a : PO Box 384 Kyabram Vic 3619 p : 03 5851 2100 f : 03 5852 3878 e : [email protected] w: www.kyabramp-12.vic.edu.au Student Absence: 5853 2607 Term 4 Issue 32 IMPORTANT DATES OCTOBER 17 Music EXPO Concert House Group Assembly 20 Kinder Visit 22 Gr 6 Transition Program 23 Years 5-12 Assembly Robotics Incursion Grade 3/4 24 Robotics Incursion Grade 3/4 LMR Basketball - Intermediate & Yr 7/8 27 Primary Scholastic Bookclub Orders due Gr 4-6 State Championships in Melbourne 29 Pink Ribbon Breakfast NOVEMBER 3 Pupil Free Day 4 Melbourne Cup Day 6 Gr 5/6 Interschool Sports 7 Kyabram Bush Market 10 Kinder Visit 13 Yr 7-9 “Pointing at the Moon” Workshop 18 Lifeskills Camp Respect Principal’s Report “Excellence Through Opportunity” Dear Parents and Friends, Year 12 - The Class of 2014 It doesn’t feel like 13 years have gone by since the current Year 12 students started school in prep - I can remember when some of the current Year 12 students started prep at this primary school. Next week is their last week of formal lessons before they start preparations for exams, which commence on Wednesday, 29th October. The Year 12 assembly will be held on Thursday, followed by their breakfast on Friday morning. I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our Year 12 students sitting exams all the very best and to encourage them give them their best shot. We know you have put the required work in throughout the year so just do your best in the exams; we can expect nothing more. Neil and Mavis Grummit Scholarship The annual Neil and Mavis Grummitt Scholarship is now open for 2015. This scholarship has been generously donated by Neil and Mavis Grummitt and the Awardee will receive a $5,000 grant to assist with educational costs. Funds may be used over more than one year. Applicants must be a current student of Kyabram P-12 College. It is preferred that the Awardee will demonstrate an interest in the field of Agriculture, The Arts (Music) or Teaching. However, special consideration may be given to other academic career aspirations, under the guidance of the Selection Panel. Applicants will demonstrate a spirit of community within the College, be willing to help others, will be a role model for other students and participate in College and community activities and also represent the College without necessarily being a champion. Students wishing to apply should demonstrate an “exemplary attitude and a desire to learn”. To be eligible, students would be studying Year 11 – 12 in the following year and have proven financial hardship. One or more students may be eligible for full or part of the annual scholarship amount. Application forms with further information can be collected from the General Office. Closing date for the scholarship is Friday October 31st. Responsibility Resilience Doing Your Best Community Peer Observations Next week all staff will be involved in ‘Peer Observations’. During these observations staff will watch and learn from each other with a focus on giving and receiving feedback to improve student outcomes. Self-reflection is also encouraged at this time. The process allows for positive growth for both the staff and the students as it develops an understanding of how to plan and deliver high quality lessons while explicitly developing a deeper understanding of best practice. Thank you to all the staff who have spent time organising and preparing for these observation sessions. 2015 Enrolment Over the last month or so we have been working on the staffing and classes for 2015. As the effectiveness of grade structures depends heavily on knowing the exact number of children who will be at Kyabram P-12 College next year, it is important we are advised of any families not returning in 2015. I thank those families who have already notified me of this. If you have a Prep or Year 7 child commencing next year, or know of a family with a child starting in these year levels who have not yet completed an enrolment form, it would be appreciated if this could be attended to immediately. Music Expo Students across our entire college are showcasing their musical talents tomorrow night, Friday 17th October at 7pm at the Plaza Theatre as part of The Music EXPO. There are no excuses not to come because it’s free entry! Please bring along your friends and family to enjoy a free show full of talented students. VCE Solo Performances Last night I was thoroughly entertained by twelve VCE Drama students presenting their Solo Performances. The talent our students have is incredible and this was certainly displayed through their performances. Drama teacher, Vivienne Thomas, certainly nurtures and develops these students throughout the year and it was clear the satisfaction the students had in themselves after their performance. Vivienne and the students are well supported by Fern Frizzell, our Performing Arts Trainee. Today two Year 12 students will be performing their final exams in Bendigo, we wish them well. Happy Chappy Day Last Friday, 10th October, our school had a dress up day to support the work our chaplains do in our school. Our school raised $628. The money raised will go towards the funds required to continue to run important programs in our school run by our Chaplains Liz Spicer and Rob Hunter. Thank you for supporting this important day by coming dressed in bright colours and donating a gold coin, as the work that the chaplains do in our school is extremely valuable for school community members in need. Community Bank Survey The Bendigo Bank Steering Committee is working hard to secure community support for the opening of a locally owned Community Bank® in Kyabram. An amount in excess of $900,000 has already been pledged to purchase shares in the Kyabram & District branch. The branch will provide a full range of banking products and services. The group have mailed surveys to Kyabram and district and would like to invite interested people to complete them. This can be done via the paper survey or online at https://www.research.net/s/AFS_Kyabram_District House Assembly Tomorrow, Friday students are being asked to come dressed in their house colours as we will be announcing the winners of the house competition for this year. We will be having a whole school assembly at 10:30am in the hall. Stuart Bott College Principal Excellence Through Opportunity P-4 AWARDS AWARDS Doing Your Best: Maddy W, Drew G, Xander G Resilience: Emma B, Noah O, David M Community: Grace R, Liam M, Ruby P, Zarlee H, Hannah P Respect: Jessie M, Mia H, Grace B Responsibility: Catriona B, Josh T P-6 Assistant Principal Report Kate Whitford Athletics Congratulations to our students who attended the Primary Regional Athletics on Monday. Staff who attended were very impressed by the behavior and support the students showed towards each other throughout the day. Good luck to the 26 students who have now progressed through to the State Finals on Monday 27th October. We look forward to hearing their results. Kyabram Show - Art Work If you happen to be at the Annual Kyabram Show this Saturday please keep your eye out for the art work students from our college have entered. It should be easy to find as we have over 100 pieces entered. A big thank you to Mrs Anderson and Ms Goff for organising this. Kinder Transition A reminder to our school community that our preps for 2015 will be joining us for their second transition session this Monday 20th October at 9:30am. We hope they enjoy their first experiences of school life. Classes for 2015 Term 4 is the time when the Learning Community Leaders and teaching staff prepare classes for the following year. In preparation for this, parents and carers were invited to give feedback or make requests for their child/children’s placement in 2015. We do not compose classes with a teacher in mind and parents are not able to choose a specific teacher. All of our teachers are highly skilled and undergo continuing professional learning. In our school, all teachers plan together in collaborative teams to ensure a consistent approach and curriculum delivery. Classes are designed with many other factors in mind such as: A mix of aptitudes and abilities A mix of boys and girls A balance in student behaviour, student support, gifted and talented, and other learning needs. Friendship groups Who gets along well with whom in relation to their learning. School Yard Supervision I would like to remind the school community that the school grounds are supervised by staff from 8:30am until 9:00am and from 3:20pm until 3:40pm in the afternoon. Please be mindful that if children are in the school grounds outside these hours, the grounds will be unsupervised. Students are also reminded that during this time they are expected to play on their own playground areas. Excellence Through Opportunity Grade 3/4 News This week in grade 3/4 the children have been enjoying learning about and writing their own “Bio Poems”. A bio poem is a simple poem written about a person, and it follows a predictable pattern. Bio poems generally don’t rhyme, and the can be autobiographical or biographical. Here are some examples of bio poems from some of the very talented poets in 3/4 studio. Brealle Loud, crazy, happy, short Daughter of Kylie and Marty. Lover of dancing, sprinting, swimming and long jump Who feels happy when it is Christmas, excited when it’s her birthday and happy at weddings. Who fears snakes, spiders, rats and ear wigs. Who would like to travel to Queensland, Paris, Thailand and London Resident of Kyabram Rowe Olivia Friendly, caring, organized Daughter Naomi and Craig. Lover of puppies, netball and shopping. Who feels excited at Christmas, happy when I see my friends, excited the night before my birthday. Who fears volcanoes, rats and someone scaring me. Who would like to go to Las Vegas, the snow and California. Resident of Kyabram Cartwright. Dakyiah Funny, caring, happy. Sibling of Jess, Kohin and Taj. Lover of books, Mum and Dad. Who feels glad when with family and happy when it rains. Who fears big snakes and death. Who would like to see the Eiffel Tower. Resident of Kyabram. Cahill Will Funny, happy, hungry. Sibling of Tom, Jonty and Melanie Lover of dogs, boating, food, jokes and long trips Who feels happy on Fridays and frustrated on Mondays Who fears spiders and the dark. Who would like to travel to Tasmania. Resident of St. Germains Savage Grade 5/6 News Greg Ross Science Project: Students have been given a project where they are going to write a newspaper report about the discovery of a new Australian animal which they have invented, but it is a realistic animal. The purpose of this task is for students to explain how a specific animal has adapted to its environment. By inventing an animal it means students can’t regurgitate facts from the internet, but have to really understand the features and behaviours animals have in a specific habitat. Elections: Next week student parties will be presenting election speeches to grade 3/4 classes. Each party has a pledge they will commit to if elected. The students have been very engaged in these activities and been challenged by preparing the various tasks such as writing speeches and blogs, filming ads, recording audio, and designing posters. (See the photo of some of their efforts in the South Side window). Completing these tasks required a fair bit of team work, allocation of responsibilities and sticking to the task. Excellence Through Opportunity State Schools Spectacular on TV The Victorian State Schools Spectacular 2014 will be broadcast on Channel 7 on Sunday, 19th October at 3:00pm. This program is in the form of a documentary screened to give background understanding about Spectacular. The whole Spectacular program will not be shown but a glimpse of our children in the mass choir may possibly be seen. Watching this show will give our school community members a chance to catch up with the wonderful job our Spectacular team did last month at Hisense Arena. Enjoy! Regional Athletics On Monday the 13th of October, 35 grade 4-6 students went to Bendigo to represent our school community in athletics. In cold conditions the students, wearing their impressive sports uniforms, were ready to fire. The day saw some fantastic results for the school, with a total of 26 students qualifying for the State Championships in Melbourne on the 27 th of October. The qualifying results are as follows: Ebony Arnold 1st 12/13 Girls 800m Shae Oliver 1st 12/13 Girls, Triple Jump. James Woods 1st 11 Boys, High Jump. Matilda Sherwood 1st 12/13 Girls, High Jump. Charlie Barnett 1st, 10 Boys, Long Jump. Mitch Fitzgerald 1st 11 Boys, Shot Put. Tom Burnett 2nd 12/13 Boys, Discus. Tara Collins 1st 11 Girls, 200m. 12/13 Girls Relay 1st. 12/13 Boys Relay 2nd. 11 Girls Relay 2nd 11 Boys Relay 2nd 10 Girls Relay 2nd. Thankyou to Brad Power for his assistance on the day and a huge thankyou to Daryll Wegmann for the time he has put into training the students. This training that Daryll provided has given the opportunity for these students to increase their skills, improve their ability and then perform at the highest standard. Congratulations to all the students who participated in the Regional Athletics; the Kyabram P-12 community is proud of you. 7-12 Assistant Principal’s Report Danny Walsh Year 12 Assembly On Thursday 23rd October at 11:30am our Year 12 students will be having their final assembly in the College Hall. Students are hard at work organising routines, filming funny clips and preparing many other items. It is sure to be a fun and action packed experience! All family and community members are very welcome to attend. Yard Maintenance Work Over the past few weeks we have had a number of maintenance and improvement projects happening around the College. All lines in our primary campus have been repainted, there are new netball and basketball lines on the back courts, the tennis courts behind the College Hall are getting repaired this week and a number of rooms in D Wing have been repainted. Thank you to the Parents’ Club for their generous donations for the line marking and court repairs. If you are available to assist with clean up/maintenance at the College could you please contact me by email ([email protected]) or by phoning the College. We have a number of areas that require attention such as painting, pruning, edging and brushcutting. Excellence Through Opportunity Sports Reports Brad Power Senior Athletics On Thursday, 9th October a group of 16 students travelled to Bendigo for the Loddon Mallee Regional Athletic Finals. We had a very successful day with 14 of the 16 students receiving a top three placing in an event. The highlights for the day were Falcon Taurua placing first in the 13 year-old boys Discus and Shot Put, Stacey Brasier finishing first in the 17 year -old girls Triple Jump, Kyle Mueller claiming the 17 year-old boys Javelin final and Carlie Whitford winning Triple Jump, High Jump and Long Jump in the Open girls age group. Well done to these four students who have now qualified for the State Finals in Melbourne on Friday, 17th October. A big thank you to Miss Clark, Mrs Whitford and the parents who drove the students over and supported them on the day. Year7 and 8 Cricket On Monday, 13th October two teams from Years 7 and 8 played off in the interschool cricket competition held at the Kyabram Recreation Reserve. They competed against a number of schools in the district including St Joseph’s, Echuca College, St Mary’s, Nathalia Secondary College, St Augustine’s and Rochester Secondary College. Both teams had a very successful day with the Year 7 team finishing unbeaten and winning the competition and the Year 8 team finishing 4th despite being very competitive in all of their four matches. Thank you to Mr Bird and Miss Leahy for coaching and supervising the students. The Australian Mathematics Competition In August this year, about 40 students from our college competed in the Australian Mathematics Competition. Students were required to show their problem solving skills by answering questions during a one hour test. All students who participated are to be congratulated for their initiative and effort in “Doing their Best”. Corey Browne of Grade 5 achieved a High Distinction, which places him in the top 1% of the state entrants, a very impressive performance. Congratulations, Corey. Other participants recorded very good results, and we would like to acknowledge these students for their achievements: The following students achieved Distinctions: Year 7 Year 8 Year 10 Year 12 Year 9 Xavier Browne Daniel Carroll Bim Sherwood Robert Hickingbotham Joseph Stevens Year 10 We also had a number of students achieve credits: Grade 5 Charlotte Freemantle Grade 6 Thomas Burnett Jennifer Baker Zavier Briggs Alice Wake Jackson Barnett Brodie Mulcahy Michael Fleming Lauren Kightly Laura Roberts Year 11 Aaron Hatch Year 12 Liam Willoughby Year 12 Morning Tea Every year the Chaplaincy Committee provides a wonderful morning tea for the year 12 students to launch their time into celebrations and to exam time. Also to thank their teachers! The Chaplaincy Committee provide many things for students throughout the year, (plus milk every week for their cuppas). Liz spoke on persistence and how Abraham Lincoln failed many times before he became President of the United States. This talk was to encourage student to keep trying no matter what. A wonderful celebration was had amongst the cakes, sandwiches, slices and party pies. All the best year 12s, the chaplains will be praying for you to do your best.! Excellence Through Opportunity COLLEGE NEWS CANTEEN SECONDARY CAMPUS PRIMARY CAMPUS OCTOBER OCTOBER Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri 20 21 22 23 24 10:30-11:45am Anna Hooper Merrilyn Davies Leonie Moffatt Terrie-Anne Coburn Belinda Sherwood Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri 20 21 22 23 24 HELP HELP HELP HELP Justine McConnell 1:00-2:15pm HELP Rebecca Baker HELP Trudi Plumb HELP ABSENCE LINE 5853 2607 PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE TO ADVISE IF YOUR CHILD IS, OR WILL BE, ABSENT Open 24 hours 7 days We are required to have verification of all student absences. For your convenience we have an absence hotline where you can leave a recorded message. Or you may choose to write a note or leave a message in your child’s planner. Immunisations for Students in Year 7 The 2014 School Based Immunisation Program will be offered at your school by the Shire of Campaspe Nurse Immunisation Team on: Date: Thursday 30 October 2014 Administering the following vaccines: Third Dose HPV for Year 7 students Third Dose HPV for Year 9 boys 1. 2. 3. Please ensure your student eats breakfast on Immunisation Day. Vaccinations are given in the upper arm. Please ensure students wear suitable clothing. A record/reaction sheet will be given to each student on completion of vaccination. Please ask your students for this form. Please feel free to contact the Immunisation Program Co-ordinator on 1300 666 535 with any questions. Head Lice Information Session Barbara Buckell There will be an information session about head lice and the treatment process on Monday, 20th October at 9:30am after the P-4 Assembly. If you have any questions about head lice or been having difficulty with effective treatment then please come along. The session, which will run for about 45 minutes, will be led by Leona Evans, DEECD school nurse. Please let Judy know at the office if you intend coming to the session. Excellence Through Opportunity College Office News Jan Prior – College Business Manager Communication Survey Thank you to our parents across the College who completed the Survey on how we communicate with our families. The response to the survey was terrific and the College Council will be working through your ideas and feedback. Some of the main ideas you let us know about were: that the Calendar was an important part of our newsletter ‘Channels’ that Parents also enjoy the Village News and Photos 85% of parents would be happy to have Channels emailed with hard copies available at the College Most people use facebook every day and would like more regular updates about what is coming up at the College Most people do not usually read the ‘What’s Coming Up’ in the Kyabram Free Press 86% of parents enjoyed seeing photos and articles in the Kyabram Free Press of our students and activities at the College Preferred methods of contact / communication with parents: in person, email and telephone Other suggestions were made and we will putting some of these great ideas in place over the coming weeks. Years 7-12 Bookstall Thank you to the parents who have returned their child’s booklists for 2015. The 7-12 Bookstall will be held this year on November 20th at the Kyabram Bocce Club. The Bookstall will be open from 12 noon till 6:30 pm. This means that you can call in either during lunch time or after work, if that suits you best. There are a number of ways parents can make payments including cash, credit card, or eftpos. Other payment options are available throughout the year including BPay and Centrepay. For further information on any of these please contact the office. Secondhand Textbooks - The College is registered with the Sustainable School Shop if you wish to buy or sell second-hand textbooks. Please see the flyer on our website for more details on how to register at www.sustainableschoolshop.com.au Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) 2015 From 2015 the Victorian Government has ceased EMA payments to families. Further information outlining the changes will be available over the coming weeks. Churinga The Kyabram P-12 College annual magazine, ‘Churinga’ will be available to families who would like to take up this opportunity. The magazine highlights activities, student work, and their achievements and is a valued keepsake for students. Thank you to those parents have already indicated that they would like to receive the 2014 Churinga by making payment on the 2014 booklist. As we will be soon placing orders, and you would like a copy at a cost of $15.00, please contact the office or make payment at any of our Campus offices. Excellence Through Opportunity Excellence Through Opportunity COMMUNITY MATTERS PORTSEA CAMP Applications are now open for the Portsea Camp. For children aged 9 to 12 years. Date: 11th - 17th January 2015. Cost: $321.00 Applications close 1st December. NO LATE APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED. For further details please contact: Avis Weller. 58546383 / 040938386. Please phone Fiona Selway or Matt Dodson for further information on 5567 6346 COLLEGE CALENDAR ~ October 2014 ~ Sun 12 Mon 13 Tue 14 Regional Athletics in Bendigo (Primary) Wed 15 Curriculum Committee Meeting 5:30pm Thu Fri 16 17 Gr 6 Transition Gr 6 Transition Program Program 20 21 VCE Drama Solo Night 22 Kinder Visit 26 27 18 House Group Assembly Music EXPO Concert 7pm at the Plaza Theatre Yr 7/8 Cricket 19 Sat 23 24 25 Gr 6 Transition 5-12 Assembly Program Grade 3/4 Robotics Incursion LMR Basketball Intermediate & Yr 7/8 Grade 3/4 Robotics Incursion 28 29 30 31 College Council 7pm Pink Ribbon Breakfast Yr 12 Exams Commence Immunisations Yr 7 and 9 “Shekere Beats” African Drummers Gr 3-6 at 2:20pm Year 10 Work Experience Camp ~ November 2014 ~ Sun 2 9 Mon Tue Wed 3 4 5 Pupil Free Melbourne Day Cup Day 6 10 13 11 12 Kinder Visit 9:30-11am 16 Thu 17 24 Sat 7 8 14 15 21 22 Gr 5/6 Interschool Sports Pointing at the Moon” Workshop Years 7-9 18 19 20 Lifeskills Camp 23 Fri 25 Graduation Ball 26 27 28 29 Proud to be a Silver Donor Lou & Angela De Palma Proprietors Ph (03) 5831 1066 www.sheppfresh.com / M & S Group Accounting JAG Plumbing Salter’s Panel Repairs Kyvalley Farms Milk Kyabram Bakery Walker Real Estate Bakers Delight Dunstall Rural Supplies Subway McConnell Real Estate
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