YOUTH SUNDAY FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 1650 Waddington Road, Nanaimo, BC V9S 4W3 Phone: 250-753-0241 · Fax: 250-753-0415 E-mail: [email protected] · Website: We extend a warm welcome to everyone worshipping with us today. Our prayer is that you experience Christ’s love in our worship and fellowship. Join us for tea and coffee in the Fellowship Café following both services. October 19, 2014 Morning Sermon Notes - October 19, 2014 WHEN GOD SPEAKS Hebrews 1:1-9 God spoke in the past through His prophets. (v. 1) Worship Leader - Trevor Rowell Platform Leaders - Youth Leaders WHEN GOD SPEAKS Pastor Rob Daley Scripture: Hebrews 1:1-9 (Pew Bible - Page 846) NAME TAGS We encourage all regular attendees to pick up your name tag each week on the Name Tag Bulletin Board. All GUESTS are invited to pick up your name tag at the Welcome Center. Your participation helps us care for one another. PRAYER AND PRAISE CARDS In the pews are Prayer and Praise cards which we encourage you to use. Our church family’s needs are vital to us and our staff, Elders and Sunday Prayer Teams would be honoured to pray with you. Please place your completed cards in the offering bags or drop it into the Prayer Box on the Ushers’ table. Today we celebrate our Youth Ministry and praise God for each teen who is worshiping and serving the Lord together with us this morning. You are making a difference in their lives as you support them in prayer and offer a word of encouragement! For You have been my hope, Sovereign Lord, my confidence since my youth. Psalm 71:5 GREETERS 9 am & 11 am Youth Next Week 9 am Derek & Kathleen Gaye 11 am Colleen Entner PRAYER TEAMS He speaks to us today. NURSERY TEAMS 9 am Patty Daley Colleen Entner Judy Anderson Noreen Chase He spoke at last through His Son. (vv. 2-9) 9 am Kimberly Jackson Vicky MacPherson 11 am Bill Cunningham Harold Smoker Ernie McClare Mel Bellefontaine 11 am Brenda Krastel Jennifer Bailey Before the service begins, please switch your cell phone to SILENT. Thanks! When God speaks He hides me in the cleft of the rock. When God speaks I listen - I don’t talk. Morning Star Poetry PRAYER CONCERNS THIS WEEK Pray without ceasing. 1 Thess. 5:17 GAMES & PRIZES! SNACKS & TREATS! CHURCH MINISTRIES Youth Ministry SPECIAL NEEDS Persecuted Church THOSE WHO ARE SHUT IN Elsie MacGillivray GLOBAL MISSIONARIES Tom & Grace Mei PRAISE God’s amazing grace LOCAL OUTREACH Lighthouse Ministries THOSE WHO ARE SICK & RECOVERING Jennifer Morley, Heather Schneidereit, Ed Borisenko FRIENDS & FUN! Nursery (Ages 0 to 2) Preschool (Ages 2 to 5) Nursery (Ages 0 to 2) Preschool (Ages 2 to 5) FALL FAIR Friday, Oct. 31 from 6-8 pm Grades 1 to 6) THE GREAT BIBLE READING CHALLENGE THIS WEEK’S READINGS (81 & 82) Romans 8 and Gal. 5:16 - 6:10 Invite your friends and neighbours to this safe, fun alternative where they can experience a warm welcome and God’s love at FBC. CANDY & CAKE DONATIONS Please help make our Fall Fair on Friday, Oct. 31 a great outreach to children and families by donating candy and baking cakes for the Cake Walk. Donations of candy can be placed in the bin below the balcony stairs. Thank you. BE INSPIRED AFRESH BY THE BIBLE The E100 Bible Reading Challenge is an initiative to encourage you to be inspired to meet God daily through the Bible - not just for the period of the Challenge, but beyond. Required for October 37,664.00 Required for October 8,200.00 Received on Oct. 12 6,976.15 Received on Oct. 12 1,588.55 Received this month 21,187.90 Received this month 5,688.55 Required by Oct. 31 386,132.00 Required by Oct. 31 82,000.00 Received YTD 360,560.23 Received YTD 64,925.55 PLEASE CLEARLY MARK BUILDING FUND CONTRIBUTIONS RUN WELL/FINISH STRONG ENVELOPES AVAILABLE IN THE PEWS UNDERSTANDING THE TRUTH OF CREATION Seven Persuasive Keys for Understanding the Truth of Creation Wednesday, Oct. 29 @ 7 pm Christ Community Church Guest Speaker - Dennis Petersen Dennis Petersen, a former museum curator and pastor, with extensive background in science, history, museums, administration and the Bible, founded The Creation Resource Foundation in 1983. He received his MA in History Museum Admin from the State University of New York in 1970. Petersen then served as curator and exhibits preparator for various California museums. His book and curriculum Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation communicate the greatness of God. There is no charge for admission to these presentations. An opportunity will be provided to make a donation. PARENT PANEL & YOUTH INFORMATION LUNCHEON Sunday, November 16th @ 12:30 pm Host - Pastor Randy Baker PURPOSES Evaluation Feedback 2014/15 Ministry Game-plan Overview PARENT PANEL Q & A A panel of parents who have made it through the teenage stage will address pre-planned and open forum questions for parents with teens. Soup, buns, veggies and drinks will be served. Childcare Provided Please RSVP to [email protected] BELIEVER’S BAPTISM OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD Operation Christmas Child brings joy and hope to children in desperate situations around the world through gift-filled shoeboxes and the Good News of God’s love. This program of Samaritan’s Purse gives people of all ages an opportunity to be involved in a simple hands-on missions project while focusing on the true meaning of Christmas – Jesus Christ. PICK UP A SHOEBOX IN THE FOYER TODAY ! ! Please return your filled shoeboxes by Sunday, Nov. 16 ICCS BLUE BANK CAMPAIGN Remember to turn in your Blue Banks TODAY for the Island Crisis Care Society. You can also donate online at BABY SHOWER All ladies are invited to a Baby Shower TODAY from 6-8 pm in the Lounge for ROWAN GABRIEL CONWAY born September 18, 2014. Come meet little Rowan and join with us in blessing the Conway family. NEWCOMER’S LUNCHEON We invite all those who are new to FBC in the last year to join us for our Newcomer’s Luncheon Sunday, Oct. 26 @ 12:30 pm Please RSVP by signing up on the Bulletin Board in the Foyer or contact Allison in the Office by phone (250-753-0241) or e-mail [email protected]). We rejoice with ANDRE CYR as he takes the important step of Believer’s Baptism. May the Lord strengthen and encourage you, Andre, as you continue to walk and trust in Him. We were therefore buried with Him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. Rom.6:4 WELCOME TO OUR NEW MEMBERS We are delighted to welcome GEORGE & SHARON MACDONALD into the membership at First Baptist Church. May God bless you and keep you close to His heart as we serve the Lord together. I love the house where You live, O Lord, the place where your glory dwells. Psalm 26:8 日本人学生は、あなたのおもてなしを必要とする JAPANESE STUDENTS NEED YOUR HOSPITALITY! From November 22 to December 4, 2014 a group of 54 students from Japan is going to visit Nanaimo Christian School. While they have a full program with schooling and sightseeing already arranged, they still need a bed to sleep in and a family to welcome them to Canada. It’s a chance for your family to get to know a different culture while sharing your faith. They are from Hatsushiba High School, just south of Kyoto. NCS hosted students from this school last year and it was a wonderful experience for students and host families alike. We will accommodate the needs of your family as to gender and age of the student and there will be a reimbursement for your costs of $28.00/day. Please consider opening your home and host a Japanese student. Contact [email protected], or (250-754-4512) and leave a message for Christina James – Homestay Coordinator / NCS International Department. ありがとう (Arigatō! Thank you!) Christina James OCTOBER 19 - 25 SUNDAY 9 am & 11 am 9:15-10:15 am 10:15-10:45 a.m. 11:15 am-12:15 pm 12:15-12:45 pm Family Worship Service Nursery (Ages 0 to 2) Little Kidz Time (Ages 2 to 5) Fellowship Café Little Kidz Time (Ages 2 to 5) Fellowship Café MONDAY 6 pm 6:30 pm Ladies’ Quilting Group JuBELLation Handbell Practice TUESDAY 1:30 pm 1:30 pm 6:15-8 pm Staff Meeting Ladies’ Bible Study Awana Kids’ Club WEDNESDAY 10 am - 12 pm 12:30-2:30 pm 6:30-9 pm Toddlers’ Playgroup Precept Upon Precept Bible Study Ladies’ Beth Moore Study CHILDREN’S MINISTRY CONFERENCE Saturday, Oct. 25 - 9 am to 4 pm All Awana, Kidz Time and Youth Leaders are encouraged to attend this training event. Registration is $15 (Free to all First Baptist CE volunteers) Don’t miss this great opportunity to grow in your outreach and ministry to kids! LIBRARY NEWS AUTHOR OF THE MONTH - KAY THURSDAY 3:45-4:45 pm 7-8:30 pm Kids’ Choir Practice Youth Night FRIDAY 3:30-4:30 pm Children’s Chime Choir SATURDAY 7:30 am Men’s Prayer Fellowship 9 am - 4 pm 9 am & 11 am FAMILY WORSHIP NURSERY (Ages 0 to 2) 9-10:15 am ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:15-10:15 am PRESCHOOL (Ages 2 to 5) 10:15-10:45 am 11:15 am - 12:15 pm The ministry’s name was eventually changed to Precept Ministries International (PMI), in order to more clearly communicate the organization’s focus of establishing people in God’s Word. Since co-founding Precept Ministries International, Kay has written more than 100 books and Bible studies, with over 11 million in print. Her inductive Bible studies are available in nearly 150 countries. FELLOWSHIP CAFÉ PRESCHOOL (Ages 2 to 5) KIDZ TIME (Grades 1-6) 12:15-12:45 pm FELLOWSHIP CAFÉ 12:30 pm NEWCOMER’S LUNCHEON Check out Kay and her second husband, Jack, were serving as missionaries in Mexico in the late 1960s when medical problems forced them to leave the mission field. They returned to their home base in Chattanooga, Tennessee, confident that the Lord had further plans for them. Jack became the station manager of a local Christian radio station, and Kay taught the Bible to teens in their living room. The number of teens attending Kay’s Bible study group steadily grew, and a 32-acre farm was purchased to accommodate the expanding ministry, which was named Reach Out Ranch. Some of the book titles Kay has authored are, Lord, Teach Me To Pray; Lord, Heal My Hurts Lord, I Want to Know You, Search My Heart Oh God and many more. Kay and Jack have dedicated four decades to equip Christians with the tools necessary to mine the Scriptures on their own. Come in and browse our selection of excellent books by Kay Arthur.
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