St. Columbkille Catholic Church Wilmington, Ohio Holy Name Chapel Blanchester, Ohio OCTOBER 26 – THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME VOCATION VIEW “You turned from idols to serve the living and true God.” Destroy the false gods in your life which prevent you from serving the one true God. (1 Thess. 1:10) ALL SAINTS DAY GIFTS TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 18/19, 2014 921 Registered Families 172 Sunday Identified Gifts $ 7,995.35 2 Children’s Envelopes $ 2.00 Unidentified Gifts $ 437.75 TOTAL SUNDAY COLLECTION $ 8,435.10 TOTAL SUNDAY & HOLY DAY COLLECTION (FISCAL Y.T.D.) $130,888.07 NEEDED FROM SUNDAY & HOLY DAY COLLECTION (FISCAL Y.T.D.) $146,119.20 Poor & Needy (including designated collection money): St. Vincent de Paul $ 216.20 Hope Emergency $ 130.80 Respect Life $ 21.00 Mission Sunday $ 1,941.46 Dimes $ 10.00 This weekend, we are having our quarterly Buildings & Maintenance Collection. There is an envelope for the feast of All Saint’s Day, which is not a holy day of obligation due to falling on a Saturday this year. Next weekend, we will have our Poor and Needy Collection. Because All Saints Day, November 1st, falls on Saturday this year, there is no obligation for the faithful to attend Mass. The weekend Mass schedule will be as follows: Friday, October 31st at 9:00 a.m. and the regular Vigil Mass on Saturday, November 1st at 4:00 p.m. ALL SOULS DAY “All Souls Day,” (November 2), is a day set aside each year to remember and pray for those who have gone before us. This year, it falls on a Sunday, and at all the Masses that weekend, the names of the members of our parish who passed since last November 2, will be read out during the Prayer of the Faithful. At the 4:00 p.m. and 6:15 p.m. Masses, candles will be lit by a server in their memory as the names are read. “Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.” PARISH ADVENT DINNER Sunday, December 14, 2014 Parish Center Basement Immediately following the Lessons of Carols in Church Catered by Werner’s. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. Sponsored by the Family Life Commission. If you are interested in joining our fun group that plans the social events of the parish family, please contact Dave Chesney at 937-486-1042. Thank you. LITURGICAL MINISTERS FOR NOVEMBER 1 & 2, 2014 SERVERS LECTORS GREETERS EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS 4:00 p.m. Saturday StC Molly Lynch, Volunteer Needed (A) Frank Stewart, (B) Cindy Bowman Pat Thompson, Bob Menker Bob Baker, Arvil Hines, Dan Murtland, Doris Pease, Terry Looft 6:15 p.m. Saturday HNC Mary Handra, Alisha Handra Jim Krusling Tom Handra, Jim Wiederhold Bob Baker, Nancy Harpster, Carol Turner 8:15 a.m. Sunday StC Coretta Merling, Kristen Germann, Nicholas Spies (A) Carolyn Warner, (B) Diann Nadeau Fred Nadeau, Frank Kanyuck Bob Baker, Carol Rack, Frank Ferguson, Charlotte Bland, Kathy Havey, (CL) Hue Vu, (CL) Colleen Germann 11:00 a.m. Sunday StC Andrew Madison, John Ulmer, Shannon O’Boyle (A) Theresa Rembert, (B) David Ulmer Jim Brausch, Jesús Muñoz Bob Baker, Joyce Noland, Russell Madison, Gretchen Myers, Sara Carruthers, (CL) Julie Umstead, (CL) Vincent Allgeier The first name for E.M. will have the host and the others will have the cups; the first name for CL will have the host. K OF C PANCAKE BREAKFAST The Knights of Columbus #3369 will hold its next Pancake Breakfast, 9:00-10:30 a.m., Sunday, November 2, in the Parish Center basement. The flavor of the month will be pumpkin. In addition to the flavor of the month pancakes, there will be eggs, sausage, goetta, milk, juice and coffee. Cost is $6.00 for adults, $4.00 for children and $25.00 for families of six or more. Children aged five and younger are free. Proceeds will benefit Coats for Kids. IN MEMORY OF… Steve and Sylvia Myers made a donation to St. Columbkille Parish in the memory of Geneva Denehy. Thank you for your generous donation. JPII Crew The JPII Crew, the Youth Group for grades 5-8 will meet on Sunday, October 26, 2014 in the Parish Center Basement from 5:00-6:30 p.m.. Dinner will be provided. Contact Mrs. Amy Farr (937-728-9987; email [email protected]). SAVE THE DATES FOR: New St. Columbkille Senior Citizens Group December 9, 2014 – 12:00 p.m. Memories of Christmas January 6, 2015 – 12:00 p.m. Rob Butcher, Media Relations Director of Cincinnati Reds February 10, 2015 – To be announced. VETERAN’S DAY Veteran’s Day is celebrated on Tuesday, November 11, 2014. If you have a picture of a former or current military person that you would like on our display board, please email [email protected], or stop by the parish office. We will proudly display the posters at both St. Columbkille, and Holy Name Chapel Masses the weekend of November 8/9, 2014. 2014 CHRISTMAS CHARITIES St. Columbkille Parish is working with five different Christmas Charities this Advent Season: HOPE EMERGENCY – A wish list will be in a November 16th bulletin article detailing their specific needs. LADIES OF ST COLUMBKILLE AND HOLY NAME CHAPEL Fr Mike’s College 101 Women’s Morning Retreat “And he will guide you into all the truth: Councils in the life of the Church” (John 16:13) Join us as we continue this survey, begun at last year’s retreat, of Church Councils and their role in the development of Christian faith and practice. Saturday, November 8, 2014 9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Parish Center Basement – Lunch will be included. Please sign up for the Women’s Retreat. Forms are on back radiators. Registration ensures that there will be enough chairs and food! For more information, please contact Barb Martin at 937-987-2790 or email [email protected]. HO HO SHOP – We will have the names of 75 children, and will have the stockings up on the communion rail the weekend of November 16th. We are collaborating with the Wilmington Friends Meeting to sponsor the following charities: WILMINGTON HOPE HOUSE SEEDLINGS OF HOPE, CAMBODIA – To help our “own missionary,” James Havey. QUAKER GIRLS SCHOOL IN JAMAICA More specific details about each mission will follow in the bulletin. Envelopes for these three charities will be available the weekend of November 23rd, also. We will have guest speakers during the Advent Season to discuss the charities. Please call the parish office if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you. THE WEEK AHEAD Sunday, October 26 7:15 a.m. Folk Choir Practice (CL) 9:30 a.m. PreK-6 Faith Formation (PC) 9:30 a.m. S. E. R. (PCBYR) 10:00 a.m. HNC Faith Formation (HNCSH) 11:15 a.m. Liturgy of the Word with Children, Grades 1-5 (CU) 3:00 p.m. JP II Crew Praise & Worship Band (PCB) 5:00 p.m. JP II Crew (PCB) 6:30 p.m. Grade 7 & 8 Faith Formation (PC) 6:30 p.m. Wilmington Lifeteen (PCB) 6:30 p.m. Acts of Apostles Adult Bible Study (PC) Monday, October 27 6:30 a.m. Weekly Men’s Encounter (PC) 4:30 p.m. AHG Meeting (PCB) 7:00 p.m. Parish Finance Council (PC) 7:00 p.m. Cub Scouts (PC) 7:00 p.m. Boy Scouts (PCB) Tuesday, October 28 6:00 p.m. Lightweigh (PC) 7:00 p.m. SVDP (PC) 7:00 p.m. Traditional Choir Practice (CL) Wednesday, October 29 Thursday, October 30 9:30 a.m. Women’s Encounter (PCL) 7:00 p.m. Adult Education Class (PC CR 8) 7:00 p.m. RCIA Meeting (PC) Friday, October 31 7:00 p.m. NA Meeting (CU) Saturday, November 1 7:02 a.m. Men’s Fellowship Breakfast (PCB) 9:30 a.m. Worship Commission Meeting (PCL) 3:35 p.m. 1st Saturday Rosary (StC) 7:00 p.m. AA Meeting (CU) AND BEYOND… Sunday, November 2 – K of C Pancake Breakfast (PCB) Wednesday, November 5 – Scriptural Rosary (StC) Thursday, November 6 – Women’s Encounter (PCL) Saturday, November 8 – Sodality Retreat (PCB) To visit our online calendar, please visit, scroll over Parish News tab, click on calendar. Reminder: CL = Choir Loft; CU = Church Undercroft; PC = Parish Center; PCB = Parish Center Basement; PCL = Parish Center Library; PC CR = Parish Center Classroom; HNCSH = Holy Name Chapel Social Hall AREA CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSES Archbishop Alter High School 940 East David Road, Kettering, OH 45429 937-428-5394 Principal: Lourdes Lambert President: Rev. James Manning Open House: Sunday, November 16, 2014, 1:00-4:00 p.m. Carroll High School 4524 Linden Avenue, Dayton, OH 45432 937-253-3338 Principal: Matthew T. Sableski Open House: Sunday, November 2, 2014, 2:00-4:00 p.m. Bishop Fenwick High School 4855 State Route 122, Franklin, OH 45005 513-423-0723 Principal: Andy Barczak Open House: Sunday, November 9, 2014, 1:00-3:00 p.m. MARRIED AND ENGAGED COUPLES Want marriage insurance? Learn Natural Family Planning, (NFP). Couples using NFP are 10 times less likely to divorce. NFP is not the old “rhythm method,” but uses all the women’s fertility signs in a safe, healthy, and highly effective method in accord with Catholic teaching. Classes begin Friday, November 14 in Centerville, OH, at the Incarnation Parish Center. Please call 937-435-4570 for additional information, or register at DECK THE HALLS CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Saturday, November 8, 2014 St. Francis De Sales Parish 20A Desales Avenue Lebanon, OH 45036 (Just north of Warren County Fairgrounds, off St. Route 48) 513-932-2601 Features: Crafts, Pictures with Santa, Baked Goods, Children’s Christmas Shoppe/Craft Workshop, Silent Auction, Antiques and Collectibles, Religious Items, New and Used Books, Puzzles and Games, “Gently Used” Christmas Items, Grand Raffle, 50/50 Raffle, Themed Basket Raffle, Delicious Luncheon, and lots, lots, more!! Please call 513-932-2601 for more information, or visit BAPTISM WORKSHOP If you are a first time parent seeking a baptism for your baby or child, then you are required to attend a BAPTISM WORKSHOP. The workshop is scheduled on the second Sunday of every month, after the 11:00 a.m. Mass if someone has registered. Please call the parish office to schedule a baptism or to register for the class. Thank you. Congratulations, Deacon Bob and Barb Meyer on your 50th Wedding Anniversary, October 17, 2014. God bless your marriage, your family, and the bond that is shared between yourselves and Christ. Faith Formation News ALONG THE WAY—FAITH ENRICHMENT FOR ADULTS: ACTS OF THE APOSTLES: THE FIRST EVANGELIZATION 2nd Class – Sunday, October 26th from 6:30-8:00 p.m. St. Columbkille Parish Center “They ate their meals with exultation, and sincerity of heart, praising God and enjoying favor with all the people. And every day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved.” Act 2: 46-47 Ever wonder how the first Christians did it? Come join us for this study for inspiration and encouragement in fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ. We will meet on the following Sundays: (Same time and location as noted above.) •November 2nd •November 9th •November 16th •November 23rd Another Bible Study TBD: January 4, 11, 18, 25, and February 8, and 22. For more information about both opportunities, please contact Amy Farr at 937-728-9987 or ajfam19@gmail. com. NEW MONTHLY PROGRAM FOR MEN! St. Columbkille, Patron Saint of Faith Formation The next MEN’s PRAYER BREAKFAST is Saturday, November 1, 2014 at 7:02 a.m., in the Parish Center Basement. This monthly event is for all the men in the parish. Friends are welcome. At the last Fellowship Breakfast, we discussed Mark 1, verse 11. Please contact Bob Schaad at 937-7256830 or email [email protected], or Les Conover at 937-302-9909 or email [email protected]. MOVIE NIGHT RETURNS! Bring your favorite appetizer and drink to the next movie night, tentatively scheduled for Friday, November 21st! The evening begins with appetizers and fellowship with the movie, MARY OF NAZARETH starting at 7:00 p.m. This is the acclaimed, recent movie about the life of Mary, the mother of Jesus. It is an epic motion picture, filmed in Europe with outstanding cinematography and strong cast, along with a majestic music score. “The film captures the essence of Mary’s (actress Alissa Jung) profound faith and trust in God amidst the great mysteries that she lived with as the Mother of the Messiah” (from the cover of the DVD). JOIN US! Movie night has been a well-received event for young adults/adults in the parish. Bring friends, everyone welcome! This movie is an outstanding film; it will also be available for check-out from the Parish Library. We are excited to announce that our parish has become a partner in a dynamic Faith 24/7 web-based digital series called Symbolon by the Augustine Institute and access is FREE to all parish families here at St. Columbkille/Holy Name. It is now available! Symbolon is a beautifully crafted teaching and state-of-the art video, filmed on location in Rome, the Holy Land and other sites providing a clear and comprehensive explanation of the Catholic faith from top Catholic speakers and educators. Designed by the Augustine Institute with an advisory board of 25 bishops, the Symbolon series is available to help us understand our Catholic faith, deepen our friendship with Christ, understand how to live our faith, and how to share our faith with others. You will be able to access this series anytime 24/7, anyplace, anywhere on computers, tablets, or phones, so even with your busy schedule, you can still find time to learn and grow in your faith from the comfort of your own home or work. You can register for Symbolon at our church website: Or, Register at index.php/register and enter the parish code 04d1e0. Ways you can use Symbolon: • At home when you get the time • On a lunch break at work • In a small faith group with friends and neighbors • As a family – building experience • With fellow parishioners at the Symbolon Adult Faith Formation Class. The Symbolon Adult Faith Formation Class meets on Thursdays, from 7:00-8:30 p.m. in the Parish Center Classroom 8. For more information, please contact Dave Copsey at 937-728-0717 or email [email protected]. We strongly encourage parishioners to take advantage of this excellent opportunity. –Fr. Mike and Members of the Education Commission Faith Formation News Continued... PRE-K THROUGH 12 FAITH FORMATION Margo Lewis – 937-382-1596 FALL MISSION DRIVE IS UNDERWAY! Parents are encouraged to assist their children (all ages, Pre-K through grade 8) in contributing to the collection of basic hygiene items and nonperishable foods for our Saint Vincent de Paul Society – SVDP. We are also collecting small change for the cause of HAITI, for the building of an orphanage and school. There is a crate in the back of church for parishioners to participate with donations, too. The children of our parish are “givers” and have been very generous over the years with donations. The groups who receive from our children are grateful and often amazed by their generosity. Thank you for joining in on the Mission Drive for SVDP & HAITI. CHRIST OUR LIFE Online access for resources to compliment children’s Faith Formation: Parents with children in grades 1-7 are encouraged to take time to view the wealth of online review lessons and activities provided by Loyola Press, publisher of the textbooks used in our Faith Formation program. Visit for interactive chapter reviews, study guides, clever games: “Stump the Shepherd,” word finds, paint, and over 400 creative learning activities for all age groups. For parents, there is also a daily 3-minute retreat and the Sunday Gospel reflection. REMINDERS: November 9 – Confirmation Enrollment, 11:00 a.m. Mass, for all 8th grade Confirmation candidates. Parents, sponsors, and or families are to accompany the young teens. Details TBA. November 15 – Grade 3 & 4 retreat! 9:15-11:45 a.m. in the Parish Center Basement – details TBA. November 16 – First Parents’ Meeting for Sacrament of Reconciliation, 10:45 a.m. in Parish Center Classroom 8 (next to Classroom 5 on the first floor). Both parents are encouraged to attend, at least one parent must be present. Please see Margo Lewis if there is a conflict with the schedule. TAKE A TRIP OF A LIFETIME!...TO CAMBODIA FEBRUARY 12-28, 2015 “Becoming acquainted with other people and other cultures makes us grow!”…words of Pope Francis. The Cincinnati Archdiocesan Mission Office and the Maryknoll Lay Missionaries invite you to expand your horizons and deepen your faith by visiting our fellow parishioner, James Havey, in Cambodia, Southeast Asia, February 12-28, 2015. The purposes of this trip are to: help individuals and our parish develop spiritually in the understanding of other cultures and faith around Cambodia; to show our parish support of Maryknoll Sisters’ and James’ ministries; to encourage other Catholics to get a taste of lay missionary work themselves; and to become more supportive of Maryknoll lay missioners and mission work in general. There is some financial aid for the airfare for those who need it and who are approved for this trip. There will be orientation meetings before and after the visit. Sign up deadline is November 15. For more information about the wonderful itinerary, the costs, and a trip brochure, email Dr. Mike Gable, Archdiocesan Mission Office Director at: [email protected]. FEASTS CELEBRATED THIS WEEK October 26 – THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME If you are called to love your neighbor as yourself, consider some small random acts of kindness and do this for another. Pay some portion toward the bill of the person in line behind you. Water your neighbor’s grass (probably while doing your own). In small delights, great changes are made to one’s frame of mind. Next, consider the question you ask. Are you seeking to silence a person or to affirm their opinion? In respecting the gifts of the person in your presence, you allow the dignity God places in each person to be honored and therefore learn to love God more in the life created. October 28 – Sts. Simon & Jude, Apostles Two of the twelve we remember today: Simon who was a Zealot, and Judas, also called Thaddeus. That is the end of the historical record. But the memory of the Church, which might not meet all the requirements of modern historians, does have a deeper record of these two saints. Sometime after the Pentecost, the two of them spread the Gospel in Persia. There they freed people from the oppression that comes with worshipping idols and confronting magicians and pagan priests. The magicians of the false demanded a showdown with the holy Apostles, challenging them like the Egyptians priests challenged Moses and Aaron in the courts of the Pharaoh. Many were amazed and came to know the truth of Christ, but the magicians and pagan priests rushed upon the Apostles and killed them. Sourcebook, pages 306-307 2014-2015 CONCERTS IN A COUNTRY CHURCH MASTERPIECES OF THE CHORAL TRADITION Music of Vivaldi and Faure Sunday, November 2, 2014, 3:00 p.m. The Choir of St. Colman Catholic Church will be joined by the choir of the Presbyterian Church of Hillsboro, OH (Roger Smith, director) and instrumentalists from the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music to perform two of the great works of the choral art. On a weekend which contains both a great and ancient Christian feast day, (All Saints, November 1), and the annual memorial day of All Souls (November 2), it seems fitting to pair these two towering works. Ravishing, Roaring, and Romantic Sunday, February 8, 2015, 3:00 p.m. Music of Rheinberger (for violin and organ) and Reger, with Carlos Elias, violinist Bang the Drums Loudly Sunday, April 19, 2015, 3:00 p.m. Music for percussion and organ All concerts will be at St. Colman Church, Washington Court House. Cost of a season ticket for all three concerts is $25.00 per person, which can be purchased up to and including the date of the first concert. Individual concert tickets are $10.00 each. Season tickets may be purchased by mailing a check to C/O Concerts: St. Colman of Cloyne Catholic Church 219 South North Street, Washington Court House, OH 43160 740-335-5000 or SACRED HEART SODALITY REMINDER: Friday, November 7, 2014 is the First Friday Devotion to the Sacred Heart. Mass at 9:00am with prayer will be followed by breakfast fellowship ROSARY CORNER FIRST SATURDAY ROSARY – DEVOTION TO OUR LADY Saturday, November 1, 2014, 3:35 p.m., St. Columbkille. FIRST WEDNESDAY SCRIPTURAL ROSARY November 5, 2014, 6:15 p.m., St. Columbkille. All are invited. The Rosary, like the Psalter it parallels, grows with the one who prays it. It is like the manna in the desert that accommodated itself to the taste of each one. There are seasons in each man’s life with God and the garden of the Rosary changes with these seasons. The Rosary is especially valuable in time of dryness; it becomes a way of inviting Our Blessed Lady into one’s desert. When Mary comes into the weary and dry land of our soulscapes, she irrigates it with the grace of her presence, causing it to blossom like a rose. For more information, please visit: vultus.stblogs. org/index.php/2014/10/into-the-garden-of-the-rosary/. NEED A NEW & EXCITING IDEA FOR VALENTINE'S DAY IN 2015? Take your good marriage and make it GREAT with a Marriage Encounter Weekend! The next Marriage Encounter weekend in this area is November 7th-9th at Maria Stein Retreat Center, in Maria Stein, OH. Weekends fill up quickly, so a prompt response is encouraged to avoid the waiting list. Look for upcoming weekends in 2014 at or For more details or reservations, call Dave and Jan Stockelman at 513-251-1940 or 1-800-547-1251, Code 00 – OR – on the web at Retreats at the Jesuit Spiritual Center at Milford 5361 S. Milford Road Milford, OH 45150 For information or questions about the retreats, please call (513) 248-3500, ext. 10 or visit Married Couple Retreat November 14-16, 2014 Presented by Chuck and Kathy Kohl This weekend, will be an experience which will reawaken all the hopes and dreams you have for the future of your marriage. It will focus on how your faith and your love have been strengthened through your entire journey together. Finally, the weekend will focus on the family dimension of the sacrament of marriage, children in a couple’s relationship at each stage of development, and the mission from God in raising and forming children in faith and love, by example and with a mission of service to the community. The fee for the retreat is $300.00. CHOSEN: CALLED TO BE MORE On Saturday, November 8, 2014, a high impact youth rally and Mass for youth in 6th-8th grade, with a concurrent session for their parents will take place at Good Shepherd Catholic Church, 8815 E. Kemper Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45249, from 5:00-9:30 p.m. Cost is $10.00 per person. For more details, please visit 40 DAYS FOR LIFE This Pro-Life campaign began on September 24, 2014, and will run until, November 2, 2014 for 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. You are invited to stand and peacefully pray individually or with others (during one or more hours) in the public right-of-way outside Planned Parenthood, 2314 Auburn Avenue, Cincinnati. Bishop Joseph Binzer will lead prayers on Friday, October 31, from 7:00-8:00 p.m. For more information, to schedule an hour or to volunteer to help, please contact Mary Clark, 513-791-4039 or email her at [email protected] or visit Please take a few minutes to look at the 2014 edition of the sponsor page of this bulletin. It is through the generosity of our area sponsors that we get our bulletin printed free of charge to the parish. We ask you, our parish family and guests, to consider these advertisers as a source of future business. Please mention you saw their ads on our bulletin! Parties & Banquets • Arcade Phone 383-2222 The KING is back! 10% OFF Any Purchase 37 West Locust St., Wilmington
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