LIST OF PLANTS AVAILABLE – AUTUMN 2014 *** indicates only limited numbers will be available GENUS x SPECIES FAMILY/ height code COMMON NAME SIZE AND GROWING HINTS (size given as height x width) HEIGHT CODE: #=<1m ## =1–5m. ### =5–12m Hardy shrub 1–2mx1–2m. Most well to reasonably drained soils in full to part Local sun. Prefers wind protection. Frost hardy to –7°C. Rounded shrub to 2m H (usually less), Acacia drummondii FABACEAE ## with several thin reddish main branches Drummond’s wattle from ground level. Suitable for most well (WA) drained soils. Needs shelter from strong sun and frost until established. Small bushy tree or rounded shrub Acacia fimbriata FABACEAE ### 6mx5m. Hardy in most situations. Brisbane Golden or Fringed Wattle Adequate water required. Good dense (Qld, NSW) screen plant. Frost hardy to –7°C. Small to medium shrub 1-3mx2-3m. Acacia myrtifolia FABACEAE ## Well-drained light to heavy soils; tolerant Myrtle Wattle, Red-stemmed of alkalinity. Dappled shade or partial/full Wattle sun. Frost and drought tolerant. (All states except NT) Small open shrub, 1-3m. Easily grown in Acacia terminalis FABACEAE ## most soils. Withstands light frosts. Sunshine Wattle (NSW, Vic, Tas) *** Hardy woody shrub to 1.5mx3m. Most Allocasuarina nana CASUARINACEAE ## reasonably drained soils. Will stand dry Dwarf She-oak conditions. Frost hardy to –7°C. (Sthn NSW, Vic) Medium shrub to small tree 3–10mx2-4m. Asterotrichion discolor MALVACEAE ## - ### Branches covered with stellate hairs when Currajong young. Fast growing. Needs moist, well (Tas) drained soils with shade. Frost tolerance *** uncertain. Ground cover to low shrub 0.3-0.6mx1m. Austromyrtus dulcis MYRTACEAE # Prefers moist, well-mulched soils. Needs Midgen Berry some overhead cover from frost. Water in (Byron Bay NSW to Fraser Is Qld) dry spells. Small to medium bushy shrub. Hardy in Babingtonia pluriflora MYRTACEAE # cultivation. Adapts to a variety of soils (NSW, Vic) *** and situations. Frost hardy. Baeckea diosmifolia x imbricata Shrub 0.3-1mx0.3m. Well drained. Some MYRTACEAE # *** shade OK. Frost hardy to –7oC. Small, erect shrub 0.6mx0.5m. Useful Baeckea imbricata MYRTACEAE # plant for wet situations. Full sun to part (Sthn Tablelands NSW) shade. Frost hardy to –7oC. Medium spreading tree 10-20mx5-10m. Banksia integrifolia PROTEACEAE ### Light, medium or heavy soils with poor to Coast Banksia good drainage. Prefers sunny position. (Qld, NSW, Vic, Tas) *** Frost hardy to –7°C. Responds to water during dry periods. Acacia buxifolia FABACEAE (Qld, NSW, Vic) ## DESCRIPTION Greyish foliage and bright yellow flowers in spring. Golden yellow flowers in spikes to 3cm in spring. Dark green bipinnate foliage. Outstanding plant for cultivation. Grows well in Canberra. May be grown in tubs so suitable for courtyards or small gardens. Weeping, narrow foliage fringed with hairs. Profuse yellow ball-shaped flowers, July-Oct. Prune for dense screen shrub. Attracts seed-eating birds. Cream to yellow profuse flowers, July-Oct. Stems are red. Attractive shrub throughout year. Compact and fast growing. Prune after flowering. Pale to bright yellow globular flowerheads, autumn to summer. Dark, ferny leaves. Ornamental reddish, wrinkled pods. Upright, pine-like foliage. Male plants have pollen plumes, female plants small red flowers and globular cones. Suitable for low maintenance area. Medium to large leaves, glabrous and dark green above when mature, densely stellate hairs below. Short panicles of small creamy-white delicately perfumed flowers Feb–Jun. Separate male and female plants. Reddish new growth. Profuse fluffy white flowers summer to mid-autumn. Pale sweet edible berries, about 1 cm diameter, in autumn. Bush Food White flowers in axillary clusters Oct-Jan and April-July. Leaves dark green above, pale underneath. Benefits from pruning. Small white flowers, spring-summer. Prune after flowering. Small linear leaves. Profuse white 4mm flowers Nov-Mar. Prune to shape. Pale yellow flowers from April to Sept. Cones silvery grey. Bird attracting. Good in coastal areas and for beach reclamation and erosion control. LIST OF PLANTS AVAILABLE – AUTUMN 2014 *** indicates only limited numbers will be available GENUS x SPECIES FAMILY/ height code COMMON NAME SIZE AND GROWING HINTS (size given as height x width) HEIGHT CODE: #=<1m DESCRIPTION ## =1–5m. ### =5–12m Banksia marginata PROTEACEAE ## Silver Banksia Local (NSW, Tas, Vic, SA) *** Banksia marginata ‘Cape Patterson Dwarf’ PROTEACEAE # (Cape Paterson Vic) Shrub to small tree 5mx3m. Hardy in Yellow flower spikes to 9 cm, autumn to most soils with reasonable drainage. Frost winter. Leaves dark green, silver under. hardy to –7°C. New foliage lovely rust colour. Sprawling plant to 1mx1m. Prefers good drainage, in full sun or part shade. Frost tolerant to –7oC. Possibly a B. marginata/ B. integrifolia cross. Yellow cylindrical flower spikes from spring to autumn. Green narrow leaves with toothed margins and silver underneath. Banksia paludosa PROTEACEAE # Marsh Banksia (NSW) Banksia spinulosa ‘Coastal Cushion’ PROTEACEAE # (NSW) Spreading shrub to 1mx1.5m. Hardy in moist but well drained soils. Frost hardy to –7ºC. Elliptical leaves, shiny green above, silvery beneath. Green/yellow 10 cm flower spikes Apr-July. Attractive yellow flower spikes with maroon styles from early autumn to early spring. Suitable for large container. Attracts birds. Do not allow to dry out in summer. Boronia heterophylla RUTACEAE ## Red or Kalgan Boronia (WA) Neat, low- growing form of B. spinulosa var. spinulosa 0.5mx1.5-2m. Hardy in most well-drained acidic soils in full sun. Add gypsum to clay soils or plant in raised bed. Mulch well. Frost hardy to –7ºC. Rounded medium bush to 1.5m. Requires good drainage, sandy soil, cool root run (mulch or sandstone slabs), some shade. Tolerant of light frost. Not drought tolerant. Neat plant 0.1mx0.4m. Needs reasonable drainage in full sun. Frost hardy to –7°C Masses of showy bright pink bell-like flowers in spring. Fragrant bright green foliage. Outstanding feature plant, bright green pinnate leaves. Tip prune lightly after flowering. 2cm diameter white daisy flowers in spring and summer. Suits baskets, rockery, bedding. Prune old flowers for continuous display. Bushy perennial herb 0.2mx0.4m. Very Lavender blue to purple flowers from hardy in most situations but prefers spring to autumn. Dark green foliage and reasonable drainage and full sun. Drought stems. tolerant. Frost hardy to –7ºC. Dense, medium shrub 2-4mx2-4m. Full Burgundy flowers ageing to dark purple sun to part shade. Will tolerate poorly Nov-Feb. Grey-green leaves with pink new drained soils, but best in moist wellfoliage. Prune after flowering drained soil. Frost and drought resistant. Shrub to 1.5mx1.5–2m, variable spread. Reliable in most well drained soils. Drought tolerant. Responds well to light pruning after flowering. Frost hardy to –7°C. Large open shrub 1.5mx2m. Hybrid between C. mannii and red flowering form of C. reflexa. Full sun to semishade. Frost tolerant. Benefits from pruning. Bright green, heath-like foliage. White to pink, star-like flowers. Deep red calyces after flowering. Easily grown and very hardy shrub for small garden. *** Brachyscome multifida (white form) ASTERACEAE # Brachyscome multifida ‘Amethyst’ ASTERACEAE # Cut Leaf Daisy Callistemon ‘Burgundy’ MYRTACEAE ## *** Callistemon sp. MYRTACEAE ## *** Calytrix tetragona MYRTACEAE ## Fringe Myrtle (All States except NT) Correa ‘Bett’s Red’ RUTACEAE ## Deep pink, tubular flowers, paler at tips from Mar-Oct. Upper surface of leaves is rough and underside rusty to light green. One of the deepest red-pink correas. LIST OF PLANTS AVAILABLE – AUTUMN 2014 *** indicates only limited numbers will be available GENUS x SPECIES FAMILY/ height code COMMON NAME SIZE AND GROWING HINTS (size given as height x width) HEIGHT CODE: #=<1m ## =1–5m. ### =5–12m Correa ‘Marian’s Marvel’ RUTACEAE ## (C. backhousiana x C. reflexa) Hardy shrub 1–5mx1.5–3m Very adaptable to relatively well drained soils. Frost hardy to –7°C. Correa ‘Western Pink Star’ RUTACEAE # Native Fuchsia *** Correa alba var. alba x Correa reflexa var. reflexa RUTACEAE # Correa backhouseana var. backhouseana RUTACEAE ## (WA, SA, Vic, Tas) *** Correa pulchella RUTACEAE # (SA) *** Crowea ‘Cooper’s Hybrid’ RUTACEAE ## (C. exalata x C. saligna) (NSW) *** Crowea ‘Poorinda Ecstasy’ RUTACEAE # (?saligna/exalata hybrid) Crowea exalata ‘Southern Stars’ RUTACEAE # Dense spreading shrub to 1m. Full sun. Frost hardy to –7°C. Tip prune after flowering to retain a dense shape. Bushy shrub 1mx1.5m.Well drained soil in full sun to part shade. Frost hardy. Darwinia fascicularis MYRTACEAE # - ## (NSW Gosford to Bulli) *** Dichondra repens CONVOLVULACEAE # Kidney Weed (All states) *** Dillwynia cinerascens FABACEAE # (NSW south of Bathurst,Vic, Tas, S.A.) Eremophila maculata (Red flowers) MYOPORACEAE # - ## Spotted emu bush (Inland areas of all mainland states and NT) DESCRIPTION Upright or spreading shrub 1–2mx 2–3m. Hardy. Well-drained soil. Prefers part shade. Frost hardy to –7ºC. Resistant to salt spray. Dainty shrub to 1m. Needs well-drained alkaline soil; full sun to half shade. Frost hardy to –7°C. Mulch well and water deeply in extended dry periods. Dense shrub with erect habit 1.5m x1m. Well-drained soils. Moderately drought hardy. Frost hardy to –7°C. Flowers 3 cmx1.5 cm, pale pink upper half, pale green lower half, spreading lobes, mainly Feb–Oct. Suitable hedge or screening plant. Floriferous, showy shrub with star-like, open, pink flowers in winter. Attracts honey-eating birds. Bell shaped flowers pale pink with white tips autumn to winter. Almost round, glaucous leaves. Flowers creamy-green bell shaped in winter. Dull green ovate leaves. Attracts birds. Good for planting under Eucalypts. Orange to deep pink or red bell-shaped flowers in winter. Prune for vigorous growth and good flower production. Excellent pot plant. Attracts birds. Deep pink, 3 cm diameter flowers Nov– May. Glossy dark green leaves. Good, long-lasting cut flower. Prune to promote dense growth. Hardy small shrub 1mx1m. Well drained Pale pink, 2.5cm diameter flowers in leaf soil with partial sun or dappled shade. axils Dec.-May. Lightly prune after flowering. Rounded shrub to 0.7m. Well-drained, Outstanding ornamental form. Good cut mulched soil. Full sun to part shade. Frost flower with extended flowering season. hardy to –7°C. Prune lightly after flowering flush. Excellent for pot culture. Erect or decumbent shrub 0.3-2m high. Flowers white turning to red, in clusters at Narrow needle-like leaves. Requires ends of branches, June to Sept. excellent drainage, full sun to half shade. Frost hardy to –7°C. A dense creeping perennial herb. Small, cream-green flowers are solitaty and Prostratex1-2m. For shady, dry situations axillary. Can be used as lawn alternative or between paving. but does not withstand constant foot traffic. Can be problem to eradicate if it becomes established among other plants. Shrub 1mx1m. Prefers part shade in most Small narrow leaves. Masses of red and reasonably drained soils. Tolerates yellow pea flowers in terminal clusters. drought and coastal exposure. Frost hardy Responds well to pruning. to –7°C. Shrub to 0.5-3mx1.3m. Prefers well Tubular, red flowers to 25mm, often with a drained sunny site. Tolerates dry periods spotted throat, mainly in winter and spring. once established. Tolerates moderate frosts. LIST OF PLANTS AVAILABLE – AUTUMN 2014 *** indicates only limited numbers will be available GENUS x SPECIES FAMILY/ height code COMMON NAME SIZE AND GROWING HINTS (size given as height x width) HEIGHT CODE: #=<1m Eucalyptus risdonii MYRTACEAE ## - ### (Tas) Gastrolobium celsianum FABACEAE ## Poison/Swan River Pea (South West WA) Grevillea ‘White Wings’ PROTEACEAE ## *** Grevillea diminuta PROTEACEAE # (Brindabella Ra, Bimberi and Namadgi NP) Local Gynatrix pulchella (male form) MALVACEAE ## Hemp Bush (NSW, Vic, Tas, ?SA) Hibbertia pedunculata DILLENIACEAE # (Sthn Tablelands NSW) ## =1–5m. ### =5–12m Medium mallee shrub to medium tree 320mx5-15m. Adaptable to all but alkaline soils. Tolerant of most frosts and light snowfalls. Coppicing can be used to promote bushier growth. Spreading (scrambling) medium shrub 1.5mx3m. Needs good drainage in sun or semi-shade. Responds well to pruning. Frost hardy to –7°C. Medium shrub, dense and spreading 2– 3mx3–5m. Moist soils, full sun or semishaded. Frost hardy to –7°C. Low spreading shrub 1mx4m. Full sun or part shade in dry or moist well-drained soils. Frost hardy to –7°C. Medium to tall shrub 2.5mx1.5-3.5m. Needs free draining soils. Will grow in shady areas or full sun. Frost hardy to –7ºC. Responds to light pruning to prevent becoming straggly. Semi-prostrate 0.2mx1m. Tends to root at nodes. Soil should be kept moist but not too wet. Part sun. Responds well to pruning. Frost hardy to –7°C. Hibbertia scandens DILLENIACEAE # Climbing Guinea Flower, Golden Guinea Vine, Snake Vine (SE NSW to mid NE Qld) Fairly vigorous and scrambling vine 2-5m long. Will grow in semi-shade, but best in full sun. Prefers reasonable drainage and tolerates wide climate range and saltladen winds. Hibbertia vestita DILLENIACEAE Hairy Guinea Flower (Qld, NSW) Small rounded shrub 0.3mx0.4-0.5m. Full sun and good drainage essential. Borderline for frost. Appreciates extra water in dry conditions. # DESCRIPTION 1.5cm diameter, white to cream flowers, profuse and well-displayed from Oct to Dec. Popular in cultivation because of its juvenile foliage, its flowers and smooth bark. Bright red pea flowers with prominent keel, in spring. Useful tall ground cover. Gastrolobium generally considered poisonous to stock. Broad lanceolate leaves with silver-grey backing. White, scented flowers most of year. Much divided leaves with bronze tonings. Useful screening plant and refuge for small birds. Rusty red flowers, mainly in spring, in dense, pendulous clusters to 25mm long. Neat, dark green foliage. Attracts birds. Useful in rockeries. Profuse panicles of white, perfumed flowers. Male and female plants, but the male is showier. Lanceolate leaves, toothed, glabrous on top and hairy underneath. Small, dark green leaves. Profuse bright yellow flowers on long peduncles, Aug– Mar. Excellent garden plant and useful in containers. Good on banks and as weed suppressor. Large yellow flowers (5-7cm) throughout the year but mainly late spring and summer. Flowers are short lived but produced over long period. Excellent screening plant on walls and fences, or as a scrambler among established plants (can smother small ones). Bright yellow flowers spring and summer. Long flowering. Excellent rockery plant. Long-lived and adaptable. Plant several together for good showing. *** Homoranthus papillatus MYRTACEAE # Mouse Bush (Qld) Leptorhynchos nitidulus ASTERACEAE # (NSW, Vic, Tas) *** Compact shrub 0.6-1mx1-2m. Attractive and unusual form with horizontal branches. Hardy in most aspects and reasonably drained soils. Frost hardy to –7°C. Slender stoloniferous herb with a basal tuft of leaves 0.2mx0.4m. Adapts to most well-drained soils. Tolerates full sun, semi-shade or dappled shade. Frost hardy to –7°C. Prune hard to rejuvenate. Large sprays of strong smelling, yellowish flowers spring to summer. Fine grey foliage. Prune regularly. Attracts birds. Compound yellow head on stalk 2-8cm long, summer to autumn. Prune off old flower-heads. Leaves linear, 2-4 cm long, 1-2mm wide; dull green, glabrous except when young and then sparsely cobwebby. Good ground cover. LIST OF PLANTS AVAILABLE – AUTUMN 2014 *** indicates only limited numbers will be available GENUS x SPECIES FAMILY/ height code COMMON NAME SIZE AND GROWING HINTS (size given as height x width) HEIGHT CODE: #=<1m Leptospermum rotundifolium MYRTACEAE ## Round leaf Tea-tree (Sthn Tablelands NSW) *** Lomandra longifolia LOMANDRACEAE # Spiny-headed Mat Rush (SA, Tas, Vic, NSW, Qld) (Carwoola provenance) Local Lomandra spicata XANTHORRHOEACEAE # Mat Rush (Qld, NSW) ## =1–5m. ### =5–12m Hardy open shrub 2mx1.5m. Most reasonably drained soils. Grows rapidly. Prune lightly after flowering. Frost hardy to –7°C. Dense tussocks 0.5-1mx0.6-1m. Will grow in almost any soil, with good drainage. Full to part sun. Frost hardy to –7°C. Good feature in grass garden. White to deep pink flowers spring to summer. Shiny round leaves. Screen or feature plant. Perennial herb forming a sparse to vigorous tussock. Needs well-drained soil in filtered sun or shade. Mulch well and water during dry periods. Tolerates light to moderate frosts. Male and female inflorescence similar, unbranched or sparsely branched, the female 0.3-0.45 cm long, cylindrical, cream or yellow; capsules ca 0.5cm long, yellow to brown, shiny. Useful tussock plant for a shady location. Short sprays of cream flowers in summer. Long, dark-green toothed leaves. Flowers suitable for cutting. Useful for screening or informal heading. Tolerant of Phytophthora cinnamomi. Attractive, crowded small spikes of mauve flowers to 4 cm Aug–Jan. Linear dark green leaves. Good screen or hedge plant. Good for bees. *** Rounded shrub or small tree 5mx3m. Hardy in most soils with reasonable drainage, in part or full shade. Responds to light pruning. Frost hardy to –7°C. Lomatia myricoides PROTEACEAE ## River or Long-leaf Lomatia Local (NSW, Vic) Melaleuca diosmatifolia MYRTACEAE ## (syn. M. erubescens) (NSW slopes, Qld) *** Melaleuca fulgens ‘Hot Pink’ MYRTACEAE ## (WA) Melaleuca radula (white form) MYRTACEAE ## Graceful Honey Myrtle Melaleuca spathulata MYRTACEAE ## (WA) *** *** Microlaena stipoides POACEAE # Weeping Grass (All states) (Carwoola provenance) Local Micromyrtus sessilis MYRTACEAE ## (NSW, Qld) *** Myoporum bateae MYOPORACEAE ## (NSW) *** DESCRIPTION Erect shrub 1-2mx1-3m. Hardy in most soils and aspects. Regular pruning recommended. May need supplementary watering in dry periods. Frost hardy to –7°C. Rounded shrub1.5mx1.5m. Requires full sun, excellent drainage. Hardy to moderate frosts (some overhead cover) and extended dry periods. Responds well to supplementary watering. Open shrub 1-2mx1m. Needs good drainage, full sun and light overhead cover. Drought hardy but not Canberra frost hardy. Needs some summer water. Small to medium compact shrub, 1.5mx1m. Frost hardy, well-drained sunny position. Responds to hard pruning. Withstands dry periods but likes supplementary water. Small to medium tufted or spreading grass. Thrives and spreads under regular grazing or mowing. Tolerant of low soil pH, shade, drought and poor soils. Dense spreading shrub 0.5-1.5m H. Grows in woodland or dry sclerophyll forest north from Griffith NSW. Open shrub to 3m high. Can take heavy shade but also grows satisfactorily in more exposed sites. Needs reasonable drainage. Frost hardy to –7°C. Narrow strap-like leaves, arch over rocks or edgings. Crowded spiny flower spikes, strongly perfumed on hot days. Brown shiny fruits on spikes. Leaves are narrow-elliptical to 3cm, with recurved margins. Red or apricot bottlebrush-like flowers with golden anthers in spring and early summer. Tip prune from an early stage to keep dense. White flowers on old wood springsummer. Regular pruning to maintain good shape. Flowers in profuse mauve terminal clusters Sept–Nov, also sporadic throughout year. Hedging and general planting. Suitable coast and inland. Seed heads long and drooping. Flowers Nov-Feb. Good lawn potential. Small white to pale pink flowers. Small linear leaves. Pale mauve flowers about 6mm diameter in spring and summer. Leaves are finely toothed, linear to elliptical. Young growth is sticky and fragrant. LIST OF PLANTS AVAILABLE – AUTUMN 2014 *** indicates only limited numbers will be available GENUS x SPECIES FAMILY/ height code COMMON NAME SIZE AND GROWING HINTS (size given as height x width) HEIGHT CODE: #=<1m Myoporum parvifolium purpurea MYOPORACEAE # Pelargonium rodneyanum GERANIACEAE # (SA, NSW, Vic) DESCRIPTION ## =1–5m. ### =5–12m Prostrate, matting groundcover 0.10.4mx0.5-1.5m Prefers well-drained sunny position but will withstand wet conditions. Drought and frost hardy to –7°C. Beautiful, hardy perennial 0.3mx0.5m. Roots develop tubers. Most sunny or partshaded well-drained, acidic soils. Reduce water in winter. Semi-drought tolerant. Prune hard during winter. Frost hardy to –7°C. Moderate shrub 2m H. Well drained soil, some shade and a mulch to ensure cool root run. Frost hardy to –7°C. Phebalium squamulosum ssp. argenteum RUTACEAE ## Scaly Phebalium (NSW, Vic) *** Very vigorous, small suckering Plectranthus argentatus LAMIACEAE # herbaceous plant 0.6m–1m H. Silvery, (Qld, NSW) hairy growth. Grows in well-drained moist soils in semi-shade and responds well to hard pruning. Frost tender. Low shrub to small tree. Hardy in most Podocarpus lawrencei PODOCARPACEAE # - ## conditions. A local alpine plant. Mountain Plum Pine (NSW, Vic, Tas) Small tree, 3–15mx4m. Does best in Pomaderris apetala RHAMNACEAE ## - ### moist, well-drained acidic soils with Dogwood or Native Hazel Tree semi-shade to full sun. Frost hardy to (Tas) *** –7°C. Fine-grained timber. Erect or sprawling shrub to 1.3m H. Prostanthera stricta LAMIACEAE ## Needs very good drainage and near to full Mt Vincent Mint Bush sun. Frost hardy to –7°C. (NSW) *** Good groundcover 0.2mx1m. Dry or Rulingia hermanniifolia STERCULIACEAE # moist well-drained soils in sun or part(Sth Coast NSW) shade. Good on banks or rockery. Frost hardy to –7ºC. *** Prostrate, suckering plant 0.2mx1m. Scaevola ‘Mauve Clusters’ (form of S. albida) Moist, well-drained position, full or part GOODENIACEAE # sun. Mulch well. Frost hardy to –7˚C. Scaevola albida (blue form) Mostly prostrate, perennial herb forming GOODENIACEAE # a dense mat to 50cm high. Moist wellPale Fan Flower drained position. Full to part sun. Frost (SA, Vic, NSW, Qld) *** hardy to –7ºC. Prostrate, spreading annual or short lived Tetragona tetragonoides AIZOACEAE # perennial 0.2mx0.6-2m. Moist, Warrigal Greens reasonably drained soils in sun or partial (Widespread in Aust and NZ) shade. Agricultural weed in Qld. White starry flowers above leaves in winter. Purple tinged foliage which deepens in winter. Purple stems are of interest. Magenta flowers are borne above leaves Sept-May. Appreciates some moisture in summer and autumn. May self-seed. Rockery or groundcover plant. Easy removal prevents it becoming invasive. White flowers in attractive and profuse few-flowered cymes, Aug-Nov. Leaves 13cm long, narrow, green above, silver grey hairs and brownish scales under. Large, velvety, slightly aromatic leaves. Prominent venation. Racemes of blue flowers summer and autumn. Best in rockery or container in frost-free position. Attractive foliage. Dioecious. Small red berries on female plants. Suitable for tub planting. Flowers cream in tight small clusters; persistent bracts; narrow or absent petals. Late spring to early summer. Edible nuts. Fine-grained timber. Bush Food Deep violet flowers in spring. Densely hairy, ovate leaves to 1.3cm. Soft wrinkled leaves 2cm long. Small white, star-shaped flowers, with maroon markings at bottom of petals, in spring. Prominent, bristly brown fruits are used in dried flower arrangements. Fragrant mauve fan flowers, springautumn. Dense, crowded bright green leaves. Good cut flower. Mauve fan-shaped flowers Aug to Oct. Spreads vegetatively by root suckers. Benefits from pruning. Good rockery plant. Small greenish yellow flowers at leaf bases most of year. Leaves oval or diamond shaped, 75-100mm long. Blanch before eating to leach out oxalic acid. Bush Food LIST OF PLANTS AVAILABLE – AUTUMN 2014 *** indicates only limited numbers will be available GENUS x SPECIES FAMILY/ height code COMMON NAME SIZE AND GROWING HINTS (size given as height x width) HEIGHT CODE: #=<1m DESCRIPTION ## =1–5m. ### =5–12m Dwarf to small shrub 0.6–2mx0.5-2m. Prefers well drained soil that can retain some moisture in semi-shaded site. Will tolerate light frost. Small open, slightly pendulous shrub 1mx1.5m. Adaptable and thrives in most well drained positions. Mulch well. Requires frost protection beyond –5C. Spreading shrub to 0.5m. Tolerates slightly alkaline but prefers neutral to acid well-drained soils. Frost tolerant. Fertilise in spring to encourage new growth. Small mat-forming groundcover. Prefers damp spot in sun or full shade. Dies back in winter. Frost hardy to –7ºC. Pinkish mauve to purple flowers. Racemes to 8cm long. Floriferous and long flowering from Sept–Mar. Pruning when young promotes branching. Tiny deep pink flowers in profusion in winter and spring. Excellent cut flower. Prune after flowering. Form of T. saxicola. Erect perennial herb with multiple stems 0.4mx0.3m. Adapts to most well drained soils. Full to part sun. Frost hardy to –7ºC and drought tolerant. Good in grassland garden. Dwarf to small bushy shrub 0.5-1.3mx12m. Most well-drained acidic soils in part shade. Good under eucalypts. Drought and frost hardy to –7ºC. Flower-heads small, mauve with yellow centres, Nov-May. Bright green, deeply divided leaves clustered on stems. White fluffy seed heads for most of year. Colonises disturbed areas. Attractive green elliptical leaves in whorls with bluish-mauve flowers in spring. Medium to tall tree-like perennial trunk 2.5-5mx1.2-2m, sometimes branching, with hemispherical crown(s). Freely draining acidic soil in sunny or slightly shaded position. Tolerates light frosts. Annual daisy 0.3-1mx0.6-0.8m. Very Xerochrysum bracteatum ASTERACEAE # hardy in sunny situations with moist wellStraw Flower drained soil. Tends to die back in winter, *** but will shoot from base in spring. Medium bushy shrub 2-3mx1.5-3m. Suits Zieria montana RUTACEAE ## well drained soils, slightly sunny or semiMountain Zieria shaded aspect. Probably tolerant to (SE Qld) *** moderate frosts. Small to medium shrub 1mx1m. WellZiera smithii x Z. cytisoides RUTACEAE ## drained acidic soil in fairly sunny to semi(Qld, NSW, Vic) shaded position. Withstands moderate frost to –7°C. White to cream flowers on spikes 1.53mx2-3cm., Jan.-Nov. One of the most commonly cultivated W.A. species and adapts well to temperate and subtropical regions. Showy everlasting flowers of white, cream, gold, pink or bronze red in spring. Selfseeds readily. Thomasia paniculata STERCULIACEAE (South West WA) # - ## Thryptomene saxicola ‘Pink Lace’ MYRTACEAE # (WA) *** Thryptomene sp. MYRTACEAE # *** Viola hederacea (dark form) VIOLACEAE # Native Violet (NSW, Vic, TAS, SA) Local *** Vittadinia muelleri ASTERACEAE # Narrow Leaf New Holland Daisy (Vic, NSW, Tas, Qld) (Carwoola provenance) Local Westringia glabra (Compact form) LAMIACEAE # Violet Westringia (Qld, NSW, Vic) *** Xanthorrhoea preissii XANTHORRHOEACEAE ## Grass-tree, Blackboy, Balga ( WA) Masses of tiny pale pink flowers, mainly winter through spring. Good cut flower. Prune after flowering. White and purple flowers most of year. Good for rockery or hanging basket. Floriferous species. Small white flowers with pink margins, Sept-Dec. Potential for hedging and screening. Profuse pinkish flowers in spring. Trifoliate glabrous aromatic leaves. Adapts well to cultivation and responds to hard pruning. Most of our plants are grown from material sourced from the ANBG Collection. This allows us to grow plants often not readily available from commercial nurseries and garden centres. Revenue raised from this sale will be used for projects at the ANBG. Our next sale will be in November 2014. Details of the date, time and plant descriptions will be made available during October 2014 on the ANBG Friends’ website
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