Director’s Corner The church is to be the lighthouse for our community. High on a rocky point at the mouth of the harbor stands a lighthouse. Its whitewashed walls can be seen for miles up and down the coast. Its towering figure guides fishing boats and pleasure crafts as they thread their way into port. But the lighthouse does not render its greatest service in the daytime and sunshine. When darkness falls or storms arise, those who man the lighthouse must go to work. The great light sweeps the horizon for ships in need of refuge. The darker the night and the wilder the seas, the greater is the need for the light to keep ships from crashing on the rocks. In our world today, both moral and spiritual darkness have descended on us, but the church should not back up in fear. It is the church that needs to shine the brightest in a dark world. The church stands as a monument to truth when righteousness prevails, but our purpose is realized best when darkness befalls us. Matthew 5:14 tells us what Jesus expects of us. “Ye are the light of the world.” I believe He expects us to be the light for several reasons. First, we have as Christians the true light. There are so many ways to make artificial light. Just when it is needed most it doesn’t work. The power source has given out. Jesus Christ is the only true power source. He is faithful and dependable. A second reason is the world needs the true light. The church is the only one to meet the spiritual darkness of the world. If the church doesn’t step up and give light for the lost then no one else is going to do it. Let’s pray that God will use us to bring light to the lonely and lost. Let’s pray that their eyes may be open to the true light, unity. Proverbs 3:5-6 Bro. Lowell Navajo County Fair Birthdays & Anniversaries On Sept. 10-14 we had the Navajo County Fair in Holbrook, AZ. We had a great time with a booth on the midway to pass cowboy Bibles and share the gospel of Jesus Christ. We passed out over 900 Bibles and 1 lady accepted Jesus Christ as her savior. Praise the Lord! On more soul in heaven. We followed our booth ministry with an 8:00 a.m. Cowboy service on Sunday morning with over 90 in attendance and 7 professions of faith. Again, Praise the Lord! October We gave away a beautiful roping saddle at the end of our service and a young girl, Courtney DeSpain, won the saddles for her new horse. I want to thank all who helped with prayers, donations, worked in the booth and came to the cowboy service. It’s a joy to serve the Lord with people who see the precious opportunity to share Jesus with the lost world. Pastor Jim Minnick First Baptist Church—Holbrook 4 6 15 Debbie Juriga Margie Schendel Esther Butterworth 17 Mark McCraw 21 Coy Brewer 9 15 13 26 Mike Lyons Ted Pate Peggy Warren Eleanor Brewer . . . November 16 Matt & Elaine Gaston December . Backpack for Kids Children’s Camp 2014 DPBA Children’s Camp was held June 1-7, 2014 at Burton Camp. The camp theme was “Running the Good Race,” from Corinthians 9:24. One hundred campers from 1st to 6th grade gathered together to leaned that the moment you have asked Jesus into your heart God and to forgive your sins, you are at the starting line of the “Good Race.” The race is not a sprint but a marathon that will run for the rest of their life through good and bad times Camp featured DPBA Camp Olympics. The olympic games were directed by Dana Mead (Burton) and Team Jesus. Campers were divided into teams representing countries with twelve olympic events. It was a fun filled afternoon with the games, learning about Jesus, and running the good race. Every team member was awarded a gold medal at the closing ceremonies. Charlie Kiem, camp pastor and chalk talk artist, spoke to the campers twice daily in Burton Church. His talks were about the good race. His love for Jesus and for the campers shined through his talks and his art. Thirteen campers accepted Jesus as saviour and others committed their loves to mission work. Sanders Elementary is starting a Backpack for Kids program. We will do this weekly on Fridays for student referrals by staff: We are in the need of donations of food to include items like : Boxes of raisins Oatmeal packets Tuna cans Spam Noodles Granola bars Rice Beans Small water bottles Juice containers Please note this is not an all inclusive list but just some items our committee was thinking about. Resort Ministry Here it is the close of yet another summer of Resort Ministries. It was a successful summer but not without a few rough spots. Place of service Greer Juniper Ridge K-Bar Edward Oravecz, Patty Small’s Dad (DPBA Treasurer) Carol Gaston, Pastor Matt Gaston’s Mother BJ Wyatt, Desert View BC, Winslow, former Deacon Offering $7,609.55 6,018.50 852.00 Attend Bible Study Visits Other 614 45 1,178 185 21 266 216 96 66 42 Venture In 9,968.10 1,785 518 91 264 Waltner's 3,091.50 587 129 161 897 4,353 873 339 1,419 Totals $27,532.65 As you can see attendance and offerings are down, but we have covered all our expenses. Praise the Lord! Eleanor Ferry (Gardei), Director of Resort Ministry Please donate items that are small for the backpacks. We will be having a committee meeting on Monday, 29 Sept. at 4 p.m. Daylight Savings Time at Sanders Elementary Federal Programs Office. At this time, we will be purchasing backpacks but need donations of food For more information, please call Pastor Mark McCraw at 928-551-3986 . I can also be reached at Sanders Elementary at 928-688-3850 or ext 3817. I would be happy to pick up the items. Snowflake, AZ 85937 Permit No. 2 New Challenge Seminar North Cluster Prayer Group Zona Youth Camp North Cluster Prayer Group Administration Team Meeting VBS Jumpstart Resort Ministry Meeting Hispanic Men’s Retreat DPBA Annual Meeting, Holbrook Evangelism & Discipleship for Hispanic Women US Paid Postage October 3-4 9 6-11 10 16 18 23 24-26 26 31 “A glimpse of who we are together” Non Profit Organization Calendar of Events Desert Pines Window Desert Pines Baptist Association exists to assist churches in fulfilling their God-given purpose. Oct.—Dec. 2014 Vol. 11, No. 10-12 Looking at Revitalization November 1-2 11 13 14 13 20 27-28 Evangelism & Discipleship for Hispanic Women Veteran’s Day, DPBA Office is Closed Convention Council Meeting ASBC Annual Meeting North Cluster Prayer Group DPBA Administration Team Meeting Thanksgiving Holiday, DPBA office is Closed 5 6 11 18 24-31 Pastor’s and Wife’s Christmas Dinner Hispanic Pastors’ Luncheon North Cluster Prayer Group Administration Team Meeting Christmas Holiday & New Years’ Eve. DPBA Office is Closed December Desert Pines Baptist Association 63rd Annual Meeting October 26, 2014, 4:00 p.m. First Baptist Church Holbrook, Arizona Resort Minister Return Service Requested. Snowflake AZ. 85937 Desert Pines Baptist Association 1016 S. Main Street, Snowflake, AZ 85937 P. O. Box 297, Snowflake, AZ 85937 Phone: (928) 536-7200 Fa. x: (928) 536-7280 E-mail: [email protected] P.O. Box 297 I had the opportunity to Ordain Bro. Ed Berger into the Gospel ministry on Sunday evening, August 10, 2014. This is an historic event because it is the first time DPBA has ordained one of our resort pastors. It was well attended and Bro Bill Hutchinson, Waltner’s R V Park, brought the charge to the chapel and Lowell Warren brought the charge to the candidate. We enjoyed our time with our Greer Chapel family and they did an out standing job providing for us. We appreciate the work that Ed and Lee are doing there in Greer. Eleanor and Jodi were there representing our R V Resort ministry. Thanks everyone for the work you did. Interim Director, Lowell Warren Desert Pines Baptist Association Ordained And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Then charged he his disciples that they should tell no man that he was Jesus the Christ. Matthew 16:16-20
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