What is a green bond and why does it work? The answer helps explain why YTD issuance is triple that of full year 2013! GREEN BONDS ISSUANCE YTD IS THREE TIMES HIGHER THAN IN 2013 AS A WHOLE The Green Bonds market continues to expand with vigour. Indeed, total issuance year to date is already at USD 32 bn according to data from Climate Bonds Initiative. This is about three times as much as during the whole of 2013 when market expansion took off in earnest. This brings total, cumulative, issuance to above USD 50 bn. Admittedly, this is still modest in relation both to other, mature parts of the global bond market and to the massive need of financing to realise the climate related investments necessary to meet the two-degreestarget. It is, however, indisputably a strong start and judging by our pipeline and indications from other, the market is set to continue its stellar expansion. In the following, we seek to answer why more issuers and more investors are getting engaged. WHAT IS A GREEN BOND AND WHY DOES IT WORK? Various stakeholders are showing a constantly rising interest in Green Bonds. This is still a young market where standards and procedures are being developed. A key challenge has been to identify and share the values of a Green Bond - what purpose does it have and how does it provide business value for the stakeholders involved? Read more below. WEDNESDAY 22 OCTOBER 2014 SEB Green Bonds [email protected] Christopher Flensborg +46 8 506 231 38 Mats Olausson +46 8 506 232 62 Samantha Sutcliffe +46 8 506 232 56 Johanna Cavallin +46 8 506 230 13 SEB Green Bonds homepage: here. Subscribe/unsubscribe to The Green Bond by sending an e-mail to: [email protected] HOW GREEN IS YOUR BOND? In this article, Christa Clapp from CICERO argues that Green bonds are a promising new trend in the bond market – but the environmental foundation needs to be solid for the market to realize its full potential. The most critical challenge that the growing green bonds market faces is environmental integrity. Read more on p3. WHAT IS A GREEN BOND AND WHY DOES IT WORK? The financial principle of a Green Bond is very simple it is just a bond like any other. The lender takes the same credit risk on the borrower’s repayment capability as in the case of a regular bond and, hence, if the price of the Green Bond is in line with the price where the issuer normally gets their funding, the risk/return will be in line with “regular” bonds. Importantly, this implies that a Green Bond can be bought by any investor with a fiduciary mandate who otherwise would be able to take risk on the issuer. Where the Green Bond changes its character from a “regular” bond is, firstly, in the specification of how Important: Your attention is drawn to the statement on the back of this report which affects your rights the proceeds shall be used - namely for climate related financing – and, secondly, in transparency and reporting. The birth and the growth of the Green Bond market has, like any other new development, presented a number of challenges. The single most important challenge has been to identify and share the values of a Green Bond - what purpose does it have and how does it provide business value for the stakeholders involved? So how have we approached that? In the way we validate mandates and communicate performance in financial markets we have created a system where most values are explained by numbers The Green Bond and consequently performance needs to be quantifiable. However, when we talk about transitions on a larger scale – such as finding financial resources to alleviate climate stress - we need to change the financial infrastructure and organizations to facilitate the transition. Organisations need to appreciate the new goals and the infrastructure needs to be able to identify and support the new objectives. There are various ways to do this but the most efficient is to leverage existing infrastructure. Hence, the nature of the Green Bond is to enable mainstream fixed income mandates to engage and access climate finance. The strength is that it is enabling and engaging traditional bond mandates for climate finance, and thereby activates new pockets of money for Green investments. So we see the main purpose of the Green Bond is to be used as an instrument for business leaders to transform their organizations to be more comprehensive and address society challenges through their existing infrastructure. The business value is found through the participation in this transition, understanding why it happens and where it goes, identifying systemic and business stress factors and being well prepared for new valuations. There’s been a big debate about standards; does one size fit all, how dynamic shall these standards be, who will decide and what is their credibility and motivation? And most importantly, why do we need the standards, what are they good for? Let’s start with the last question since it will be difficult to create standards without a defined goal. When looking at standards the key element will be framing the market in respect to rules and procedures. When that is done, various stakeholder groups can use these frameworks to create their own universe of Green Bonds. Some will be very green, some will be light green, some will target mainstream mandates, some will target dedicated Green mandates. There will, like in all other markets, be a mainstream solution and a specialist solution, each with their own requirements. The first step towards creating these rules and procedures has already been taken in the form of the Green Bond Principles which were created by 13 banks of which SEB was one, in January this year. The Green Bond Principles create a common starting point and this will continuously be supervised and followed up by the Green Bond Principle Governance and the secretariat operated by the International Capital Markets Association, ICMA. This initiative has the potential to create and lead the market development of rules and procedures for Green Bonds. The privileges we have through our work with various blue chip organizations have taught us that the challenges are not alike. For instance, in Germany institutions like KfW work on multiple tasks to address climate protection and the energy transition, in Holland NWB and the water authorities work on managing water levels. In Africa, Korea, Canada, Norway and many other places, regional leaders like AfDB, KEXIM, EDC and KBN work with their individual challenges and on a global level the UN and the World Bank Group work in an ever changing environment to aggregate knowledge and to find and share solutions to climate stress. So, no, one size doesn't fit all!! Another important issue is that of what is Green and how do we define the assets that can be financed by Green Bonds? Is it up to banks and bureaucrats to define, is it a business decision or do we need to go to academia and Non-Governmental Organizations for an answer? In our opinion, this is a very simple question - it is up to the investor to decide! However, we need to assess how we - as a service institution - provide a product which is not only suitable but also valuable for our investors. Furthermore, a scalable, uniform, broadly labelled systemized categorization of Green is required to allow investors to create their own strategies and for the broader financial services sector to provide solutions. Normally, this is done through indexes but these indexes need to be backed by sufficient volume and a specification of what is included. Indexes are slowly appearing. The World Bank is doing a tremendous job in guiding the market, leveraging their infrastructure and long experience in market development. Also, pioneers like SEB and CICERO (the Norwegian climate science organization who is the institution that has verified most Green Bond issuers’ Green bond frameworks) are working to create a global network of academic institutions; there are already universities from Europe, North America and Asia in the network. By developing this platform, we hope to be able to create a comprehensive database which will enable stakeholders to use the rules and procedures from the Green Bond Principles, the guidance of the World Bank and the context of the database to create an individual Green universe reflecting their specific ambitions, whether via an index or through a tailored model. Lastly, we have started a close cooperation with HSBC on a joint terminology for determining how to validate 2 The Green Bond and guide new strategies and we invite other banks to join in the dialogue. We think this is a crucial next step in the development of the Green Bond market. We think it is not only good business but also a way for us and our partners to drive the financial world towards better solutions and provide clarity for all to develop and implement green strategies. The section above is written by Christopher Flensborg. The following article: “How Green is your Bond?”, is written by Christa Clapp, Head of Climate Finance at CICERO (Center for International Climate and Environmental Research, Oslo). Both articles have also been published in the October issue of Responsible Investor Insight. HOW GREEN IS YOUR BOND? With the onset of green bonds, investors have the opportunity to support a low-carbon and climateresilient future. To date, only a fraction of a percent of the global bond market could be considered ‘green’ – but if this portion continues to grow, investments in low-carbon infrastructure can facilitate the economic restructuring necessary to meet a 2°C climate change target. Green bonds are a promising new trend in the bond market – but the environmental foundation needs to be solid for the market to realize its full potential. The most critical challenge that the growing green bonds market faces is environmental integrity. The financial community is becoming more aware of environmental risks to their investments. Climate change drives more extreme weather patterns and events that can pose a physical risk to assets (e.g. water stress can negatively impact infrastructure projects). Investors also face an additional policy risk: impending climate policy could eventually result in stranded assets that support fossil fuel infrastructure. Both physical and policy risks can translate into real economic impacts on investments. Investors should have a full understanding of the potential environmental impacts and risks on their investments. This becomes even more important as the green bond market shifts towards corporate issuers. Understanding the ‘greenness’ of a bond goes beyond transparency on what project types a bond invests in, to disclosure of environmental risks of investments. The possibility of a ‘headline risk’ from a large negative environmental impact or disaster poses a risk of share price losses to issuers and investors. Independent environmental reviews of green bonds provide the necessary due diligence for investors to understand the environmental impacts of their financial decisions. The Green Bond Principles, developed by a consortium of investment banks, also note that the environmental integrity of investments is enhanced by external expert reviews. As an independent, not-for-profit research institute, CICERO provides environmental reviews (called second opinions) on green bond investment frameworks by applying high-quality climate change research and expertise. Our researchers review the issuing institutions' frameworks for eligible project selection and assess the framework’s robustness in meeting the green bond’s environmental objectives. In doing so, we emphasise avoiding lock-ins and longterm irreversible damage to the climate. We also emphasise the need for transparent and regular reporting on impacts of green bond projects to investors. CICERO has been the leading market provider of green bond second opinions since the market’s inception in 2007, but we recognize the need to scaleup and broaden our geographical reach as the market evolves. CICERO recently established the Expert Network on Second Opinions (ENSO), a global network of trusted research institutions on climate change and other environmental issues, covering a range of technical expertise and regional experience. Building on the trusted CICERO approach, ENSO will offer a one-stop window for second opinions to the financial market operating independently from the financial sector and other stakeholders to preserve the unbiased nature and high quality of second opinions. As climate change impacts become a reality, and transparency on environmental impacts increases, investors should look for independent reviews as a sign of environmental due diligence on green bonds. Investors need full disclosure of risk before they can make informed investment decisions. As the market continues to grow and evolve, both investors and the environment would benefit from a standard practice to ensure the ‘greenness’ of bonds. SEB Green Bonds Team Christopher Flensborg +46 8 506 231 38, [email protected] Mats Olausson +46 8 506 232 62, [email protected] Samantha Sutcliffe +46 8 506 232 56, [email protected] Johanna Cavallin +46 8 506 230 13, [email protected] 3 The Green Bond Disclaimer This statement affects your rights This report constitutes ‘‘non-independent research’’ produced by the Sustainable Products and Product Development team, a team within Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (publ) (“SEB”) to provide background information only. 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