Hazleton Area Board of Education Regular Monthly Board Meeting Hazleton Area School District Administration Building 6:15 P.M., Thursday, October 23, 2014 A - Call to Order by Board President B - Pledge of Allegiance & Moment of Silence C - Attendance Roll Call D - Announcement of Executive Sessions held as follows: October 23, 2014 - Personnel and Litigation E - Public Announcements and Recognition F - Public Comment Directed to the Board on Agenda Items Only G - Approve Board Meeting Minutes: Regular Board Meeting, September 25, 2014 (APPROVED) H - Treasurer Report for September, 2014 (APPROVED) Curriculum and Instruction Approve Items 1-18 With One Motion (APPROVED) 1. Recommend Board approve Randy Teter to complete a 240 hour internship under Phil Latella at the Hazle Township Early Learning Center to attain his Guidance Certificate from Bloomsburg University. 2. Recommend Board approve the following college students to do observations: Joanna Cudwadie Bloomsburg 10 Hours Dan McNulty King’s 10 Hours Amy Skotek Kutztown 10 Hours Julia Palmieri East Stroudsburg 3 Hours Toni Auker LCCC 20 Hours Carmella Ruby Misericordia 60 Hours Aimee Latella West Chester 40 Hours Brianna Romanchik Bloomsburg 6 Hours Andrew Manganaro King's College 20 Hours 3. Recommend Board approve a Lions Quest Club at the Hazleton Area Academy of Sciences. The club will be a Skills for Action component of the Lion’s Club available for high school students. The club will foster civic responsibility and build social, emotional, academic, and workplace skills so that students can become contributing members of the communities in which they live. The club would run as a pilot for the 2014-2015 school year with Mrs. Marie Ernst as the advisor at a rate of $31.00 per hour for up to 40 hours throughout the school year. 4. Recommend Board approve Joe Chicalese, Sharon Salata, and Lori Gallagher to attend the Middle States Evaluation being held at the Berks County CTC from April 30th-May 2, 2015. There is no cost to the district. Page 1 of 12 Regular Board Meeting October 23, 2014 5. Recommend Board approve Christine DeLash to complete a practicum during the Spring semester in the Special Education Department under Mr. Manfredi and Mrs. Ecker to attain her Certification as a Special Education Supervisor from Slippery Rock University. 6. Recommend Board approve William Riccette a student at Penn State to do an internship at the HAHS Athletic Department under the direction of Fred Barletta for a total of 300 hours starting September 30, 2014 and ending by December 18, 2014. 7. Recommend Board approve Hazleton Area Alternative Opportunities as the official name for the Alternative Education Program. 8. Recommend Board approve Jonathan Victor to complete his middle school certification from Bloomsburg University at the McAdoo-Kelayres Middle School for one day in a 7-8th grade science class. He is enrolled in the “Teaching Math/Science in Middle School” class. 9. Recommend Board approve the Maple Manor Elementary/Middle School students, faculty and staff wear baseball shirts to take part in “Let Nutrition Take You Out to the Ballgame” day celebrating the first day of the World Series on October 21, 2014. 10. Recommend Board approve a 4.5 hour DIBELS Paraprofessional for the McAdooKelayres Elementary/Middle School. 11. Recommend Board approve the partnership agreement with Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit/Northeast PA Migrant Education Program for the 2014-2015 Credit Recovery Program (Pending Atty. Slusser’s approval) 12. Recommend Board approve the purchase of 20 additional System 44 Licenses and books from Scholastic Inc. at a cost of $22,495.60 to be paid from Title I Funds. 13. Recommend Board approve the use of the Q Code on HAHS documents so any parent, family member, visitor, etc. can scan the code and be sent directly to the HAHS website. 14. Recommend Board approve the Affiliation Agreement between Bloomsburg University and the Hazleton Area School District. (Pending Atty. Slusser’s approval) 15. Recommend Board approve a Fit for Life Club at the Freeland Middle School to promote and encourage students to live a healthy lifestyle. The club will touch on several different topics including but not limited to the following: obesity, selfesteem, health, daily exercise, basic nutrition, effects of drugs and alcohol on the body, etc. The club will meet multiple times per month and will include discussion and information sessions along with activities that will provide the members opportunities to participate in various games/activities. Dominique Dennison and Jeremy Chapin club advisors will be splitting a total of 40 hours this year at $31.00 per hour. Page 2 of 12 Regular Board Meeting October 23, 2014 16. Recommend Board approve The Wake Up Cougars Morning Show at the Hazleton Area Academy of Sciences. The club is designed to teach students an introduction to broadcast media using digital technology. Students will learn about copy writing, hosting in front of the camera and producing and editing behind the camera. The students will run segments on local news, world news, interviews with students and teachers, science news, emerging technology, SAT tips, school news, student spotlight to name just a few. The show will run approximately 10 minutes every Friday. Michele Medek the club advisor will be paid $31.00 an hour for a total of 40 hours. 17. Recommend Board approve the following schedule for open community swim nights/after school swimming for the HIP beginning the first week in November: (Fees for Community Swim are $2.00 for children and $3.00 for adults) Tuesday, Valley E/M School - 6:00-8:00 P.M. Community Swim Thursday, Freeland E/M School - 6:00-8:00 P.M. Community Swim Friday, Heights-Terrace E/M School - 4:00-5:30 P.M. HIP 18. Recommend Board approve the purchase of 80 additional READ 180 licenses from Scholastic Inc. at the cost of $50,241.65 to be paid from Title I funds. FYI The Hazleton Area High School Mock Trial/Debate Team will host the annual December tournament for the Scranton Catholic Forensic League on December 6, 2014 at the Hazleton Area Career Center from 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. The HACC was awarded a Pennsylvania Supplemental Grant for $37,697.09 Security Approve Items 19-22 With One Motion (APPROVED) 19. Recommend Board appoint the following individuals as Seasonal Security Officers at a rate of $10.30 per hour pending clearances: A - Gene Culp B - David Farley C - Geraldine Creasy D - James Goins 20. Recommend Board appoint the following individuals as Part Time Seasonal Security Officers 4.5 hours per day position at a rate of $10.22 per hour pending clearances: A - Joseph Tomcheck B - Stephen Bugda 21. Recommend Board appoint Laura Rossell as Cafeteria Monitor at a rate of $8.47 per hour pending clearances. Page 3 of 12 Regular Board Meeting October 23, 2014 22. Recommend Board appoint Christine Wenner as Crossing Guard in West Hazleton at a rate of $20.00 per day pending clearances. Nutrition Approve Items 23-24 With One Motion (APPROVED) 23. Recommend Board appoint Susan Blew to the full-time foodservice/ warehouse courier position at a salary of $11.65 per hour as per HAESPA Agreement. 24. Recommend Board approve the cafeteria transfers-new hires as listed below. These are all open positions and rate is based on the HAESPA contract: A - Janel Roth B - Jill Zapotosky C - Ana Rodriguez D - Lynn Watt E - Mary Ann Hutchinson F - Jeanine Boland HACC HEMS HACC HAHS HEMS HEMS 4.5 6.75 3.5 4 4 4 Transportation Approve Items 25-27 With One Motion (APPROVED) 25. Recommend Board approve school bus route changes. 26. Recommend Board approve the following Contracted School Bus & Van Drivers: All driver information is on file and available in the Routing Department Office. Martin School Busing Inc. Edward Wolfe Robert Horvath 27. Recommend Board approve the revision to Policy 810.2 - Video Cameras on School Busses. The new policy will be called 810.2 - Transportation (Video / Audio Recording), pending Attorney Slusser’s review and approval. Technology Approve Items 28-29 With One Motion (APPROVED) 28. Recommend Board approve the purchase of APC Modular Battery Replacement Service form IntegraOne to replace existing battery modules in the UPS for the district’s main computer room located in the Career Center. The cost is $28,845.00, pricing as per COSTARS contract #003-085. Page 4 of 12 Regular Board Meeting October 23, 2014 29. Recommend Board approve an extended service agreement for the APC UPS and APC cooling system located in the main computer room in the Career Center at a cost of $11,022.40. The vendor is IntegraOne. Student Activities, Athletics and Extra Curricular Approve Items 30-33 With One Motion (APPROVED) 30. Recommend Board accept the following resignations: A - James Reinmiller, Head Coach McAdoo Boys Basketball B - Jolene Fisher, Assistant Coach West Hazleton Girls Basketball 31. Recommend Board appoint the following coaches: A - Robert Kotansky, Head Coach McAdoo- Kelayres Boys Basketball, Salary $3,001 B - Christian Laputka, Assistant Coach McAdoo-Kelayres Boys Basketball, Salary $1,498 C - JoAnn Reed, Assistant Coach Heights-Terrace Girls Basketball, Salary $1,498 D - James Laputka, Volunteer Assistant HAHS Boys Basketball 32. Recommend Board approve to sponsor a Girls Team for the 2014-2015 PIAA Indoor Track and Field Season at no cost to the HASD. 33. Recommend Board approve to petition the Crestwood School District in order to form a PIAA Cooperating Sponsorship for the sport of Girls Lacrosse. Facilities & Capital Projects Approve Items 34-39 With One Motion (ALL APPROVED EXCEPT 39-D) 34. Recommend Board appoint the following (2) custodians at a rate of pay of $10.75 per hour as per Teamsters 401 Agreement: A - Ramona Santos - Freeland Elem/Middle School B - Alcibiades Espinal - Hazleton Area Career Center 35. Recommend Board approve Sentry Security to monitor Maple Manor burglary, fire and elevator at a cost of $33.00 total per month. 36. Recommend Board approve correction in pay rate for the following (2) custodians from $10.50 to $10.75 per hour as per Teamsters 401 Agreement: A - Altagracia Duran – Hazleton Elem/Middle School B - Dominic Lyons - Valley Elem/Middle School Page 5 of 12 Regular Board Meeting October 23, 2014 37. Recommend Board approve change order for the Hazleton Area Career Center Roof to Weatherproofing Technologies/C&D Water Proofing Corp. for $8,996.06. 38. Recommend Board approve the change orders for Hazleton Area Academy of Sciences: G-701-CO-01 Apollo Group, Inc. G-701-CO-02 Apollo Group, Inc. $440.80 $878.00 39. Recommend Board approve the change orders for Maple Manor El./Middle School: (APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS (A-C) - CHANGE ORDER (D) DID NOT PASS) A - GC PCO-00054 B - GC PCO-00052 C - GC PCO-00053 D - GC PCO-00051 Lobar, Inc. Lobar, Inc. Lobar, Inc. Lobar, Inc. $ 1,466.47 $ 1,757.42 $ 4,206.77 $114,226.14 (DID NOT PASS) Finance Approve Items 40-47 With One Motion (APPROVED) 40. Recommend Board approve the Property Tax Refunds. 41. Recommend Board approve the October surplus list. 42. Recommend Board approve the bids / contracts for the following: (Bid due date until 11:00 A.M., Monday, October 20, 2014) for the following: A -Boiler Repair Projects (Various Schools) (Bid) B - Caps, Gowns & Tassels (Bid) C - Contracted Student Transportation Routes (Bid) D - Diplomas & Inserts (Bid) E - Fire Extinguisher Service (Bid) F - Snow Plowing, Cindering & Removal (Bid) 43. Recommend Board approve the agreement between HASD and Horace Mann for the Voluntary Employee Flexible Spending Program, renewal for the 1/1/2015 to 12/31/2015 term. 44. Recommend Board approve the service agreement for the FD2000 Folder / Sealer in the Business Office for 11/1/2014-10/31/2015 in the amount of $650.00 with PHE Plus, Inc. 45. Recommend Board approve the mailing of invitation letters, instructions and applications as required by ACT 1 of 2006 to all eligible properties not currently receiving Homestead Exclusion by December 31, 2014. (Approximate cost of $3,500) Page 6 of 12 Regular Board Meeting October 23, 2014 46. Recommend Board approve as per procedure #29 of the rental policy to waive all fees for Hazleton Community Recreational Swim Assoc. & Hazleton YMCA & YWCA to use the pools as VEMS, FEMS & HTEMS November 4, 2014 thru May 22, 2015 for community swim nights. 47. Recommend Board approve the donation of $250.00 from the HAASA (Administrators Union) to the Maple Manor Library Trust Fund. 48. Bills (ALL APPROVED) A - Andrews & Beard - Attorney Carl Beard - Legal Services - Invoice No. 328383 - $1,275.00 Invoice No. 328384 - $1,961.40 - Invoice No. 328385 - $122.00 - Invoice No. 328386 $60.00 - Invoice No. 328387 - $1,400.00 - Invoice No. 328388 - $420.00 - Invoice No. 328389 - $165.00 - Invoice No. 328390 - $480.00 B - Edward McNelis - Legal Services - Invoice No. 11890 - $1,670.00 C - Barry Isett & Associates, Inc. - Maple Manor Project - GOB 2013 - 8/1/2014 to 8/31/2014 Invoice No. 0093782 - $436.25 – HASD - HACC Classroom Fit-Out - GOB 2013 - 8/1/2014 to 8/31/2014 - Invoice No. 0094126 - $3,566.75 D - Sweet, Stevens, Katz & Williams LLP - Legal Services - Invoice No. 90458 - $166.50 Invoice No. 90459 - $388.50 - Invoice No. 91018 - $462.50 - Invoice No. 91019 - $388.50 E - Accuscript, Inc. - Court Reporter - Hearing Transcript 9/10/2014 - Invoice No. 32904 $407.60 - Hearing Transcript 9/2/2014 - Invoice No. 32932 - $719.05 F - Lobar, Inc. - General Construction - Maple Manor El./Middle School – GOB 2013 – Payment Application No. 15 - $452,649.77 G - Jay R. Reynolds, Inc. - Maple Manor El./Middle School - GOB 2013 - Payment Application No. 13 - $42,454.21 H - Joyce Electrical, Inc. - Maple Manor El./Middle School - GOB 2013 - Payment Application No. 10 - $106,770.24 I - Master Mechanical - Maple Manor El./Middle School - GOB 2013 - Payment Application No. 14 - $62,956.50 J - Attorney Christopher Slusser - Legal Services - Invoice No. 8978 - $16,215.46 - Invoice No. 8979 - $18.75 - Invoice No. 8980 - $296.00 - Invoice No. 8981 - $150.00 - Invoice No. 8982 - $375.00 K - Wright Specialty Insurance - Deductible Invoice No. 46373 - Claim No. CND-PA-20145836-7447 - General Fund - $198.00 L - Alfred Benesch Engineers - HAHS Water Leakage Improvements Project Phase IV - General Fund - Invoice No. 75979 - $1,272.00 - Valley, West Hazleton, 9th Grade Center & Freeland Boiler Repair Project - Invoice No. 75980 - $6,198.00 M - CMG of Easton, Inc. - General Construction - HASD – HACC (C) Wing Fit-out – Payment Application No. 3 - GOB 2013 - $61,806.00 N - Patriots Construction Company, Inc. - Maple Manor Curbs and Sidewalks - Payment Application No. 1 - GOB 2013 - $30,735.00 O - School Specialty Furniture & Equipment - Hazle Township Early Learning Center - GOB 2013 - Invoice No. 608100016135 - $141,937.31 Page 7 of 12 Regular Board Meeting October 23, 2014 P - C & D Waterproofing Corporation - HAHS Project - Payment Application No. 3 - GOB 2013 - $8,232.00 Q - General Fund - (2013/2014) Weekly - $3,000.00 - (2014/2015) Monthly - $285,778.29 Weekly - $1,535,566.22 - Activities - $30,494.95 - Athletics - $29,377.78 - Cafeteria – $177,928.05 - Tax Refunds - $6,332.21 FYI Treasurer Report Investment Report Budget Report Rental Requests Student Activities Superintendent’s Agenda Approve Items 49-60 With One Motion (APPROVED) 49. Recommend Board approve the attached conference request. 50. Recommend Board approve the attached list of substitutes. 51. Recommend Board approve the attached school functions. 52. Recommend Board approve the expulsion with contract for student #15-1. 53. Recommend Board approve the expulsion with contract for student #15-2. 54. Recommend Board accept the resignation of Carl Stempert, Security Guard, effective October 10, 2014. 55. Recommend Board appoint Kelly Harman, Special Education Paraprofessional, 4.5 hours at VEMS, at a salary of $11.81 per hour in accordance with the HAESPA contract. 56. Recommend Board revise the motion of 9/16/2014 appointing Mary Merola, 5.5 hr. Pre-K Counts Paraprofessional to reflect a salary of $14.57 per hour, in accordance with the HAESPA. 57. Recommend Board revise the motion of 9/25/2014 appointing Matilde Estevez, Bilingual Paraprofessional, at HAHS, to reflect a salary of $11.30 per hour, in accordance with the HAESPA. 58. Recommend Board appoint Lori Stish, Special Education Teacher, HAHS, effective immediately at a salary of $43,538.00, per HAEA Agreement. 59. Recommend Board approve Phoebe Shaw for a secondary teaching position in Mathematics at a salary of $44,152.00, per HAEA Agreement. 60. Recommend Board appoint Mary Beth Pelley, Financial Secretary, MKEMS, at a salary of $31,179.20, in accordance with the HAESPA. Page 8 of 12 Regular Board Meeting October 23, 2014 Approve Items 61-72 With One Motion (APPROVED) 61. Recommend Board approve Judith Sallemi as a substitute for the Hazleton Area Alternative Education Program to be paid at the contracted rate of $31.00 per hour. 62. Recommend Board approve a medical leave of absence for PAN008, Teacher, VEMS, effective approximately 1/9/2015 in accordance with the Family Medical Leave Act. 63. Recommend Board approve a medical leave of absence for PAN004, Teacher, WHEMS, effective 10/30/2014, in accordance with the Family Medical Leave Act. 64. Recommend Board approve a medical leave of absence for MIL008, Teacher, MKEMS, effective 9/30/14 in accordance with the Family Medical Leave Act. 65. Recommend Board approve a medical leave of absence for STE023, Maintenance, WHEMS, effective 9/19/2014, in accordance with the Family Medical Leave Act. 66. Recommend Board approve a medical leave of absence for MIC004, Teacher, HTEMS, effective approximately 12/19/2014 in accordance with the Family Medical Leave Act. 67. Recommend Board approve a medical leave of absence for SHA025, Teacher, MKEMS, effective approximately 11/05/2014 in accordance with the Family Medical Leave Act. 68. Recommend Board approve a medical leave of absence for, CAP004, Warehouse, effective 9/3/2014. It is understood the leave will consist of the utilization of sick days. 69. Recommend Board approve a medical leave of absence for, KIL003, Teacher, FEMS, effective 9/4/2014. It is understood the leave will consist of the utilization of sick days. 70. Recommend Board approve a medical leave of absence for, MAZ004, Teacher, HAHS, effective 10/20/2014. It is understood the leave will consist of the utilization of sick days. 71. Recommend Board approve a medical leave of absence for, MOO005, Teacher, HAHS, effective 10/10/2014. It is understood the leave will consist of the utilization of sick days. 72. Recommend Board approve a medical leave of absence for, ODO010, Teacher, HEMS, effective 9/22/2014. It is understood the leave will consist of the utilization of sick days. Page 9 of 12 Regular Board Meeting October 23, 2014 Approve Items 73-86 With One Motion (APPROVED) 73. Recommend Board approve a medical leave of absence for, TAR008, Teacher, HEMS, effective 1/5/2015. It is understood the leave will consist of the utilization of sick and personal days. 74. Recommend Board appoint Samantha Bensavage, Speech-Language Pathologist, at a salary of $43,231.00, per HAEA contract. This is a replacement position. 75. Recommend Board appoint Dianna Giannetta, 4.5 hour Building Aide/Read 180 Program at HEMS, at a salary of $11.55 per hour in accordance with the HAESPA contract, pending receipt of clearances. 76. Recommend Board appoint Victoria Kozlek Computer Literacy Teacher, pending receipt of clearances and release from current position at a salary of $61,591.00. 77. Recommend Board appoint Amanda Bozym, as a Secondary Biology Teacher at the salary of $40,724.00 per HAEA contract and pending clearances. 78. Recommend Board appoint Michele Woolnough, Mid-Level Science Teacher, effective at a salary of $49,606.00, per HAEA contract and pending clearances. 79. Recommend Board appoint Elbros Samkough, Mid-Level Science Teacher, effective at a salary of $41,524.00, per HAEA contract and pending clearances. 80. Recommend Board appoint Julianne Rakus, EI/School Age Occupational Therapist, at a salary of $43,231.00, per HAEA contract and pending clearances. 81. Recommend Board appoint Jamie Hicks, Art Teacher, at a salary of $40,724.00 per HAEA contract and pending clearances. 82. Recommend Board appoint Amber Cipriani, Art Teacher, at a salary of $40,724.00 per HAEA contract and pending clearances. 83. Recommend Board appoint Melissa Reichard, Mid-Level Language Arts Teacher, at a salary of $40,724.00 per HAEA contract and pending clearances. 84. Recommend Board approve retirement for Irma Rodriguez, Special Education Paraprofessional, HACC, effective January 9, 2015. 85. Recommend Board appoint Valerie Addes, 6.5 hour Special Education Paraprofessional, HEMS, at a salary of $11.81 per hour in accordance with the HAESPA contract, effective October 27, 2014. 86. Recommend Board appoint Leann Gavio, 6.5 hour Special Education Paraprofessional, Arthur Street Elementary School, at a salary of $11.06 per hour in accordance with the HAESPA contract. Page 10 of 12 Regular Board Meeting October 23, 2014 Approve Items 87-97 With One Motion (APPROVED) 87. Recommend Board appoint Kathleen Murray, 4.5 hour Special Education Paraprofessional, VEMS, at a salary of $11.31 per hour in accordance with the HAESPA contract, pending receipt of clearances. 88. Recommend Board appoint Nicki Howe, 4.5 hour Math/Literacy Intervention Paraprofessional at HEMS for the 2014-2015 school year, at a salary of $10.55 per hour in accordance with the HAESPA contract, pending clearances. 89. Recommend Board appoint Susan Leonard, 4.5 hour Math/Literacy Intervention Paraprofessional at HEMS for the 2014-2015, at a salary of $10.55 per hour in accordance with the HAESPA contract, pending clearances. 90. Recommend Board appoint Robert Rock, 4.5 hour Math/Literacy Intervention Paraprofessional at HEMS for the 2014-2015 school year, at a salary of $10.55 per hour in accordance with the HAESPA contract, pending clearances. 91. Recommend Board appoint Debi Gordan, 4.5 hour Math/Literacy Intervention Paraprofessional at HEMS for the 2014-2015 school year, at a salary of $10.55 per hour in accordance with the HAESPA contract, pending clearances. 92. Recommend Board appoint Holly Massar, 4.5 hour Math/Literacy Intervention Paraprofessional at HEMS for the 2014-2015 school year, at a salary of $10.55 per hour in accordance with the HAESPA contract, pending clearances. 93. Recommend Board appoint Eileen Buffone, 4.5 hour Math/Literacy Intervention Paraprofessional, HEMS, at a salary of $10.55 per hour in accordance with the HAESPA contract, pending receipt of clearances. 94. Recommend Board appoint Alba Diaz, 6.5 hour Bilingual Paraprofessional at MMEMS, at a salary of $11.05 per hour as per the HAESPA contract, pending clearances. 95. Recommend Board appoint Deyanira Troncoso, 6.5 hour Bilingual Paraprofessional at Arthur Street Elementary, at a salary of $11.05 as per the HAESPA contract, pending clearances. 96. Recommend Board appoint Maura Silina Ricard Ruiz, 6.5 hour Bilingual Paraprofessional at HTELC, at a salary of $11.55 per hour as per the HAESPA contract, pending clearances. 97. Recommend Board appoint Frank Dudinyak, 4.5 hour Swim Aide, HTEMS, at a salary of $11.55 as per HAESPA contract, pending clearances. Page 11 of 12 Regular Board Meeting October 23, 2014 Approve Items 98-105 With One Motion (APPROVED) 98. Recommend Board appoint Michele Boretski, Financial Secretary, Office of the Superintendent, at a salary of $24,890.40 in accordance with the HAESPA contract, pending clearances. 99. Recommend Board approve agreement with GCN Training in the amount of $1,500.00 to provide staff training tutorials. 100. Recommend Board rescind the August 28, 2014 Board Meeting motion to appoint Thomas Walawender as full-time custodian for Heights -Terrace Elem/Middle School. 101. Recommend Board appoint David A.Walawender as full-time custodian for Heights -Terrace Elem/Middle School at an hourly rate of $10.75 per hour as per Teamsters 401 Agreement. 102. Recommend Board approve the attached agreement between the Hazleton Area School District and Samuel Farnell and establish his custodial rate for 2014/2015 at $13.07 per hour. 103. Recommend Board approve the leave of absence and retirement of Suzanne T. Ritter, HACC Secondary Science Teacher, effective 8/25/2014 as per letter. 104. Recommend Board approve the non-classified salary schedule for the 2014-2015 fiscal year. 105. Recommend Board approve 70 students and two advisors Jen Curcio and Anthony Sandutch to attend the district competition for Skills USA being held at Johnson College, Luzerne County Community College, and Susquehanna County CTC November 19th, 21st, and 25th. Following the district competition, we request approval for all first place district winners to attend the state competition that is held in Hershey, PA in April 2015. NEW MOTIONS Recommend Board terminate the City of Hazleton Airport Lease rental for storage with a 60 day notice as per the lease agreement. (APPROVED) Recommend Board approve the Senior Breakfast with the help of the Nutrition, Inc. (APPROVED) Page 12 of 12 Regular Board Meeting October 23, 2014 Conference Request for Board Approval October 23, 2014 Pg. 1 NAME CONF/CLINIC/DATE COST/FUND Craig Butler Administration Building PSSC (Annual Meeting) State College, PA 10/8/2014 $239.44 Heather Peregrin Arthur Street Elementary School Safety Initial Certification Training Kingston, PA 10/22 & 10/23/2014 $-0- Anella Cera Valley Elementary/ Middle School Speech Training for students with Autism Kingston, PA 10/8/2014 $-0(PATTAN) Lori Gallagher Hazleton Area Career Center PA State Board of Cosmetology & Pearson Vue State Board Testing Harrisburg, PA 10/27/2014 $-0- Sharon Salata Hazleton Area Career Center PA State Board of Cosmetology & Pearson Vue State Board Testing Harrisburg, PA 10/27/2014 $-0- Lesley McDermott Hazleton Elementary/ Middle School Speech Training for students with Autism Kingston, PA 10/8/2014 $-0- Lucy Valente Speech Training for students with Heights Terrace Elementary/ Autism Middle School Kingston, PA 10/8/2014 $-0- Lucy Valente Increasing Oral & Literate Heights Terrace Elementary/ Language Skills in Low Income Students Middle School Kingston, PA 11/7/2014 $-0- NAME CONF/CLINIC/DATE COST/FUND Pg. 2 Gina Yocum Hazle Township Early Learning Center Speech Training for Students with Autisim Kingston, PA 10/8/2014 $-0(State EI) Sandra Berta McAdoo Kelayres Elementary/Middle School Speech Training for students with Autism Kingston, PA 10/8/2014 $-0(Access) Lea Bognet Speech Training for students with West-Hazleton Elementary/ Autisim Middle School Kingston, PA 10/8/2014 $25.00 (Acess) Jeff Koch Hazleton Area Academy of Sciences Connections to Our Watershed Nescopeck, PA 9/30/2014 $-0- Deborah Shemansky Hazle Township Early Learning Center EI Leadership State College, PA 10/21 & 10/22/2014 $409.92 Neil Forte PMEA 9th Grade Honors Band Hazleton Area High School Festival Dallas, PA 10/8/2014 $-0- Krista Galella Beekman Street Head Start $-0- Oral Language Skills in Low Income Students at Risk Wilkes Barre, PA 11/7/2014 Jeff Taylor Keeping Kids Safe Hazleton Area High School Scranton, PA 10/21/2014 $-0- NAME CONF/CLINIC/DATE COST/FUND Pg. 3 Kathy Brior Valley Elementary/Middle School Principal Effectiveness Pringle, PA 10/8/2014 $-0- Jason Lagowy Valley Elementary/ Middle School PILS Archbald, PA 10/15 & 10/16/2014 $-0- Jason Lagowy Valley Elementary/ Middle School PEI Training Kingston, PA 10/9/2014 $-0- Ken Briggs Administration Building PETE & C Hershey, PA 2/8, 9 & 2/10/2014 $665.00 Michael Strenchock Hazleton Area Career Center Keeping Kids Safe Scranton, PA 10/21/2014 $-0- Tony Baronio Marywood Jr. Wind Celebration West Hazleton Elementary/ Scranton, PA Middle School 12/5/2014 $-0- Marie Ernst Hazleton Academy of Sciences PEI Training Kingston, PA 10/9/2014 $20.16 Patricia Tomsho Hazleton Academy of Sciences Reading Appreciation Archbald, PA 9/11, 10/6 & 11/20/2014 $-0- Kelcey Landis Hazle Township Early Learning Centre Autism Support Team Training Kingston, PA 10/7, 12/12/2014 2/5 & 4/22/2015 $300.00 (Access) NAME CONF/CLINIC/DATE COST/FUND Pg. 4 Shannon Marnell Hazle Township Early Learning Centre Autism Support Team Training Kingston, PA 10/7, 12/12/2014 2/5 & 4/22/2015 $300.00 (Access) Sarah Molli Hazle Township Early Learning Centre Autism Support Team Training Kingston, PA 10/7, 12/12/2014 2/5 & 4/22/2015 $300.00 (Access) Lori Price Hazle Township Early Learning Centre Autism Support Team Training Kingston, PA 10/7, 12/12/2014 2/5 & 4/22/2015 $300.00 (Access) Heather Stefanik Hazle Township Early Learning Centre Autism Support Team Training Kingston, PA 10/7, 12/12/2014 2/5 & 4/22/2015 $300.00 (Access) Phil Latella Hazle Township Early Learning Centre Autism Support Team Training Kingston, PA 10/7, 12/12/2014 2/5 & 4/22/2015 $300.00 (Access) Keang Beiler Hazleton Area High School Reading Appreciation Archbald, PA 9/11, 10/6 & 11/20/2014 $-0- Jennifer Smeraldo Hazleton Elementary/ Middle School Safety Initial Certification Training Kingston, PA 10/22 & 10/23/2014 $-0- NAME CONF/CLINIC/DATE COST/FUND Pg. 5 Teila McNulty Safety Initial Certification Training West Hazleton Elementary/ Kingston, PA Middle School 10/22 & 10/23/2014 $-0- Denise Daniels Freeland Elementary/ Middle School $150.00 Collins Writing Allentown, PA 11/4/2014 Jennifer Curcio Skills USA District Meeting Hazleton Area Career Center Scranton, PA 10/15/2014 $-0- Anthony Sandutch Skills USA District Meeting Hazleton Area Career Center Scranton, PA 10/15/2014 $-85.00 (Cost of a Substitute) Jennifer Curcio LCCC District Comp Hazleton Area Career Center Nanticoke, PA 11/25/2014 $-0- Anthony Sandutch LCCC District Comp Hazleton Area Career Center Nanticoke, PA 11/25/2014 $-85.00 (Cost of a Substitute) Anthony Sandutch Skills District Comp Hazleton Area Career Center Dimock, PA 11/21/2014 $-85.00 (Cost of a Substitute) Jennifer Curcio Skills District Comp Hazleton Area Career Center Dimock, PA 11/21/2014 $-0- Anthony Sandutch Skills Competition Hazleton Area Career Center Scranton, PA 11/19/2014 $85.00 (Cost of a substitute) Jennifer Curcio Skills Competition Hazleton Area Career Center Scranton, PA 11/19/2014 $-0- NAME CONF/CLINIC/DATE COST/FUND Pg. 6 Ann Conflitti 2014 SAS Institute Hazleton Area High School Hershey, PA 12/7, 8 & 9/2014 $462.50 Raffael Billet Hazleton Academy of Sciences How to Grow Advanced & Gifted Learner Kingston, PA 10/16 & 11/3/2014 $125.00 Jeff Koch Hazleton Academy of Sciences Community Connection to Our Watershed Wilkes Barre, PA 10/16/2014 $-0- Ashley Dennison Hazleton Academy of Sciences OTDA State College, PA 12/12/2014 $-0- Ben Evancho Hazleton Academy of Sciences OTDA State College, PA 12/12/2014 $-0- Anella Cera Valley Elementary/ Middle School Increasing Oral & Literate Language Skills in Low-Income Students at Risk for Language Impairment White Haven, PA 11/7/2014 $-0- Jacqueline McHale Administration Building ESPASPA Norristown, PA 10/10/2014 $117.60 Karla Kubitz Drums Elementary/ Middle School Integrated Learning School to Career Connection State College, PA 11/5, 11/6 & 11/7/2014 $269.00 (Perkins Grant) Jill Rodgers McAdoo Kelayres Elementary/Middle School Integrated Learning School to Career Connection State College, PA 11/5, 11/6 & 11/7/2014 $269.00 (Perkins Grant) NAME CONF/CLINIC/DATE COST/FUND Pg. 7 Michele Planutis Hazleton Elementary/ Middle School Integrated Learning School to Career Connection State College, PA 11/5, 11/6 & 11/7/2014 $269.00 (Perkins Grant) Olga Papa Hazleton Area High/ School Integrated Learning School to Career Connection State College, PA 11/5, 11/6 & 11/7/2014 $269.00 (Perkins Grant) Heather Stefanik Hazle Township Early Learning Center Penn Literacy Network Kingston, PA 11/20/2014 & 2/10/2015 12:30 – 3:30 PM $100.00 Megan Bell Hazle Township Early Learning Center Penn Literacy Network Kingston, PA 11/20/2014 & 2/10/2015 12:30 – 3:30 PM $100.00 Ann Franzosa Hazle Township Early Learning Center Penn Literacy Network Kingston, PA 11/20/2014 & 2/10/2015 12:30 – 3:30 PM $100.00 Sara Molli Hazle Township Early Learning Center Penn Literacy Network Kingston, PA 11/20/2014 & 2/10/2015 12:30 – 3:30 PM $100.00 Carla Cain Hazle Township Early Learning Center Penn Literacy Network Kingston, PA 11/20/2014 & 2/10/2015 12:30 – 3:30 PM $100.00 Kelcey Landis Hazle Township Early Learning Center Safety Certification Training Kingston, PA 10/22 & 10/23/2014 $-0- NAME CONF/CLINIC/DATE COST/FUND Pg. 8 Kristin Kondash HTELC/Maple Manor Elementary/Middle School PSAHPERD Convention Champion, PA 11/21/2014 $440.00 Cynthia Racho Freeland Elementary/ Middle School Increasing Oral & Literate Language Skills in Low Income Students at Risk Kingston, PA 11/7/2014 $-0- Lesley McDermott Hazleton Elementary/ Middle School Increasing Oral & Literate Language Skills in Low Income Students at Risk Kingston, PA 11/6/2014 $-0- Patricia Matz Freeland Elementary/ Middle School Increasing Oral & Literate Language Skills in Low Income Students at Risk Kingston, PA 11/7/2014 $ $22.56 Lea Bognet Increasing Oral & Literate Language Skills West Hazleton Elementary/ in Low Income Students at Risk Middle School Kingston, PA 11/7/2014 $ $25.00 (if driving) (Access) Jennifer Gerhard Marywood Jr. Wind Band Heights Terrace Elementary/ Scranton, PA Middle School 12/5/2014 $-0- Board Agenda October 23, 2014 Substitutes Substitute Food Service Cusatis, Christina Delregno, Christine Natale, Marie Vajda, Kristen Wanca, Lorraine Maintenance Substitutes Oriach Rojas, Aura Tejeda, Bernardo Valdez de Landron, Luz Isabel Substitute Aide Substitute Secretary Corrigan Joanna Corrigan, Joanna Castrine, Deborah Substitute Nurse Bell, Maureen Substitute Teachers Certification Badamo, Jessica Brown, Emily Corazza, Jasmine Huegel, Justin Simmons, Debra Stranko, Yvette Elementary K-6 English 7-12 Elementary K-8/Special Education K-12 Social Studies 7-12 Emergency Emergency
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