other types of gynaecological cancer WELCOME CONTACT US Welcome to our What’s On program for September to December. The next What’s On calendar will be produced in late January 2015. We’re very excited to announce that one of our popular sessions When There Are Long Term Side Effects will also be open to women to participate through a webinar. This means if you can’t make it into our session in Melbourne’s CBD, you can link in live using a computer or a tablet. All you need is connection to the internet. Starting in September, we’ll also be trialling the use of SMS reminders to confirm attendance at sessions (although we will still contact women who don’t have a mobile phone). We will be organising an outreach session to be held at a different metro location in every What’s On program. In October, we’re partnering with Western Health to run a session in the western suburbs looking at healthy eating after cancer. September October November December 2014 BreaCan supports women with cancer to live well through diagnosis, treatment and beyond. Our What’s On program is a series of free information sessions and activities. Call on 1300 781 500 or email [email protected] to attend. SNAPSHOT OF ACTIVITIES No referral necessary A free and confidential service SEPTEMBER Feel Good Program WEDNESDAY 3rd Mindfulness WEDNESDAY 10th Feel Good Program WEDNESDAY 17th Breast Reconstruction WEDNESDAY 17th Dance PHONE 1300 781 500 FAX 03) 9921 0840 [email protected] WEBwww.breacan.org.au POST GPO Box 1066 Melbourne, VIC 3001 RESOURCE CENTRE Ground Floor, QVWC 210 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, VIC 3000 VISIT Monday 10AM - 2PM Wednesday 10AM - 2PM Thursday 10AM - 2PM [closed 2pm 18 December 2014 - 10am 12 January 2015] You Tube Like Follow Watch Visit For those new to BreaCan, we are a cancer information and support service for women living with breast or a gynaecological cancer, their families and friends. Now in our 10th year, we support women with cancer to live well, during and beyond treatment. To find out more visit www.breacan.org.au or simply call us on 1300 781 500. SUPPORT US BreaCan relies on government grants, project funding and donations to fund our work. As a result of better screening, early detection programs and increased survival rates, we are supporting more women diagnosed with cancer. We want to continue to offer a quality support and information service to all Victorian women, their families and friends and we need your help to do this. You can donate to BreaCan at any time online at: www.breacan.org.au/get-involved/donate BreaCan is a service of Women’s Health Victoria. BreaCan acknowledges the support of the Victorian Government WHAT’s NEW Latest links to support, information and opportunities from the cancer sector Links to further Support & Information THURSDAY 25th OCTOBER Feel Good Program WEDNESDAY 1st Feel Good Program WEDNESDAY 15th Vitamin D WEDNESDAY 15th Cancer Fatigue WEDNESDAY 22nd Menopause Symptoms MONDAY 27th Feel Good Program WEDNESDAY 29th Eat Well (session at THURSDAY 30th Sunshine Hospital) NOVEMBER Feel Good Program WEDNESDAY 12th Long Term Side Effects WEDNESDAY 12th Exercise After A Gynaecological Cancer WEDNESDAY 19th Feel Good Program WEDNESDAY 26th Bringing Death to Life THURSDAY 27th DECEMBER Art Therapy MONDAY 1st Feel Good Program WEDNESDAY 10th End of Year CelebrationTHURSDAY 11th Please note the BreaCan Resource Centre will close at 2pm on Thursday 18 December 2014 and reopen on Monday 12 January 2015. Telephone support will be available between Monday 5 and Thursday 8 January. Gynaecological Cancer Support The aim of this website is to foster collaborative psychosocial care for women diagnosed with gynaecological cancer, their families and carers. This website contains a variety of important tools and information for women with gynaecological cancer, their family, partners, carers and friends, and the health professionals involved in their care. While it is based in NSW, there is much information that is of interest to all Australians affected by a gynaecological cancer. www.gynaecancersupport.org.au Exercise for women who have experienced breast cancer The next YWCA Encore exercise programs are being run in Bendigo (starting Thursday 4 September) and Glen Waverley (from Tuesday 14 October). The 8 week program combines, floor and pool exercises, support and information. www. ywcaencore.org.au. Bookings are essential, so for more information or to register contact YWCA Victoria on 03 8341 8700 or by email [email protected]. Support for people with advanced cancer ‘It’s difficult to find a support group in my area – also sometimes I don’t feel well enough to travel so I find the telephone support group invaluable.’ This free telephone support group gives you the chance to talk with other people whose cancer has spread from its original site. Members range from newly diagnosed to having lived with advanced cancer for some time. Australian adults can connect twice a month to share experiences and provide or receive support. If you are interested in finding out more please either email [email protected] or phone the Cancer Council Helpline on 13 11 20. Moving Beyond Cancer to Wellness Monday 22 September, 2pm – 7pm This interactive forum is for survivors and their carers to share experiences following a diagnosis of cancer. An initiative of the Australian Cancer Survivorship Centre and Cancer Council Victoria, the forum represents the ‘bringing together’ of survivors to explore supported self-care management strategies as they transition to the phase after their initial treatment. The forum incorporates a multi-disciplinary approach providing information on topics including diet, exercise, emotions, financial and legal matters. For more info: www.petermac.org/events/moving-beyond-cancerwellness-forum Legal and financial assistance Cancer Council Victoria now offers four pro bono programs for clients experiencing financial hardship as the result of their cancer diagnosis, covering legal, financial, workplace, and small business matters. The programs are delivered by professionals who volunteer their time to assist clients who cannot afford to pay for advice. Visit www.cancervic.org.au/ how-we-can-help/legal-financial-assistance or call 13 11 20. We also have information in the Resource Centre relating to these services. New Information Navigators available: Healthy Eating and Exercise Decision Making Trastuzumab (Herceptin) Life After Treatment Download the BreaCan Navigator app from iTunes or Google Play or view online. www.breacan.org.au/navigators SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER MINDFULNESS – RESPONDING RATHER THAN REACTING TO LIFE’S CHALLENGES ALL ABOUT VITAMIN D WHEN THERE ARE LONG TERM SIDE EFFECTS WEDNESDAY 15 OCTOBER 11.00AM – 12.30PM WEDNESDAY 10 SEPTEMBER 10.30AM – 12.00PM Location: BreaCan Resource Centre, QVWC Mindfulness is simply described as ‘moment to moment awareness, with acceptance’. When we are being mindful, we are engaged with the present moment, and are able to weather the storms of life more easily. Mindfulness is an enriching approach to living, and a skill than can be developed and strengthened through specific meditation practices. Join Suzanne Peyton, Mindfulness Teacher, to learn how to help reduce the experience of stress, and participate in some introductory activities. MAKING A CHOICE: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT BREAST RECONSTRUCTION Location: BreaCan Resource Centre, QVWC What is vitamin D? Do I have enough of it? Why is it being talked about so much in the last few years? What is the data on cancer and other diseases in relation to vitamin D and how good are the studies? The latest published results will be assessed and presented with recommendations by Dr Margo Honeyman. Margo has worked as a Senior Research Scientist at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research. CANCER FATIGUE – TO REST OR NOT TO REST? WEDNESDAY 22 OCTOBER 11.00AM TO 12.30PM WEDNESDAY 17 SEPTEMBER 1.00PM – 2.30PM Location: BreaCan Resource Centre, QVWC Location: BreaCan Resource Centre, QVWC Dr. Kim Taylor is a plastic surgeon who works in the field of breast reconstruction. In this session, Kim will cover a number of areas including what women need to consider when deciding on breast reconstruction, the types of reconstructive surgery available, current issues and new developments in the field. Tiredness can be alleviated by a quick cat nap or a good night’s sleep. Fatigue, especially as a result of cancer treatment, isn’t as easy to overcome. Jane Farrow, Occupational Therapist from the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, will talk in a practical way about cancer-related fatigue and what people can do to help themselves feel better. DANCE AS IF NO ONE IS WATCHING MENOPAUSE SYMPTOMS AFTER CANCER THURSDAY 25 SEPTEMBER 12.30PM – 2.30PM Location: Women’s Health Victoria, Level 8, 255 Bourke St, Melbourne This dance workshop aims to encourage a stronger connection with your body, promote a sense of wellbeing, give form to feelings, and develop a positive body image to improve self-esteem. Expressive movement practitioner, Dani-Ela Kayler, will give you the opportunity to have fun and celebrate your body, to (re)discover and (re)connect with yourself – feel freer, more relaxed, creative, spontaneous and energised! This will be a gentle session paced to suit all attendees. No particular level of fitness or experience necessary. Please wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing. REGULAR ACTIVITIES FEEL GOOD GENTLE EXERCISE PROGRAM Location: Meet at the BreaCan Resource Centre, QVWC This program offers gentle exercise to tone the body and help the lymphatic system. Conducted by a qualified instructor, the sessions are held fortnightly on a Wednesday from 10.30 - 11.30am. Women participating need to complete enrolment forms prior to attending – for more information please call 1300 781 500 or visit www.breacan.org.au/support-services/excercise UPCOMING DATES: September 3 & 17, October 1, 15 & 29, November 12 & 26, December 10. REFLEXOLOGY SESSIONS Location: BreaCan Resource Centre, QVWC Reflexology is a system of health care, incorporating mind, body and spirit. It offers tangible benefits to those living with a diagnosis of cancer and complements existing treatments. These sessions are delivered by a qualified reflexologist and offer an opportunity to alleviate some of your stress and tension. Please call to book an appointment. MAKING CONNECTIONS — for women living with advanced breast or an advanced gynaecological cancer. In addition to the sessions listed here, BreaCan also runs programs specifically for women living with advanced cancers (also called secondary or metastatic cancers). If you would like to know more please call 1300 781 500. WEDNESDAY 12 NOVEMBER 6.00PM – 7.30PM MONDAY 27 OCTOBER 10.30AM – 12.00PM Location: BreaCan Resource Centre, QVWC Location: BreaCan Resource Centre, QVWC This session will also be simulaneously broadcast as a webinar. For more information about the webinar please visit www.breacan.org.au/events/side-effects. This session will focus on the psychological aspects of managing unexpected long term side effects which arise as a consequence of cancer treatment. These issues include, but are not limited to, lymphoedema, peripheral neuropathy, bone and joint problems, fatigue, and menopausal symptoms. They can have a significant impact on adjusting to life after treatment. Jane Fletcher, psychologist and Director of the Melbourne PsychoOncology Service at Cabrini Health, will facilitate. EXERCISE AFTER GYNAECOLOGICAL CANCER TREATMENT WEDNESDAY 19 NOVEMBER 10.30AM – 12.00PM Location: BreaCan Resource Centre, QVWC Helen Eason is an Advanced Practice Physiotherapist who leads the Multidisciplinary Lymphoedema Unit at Monash Cancer Centre, Moorabbin Hospital. Helen will discuss practical issues to do with physical activity after gynaecological cancer treatment including: why exercise is important, what kind of exercise might be appropriate, what limitations might women experience, and where to get advice. BRINGING DEATH TO LIFE The onset of menopausal symptoms after treatment for breast or gynaecological cancer can have a long-lasting effect on quality of life, body image, sexual function and self-esteem. Faith Rees is the Nurse Co-Ordinator for the Menopause Symptoms After Cancer Clinic at the Women’s, and will speak on the management of menopausal symptoms in women after cancer. EAT WELL (NO MATTER WHERE IN THE WORLD YOU’RE FROM) OUTREACH SESSION THURSDAY 30 OCTOBER 10.30AM – 12.30PM Location: Auditorium, Western Centre for Health Research and Education, Sunshine Hospital, 176 Furlong Road, St Albans Many women would like to pay a more attention to healthy eating after a cancer diagnosis. In this session Andrea Potter and Tham Thu Nam Nguyen from Cohealth will debunk a few myths about healthy eating and provide some guidance on day to day choices. Their experience in multicultural communities will ensure there are tips and suggestions for making healthy adjustments to foods from many cultures. (Maps and instructions to help you get there can be provided when you book in). BOOKING & CANCELLATIONS As you can see, BreaCan runs a wide variety of activities and information sessions. Often sessions have limited space and bookings are essential. If you do book into a session we will always confirm that you can attend (SMS, email or phone) prior to the session. If you are unable to make a session that you have booked into please contact the resource centre so that we can make your space available to someone else. Thank you. CDS AND PODCASTS Some information sessions are recorded and available to borrow on CD, or download as a podcast from our website. Visit www.breacan.org.au THURSDAY 27 NOVEMBER 10.30AM – 12.30PM Location: BreaCan Resource Centre, QVWC “From the hour you’re born you begin to die. But between birth and death there is life” Simone de Beauvoir As a society, we can find it difficult or uncomfortable to talk about death. Dying to Know: Bringing Death to Life (Hardie Grant Books, 2007) is an accessible, visual, quirky and insightful book which gives a platform to start a conversation about our thoughts, beliefs and aspirations surrounding the end of life. This workshop will be facilitated by Josie Scott, Counsellor, Celebrant, Creative Arts therapist and former BreaCan staff member. BreaCan has a few copies of the book for loan. DECEMBER ART THERAPY MONDAY 1 DECEMBER 10.30AM – 12.30PM Location: BreaCan Resource Centre, QVWC If you would like to explore something that is important to you through using a sensory and creative approach, this may be the session for you. This Art Therapy session offers a combined relaxation, meditation and art experience that will assist you to express thoughts and feelings, and nurture the whole self. Jenny Bendistinto, an experienced Art Therapist, will facilitate. BREACAN END OF YEAR CELEBRATION THURSDAY 11 DECEMBER 10.30AM – 12.30PM Location: Fourth floor, Queen Victoria Women’s Centre BreaCan invites you to help us celebrate the festive season with friends, fun and some yummy food! We can look back on the wonderful achievements of 2014 and enjoy catching up with old friends and meeting new ones. This is always a popular event so to help us cater for all please RSVP by Thursday 4th December.
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