All Saints Catholic church & School October 25 & 26, 2014 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time We, the members of All Saints Parish, gather together to promote our lifelong faith journey. We are committed to gaining a greater understanding of God through Word and Sacrament, faith formation, responsible stewardship, and service to those in need. By reaching out to others and uniting as a family, we seek to make God the primary focus in our lives. CatholicChurchCedarRapids Church Website: School Website: He said to him, "You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself." - Mt 22:37-39 Parish Office Hours Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm MASS TIMES Sunday 10:30 am Tuesday 8:00 am Wednesday 8:00 am Thursday 9:00 am Saturday 4:00 pm RECONCILIATION Saturday 3:00 - 3:45 pm or by appointment ADORATION Wednesday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm 4th Sunday of 1:00 - 4:00 pm the Month LITURGY OF THE HOURS Monday 6:45 am Friday 8:00 am All Saints Parish Staff Parish Office Center ~ 363-6130 Pastor Priest’s Residence Deacon Business Manager Bookkeeper Parish Secretary Pastoral Associate Dir. of Music Ministries Dir. of Communications Dir. of Formation Director of Youth Formation & Ministry RCIA Coordinator Scrip Coordinator Rev. John R. Flaherty (Emergency only) Mike Klappholz Tracy A. Huk Jenn Boyens Margene Rule Linda Stavropoulos Bev Gearhart Brian Conway Casey Bilodeau Dan Thraen [email protected] Ext. 116 362-1691 [email protected] Ext. 107 [email protected] Ext. 111 [email protected] Ext. 108 [email protected] Ext. 100 [email protected] Ext. 109 [email protected] Ext. 106 [email protected] Ext. 104 [email protected] Ext. 114 [email protected] Ext. 113 Jo Meister Sherri Tow-Selensky [email protected] [email protected] Ext. 112 378-0837 All Saints Parish School ~ 363-4110 School Principal School Office Manager Preschool Director Childcare Director Marlene Bartlett Elaine Collins Sheri Miller Carrie McArtor [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] All Saints Catholic Church 720 29th St. SE Cedar Rapids, IA 52403 Ext. 234 Ext. 233 298-9844 298-9844 All Saints Grocery and Pharmacy Scrip Available Buy your groceries and prescriptions with Scrip gift cards from these retailers and earn money back towards the area of your choice, and the All Saints Technology Fund: CVS Pharmacy-$25 cards (reloadable at our Scrip website, Fareway-$25/$50/$100 cards, Nelson's Meat Market-$25 certificates, Target-$25/ $100 cards (reloadable), Walgreens-$25 cards (special order $100 cards) Wal-Mart/Sam's Club-$25/$100 cards (e-gift cards available or special order $250 cards) Don't forget to drop off your Hy-Vee and Hy-Vee Drugstore receipts to the parish or school office, and help earn money for All Saints School in their Cash 4 Students program. Pay your Kohl's bill with Scrip Did you know that you can purchase Kohls Scrip to pay your Kohl's bill? $25 and $100 increment gift cards are available. Also, Kohl’s scrip can be purchased online as an e-gift card also known as ScripNow! at or our mobile scrip website Show your scrip on your mobile device at the register to make your purchase or pay your Kohl's bill. They will scan the scrip certificate on your phone. It is that easy! Scrip is available in many places for your convenience: Drop off an order to the scrip mailbox by childcarelet us know where you want to pick up your order The parish office, 8:30am-4:30pm Monday-Friday After weekend masses Regis Middle School (see Regis newsletter for dates) Online at On your mobile phone at Questions? Email us at [email protected] Thank you for your support of the Scrip program at All Saints - fundraising while you shop! Stewardship Corner We fulfill the commandment to love our neighbor when we exercise good stewardship — joyfully sharing our gifts of life, abilities, and resources to meet our neighbor’s need. All Saints Library Update A sincere thank you to those who have generously donated new or gently used books for others to enjoy. As we are updating the library system, we are removing duplicates to create more shelf space. They will be on the library cart in the narthex for anyone one who wants to give them a new home. PLEASE NOTE We cannot take any more donated books at this time. We want to preserve the quality of books available and not overcrowd the space. Taking Out Books When you take out books or CDs please put the information called for on the clipboard on the small table between the library shelves. Returning Books Put returned books and CD’s on the bookshelves next to the entrance marked “Return Books Here.” Please do not try to put them on the shelves as we need to check them in. Then cross off the information on the clipboard and note the date you returned them. Again, thank you for your generosity in donating books the past few years. Our goal is to offer Catholic classics, spiritual renewal, daily meditation, saints, up to date information about our Catholic faith, and resources for specific topics for those in formation and those seeking good Christian fiction. Supporting Education in Haiti See the smiling faces, and the serious ones, too? These are the children and youth of our sister parish, Notre Dame De Lourdes, Belle Fontaine, Haiti. Please join in supporting their education. Take a picture home and pray for all these students. Their opportunities may seem limited but each year we learn more and see the light grow brighter as we support, encourage and empower this rural Haitian community. Through your generous efforts Fr. Magloire provides for the education of 4,500+ students. To fund their schooling for a year we ask for $150 per student. Form a team: families, classes, any group can share a student sponsorship. Donations in any amount may be placed in the collection basket at Mass or mailed to All Saints Parish business office. Checks should be made out to All Saints Parish. Please write “Haiti Students” in the memo line and on the envelope. Thank you from the students of Notre Dame de Lourdes and the Haiti Committee! “Priye pou nou, nap priye pou ou.” “Pray for us we pray for you.” Please Pray For the Following People Our RCIA Candidates Need Sponsors! (Why people want prayers isn't important, the prayers are!) The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and children over the age of reason (7) [RCIA], is the process for non-Catholics to join the Church. An important part of that process is those who walk with the Candidates and Catechumen as their sponsors. This season we have 9 adults and 3 children so far. Some have a sponsor but we need 3 more for the adults and 3 for the children (ages 10,12 & 7). Who can be a Sponsor? Anyone who is a baptized and Confirmed Catholic who is active in the Church is eligible to be a sponsor. Your witness as a practicing Catholic is the most important qualification. No special degree is required, just a prayerful and caring heart. What is the Time Commitment? From now until Easter Vigil in early April you will be asked to give an hour to an hour and a half a week, either Sunday morning or Thursday evening. But those who have been sponsors can tell you, it’s addicting! You learn as much as the candidates do in the process. We are forming a community, not just learning about the Church. What does a Sponsor do? 1. Prays for the person they are sponsoring. 2. Represents the community of All Saints. 3. Listens to their needs and questions. 4. Is a companion, sharing time and support. 5. Is respectful of the person’s faith background, and becomes a bridge during the transition from their former religious affiliation to Catholicism. 6. Is present for the main Rites and as often as possible for the weekly sessions. Can you help? Contact Jo Meister, RCIA coordinator 363-6130 ext. 112 / [email protected] Geraldine Richards, Rusty Parr, Donna Curtin, Lucille Walter, Ann Dwyer, Randy Dvorak, John McIvor, Carroll Voelker, Charles “Chip” Witcher, Pam Lillibridge, Mary Hill, Mike Barber, Margaret Harris, Kellyn Moeller, Kenneth & Louise Hebron, Dorothy Loehr, Taryn Ann O’Toole, Therese Cavin, Duncan Fabor, Hubert Gent, George Gent, Charles Richart, Steve Richart, Caray Frank, Phyllis Simonin, Pete Bailey, Charles Quinn, Susan Benson, Patricia Jennings, Charles Vermeersch, Marek Leo Rudzki, Marilyn Frank , Bill Sabin Parishioners & Family Members on Active Duty - Ted Welch To add a name call Brian Conway, Communications Director, at 3636130, ext. 104. Names will be listed for 4 weeks and may be renewed. Please do not call or email the people listed above for details regarding their request. Recently deceased will be listed for two weeks. All Saints Day Mass All Saints Day Mass will be at 8:00 AM in the church on Saturday, November 1st. It is not a Holy Day of Obligation this year, but as it is the parish feast day, we would love to see a large crowd. We hope you can join us! Prayer Service for the Deceased On Sunday, November 2nd at 2:00 pm All Saints will hold an All Souls Day prayer service in the church in remembrance of all who have died. Particularly remembered will be the parishioners who have died in the last year. There will be a reception in the Social Hall immediately after the service. All are welcome to attend. Please contact Linda Stavropoulos at 363-6130, ext. 109 or [email protected] for more information or to volunteer to help. Piano Accompanist Needed All Saints School is currently seeking a piano accompanist for their annual Christmas concert. This person must be able to play for a few rehearsals during the day in November, and attend the Christmas concert on December 15th at 7:00pm. If interested, please contact Ms. Wagner (363-4110 ext. 249 or [email protected]). Adoration in the Chapel Every Wednesday 8:30AM - 4:30 PM 4th Sunday of the Month from 1 - 4PM The GIVING TREE is coming! November 15th & 16th will be the first week for the Giving Tree. Financial New$ Source Envelopes Automatic Withdrawal Offertory Cash October 19, 2014 Households* Amount 168 $17,369 106 $14,769 unknown $271 $32,409 Did you Know? It takes $27,455 each week to cover regular, ordinary expenses that keep All Saints running! *There are 1073 households registered at All Saints. A Changing Way of Life for Priests On the one hand, the core role of the priest is clear and neverchanging. On the other, there has been a dramatic change in what priests do and in the presence of priests within the Catholic Church in the United States. Think about a priest in 1950 and think about one today. In 1950 there were 652 Catholics per priest, most of whom were in active ministry. By 2000, there were 1,257 Catholics per priest, and nearly a third of all priests are retired or over the age of 70. Today, priests collaborate in ministry with a wide variety of specialized lay ecclesial ministers and deacons who serve as Directors of Religious Education, youth ministers, pastoral associates, and many other roles. Of the more than 19,000 Catholic parishes in the United States, a little more than 4,000 have more than one priest. On the other hand, over 2,000 parishes have a pastor who simultaneously pastors another parish. Another 8,000 parishes are served by a single priest-pastor who pastors no other parish. Priests live in their parish communities—typically the same building where parish offices are located, "above the store" so to speak, often with a minimum of privacy. Almost all diocesan priests in active parish ministry are on call 24 hours a day—more than 90 percent, according to one recent survey of priests conducted by CARA, the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate at Georgetown University. From 1970 to the present, the total number of priests fell by 20,000, or one-third of the total number of priests in 1970. Yet priests' dedication to their people has dramatically cushioned this remarkable reduction in numbers. As a result, almost all Catholics say they are aware that there are fewer priests, but only one in four report that this has affected them (CARA Catholic Poll 2000). Like Protestant seminarians, Catholic seminarians are now spread across the entire age range. More than a third of seminarians are over the age of 35. Combined with fewer vocations to priesthood in general, this means that there are now dramatically fewer priests under the age of 35. In 1965, one in five of all active diocesan priests were under 35. By 2000, fewer than one in twenty active diocesan priests were under 35. Priests are older today and there are simply fewer priests to whom they can turn for assistance and support. In spite of all these challenges, priests are not merely satisfied in their ministry; they report being highly satisfied. Only a handful of priests say they would not become a priest if they had it to do all over again. In a survey conducted for the Los Angeles Times, just 7 percent of all priests who were polled felt this way. The sheer giving nature of priests. It's something to celebrate. It's something for which we need to thank God. It's something for which we need to thank priests. Counters Wanted! Looking for a way to give your Power of One hour of service? We are looking for people interested in offering counting. Volunteers will come in on Sunday once a month (or less if we get more volunteers/1) to count the offering. If interested, please contact Jenn Boyens, bookkeeper for All Saints. Phone 363-6130, ext. 108, or [email protected] Happy Together Dates for Catholic Couples What a great time last Saturday! The next event is Nov 8, 5:15 - 7:00 pm in the social hall. Even if you didn’t come to the first one, come to this one! To register call or email: Lynn Holverson @ 319-431-6313 / [email protected] or Jamie Morrissey @ 309-335-2958 / [email protected]. WORLD PRIEST DAY PRAYER Heavenly Father, We come before you today to ask your blessing on our brothers, whom you have called to the Sacrament of Holy Orders. Lord Jesus, We ask that you support them with your presence and fill them with grace to serve You faithfully. Gracious Spirit, Unite us in service with those whom you have called. Open our hearts to encourage our brothers and sons to pursue your calling, And open their hearts to hear Your call to this most Holy Sacrament. Amen. Youth Religious Activity Opportunities If you are interested in attending youth events contact Casey Bilodeau at [email protected]. Archdiocesan Middle School Youth Rally (grades 6-8) The Middle School Youth Rally, celebrated on All Saints Day, will excite kids to be a saint to the world around them. The day will be a combination of fun, prayer, and nationallyknown speakers. Date: November 1, 2014 Time: 5:00 - 8:30 PM Place: St. Mary, Waverly Cost: $20 per person Archdiocesan High School Youth Rally (grades 9-12) "Siri-us Faith" will be the theme of this year's bi-annual Archdiocesan Youth Rally. The day will be a celebration of our Catholic faith and help high school teens know that God and the Communion of Saints provide a constant companion for them in their lives. We will be helping them see how they can encounter God and His Church in the digital area of their lives. Date: November 2, 2014 Time: 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM Place: Sullivan Brothers Convention Center, Waterloo Cost: $40 per person Teens Encounter Christ (TEC) TEC is a three-day Catholic retreat experience for high school seniors that focus on the Paschal Mystery. Dates: • TEC #554 - Xavier - Nov. 22-24, 2014 • TEC #555 - Marquette - Jan. 24-26, 2015 • TEC #556 - Beckman - Feb. 28 - March 2, 2015 • TEC #557 - Don Bosco - Mar. 14-16, 2015 • TEC #558 - Calmar - Mar. 21-23, 2015 • TEC #559 - Wahlert - Apr. 18-20, 2015 Cost: $75 per person National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) NCYC is a chance for high school teens (grades 9-12) to experience the national Catholic Church! NCYC is three days of general sessions with over 20,000 teens, workshops, interactive experiences, prayer, and great community building opportunities for your parish teens. The Archdiocese of Dubuque brought over 1,400 people to NCYC in 2013! Dates: November 19-22, 2015 Place: Indianapolis, IN Cost: (TBD), approximately $500 per person (includes registration, lodging, transportation, administration expenses, some meals, and a T-shirt) Religious Education News There will be no RE Classes on Wednesday, October 29th due to area high school football playoffs. If you have questions, contact Casey Bilodeau, Director of Faith Formation, [email protected] / 319.363.6130 ext. 114. Confirmation News! November 16th is our Confirmation Retreat! This retreat is mandatory for Confirmation students! Retreat will be from 12:00-6:30 at Regis Middle School. We are currently looking for junior or seniors in high school as well as adults to help on November 16th. If you are interested in helping lead this retreat please contact Casey Bilodeau, [email protected] / (319) 363-6130, ext. 114. Bruins Beat All Saints School celebrated God's wonderful gift of grandparents on Grandparents' Day Friday October 17. The celebration began with a beautiful prayer service. The picture shows students honoring grandparents in heaven by bringing forth pieces of ribbon that will be combined to make a beautiful memorial wreath. The celebration also included a delicious turkey dinner, tours, photographs and book adoptions for the library. Thanks APT for all of your time and work for this outstanding event. Service Opportunities at Regis Baskets of Hope Raking by 7th grade students October 31 Decorating a wheelchair for Mercy Hospital November 12 Working as Elves for the Mercy Hospital Auxiliary November 13 Advent project—Working with the Zach Johnson Foundation to provide student lunches over Christmas break. A Reflection on the Catholic Vision of Respect for Life Excerpt By Peter J. Cataldo, Ph.D., Each of us is called to respect life. It is a call that resonates in the heart and conscience of every person in every time, place, and circumstance. St. Paul tells us today that the human body is “for the Lord, and the Lord is for the body,” that the body is from God, and that we are not our own. What Christ offers to every human being is that fullness of life which shares in the life of God. This sharing in God’s life gives human life an inestimable value and makes it a sacred reality entrusted to us by God. We, the recipients of God’s precious gift of life, may not dominate this gift and treat it as a mere object but are called to be good stewards of it. “In giving life to man,” the Holy Father tells us, “God demands that he love, respect and promote life. The gift thus becomes a commandment, and the commandment is itself a gift” (The Gospel of Life, 52). The gift and dignity of life, however, face multiple threats today both old and new. There are the “ancient scourges,” as John Paul II calls them: poverty, hunger, endemic diseases, violence, and war. The list of threats includes genocide, mutilation, torture, subhuman living conditions, arbitrary imprisonment, deportation, and disgraceful working conditions. The newer threats include widespread abortion, euthanasia, human cloning, human embryonic stem cell research, drugs, and tampering with the world’s ecological balance. As the threats to human life and dignity are many, so also are there many dimensions to respecting life. In his eloquent reflection on the commandment, “You shall not kill,” found in his encyclical The Gospel of Life, Pope John Paul II explains how this commandment is both an absolute prohibition against murder and an absolute positive requirement. This imperative is “to respect, love and promote the life of every brother and sister, in accordance with the requirements of God’s bountiful love in Jesus Christ” (The Gospel of Life, n. 76). To preserve the commandment not to murder is at the same time to work to protect and serve all those who are weak and vulnerable: the sick, the poor, victims of racism, immigrants, widows and widowers, orphans, the hungry, the thirsty, the naked, and the imprisoned. “The deepest element of God’s commandment to protect human life,” the Holy Father writes, “is the requirement to show reverence and love for every person and the life of every person” (The Gospel of Life, n. 41). Because the right to life is the foundation of all the other inalienable rights, to be pro-life is to contribute to and acknowledge the common good in its entirety, and likewise, to advance the common good is to acknowledge and defend the fundamental right to life (see The Gospel of Life, n. 20). This means that whoever is committed to respecting human life and dignity must recognize two things: that any single issue does not exhaust respect for life, and that preeminent among the threats to human dignity are those that directly and intentionally take innocent human life. Who among us is not in some way discouraged and disheartened about the way in which people are marginalized, how human life is treated as a mere object, and how our society in many ways seems engulfed by a culture of death. To be counter-cultural can be a lonely task. Nevertheless, we are a people of hope. Pope Benedict XVI has taught that “Man’s great, true hope which holds firm in spite of all disappointments can only be God,” (Saved in Hope, n. 27). Prayer for Breast Cancer Awareness Month Father, for the strength you have given me I thank you. For the health you have blessed me with, I thank you. For the women who are going through breast cancer and their families I ask you to strengthen and to heal as you see fit. Lord we know you want us to be in good health and to prosper. Lord use us to do the work you have for us to do. For we know time is getting short on this earth. Lord be with every woman who is sick and encourage them as only you can. I know how faithful you are. You have shown yourself to be everything you say you are in your Holy Word. I praise you for you made this body and you can heal this body. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen. God’s Light Shines on All Saints Prairiewoods Craft Bazaar Photos by Bev Gearhart Saturday, November 15th 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM Prairiewoods Community Center Metro Catholic Outreach is participating in this sale and all proceeds from their tables will benefit MCO. We are so thankful for the many craft donations received for this show. Please come see us at the sale and help us continue our mission to serve those in need. Mary’s Mantle November 1st, 9:15-10:30 AM Scotus Hall, Immaculate Conception Parish in Cedar Rapids Archbishop Jackels is the keynote speaker, kicking off this program for area women to promote our spiritual growth, and pray for vocations and the Church. We will meet on the third Saturday each month for exciting speakers, spiritual teaching, and support for living our Catholic Faith. Bring friends, gather with women to learn, pray for the Church, and experience Christian fellowship! Contact: Mary Kaufmann 319 431-8764, Lorrie Erusha 319 551-9004. Catholic Evangelization Outreach St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Tuesday, November 4, 6:30 pm. Joan Hackbarth was raised in a faith-filled Jewish home. She was introduced to the Catholic faith by her husband, Dan. After the death of her daughter, Rebecca, she encountered Jesus through their church community and God continued to reveal Himself to her through many other life challenges. Come hear a story of an amazing faith journey. A light meal is provided after the talk. Childcare is available. There is no charge and all are welcome. Bring a friend! Daylight Savings Time Ends Next Saturday Just a friendly reminder to turn your clocks back next Saturday before you go to bed! An extra hour to sleep, hooray! Loaves & Fish Partners ST. VINCENT de PAUL In this Sunday’s Gospel we find the truth that loving God isn’t merely a matter of fervor in our hearts, but that it must be expressed in doing good for the sake of others. The 2nd Annual St. Vincent de Paul Friends of the Poor Walk was a major success. Through your generosity to our mission of helping those in need St. Vincent de Paul was able to raise over $10,000.00 after expenses. SVdP is blessed to have great corporate and individual sponsors for our event. Thank you for your continued support! METRO CATHOLIC OUTREACH This week at the pantry we made up 105 boxes of food which will feed 349 people. Our most needed pantry items this week are: Jelly Canned Chicken Pasta Sauce Canned Soup Stew Tuna Pork & Beans Cake & Cookie Mix Thank you all for everything you do for MCO! " Be an active presence in the community as living cells, as living stones." ~ Pope Francis Mass for Mental Illness Awareness Cub Scout Catholic Religious Medals Sat., Nov. 8th. 8:30 a.m. until noon St. Elizabeth Ann Seaton, Hiawatha An adult partner must accompany all Scouts. All Scouts interested should register in advance by contacting Tracy Schloss ([email protected] / 319-551-2505). Each scout must also purchase a workbook at the scout shop on their own. Please plan on working on your books a little each night until completed. These cannot be done the night before the workshop. The workshop is designed to complete a couple of the harder requirements as a group. Light of Christ: This program is for Tiger and Wolf cubs. All requirements must be completed before third grade. Light of Christ Scouts will come at 8:30 with their completed books and we will provide the Church tour, a prayer service, and sign their books where possible. They will be done at10:30 a.m. Parvuli Dei: This program is designed for Bear and Webelos Scouts . Parvuli Dei Scouts please have your book completed with the exception of Step 1-#2 Creation, Step 4-#2 make a gift and Step 5-#4 make a banner. We will end the day with a prayer service and signing of the books if possible. A Mass for Mental Illness Awareness will be held at 2 pm Sunday, Oct. 26, at St. Patrick's Church, 120 5th St. NW, Cedar Rapids. All persons with mental illness and their families and caregivers are invited to this service. Did you know . . . One in four persons sitting in our pews has a family member struggling with mental health issues. Theology on Tap Thursday evenings in October, 7:00-8:30 pm Butcher Block Steakhouse, 568 Boyson Rd. NE Stump The Priest. October 30 - Bring your questions to an open forum for Fr. Chris Podhajsky to address on the fly. Theology on Tap is a Catholic outreach ministry welcoming all young adults, of any faith, in their 20’s and 30’s for socializing & discussion on a range of topics. Faithful Citizenship You can make a difference! Join Catholics throughout Iowa in bringing the richness of our social teaching to elected representatives. You can help raise the level of ethics, morality and civility in today’s policy debates by joining the Iowa Catholic Conference legislative network. Click on “Join the Network” at or on Facebook at and help advance the common good. Scripture for the Week of October 26, 2014 Sun: Ex 22:20-26/1 Thes 1:5c-10/Mt 22:34-40 Mon: Eph 4:32--5:8/Lk 13:10-17 Tues: Eph 2:19-22/Lk 6:12-16 Wed: Eph 6:1-9/Lk 13:22-30 Thurs: Eph 6:10-20/Lk 13:31-35 Fri: Phil 1:1-11/Lk 14:1-6 Sat: Rv 7:2-4, 9-14/1 Jn 3:1-3/Mt 5:1-12a Sun: Wis 3:1-9/Rom 5:5-11 or Rom 6:3-9/Jn 6:37-40 Mass Intentions Day Date Time Mass Intention Tues Oct 28 8:00 AM Everett & Lillian Peters Wed Oct 29 8:00 AM Florence Feldhaus Thurs Oct 30 9:00 AM Donna & Peter Pic Sat Nov 01 8:00 AM For the People Sat Nov 01 4:00 PM Kathleen Merfeld Sun Nov 02 10:30 AM For the People In the event of a funeral, daily Mass will be canceled. Updates will be posted at Opportunities for Prayer Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Wednesdays, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM and the 4th Sunday of the month from 1 to 4 PM in the Queen of All Saints Chapel. Devotions to the Blessed Virgin 1st Saturday of the month at 3:35 PM. Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotion Tues after the 8:00 AM Mass. All Saints Prayer Group Tuesdays at 7:30 PM. Prayer Tree available to anyone who would like us to pray for their intentions. Please call Ramona Welsh at 366-1770. Women’s Prayer Group Tuesday mornings after Mass. Rosary 30 minutes prior to the 4:00 PM Mass on Saturday. Rosary for the Pilgrim Virgin Oct. 26th - 31st: Rich and Marcia Morio; 1741 Applewood Place NE M.O.M.S. Rosary 7:30 PM 1st Monday of the month, Queen of All Saints Chapel Rosary at Planned Parenthood All Saints will pray every Monday at 11:00 AM (Corner of 1st Ave SE & 35th St DR SE). Liturgy of the Hours Chapel, Monday 6:45 AM & Friday 8:00 AM. Liturgical Ministry Schedule November 1 & 2 Saturday, 8:00 AM Saturday, 4:00PM Sunday, 10:30 AM November 8 & 9 Saturday, 4:00PM Sunday, 10:30 AM Sacristan Volunteer Now Mary Goiffon Jerry Sullivan Michelle Simoneau Sherry Casey Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Volunteer Now Volunteer Now Luann Lutkenhaus John Lutkenhaus LeElyn Metz Dale Metz James Thebeau Teel Thebeau Linda Vermeersch Millie Wendt Tom Amosson Bob Bembenek Sara Lang Tracy Langhurst Jo Meister Kathy Nelson Peg Schmitz Nancy Vermeersch Melissa Beckius Jack Cosgrove Dilla Cosgrove Mary Goiffon Cindy Lyness Edward Martin Linda Vermeersch Millie Wendt Ann Hunter Larry Hunter Daniel Prentice Cory Rath Curran Rosser Nicole Waters Norma Waters Kim Witte Altar Server Volunteer Now Volunteer Now Ariana Beuckers Eddie Casey Stephen Casey Emily Jennings Lauren Holverson Brooke Loney Carlee Netolicky Anna Peckosh Eliot Charipar Morgan Simoneau Michael Simoneau Karly Weiss Jack Bergquist William Grainger Claire Haefner Jessica Moore Lector Volunteer Now Volunteer Now Deb Hagedorn Dolores Reisinger Mary Ducey Kathy Ulrich Theresa Harker C. A. Heitgen, OSF Mick Erdman Forrest Rosser Hospitality Minister Volunteer Now Volunteer Now Volunteer Now Volunteer Now Volunteer Now Volunteer Now Elie AbouRaad Steve Behan Charles Beusch Mary Ann Boardman Daniel Greene Fred Overmann Rick Feeney Joe E Gase Jim Hall Bill Hunter Pete Rethwisch Bea Rethwisch Steve Behan Mary Ann Boardman Joni Musel Tom Takes Mike Votroubek Marlene Wilson Sue Bright Sean Harschnek Pete Rethwisch Bea Rethwisch Dorothy Zaugg Nick Zaugg Homebound Minister Jeani Murtha Scott Murtha Jeanne Amosson Chris Conway PARISH COMMITTEES & MINISTRIES: For more information, or to volunteer please call the contact listed below Adult Formation Casey Bilodeau 363-6130 Men of the Eucharist Larry Hunter Altar Servers Deacon Mike Klappholz 363-6130 Metro Catholic Outreach Bob Bembenek All Saints Quilters Ann Tow 362-4498 Mother Cabrini Circle Terrie Huff APT Amy Shipley 270-4191 Beth Hennessy Stephanie Felland 504-4316 Newcomers Marlene Wilson Bereavement Kathy Nelson 362-7695 Pastoral Council Tim Kennedy Boy Scouts Nick Klein 360-6029 Parish Life Brian Talyat Catholic School Board Brian Talyat 213-1334 Parish Plant Bill Knapp Cub Scouts Katie Walton 361-1985 Prayer Group Gerald Sullivan Eucharistic Ministers Deacon Mike Klappholz 363-6130 Prayer Shawl Peg Schmitz Fellowship Michelle Simoneau 573-5830 R.C.I.A Jo Meister Faith Formation Comm. Marvin Stallman 365-3748 Respect Life Patty Kauffman Finance Council James Barry 365-3056 Sacristans Sherry Casey Foundation Lisa Wallerstedt 365-7746 Social Justice Tina Lampe Girl Scouts Michelle Green 329-7698 Sponsor Couple Tom & Mary Takes Haiti Committee Steve Schmitz 362-6989 St. Anne Circle Luann Lutkenhaus Homebound Ministry Stacy Cataldo 363-0493 St. Marguerite Circle Renee Loushin Hospital Visitation Ann Hunter 366-6873 St. Monica Circle Mary Jo Rater Hospitality Ministry Sue Bright 247-4844 Jeanne Amosson Interchurch Marv & Lydia Stallman 365-3748 Stewardship Chris Conway Kids Against Hunger Ann Hunter 366-6873 The Marthas Michelle Green Colleen Waldron 366-3188 Tues. Women’s Prayer Sandy Murphy Lectors Deacon Mike Klappholz 363-6130 Women’s Guild Barb Hunt Liturgy Committee Sandy Putman 362-3376 Young at Heart Overmanns M.O.M.S. Carmen Welch 364-1948 November Meetings Save the Date Event Feast of All Saints Steak Fry All Souls Day Remembrance Service Stewardship Weekend Thanksgiving Preschool Christmas Concert School Christmas Concert 1st Reconciliation Catholic Schools Week Ash Wednesday 1st Communion Confirmation 366-6873 981-1240 365-4791 362-2533 363-5244 355-8606 213-1334 366-7145 362-6576 362-6989 363-6130 310-6083 270-0500 366-2684 364-8955 365-0274 432-3517 364-0804 363-7573 298-1219 329-7698 365-9839 365-1357 363-8316 Date Nov 01 Nov 02 Nov 08-09 Nov 27 Dec 13 Dec 15 Jan 17 Jan 25-30 Feb 18 Apr 11 & 12 Apr 22 Date 04 06 06 10 11 11 12 18 18 19 20 20 25 Group Haiti Committee Respect Life Parish Plant Women’s Guild Catholic School Board Stewardship Liturgy Committee St. Anne Circle Faith Formation Young at Heart Finance Council Pastoral Council Parish Life Place Vinton Library Library Library School Library Library Lower Level Library Social Hall Social Hall Social Hall Library Time 6:30 PM 10:00 AM 5:30 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 5:30 PM 1:00 PM 6:30 PM 11:30 AM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM Parish Guidelines Sacrament of Reconciliation: Tuesday through Thursday before the daily Mass and Saturday from 3 to 3:45 pm. Sacrament of Baptism: Baptism preparation is required. Contact the parish office to schedule (some date restrictions may apply). Newcomer Registration: Call the Parish Office at 3636130, ext. 100, or register on line at Sacrament of Matrimony: Couples are to make arrangements with a parish priest or deacon at least six months before the intended date of the wedding in order to fulfill the necessary requirements. Please call the parish office for an appointment. Bulletin Deadline: Items must be submitted in writing to the parish office by Noon on the preceding Monday to: [email protected].
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