<:,) ..... '"' ~ ~(, 0i .--"" ~ ;r. - ~ -::: - .... '-' ~ . ..;'" . a.a., di.rA. PRINCIPAL'S Right Rer. MM/sig,,,,/, ,Vld1aho/l, Rev Fathe/'s, Rer-. firothel"S, Ladies and Gentlemen. My first words are of congratulation to his Grace the Archbishop on the occasion of his Episcopal Silver Jubilee. His Grace has always shown a warm interest in the Terrace. We wish him many more years of fruitful rule over the affairs of our Archdiocese. The Catholic world and indeed the whole world was recently plunged into mourning at the death of the Sovereign Pontiff Pope Pius XII Our ag~ is inestimably the poorer for the passing of a Pontiff who must surely have been one of the outstanding rulers of the Church since the days of St Peter While we thus express our sorrow we con gratulate and offer our humble obedience to his successor Pope John XXIII May his reign be long and fruitful. For many years now our numbers have shown a steady annual increase. This year our peak enrolment was seven hundred and eighty boys. Just ten years ago the numbers were three hundred and forty. You can see that we have had to search every possibi Iity to accommodate such on increase. Saturation point must be very near at hand, and new school rooms in course of erection wi II not so much cater for added enrolments as provide better accommo dation for some existing classes and allow for the division of Sub-Leaving and Leaving Classes when this becomes necessary. There is also the possibility that the Public Examination system may change in the near future making it neces sary to separate LeaVing Certificate from Matriculation students. At the close of last year, Miss Flanagan, a teacher of fourteen years standing at the Ter race, reti red from the College staff. A more faithful and loyal staff member it would be diffi cult to imagine. Late this year Miss Mercia Scott found that ill-health made it necessary for her to retire from her position of Dancing Instructor Like Miss Flanagan r Miss Scott has qiven many years of very devoted service to the Terrace boys. I om exceedingly qrateful to both of these ladies who must find great satis faction in the knowledge of what they have done for so many young men who have passed through their hands. Early in the year we welcomed Mrs. Leen who r by her ready co-operation in every way, has fitted admirably into our teaching staff REPORT On 8th September a very old friend of the College r well-known to many of the earl ier I C.B.C. boys, passed to his eternal reward. refer to the late Mr George No/an who for many years taught at C.B.C. and for many years afterwards was frequently to be seen at Prayer in the College Chapel. May his soul rest in Peace. After many months of negotiating and of fluctuating fortunes we were at last able to an nounce success in our arrangements for 0 build ing loan. This enables us to finance the build ing of 0 new and up-ta-dote Science and class room block. Here I wish to express my very sincere thanks to Mr. T. Fitzhardinge of the AM P. Society for his very great help, co-oper ation ond advice It was very much through Mr Fitzhardinge's help that our efforts were suc cessful I wish to thank also Mr. Fred Chaney, M. H. R., who gave much of his time and advice in overcoming certain early difficulties and Mr. John Lavan, of Lavan and Wo Ish, for handl ing the legal side of negotiations. Mr A B. Power is the building contractor and at the time of writing this report the new school rooms and science rooms are already advancing rapidly through the stages of construction. Certain problems relating to the foundations were re vealed when the old science room was demolish ed. Further complicorions were caused by the high water table at one end of the building. However, after some necessary delay caused by the re-planning of these foundations, the En gineers and Builder have completely overcome the early problems It was necessary to excav ate to fifteen feet in some places ta construct suitable concrete foundation and piers. The new building will contain four class rooms, Senior Chemistry laboratory, Senior Physics laboratory, Demonstration Room, Bal ance Room as well as store rooms and mainten ance rooms. The fall of the land has been utilised at one end to provide an all weather play shelter and gymnasium as well as a toilet block and shower room. The project will cost approximately thirty thousand pounds and we should be in the new building early in the new year. Public Examination results were very grati fying Twenty-nine boys sat for their Leaving Certificate Of these twenty-three passed fully and five obtained partial passes. Twenty-one ·JJL.~J ....J:.,·/·,·j·ll/ HI·,};" "./1/ "'1/(' C);",) ,cl;,., 11" , :-J..J '/ d 1.. /}, (;:) ,·c/,!,/..I "f' "I : )~, tf, PRI NCI PAL'S REPORT (continued) matriculated fully and three more completed their matriculation at the supplementary C'x examinations. Fifty boys obtained their Junior Certificate. Fifty-six passed Sub-Junior and one hundred and seven pas:5ed First Year Secondary Examinations. Hugh Cahill, winner of a Sir Thomas Coombe Scholarship, and Phi lip Hosemann, who won a Lynn scholarship, are to be congratulated on their achievement Both scholarships are awarded on results in the Junior Certificate 2xamination. Word has come from England announcing the conferring of a Doctorate of Philosophy on Leslie H. Little, an Old Boy of the Terrace. Dr Little has been on a chemical research scholarship in Cambridge after completing his BSc with Hon ours at the University of West Australia. He soen leave:; England to take up a research post doctorate scholarship in Canada. We had the pleasure during the year of a short visit from Br V. C. McKenna, M.Sc., who, as president of bLlth the Science Teachers' As sociation of Victoria and the Catholic Science Teachers' Association, represented his State at 1he recent Australian Science Teachers' Associ ation conference in Perth. Br. McKenno is at present engaged in Nuclear Physics research and lecturing in the University of Melbourne. While speaking of schuul-home co-operation one conviction is becoming stronger in my mind with each succeeding year: For a child to be happy and normal to be able to fit in with the rest of his classmates two things are (] great help;first, a Mother in the home when he arrives back from school and second, the security a child enjoys when he feels he is an important and loved member of the family important in this sense that he feels he has his full share of affection in an affectionate home. I do not intend to en la rge on these poi nts beyond expressing my strong feeling that many "difficult" children are difficult because they have lacked this supervision, or have not enjoyed those normal marks of affection that most peo ple take for granted. Parents were circularised early in the year in viting them to insure their children against ac cident Two schemes were offered, the first providing cover during school hours and while travelling to and from school. The second gave twenty-four hour coverage and included vacation time. The premiums were five and ten shillings per child per annum respectively with a maxi mum premium of fifteen shillings per family in the one case and thirty shillings in the other. By 0 majority of about four to one parents fa v I would strongly re our:::·d the full coverage. commend all parents to make use of one or other of these schemes. Many boys have made claims and I have seen quite a number who wished too late they had insured against acci dent We also had a visit from Dr Vincent Williams who has been carrying out research in organic Chemistry in Canada. Dr Williams passed his Leaving Certificate at the Terrace in 1947 Banking facilities have recently been made available to the boys and one morning every week they have the opportunity of operating on their savings account Early in the year the College joined in the school children's pageant in honour of Her Majesty the Queen Mother We were proud to take our part in welcoming this very gracious Royal visitor. The boys have shown 0 fine spirit of devotion and it is the most important function of the College to foster this spirit The Captain of the College and Head Prefect for 1958 was Kevin Edwards Any College could be proud of 0 Captain who carried out his duties os consciLT:tiously and efficiently os did Kevin. H is contribution to the School Spirit was very real an:J practical. He was ably seconded by the Vice-Captain, John French, and also by a very fine band of prefects A school tone and spirit a:-e in very great measure set by the Pre fects The Dux for the year was Francis Batini I congratulate him on a well deserved honour During the year I have been privileged to en joy the full co-operation of the parents It gives one great confidence when parents are solidly helpful After all, proper training of the young is possible only where School and family wo:-k together A roster of mothers on tuck shop duties acts as a pulse enabling me to keep check on the general well being of the College. The training of the boys in the ordinary secular studies is looked on as second only to the duty of leading them to the love and service of God. When our pupils and ex-pupils make the teachings of their Faith their guiding principles throughout life in all its aspects, secular and religious, then the Brothers feel their work has succeeded; but where a post pupil has fallen away from his Faith, no matter how high he may rise in the world of science or arts, we feel we hove not succeeded in what counts most Fr Foley has been a very devoted Chaplain and he has always been a very welcome visitor to the College. Fr. Foley is of course himself an Old Boy of the Terrace. Last year, five of our boys entered St Charles' Seminary, one left to enter our own training college, while three other boys of the College were clothed in the religious habit of our own Order This is a fine record for one year Indications are that this year will be almost os fruitful in vocations. PRINCIPAL'S REPORT (continued) The Army Cadets under B'other Marphett and lhe ATC. under Br. Travers closed a very suc cessful year's activities with a most impressive march out ceremony in the presence of Major General Harrison and Air-Commodore Watson. The presence of the Western Com,nand Band under W.O. James added to the success of the occasion. A large gathering of parents and friends enjoyed a particularly w.ell organised demonstration. Earlier in the year a combined Army and ATC Anzac Day Ceremonv hod been observed. A very loyal Old Boy in the per son of Colonel Barrett eXlJlained the significance ot the day to the assembled Cadets. Peter Twine was awarded on ATC Flying scholarship but relinquished it to enter the Redemptorist Fathers' Training College In Galong, N.S.W. Winners of the Miss Mercia Scott dancing prizes were Hugh Cahill and Philip Hosemonn. They are congratulated on their success. This year two of our seniar boys were members of the AB.C Youth Orchestral Concert Committee. They took great interest in their work and I feel every encouragement should be given to such practical efforts mode to improve the cultural standards of our young people. This year for the first time our senior boys who had reoched the requisite age attended 0 car-driving course both practical and theo retical conducted by the National Safety Council. I am groteful to the Council and its instructors Mr Warman and "Ar. Raper for their very capable handlinq of the course. The boys earned the congratulations of their instructors for their proficiency. Again we had a pleasing reco~d in the Christ ian Brothers' Eisteddfod. Our successes in cluded the Shields for solo and duet items and we lost the cho~al aggreqate shield by 0 very narrow margin. For individual performances first place went to John Gasiorowski (Open Solo), Paul Wells (Under 13 Solo), Denis Rees (Under 12 Solo), John Dawson (Under J 1 Solo), and to John Gasiorowski and John Papoo (Open Duet) In effect our boys won the first three places in the open SOlO, the first two places in the Open Duet, second and third places in the Under 14 Solo. First and third places in the Under 13 Solo, first in the Under 12 Solo, and first and second in the Under 11 Solo. In the Elocut ion section the College wen the Aggregate Shield Colin Cook won first p'ace in the Under J 4 Section and Gerard Ryder vias first in the Under 11 We also obtained second place in the Open Division as well as second and third places in the Under 13. I conqratulate the staff members on thei r successes. M~s. Piff our Elocution Mistress deserves special com mendation for her work. Here, also, I express thanks and appreciation to our pianists, Mrs. Kerr and Mrs. Feakes. Our seniar football and cricket teams had en joyable and successful seasons Our under age teams were particularly promising. In the State Tennis Championships, Colin Bell, John Bever ley, Michael Edgley and Alan D'Orsogna gave o good account of themselves. During the sea son we fielded seven hockey teams and Robert Bubb deserved his selection in the State School boy team. I wish to thank those Old Boys, Ker shaw DeCourtenay, particularly, who gave so much time to coaching the boys In the Inter-School Swimming Carnival the Ter race won the Senior Cup and narrowly missed bringing home the other cups. In the combined Athletics meeting our boys excelled themselves; winning five out of a pos sible six cups. Neville Murphy was our out standing athlete winning both the mile and 440 yards comfortably from strong opposition. Neville again distinguished himself at the Schoolboy State Athletic Championships by win ning the under 18 880 yards title. At the same meeting Pat Gianoncelli set a new State recard in the under 18 Shot Putt Both these boys are to be congratulated on winning State Champion ships. I commend, also, Patrick King, James McManus and John Burrell who were runners-up in State titles. During the year the boys played their first games on the oval being developed as a Terrace home ground just opposite C10ntarf Bays' Town. An irrigation system has been set up and change and shower rooms have been erected After we have overcome drainage problems we should hove a first class oval. Again I thank my Ladies' Tuckshop Commit tee. The roster of mothers has worked very smcothly, and thouqh we have sa many functions during the year Mrs Lalar the President, and Mrs Rowe our Secretary, never fail to organise a willing band of helpers. The ladies in charge of the various days deserve special thanks. I am very grateful to them. And now a word of aO;::Jreciation to my staff who have worked so cheerfully durinq the year and who hove made things so easy for me by their ready co-oper ation I express my aratitude to the Brothers, to Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Tebneff, and Mrs. Leen, and to Messrs. Kelly, Hickey, and Beverley. And lastly I am very proud of the boys of CBC They have shown a fine, happy spirit and are very proud of their school. To those who are leaving us I wish every success, I know they will always be worthy boys of CB.C. And a final word of thanks to Monsignor Mc Mahon. He has always been a warm friend of the College. We are honoured to hove him with us /958 PRIZES SCHOLASTIC Leaving Class: Second Year Green: Christian Doctrine: Christian Doctripe: Maxwell Hyde Dux: John Sorensen. Second: Paul Coffey. ~hird: Maxwell Hyde. Fourth: Raymond Harrcld. Fifth: Maxwell Angus. Barr}' Baskerville. Dux and A.N.Z. Prize for Mathematics: Frank Batini. Second Place and Albert Prize for Histcry and Lite,'ature: Paul Sl. John. Third Place: John French. Sixth Grode Blue: Christian Doctrine: Michael Gurry. Dux: David Burvill. Second: David Edmiston. TI1ird: Brian Slyth. Frurth: John Murphy. Fiftll: David Truslove. Sixth Grade Green: Fourth Place: Alan Thornhill. Fifth Place: Michael McGowan. Sub-Leaving Class: Christian Doctrine: Paul Steele, Dux: livio Mina. Second: Phi lip Hosemann. Third: Hugh Cahill. Fourtll: Frederick Komadi na. Fifth: Peter Jacoby. Junior Blue: Christian Doctrine: Patt'ick Maher. Dux: James Maguire. Second: Roland Melior. Third: Peter Tichelaar. Fourth: Anthcny Fitzsimmons. Fifth: Luigi Borserini. Junior Green: Christian Doctrine: Kevin Hodges. Dux: Basil Marsell. Second: Paul Gentelli. Third: David Edwards. Fourth: Kevin Hodges. Fifth: M ichael Yeo. Christian Doctrine: Nicholas Wcods. Dux: Dennis Grinius. Second: Kevin McKenna. Third: Gary DoyJe. Fourth: Reinhard Feher. Fifth: Robin Murray. first Year Blue: Christian Doctrine: John Allanson. Dux: Terence Smith. Second: Kornel Foil inus. Third: Anthony Lamers. Fourth: John Allanson. Fifth: John Sullivan. Fifth Grade B:ue: Christian Doctrine: Geoffrey Lang. Dux: Charles Bloomer. Second: Claudio Tomasi. Third: John McEvoy. Fourth: Kevin Fitzpatrick. Fifth: John McCrudden. First Year Green: Christian Doctrine: William Riley, Dux: David Anderson. Second: Anthony Baker. Third: Paul Corcnel. Fourth: Michael Heagney, Fifth: Timothy Delaney. Fifth Grade Green: Christian Doctrine: Malcolm Thomas, Dux: Neil Hawtin. Seccnd: David Pinder, Third: Peter Anderton, Fourth: Geoffrey Mews. Fifth: Paul McMahon, Seventh Grade Blue: Christian Dcctrine: Lewis Beale. Dux: Manian Burkala. Second: Michael Whitely. Th:rd: Terrenc Mclntyre. Fcurth: John Waddell. Fifth: John Misztal. Fourth Grade Blue: Christian Doctrine: Geoffrey Parkinson. Dux: Sandor Galli. Second: Russell Ryan, Third: Peter Richardson. Fourth: John Ferguson, Fifth: Jeffrey Murphy. Seventh Grade Grzen: Sect'nd Year Blue: Christian Doctrine: James He,... itl. Dux: Peter Branchi, Second: Phillip Fitzhardinge. Third: Nello Verdini. Fourth: James Hewitl. Fifth: John Anderton. Christian Doctrine: Arthur Kalmund Dux: Gregory Boyle, Second: Andrew de Munnik. Third: Leslie Stanning. Fourth: Grant Glinski. Fifth: Craig Alien. Z5l1e C?ollege Re~opens on loth G"JebrUC1T)', 1959 ------------- Fourth Grade Green: Christian Doctrine: Robert Chandler. Dux: Roger McAuliffe. Second: Kenneth Gale. Tllird: Glen Roberts, John Quilty. Fourth: David Walker. Fifth: Brian McKenna. CGuesda)' J SPORTING PRIZES Swimming: Athletics: College Champion (Miller Cup): Also Under 16 Champion: Peter Ki dman. College Champion A hlete (5. O'Brien Trophy) and College Mile Champion: Neville Murphy. Champion Under 15 (Kestel Cup): Phi lip Carter. Champion Under 14 (Chesson Cup): John McMahon. Champion Under 13 (Gason Cup): John Flannery. Champion Under 12: Richard Cumper. Champion Under 11: Murray Archibald. Champion Under 10 (Mr. Justice Dunphy Cuplo Robert Foster. Hockey: Champion Under 16 (P. Valmadre Trophy): James McManus. Champion Under 15 (Dorsa Trophy>: Keith Rcbertson. Champion Under 14 John Burrell. (Pollard Cup): Best All-Rounder First XI (Pellegrini Cup). Phillip Farrel!. Champion Under 12: Robert Shie:ds. Champion Under 10 (Przychocki Trophy)' Roger McAuliffe. Champion Under 9: Francis van Kuyk. Best Batting Average: Col in Bell. Best and Fairest Under 16 (T. Corcoran Cups): Peter Branchi, Gary McCormack. HUGH CAHILL, Winner of Sir Thomas Coombe Scholarship. Best in Third XI: Hugh C~hill. Best in "B" Grade: Michael Yeo. Best in "C" Grade: Timothy Delaney. Tennis: College Champion Colin Bell. (J. Leonhardi Cup): Champion Under 15 (Lamborn Cup): Thcmas Sutcliffe. Champion Under 14 (Carwardine Cup): Michael Edgley. Dancing: Footboll: Best and Fairest First XVIII (E. C. Needham Cup): John French. Best in Second XI lR. Walker Trcphy) lan Tyers. Champion Under 13 (A. J. Clements CUil): Lewis Beale. Champion Under 11: John Bondelmonte Cricket: Best in First XI lMcNamara Trophy): Rcbert Bubb. (Miss Mercia Scott Prizes) Champion Under 13: Peter George. Senior Class Prize: Hugh Cahil!. Champion Under 12 (Gollan- Tannock Cup) . Alan D'Orscgna Junior Class Prize: Philip Hosemann. Champion Under 11: Mark McWl1irter PHILlP HOSEMANN, Winner of Lynn Scholarship. 5 LE ERS PETER BRANCHI, Dux Second Year Blue. M NIAN BURKALA, Dux 7th Grade Blue. CHARLES BLOOMER, Dux 5th Grade Blue. SANDOR GALLI, Dux 4th Grade, Blue. /957 I:lRYANT, R.: English, H:story, Maths. A, Maths. B, Physics, Chemistry CARTON, c.: English, Lotin, Geography, Moths. A (d), Moths. B (d), Physics, Chemistry DAVIS, M .. English, Physics. DIGGINS, G' cng:ish Geography, M:Jths B (dl, Ph s:cs. Chemistry. KALMUND, P: English, Geography, Maths. A (d), Moths B (d), Physics, Chemistry (dl, Technical Drawing NEGUS, G.: History, Ph"sics. Geography, Maths. A, M ths. I:l O'CONNOR, B.: English, Latin, Ge::graphy, Maths. A (d), Maths. B (d), Physics (d), Chemistry. /\ (d), M:Jths, OSBOR , J.: Geography, Chemistry. Moths. A, Maths. B, Physics, EHINGER, R.: History, Moths. B, French. GASON, P.: Physics. En;:)lish, Ge::grapfoy, Maths. J\ M:'h'. '3, PERICH, B.: English, History, Geography, Maths. A (d), Maths. B (d), Fhys'cs, Chemistry. PULEO, A.: Geography, Maths. A, Maths. B, Italian. GILES, J.: Ma~hs. A Maths. B Phvsics, Chemistry. GOLLAN, R.: English, Gecgraphy, Maths. I\, Physics. Chemistry, Mus:c (d) Maths 8, SETH, G.: English, Latin, G2:gra::;hy, i\bths Chemistry, Maths. B. A, Physics, ~ORENSEN, GORRDARD, B.: English, Latin, Ge::graphy (d), Maths. A, Moths. B, Physics, Ch mistr\'. GRAINGER, G· English, Ge::graphy, M:Jths. A, MJths. B, Physics, Chemi stry. A.: Englis:' td), Latin, Geography, Maths. A, Moths. B, Physics, Chemistry (dl. TANNOCK, P.· English, History (d), Geography (d), M:Jths A, Maths. B, Physics. TOOHEY, P.: English, History, Geography, Maths. B, <d), Physics, Chemistry. Maths. HALSE, B.: Engl:sh, Hist:Jry, Geography, :v\:Jths. ,\. M:ths. B, Physics, Chemistry, TWINE, P.: English, Maths. A, Maths. B, Physics. :TALlANO, J.: English, Ge::gr:Jphy, M )t'1S. Chemistry, Ital:an. :'kJths. S, WALSER, F.: English, Geography, Fhy,ics, Chemistry. Moths. WINTON, M.: English, Physics, Chemistry. ,\, JURACICH, I English, History, Geogra.-hy M:Jih. B, Physics, Chemistry. A, 1<1 'S;:LLA, P.: English, Gece 'rp!-'"/, Maths. A, MClths, B. YOUNG, D.: English, Churustry. History, Maths. Maths. A, A, Maths. B, A, Maths. B, Latin, History, Maths. B, Physics, UNIVERSITV RESUL1S IH 11 Several Old Bays hod notable success at the University examin ations this y"ar: Engineering: Nick Zorbas completed 5th Year Electrical Engin eering; Brendan Joyce and Brian SCldler completed 4th Year; Dole Henshaw and Barry Chess::n, 3rd Year; Peter Kalmund and Dunstan Hortley, 1st Year. Education: Peter Tanneck, 1st Year; Aidan Walsh, 2nd Year. Arts: Robert Long, B.Sc-, B.Ed., and Frank P wnall completed the B,A. degree; Eric Alcock and rv\ichael Giles, 2nd Year; R::ss G::Jllan, 1st Year. Dentistry: Pot Henry, 3rd Year; Peter Heagney, 2nd Year and winner of Cenvecation Prize. Science: Denis Matthews, 3rd Year; Pat Smith and Greg Tannoek, 2nd Year; Glyn Farrell. Brian O'Cennor and Pat Quilty, 1st Year. Medicine: Lui Zaninovich, 2nd Year. (Further results W::lre unavai lab'e at the time of printing) /957 ALLEN, R.: English, Histcry, M:Jths. A, Moths. 8, Ch mistry, Technical Drawing. ANDERSON, W: Chemistry. Engli,h, Latin, Moths. A, Ph~,sic$, M:Jths. 13, BA ILEY, T.: English, Histcry, Ge:Jgraphy, Moths. A, Moths. B, Physics, Chemistry, Technical Drawing. 8ANOVICH, B.: English, Latin, Gecgraplly, MClths. Moths. 8, Chemistry, Technical Drawing. A, BEVERLEY, J.' English, Moths. A, Moths. B, Music. 80SUSTOW, 8.: Latin, Gecgraphy, Maths. A, Moths. B, Physics, Chemistry. 8USSANICH, P.: English, Maths. A, M:Jths. 8, Technical Dcawing. CAHILL, H.: English. Latin, Geography, Moths. A. Moths. B, Physics, Chemistry, Technical Crowing. CARLETON, R.: English. Latin, GeClgraphy, Moths. A, Moths. B, Physics, Chemistry, Technical Drawing. CARLSON, W.: English, Geography, Moths. A, MJths. B, Chemistry. CHALKER. D.: English, Moths. A, Moths. B, Chemist,,. KEOGH, S.: English, Lati .. , Moths. A, Moths. B, Chemistry, Technical Drawing. KOMADINA, F.: Enqlish, Latin, Geography, Moths. A, M:Jths. B, Chem-istry, Technical Drawing. LALOR, P.: English, Latin, Moths. A, Moths. B, Chemistr, LEE, D.: English, Lc~in, Geography, Moths. A, Moths. B, Physics, Chemistry, Technical Drawing LEWIS, T.: English, Moths. A, Physics. LOVIS, A: English, Latin, Moths. A, Moths B, Chemistry. MANLEY, M.: Latin, Moths. A, Moths. B, Physics, Chem istry, Technical Drawing. MAN SF IELD, M.: English Geography, Moths. A, .'v\aths. B, Physics, Chemistry, Technical Drawing. MASLEN, P.: En'llish, Latin, Moths. A, Moths. S, \--:,ysics, Chemistry, Technical Drawing. McMULLAN, K.: English, History, Geography, Moths. A, M:Jths H, Physics, Chemistry, Technical Drawin\;. MELE, C: Latin, ~talian. Moths. A, M:Jths. Chemistry, Technical Drawing B, Physrc" MELLOR, R.: Moths. A, Moths. B, Chemistry CLAPP, G.: Moths. A, Moths. B, Physics. 'v\INA, L.: Enqlish, History, Geagraohy, Moths. A, Math<. 3, Physics, Chemistry, Technical Drawing. CONROY, V.: English, Latin, Gsagraphy. Moths. A, Moths. B, Chemistry tVllRMIKIDIS, A: Latin. Moths. A, Chemistry, Technical Drawing. CUOMO, C: English, Latin, Italian, Moths. A, Moths. B, Physics, Chemistry. Technical Drawing. ELPH ICK, T.: English, Moths. A, Chemistry. FITZSIMONS, D.: Chemistry. Latin, Moths. ;\, B, Physic~. i\~USSARRA, C. Moths. A. M:Jths. B, Physics, Chemistry, Technical Drawing. O'ROURKE, L.: Enqlish, Moths A, Chemistry, Technical Drawing. DUDLEY, P.: Moths. A. M:Jths. B, Chemistry. M:Jths, M:Jths. B, Physics, O~BORNE, Moths. 13, Physics, G.: Enolish, Latin, Moths. A. Moths. B, Physics, Gecgrapny, Chemistry, Technical Drawing. PAGANIN, I.' English, Elementary Moths. FORTUNE', J.' English, Latin, Moths. A, M:Jths. B, Physics Chemistry. PRESTON, P: English, FRANCAIS, T.: English, History, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Technical Drawing. Moths. A REARDON, D.: Enalish. Latin Geography, Moths. A, Moths. B, Physics, Chemistry, Technical Drawing. GIUMELLI, J English, Physics, Chemistry. Mnths 13, History, Moth A, REGALI, V: English, Moths. A Moths. B. ROGERS, J.' English, Moths. B, Technical Drawing. GORMAN, J.' English, History, Gea9'aohy. M'Jths. Moths. B, Physics, Chemistry, Technical Drawing A, GRANT, C: English, Latin, Geography, Moths. A, Maths B, Physics, Chemistry, Technical Drawing. HEARN, G.: English, History, Moths. A, M:Jths. B, PhysIcs Chemistry, Technical Drawing. HEENAN, J.' English, History. Geography. M'Jths. A, Moths. 8, Physics, Chemistry, Technical Drawin;i. HORSTEN, R.: Geography, Moths. A, Moths. B, Physics Chemistry, Technical Drawing. HOSEMANN. P.: l:nglish. Latin, Ge:;qraphy, Moths. A Moths. B, Physics, Chemistry, Technical Drawing. ISAIA. R.: En'llish, Moths. Technical Drawing. Hist~ry. A, M:Jths. B, Chem'stry, JACOBY, P.: English, Latin, Moths. A, M:Jths. B, Physics, Chemistry. JOH SON, P.: English. Moths. A, Moths. Technical Drawing. B. Chemistry, KERR B: English. History, Geography. M:Jths. A. Moths B, Phvsics, Chemistry, Technical DraWing. RUSSELL, P.: Enqlish, Latin, Moths. A, Moths. B, Chemistry, Technical Drawing. SMITH, V.: English, Moths. B, Chemistry STEELE. P.: English Latin. Gecgraphy, Moths. B, Physics, Chemistry, Technical Drawing. SULLlVAN, J.: Moths. A, Moths. B. Phy>ic<;, Chemistry, Technical Draw:ng. SZEKENDY, F.: Ge-qraohy, M:Jths. A, Moths Chemistry, Technical Drawing. 8. Physics, TEBNEcF, N.' English, Hist:Jry, Moths. A, Phys'cs. Chemistry, Technical Draw" Ig. Moths. B, TYERS, I.' English, Latin, Moths. A, Moths. B, Chemistry. WALcH B.: English, Latin, Gecgraphy, Moths. B, Techni cal Drawing. WAL THAM, P English, Latin, Geography, WHITE, M. Enolish. Geography, Chemistry, Te~hnical Drawing. M:Jrhs. History, WILLlAMS, G.' tnglish, Historv, Moths. A, PhYSicS, Chemistry, Technical Drawing. A Physics, Moths. B, LEAVING BACK ROW: K. Melior. I. THIRD ROW: B. Zucal. P. SECOND ROW: B. Della. FRONT ROW: F. Batini CLASS. Tycrs. B. Baskerville, C. Scelaro. P. R2dice, J. Pardoe. Whalley. K. Edwards, K. Barry, G. Atzemis, G. McKinley. P St. John. J. French, M. McGcwJn, N. Murphy. N. Steen, L. UratNiu, J. McAlwey. A. Banov/ch. P. Farrcll Ee'l P Gianoncelli A. Thornh'll, A. Smoje, I Burton" A. F/lzhardinge, SUB-LEAVING I,. Gatti. CLASS. BACK ROW: M. Dill:n, C. Mussara, F. Komadna, B. Kerr, L. O'Rourke. D. Fitzsimmons. R. Carleton. P. Mavl'lck THIRD ROW: J. Sullivan. J. Carr, J. Gorman, W. Carlson, C. Di Giulio, B. Kecgh, T. Devine. C. Mele. C. Cuomo SECOND ROW: A. Mirmikidis, T. Bailey, A. Pudovskis, K. McMullan L. Mina J. Beverley G. Osborne. P.· Maslen, P. Jacoby, R. H. Cahill, F. Szekendy. G. Williarns, FRONT ROW: J. Giumelli, K. Taylol', M. Manley, P. Hosemann. P. Wallham C Gran'., P S'ee e. 8. Banovich. Alien Lee, • J:JN!OR BLUE. lorens, O. Cole BACK ROW: J. Maguire, D. Flynn, V. Re,ali. J. Oriflei, B. S3vage, P. Gcorge, R Melior. R. THIRD ROW: B. Draftll', D. Haigl1, R. Poilard. A. Peeiri I: P. 5 th, P. llcnt:lo: dr P. Mant.r B MulgrEw B. Bilskerville. SECON DRaW: B. Martin, B. Lawrence, M. SI11:th, I. Paganill B. oren en, M. Rilphael L BorserinJ, P. King A Lamers, G. Clapp, K. Crcmble, J. Edgilr. Plul11ll1er, J. RogErs, J. MeManus, A. Marrian, K. Horgiln, A. Fitzsill1ll1ons. FRONT ROW: R. Bubb L. SCSSI, M Barr, B. Snlelds, B. FIYiln, G. JUNIOR GREEN. BACK ROW' P. M~rrett. D. Mac Lean, K. Moylan, A. Stent P. H,nry D. Byrne G Lill,co, P. Tcrnby, p. Arel1ibilld. SECOND ROW: D. Sl1eedy L. Harper P. Fallens N. Saunders T. Moss, G. Skewes. P. Gentell" R. Enrig'lt B. Marsell, R. Walser FRONT ROW 0 Edw,i1 d, R W31kN K Hcd,es P. Dudlev W Cl1apole E Alf'revel1 P Carter. P Kidll1an K. Vennillg. SECOND YEAR BLUE. BACI< ROW: 1<. Burvill, R. Ilich, R. Properjohn, A. Eyles, J. Dunn, R. Supanz. FOURTH ROW: L. Valmadre, P. Casey, N. McVeigh, L. Boros, P. Branchi, M. Dcds, C. Lalor, J. Shea, A. THIRD ROW: I. Temby, R. Picknoll, J. HeI"jtt, G. Warrnan, N. Verdinl, M. SamPlcn, L. Dorsa A. Owen, Giumelli. SECOND ROW: G. Mathews, A. Hinds, F. Camilleri, R. Albonico, J. Papoo, P. McMahon, F. Papasergio, Dusci, H. van Wees. FRONT ROW: G. Zerko, K. Reid, F. Engelbrecht, D. Gorian, J. Versteeg, T. Sutcliffe, R. High, J. Anderton, S. J Jacoby, G. Berry. SECOND YEAR Burke, P. Gral1am. T. O'Connor, P. Fitzhardinge, R. Bott, P. F. Johnson, R. Epis, L. Mackiewicz, P. Turner, B. Clayton, GREEN, BACK ROW: F. Finn, H. Alberts, C. Plunkett, E. Jcbsz, D. Fitzpatrick, J. Kelly. FOURTH ROW: K. Maslen, J. Sorensen, W. Kalajich, R. D'Olimpi, A. Cypelt, P. Coffey, J. I<ilkenny, G. East, THIRD ROW: L. Rees, J. Dwyer, B. Giles, R. Taylor, 1<. Peacock, M. Fitzgibbon, T. Grocke, M. Manley, S. SECOND ROW: G. Clarke, C. Coroneos, M. Truslove, M. Hyde, T. Coon, K. Bell, P. Gaillard, M. Edgley, P. D. Gurry. FRONT ROW: D. McGowan, P. Carney, M. Angus, B. Bartrop, Z. Kovacs, J. Sheridan, K. Sale, K. Tangley, Alhprt.ni M Rnnrl.nirh .1 ~rh"rf T. Tornlins, P.. Stent. Matthews, 'lv. Hughes, T. Flynn. de Lano, B. Rocke, V. Maher, G. McCormack, R. Harrcld, 0 FIRST YEAR BACK ROW: F. Fitzgerald, J. Oominish, O. Lillieo, B. Egertoll-Green, P. FOURTH ROW: T. Smith. L. Verdini, D. Tanllock, C. Cypher, W. Steekis, LarsEIl, THIRD ROW: T. McCabe, M. Duffy, M. Meade, M. Chandler SECOND ROW: P. Danzi, M. Vilkelis, 1<. Corri'lall, E. SporeI' J. Allanson, G. Ireland. FIRST ROW' A Skorieh, B. Slavin, P. Valmiidre, D. Phillips, N. Lawson. A. V King, J. Doyle. FIRST YEAR BLUE, MeGuire, J. Bore,. J. Sullivan, T. Cannin~L P. Clements, M. MeCarthy, K. Follinus. B. Carleton, D. Clarke, P. v1ann, J. Villier, P. Leddin, C. O'Brien. ~,1. Dunn, P. Conti, R. Phillips, T. Neil, G. Roberts, A. Radon, Macorini, G. Flynn, A. Lamers, T. Smith, M. Nieholls, A. Evans, GREEN. BACK ROW: P. Morrcw, M. Pardoe. C Cunningham, P. Ge:rge, P. Kinsey, P. Seott, J. Flannery, R. Bloff,,!itch, G. Franklin. FOURTH ROW: A. Bilker, J. Green, J. Llorens, L. Conti, M. Heagney. R. Carter, A. Chandlel', P. Faranda, R. Pearson, J. Godfrey. THIRD ROW: J. 0 Brien, P. Nisbetl, R. Lowe, V. Della, B. Fennel', J. C2rter, T. Smith, P. Lee, F. McDougall, T. Tighe, K. Cable. SECOND ROW: G. Heppekausen, D. Hemy, B. Ridge, G. Hewitt, C. Cook. C. Fantuz, W. RileI', L. Harper G. Kent, J. Harvey, P. MeGuire, J. Gasioro\Vski. FRONT ROWW: T. Andrew, M. Margaria, P. Gardner, E. Fisher, F. Edwards, C. Campagna, J. Burrell, K. Robertson, J. McMahon. A. Macey, D. Anderson, H. Gallagher, T. Delaney. IN FRONT: P. Ceronel. SEVENTH GRADE BLUE. BACK ROW: J. Misztal, P. Lang, D. Abrahams. P Williams, A. Saxby. R. Grccke, R Luczk,e",cz, J. Waddell, A. Brian O'Brien, T. Samojlcw cz. FOURTH ROW: P. Willcock B George, M. il:ey J. Powell, T. La, dy/ehr, R. Mizen, G. Edwards T. Mclntyre R Throbald, M. Dwyer W Wisniewski. THIRD ROW: J. Flatc., R. Webb, V. Heenan D. Ha, ·tin A. Callaghan, L. Beale P Wells, G. Kendal: F Oorshot.. W. Jones, K Umbr~" M. Urquhart. SECOND ROW: T Francais, T. Byrnes, D. Brcwn, J. Rowtcliff Z. FEkele G. Maslen. J Georgiaa s M Whitely, M 0 onncr R Roberlso., R. Muirson, E. Ver>teeg. C. McKimmie Madry, V Rose M. Burkala, J FRONT ROW: A. Putland, P van Rooyen, T Neilson S Earl C Sims, P A. drews, R. Lane, A. Gi11ia, Cools, R. Hutchings, C Allmark SEATED: M. Morozc~. SEVENTH GRADE GREEN. S CK ROW: R. Fox, R. Radvilac, G. Glnski, W. Farley, G. Walsh, P. Woodhcllse, J. Well, L. Bell, G. Markey. FOURTH ROW: P. Oelelmans, J. van del' Zanden, C. Foli, S. Day, G. Srasianis, M. Gecrge, J. Gibbings. L. Slanning. M. Cawley, I. Ilich THIRD ROW: J. Marchesi, F. Barbarich, A. Kalmund, R. Gorddard, R. Gamble, K. Lesk, C. Woods, I. Le",;, R. Poy,er, P. Atkinson, G. Gerick. SECOND ROW, A. Tiverios, S. Cypelt, D'Arcy, M. Senior, W. TulleI', R. ClImper, W. KlIbinski, T. Wieman, P. Larsen, J Smilz, N. McEva} C. WaIts, P. Murphy, P. MacDonald. FRONT ROW: U. Versteeg, A. De Munnik K. Wood A. Campbell, S. Felber, J. Zureck, C. Rispali, B. Lawscn, C. Alien, P Rogers, B Barber P. Dyball, M. Jerv;5. SEATED: G. Harrold G. Boyl!, GRADE VI BLUE. BACK ROW: N. Bloffwitch. D. Regan, B. Christian, A. Wilson, A. McDougall, J. Parker, I. McQuade, G. Jones. FOURTH ROW: C. Jecks, C. Munlz, D. Pusenjak, G. Smith, M. McWhirler, J. van del' Wilk, Z. Bolta, G. O'Connell, D. Burl'ill, K. O'Brien. TH IRD ROW: D. Edmislcn, J. Taylor, B. Clarke, R. Coli ins, A. D'Orsogna, R. Macqueen, J. Clohessy, J. Musarri, B. Bradley, T. Tichelaar, R. Rees. SECOND ROW: H. Palience, R. Daniel, M. Elphick, G. Serjeant, B. Leach, N. Kiely, B. Slyth, T. McNamara, R. Harper, D. Truslove, W. Dzuira, R. Shields. FRONT ROW: A. Molt, J. Margaria, P. McDonald, P. FJeay, M. Knight, M. Gurry, J. Murphy, G. Laurence, R. Heelan, L. Stewarl, M. Delkovich, R Kelly, G. Aiberli. GRADE VI GREEN. BACK ROW: L. Megaw, W. France, R. King, V. Br~zionis, J. Hooper, J. Munforli, B. Lelhbridge. S. Sawiak, C. Plackelt, D. Grinius, H. Overmans, A. Waring, J. McCrudden. FOURTH ROW: F. Miller, J. MeNamara, H. Versteeg, D. Banovieh, V. Marshall, P. Sonneman, R. Ryan, K. McKenna, R. Minkowski, M. Archibald. B. Shepherdson. THIRO ROW: T. Cobbey, V. Keyser, W. Thompson, K. Farrant, A. Plackelt, G. Holohan, K. Lang, L. Gianninni, A. Dorazio, S. Putland, A. Grant, R. Feher. SECOND ROW: G. Corry, N. Bailey, R. Farrace, H. de Jong, D. Pollard, G. Johnson, D. Harrigan, K. LudlolV, R. Alfirevich, M. O'Brien, T. Visser, R. Murray, J. Sadowski, L. Slephens, M. Burke. FRONT ROW: R. Dawson, R. Wishart, J. Wilkins, G. Doyle, M. Ogilvie, W. Sutcliffe, M. McCabe, E. Frost, N. Woods, A. van den Dries, A. Lubich, J. Toneman, M. Grant, T. Wieman. GRADf V BLUE. BACK RO"": P. \ aldron, G. Prlychocki, K. Davis, J. Valesini, C, Rigby, G. Lang, B. MilociJnev'cll, A, Fego, J. Della, P, Ferguson. FOURTH ROW: J. Dawson Z, Gaspar D. Joyce, J. Whitehead, B. Rodd, R. Francis. fI!. ClementS, M. Comll'o, G. Hunl, U, Ga"po. rHIRD ROW: R. King, J. Cclinkovic, K. Fitlpatrick, M. Slattery, M. Blasgund, B. Ryan. R. Nisbet, J, COJper, M. Riddler. J. McEvoy. J. McCrudden, SECO ID ROW: lVi. Sharl11an, C Bloomer, R, Foster, W. Lee, V. Golisano, K. Gartner, C. Tomasi, B, Sm,th, K. Clapp, L. Murphy. C. Mcrey i~, Vinciguerra, G. F,tlgerald, J. Leenhowers. rRONT ROW: M. Brockwcll, «. Huber, R. Broadwood, N. Luplon, A Michael R. Hodder, J Rogan. B. R,spoli J. Bondell11onle B. van de, Zarden K. Jones P. Giorgi, J. Smith GRADE V GREEN. BACI( ROW: A. Montaldo, T. Stidwell, M, Thomas, G. Smith, K. Haigh, A, Mungioli, B. Wilson, C, Edwards. THIRD ROW: G Fitlgerald, P. McMahon, W, Morley, N. Prestipinc, G. Mews, C. Tolson, R. Olsen, D. Spo,'e,. SECOND ROW: D. Pinder, N, Stephen, L. Dargaville, R. Brown, D, Alien, G, Findlay. P, 1Vlc~artland, D. Keslel, P, Anu.r<on. D. Dayle. P. Shepherd FRONT ROW: F, van der Aa G. Wisri"rt M. Rh~d2S. D. Jor.nson, Z. Ziemblnsk, H. Corrigan R. Dorsa W, CilrVvilrdine N. Hawlin G. B,,,.,. · GRADE IV BLUE. BACK ROW: J. McGillivray, G. Atkinson, G. Ryder. T. di Bella, J. Ne2dharn, R. Lamborll, C. P rella, R. Needham, S. Dee, SECOND ROW: G. Higgills, R. McGuilless, V. Padula, S. Galli, G. Parkillscn I. Fi.zgera:d, G. Ha~es, B. Bro""ing, J. Re. FRONT ROW: P. Doyle, R. Ryall. M. Sax by, J. Fergusoll, S. Fuller, P. R,chardscll, G. Lucas, P. I~elly, F. [)orcillisll, J. r,1wphy. GRADE IV GREEN. BACK ROW: B. McKellna, W. Corry, P. Slattery, J. Quilty, G. Roberts, D. Walker, M. di ello. SECOND ROW: M. Stellt, P. I<estel, K. Gale, G. Lalldwehr, M. Meade, R. Harvey, R. Dorazzlo, I. Fisher. FRONT ROW: R. McAuliffe R Cllandler A. Sorokin, I Piercy, A, Russell, R Botica, F, van Kuyk, M. Beard, P. Dunll. - PETER WHALLEY. Captain of RED HOUSE. Started at the College in 1949 and is doing the Leaving this year. He is 0 keen cyclist and was chosen to represent W.A. in competitions in Tasmania. NEVILLE HOUSE P. Whalley JOHN (Reell, N. Mu;phy CAPTAINS. (Gold). J. French (Gree'll. K. Barry FRENCH. Captain of GREEN HOUSE and a College Prefect. He was enrolled at the College in 1951; was Captain of this year's Fir3t XVIII, and winner 01 Best and Fairest award; played with the First XI and was the outstanding fieldsman, was C.S.M of the Senior Cadet Corps. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL For 1958 the office-bearers were:- President, Kevin Ed wards; Secretary, Ion Tyers; Treasurer, Don Lee. The meetings were held on Mondays at a quarter to twelve during the First Term, but later it was decided to reduce the numbers in the Society to Include only a volun teer group. The meetings were then held on Thursday at lunch time. DUring the year the hospital visitation continued os part of the WOrk of the Society. For this purpose 10 group was fermed under ;'he direction of Phil Maslen, and the mem bers are to be congratulated an their efforts. MURPHY: Captain of GOLD HOUSE. Was enrolled at C.B.C. in 1949. He has been outstand ing in Athletics, having been College Champion for two years. He was appoint ed a College Prefect lost year (Blue). KEVIN BARRY. Captain of BLUE HOUSE and College Prefect. Was 0 member of the First XVIII and First XI, and is keen on long distance running. He hos been at the College since 1950 DEBATING SOCIETY The meetings were held in the College Hall On Friday <>venings under ,he presidency of Kerry Melior. Successful inter-school debates were also held in the Second Term. In c debate against Aquinas and alsQ ene against Christian Brothers, Leedervdle, our Leaving team was successful, but was defeated twice by the girls from Victoria Square. Our Sub-Leaving team had one victcry over the girls from Victoria Square o"d were defeated en the other occasion. They were als:J defeated by the team from Christian Brothers, Leederville. In the First TenT' members of the Society helped in a street appeal br C10ntarf a:,d in the Third Term in the Castledore Field Day by running a stall. To raise funds 0 number of competitions were arranged Th€ Handball Competition was h Id as in previous years, but hod to be limited slightly in scope because one of the handball courts was out of use os 0 result of the building programme. A Tennis Competition was also arranged and played at Rabertson Park. As well os this, a Guessing the Scare Competition on the Grand Final was held and 0 sweep on the Melbourne Cup. All of these were organised by the members of the Society, many of whom showed that they possess consider able ability in this direction. ST VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY EXECUTIVE D. LEE, K EDWARDS. I TYERS. C.B.C. Army Cadet Unit O.c.: Lt. R. M. MORPHETT 2.1.C: Lt. R. J. H ICKEY. C.U.O's.: KEVIN EDWARDS, FRAN;< BATINI, PETER JACOBY. C.S.M.: W.0.2. J. FRENCH. The unit was limited in s~rength to eighty four 'or 1958, so it was d~cided to retain anl~' th~se second year cadets who could be accamm :dated in s;:>ecialists secti ons, and adjust courses of training to the a:::lva:1tage of the first year cadets. The ·recruit formed the persanel of Pla toons Two and Three. A leg",lcr weekiy campet:tion in dress and efficiency between these two ~Iat:>ons proved an effective incentive, and both Plotcans reached com mendable standards. Platoon Three were the eventual winners. COMMENCEMENT PARADE. At the first official parade f:Jr the vear, presentation of badges of rank 1"05 made to those members of the unit wh:> had qualified for promotion during 5 Cadet Brigade an nual coucses during the previou> Christmas hol.d ]ys. Fr. 8. Harris (Chaplain of 30 Bn.) blessed the badges, which were then presented by Col. J.E. Barrett. In the course of his addresss, Col. Borrett exhorted the new Under Officers ('nd N.C.O's. to carry out their duties conscientiously so that the traditions of the unit would be preserved. ANZAC DAY. Cadets and A.T.C. participated in 0 commemorative ceremony held on the day previous to Anzac Day, and witnessed by the whole school. Fr. raley, Co:lege Chaplain, led the pravelS, and Col. Barrett gave the occasional ad dress. Under Officers of both units escorted the memorial wreath to the Chapel, where it was ploced before the altar. Sergeant Melior recited: "Shed th")u no t~ars" and "Recessional", the School assembl" stood at attention for the traditicnal silence, and l3ardsman W:ddell, of Western C~mmand Bond, sounded the Last Po~t and Reveille. NORTHAM CAMP Fine weather ,helped to make the annual camp a great success. Our four 5pecialist groups made g")od progress. and acquitted themselves well ir. the rrmoetitians held durin, the passing-out parade at the conclusion of the camo. First Year platoons completed an extensive course of drill. weap on handlinq and fieldcraft. Hiqhlights of the camp were the display-of weapons, explas;ves and training aids: ex- Air Trajnjna Corps Appointments far 1958 w:rc a~ fallows: Cadet Under Officers: Tany Fitzhardinge, Ion Burton, Phillip Hasemann. C.W.O.: Alex Banavi.:h. Seraeants. John 'G rman, Bill Carlsan, Ron Carleton, Italo Paganin. During the year v,e ab~ained m")re helo frcm Head quarters than in orevicus vears s:> that all the instruction in Service Knowledge was 'given by W.O. Judsan and Air· craft Recognition by Flight-Serga.,t Perrett. The Drill also was to 0 considerable exte. t under the direction of Carp::> rol Alien. To 011 these ins ru-::t~rs our special thanks ore due. At the some tirr.e, h~wever the C.U.O's. a')d N.C. O's. were ols") qiven the oooorlunity of d::>ing quite a lot f the instructienal work. In th,s and ols:> in the argon i ,otionol w::>rk this year they proved port'cu'orlv helpful and deserve the grutitude of the whole of the Fliaht. We were able to establish an armOury at the school this year and hav it well stc-cked with 103's os well as two Thomps::>'1 guns and two Bren guns. These have proved on asset, esoeciatlv as the Cadets have hod better opportuni ties for practice at the ranae this year tha, previcussly. Many of them hove attended regularly at Bush'"l1eod once cellent shooting by the First Year cadets on the miniature range; and a Ion tern stalk. Our thanks go to Fathers Har ris and Chauncey for their interest and generosity. A particularly pleasing feature of the camp was the large number who attended daily Mass. MARCH OUT PARADE The G.O.c. Western Command, Marar General Harrisan, t::ok the solute and inspected the Passing Out Parade, which w,Js held on the College oyal on Octcber 5th. A large crowd of over five hundred pments and friends of the cadzts attended. Mai. Gen. Harris::>n cam mended the cadets on their excellent' turnout, and their high standard of dr ill. The parade was commanded by Cadet Under Officer Kevin Edwards, who perf:rmed on arduous toS'( without 0 mistake. Our congratulations to the AT.C. an winning bath competitions, but we assure them they won't have the tra ohies far long. At the conclusion of th= parade the Unit Flag was pass~d an by the senior fficers of 1958 to their ~uccess:ors. The official party included Father B. Harris, Mrs Har rison, Maior and Mrs. D. R. Angus, Capt. and Mrs. H. R. Br arlev, Capt. and Mrs. J. Donahoe, and Lieut. Command er McDanald, who judged the Drill Competition. Our thanks ore extended to the Western Command Band, whose co-operation contributed in large measure to the success of the parade. ADMINISTRATION The Unit was pleased to welcome Lt. R. J. Hickey, who assumed the duties of 2.1.C. The officers and staff of 5 Cadet Briqade and 30 Cadet Battalion once again gave us generous and efficient assistance. We lost the services of our Armv Instructor of the last few vears when W.0.2. Robertsan' was transferred to Adelaide. He earned our grati tude bv his generous qiving of b")th time and energy. In his place we welcome back W.0.2. P. McGrellis. who was with us a few years tack. . AWARDS. The annual awards far 1958 went ta:Lt. Lindsay Gardan G:awerv Memorial Batons: C.1I.0. K. cowards. C.U.O. F. Batini. Most efficient N.C.O.- Sergeant M. McGawan. Unit Marksman- C.U.O. P. Jacoby. Most Efficient First Year Cadet.- Cadet N. McVeigh. a month and some ols:> at Swa:1bourne. In the Inter-State Shoot the West Australia.., team performed cr€ d itcbly in being second. Queensland was first. The Annual Camp was held at Pearce in the May holidays and was attended by ab~ut seventy-five Cadets. It was m::>rred somewhat by rainy weather, but still a varied programme was provided. Some of the Cadets were taken up in an aircraft and all would hme been if it h:Jd not been necessary to cancel the latC!r flights hecause of unfavourable weather. The C.U.O./N.C.O. como was held in the August-St:p tember holidays and was attenc'ed bv J. Gorman. P. Steele, I. Pagan;n, D. Haigh. M. B:Jrr. L. Mina, J. Moss, P. Gentelli, M. Smith, R. Walser a.,d A Fitzsimmons. We wish to canqratulate thc'l1 an their work and are looking forward to their assistance next year. Special congratulations ore due to Jchn Gorman who was succe~sful in winnin"! a Flyinq Sch larship. At the Marchirq Out Parade the Inter-Service Dri 11 Can t st was w:Jn by the AT.C. squad, under the command of C.U.O. P. Hasemann. Thev are to be canqratulated an their effort. Also W.O. A !:annavi,.h who gave a very fine displc.y witn his model aircraft and the team in the strip ping or the Bren gun competition. Awards were aiven a follows: Retiring C.U.O's.: A Fitzhardinge, I. Burton. Chamo'on 'Mcrksmo..,: r.u.o. P. H">semann. Mast Efficient N.C.O .. Sqt. W. Carlson Most Efficient I st Yr. Cadet: Cdt M. Anaus. NUMBER PLATOON AND SPECIALISTS. Back Row: Cadets D. Fituimmons, J. Edgar, Cpl. B. Savage, Cadets C. Coraneos, J. Sullivan, B. Francais, T. Bailey, B. Keogh, R. Pollard, G. Lillico, R. Melior, Sgt. D. Cole. Second Row: Cadets B. Marsell, K. Corrigan, G. Cia pp, K. Venning, J. McManus, K. Hadges, P. Dudley, Cpls. C. Grant, J. Rogers, W. Sutcliffe, Cadets K. Taylor, P. Lamers, M. Bogdanich. Flont Row: S9t. I. Tyers, 5.Sgt. P. Maslen, Sgt. D. Lee, W.O.2 J. French, C.U.O. F. Batini, C.U.O. K. Edwards, C.U.O. P. Jacoby, Sgt. M. McGowan, Sgt. J. Pardoe, Sgt. K. Melior, Sgt. A. Mirmikidis, Cpl. D. Edwards. NUMBERS 2 AND 3 PLATOONS. Back Row: Cadets R. IIich, D. Fitzpatrick, N. McVeigh, S. Mathews, A. Hinds, G. Matthews, H. van Wees, P. O'Connor, J. Shea, K. Maslen, G. Hughes, J. Dunne. Second Row: Cadets D. Flynn, T. Tomlins, W. Kalajich, F. Johnson, B. Lawrence, P. McMahon, D. Byrne, D. Gurry, R. D'Olimpio, T. Grocke, K. Peacock. Fourth Row: Cadets P. Gaillard, D. McCowan, R. Bubb, G. McCarmack, B. Bartrop, K. Horgan. K. Sale, L. Harper, P. de Lano, A. Papaserg;o, G. Skewes, T. Coon. NUMBERS AND 2 FLIGHTS. Back Row: Cadets R. Llorens, D. MocLeon. B. Kerr, R. Wolser. P. Ticheloor, M. Smith, B. Droffin, C. Musorro. J. Moguire. Second Row: Codcts P. Gentelli, N. Sounders, A. Morrion, M. P. Follens, K. Crombie. Monley, M. Borr, A. Fitzsimmons, O~ifici, J. P. King, D. G. Hoigh, Froncis, Front Row: L.A.C. N. Tebncff, Cpl. T. Moss, Sgt. I. Pogonin, Sgt. W. Corlson, C.U.O. P. Hosemonn, C.U.O. I. Burton, Sgt. J. Gormon, Sgt. R. Corleton, Cpl. J. Beverley, loA.C. P. Steele. Cpl. H. Cohill. NUMBER 3 FLIGHT. Back Row: Cadets J. Kelly, R. Properjohn, B. Giles, L. Dorsa, J. Dwycr, M. Fihgibbon. M. Dods, R. Stent, M. Monley, E. Jobu, F. Finn. Second Row: Cadets A. Eyles, G. Ea.t, M. Truslovc, M. G. Clorke, J. Sorcnsen, P. Fit:r:hordinge. Hyde, R. Albonico. P. Corney, K. Bell, J. Papoo, A. Cypelt, Front Row: Cadets K. Tongncy, P. Turner, D. Gorion, Z. Kovocs, J. Sheridan, W.O. A. Banovich, Cadets B. Sorensen, S. Mockiewicz, F. Engelbrecht, B. Clayton, J. Schor•. SWIMMING The College Swimming Carnival was held at Crawley Baths on Wednesday, 19th February. The meeting was a very successful one, and ten records were broken. The Bulford Cup was won by Red team with 131 points. The other scores were: Gold 127, Green 1 16 and Blue 60. Most successful competitor was Peter Kidman who wan boti, Open cnd Under 16 Championships. Open Events: ; 10 Yards Freestyle: P. Kidman, 1; K. Edwords, 2; J Rogers, 3. Time: 71.6 secs. (recordl. 55 Yards Backstroke: P. Carter, 1; P K,dmon, 2 ;M. McGowon, 3. Time: 41. I secs. 55 Yards Breoststroke: J. Pordoe, I; P, Kidmon, 2, G. Atzem.s, 3. Time: 46 secs. Under 16 Events: 55 Yards Freestyle: P. Kidman, 1; F. Komadino, 2; B. Bonovich, 3. Time: 31.7 secs. (recordl. 55 Yards Breaststroke: C. Grant, 1; B. Banovich, 2' P. Kidmon, 3. Time: 42 secs. (recordl. Under 15 Events: 55 Yards Freestvle: P. Carter, 1; P. King, 2; N. Bolitho. :3 Time: 33,2 se~s, (recordl. 55 Yards Breaststroke: P. Carter, 1; J. Sheridon, 2; G. Zerko, 3. Time: 45 se:cs. 55 Yards Backstroke: P. Carter, 1; G. Zerko, 2, P King, 3 Time: 413 secs. (recordl. Under 14 Events: 55 Yards Freestyle: J. McMahon, J, A. Lomers, 2; R. Horrald, 3. Time: 36 secs. (Inaug, Recordl. 55 Yards Breaststroke: W. Kolajich, 1; R. Horrold, 2; M. Edgley, 3. Time: 48.6 secs. 55 Yards Backstroke: J. McMahon, J; A Hinds, 2; A. Lamers 3. Time: 42.8 secs. (recordl. Under 13 Events 55 Yards 'Freestyle: E. Sporer, 1; J. Flonnery, 2; Dominish,3. Time: 37 secs, (recordl. 55 Yards Breaststroke: J. Flonnery, 1; E. Sporer, 2; Dominish, 3. Time: 55.5 secs. Diving: J. Daminish, J; J. Flanner ,2; A. Baker, 3. Other Events: 55 YardsFreestyle Under 12: R. Cump r, I; K. Woads, 2; T. Mclntyre, 3. Time: 42.5 secs. (recordl. 25 Yards Freestyle Under 12; R. Cumper, 1; K. Woods, 2; T. Mclntyre, 3. Time: 19.5 secs. 25 Yards Freestyle Under: 1 1: M. Archibold, I; B. Banovich, 2; H. Versteeg, 3. Time: 19.5 secs. (recerdl. 25 Yards Freestyle Under 10: R, Foster, 1; M. Brock well, 2; H. Archihald, 3. Time: 22.1 secs. Relay Races: Open: Gold, 1; Green, 2; Red, 3; Blue, 4, Time: 2 mins. 25 secs. Under IS' Gold, 1; Red, 2: Green, 3: Blue, 4. Time: 2 mins. 35 secs. Under 14: Red, 1; Green, 2.: Blue, 3; Gold, 4. Under 13: Blue, 1; Gold, 2; Red 3: Green, 4. Timz 2mins. 5 I .2 secs. SWIMMING CHAMPIONS. Stilnding: R. Foster I Under 10), R. Cum per (Under 12), J. McMahon (Under 14), J. Flannery (Under 13). Seated: P. Carter (Under 15), P. Kidrnan \Open and Under 16) Interschool Swimming: The C.B.S.SA. Interschool Carnival was held at Craw:ey Baths on Saturday, March 15th. C.B.C. Perth won the Senior section by four points from C.B.C. Highgote, and were sec:md to Highgote in the Junior and Aggregate sections. Our outstanding performer was I Peter Kidmon v ha won the Under 16 and Open Freestyle events. Open Events: 1 10 Yords FrEestyle:: P. Kidmon 1st, "A" Division; K. Edwords 1st "B" Division. 55 Yards Breaststroke: J. Pardoe 4th, "A" Division; K. Gatti 3rd, "B" Division. 55 Y'Hds Bockstroke: P. Corter 3rd, "A" Division; M. McGow~Jn 1st. "B" Division. Diving: A. Baker 1st. Relay: C.B.C. Perth 1st (record timel. Under 16 Events: 55 Yards Freestyle: P. Kidman 1st (rec.l "A" Oil'; F. Komadi"o 1st, "B" Division. 55 Yards Breaststroke: C. Grant 2nd, "A" Division. B. Banovich 1st, "B" Division. Under 15 Events: 55 Yards Freestyle: P. Carter 1st, "A" Division; P. Kin') 2nd, "B" Division. 55 Yards 8reaststreke: P. Carter 1st, "A" Division; J. Sheridon 5th. "B" Division. 55 Yards 'Backstroke: P. Carter 2nd, "A" Division; G. Zerko 3rd, "B" Division. Relay: C. BC. Perth Ist (record time). Under 14 Events: 55 Yards Freestyle: J. McMohon 4th, "A" Divisicn; A. Lomers 3rd. "B" Division. 55 Yards B~eaststrcke: W. Kolajich 3rd, "A" Division, 55 Yards Backstroke: J. McMohon 4th, "A" Division; A. H;nds 2nd "B" Division. Relay: C. B.C. Perth 2nd. Under 13 Events: 55 Yards Freestyle: E. Sporer 2nd, "A" Division; J. Flonnery 3rd, "B" Divisicn. 55 Yards Breaststroke: J Flannery 2nd, "A" Division; C. Ccok 1st. "B" Division (rec.l. Diving: J. Dcminish 1st. Under 12 Events 55 Yards Freestvle: R. Cumper 4th "A" Division; K. Woods 2nd. "B" Division. Relay: C. B.C. Perth 3rd. Under 11 Events: 25 Yards Freestvle: M, Archibald 2nd, "A" Division; D. Banovich 4th, "B" Division. Under 10 Events: 25 Yards Freestyle: R. Foster 2nd, "A" Divisicn; M, Brockwell 3rd. "B" Division. Old Boys Relay: CB.C. Perth: 2nd. Sports Day at the W.A.c.A. ground on September 27th attracted 0 crowd 01 some two thousand parents and supporters. Great credit is due ta the officials for com pleting a pr0gramme of over 250 events On time. The Ladies' Committee provided lunchean and afternoon tea, and contributed greatly to the success of the occasion. Neville Murphy climaxed an outstanding Athletic career at the College, winning seven open events and Senior Championship. Inter-House Competition was particularly keen, and the "White" Cup was at long last wrestled from the Blues, and passed to the Golds for the next twelve months. Senior Athletics Meeting COLLEGE CHAMPIONS. OPEN UNDER UNDER UNDER UNDER UNDER NEVILLE MURPHY. 16 JAMES McMANUS. 15 KEITH ROBERTSON 14 JOHN BURRELL 13 LEWIS BEALE. 12 ROBERT SHIELDS. OPEN EVENTS. "A" Grade. 100 YARDS.-N. Murphy, 1; G. Osborne, 2; J. Rogers, 3; P. Farrell, 4. Time: 10.8 secs. 220 YARDS.-N. Murphy, 1; J. Rogers, 2; G. Osborne, 3; P. Farrell, 4. Time: 24 secs. 440 YARDS.-N. Murphy, 1; P. Fan'ell, 2; B. Baskerville, 3; B. Flynn, .4 Time: 54.8 secs. 880 YARDS.-N. Murphy, 1; P. Whalley, 2' K. Barry, 3' O. Baskerville, 4. Time: 2 mins. 4.7 secs. ONE MILE.-N. Murphy, 1; P. Whalley, 2; K. Barry, 3; G. Osbcrne, 4. Time: 4 mins. 40 secs. (record), 120 YARDS HURDLES.-N. Murphy, 1; P. Farrell, 2; C Mele, 3' B. Baskerville, 4. Time; 18 secs. SHOT PUT.-G. Atzemis, 1; P. Gianoncelli, 2; J. McAlwey, 3; K. Edwards, 4. Distance; 38 ft. 8~ ins. (record), HOP, STEP AND JUMP.-N. Murphy, 1; P. Gianoncelli, 2; P. F,'rrell, 3; B. Sorensen, 4. Distance: 37 ft. 7 ins. HIGH JUMP.-P. Farrell, 1; P. Gianoncelli and B. Sorensen, 2, G. Osborne, 4. Height: 5 ft. 4~ ins. BROAD JUMP.-P. Farrell, 1; N. Murphy, 2; P. Gianoncelli, 3; J. French, 4. Distance: 18 ft. l1l ins. UNDER 16 EVENTS. 100 YARDS.-J. McManus and J. Orifici, 1; D. Edwards, 3; J. Versteeg, 4. Time: 11.4 secs. 220 YARDS.-J. McManus, 1; D. Edwards, 2; J. Orilici, 3; K. Corrigan, . Time: 25.2 secs. 440 YARDS.-P. King, 1; J. McManus. 2' K. Corrigan, 3; D. Edwar s, 4. Time: 55.6 secs. 880 YARDS.-P. King, 1; J McManus, 2; K. Corrigan. 3; J. Orilici, 4. Time: 2 mins. 13 secs. 90 YARDS HURDLES.-J. McManus, 1; K. Corrigan, 2; J. Orifici, 3. Time: 13.1 secs. (l'ecord)' HOP, STEP AND JUMP.-K. Corrigan, 1; J. McManus, 2; K. Horgan, 3; C. Di Giulio, 4. Distance: 37 ft. HIGH JUMP.-K. Horgan, 1; K. Corrigan, 2; P. King, 3; D. Cole, 4. Height. 5 It. ol ins. BROAD JUMP.-J. McManus, 1; K. Ccrrigan. 2; J. Orifici, 3; C. Di Giulio, 4. Distance: 17 ft. 2 ins UNDER 15 EVENTS. 100 YARDS.-P. McMahon, 1; G. Flynn, 2; K. Bell, 3; K. Robertson, 4. Time: 11.8 secs. 220 YARDS.-G. Flynn, 1; P. McMahon, 2; K. Robcrtson, 3; R. Harrold, 4. Time: 25.4 secs. gO YARDS HURDLES.-P. McMahon, 1; K. Robertson, 2; G. Flynn, 3. Time: 13.8 secs. irecord). HIGH JUMP.-K. Robertson, 1; R. Harrold, 2; J. Anderton, 3; R. Bett, 4. Height: 4 It. la! ins. BROAD JUMP.-K. Robertson. 1; A. Maccrini, 2' L. Valmadre, 3; M. Edgley, 4. Distance: 15 ft. 11~ ins. UNDER 14 EVENTS. 100 YARDS.-J. Burrell, 1; R. Phillips, 2; K. Corrigan, 3; E. SporeI', 4. Time: 12.06 secs. 220 YARDS.-J. Burrell, 1; R. Phillips, 2; K. Corrigan, 3' E. SporeI', 4. Time: 26.8 secs. HIGH JUMP.-G. Wishart, 1; J. Burrell, 2; J. Sullivan, 3; R. Phillips, 4. Height: 4 ft. 10~ ins. BROAD JUMP.-J. Burrell, 1; R. Phillips, 2; K. Corrigan, 3; J Sullivan, 4. Distance: 16 It. O~ in. (record). UNDER 13 EVENTS. 00 YARDS.-L. Beale, 1; J. Flatow, 2; E. Versteeg, 3; P. McGuire, 4. Time: 12.5 secs. 220 YARDS.-J. Flatow, 1; L. Beale, 2; E. Versteeg, 3; T. Land wehr, 4. Time: 28.2 secs. HIGH JUMP.-K. Lesk, 1; L. Beale, 2; R. Gamble, 3; J. Allanson, 4. Height: 4 ft. 6 ins. BROAD JUMP.-G. Brasionis, 1; E. Versteeg, 2; A. Matt, 3; G. Kendall, 4. Distance: 14 ft. 4~ ins. (record), UNDER 12 EVENTS. 75 YARDS.-A. D'Orsogna, 1, G. Boyle, 2; J. Hooper, 3' F. Bar barich, 4. Time: 9.8 secs. 100 YARDS.-G. Boyle, 1; F. Barbarich, 2; J. Hcoper, 3; R. Shields, 4. Time: 12.9 secs. (record), HIGH JUMP.-R. Shields, 1; R. Wishart, 2; L. Stewart, 3; A. Wilson, 4. Height: 4 ft. 5~ ins. (equal record). BROAD JUMP.-R. Shields and A. D'Orsogna, 1; D. Burvill 3; N Kiely, 4. Distance: 12 ft. 11 ins. RELAY EVENTS. UNDER 12.-Red, 1. Time: 40.2 secs. UNDER U.-Red, 1. Time: 39 secs. (inaug. rec) UNDER 14.-Blue, 1. Time: 53 secs. irecord). UNDER 15.-Red, 1. Time: 52.6 secs. (inaug. rec) UNDER 16.-Blue, 1. Time: 52 secs. (inauJ. rec) OPEN.-Green, 1. Time: 49.5 secs. HOUSE RELAY.-Blue, 1. Time: 1 min. 44.2 secs. MARCH PAST.-Green, 1; Gold, 2; Blue and Red, 3. HALF-MILE HANDICAP.-P. Whalley, 1; T. Flynn, 2; R. Daniel, 3. Junior Meeting COLLEGE CHAMPIONS. UNDER 11.-JOHN BONDELMONTE. UNDER 10.-ROGER McAULlFFE. UNDER 9.-FRANCI~. VAN KUYK. UNDER 11 EVENTS. "A" Grade. 50 YARDS.-J. Bondelmonte, 1; M. RiddleI', 2; H. Corrigan, 3' M. Brockwell, 4. Time: 7.3 secs. 300 YARDS.-J. Bondelmonte, 1; M. RiddleI'. 2; H. Corrigan, 3' M. Meade, 4. Time: 48 secs. HIGH JUMP.-H. Corrigan, 1; G. Serjeant, 2; J. Bondelmonte, 3; W. van del' Zancen, 4. Height: 4 It. H ins. (record), BROAD JUMP.-G. SerjeJnt, 1; W. van del' Zanden, 2; J. Bondel monte, 3; G. Barr, 4. Distance: 11 ft. 9 ins. UNDER 10 EVENTS. 50 YARDS.-R. McAuliffe, Time: 7.4 secs. 150 YARDS.-J. Ferguson. Galli, 4. Time: 21.4 HIGH JUMP.-P. Rowe, 1; 4. Height: 3 ft. n 1; J. Ferguscn, 2; T. Rowe, 3; S. Dee, 4. 1; R. McAuliffe, 2; P. Shepherd, 3; S. secs. J. Risinger, 2; G. Hayes, 3; R. McAuliffe, ins. UNDER 9 EVENTS. 50 YARDS.-F. vall Kuyk, 1; G. Parkillson, Slattery, 4. Time: 7.5 secs. (record\. UNDER 15 EVENTS. 2; G. Smith, 3; P. 75 YARDS.-F. van Kuyk, 1; G. Smi h, 2; G. Parkinson, 3; I. Fisher, 4. Time: 10.7 secs. (record). HIGH JUMP.-F. van Kuyk, 1; G. Smith and I. Fisher, 4. P. Slaltery, 2; G. Height: 3ft. 3 ins. UNDER 11 RELAY.-Green, Time: UNDER 10 RELAY.-Red, 1. HOUSE RELAY.-Red, 1. 1. Time: Parkinson, 3; 100 YARDS.-G. Flynn, 2nd, "A" Division; P. McMahon, 1st, 'B Division. 220 YARDS.-G. Flynn, 1st. "/I" Division; P. McMa 1l0n, 1st, "B Division. 90 YARDS HURDLES.-P. McMahon, 1st. BROAD JU\~P.-K. Robertson, 2nd. RELAY.-C.B.C., Perth, 1st. 29 secs. UNDER 14 EVENTS. 31.3 secs Time: 45.6 secs 600 YARDS HANDICAP.-R. Botica, 1; N. Hawtin, 2; G. Parkinson, 3. AGGREGATE PONTS.-Grecn (124), 1; Blue 191), 2; Red, (88), 3; Gold (82), 4 100 YARDS.-R. Division. 220 YARDS.-R. HIGH JUMP.-G. RELAY.-C.B.C., Phillips, 1st, "A" Division; K. Corrigan, Isl, "B" Pl1ill'ps, Isl, 'B" Division. Wisharl, 1st; J. Burrell, 3rd. Perlh. 1st. UNDER 13 EVENTS. In terschool Athletics T rrace team had a m~st succEssful d:Jy at the Inter-Sch~el Carnival. winninq the Aqqreqote, Junior, Relay and Mile TrophiES. The Places gO'ned by Turoce representatives: 100 YARDS.-N. Murphy, 3rd. "A" Division: G. Osborne, ~rd. Division. 220 YARDS.-J Rogers, 4th, "A" O;"lsion; G O,borne, 3rd, "CoO Division. 440 YAR DS.-N. Murphy, 1st, "A" Divi,ian: S. Ba:kervill~, 2ed, "8" Division. ONE MILE. -N. Murphy, 1st, "A" Division; P. Whatl y, 4th. "A" Divisicn. HIGH JUMP. P. Farrell, 3rd. BROAD JUMP.-J. ~ cManus, 3rd: P. Farrcll, 4t h SHOT PUT.-P. Gianoncelli. 2nd; G. AtZfmis, 3rd. RELAY.-CB.G, Perth, 3rdoO "0:'.' UNDER 16 EVENTS. 100 YARDS.-J. McManus, equal 2'ld, "A" Division; D. Edwards, "B" Division. 220 YARDS.-J. McManus, 3rd, "A" Division; D. Edwards, 4t", 'B" Division. 880 YARDS.-P King, 1st. HIGH JUMP.-I<. Horgan, 5th. 90 YARDS HURDLES. J McManus, 4th. Back RowR. Foster, W. Jones, Drminish, M. Brockwell, Mclntyre. ". T. Tnird RowD. Banovicl1, K. Woods, E Spore" K. Moylan C. Cooke, A. Baker, R. Cumper, J. Flannery. Second RowJ. Pardoe, J. McMahon, G. Zerko, P. King, N. Bolitho, A. Lamers, R. Harrcld, F. Komadina, W. Kalajicl1. Front RowP. Carter, B. Banovicn, D Kidman, M. McGowan, J qcgers, C. Grant, K. Edwards. K. Gatti, G. Atzemis, J. Sher'idan. L. Beale, 2nd, "B' L Beale, 2nd, "B" UNDER 12 EVENTS. OPEN EVENTS. INTER-SCHOOL SWIMMING TEAM. 100 YARDS.-J Flalow, 2nd, "A" Division; Divisicn. 220 YARDS.-J. Flatow, 4ll1, "A" Division; Division. Brasionis, equal 4ll1. BROAD JU"P.RELAY-C.B.C, Perth, 4lh. 75 YARDS.-F. Division. 100 YARDS.-G. Civision. HIGH JUMP.-R. RELAY-C.B.C .. Barbarich, 2nd, "A" Boyle, 3rd, Division; G. Boyle, 1st, "8' "A" Division; F. Barbaricl1, 1st "8' Shields. 1st; R. Wisharl, 5th. Perlh, 2nd. Other Inter-School meets were held with Scatch College and SI. Louis Sch~el en Octeber 1 I th, Guildfard Grammar Schaal and Midland Junctien High Schaal on October 23rd; and Wesley Cellege on Octeber 26th. Our most success ful runners were Neville Murphy and Pat King wha wer undefeated in the Open and Under 16 Half-mile respect ively. A Junior meet between Aquinas, Hale and C.B.C. was a mast successful one for the Terrace and revealed a wealth of talent far the future. To all these schoals, and to the organisers af the meet ings, we affer cur thanks fer the friendly competition we enjayed in their ccmpony. INTER - SCHOOL ATHLETIC Back Raw: M. Riddler, T. Landwehr, F. Barbarich, L. Beale, J. Shields, G. Serjeant, G. Boyle, P. Rowe. Third Row: R. Phillips, K. Bell, P. McMahon, B. Baskerville, K. G. Wishart, K. Corrigan. Second Row: G. Atzemis, P. Whalley, J. McManus, J. Rogers, P. G. Osbarne, K. Ho,gan, K. Robertson, J. Burrcll. Frant Row: R. Botico, J. Haoper, J. Fergu50n, A. D'Orsogno, J. R. McAuliffc. TEAM. Bondelmonte, E. Sporer, J. Rowtcliff, R. Wishart, Corrigan, G. Cia pp, P. King, A. Macorini, J. Orifici, Gianoncelli, N. Murphy (Captain), P. Fa""II, G. Flynn, Flotow, G. Brasianis, M. Brockwell, • UNDER AGE CHAMPIONS. From Left: J. Burrell (Under 14). L. Beole (Under 13) K. Robertson (Under 15) NEVILLE MURPHY JAMES McMANUS College College Senior Champion. Junior Champion. R. R. J. F. R. McAuliffe (Under 10l. Bondelmonte (Under 11l. yan Kuyk (Under 9l. Shields (Under 12). ...... C~icket UNDER FIRST ELEVEN This year's First XI. began the season very enthusia~ti cally b.... ~ unfortunately, the crrangement of fixtures proved extremely difficult. Nevertheless, in the few matches play ed, the team did well, their best performance being against the strong Aquinas side, winners of the Darlot Cup Ccmpetitian. Phil Forrell and Frank B:Jtini, Captain and Vice-Cap tain re:;pectivelv, contributed largely to the keen spirit of the team. BJtting honours went to Colin Bell, while Pat Gianoncelli headed the bowling averages; Jchn French was outstanding in the field Results of Matches: CB.C, 54 (C Bell 19\ lost to Aquinos College, 89. (P. Farrell 4 for 32. P Giononcelli 3 for ] 7). CB.C., 5 for 48, drew with St. LOUIS, 7 for 117 (de clared). CB.C, 9 for 121 (F. Botini 30, J. French 21), defeated CB.C Frem:Jntle. (P. Giancncelli 3 for 9, J. French 2 far 6, P. Maslen 2 for 9) CB.C, 77 U. >'rench 26, P. Farrrell 23) lost to Incog niti Club, 80. (P. Gianoncelli 5 for 50) C.8.C, 50 lost to Guildford Gramm:Jr, 6 for 144. U. SheridcJn 2 fer 6). UNDER 15 ELEVEN. Six matches were played during the seas:ln and of these C B.C won only two. However. two other games were lest by very narrow marqins. Gory McCormack, proved himself to be the best all-rounder in the team by toking 16 wickets at a cost of seven runs each, ond by batting effectively. Bob Enright wos the best of the b:Jtsmen ond Brian Shields olso played some good innings. Kevin Horgon and John Sheridon took their share of the wickets while fielding h::lnours qo to Des Byrne. 13 ELEVEN. After losing our first game at Hale Sch:Jol rather in gloriously fielding uncertain and b:Jtting very nervous our team began to show same of its old form and settled dawn to win all other games. Jchn Allonson's bowling proved too accurate for all camers while he and John Green batted with great confidence and skill repeat edly to take the edge off the bawling. At At At At At Hale Hale, 83, defeated CB.C., 61. Guildford CB.C., 157, defeoted Guildford, 48 Subioco CB.C., 101, defeoted Subiaca, 69. C.B.C CB.C, 83, defeated St. Louis, 48. Aquinas - CB.C., 137, defeated Aquinas, 67 Botting honours go to John Green, Anthony Baker, and John Allansan.. John Allans:Jn also topped the bowling averages with 1 1 wickets fer 36. Patrick Volmodre and John Flannery were also very cansistent. The outstanding feature of the CB.C style of cricket was to keep the runs ogainst us at a minimum by enthusiastic fielding, which, more than aur batting ability, en two accasions gained us the victory. Potrick MacDonald and Ray Carter gained the fielding hanours. Congratulations from the teom to John Allonson who proved himself 0 geod sportsman ond copoble leader. UNDER 12 ELEVEN. As the season progressed there was 0 morked improve ment in the standard of play. The improvement did not win matches but, together with the goad farm shown by new members in the latter half of the season, it gave promise of a more successful seas::ln next year. The team drew with Aquinas and lost to Highgate, St. Louis and Subiaco (twicel. Best with the bat were: Brian Barber, Michael O'Connor, Alan Saxby, John Godfrey, Gordon Kendall, and Warren Janes. Of the b::lwlers, the most consistent were: Gardon Kendall, Warren Jones, Micha I O'Connor, Glen Harrold, and Alan Saxby. The fielding was generally not good, but Bruce George kept wickets well, and Rodney Gamble, G::-rdon Kendall, Warren Jones, John Gedfrey and Michael O'Cannor fielded well. Proposed New Wing under construction at the College. FIRST ELEVEN. Back Row: F. Komadina, G. Osborne, B. Shields, P. Maslen, R. Bubb. Front Row: P. Gianoncelli, K. Barry, P. Farrell (Capt.!, F. Batini (Vice-Capt.), C. Bell, J. French. SECOND ELEVEN. Back Row: C. Scolaro, K. Gatti, I. Burton, K. Taylor, P. St. John. Front Row: J. Rage." A. Mirmikidis, D. Lee, I. Tyers, K. Alien, R. Bubb. FOOTBALL FIRST XVIII. As the 1st XVIII gained only rwo victories in eleven motches played, the 1958 season can scarcely be classed as a successful one. Yet there were many matches in which our team played very goad football against strong opposition. As in no fewer than five of the matches lost the difference in scares was slight, it can honestly be said that Fortune was perhaps a little unkind. If, however, the season was not as successful as we had wished, it was certainly enjoyable and for this we thank the various schools against whom we played. The team was capably led by John French and urged on by the fine ploy and courageous spirit of Vice-Captain Kevin Edwords. Though very member of the team gave of his best, 0 few deserve special mention. Ruck-rav r, Phi! Forrell, who was often outstanding; John Mc:\lwey, a most reliable full-back; Pot Gianoncelli br sterling service in the ruck; and Calin B II who played cleverly in the wing position. John French was winner of the Best and Fairest Award for which Phil Farrell and Pot Gianoncelli were equal run ners-up. Summary of motches: CBC, 11-8 v. CB.C, Fremanrle, 9-7. Hole School, 12-6 v. CB C, 6-7. Guildford Grammar, 9-1 1 v. C B.C, 1-5 St Louis, 8-7 v. CB.C, 6-6. Wesley College, 1 1-11 v. CB.C, 5-6. Modern 5ch:Jal, 7-6 v. CB.C, 5-3. CB.C, 6-11 v. New Narda, 5-2. Aquinas College, 12-16 v. C B.C, 4-6. Kent Street High, 9-16 v. CB.C, 8-14 Scotch College, 9-5 v. CB.C, 7-8. New Norcia, 14-5 v. C.B.C, 1 1-5. SECOND XVIII The seconds hod a fairly full programme this year. We were successful against Hole. Wesley and New. Norcio but were defeated by Guildford, Scotch, Aquinos and New Norcia (in 0 second matchl. In 011 matches, the c,"p tain, D:::n Lee, performed ver~' w211. Others among the best players were: Charlie Musarra. Con Corar.eos and Fred Komadino. UNDER 16 XVIII. UNDER 15 XVIII. Lock of size told against uS os the season progressed and we were successful In only two of the six matches play ed. Good victories were recorded over Perth Modern School and Wesley College. Gory McCormock proved invaluable as captain and centreman he showed great determin ation and played intelligent football. Others to impress were: B. Shields, T. Sutcliffe, J. Anderton, L. Borserini, R. Harrald, M. Hyde and P. Carney. UNDER 13 XVIII. Another series of successes marked the 1958 season. Still unbeaten over the lost three years, the Under 13 team of this year look forward to representing the College in the Under 16 Competition next year. This well balanced side with s:J many excellent reserves may hove to be brcken as 0 result of the additional competition but the following year will find them back as 0 unit to continue their run of wins. CB.C, 6-7, defeated Highgote, 1-2. CB.C, 4-9, defeated Aquinas, 4-4. CB.C, 16-16, defeated Guildford, nil. CB.C, 12-14, defeated St. Louis, 1-2. CB.C, 13-14, defeated New Narcio 2-2 c.l:J.C, 4-9, defeated Bindoon, 2-5.' . To end the season with 0 game to thrill 011 and send our SO for unchallenged reserve strength into ploy, we tackled 0 Clantarf Boys' Town representative team of boys from all ages. This was the most enjoyable game of the seas:::n and the only regret we hod was that 0 return game could not be arranged. Clantarf, 4-7, defeated CB.C, 4-3. UNDER 12 XVIII. The ream hod 0 partially successful season. Aquinos and St. Louis were eosilv defeated, Subiaco was narrowly defeated and Highgote defeated us four times thrice heovi Iy. Ken Lesk and John Gasiorowski carried the rucks brilliantly and Ken ols::: played well in attack and defence key positiens. Michael O'Connor and John Georgiades defended strcngly; Malcolm Dwyer and Warren Jones wer~ very good rovers and Warren also starred at centre half back. Antheny Matt, when in form, played very well at centre holf-ferword, in one of the key back positions or in the ruck, and Michoel Cawley was never bearen on 0 half back flank. Others deserving of special mention were, Rcdney Gamble, Robert Gr;::cke, and William Tulley. UNDER 11 XVIII. Playing for the first time in the Under 16 District Com petition, Terroce won five of the fourteen played. The b:JYs showed great enthusiasm and, despite the foct that most opp:::sing teams were too strong for them physically, played determined and res:Jurceful football. The team received high praise from several umpires for the fine spirit shown both on and off the field. Gory McCormack, os captain, was commended for his efficient and intelligent handling of the team. Best and Fairest: Gory McCormack and Peter Bronchi. Most Consistent: John Anderton. Mcst Improved: Kevin Horgon. The Under 1 1 Football team hod 0 mixed seas::>n, win ning ob~ut half of the games played. In 011 cases the winning Cr losing margins were very small. In general, the team's form was not as good as the previous year's success hod promised. Jerry Hooper was easily the best player. He never foi led to turn in a good hard game. Others ohcwed occasional p::ltches of brilliance. Foremost am::>ngst these would be R. Shields, F. Miller, A. Wils:m, M. Petkovich, J. Sod:::wski and G. Serjeont, who was also the most improved player. Results. Inglew::led, I 1-5 (71) defe:Jted C B.C, 2-4 (16l. CB.C, 7-6 (48) defeated M:Jrley Park, 3-5 (23l. East Perth, I 1-5 (7]) defeated C B.C, 5-3 (33). CB.C, Leederville, 12-7 (79) defeated CB.C, 5-2 D21. Maylands, 7-6 (48) defeated CB.C, 4-10 (34) North Perth, 9-8 (62) defeated CB.C, 4-3 (27l. CB.H.S., 10-12 (72) defeoted CB.C, 3-6 (24l. CB.C, ] 4-1 0 (94) defeated Osborne Pork, 3-4 (22) CB.C, 9-9 (63) defeated West Perth, 7-5 (47l. Highgate, 5-8 (38) defeated CB.C, 4-3 (27) CB.C, 6-5 (41) defeated Mt. Hawth:Jrn, 4-5 (29), North Perth, 11-5 (71), defeated CB.C, 1-7 (13l. CB.C, 7-8 (50) defeated Morley Pork, 6-3 (9). CB.H.S., 9-6 (601 defeated CB.C, 5-5 (35l. There were not many matches for our youngest Under age team but, in the few they played, the b::lys showed they were very keen to give of their best for CB.C We defeated Subiaco by two points and Highgate by one goal. A "8" team played Costledare and lost 1-2 to 1-11. The best players during the season were: Dovid Pinder Geoffrev Hoyes, Neil Hawtin, Cloudio Tomosi, Kevin Fitzpotrick, Russell Hodder and Groham Fitzgerold. Mony others played and come to practice and all trained enthusiosricolly. Our s;:>e:lal thanks go to Mr. McPartland kr his help during the seas:n. UNDER 10 XVIII. Many thanks to the parents of rhe b~ys who showed their loyalty to CB.C by their presence at s::> many games and their help with the organisation by putting their vehicles at the disp:Jsal of the boys. SECOND EIGHTEEN. Back Raw: C. Mussarra, C. COO'aneas, I. Paganin, J. Sullivan, F. Kamadina, L. O'Raurke. Second Row: B. Baskerville, K. McMullan, K. Corrigan, G. Cia pp, A. Pudavskis, W. Carlsan, B. Keogh, A. Mirmikidis. Front Row: B. Banovich, B. Flynn, T. Moss, P. Waltham, D. Lee, P. St. John, P. Dudley, K. Gatti, K. Venning. TEN N S As in previous years, tennis lessons were continued throughout the year, under the directicn of Mr Stan Edwards and his assistants, Mr. Arthur Marsholl and Mrs. Collins. Lessons for senior boys were conducted ot Kitchener Park and for junior boys at Robertson Park. Most of the competition tennis was confined to the First Term, but we were able to arronge inter-school matches for the junior boys again3t C.B.C. Fremantle and for the senior boys against New Norcia and Hale School in the Third Term ~his year. In the First Term we entered teams in the Slazenger Cup, the Mursell Shield, and the Herbert Edwards Cup, In all of which the boys performed creditably but they did not succeed in reaching the finals in any of them. In the Christian Brcthers' Inter-School Competi tion we were second to Fremantle. Particular credit is due to the team captain, Colin Bell, (]nd the other boys in the Open section and also to those in the Under 14 section who were champions in their particular groups. COLLEGE Standing: TENNIS CHAMPIONS. P. George, M. Edgley, A. O'Orsogna. Sitting: C. Bell, T. Sutcliff~. In the Schoolboy State Championships several of the bays acquitted themselves with credit, notably Colin Bell, John Beverley, Michael Edgley and Alan D'Orsogna. COLLEGE CHAMPIONS Open: Colin Bell. Under 15: Tom Sutcliffe Under 14: Michael Edgley. Under 13: Peter George. Under 12: Alan D'Orsognu. Under 11: Mark McWhirter. INTER - SCHOOL TENNIS TEAM, BACK ROW: P. George, T. Neil, O. Tannock. SECOND ROW: M. George, M. Edgley, F. Batini, I. Burton, B. Flynn, A. O'Orscgna. FRONT ROW: P Carney. M. Hyde, T. Sutcliffe, C. Bell, J. Beverley, B. Marsell, J. Edgar. - . HOCKEY The 1958 seascn was an enjoyable cne, and successful in aruuslng increased interest and enthusiasm in the game thraughcut the school. Feur teams were entereci in the Schcols' Saturday Morning Competition, and three in the afternoon "Schools Only" competition arranged by the W.A. Hockey Association. The Firsts wan only one game, and drew one, As none of the previous year's Firsts were back at school, and aniy three of the Seconds, it wo, inevitable th:Jt they would have on up:1ill struggle. Apart from 0 0-9 defeat by Scotch, the cpposition alw:Jys bund goals difLcult to c.b tain. Our big problem was that we tcund it even more difficult THE TEAM FRANK BATINI: Captain, and centre holf, was the m:in stav of the tecm. ANTHONY FITZHARDINGE: At right holf. Sh:::wed deter mination and gecd pcsition play. Turned many ar tacks. ROBERT BUBB: Centre furward Speed a:ld clever stlck w::rk his main assets. Selected In State Schoolb:Jys' Team. MICHAEL McGOWAN: Reliable full back, Often saved situations that seemed certain to bring gaols to the opposition. RONALD WALSER: Full b:JCk. Though giving two or three years to most of his opponents, was rarely beat n. Has excellent anticipation and hits strongly. JOSEPH ORIFICI: Left Wing: Has speed and good ball ccntrol. With experience should develop into a clever forward. PHILLlP FARRELL: Right Wing. His first seas:m of hock_y. Adopted himself quickly to the game and was a:woys a trier. f\LEX BANOVICH: Go:lI:e. Anatlcer newcamu tJ ·.he game. His cea!ness and quick anticipation saved man/ gcals. JOHN PARDOE: Right Inner. Despite lock of experience, played se me goed games in a difficult position. GEOFF McI<INLAY: Lc.:ft Inner. Thcugh i:cking the speed needed fer a good inner, usually held his Own. The left half pesitian was filled at various times by Gecrge Atzemis. Kevin Borrv and Chris Grant. HOCKEY FIRST ELEVEN. Back Row: J. Pardce, R. Walser, G. McKinley, J. Dritici, P. George. Frent Rew: P. Farrell, R. Bubb, F. Batini (Capt.), A. Banovich, A. Fitzh;lrdinge, C. Grant. Absent: M. McGowan. SfCOND HOCKEY XI. The Secon~s were led by Kerry Melior, with Ion Tyers as vice-captain. Already at a disadvantage through lack ef experienced players, and weakened at times by the lass of plo'jers to the f'irsts, the Seconds were often beaten by big margins. Their only success was against Marists, wham they defeated 4-1. Best players were Ion Burton, Peter Gecrg~, Colin Bell and Ion Tyers. Others who played were Paul St J:::hn, Bill Carls:Jn, Alan Thornhill, Nick Steens cnd Terry Smith. THIRD HOCKEY XI. The Thirds were faced with the same problems as the Firsts, but it may be said that no team in the competition enjeyed its games m:re. Led by ca;Jtain Hugh Cahill, and encouraged by the ever active voice of David Mc lean. the size of the opposition's score never seemed to daunt them. Best players were David Haigh, J:hn Sulliva:1 a.ld Hugh Cchill. Others to serve the team well were Phillip Selh, Ed Alfirevich, David Cole, Rcbert Pollard, and Graeme f'lummer. MO NING "B" DIVljlON TEAMS. Boys in Second Year, and to some extent those in Ju"ior, are eligible far this diVision. The Southern Division team hod several g::Jad wins, while the Northern Division, cunsiting mainly of learners, managed a few vi:taries. Most c(,nsistent players were Michael Yeo, Phillip Fitzhardinge, TanI' Eyles, Barry Giles, Neil Sounders, Hermon Alberts, Robert D'Olimpio, John Dwyer, Kerrv Burvill, Perry Ar chibold, and Brian Rocke. Richard Ridge, Paul Gentelli, Rowley Melior, Errol Jobsz, Brian Mulgrew, Bernard Lawrence and Jim Maguire were others who played in most games. SATURDAY MORNING "C" DIVISION HOCKEY SECOND ELEVEN, Back Row: M, Yeo, K. Barry, I. Tyers, P. St. John. Front Ro",,: I. Burton. K Mellcr, T. Smith, H. Cahlil Absent: C. Bell, N. Steens. A. Thor!1hill This W,:IS Our most sllcce,sful grade, and the enthusiasm of the "C' Graders gives bright hopes for the future. C"n trol Div. players were 'nfortunat= to miss quali:y:ng for the premiership round, finishing second in their zone. The Eastern eiv. were n::t quite as successful. but always turned in 0 go:d per!::;rmance, and WOn their shore of matches. Outstanding ployers were Tim Delaney, Adrian Macorini, Terry Smilh, Bernard Egerton-Green, Trevar Neil, Colin Cooke, John Allans:Jn, Gerald Flynn, Joseph L1orens, Rebert Bloffwitch and Robert Meade. Other regulars were Graeme Rcberts, Con. O'Brien, Maurice McCarthy, Richard Phillips, Peter Danzi, Paul Coronel, L10yd Harper, Frank Edwards, Terry Smith, Jehn Harvey and Ivon Ilich ROLL CALL ABRAHAMS. David (VII) AIBERTI, Giulio (VI) ALBERTANI, Daniel (IX) ALBERTS, Herman (IX) ALBONICO, Robert (IX) ALFIREVICH, Edward (X) ALFIREVICH, Ronald (VI) ALLANSON, JolH1 (VIII) ALLEN, Craig (VII) ALLEN, Donald (IV) ALLEN, Kempton (X) ALLEN, Robert (XI) ALLMARK, Christopher (VII) .ALLMARK, Peter (VII) ANDERSON, David (VIII) ANDERTON, John (IX) ANDERTON, Peter (V) ANDREW, Timothy (VIIIl ANDREWS, John (IX) AN DREWS, Peter (VII) ANGUS, Maxwell (IX) ARCH IBALD, Harley (IV) ARCHIBALD, Murray (VI) ARCHIBALD, Perry (X) ATKINSON, Graham (IV) ATKIN5{)N, Peter (VII) ATZEMIS, George (XIIl BAILEY, Nicholas (VI) BAILEY, Timothy (XI) BAKER, Anthony (VIIIl BANOVICH, Alex (XII) BANOVICH, Bronko (XIl BANOVICH, David (VIl BARBARICH, Frank (VII) BARBARO, Dominic (VII) 3ARBARO, Rocco (IV) 3ARBER, Brian (VII) BARR, Gavin (V) 3ARR, Ma/co/m (X) 3ARRY, Kevin (XII) BARTROP, Brian (IX) BASKERVILLE, Barry (XII) BASKERVILLE, Bevan (X) BATINI, Frank (XII) BEALE, Lewis (VII) BEARD, Malcolm (IV) BELL, Colin (XII) BELL, Kevin (IX) BELL, Leonard (VII) BERRY, Grant (IX) BEVERLEY, John (XI) BLASGUND, Mario (V) BLOOMER, Charles (V) BLOFFW/TCH, Norman (VI) BLOFFWITCH, Robert (VIII) BOGDAN ICH, Mario (IX) BOllTHO, Noel (IX) BONDELMONTE, John (V) BOROS, Joseph (VIII) BOROS, Leslie (IX) BORSERINI, Luigi (X) BOT/CA, Raymond (IV) BOTT, Roland (IX) BOTTA, Zoltan (VI) BRADLEY, Brian (VI) BOYLE, Gregory (VII) BRANCH I, Peter (IX) BRAZIONIS, Ginta (VII) BRAZIONIS, Vytautus (VIl BR/AN-O'BRIEN, Anthony (VII) BR/FFA, Albert (IV) BRIFFA, Joseph (VII) BROADWOOD, Richard (V) BROCKWELL, Maurice (V) BROWN, Donald (VII) BROWN, Ray (V) BROWN, Terence (IX) BUBB, Robert (X) BROWNING, Brian (IV) BURKE, Anthony (IX) BURKE, Michael (VI) BURKALA, Manian (VII) BURRELL, John (VIIIl BURTON, lan (XII) BURVILL, David (VIl BURVILL, Kerry (IX) BYRNE, Desmond (X) BYRNE, Clifford (XI) CABLE, Douglas (VIIIl CAHILL, Hugh (XI) CALHOUN, John (VIIIl CALLAGHA , Alien (VI Il CAMILLERI, Forton (IX) CAM PAGNA, Carmelo (VII Il CAMPBELL, Alan (VII) CANNING, Trevor (VIII) CARLETON, Brian (VIII) CARLETON, Rcnald (XIl CARLSON, William (XI) CARNEY, Phi lip (IX) CARR, James (XIl CARROLL, Barry (XI) CARTER, John (VIII) CARTER, Phi lip (X) CARTER, Raymond (VIIIl CARWARDINE, Willjam (V) CASEY, Peter (IX) CASWELL, Douglas (IX) CAWLEY, Michael (VIIl CHALKER, Desmond (XI) CEll NKOVIC, Joseph (V) CHANDLER, Robert (IV) CHANDLER, Anthony (VIII) CHANDLER, Michael (VIIIl CHAPPLE, Winston (X) CHRISTIAN, Breton (VI) CLAPP, Graham (X) CLAPP, Kevin (V) CLARKE, Brian (VI) CLARKE, David (VIII) CLARKE, Graham (IX) CLAYTON, Bernard (IX) CLEMENTS, Neil (V) CLEMENTS, Peter IVIIIl CLOHESSY, John (VIl COB BY, Terence (VI) COFFEY, Paul (IX) COLE, David (X) COLlI NS, Raymond (VIl COM/NO, Milton (V) CONTI, Leone (VIII) CONTI, Paul (VIII) COOK, Colin (VIIIl COOLS, John (VII) COON, Thomas (IX) COOPER John (V) CORONEL, Paul (VIII) CORONEOS, Constantine (IX) CORRIGAN, Henry IV) CORRIGAN, Kerry (VIII) CORRIGAN, Kevin (IX) CORRY, Graham (VIl CORRY, Warren (IV) CROMBIE, Kevin (X) CUM PER, Richard (VII) r.UNNINGHAM, Christopher (VIII) CUOMO, Carlo (XI) CYPEL T, Andrzei (IX) CYPEL T, Sylvester (VII) CYPHER, Christopher (VIII) DANIEL, Robert (VI) DAII'ZI, Peter (VIII) D' ARCY, Richar'd (V 11) uARGAVILLE, Leigh (V) DAVI~, Kevin (V) DAWSON, John (V) DAWSON, Robert (VI) DAY, Stuart (VII) DEE, Stefan (IV) DE JONG, Hessel (VI) DELANEY, Timothv (VIII) DE LANO, Paul (IX) 1958 CELLf.\., Bruno (XII) DELLA, John (V) DELLA, Victor (VIII) DE MUNNIK, Andrew (VII) DEVINE, Terence (XI) DI BELLA, Tino (IV) D! GIUlIO, Cesare (XI) DI LELLO, Michael (IV) DILLON, Michael (XI) DODS, M ichael (IX) D'OllMPIO, Robert (IX) DOMINISH, Francis (IV) DOMINISH, John (VIII) DORAZIO, Alex (VI) DORAZID, Ronald (IV) DORIGO, Marco (V) DORIGO, Andriano (VII) DORSA, Lewie (IX) DORSA, Robert (V) D'ORSOGNA, Allan (VI) DOYLE, Damien (V) COYLE, Garry (VI) DOYLE, John (VIII) DOYLE, Peter (IV) DRAFFI N, Barry (X) DUDLEY, Peter (X) DUFFY, Michael (VIII) DUNN, John (IX) DUNN, Michael (VIII) DUII'll', Peter (IV) DUSCI, Lean (IX) DWYER, John (IX) DWYER, Malcolm (VII) DY BALL, Peter (VII) DZI URA, Williarn (VI) EARL, Stuart (VII) EAST, Graham (IX) EDGAR, John (X) EDGLEY, M;chael (IX) EDMISTON, David (VI) EDWARDS, Clement (V) EDWARDS, David (X) EDWARDS, Francis (VIII) ~DWARDS, Graham (VII) EDWARDS, Kevin (XII) EGERTON-GREEN, Bernard (VIII) ELPH ICK, Micl'ael (VI) ~NGELBRECHT, Francis (IX) ENRIGHT, Robert (X) EPIS, Rudolfo (IX) EVANS, Alan (VIII) EYLES, Anthony (IX) FALLENS, Pat rick (X) FANTUZ, Corrado (VIII) FARANOA, Paul (VIII) FARLEY, Warren (VII) FARRACE, Renato (VI) FARRANT, Kenneth (VI) FARRELL, Phillip (XII) FEGO, Antonio (V) FEHER, Reinhard (VI) FEI<ETE, Zoltan (VII) FELBER, Stephell (VII) FENNER, Brian (VIII) FERGUSON, John (IV) FERGUSON, Peter (V) FINDLAY, Garry (V) rill' N, Francis (IX) FISHER, lan (IV) FISHER, Edmund (VIII) FITZGERALD, Andrew (V) FITZGERALD, Francis (VIII) F/TZGERALD, Graham (V) FITZGERALD, lan (IV) FITZGIBBON, Michael (IX) FITZHARDINGE, Anthony (XII) FITZHARDINGE, Phillip (IX) FITZPATRICK, Danie/ (IX) FITZPATRICK, Kevin (V) FITZSIMMONS. Anthony (X) FITZSIMDNS, Dents (XI) FLANNERY, John (VIII) FLATDW, Jeffrey (VII) FLEAY, Philip (VI) FLYNN, Brian (X) FL YN N, Desmond (X) FLYNN, Gerald (VIII) FLYNN, Paul (V) FLYNN, Terence (IX) FOLlI NUS, Kornel (V Ill) FOSTER, Robert (V) FOTI, Charlie (VII) FOX, Richard (VII) FRANCAIS, Bruce (XI) FRANCAIS, Terry (VII) FRANCE, Willliam (VI) FRANCIS, Garry (X) FRANCIS, Ross (V) FRANKLIN, Geoffrey (VIII) FRENCH, John (XII) FROST, Earl (VI) FULLER, Harry (IV) GAILLARD, Peter (IX) GALE, Kenneth (IV) GAlIPO, Donald (IV) GALLAGHER, Hugh (VIII) GALlI, Sandal' (IV) GAMBLE, Rodney (VII) GARDN ER, Peter (VIII) GARTNER, Karl (V) GASIOROWSKI, Jchn (VIII) GASPAR, Zoltan (V) GATTI, Kevin (XII) GENTELlI, Paul (X) GEORGE, Bruce (VII) GEORGE, Michael (VII) GEORGE, Peter Robert (X) GEORGE, Peter Richard (VIII) GEDRGIADES, John (VII) GERICK, Graeme (VII) GIANNINI, Luciano (VI) GIANONCELlI, Patrick (XII) GIDRGI, Peter (V) GIBBINGS, Jeffrey (VII) GIGLIA, Albert (VII) GILES, Barry (IX) GI UMELLI, John (XI) GIUMELLI, Peter (IX) GLINSI<I, Grant (VII) GODFREY, John (VIII) GOLlSANO, Vito (V) GORDDARD, Robert (VII) GORIAN, Damian (IX) GORMAN, John (XI) GRAHAM, Peter (IX) GRANT, Alan (VI) GRANT, Christopher (XI) GRANT, Michael (VI) GREEN, John (VIII) GRINIUS, Dennis (VI) GROCKE, Robert (VII) ROCKE, Terence (IX) GURRY, David (IX) GURRY. Michael (VI) HAIGH, David (X) HAIGH, Kevin (V) HARDINGHAM, John (IV) HARPER, Leslie (X) HARPER, L10yd (VIII) HARPER, Richard (VI) HARRIGAN, Dudley (VI) HARROLD, Glen (VII) f'ARROLD, Raymond (IX) HARVEY, John (VIII) HARVEY, Robert (IV) HARVEY, Robert (IV) HAWTIN, Dennis (Vii) HAWTI N, Neil (V) HAYES, Geoffrey (I,V) HEAGNEY, Michael (VIII) ROLL CALL 1958 HEELAN, Ronald (VI) HEENAN, Vaughan (VII) HEMY, David (VIII) HEN RY, Paul (X) HEPPEKAUSEN, Gerd (VIII) HEWITT, Gary (VIII) HEWITT, James (IX) i-IIGGINS, Gregory (IV) HIGH, Richard (IX) HINDS, Arthur (IX) HODDER, Russell (V) HODGES, Kevin (Xl HOLOHAN, Gerard (VI) HOOPER, Jeremiah (VI) HORGAN, Kevin (X) HOSEMANN, Philip (XI) HUGHES, Gecffrey (IX) HUGHES, Wayne (IX) HUNT, Gerald (V) HUTCH I NGS, Robert (VII) HYDE, Maxwell (IX) 11ICH, Ivan (VII) ILICH, Raymond (IX) 11IFFE, Richard (IX) IRELAND, Geoffrey (VIII) JACOBY, John (IX) JACOBY, Peter (XI) JAKAB, Karl (IV) JECKS, Colin (VI) JERVIS, Michael (VII) JOBSZ, Errol (IX) JOHNSON, Graham (VI) .JOH NSON, Daniel (V) JOHNSTON, Francis (IX) JONES, Gerald (VI) JO NES, Kevin (V) JONES, Warren (VII) JOYCE, David (V) KALAJZICH, Warren I IX) KALMUND, Arthur (VII) KELL Y, John (IX) KELL Y, John Ross (VI) KELL Y, Peter (IV) KENDALL, Gordon (VII) KENT, Geoffrey (VIII) KEOGH, Bernard (X I) KERR, Bevin (XI) KESTEL, David (V) KESTEL, Peter (IV) KEYSER, Vernon (VI) KIDMAN, Peter (X) KIELY, Neville (VI) KILKENNY, John (IX) KING, Patrick (Xl KI NG, Robert (VI) KING, Ronald (V) KING, Victor (VIII) KINGSTON, Raymond (IX) KINSEY, PhiJip (VIII) KN IGHT, Michael (VI) KOMADINA, Frederick (XI) KOVACS, Zoltan (IX) KUBINSKI, Zbigniew (VII) LALOR, Christopher (IX) LAM BORN, Russell (IV) LAM ERS, Peter IX) LAMERS, Anthony (VIII) LANDWEHR, Graham (IV) LANDWEHR, Terry (VII) LANE, Robin (VII) LANG, Geoffrey (V) LANG, Philip (VII) LANG, Kevin (VI) LARSEN, Peter (VII) LARSEN, Richard (VIII) LAURENSON, Gregory (VI) LAWRENCE, Bernard (X) LAWSO N, Barry (V 11) LAWSON, Neil (VIII) LAWTON, Garry (V) LEACH, Bernard (VI) LEAHY, John (VII) LEDDIN, Peter (VIII) LEE, Alan (V) LEE, Donald (XI) LEE, Peter (VIII) LEEr\HOUWERS, Johan (V) LESK, Kenneth (VII) LETHBRIDGE, Brian (VI) LEWIS, lan (VII) LEWIS, Robert (VI) lILlICO, David (VIII) lILlICO, Gordon (X) LLORENS, Joseph (VIII) LLORENS, Richard (X) LOWE, Raymond (VIII) LUBICZ, Adam (VI) LUCAS, Gordon (IV) L UDLOW, Kenneth (V I) LUCZKIEWICZ, Roman (VII) LUPTON, Neville (V) MACEY, Anthony (VIII) MACKIEWICZ, Stephen (IX) MACORINI, Adriano (VIII) MACQUEEN, Raymond (VI) MADRY, John (VII) MAGUIRE, James (X) MAH ER, Francis (VI) MAHER, Patrick (X) MAH ER, Vincent (IX) MALONE, Terence (V) MANERA, Charles (VI) MANLEY, Maxwell (IX) MANLEY, Michael (XI) MANN, Peter (VIII) MARCHESI, John (VII) MARGARIA, John (VI) MARGARIA, Michael (VIII) MARKEY, Graham (VII) MARRETT, Peter (X) MARRION, Anthony (X) MARCELL, Basil (X) MARS HALL, Vaughan (V I) MARTIN, Brian (X) MASLEN, Gerard (VII) MASLEN, Kevin (IX) MASLEN, Phillip (XI) MATHEWS, Gerald (IX) MATTHEWS, Stanley (IX) MAVRICK, Paul (XI) MEADE, Maurice (IV) MEADE, Robert (VIII) MEGAW, Leon (VI) MELE, Claudio (XI) MELLOR, Kerry IXII) MELLOR, Roland (Xl MEWS, Geoffrey (V) M ICHAEL, Allan (V) MILLER, Frederick (VI) MILOCANOVIC, Bronco (V) MINA, Livio (XI) MINKOWSKI, Roman (VI) MIRMIKIDIS, Alex (XI) MISZTAL, John (VII) MIZEN, Russell (VII) MONTALDO, Anthony (V) MOREY, Carl (V) MORLEY, William (V) MOROZOV, Michel (VII) MORROW, Paul (Vllll MOSS, Thomas (X) MOTT, Anthony (VI) MOYLAN, Keith (X) MUIRSON, Robert (VII) MULGREW, Brian (X) MUNGIOll, Angelo (V) MUNFORTI, Joseph (VI) MUNTZ, Casper (VI) MURPHY, Jeffrey (IV) MURPHY, John (VI) MURPHY, Lance (V) MURPHY, Neville (XIP MURPHY, Patrick (VII) MURRAY, Robin (VI) MUSARRA, Charles (XI) MUSARRI, Joseph (VI) MACDONALD, Patrick (VII) MacLEAN, David, (X) McALWEY, John (X 11) McAUlIFFE, Roger (IV) McCABE, Michael (VI) McCABE, Thcmas (VIII) McCARTHY, Maurice (VIII) McCORMACK, Gary (IX) McCRUDDEN, James (V) McCRUDDEN, John (V) McDONALD, Patrick (VI) McDOUGALL, Alex (VI) McDOUGALL, Frank (VIII) McEVOY, John (V) McEVOY, Noel (VII) McGILLIVRAY, John (IV) McGOWAN, David (IX) McGOWAN, Michael (XII) McGU INN ESS, Robert (IV) McGUIRE, Peter (VIII) McGUIRE, Philip (VIII) McINTYRE, Terence (VII) McKENNA, Dennis (VIII) McKENNA, Brian (IV) McKENNA, Kevin (VI) McKIMMIE, Christopher (VII) McKINLAY, Geoffrey (XII) McMAHON, John (VIII) McMAHON, Paul (V) McMAHON, Peter (IX) McMANUS, James (X) McMULLAN, Keith (XI) McNAMARA, John (VI) McNAMARA, Trevor (VI) McPARTLAND, Peter (V) McQUADE, Terrence (VI) McVEIGH, Norman (IX) McWHIRTER, Mark (VI) EEDHAM, John (IV) NEEDHAM, Robert (IV) NEIL, Trevol' (VIII) NEILSON, Trevor (VIII) N ICHOLLS, Kevin (VIII) NICHOLLS, Michael (VIII) NISBET, Peter (VIII) NISBET, Russell (V) O'BRIEN, Conway IVIII) O'BRIEN, John (VIII) O'BRIEN, Kerry (VI) O'BRIEN, Michael (VI) O'CONNELL, Grattan (VI) O'CONNOR, Michael (VII) O'CONNOR, Terence (IX) O'CONNOR-BYRNE, Brian (IX) OETELMANS, Pieter (VII) OGILVIE, Micllael (VI) OLSEN, Robert (V) OORSCHOT, Francis (VII) ORIFICI, Joseph (X) O'ROURKE, Lindsay (XI) OSBORNE, George (XI) OVERMARS, Henry (VI) OWEN, Anthony (IX) PADULA, Vincent (IV) PAGANIN, Italo (X) PAPASERGIO, Francis (IX) PAPOO, John (IX) PARDOE, John (XII) PARDOE, Martin (VIII) PARKER, John (VI) PARKINSON, Geoffrey (IV) PARRELLA, Carmine (IV) PATIENCE, Haydn (VI) PEACOCK, Keith (IX) PEACOCK, Stuart (VIII) PEARSON, Roger (VIII) PEMBER, Brian (VII) PETKOVICH, Michael (VI) PHILlIPS, Denis (VIII) PHILLlPS, Richard (VIII) PIERCY, lan (IV) PICCIRILlI, Anthony (X) PICKNOLL, Robert (IX) PINDER, David (V) PLACKETT, Alan (VI) PLACKETT, Colin (VI) PLUMMER, Graeme (X) PLUNKETT, Christopher (IX) POLLARD, David (VI) POLLARD, Rcbert (X) POWELL, James (VII) POWE R, Rayrnond (V 11) PRESTIPINO, Niccla CV) PROPERJOHN, Rodney (IX) PRZYCHOCKI, George (V) PUDOVSKIS, Andrejs (XI) PUSENJAK, Danci (VI) PUTLAND, Anthony (VII) PUTLAND, Stephen (VI) QUIL TY, John (IV) RADICE, Peter (XII) RADON, Alexander (VIII) RADVILAS, Romouldas (VII) RAPHAEL, Michael (X) RASPA, Michael (IV) RAYNER, Philip (VI) RE, Joseph (IV) REES, Denis (VI) REES, Lionel (IX) REGAN, Daniel (VI) REGALI, Victor (X) REID, Kevin (IX) RHODES, Michael (V) RICHARDSON, Peter (IV) RIDDLER, Michael CV) RIDGE, Brian (VIII) RIDGE, Richard (IX) RIGBY, Clinton (V) RILEY, William (VIII) RISINGER, John CV) RISINGER, Paul (VI) RISPOll, Biago (V) RISPOLI, Carlo (VII) ROBERTS, Graeme (VIII) ROBERTS, Glen (IV) ROBERTSON, Keith (VIII) ROBERTSEN, Richard (VII) ROCKE, Brian (IX) RO DD, Brian (V) ROGAN, Jarnes (V.) ROGERS, John (X) ROGERS, Paul (VII) ROSE, Vincent (VII) ROWE, Peter (V) ROWTCLlFF, Andrew (VII) RUSSELL, Adrian (IV) RYAN, Barrie (V) RYAN, Robert (VI) RYAN, Russell (IV) RYDER, Gerard (IV) SADOWSKI, Joseph (VI) SALE, Kevin (IX) SAMOJLOWICZ, Tadeusz (VII) SAMPSON, Michael (IX) SAUNDERS, Neil (X) SAVAGE, Brian (X) SAWIAK, Marian (VI) SAX BY, Alan (VII) SAX BY, Malcolm (IV) SCHARF, John (IX) SCOLARO, Charles (XI I) Peter (VIII) SELF, Terence (VIII) scon, ROLL CALL, 1958 SENIOR, Michael (VII) SERJEA T, Jeffrey (VI) SETH, Philip (X) SHARMAN, Murray (V) SHEA, John (IX) SHEEDY, Desmcnd (X) SHEPHERD, Peter (V) SHEPHERDSON, Brian (VI) SHERIDAN, John (IX) SHERWOOD, Neil (V) SHIELDS, Brian (X) SHIELDS, Robert (VI) SHORE, lan (VII) SIMS, Charles (VII) SKEWES, Graeme (X) SKORICH, Alexander (VIII) SLAVIN, Bevan (VIII) SL YTH, Brian (VI) SMITH, Brian (V) SMITH, Gerald (V) M ITH, Geoffrey (VI) SMITH, lan (IV) SM ITH, Geoffrey Francis (IV) SM ITH, Jeffrey (V) SM ITH, Michael (X) SMITH, Rayrnond (IX) SMITH, Terrence (VIII) SMITH, Terence Chas, (VIII) SMITH, Terence Chris (VIII) MITZ, Jean (VII) SMOJE, Anthony (XII) SLATTERY, Michael (V) SLA TTERY, Peter (IV) SONNEMAN, Peter (VI) SORENSEN, Barry (X) SORENSEN, John (IX) SOROKI N, Antonio (IV) SOSSI, Lucio (X) SPORER, Darryl (V) SPORER, Errol (VIII) STAB BACK, Brian (VIII; (continued) STANNING, Leslie (VII) STECKIS, Waiter (VIII) STEELE, Paul (X I) STEENS, Nico (XII) STENT, Alan (X) STENT, Murray (IV) STENT, Ross (IX) STEPH EN, Noel (IV) STEPHENS, Lindsay (VI) STEVENS, Geoffrey (V) STEWART, Lawrence (VI) ST. JOHN, Paul (XII) STIDWELL, Terence (V) STUMPERS, Albert (IX) SULLlVAN, Jchn (XI) SULLlVAN, John (VIII) SUPANZ, Reinhard (IX) SUTCLIFFE, Thomas (IX) SUTCLIFFE, Williarn (VI) SZEKENDY, Francis (XI) TANGNEY, Kerl'y (IX) TANNOCK, Daniel (VIII) TAYLOR, John (VI) TAYLOR, Kevin (XI) TAYLOR, Robert (IX) TEMBY, lan (IX) TEMBY, Peter (X) TEBNEFF, Nicolai (XI) THEOBALD, Ross (VII) THOMAS, MalcJlm (V) THOMPSON, Warren (VI) THORNHILL, Alan (XII) TICHELAAR, Thecdorus (VI) TICHELAAR, Peter (X) TIGHE, Thomas (VIII) TIVERIOS, Alec. (VII) TOLSON, Cyril (V) TOMASI, Claudio (V) TOMLlNS, Terry (IX) THE fONEMAN, John (VI) TOOH EY, St phen (IV) TRUSLOVE, David (VI) TRUSLOVE, Michael (IX) TULLEY, William (VII) TURNER, Peter (IX) TURNER, Terence (VII) TYERS, lan (XII) UMBRAS, Zbigniew (VII) URATORIU, Luciano (XII) URQUHART, Malcolrn ('Ij) VALESINI, Joseph (V) VALMADRE, Leslie (IX) VALMADRE, Patrick (VIII) VAN DEN DRIES, Anthany (V!) VAN DER AA, Francis (V) VAN DER WILK, John (VI) VAN DER ZANDEN, Williarn (V) VAN KUYK, Francis (IV) VAN ROOYEN, Patrick (VII) VAN WEES, Harry (IX) VAN DER ZANDEN, John (VII) VENNING, Keith (X) VERDINI, Lucio (VIII) VERDINI, Nello (IX) VERSTEEG, Bert (VII) VERSTEEG, Enrico (VII) VERSTEEG, Jcseph (IX) VERSTEEG, Hans (VI) VINCIGUERRA, Nino (V) VISSER, Theodorus (VI) VILKELlS, Murray (VIII) VILlIER, John (VIII) WADDELL, John (VII) WALDRON, Phillip (V) COLLEGE CHAPEL. WALKER, David (IV) WALKER, Raymond (X) WALSER, Ronald (X) WALSH, Gre:Jory (VII) WAL THAM, Peter (XI) WARING, Anthony (VI) WARMAN, Gilbert (IX) WA TTS, Christopher (VII) WEBB, RaymJnd (VII) WELLS, James (VII) WELLS, Paul (VII) WHALLEY, Peter (XII) WH ITEHEAD, John (V) WHITELY, Michael (VII) WIEMAN, Tommie (VII) WIEMAN, Theodorus (VI) WILKINS, John (VI) WILLCOCK, Patrick (VII) WILLEY, Maxwell (VII) WILLlAMS, Graham (XI) WILLlAMS, Peter (VII) WILSON, Arthur (VI) WILSON, Brian (V) WISHART, Graeme (VIII) WISHART, Gregory (V) WISHART, Richard (VI) WISNIEWSKI, Willie (VII) WOODHOUSE, Philip (VII) WOODS, Clement (VII) WOODS, Kieran (VII) WOODS, Nicholas (VI) WRIGHT, James (VIII) YEO, Michatl (X) lERKO, George (IX) ZIEMBINSKI, John (V) ZUCAL, Brian (XII) ZUPPAR, Francis (VII) ZUREK, John (VII) • John Goodm:tn of Olympic fame, w·~s seen in action at the College Spcrts this year. He won the O:d B::>ys' 100 yards event in the recGrd timf! of 10.4 secs. His only rival in this event was Terry Bourke who also ran very well. Rev. Fr. W. Foley, who it attached to the Cathedral staff, was alJpointed College Chaplain this year. Rev. Fr. P.J. Ch8uncv, now stationed at S::uth Perth maintains his interest in all College activities. He was C1aplain to Our Cadets during the Annual Camp at Northam in September. Maurice Foley is in Sydney preparing to take up duty in New Guinea. President of the C.B.C. Old Boys' Hockey Club is Maurice McGovern. The three Pearce brothers in the C.B.C. team, Eric, Gordan and Julian, were members of this year's Stote side and, together with brothers Mel and Cec. created a record for family representation in a state team. Another member of the team was Kevin Car ton whose father, Mr. Cyril Cortan was coach. Julian Pearce was captain of the Colts team which pluyed in Brisbane; Denis Tobin also gained selection in this team. Performances of the AI team were slightly below those of recent years. They drew with Perth in the Challenge Cup but 'nere defeoted in the re-ploy. In the semi-final they lAst to Cricketers. The tronsfer of Mourie Foley and Eric Peorce somewhat disorganised the team while 0 per sistent knee iniury prevented Keyin Carton's porticipation in ,everal fixtu'res' The A3 Grade team had 0 reasonably successful seas:Jn and Kevin Martin led the R2's to Pre miership honours and the winning of the Club's only Pen nant for 1958. Kersh. De Caurtenay, who holds his place in the AI's, has very generously deyoted much of his free time on Saturday mornings to ccnducting coaching classes for juniar players at the College. Among these present at the Club's yery successful end I'f seaS"ln Dinner-Dance were Alan Gray, Ran Walker, Maurice Travers, Ray Dayern, Kevin Orr, Michael Fitz hardinge, George Baylan, Tany Pulea, Carlyle Carton, Jahn ond Michael Metcalf, Eric Alcock and Jehn Henry. Bill Andrew. now Science Master at Perth Boys, was manager of this year's State Schoalb8Ys' Hockey team. Recently returned to Australia after three yeors chemi cal reseorch in America and Canada was Dr. Vincent Williams. He came to pay 0 yisit to his old school be fore passing en to Geelong to take up on app::>intment with the C.S.I RO. wool textiles research lab::>rotories. Les Litile who has recentlv go ined his Doctorate of Philesophy at Cambridge, was one of three West Austra linns tl' b~ awarderl a post-doctorate Fellowship by the National Research Council of Canada. The bllowing were studying at the University of W.A. this year: ARTS:-Eric Aicock (2): Gerald Chesson (I): Michael Giles (2); Ross Gollan (1 f; Michael Konrath (2); Frank PawnalJ. ENGINEERING:-Barry Buryill (2); Barry Chess::>n (3); Dunstan Hartley (1); DfJle Henshaw (3); Brendan Joyce (4); Ivan Jurnr.ich (1): Graham Posh (4); Brion Sodler (4); Francis Work (1); Zenon Zebrawski (2); Peter Kalmund (1 ) SCIENCE:-Carlyie Carton (1); Glen Diggins (I); Glyn Farrell (1); Barry Halse (I); Denis Matthews (3); Brion O'Connor (I); Barry Perich (1); Pat Quilty (1); Pat Smith (2); Gerald Seth (1 ).: Greg Tannock (2); Graham Walsh (I). MEDICINE:-Peter Bartley (1); John Italiano (1); Tony Puleo (1); Adrian 50rensen (1); Lui Zaninovich (2): Tony Zorb8s (2) DENTISTRY:-Pat Henry (3); Peter Heagney (2); Ray Karabevicius (2). LAW:-Dick Bryant (I); Neville Smythe (3) AG. SCIENCE:-David Chatel Mich:Jel Wintoll (1), (J); Bryon Gorddard EDUCATION:-Garry Grainger (1); Peter Tonnccl< (1 l; Aidan Walsh (2), Paul Regan (1); (2); MUS!C:-Brian Meddemmen. J im Lalor, after graduating in Science has been doing an Honours course. He will take up an appointment on the Goldfields in the coming year. Neyille Hills. having grad..:ated in Medicine, is now at Royal Perth Hospi tal. Denis Matthews is to be congratu lated on his election to the Presidency of the Newman S:ciety. Ex-pupils ot St. Chorles' Seminary include Kevin Mah:Jny, Justin Bianchini, John Angus, Chris. Flomer, Vincent Con roy, Pat Callahon, Ker.t Piercy, Peter Curran, Alan Ryon, Jehn Devine and C1ive Millen. Richard Doyle has completed his first year of Theology in Adelaide. Len Whitely ond J im Wi Ison are at the Columban Fothers' Heuse of Studies ot Sassafros in Vic torio. Completing their second year of Novitiate in the Christian Brothers' Training College Bundooro ore Brethers A. P. Curtis, P. B. Kelly ond O. L. Stonley. In the J uniorate ore Kevin Fitzgerald, .Iv\ichoel Gordner, Neville Trainor and John Elliott. Peter Twine has completed his first year of training at the Redemptarist Fathers' Junierote, Galong. Anthony Colbert is continuing his studies with the Ob late Fathers in South Africo. Michael Fitzhordinge and Brendan Hubble ore studying architecture. Ron Byrne is finishing his Teocher Training course. Tony van Merwyk is completing Medicine in Adelaide. T8rry Leen is in the Custems Department and played fer Perth Second XVIII. Clem Grogon played one of the leading roles in the recent production of the Mikodo by the Gilbert and Sullivan Cempany. Bri"Jn Meddemmen has neen ploying with the State Sympheny Orchestra Jehn O'Connell gave splendid service to Geelanq in the V.F.L. games this year Mr. Jock Shea conducted regulor Sundoy morning cricket-coaching sessions durinq the first term ond thereby helped to improYe immensely the stondard of play of the College iunior teams. His work was much apprecioted by all. A study of the records reyeals that in 1952 Herbert Elliott secured first piece in the College Holf-mile Handi cap. In the same veor. (he was then 14 years o'd), he wos ,econd in the Open Mile at the C. B.S.S.A. Sports. Coming everts were certainly costing their long shodows before them. We are delighted with Herb's qreater successes in m::>re recent times and wish him all the best in his fu~ure coreer. .. ..- • ... CHRISTIAN BROTHERS' COLLEGE, ST. GEORGE'S TERRACE, PERTH. The College is ideally situated in Perth's most beautiful thoroughfare and is convenient to 011 modes of transport. It provides complete courses of education for boys, preparing them for entrance to the University in all Faculties, as well as for 011 careers in the world of commerce and in th, Public Service. ENROLMENT. Boys may be enrolled at the College when they are ready to take their p[oce in Fourth Grade For purposes of enrolment the parents of the boy, or some other responsible person, are expected to interview the Principal. RELIGIOUS AND MORAL TRAINING. It is the first duty of a Catholic College to train Catholic boys in the knowledge and the practice of their Holy Religion. Though the religious beliefs of our non-Catholic pupils are carefully respected, we regard the moral training of all our boys as of the greatest importance ond we make every effort to instil into their hearts and minds a love of virtue and a hatred of vice, for we realise that upon this foundation alone can true character be built. CULTURAL TRAINING. Singing, Speech Culture and Elocution are taught at the College by highly qualified teachers. PHYSICAL CULTURE AND GAMES. The importance, too, of Physical Culture and Organised Sport in the School curriculum is fully realised by the Brothers. Boys ore taught gymnastics and outdoor games. In addition, games ore organised enabling every boy, even the smallest, to participate in Football and Cricket matches regularly. ATTENDANCE. Parents ore requested to see that their boys attend school regularly and punctually and that facilities ore afforded them to pursue their studies at home. School work commences daily at 845 a.m. and terminates for the Junio·s, at 3.30 p.m. The Senior Classes terminate at 4 p.m There is a recess for luncheon from 1230 p.m. to 1.15 pm. A note from the parent or guardian is necessary in cases of absence from school os well as in 011 cases in which exemption from general school discipline is claimed. VISlTS AND TELEPHONE CALLS. Parents are requested to refrain from making calls or visits to the College during school hours The Boys ore not permitted to be called to the telephone Interviews with the Principal should be by appointment, if possible. UNIFORM. Every student must wear the College uniform which includes a dark grey melange suit with College crest on coat pocket, College stockings, tie, shirt and cap. In summer time, the uniform consists of cop, College shirt, knickers (Senior boys wear long grey melange trousers), grey stockings and block shoes. TERMS. The School year is divided into three terms of practically equal length. in 1959 on the following dotes: February 10th, May 26th, September 8th. The terms commence
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