Video streaming live and on demand: A Messianic congregation of Believers in Yeshua HaMashiach SHABBAT NEWSLETTER 29th day of the 7th Biblical month of 5844 1st of Cheshvan the 2nd Jewish month of 5775 25th of October the 10th Gregorian month of 2014 BGEMC a Charter member of CTOMC. TEHILLAH - Service of Praise Welcome to Beit Gan-Eden (House [of] Paradise)! We are gathered here in the name of our righteous Messiah, Yeshua, to worship our Heavenly Father (Abba). Yeshua tells us. “God is Spirit and worshipers must worship Him in spirit and in truth.” Yochanan (John) 4:24. Shabbat Shalom, everyone! TEFILLAH - Service of Prayer All sing: “Sh’ma Yisrael, Y’HoVaH Eloheinu, Y’HoVaH echad. (Deu 6:4) Baruch Shem kavod malchuto, le'olam va'ed!” All say: ”Hear, O Isra’el, Y’HoVaH our Elohim, Y’HoVaH is one! Blessed be His Name. His glorious Kingdom is for ever and ever.” Leader: “V’ahavta et Y’HoVah elohecha b’kol l’vav’cha u’v’kol nafsh’cha u’v’kol m’odecha.” All say: “And you shall love Y’HoVaH your Elohim with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. (Deut 6:5) And Yeshua said: “Love your neighbour as yourself. All the Torah and the prophets are dependent on these two mitzvot.” (Mat 22:37-40) Leader: “Yeshua HaMashiach hu Adonai”. And everyone says: “Yeshua the Messiah, He is Lord. Amen.” B’rachot haB’nai (Blessings for the Children) Parents to their boys: “May Y’HoVaH make you, (name/s) like Efrayim and M’nasheh (and personalise) Genesis 27: 27b-29. Parents to their girls: “May Yah make you, (name) like Sarah, Rivkah, Rachel and Leah (and personalise) Num 6:24-26. All pray together: ” Heavenly Abba preserve these children for their fathers and mothers. May they be led into a life of obedience and faith through the Ketuvei HaShelichim. Blessed are You, Yah of Avraham, Yitz’chak and Ya’akov, who watches over these precious children of Your servants. We ask this in Yeshua’s Name, Amein.” Prayer for Israel TORAH - Service of The Word Parashah 2 Noach (Noah) Torah: B’resheet (Genesis) 6:9 - 11:32 Haftarah (Prophets): Yesha’yahu (Isaiah) 52:13 -55:5 (see Ketuvei HaShelichim (Writing [of] the Apostles): Mattityahu (Mat) 24:36-44; Luke 17:26-37; Acts 2:1-16; 1 Kefa (1 Peter) 3:18-22; 2 Kefa 2:5 Drash (message): Arthur ‘Avraham’ Batakin Hazak, hazak, v’nit’chazek! (Be strong, be strong, and let us be strengthened!) 2 Ordained Messianic Ministers: Tamar & Ken ‘Malachi’ Yeomans 1/69 Falconer Street, Southport (PO Box 3289 Australia Fair) Qld 4215 Office: +61 (0)7 5528 5955 Fax +61 (0)7 5528 5977 Home: +61 (0)7 5532 0521 Tamar +61 (0)4 1875 0577 Malakai +61 (0)4 1874 5120 Email: [email protected] Internet: MISHPACHAH MEMOS OFFERINGS TO BEIT GAN-EDEN LIMITED Options include: cash or cheques in the blue & white offering box; also there is a portable EFTPOS terminal, available at the audio/video table. Direct deposit: CBA Southport. BSB: 06 4430 Acct: 1110 6647 (Note: We only see the 1st 18 letters & digits of any message you type.) TORAH PEARLS THIS AFTERNON with M.Min Tamar Yeomans. SHABBAT SHUL Children ages 6 (Prep) to 12 may attend with Minister Devina Sleaford. Younger children may attend with a parent. Shabbat Shul begins, in the adjoining room, straight after “Blessing the Children”, which is prior to the Parashah readings. Shabbat Shul ends at the start of the “Yeshua Remembrance Service” at which time parents are expected to resume proactive responsibility for their children. HEBRIAC ROOTS CALENDAR IN STOCK at BGEMC: $16.00 inc GST. Galilee Experience Calendar from September 2014 to December 2015. “Blessed Is the Man”. A beautiful pictorial 16 Month Calendar Jewish dates. BGEMC SERVICES STREAM LIVE VIDEO ON THE INTERNET “Live” and “On Demand”. Go to The live broadcast is of whomever and whatever appears on the big screen. Some of the archived versions are trimmed to the readings and-or drash(ah). Drashah (message): Arthur ‘Avraham’ Batakin Mattityahu (Matthew) 5:18 (CJB) ; Kohelet (Ecclesiastes) 1:9 (CJB) Mishlei (Proverbs) 3:13-18 (CJB) ; B'resheet (Genesis) 7:1 (CJB) B'resheet (Genesis) 6:5-13 (CJB) ; Sh'mot (Exodus) 20:12 (CJB Sh'mot (Exodus) 20:5-6 (CJB) ; 2 Kefa (2 Peter) 2:3-5 (CJB) Messianic Jews (Hebrews) 11:7 (CJB) ; 1 Kefa (1 Peter) 3:12-21 (CJB 2 Kefa (2 Peter) 3:10-14 (CJB) ; B'resheet (Genesis) 1:31 (CJB Mattityahu (Matthew) 24:37-39 (CJB) Romans 1:20 -32 (CJB) Yochanan (John) 1:9 (CJB) ; Romans 2:14-16 (CJB) Psalm 19:1 (CJB) ; 97:6 (CJB) ; Yechezk'el (Ezekiel) 14:21-23 (CJB ; Psalm 14:2 (CJB) ; Yochanan (John) 10:27-29 (CJB) ; Revelation 3:10-13 (CJB) ; Revelation 22:10-17 (CJB) ; Luke 13:23-25 (CJB) ; Mattityahu (Matthew) 7:13-14 Weekly Shabbat Venue Prana Centre. (Dharma Room) 7027 Southport-Nerang Road, Nerang, Qld 4211 Airconditioned and free undercover parking 3 DATES OF MOEDIM (Biblically Appointed times) Sighted moon dates are two (2) days behind Jewish dates this month. Is Israel a Jewish State? Wallace E Brand JD. Op-Ed in Arutz Sheva Oct 21,2014 Al Jazeera recently carried an op-ed by Ben White, a graduate of Cambridge University, entitled "Israel's Definition as a 'Jewish State’". Mr. White wants an alternative to present-day Israel. According to Mr. White, "The alternative to Israel as a 'Jewish state' is not a Palestinian Arab state, but a state where all have equal rights.” However, he ignored that even if the Arabs residing in Palestine qualified as a people, the question was ‘res judicata’, having been decided in 1920 at San Remo and calling the Arabs in Palestine the “Palestinian People” does not add much to his case.. I wanted to comment on his view which differs quite a lot from my own, but for some reason, Disquis (a comment system) balks at sending me the comments to articles in Al Jazeera and receiving my comments. The question is an important one and should not go unanswered.. So I am sending you [at Arutz Sheva] my comment to publish if you think it will interest your readers. Mr. Ben White appears to be a very learned fellow and I might have accepted his comment but for the fact that I am familiar with the history of the Balfour Declaration, the San Remo Resolution, and the Palestine Mandate. It was Woodrow Wilson who was opposed to large European Countries dominating the colonial territories captured by the Allies in WWI. He knew that under natural law as declared by John Locke, a people should have self-determination. That was America’s view in our War of Independence. But he was not deciding the general question of whether that would apply to secession as well as decolonization. The US had balked at the attempted secession of the South at great cost to itself, still in the memory of many in 1917. Looking forward to the end of hostilities in WWI, he appointed a Committee of Inquiry that dedicated its efforts to determining the “people” in each area of the world that should be recognized as having the right of self-determination. The late Julius Stone, a world recognized International Lawyer found "That the provision for a Jewish national home in Palestine was an application of the principle of self-determination is manifest from the earliest seminal beginning of the principle. The Enquiry Commission, established by President Wilson in order to draft a map of the world based on the Fourteen Points, affirmed the right of the Jewish people that Palestine should become a Jewish State clearly on this ground. Palestine, the Commission said, was "the cradle and home of their vital race", the basis of the Jewish spiritual contribution, and the Jews were "the only people whose only home was in Palestine” In 1919 the question of who should get the political rights to Palestine came up in the Paris Peace Talks, but was not resolved at that time. However the American diplomats carried with them briefing documents on that question. I have copied 4 them at length in my legal opinion archived at You will note the same language used in the report of the 1917 Committee of Inquiry and the briefing documents of theAmerican diplomats to the Paris Peace Talks. In 1920 the Allied War Powers reconvened in San Remo and adopted the British Balfour policy of recognizing the Jewish People as the cestui que trust [beneficiary] of the political rights to Palestine and rejecting theArab People’s application. In 1964 the Soviet dezinformatsiya apparently seized on this as a way to erect a barrier to Jewish sovereignty over Palestine which formed a barrier to its question for domination of the Middle East as a way to extend its hegemony over Western Europe. They invented a “Palestinian People”, inserting this term in the preamble of the 1964 PLO Charter drafted in Moscow and corroborated only by the first 432 members of the Palestine National Council, each hand-picked by the KGB. A member of the PLO executive board agreed with me, stating to the Dutch newspaper Trouw in 1977 that there was no Palestinian People, that the term was just used for political purposes. And indeed there is no good evidence of Arab nationalism in Palestine before 1964, only national anti-Semitism. They separated from Syria because the Syrians were not anti-Semitic enough for Haj Amin-al Husseini. They didn’t want to rely on one another — but would prefer that to rule by the Jewish People. During WWI none of the Arabs in Palestine or Syria had fought on the side of the Allies even though they claim they were promised independence by the British if they did so; and manyArabs had fought for the Ottomans And in the diary of Count Folke Bernadotte, who investigated this question for UNSCOP, the UN Committee on Palestine that was looking to see what to do upon Britain’s abdication as Mandatory Power or trustee of the Political Rights placed in their trust, Count Bernadotte noted that there was no evidence of Palestinian Arab Nationalism. In fact Zahir Muhsein has said that when the Jews had been annihilated, the PLO would merge with Jordan. He said that the term Arab Palestinian People was a political ploy. So when the Soviet dezinformatsia invented the Palestinian People in Moscow, Soviet Diplomats at the UN were pushing to dignify the right of a “people” to self-determination as not only natural law but also international law. But in my legal opinion at I show why that would not have worked even if the Palestinians were a genuine people. When the right of a people to self-determination is in tension with the right of a sovereign state to territorial integrity, the right of a people is subordinate. It is necessary to maintain world order that state boundaries be inviolable. In any event, what the Allied Principal War Powers at San Remo did was to adopt the formulation of the British Balfour policy. It did not recognize the right of selfdetermination of the Jews in Palestine, it recognized World Jewry, the Jewish People as the cestui que trust of the political rights to Palestine. These are group rights, they are the collective political rights, the right to form a government and then to administer it. The individual political right to one vote for each citizen is frequently discussed as a civil right. The civil and religious rights of non-Jewish communities were saved in the Balfour Declaration, the San Remo Resolution and the Palestine Mandate that stated in detail how the League of Nations were to expect the Balfour and San Remo policy to be carried out. The French tried to add “political rights” to the savings 5 clause for civil and religious rights but the others would not accept that amendment. The Balfour Policy was to be carried out in two stages. In the first would be a Jewish National Home, permitting Jews to settle "as a matter of right" anywhere in Palestine. This was cut down to Palestine west of the Jordan in 1922 when the policy was approved by 52 countries. However, when the Jewish population increased to a majority, the Jews would get not only the right to settle, but also to rule. It must also, before ruling, exhibit the capability of exercising sovereignty. Then it would become a Jewish Commonwealth without being an anti-democratic government. So Ben White was looking at the wrong formulation. It was the Jewish People and the Arab People who filed competing applications at the Paris Peace Talks. It was the Jewish People who was the cestui que trust of the Political Rights to Palestine and who obtained legal dominion over them under the law of trusts in 1948 when the Jewish People became a majority within the Green Line and had control over the people in that area and the rights for that territory vested. The remainder of the rights vested in 1967 when the Jewish People took control over Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem. Israel has not as yet asserted control over the first two territories. But it has over East Jerusalem. So if Mr. White is correct, any group without even calling itself a “people” could empower the UN to redraw the boundaries of a sovereign state. That is pretty far fetched, even for one not a student of International Law. In conclusion, knowing this history, it is hard for me to conclude that what under international law is the state of the Jewish People is anything but a democratic Jewish State. Baby Murdered in Jerusalem Terror Attack By Tova Dvorin in Arutz Sheva A baby girl was killed and eight people were injured Wednesday, after a terrorist hit them with his car outside the Givat Hatachmoshet (Ammunition Hill) Light Rail stop. "A private car hit passengers from the light rail near the police national headquarters. The car's driver attempted to escape and was shot, apparently by a police officer from the Jerusalem district," police spokeswoman Luba Samri said in a statement. Footage of the attack has now begun to circulate. The grainy security video appears to show a white car careening across the median and straight at pedestrians, mowing down one of them. Police have now confirmed (7:30 pm IST) that a Jerusalem police officer did shoot the driver, seriously wounding him after he attempted to flee from the scene on foot. One witness stated to the daily that the attack was "horrific" and that "people were screaming." The area has been closed to traffic until further notice. Magen DavidAdom (MDA) medics, Hatzalah crews, and police have swamped the area. A spokesman for the emergency services said three people were seriously wounded. Another two people were moderately hurt and four more were said to 6 have sustained light injuries. One of the wounded, a three month-old girl, died after being rushed to Hadassah Har HaZofim (Mount Scopus). She has now (8:00 pm) been named as Chaya Ziso, hy"d. She will be laid to rest at Jerusalem's Har HaMenuchot cemetery at midnight. Shimon Helperin, the infant's grandfather, told Arutz Sheva that the Ziso family which had been waiting for a child for years - had been returning from prayers at the Western Wall (Kotel) when they were struck by the terrorist. Helperin and his wife had arrived in Israel specifically to meet their grandchild on Wednesday and was forced to go immediately to the hospital, instead. Hamas welcomes attack The Arab driver has now been confirmed (7:40 pm IST) to have been resident of the Shiloach/Silwan neighborhood and a member of Hamas - and to have served in Israeli prison before for terrorism, according to Police Spokesperson Micky Rosenfeld. "This is a natural response to the crimes of the occupation and invasion of our land by the Jews, particularly on the Al-Aqsa Mosque (Temple Mount - ed.)," Hamas spokesman Hossam Badran stated on official Hamas television. Hamas television has also confirmed the identity of the terrorist - who was shot and wounded by police, but is not dead, as initially reported in the press - as 21 year-old Abdur Rahman Slodi of Shiloach (Silwan). Slodi had previously served in Israeli prison for terrorist activities. Jerusalem's alert level has also been heightened until further notice, police said Wednesday night. Hours later, close to 10:30 pm IST, Palestinian media reported that the police had entered Slodi's family's home to gather evidence and confiscate terror materials. Slodi's father - who is also the brother-in-law of one former head of Hamas's "military wing," the Al-Qassam Brigades, according to Walla! News - reportedly physically confronted police. The attack surfaces just hours after Jerusalem Police District Commander Moshe Edri announced a "comprehensive plan" for a new task force to battle the cycle of ongoing violence in Jerusalem, which has been named the "silent intifada." Special surveillance was ordered to be set up around the Jerusalem Light Rail which has been an ongoing flashpoint for violence over the past several weeks including setting up observation balloons. 2 IDF Soldiers Hurt in Egyptian Border Firefight October 22, 2014 by Israel Today Staff A female IDF officer and one of her soldiers were wounded on Wednesday afternoon when terrorists operating out of the Sinai Peninsula opened fire across the Israel-Egypt border. Both victims sustained moderate wounds, and were transported to Beersheva for treatment. A large IDF force responded to the area, and another officer told Israel’s NRG news portal that the Israeli army would return heavy fire if and when it located those responsible for the cross-border attack. The shooting was one of the more severe incidents along the Egyptian border in recent years. There are growing fears, both in Israel and Egypt, that radical Islamist groups, some affiliated with Al-Qaeda and ISIS, are setting up camp in 7 Sinai and using it as a new regional hub for terrorist activities. 31 YESHUA REMEMBRANCE SERVICE "Here, the days are coming," says Y’HoVaH, "when I will make a re-newed Covenant with the house of Isra’el and with the house of Y‘hudah. 32 It will not be like the covenant I made with their fathers on the day I took them by their hand and brought them out of the land of Egypt; because they, for their part violated My Covenant, even though I, for my part, was a husband to them," says 33 Y’HoVaH. "For this is the Covenant I will make with the house of Israel after those days," says Y’HoVaH, "I will put My Torah within them and write it on their hearts;I will be their Elohim, and they will be My people. (Yirem’yahu {Jeremiah} 31:31-33) Leader: “See! Elohim is my salvation; I am confident and unafraid; for YAH Elohim is my strength and my song, and He has become my salvation!” (Isa 12:2) Congregation: Then you will joyfully draw water from the springs of salvation. (Isa 12:3). Victory comes from Y’HoVaH; may your blessing rest on Your people (Ps 3:8). Y’HoVaH Tzva’ot is with us, our fortress, the Elohim of Ya’akov. (Ps 46:7) Leader: “Baruch ata Y’HoVaH, Eloheinu Melech Ha’olam, ha motze lechem m’in ha eretz.” (divide challah) Congregation: ”Blessed are You Y’HoVaH our Elohim, King of the Universe who has brought forth bread from the earth. Y’HoVaH Tzva’ot, how happy is anyone who trusts in You! (Ps 84:12). Give victory Y’HoVaH! Let the King answer us the day we call. (Ps 20:9) I will take the cup of redemption and call upon the Name, Y’HoVaH. (Ps 116:13) Leader: (with cup in right hand) “The cup of deliverance I raise and in the e Name of Y HoVaH, Yeshua HaMashiach, I call: Baruch atah Y’HoVaH, Eloheinu Melech, ha'olam, boray p’ri ha'gafen.” (Replace cup with spices) Congregation: Blessed are You, Y’HoVaH our Elohim, King of the universe, who creates the fruit of the vine. Leader: Lifting spice container in right hand, says... “Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu Melech ha'olam, boray meenee besamim.” Congregation: Blessed are You, Y’HoVaH our Elohim, King of the universe, who creates the various spices. Leader: As Avram gave to Malki-Tzedek according to B’resheet (Genesis) 14:1820, let us all come and bring our offering; then take some Chullah; smell the spices; take your cup, return to your seats and wait, so we can partake together. Leader: Pray in relation to what Yeshua has done in connection with the day’s Torah portion. “Let us eat and drink together”. Malachi & Tamar: Aharonic Blessing (see Num 6:22-27). Our Abba and Elohim of our fathers, we thank you for the joy and rest of this Shabbat. May the coming week bring gladness & peace, health & achievement. Like the fragrance of the besamim, we pray that the days ahead bring sweetness to our lives and the lives of our loved ones. May the peace, which we are enjoying linger till we gather for 8 Shabbat next week. We ask this in Yeshua's name, Amein.
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