Steamjack Name: Purpose: Chassis Type: Height/ Weight: Running Time: Cortex: Armament: UPGRADES Upgrade Name NOVICE Adventuring Buddy Seafarer 9'0, 3.2 tonnes 8hrs/1.5hrs combat Ferrum Open fist and Halberd or Light Gun DAMAGE GRID 1 2 3 4 5 6 L R L L M C R R M M C C What's it do? Notes Reach, pow. charge Open Fist Refer to IKCG 8 8 6 5 5 3 INT PER MAT RAT DEF ARM 1 1 5 3 12 15 NOTES Common starting jack for adventurous young field mechaniks. VALUE: 4,200 GC No upgrades Weapon Halberd Punch Light Gun PHY STR SPD AGL PRW POI RNG MAT/RAT POW 2 5 4 0.5 5 2 12 3 12 P+S 12 10 N/A DAMAGE GRID Steamjack Name: SWAMPIE Purpose: General labor, salvage 1 2 3 4 5 6 Chassis Type: Bulldog PHY 8 INT 1 Height/ Weight: 8'0, 3 tonnes STR 7 PER 1 Running Time: 7.2hrs / 1hr SPD 5 MAT 3 Cortex: Cupernum L R AGL 3 RAT 2 Armament: Open Fists L L M C R R PRW 3 DEF 9 M M C C POI 2 ARM 16 UPGRADES What's it do? NOTES Upgrade Name Cannot be knocked down Gyroscopic Array The Swampie is a tough, reliable 20% longer running time Efficient Boiler and affordable model, created by Confers +2 to roll for mechanikal Rohannor Steamworks as a versatile budget laborjack. Hydraulic Crane engineering involving steamjack parts. VALUE: 3,020 GC Also carries several hundred pounds Note: Cupernum can only receive No penalties from rough terrain ATC 1 focus or drive per turn Weapon Punch Notes Open fist, buckler RNG MAT/RAT POW 0.5 3 2 P+S 9 DAMAGE GRID Steamjack Name: MILITIA Purpose: General Defence 1 2 3 4 5 6 Chassis Type: Seafarer Height/ Weight: 9'0, 3.2 tonnes Running Time: 9.6hrs/1.7hrs combat Cortex: Cupernum L R Armament: Spear, Jack Lantern L L M C R R M M C C UPGRADES What's it do? Upgrade Name Adds +1 ARM vs attacks in front arc 2 x Buckler 20% longer running time Efficient Boiler Jack Lantern Weapon Spear Jack Lantern PHY STR SPD AGL PRW POI Despite requiring a skilled handler, Militia Steamjacks provide muchneeded support to local law enforcement. VALUE: 3,940 GC RNG MAT/RAT POW 2 5 4 0.5 4 0 P+S 12 8 SP6 N/A Auto INT 1 PER 1 MAT 5 RAT 3 DEF 12 ARM 15/17 NOTES Provides bright light up to 30 ft and dim light up to 60 ft Notes Reach, Set Defense Melee Quick Action: Blinding Light (Targets suffer -1 ATK & DEF) 8 8 6 5 5 3 N/A DAMAGE GRID Steamjack Name: FORSTER Purpose: Logging 1 2 3 4 5 6 Chassis Type: Artificer PHY 12 INT 2 Height/ Weight: 11'8", 7 tonnes STR 12 PER 2 Running Time: 3hrs / 32 min combat SPD 3 MAT 3 Cortex: Aurum L R AGL 3 RAT 3 Armament: Buzz-cutter (Right) L L M C R R PRW 2 DEF 8 Hydraulic Clamp (Left) M M C C POI 2 ARM 17 UPGRADES What's it do? NOTES Upgrade Name Runs for free, burns fuel 20% faster Heavy Boiler Originating in Corvis, the Forster (a.k.a: Industrial Arm system; confers +1 STR to left arm the Lumber-Jack) is equipped with topArm Mount (Left) (Not included in stats) notch specialist tools and a high-grade cortex, making it a valuable asset to any logging operation. VALUE: 8,400 GC Weapon Buzz-Cutter Hydraulic Clamp Notes Sustained Attack Open Fist, Reach, +1D6 on STR rolls RNG MAT/RAT POW 0.5 6 2 3 3 P+S 18 16 Steamjack Name: Purpose: Chassis Type: Height/ Weight: Running Time: Cortex: Armament: UPGRADES Upgrade Name Efficient Boiler Hydraulic Crane Weapon Cargo Claw Steamjack Name: Purpose: Chassis Type: Height/ Weight: Running Time: Cortex: Armament: UPGRADES Upgrade Name Efficient Boiler Industrial Arm Mount DOCKER Cargo-Hauling Docker 12', 6 Tonnes 6hrs/55 minutes Ferrum Twin Cargo Claws DAMAGE GRID 1 2 3 4 5 6 L L R L M C R R M M C C What's it do? 20% longer running time Confers +2 to roll for mechanikal engineering involving steamjack parts. Also carries several hundred pounds KOLSTOT General Labor Kolstot 10'8, 6 tonnes 6hrs/54 mins Cupernum Spiked Fists 10 12 4 3 3 2 INT PER MAT RAT DEF ARM 1 1 3 2 8 16 NOTES A typical heavy laborjack used for hauling cargo on and off ships. VALUE: 4,840 GC RNG MAT/RAT POW Notes Reach, open fist, can't make two-handed 2 2 3 throws, can't wield weapons, +2 STR (inc) P+S 15 DAMAGE GRID 1 2 3 4 5 6 L PHY STR SPD AGL PRW POI L R L M C R R M M C C What's it do? 20% longer running time Arm system; confers +1 STR (Already included in stats) Spikes added to the fists of a jack, giving Punching Spikes it +1 POW. -2 on AGI-based rolls Weapon Punch PHY STR SPD AGL PRW POI 12 13 4 3 3 2 INT PER MAT RAT DEF ARM 1 1 3 2 8 17 NOTES A typical Khadoran laborjack that can be found in any Northern Settlement. Strong, durable and sharp as a sack of hammers. VALUE: 5,500 GC RNG MAT/RAT POW Notes 3 4 Open fist, punch spike 0.5 P+S 17 Steamjack Name: Purpose: Chassis Type: Height/ Weight: Running Time: Cortex: Armament: UPGRADES Upgrade Name Toro Cortex Efficient Boiler Industrial Mount Hardened Armor DRA ATC ACR Gyroscopic Array Weapon Plot (halberd) Counterplot (Battleblade) La Tirano Hierro Elite Combatant Toro 11'8", 7.2 tonnes 6.2 hrs / 1.3 hrs Toro Mechanika weapons DAMAGE GRID 1 2 3 4 5 6 L L R L M C R R M M C C What's it do? Aurum, Aggressive, Counter-Charge! 20% longer running time Arm system; confers +1 STR Shield Guard No penalties from rough terrain Double Control Area for this jack Cannot be knocked down Notes Reach, Arc. Accumulator, Grievous Wounds, Mech. seizure , powerful charge! Reach, Arc. Accumulator, Arcane Force, Accuracy ! RNG MAT/RAT POW P+S 6 6 18 7 8 20 2 Notes Ammunition: 8 N/A 11 12 5 4 5 4 INT PER MAT RAT DEF ARM 2 2 6 5 11 19 NOTES The Iron Tyrant is the rarest of a rare breed. A powerful weapon and bodyguard, this jack is a prized asset to the fabulously wealthy and insanely paranoid. VALUE: 19,600 This jack and allies B2B immune to blast damage DAMAGE GRID Steamjack Name: BROADSIDE Purpose: Mobile Artillery 1 2 3 4 5 6 Chassis Type: Mariner Height/ Weight: 13'1", 5.89 tonnes Running Time: 5hrs / 48 mins combat Cortex: Arcanum! L R Armament: Twin cannons L L M C R R M M C C UPGRADES What's it do? Upgrade Name Runs for free, burns fuel 20% faster Heavy Boiler Confers +2 to roll for mechanikal Hydraulic Crane engineering involving steamjack parts. Also carries several hundred pounds This jack and allies B2B immune to blast damage Hardened Armor Weapon Cannons Bash PHY STR SPD AGL PRW POI PHY STR SPD AGL PRW POI 11 11 5 5 5 4 INT PER MAT RAT DEF ARM 3 3 7 6 13 17 NOTES A rare and expensive variant of the Mariner warjack, the Broadside is the king of ocean gunnery, swiftly redeploying before raking the enemy ship with its deadly payload. RNG MAT/RAT POW 13 6 14 0.5 7 0 VALUE: 13,420 P+S N/A 11 AOE 3 N/A Steamjack Name: Purpose: Chassis Type: Height/ Weight: Running Time: Cortex: Armament: HEAP "Post-Market" Jack Forager 8'9, 2.8 tonnes 7hrs / 1hr combat Ferrum Open Fists UPGRADES Upgrade Name DAMAGE GRID 1 2 3 4 5 6 L L R L M C R R M M C C What's it do? Any upgrades this jack may have once possessed deteriorated long ago. PERMANENT DAMAGE Reduced Power (Max 2 focus), Brain Damage (No drives), Blind (-4 MAT & DEF, forfeit move or action each turn), Weak Spot (-1 ARM), Damaged Boiler (-2 STR), Damaged Drived Shaft (-1 SPD & DEF), Slowed Reaction Speed (-1 on atk rolls; both arms), wear and tear (Repair difficulty +2; all systems) Weapon Rusted Haymaker Notes Open Fist Steamjack Name: Purpose: Chassis Type: Height/ Weight: Running Time: Cortex: Armament: SAKHMET Wandering NPC Mongrel 8'0, 3 tonnes 7.2hrs / 1hr Berserker Shield fist (right), Spiked fist (left) UPGRADES Upgrade Name Berserker Cortex Efficient Boiler Amphibious Reinforced Hull Force Amplifier Punching Spike Arc Node Buckler PHY STR SPD AGL PRW POI 7 5 4 4 4 2 INT PER MAT RAT DEF ARM 1 1 0 2 5 13 NOTES Found in the hands of novice jack handlers and wandering junker caravans, these old rusted hulks are riddled with signs of age, from stripped gears and delayed reactions to fried optics and unstable cortexes. Sometimes over a century old, ancient laborjacks like Heap represent the last stage in a jack's life before it makes its final trip to the scrapyard's smelter. Est. VALUE: 250 GC RNG MAT/RAT POW 0.5 -1 2 P+S 7 DAMAGE GRID 1 2 3 4 5 6 PHY STR SPD AGL PRW POI L A A R L L M C R R M M C C What's it do? Aggressive, Ch. Atk: Brutality, Unstable Bonded, Imprint: Enduring, +1 MAT. 20% longer running time Not affected by shallow or deep water gains +1 ARM, loses 1 DEF Additional +3 STR; custom mod Adds +1 POW to punch (left arm) May channel controller's spells Adds +1 ARM vs attacks in front arc 8 10 5 3 3 2 INT 2 PER 2 MAT 5 RAT 2 DEF 9 ARM 17/20 NOTES The favored companion of the dread pirate captain Satira Heartrender, this ramshackle steamjack is occasionally found wandering by himself, almost as if he were trying to escape his insane mistress. VALUE: 6000 GC Permanent damage: Unstable (C), Misalignment (A), Wear & Tear (L) Weapon Vigilant Fist (Rt) Punch (Lf) Notes RNG MAT/RAT POW 2 Shield, open fist 3 Buckler, op.fist, spike 0.5 5 Ch.Atk: Brutality Headbutt, Knockdown 0 P+S 12 13 10
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