Monday, 27 October 2014] 131 [No 18—2014] FIRST SESSION, FIFTH PARLIAMENT NATIONAL COUNCIL OF PROVINCES ———————————————————————— INTERNAL QUESTION PAPER ———————————————————————— NOTE: 1. † Indicates translated version of the question. 2. Ì Indicates a question for oral reply. Table of Contents Deputy President .................................................................................. 131, 132, 133, 134, 135 Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs ............................................. 136 Minister of Health ........................................................................................................ 133, 135 Minister of International Relations and Cooperation ........................................................... 132 Minister of Public Enterprises.............................................................................................. 135 Minister of Transport ........................................................................................................... 135 Index of questions for written reply ..................................................................................... 137 QUESTIONS FOR WRITTEN REPLY MONDAY, 27 OCTOBER 2014 Shared vision/consensus between stakeholders 195. Mr L Suka (ANC-EC) to ask the Deputy President: (1) Whether the Government has ensured that there is shared vision and consensus between the various stakeholders represented at Nedlac (details furnished); if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; INTERNAL QUESTION PAPER: NATIONAL COUNCIL OF PROVINCES NO 18─2014 132 (2) [Monday, 27 October 2014 whether this included ways of achieving inclusive growth as set out in the National Development Plan; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? CW219E Human Resource Development Council 196. Mr L P M Nzimande (ANC-KZN) to ask the Deputy President: (1) Whether the Human Resource Development Council has looked at the degree of skills and capacity gaps in the public service, especially at provincial and local levels; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether there are any strategies in place to close and respond to the skills and capacity gaps in the public service; if not, why not; if so, what mechanisms are in place to assist provinces and municipalities to attract the essential skills in order to CW220E respond effectively and efficiently to the challenges facing South Africa? Kings’ benefits 197. Kgoši S G Thobejane (ANC-Limpopo) to ask the Deputy President: Whether the Government will rationalise the Kings’ benefits in the country in order to treat CW299E them equally; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? Promotion of social cohesion 198. Mr M Khawula (IFP-KZN) to ask the Deputy President: Whether he promoted social cohesion in any government functions, especially on National Days; if not; why not; if so, (a) how, (b) at which functions and (c) what are the further relevant details? CW300E Bilateral agreements with Nigeria 199. Mr M Khawula (IFP-KZN) to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation: (1) Whether South Africa has entered into any bilateral agreements with Nigeria; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) why has it been difficult for South Africa to bring home the bodies of South Africans who died at a tragic church accident in Nigeria in September 2014? CW301E INTERNAL QUESTION PAPER: NATIONAL COUNCIL OF PROVINCES NO 18─2014 Monday, 27 October 2014] 133 Moral Regeneration Movement 200. Ms B S Masango (DA-Gauteng) to ask the Deputy President: (1) Whether the Moral Regeneration Movement is having the desired impact in combating crime and violence; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) what are (a) his plans and (b) the proposed outcomes for the Moral Regeneration Movement to ensure that it meets its stated outcomes of facilitating and coordinating all processes and initiatives aimed at combating moral degeneration? CW303E HIV/Aids statistics 201. Ms E Prins (ANC-WC) to ask the Minister of Health: (1) (a) What is the latest HIV/Aids statistics in South Africa and (b) how does this compare with the rest of Africa; (2) whether South Africa is winning the fight against HIV/Aids; if not, what corrective and awareness measures are being taken by the Government in this regard; if so, CW306E what are the relevant details? Persons with disabilities 202. Ms M F Thlake (ANC-FS) to ask the Deputy President: (1) Whether the Government has looked at the slow pace South Africa is moving in achieving the target of 2% equity in the employment of persons with disabilities; if not, why not; if so, (a) what actions will be taken to ensure that South Africa achieves this target and (b) what are the further relevant details; (2) whether the Government will consider any other measures to ensure that persons with disabilities are not left to fend for themselves within the system that continues to subject them to marginalisation, poverty and unemployment (details furnished); if CW308E not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? National Development Plan 203. Mr S J Mohai (ANC-FS) to ask the Deputy President: Whether the Government has considered strategic interventions to expand economic interventions that are intended towards higher trajectory as stated in the National Development Plan (details furnished); if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? CW309E INTERNAL QUESTION PAPER: NATIONAL COUNCIL OF PROVINCES NO 18─2014 134 [Monday, 27 October 2014 Promotion of social cohesion 204. Dr Y C Vawda (EFF-Mpumalanga) to ask the Deputy President: Whether the Government has established any specific measures to promote social cohesion in the new South Africa; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? CW311E SA National Aids Council 205. Dr Y C Vawda (EFF-Mpumalanga) to ask the Deputy President: (1) Whether the Government has any plans to commission the SA National Aids Council to investigate the socio-economic impact of the HIV/Aids epidemic in South Africa, with a view to assist future strategic planning; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether socio-economic impact of HIV/Aids in sub-Saharan Africa (a) is extensive and (b) will impact on South Africa; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether the Government has any plans in place to support neighbouring countries in this regard; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) whether the Government has any substantial plans to curb substance abuse, especially alcohol, which is contributing immensely to the spread of HIV/Aids; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? CW312E Workforce employed by informal sector 206. Mr V E Mtileni (EFF-Limpopo) to ask the Deputy President: Whether the Government has commissioned any formal investigations into the relationship between the informal sector which employs almost 40% of the workforce and the formal sector (details furnished); if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? CW313E Health Professionals Council of SA 207. Mr M A Matebus (EFF-NC) to ask the Deputy President: (1) Whether the Government has engaged the Health Professionals Council of SA (HPCSA) regarding the shortfall of medical practitioners in the country; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether the Government has engaged the HPCSA regarding foreign trained doctors and their assimilation into health services system as soon as possible in order to bridge the shortfall; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? CW314E INTERNAL QUESTION PAPER: NATIONAL COUNCIL OF PROVINCES NO 18─2014 Monday, 27 October 2014] 135 Support for local small scale farmers 208. Mr L G Mokoena (EFF-FS) to ask the Deputy President: In light of the public outcry regarding ways in which Israel is conducting itself (details furnished), why is the Government not putting enough pressure on a certain company (name furnished) through its majority share by Public Investment Cooperation (PIC) to disinvest from Israeli products and support local small scale farmers and develop our industries? CW318E Male vs female condoms 209. Mr M A Matebus (EFF-NC) to ask the Minister of Health: (a) Why has the Government not taken the promotion of female condoms as seriously as male condoms, (b) why is there no free distribution of sanitary towels in public areas the same way condoms are made available, considering the high levels of unemployment and poverty which lead to the humiliation of women who cannot afford (details furnished)? CW319E Properties purchased by Eskom Holding Company 210. Mr W F Faber (DA-NC) to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises: (a) What are the details of certain land transactions (details furnished) purchased by Eskom Holding Company in the Humansdorp District, (b) what amount has been paid for each property by the said company, (c) on what dates were these properties purchased and (d) CW320E what are the transaction amounts for each financial year since 2000? Leased vehicles 211. Mr W F Faber (DA-NC) to ask the Minister of Transport: Whether her department has entered into any contracts with any (a) vehicle fleet management and/or (b) leasing companies; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (i) what are the details of the companies, (ii) how many vehicles were leased by her department in each province, (iii) for what purposes, (iv) for how long were they leased and (v) what CW321E would residue be at the end of each lease term? Properties acquired by Eskom Holding Company 212. Ms C Labuschagne (DA-WC) to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises: (a) How many properties have been acquired by Eskom Holding Company in each financial year since 2000 at (i) Koeberg, (ii) Bantamsklip and (iii) Humansdorp (Thyspunt), (b) for how much was each transaction, (c) how many hectares is each property, (d) on what date was each property acquired and (e) for what purpose was the acquisition of each property? CW322E INTERNAL QUESTION PAPER: NATIONAL COUNCIL OF PROVINCES NO 18─2014 136 [Monday, 27 October 2014 Valuation rolls 213. Mr M Chetty (DA-KZN) to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs: (1) (a) Which municipalities in the Eastern Cape have (i) updated their valuation rolls and (ii) incomplete valuation rolls, (b) when were the valuation rolls finalised, (c) what costs are involved in each case and (d) what measures are in place to rectify the processes of municipalities with (i) incomplete or (ii) no valuation rolls; (2) whether his department will intervene in this regard; if not, (a) why not and (b) what will be the consequences on the budget processes of each municipality; if so, what are the relevant details? CW323E Valuation rolls 214. Ms E C van Lingen (DA-EC) to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs: What are the comparisons amongst all provinces on updated valuation rolls in terms of the (a) number of municipalities in each province, (b) completion dates, (c) value of the income of each municipality and (d) actual recovery rate at 31 August 2014? CW324E Valuation rolls 215. Ms E C van Lingen (DA-EC) to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs: (a) Which municipalities have not completed their valuation rolls, (b) what are the reasons for the incomplete processes, (c) what measures are in place to address this problem, (d) what was the value of the previous valuation rolls, (e) what is the current income of each municipality and (f) what effect does an (i) incomplete or (ii) outdated valuation roll have on CW325E local government service delivery? Municipal/city managers 216. Ms E C van Lingen (DA-EC) to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs: (1) (a) What are the qualifications of each (i) municipal and (ii) city manager in each (aa) local, (bb) district and (cc) metropolitan municipality and (b) what are the dates of appointment of each municipal and city manager; (2) whether each manager was appointed in terms of a (a) 5 year contract or (b) permanent contract; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; INTERNAL QUESTION PAPER: NATIONAL COUNCIL OF PROVINCES NO 18─2014 Monday, 27 October 2014] 137 (3) whether the municipal managers’ appointments were approved by the relevant MECs in each province; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, on what dates; (4) (a) what measures does his department have in place to improve the qualifications of CW326E municipal managers and (b) what are the timeframes in each case? INDEX OF QUESTIONS FOR WRITTEN REPLY FRIDAY, 11 JULY 2014 29. Mr W F Faber (DA-NC) (p 11)—Labour. FRIDAY, 25 JULY 2014 38. Mr G Michalakis (DA-FS) (p 18)—Labour. FRIDAY, 22 AUGUST 2014 49. Mr M Khawula (IFP-KZN) (p 38)—Justice and Correctional Services. 54. Ms L Mathys (EFF-Gauteng) (p 39)—Labour. 55. Ms L Mathys (EFF-Gauteng) (p 39)—Mineral Resources. 56. Ms L Mathys (EFF-Gauteng) (p 39)—Health. FRIDAY, 29 AUGUST 2014 61. Mr M Chetty (DA-KZN) (p 43)—Justice and Correctional Services. [Ì10] FRIDAY, 12 SEPTEMBER 2014 90. Mr G Michalakis (DA-FS) (p 79)—Health. [Ì39] 91. Ms B S Masango (DA-Gauteng) (p 79)—Health. [Ì40] 92. Ms B S Masango (DA-Gauteng) (p 79)—Health. [Ì41] 99. Mr F Essack (DA-Mpumalanga) (p 110)—Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. [Ì55] (Interdepartmental transfer – 06/10) 104. Mr F Essack (DA-Mpumalanga) (p 82)—Health. [Ì66] 109. Ms L L Zwane (ANC-KZN) (p 83)—Health. [Ì78] 122. Mr M A Matebus (EFF-NC) (p 86)—Health. [Ì104] FRIDAY, 19 SEPTEMBER 2014 130. Mr M Khawula (IFP-KZN) (p 91)—Social Development. INTERNAL QUESTION PAPER: NATIONAL COUNCIL OF PROVINCES NO 18─2014 138 [Monday, 27 October 2014 FRIDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2014 134. Mr W F Faber (DA-NC) (p 96)—Human Settlements. 137. Ms B S Masango (DA-Gauteng) (p 96)—Health. 138. Mr C F B Smit (DA-Limpopo) (p 96)—Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. 139. Mr C F B Smit (DA-Limpopo) (p 97)—Justice and Correctional Services. FRIDAY, 17 OCTOBER 2014 141. Mr M J Mohapi (ANC-FS) (p 113)—Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. [Ì152] 142. Mr M J Mohapi (ANC-FS) (p 113)—Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. [Ì153] 143. Mr L B Gaehler (UDM-EC) (p 113)—Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. [Ì111] 144. Mr M Chetty (DA-KZN) (p 113)—Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. [Ì112] 145. Mr M Chetty (DA-KZN) (p 114)—Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. [Ì113] 146. Mr M Khawula (IFP-KZN) (p 114)—Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. [Ì131] 147. Mr V E Mtileni (EFF-Limpopo) (p 114)—Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. [Ì140] 148. Mr M J Mohapi (ANC-FS) (p 114)—Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. [Ì154] 149. Mr M J Mohapi (ANC-FS) (p 114)—Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. [Ì155] 150. Ms B S Masango (DA-Gauteng) (p 115)—Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. [Ì116] 151. Mr J W W Julius (DA-Gauteng) (p 115)—Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. [Ì120] 152. Mr J W W Julius (DA-Gauteng) (p 115)—Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. [Ì121] 153. Mr C F B Smit (DA-Limpopo) (p 115)—Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. [Ì122] INTERNAL QUESTION PAPER: NATIONAL COUNCIL OF PROVINCES NO 18─2014 Monday, 27 October 2014] 154. 139 Mr C F B Smit (DA-Limpopo) (p 115)—Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. [Ì123] 155. Mr W F Faber (DA-NC) (p 116)—Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. [Ì125] 156. Mr W F Faber (DA-NC) (p 116)—Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. [Ì126] 157. Mr W F Faber (DA-NC) (p 116)—Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. [Ì127] 158. Mr L G Mokoena (EFF-FS) (p 116)—Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. [Ì141] 159. Dr Y C Vawda (EFF-Mpumalanga) (p 116)—Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. [Ì143] 160. Mr M A Matebus (EFF-NC) (p 117)—Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. [Ì144] 161. Ms T J Mokwele (EFF-NW) (p 117)—Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. [Ì148] 162. Mr L B Gaehler (UDM-EC) (p 117)—Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. [Ì149] 163. Mr L B Gaehler (UDM-EC) (p 117)—Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. [Ì150] 164. Mr H B Groenewald (DA-NW) (p 118)—Basic Education. 165. Mr H B Groenewald (DA-NW) (p 118)—Higher Education and Training. 166. Ms B S Masango (DA-Gauteng) (p 118)—Telecommunications and Postal Services. 168. Mr G Michalakis (DA-FS) (p 119)—Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. 169. Mr G Michalakis (DA-FS) (p 119)—Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. 170. Mr W F Faber (DA-NC) (p 119)—Basic Education. 171. Ms T G Mpambo-Sibhukwana (DA-WC) (p 119)—Social Development. 172. Ms T G Mpambo-Sibhukwana (DA-WC) (p 120)—Health. 173. Ms T G Mpambo-Sibhukwana (DA-WC) (p 120)—Human Settlements. 174. Ms C Labuschagne (DA-WC) (p 120)—Justice and Correctional Services. 175. Ms C Labuschagne (DA-WC) (p 120)—Police. 176. Ms C Labuschagne (DA-WC) (p 120)—Justice and Correctional Services. 177. Mr J J Londt (DA-WC) (p 121)—Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. 178. Ms E C van Lingen (DA-EC) (p 121)—Health. INTERNAL QUESTION PAPER: NATIONAL COUNCIL OF PROVINCES NO 18─2014 140 [Monday, 27 October 2014 179. Ms E C van Lingen (DA-EC) (p 121)—Social Development. 180. Ms E C van Lingen (DA-EC) (p 121)—Health. 181. Mr C F B Smit (DA-Limpopo) (p 122)—Health. 182. Mr C F B Smit (DA-Limpopo) (p 122)—Health. 183. Mr C F B Smit (DA-Limpopo) (p 122)—Health. 184. Mr H B Groenewald (DA-NW) (p 123)—Human Settlements. 185. Mr F Essack (DA-Mpumalanga) (p 123)—Police. 186. Mr M Chetty (DA-KZN) (p 123)—Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. 187. Mr F Essack (DA-Mpumalanga) (p 124)—Police. 188. Mr W F Faber (DA-NC) (p 124)—Health. 189. Mr M Chetty (DA-KZN) (p 124)—Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. 190. Mr F Essack (DA-Mpumalanga) (p 125)—Labour. 191. Mr J J Londt (DA-WC) (p 125)—Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. 192. Mr J J Londt (DA-WC) (p 125)—Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. 193. Mr E J von Brandis (DA-WC) (p 126)—Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. 194. Mr M Chetty (DA-KZN) (p 126)—Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. REPLIES TO QUESTIONS FOR ORAL REPLY NOT YET SUBMITTED TUESDAY, 16 SEPTEMBER 2014 SOCIAL SERVICES – Cluster 2 Ì52. Ms T G Mpambo-Sibhukwana (DA-WC) (p 21)—Social Development. INTERNAL QUESTION PAPER: NATIONAL COUNCIL OF PROVINCES NO 18─2014
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