th Proceedings of the 17 Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas (PECS) conference, Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco, Brazil, 19–24 October 2014 Langmuir Circulation and Turbulence in Chesapeake Bay MALCOLM E. SCULLY 1 Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA 02643, USA. email: [email protected] Keywords: Langmuir Circulation, Turbulence, Mixing SUMMARY Measurements made as part of a large-scale experiment to examine wind-driven circulation and mixing in Chesapeake Bay demonstrate that circulations largely consistent with Langmuir circulation (LC) play an important role in surface boundary layer dynamics in this estuarine system. Under conditions when the turbulent Langmuir number is low (Lat < 0.5), the observed low frequency (<1/20 Hz) vertical motions are characterized by: 1) strong coherence over most of the water column; 2) negative vertical velocity skewness indicative of strong/narrow downwelling and weak/broad upwelling; 3) strong negative correlations with the low frequency horizontal velocity in the direction of wave propagation. The orientation of the regions of surface convergence inferred from the observations are closely aligned with the dominant direction of wave propagation, which often deviates significantly from the wind direction. The inferred horizontal spacing between downwelling zones is generally consistent with the depth of the surface mixed layer (aspect ratio ~ 1), but shows considerable scatter and a lognormal distribution consistent with surface convergence that occurs randomly in both time and space. Tidal currents, vertical density stratification and the surface heat flux all modulate the intensity and coherence of the observed circulations. While strong tidal flows inhibit the development of LC, the surface heat flux can either inhibit or enhance the observed circulation depending on whether the heat flux is stabilizing or destabilizing. The circulations we observe appear to be highly variable in time and space and more analogous to coherent turbulence than the traditionally assumed 2-dimensional wind-aligned pair of counter rotating vorticies. Consistent with recent results from Large Eddy Simulations, we hypothesize that wave breaking seeds the flow with vertical vorticity that is tilted over by the stokes drift shear, initiating a coherent instability consistent with LC. The intensity of the observed circulation is strongly dependent upon the surface wave height, which is strongly related to both wave breaking and the stokes drift shear in fetch-limited environments like Chesapeake Bay. 1. INTRODUCTION There is considerable evidence that the presence of Langmuir Circulation (LC) fundamentally alters the dynamics of the surface boundary layer in the ocean [1]. There have been a number of proposed mechanisms for the formation of LC, but the most widely accepted explanation is that the wave-driven stokes drift tilts vertical vorticity into the streamwise direction, leading to coherent vortices that are aligned with the direction of wave propagation [2]. The so-called Craik-Leibovich vortex force has been incorporated into numerous large eddy simulations (LES), which have simulated coherent wind-aligned vortices that are largely consistent with field observations of LC [3]. Despite the increasing acknowledgement that LC plays a fundamental role in surface mixed layer dynamics, there are relatively few detailed field measurements that fully characterize LC. Of the field studies that provide high quality measurements of LC, none have been conducted in an estuarine environment. Given the presence of both strong stratification and strong tidal shears, estuarine environments are unlikely locations for LC to play an important roll in surface mixed layer process. However, as we will demonstrate in this paper, strong coherent circulations consistent with LC are commonly observed in Chesapeake Bay, and when present, dominate the mixing in the surface mixed layer. th Proceedings of the 17 Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas (PECS) conference, Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco, Brazil, 19–24 October 2014 2. METHODS The observations presented in this paper were collected as part of a collaborative research project to examine wind-driven circulation and mixing in Chesapeake Bay during the fall of 2013. The results presented below focus primarily on an instrumented turbulence tower that was deployed along the western shoal in roughly 14m of water. The tower contained a vertical array of six acoustic Doppler velocimeters (ADVs), 6 CTDs and 12 thermistors. The ADVs were spaced roughly 2m apart in the vertical and sampled nearly continuously (28 minute burst every 30 minutes) at 32 Hz for 30 days. Immediately adjacent to the tower was a bottom mounted 1200 kHz acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) that sampled at 1Hz and recorded a velocity profile every 30 seconds. In order to remove the high frequency motions associated with surface gravity waves and small-scale turbulence, the ADV data for each 28-minute burst was lowpass filtered with a cutoff frequency of 1/20 Hz. The lowpass filtered data were then linearly detrended, removing the mean and effectively bandpassing the data. The resulting velocity data (denoted with underscore lp) has no high frequency (e.g. surface waves) motions, low frequency (e.g. tides) motions, and has a mean of zero. We use the rms intensity of the low-frequency vertical velocity calculated for each burst as a simple metric for the intensity of observed circulation (denoted <w’>std). The structure and coherence of vertical motions is inferred from the vertical velocity skewness (γ = <wlp3>/<wlp2>3/2), where the angled brackets indicate burst average. Negative values of γ are indicative of stronger and narrower downwelling zones that alternate with weaker and wider upwelling zones—a feature commonly attributed to LC. While we did not directly observed the horizontal spacing (Lh) of circulation cells, it was estimated from the time between successive downwelling regions (Td) and the velocity perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation (Vw) so that Lh = TdVw. The orientation of the circulation also was not directly measured, but inferred by finding the horizontal rotation angle that minimizes the correlation between low frequency vertical and horizontal velocity (i.e. most negative correlation). The characteristics of the surface waves including significant wave height (Hs), dominant wave period (T), wavenumber (k), stokes drift velocity (Us) and the stokes drift shear (∂Us/∂z) were calculated from the directional wave spectra measured by the uppermost ADV. Estimates of Us combined with observed shear velocity (u*) were used to calculate the turbulent Langmuir number Lat = (u*/Us)1/2. The net heat flux through the ocean surface (Q) was estimated from direct measurements of sensible heat flux (Qh) and latent heat flux (Qe), combined with estimates of net short wave radiation (Qs) and net longwave radiation (Qb) from the NCEP North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) model. With estimates of Q, we estimated the Hoenikker number (Ho = [αgQ]/[ρC kUSu*2]), which represents the ratio of the buoyancy forcing that drives thermal convection to the vortex force that drives LC. ρ 3. RESULTS Circulations consistent with LC are commonly observed in Chesapeake Bay throughout the record. Data from the bottom-mounted ADCP demonstrates coherent low frequency circulation with strong (> 3 cm/s) vertical velocities that often extend throughout the water column under strong wind and wave forcing (fig. 1). ADCP backscatter data suggest that the strong vertical velocities advect air bubbles from the surface downward and advect suspended sediment upward from the bottom. During conditions when Lat < 0.5, the observed circulations are characterized by negative vertical velocity skewness, indicative of strong narrow downwelling zones and weaker more broadly distributed upwelling (fig. 2). A commonly noted characteristic of LC is the presence of an intensified downwind jet associated with the convergent downwelling regions and a corresponding negative velocity perturbation in the along wind direction associated with the upwelling regions. If we assume the traditional velocity structure for LC, the time series of ulp and wlp should be negatively correlated in a coordinate system aligned with the wind, assuming the structure of the LC laterally advects past our fixed sensors. So, even though the tower data were collected at a fixed vertical location and do not provide any direct information about the orientation of LC, we can infer the orientation by finding the rotation angle that minimizes the correlation between ulp and wlp (i.e. most negative correlation). As demonstrated in figure 3, the lowest correlations generally th Proceedings of the 17 Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas (PECS) conference, Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco, Brazil, 19–24 October 2014 occur for conditions where Lat < 0.5 and show a spatial and temporal pattern consistent with the distribution of <w’>std and γ. Consistent with the observed distribution of γ, the minimum correlation is most negative at the second ADV from the surface during strong wave forcing. The inferred orientation of LC agrees reasonably well with the observed wind and wave directions (fig. 3b). However the LC orientation is consistently 45 degrees to the left of the wind and the inferred LC orientation is more consistent with the mean wave direction. Given that vortex force hypothesized to drive the observed LC originates from the stokes drift, we would expect the orientation of the observed circulation to be more aligned with the waves—which is generally what we observe. Figure 1. Bandpassed ADCP a) vertical velocity; b) acrosswind velocity; c) alongwind velocity; and d) acoustic backscatter illustrating coherent circulation consistent with LC. the observed probability distribution of Lh is largely consistent with a lognormal distribution. Estimates of the aspect ratio also are generally lognormal with a median of 1.4 and mode of 1. Thus, while there is considerable scatter, the observed spacing is generally consistent with the depth of the surface mixed layer. It is worth noting that both Lh and the aspect ratio exhibit large scatter with no clear relationship with any other parameter we measured. We believe the large scatter and lognormal distribution are consistent with Csanady’s [4] interpretation that the surface convergence caused by LC occurs randomly in both time and space. Using the methods outlined in section 2, we also can estimate the horizontal spacing of LC in our observations (Lh). We detected 773 individual downwelling “events” with a median inferred spacing of ~17 m. There is considerable scatter in the estimates of Lh and Figure 2. a) Turbulent Langmuir number; b) lowpass filter vertical velocity magnitude; and c) vertical velocity skewness measured by the 6 ADVs on the turbulence tower. The presence of density stratification is often sufficient so that N2 > ∂U/∂z ∂Us/∂z. Under these conditions we do not observe circulation that is consistent with LC. In the upper portion of the water column temperature gradients associated with diurnal heating often dominate the stratification, and we commonly observe diurnal modulation of the LC intensity. For conditions where the surface heat flux is destabilizing (Q<0), we see evidence that convective mixing enhances LC. This is illustrated by comparing conditions where Q<0 and where significant wave height is between 0.5 – 0.7 m, but segregating the data based on the intensity of surface heat loss (fig. 4). We define strong and weak surface th Proceedings of the 17 Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas (PECS) conference, Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco, Brazil, 19–24 October 2014 Figure 3. a) Minimum correlation between horizontal and vertical lowpass velocity; b) comparison between angle that minimizes (most negative) the correlation between horizontal and vertical velocity (inferred LC-orientation), with observed wind and wave direction. Figure 4. Profiles comparing the intensity of low frequency a) vertical motion and b) vertical velocity skewness for the conditions summarized in the table. Colors of text in table correspond to colors in figure. heat loss by the criteria of Q<-300 W/m2 and 0>Q>-100 W/m2, respectively. In restricting our comparison to this range the two populations have nearly identical mean value of Hs and Lat, but significantly different values of surface heat flux and Ho (see table in fig. 4). For further comparison, we also plot the profiles for conditions where surface heat loss dominates the LC forcing (Ho > 1). The intensity of low-frequency vertical velocities is intensified and values of γ are more negative in the presence of strong heat loss. Values of γ exhibit a sub-surface minimum, with the lowest values observed at the second ADV from the surface for conditions where Lat < 0.5. In contrast, for conditions where Lat > 1 and Ho > 1 the most negative values γ are observed at the uppermost ADV and the negative skewness becomes less negative rapidly with increased depth, consistent with coherent structures that do not penetrate deeply into the water column. The intensity of low frequency vertical motion is nearly three times smaller at the surface for conditions with convection but no LC (Lat>1 & Ho>1) than when LC and convection occur simultaneously. We conclude that a destabilizing heat flux can augment the circulation driven by LC, but that LC is the dominant mechanism driving coherent low frequency motions in the surface boundary layer. 4. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] Thorpe, S. A. (2004). Langmuir circulation. Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech., 36, 55-79. Craik, A.D.D., and Leibovich, S. (1976). A rational model for Langmuir circulations. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 73(03), 401-426. McWilliams, J.C., Sullivan, P.P., and Moeng, C.H. (1997). Langmuir turbulence in the ocean. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 334, 1-30. Csanady, G. T. (1994). Vortex pair model of Langmuir circulation. Journal of marine research, 52(4), 559581.
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