Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 Worship Hours Monday-Saturday 8:00am Mass Saturday 5:00pm Vigil Mass Sunday 8:00am &10:00am Mass 6:30pm Twilight Mass Holy Days 8:00am and 7:30pm Reconciliation Saturday 3:45-4:30pm or by Appointment Baptism & Marriages Please contact the Parish Office. For Marriages please call the parish office six months in advance. Our Mission at Most Holy Redeemer Most Holy Redeemer Parish is a Christian Community in the Roman Catholic Tradition. The Parish draws people from isolation to community, from searching to awakening, from indifference to concern, from selfishness to meaningful service, from fear in the midst of adversity to faith and hope in God. The community of Most Holy Redeemer shares God’s compassionate love with all people. The parish offers a spiritual home to all: senior citizens and youth; single people and families; those who are straight, gay, lesbian, and transgendered; the healthy and the sick, particularly persons with HIV disease. As a parish community, we celebrate God’s loving presence in our lives. In worship and sacrament, especially the Eucharist, we are nurtured and challenged to extend God’s kingdom of justice, truth, love and peace by growing in the spirit of Jesus, the Most Holy Redeemer. Worship Hours Monday - Saturday 8:00AM Mass Saturday Vigil Mass 5:00PM Reconciliation 3:45PM - 4:30PM Sunday Mass 8:00AM and 10:00AM Twilight Mass 6:30PM Holy Days 8:00AM and 7:30PM This Week at Our Parish Monday, October 20 7pm Centering Prayer - Church 7pm Finance Council Meeting - Rectory Tuesday, October 21 10am - Noon Gardening 7pm Social Justice Meeting - Rectory Wednesday, October 22 1pm - 8pm Wednesday Night Suppers - Ellard Hall Thursday, October 23 10am - Noon Gardening 7pm Choir Rehearsal - Church Saturday, October 25 10am Reconnecting - Rectory 11am - 1pm Gardening Sunday, October 26 Coffee Hour after 8am and 10am Masses Library open after 8am and 10am Masses Mass Celebrants Saturday, October 25, 5pm - Fr. Matt Sunday, October 26, 8am - Fr. Jack Sunday, October 26, 10am - Fr. Matt Sunday, October 26, 6:30om - Fr. Jack Fr. Jack’s Message When I think about a silent retreat, I always think it is a good thing for someone else. But when Sr. Cathy asked me if I would like to go with our group to Mercy Center, I answered before thinking, and I’m glad I did. There’s something very holy about being of one mind and one heart in shared silence, intent on knowingly being in a shared acknowledgement of the presence of God. The quiet was much appreciated. Our retreat master brought to mind for us what he called the constant chatter in our physical and mental worlds and the benefit of quieting ourselves. What’s the hurry and what’s the rush became a part of the weekend for me. There were nearly a dozen of us from MHR who shared this weekend of quiet. We noticed how connecting it is to share silence in the way we did. I am reminded of the intimate expression that is ours when we are at Eucharist together. I notice it when volunteers are standing beside each other waiting to take out trays of food to our guests I hear it when we are praying for one another in the Amens we speak and sing at Church. Then there are those individual agreements so many of you have with one another, and the wishing of good things for one another. Have a great week, Fr. Jack Living God’s Word We pray to recognize what it means to be a good citizen, giving to our country what is needed for the support of the common good. And we pray to discern wisely when loyalty to Christ and the building up of the kingdom of God may call for a response that challenges what civil authorities propose. Daily Readings October 20 - 26 Monday: Eph. 2:1-10, Lk. 12:13-21 Tuesday: Eph. 2:12-22, Lk. 12:35-38 Wednesday: Eph. 3:2-12, Lk. 12:39-48 Thursday: Eph. 3:14-21, Lk. 12:49-53 Friday: Eph. 4:1-6, Lk. 12:54-59 Saturday: Eph. 4:7-16, Lk. 13:1-9 Sunday: Ex. 22:20-26, 1Thes. 1:5c-10, Mt. 22:34-40 Stewardship October 11th and 12th Saturday 5pm $406.00 Sunday 8am $717.00 Sunday 10am $2,411.00 Sunday 6:30pm $500.00 Outside Mass $220.00 Collection Total $4,254.00 Thank you for your generosity! The MHR Parish is a faith community in the Roman Catholic tradition. The MHR community reflects and fosters this religious experience in an atmosphere of welcome and inclusion. MHR AIDS Support Group Volunteers Much Needed: If you are available for a couple of hours a week and are a good listener, you can bring comfort and companionship to our clients. Most of our clients are middle-aged long-term survivors. Currently, we need help for clients living in: Mid-Market - Franklin at Market, The Western Addition - Fillmore between McAllister and Fulton, The Tenderloin - Ellis between Polk and Larkin and The Western Addition - O'Farrell at Fillmore. A few hours of your time can bring much comfort to the lonely. Catherine's House Retreats: The schedule of remaining retreats at Catherine's House is: October 27 - 30 or 31 November 17 - 20 December 15 - 18 These are unstructured retreats for HIV+ persons and their caregivers. Catherine's House is on 80 acres of lush forest, meadows, and wildlife in the Sierra foothills, near Sheep Ranch, approximately 4 hours from San Francisco. Transportation is provided from the Market Street Safeway parking lot in front of Jamba Juice. The suggested fee is $10 to $40 per day but no one is turned away for lack of funds (see the ASG office). These retreats tend to fill up quickly. To make a reservation, call toll-free 888-644-4584. For more information, call the ASG office at 863-1581. Parish Library Notes The library is open for your browsing and borrowing after the Sunday 8 and 10 AM Masses. Our parish web site allows you to search the library by title, author, subject, or media (enter "DV" or "CD"). If you see an item that interests you, click on it for more info and, if you wish, then click on "Reserve this item" to send an email to the librarian and the item will be ready for you. The MHR Parish family provides a caring environment where a sense of community is nurtured and grows. This takes place through the many ministries and programs of the Pastoral, Administration, Social and Worship Committees. Community Life Tuesday, October 21st, 7pm-8:30pm Library - Drop in Grief Support Group Meeting email [email protected] Tuesday, October 21st, 7:30pm - Young Adults Group - In the Children’s Room - Email [email protected] for more information. Saturday, November 1st, 4pm to 7pm and Sunday, November 2nd, 9am to 3pm in Ellard Hall - The 2nd Annual Most Holy Redeemer Art Show and Sale. Sunday, November 2nd, “Haunted by God” - The Dorothy Day Story. 2pm at Most Holy Redeemer. Friday, November 7th - 6pm to 8pm - Garden Twilight Garden Gathering - See below Saturday, November 8th - Save the Date! The Annual Most Holy Redeemer Spaghetti Cook-off and Dinner after the 5pm Mass in Ellard Hall. More info to come! November 14th-16th: Young Adults Retreat in Guerneville Suggested donation is $25. Email [email protected] to sign up or for more information. “Like us” on Facebook: Most Holy Redeemer Church Our Parish Community Birthdays Jerry Braun, Gregory Plummer, Bob Schmeisser, Stephen Matlaga, Bridget Harrington, Paul Trujillo, Brad jones, Raul De La Torre, John Chappuis, Mark Okashima, John Schwobeda and Nancy Ramamurthi. Grief Support Group at MHR The next Drop–in Grief Support meeting is Tuesday, October 21st. The group is co-led by a licensed therapist and will take place in the parish library from 7pm - 8:30 pm. The group is LGBT friendly and there is no restriction of the type of lass. For questions please email [email protected] or call (415) 640-4251. Calling all MHR Artists! MHR will be hosting our Second Annual Art Show here in Ellard Hall on Saturday, November 1st 4 to 7pm and Sunday November 2nd 9am to 3pm. This is a heads up for all artists to get busy working on masterpieces to display at the show. Please pick up a flyer in the church entrance for info. Support the Castro Senior Center! The Seniors at the Castro Senior Center in Ellard Hall hold a weekly Flea Market every Wednesday from 9am to 11am. There are many bargains just waiting to be discovered! A Twilight Garden Gathering The new MHR LBGTQ group presents, "A Twilight Garden Gathering" on Friday November, 7th from 6:00 to 8:00 here at MHR. Please bundle up and join us for a casual evening of drinks and hor d'oeuvres as we kick off our inaugural event. Just for the sake of being social! ╬ Mass Intentions ╬ Our Mass celebrants will remember the following intentions during the celebration of the Eucharist: Saturday, October 18 8am Vivi Blanquie † 5pm Rod Cathcart and Walter Fernandes Sunday, October 19 8am MHR Parishioners 10am Jamie Martinez 6:30pm John Squeri † Monday, October 20 8am Mary Walsh † Tuesday, October 21 8am Tom Kelly † Wednesday, October 22 8am Dorothy Mae Stokes Little † Thursday, October 23 8am Frank Squitteri † Friday, October 24 8am Stephen Toms † Saturday, October 25 8am The Ellards † 5pm Peter Cuomo † Contact the Parish Office at 415-863-6259 to donate towards the Church flowers or to have Mass celebrated for a special intention. Prayer Requests: AJ Anderson, Gene Barduson, Mary Bass, Dave Borstel, Karen Brunaman, Victor Cadiz, Philip Carrizosa, Fr. John Conley, Marilyn Faulk, Bonnie Fernandes, Wallace Green, Ellen Grund, Ben Gundrum, Teri Hemeker, Ellie Howes, Elsa Kane, Robert Kane, Maggie Kenny, Don Lynch, Bernie Maddox, Edna Mailom, Stephen Matlaga, Gerald McCann, John McCann, Ronald McCann, William Moore, Judie Neitge, Rick Odelli, Frank Olszewski, Allan Orler, Sheryl Ostroski, Hugh Pettis, Dave Vargas, Jeanne Vicini, Nancy Walter and †Jeff Galaviz†. MHR Parish Registration New parishioner? Birthday, Anniversary, sacraments, milestones? Notices and announcements? Did we miss your birthday? We are sorry if we did. Let us know when your birthday was, by updating your information with the Parish Office at Most Holy Redeemer 100 Diamond Street San Francisco, CA 94114 Parish Office: Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-12:30pm/1:30pm-5pm Closed Holidays Phone: 415-863-6259 Fax: 415-552-8786 Visit us on the web: Most Holy Redeemer Parish Staff Fr. Jack McClure, C.PP.S., Pastor [email protected] Fr. Matt Link, C.PP.S., Parochial Vicar [email protected] Michael Poma, Parish Manager [email protected] Will Ives, Secretary [email protected] PARISH COMMITTEES Pastoral Council [email protected] Kellyn Antolak, Co-chair Paul Hufstedler, Co-chair Finance Council [email protected] Marc Colelli, Chair Administration [email protected] Jim Stockholm, Chair Community Life [email protected] Larry Steffensen, Chair Worship [email protected] Nanette Miller, Chair Environment [email protected] Jim DeWan, Chair MHR AIDS Support Group 100 Diamond Street San Francisco, CA 94114 415-863-1581 Phone 415-552-8786 Fax Monday-Friday: 9am-2pm Peter Toms, AIDS Support Group Program Coordinator [email protected] PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........ 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Traditional and Cremation Services Call for Free Information on Pre-Planning 500 Westlake Avenue • Daly City (415) 587-4500 FD1098 DRE # 01447775 Vince Beaudet and Suzanne Boyle DRE # 00742562 Working for MHR parishioners for over 30 years! We are dedicated members with service on parish council,Wednesday night suppers, AIDS support group restoration committee, and Sunday coffee hour WHY IS IT? Call us for a free consultation 415.861.5200 800-566-6150 • Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. Support Your Church & Bulletin. Free professional ad design & my help! email: [email protected] Arthur J. Sullivan & Co. FUNERAL & CREMATION SERVICES 415-621-4567 • Burials • Cremations • Shipping Call Kerry Washinko 800.231.0805 Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. Saint Margaret Sunday Missal sonal Companion r e P r through 2030 You Prayer Designed to be Readings • Reflections • Prayers In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. 800-566-6150 • $39.95 2254 Market St. San Francisco Celebrating 80 years! Jim & Jerry Lynn Sullivan, Parishioners Ample parking — Centrally located BRINGING THE EXTRAORDINARY HOME John is the acknowledged expert in helping his clients buy and sell houses and transform them into homes! John Solaegui (Say it like So-Leggy) 415-738-7232 [email protected] Book of the Gospels A special gift for your parish, deacons, ordinations, weddings. Bonded leather with illustrations from the Vatican art collection. Gift Boxed. $350.00 800-566-6150 World Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 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