Document 359052

Phone: (919) 772-5294
Fax: (919) 772-0754
[email protected]
Church Office Hours
Mon-Thurs 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
8:30 am - 12 noon
Ministry Support Team
at The Treadaway Farm
from 3:00 - 6:00 pm
at 5800 Holland Church Road.
(Rain location will be Holland’s fellowship hall.)
Bring your lawn chairs and a dessert or side dish to share.
The church will provide hot dogs, hamburgers, all the fixings and drinks.
Inflatables and crafts will be available for all young children.
Ya’ll come and enjoy a great afternoon of good music,
food, crafts and games as we fellowship together,
while giving God all the glory, with our brothers and sisters in Christ!
In order to have plenty of food, please complete below before
Sunday, October 12th and place in the offering plate.
Please tear off and place in offering plate
# attending:
# preferring veggie burgers:
Please circle what you will bring:
lawn chairs
side dish
bottled water
Volunteer Opportunities! So that everyone enjoys the Hoedown, below are volunteer shifts to sign up for:
___take down tables/clean up (6:00 pm Sunday)
___deliver tables back to church (6:30 pm Sunday)
___supervise inflatable, check preferred time slot (great job for parents of young ones!)
_____3:00-3:30 pm _____ 3:30-4:00 pm _____ 4:00-4:30 pm
Lead Pastor
Gary E. Allred
[email protected]
Associate Pastor
Rich Cooper
[email protected]
Pastor/Congregational Care &
Spiritual Development
Jeremy Absher
[email protected]
Minister of Music
Traditional Worship
Pam Linke
[email protected]
_____ 4:30-5:00 pm
Minister of Music
Connexion Worship
Lisa Treadaway
[email protected]
Director of Youth &
Children’s Ministries
Susan Wright
[email protected]
Assistant Director of
Children’s Ministries
Jim Ellis
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant
Cindy Davidson
[email protected]
Financial Associate
Ellen Chambers
[email protected]
Facilities Manager
Kevin Bowman
[email protected]
Angela Stephenson
[email protected]
Handbell Director
Betty Bowes
[email protected]
___wash down tables/chairs (6:40 pm Sunday at church)
Nursery Coordinator
Grace Landau
[email protected]
Saturday, October 4
8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Please join us for the Craft Show located in the fellowship hall.
Experience food, fun, and fellowship!
Find unique gift items for family, friends and yourself.
See you there!
Men’s Spiritual Retreat
October 17 - 19, 2014
at Fort Caswell Baptist Retreat Center at Caswell Beach, NC
for fellowship, study, spiritual growth
and to increase Christ’s presence in our daily lives.
Cost is approximately $100.
Sign up soon - Space is limited to the first 30 men.
Friday, November 7, 2014
$9/plate - Dine In or Take Out
There are several ways to help out
in this great fundraising event for our church:
joining one of the BBQ committee teams.
(Sign up sheets will be in the narthex soon.)
some pork shoulders to defray costs.
(Sign up sheets will be available soon.)
or buy a dessert to donate.
take-out plates at your place of work.
for good weather and a hungry crowd!
BBQ wouldn’t be the same without dessert and we need YOU!
We are asking each family in the church to donate at least one dessert.
You don’t have to pre-cut your desserts.
The dessert committee will take care of that for you!
You may drop off your items in the choir room on
Thursday, November 6 or early Friday morning, November 7.
If you don’t have time to bake, store-bought desserts work wonderfully too.
We appreciate all your donations for the 4,000+ desserts,
and we need one for each BBQ plate.
The Young-at Heart Seniors will meet in the fellowship hall at 11:30 am on October 16 for our
monthly get together. This will be a covered dish luncheon and the entree (meat) will be furnished, so come and join us and bring a friend. Herb Brown will be presenting our program on the
missions that he so diligently supports, and we will have other special entertainment. Also, we
are planning a great Christmas trip by bus on December 4. You can learn more about the trip by
attending our October Meeting.
God Bless,
Two decades after it started, Operation Christmas Child continues
to deliver shoebox gifts and the Good News of Jesus Christ to boys
and girls around the world. Since 1993, more than 113 million
boys and girls in over 140 countries have experienced God’s love
through the power of simple shoebox gifts from Operation Christmas Child. Samaritan’s Purse works with local churches and ministry partners to deliver the gifts and share the life-changing Good
News of Jesus Christ.
Whether their needs are physical or spiritual, the millions of boys
and girls who have received shoeboxes have experienced powerful blessings through these simple
gifts. Each gift is not only filled with toys, hygiene items and school supplies, but also with the
power of prayer.
“We ask people to pray as a family as you pack the boxes,” Franklin Graham said. “Pray that God
would use them. We have seen miracle after miracle of how God has used a box.”
Prepare your shoebox gift and bring it to any of the 3 worship services on Sunday, November 16.
Brochures can be found in the narthex. More information can be found at or
contact a Kindred Hearts member at [email protected].
Hey everyone!
I hope you have enjoyed my videos so far. I’ve enjoyed making them. Robin (my lovely
wife) makes fun of me the whole time. We giggle a lot. That’s what marriage is all about
(you know, she makes fun of me and I take it). I will be doing some more of that type of
thing down the road. If you would like to be added to the children’s ministry mailing list
send me an e-mail at [email protected]
One of my goals for this school year is to find ways for our children to learn to be with God
throughout the week; not just on Sundays. The children have offered many amazing ideas
of things they already do; pray before meals, pray before bed, pray on the way to school.
We want them to, throughout the school year, learn to find a new and exciting way to find
Christ/God/Bible on days other than Sunday. I call it the “Not Just Sunday” campaign.
This effort becomes exponentially more powerful with help from our parents and extended
church family. Would you help us? If you or your child does something amazing with or for
God during the week, post about it on one of our Facebook pages and use the hashtag #NJS;
Not Just Sundays. Your posts will help me celebrate their accomplishment and, who knows,
there may be a few new ideas to pass around.
Jim Ellis
[email protected]
UMYF Simple Suppers
Simple suppers have become an important and much appreciated part of UMYF on Sunday
evenings! The suppers provide physical nourishment as well as a time of fellowship
among the youth.
We are sincerely grateful to all our parents of youth, other individuals, and groups
(Sunday School classes, UMM, women's circles, etc.) who helped provide supper for UMYF
this past year! We cannot provide a simple but nutritious meal for our youth each week
without your participation. So we invite you all once again to sign up by following this
link on Sign-Up Genius to sign up for a date to provide a meal for our youth at UMYF on Sunday evening at http://
Simple suppers are meals with an entrée, a side item and dessert. Suggestions include hot dogs, pizza, chili, tacos, sub sandwiches, etc. Healthy items such as fruit are a welcome addition. Tea, lemonade, paper products,
and ice are provided. When you sign up, please identify the meal your group plans to provide in the comment
section so we know the types of food that have been served throughout the year.
Don't be concerned about feeding a large number of teens! We have menu ideas and helpful hints. We also have
adult volunteers who oversee the supper to help the folks who are providing the meal for the evening.
After supper, you are welcome to stay and get a sneak peek into all the wonderful things happening in the youth
group! Thank you for providing not only food but also hospitality to our young people!
Our Busch Gardens day-trip is October 18. We will leave the church at 6:00 am on October 18 by charter bus, stay until closing, and then return by 2:00 am on Sunday
Pilgrimage is an annual event where thousands of youth from the NC Methodist Conference converge at the Crown Coliseum in Fayetteville for music, testimonies, and worship. This year’s Pilgrimage is November 7-9. We will begin
our retreat eating Holland’s BBQ together on Friday at 5:00 pm before leaving
for Pilgrimage. We will be staying at “The Well” which is Brian Wellborn’s
church community in Fayetteville. On Sunday, we plan to return around 1:00
pm. Registration forms are on Holland’s Youth Facebook page and in the youth room and they are due October
11. The cost is $75 (a significant decrease from last year due to our special housing situation!) and is due November 2. All meals for Saturday and Sunday breakfast are included. Additional money is needed for BBQ and any
drinks or snacks at the Coliseum.
Blood Drive: Sunday, October 19, 11:00 am -
Church League Basketball:
3:30 pm. Make an appointment by signing up at
the sheet outside the church office, or sign up
grades 6-12 interested in playing church league
basketball should sign up on the Youth Ministries
bulletin board. The last day to sign up is Sunday, October 5. If you are interested, please
contact Dave Woodall, [email protected] or
W.C. Hudson, [email protected].
Library News: The Holland’s UMC Library
has been completely re-cataloged. The collection is in the process of being put into the Holland’s online database in order for everyone to
see what the library has to offer and to check
out. However, we need some help from our patrons. If you have checked out any books or
other media, please return it so that Claudia
Baker and Gail Stephens can be sure that this
media is included in the database and we have a
complete listing of all our books, DVD’s, study
guides, etc. Thank you for your patronage and
your cooperation.
Pecans: First Journey Circle will be selling pecans for the holidays beginning in October. Contact any circle member, Dianne Sorrell
or Donna Burnette to make your orders.
Hand in Hand Volunteer Recruitment:
Thank you to everyone who has signed up to volunteer for Hand in Hand Ministry! We are still in
need of 3 prayer partners to pray and encourage
a staff member. We are always recruiting for
readers/mentors (30 minutes each week). Volunteer forms are available in the narthex. For
more information, contact Joanie Smothers, 919
-773-4612; Donna Hayes, 919-662-1197; or Karen
Wilkins, 919-779-6241.
YAM JAM News: A local sweet potato gleaning event, is being expanded this year to include
4 consecutive Saturdays: October 4, 11, 18
and 25. If you or your group, i.e. Sunday
school, UMM, UMW, UMYF, etc. would like to
glean (harvest) leftover sweet potatoes from
designated local sweet potato fields, please
contact Rebecca Page at the Society of St. Andrew, 919-533-9609 or email her at [email protected]
The Society of St. Andrew operates a statewide,
volunteer-driven, gleaning network that coordinates with local farmers, thousands of volunteers and food-providing agencies. Through this
network, they coordinate volunteers who actually enter fields after farmers have finished harvesting and simply pick up the tons of good produce left behind.
Sweet potato harvest season is the best season
of the year for gleaning opportunities in the triangle area! The volume of sweet potatoes
grown in the eastern triangle area far surpasses
all other food crops grown in this area during
the year. Although we glean TONS of sweet potatoes each fall, we still leave TONS behind.
More gleaners always result in more sweet potatoes saved. Every gleaner makes a difference
for local people in need. We NEED you! Did you know?
you order from you can designate
Holland’s UMC to receive .5% of your purchase
order. Just follow this link: and designate Holland’s
as your charity of choice.
Missions Moments: Would you like to serve
as a volunteer leader for the Emergency Relief
Team at Holland’s? If so, please contact Cathy
Katen at [email protected], or Lynn
Singletary at [email protected]
The Missions Team is collecting photos and DVDs
of 2014 missions trips. If you have any you
would like to share with the team, please submit to Cathy Katen or Lynn Singletary.
Missionary of the Month for Sept/Oct:
Cody Woodall works with Campus Outreach at
NC State University where he invests his life in
college students in order to share the Gospel
and make disciples of Christ. Cody is the son of
Dave and Karen Woodall and has been a member
of Holland’s for 22 years.
True Heroes
We live in a world in which we need to share responsibility. It’s easy to say, “It’s not my child,
not my community, not my world, not my problem.” Then there are those who see the need
and respond. I consider those people my heroes.
UMCmarket - Giving Made Easy!: Every
United Methodist Church in the US now is registered at the UMCmarket. Sign up your email
with UMCmarket and a portion of what you purchase from designated stores (Lowes, Staples,
Walgreens, Office Depot, etc.) will be given to
Holland’s UMC. Please note in the search we
are “Hollands” in Raleigh, NC. Here’s what you
How do I become a member?
Go to our home page at Enter
your email address and a password of your
choice in the JOIN NOW box down to the left.
You have now signed up to UMCmarket!
How do the donations I create end up at my
After joining, go to Box 2 to find your church. If
you have trouble finding your church, try to
search for the name (exclude UMC or United
Methodist, etc.) and add the town you’re located in. When you find it, click on the green
JOIN ORGANIZATION button. This now means
your donations will go to the church or ministry
you select.
October 4: Craft Sale
October 4: Ivan Parker Concert
October 12: Sermon Series Begins
(Rescue Mission)
October 17-19: UMM Retreat
October 19: Red Cross Blood Drive
Rescue Mission: October 12-26
October 12: Rescue the Perishing (Luke 15:1-10)
October 19: Whose Mission Is It Anyway?
October 19: Holland’s Hoedown at
Treadaway Farm
(Luke 19:1-10)
October 26: There’s No Place Like Home
October 25: Holland’s Family Movie
(Luke 15:11-32)
November 2: All Saints Sunday
November 2: Sermon Series Begins
Preparing the Way: November 2 - November 30
(Preparing the Way)
November 2: Daylight-Saving Time Ends
November 7: Holland’s BBQ
November 7-9: Youth Pilgrimage
November 16: New Member Luncheon
November 18: Charge Conference
November 20: Bryan-Lee Service of
November 2: Prepare the Way By Remembering the Saints
(1 John 3:1-3)
November 9: Prepare the Way By Making a Difference
(Luke 10:25-37)
November 16: Prepare the Way with a God-ward Vision
(John 6:1-13)
November 23: Prepare the Way through Cheerful Giving
(2 Corinthians 8:9, 9-18)
November 23: Gifts & Generosity
November 30: Prepare the Way (Mark 1:1-8)
Commitment Sunday
November 27: Thanksgiving Day
November 30: First Sunday of Advent
Wednesday Night Live Schedule
5:15-5:45 JAM Choir
5:30-6:00 Righteous Ringers - 108
5:45 - 6:30 WNL Supper
6:10-6:30 Chimes
6:30-7:15 Kingdom Kids
6:30-8 Leadership Lab:
Equipping World-Changing Disciples
6:30 - 7:15 pm Pastor’s Class
6:30-7:30 Adult Handbell Choir
6:30-7:30 Connexion Band Rehearsal
7:15-8:45 Chancel Choir Rehearsal
7:30 pm Prayer Works
We are a caring community that invites
and equips people to follow Jesus.
November, 2014 newsletter articles are due by
October 20, 2014.
Please email to [email protected]