THE PARISH OF FAWKHAM AND HARTLEY St. Mary’s Church, Fawkham All Saints’ Church, Hartley We welcome all who attend our services today, especially those who are visitors or newcomers. If you use a hearing aid, switch it to “T” to get the clearest sound. At the communion services, all who are confirmed or who are full members of other churches are welcome to receive Communion. All others, adults and children, are invited to come forward for a blessing; in this case, please carry a book with you so that it is clear to those administering that you do not intend to receive Communion. Bible Readings Nehemiah 8, 1 - 4a and 8 - 12 (page 449 OT) Ezra, the scribe, reads the book of the Law to the people of Judah and it depicts some important principles about the reading and hearing of the word of God. First, hearing the word of God is a corporate act because it is for all the people. Second, because everyone is gathered, assistance is given to enable all the people to understand. Third, hearing the word is a holy act and its reading is accompanied by worship. Finally the hearing of the word and understanding it is a joyous event and is to be celebrated Colossians 3, 12-17 (page 199 NT) When the word of God is aimed at the community in order to make that community into a people of God, it can be seen as full of instruction as to how that Christian community should behave. The kind of qualities shown to each other by fellow Christians are those that are to be found in Jesus and have been shown to them by him. In order to build the community they are to give pride of place to what they learn from the Gospel and be thankful. Fawkham and Hartley Church Centre Rector: The Revd. Jim Fletcher - 01474 703819 e-mail: [email protected] Cluster Curate: Revd. Melanie Jemmett - 01474 703072 [email protected] Parish Administrator: Marion Strachan - 01474 704972 [email protected] Church Centre Bookings: Phyllis Conroy 01474 702795 [email protected] 9.00 am All Saints’ Church, Hartley Morning Worship A service booklet is provided Hymns: 163, 156 & 431 (A&M) PARISH NOTES BIBLE SUNDAY 26th October 2014 Collect Blessed Lord, who caused all holy scriptures to be written for our learning: help us so to hear them, to read, mark, learn and inwardly digest them that, through patience, and the comfort of your holy word, we may embrace and for ever hold fast the hope of everlasting life, which you have given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ, who is alive and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. 10.30 am Fawkham and Hartley Church Centre, Hartley Holy Communion (Common Worship) We welcome Canon Ken Gardiner as our leader and preacher this morning A service booklet is provided Hymns: 34, 590, 728 & 428 (MP) Songs during Communion: 3, 37 & 50 5.00 pm St. Mary’s Church, Fawkham Holy Communion (BCP) We welcome Rev. Don Gilkes as our leader and preacher this evening A service booklet is provided Hymns: 163, 156, 431 & 199 (A&M) No KATCH Matthew 24, 30-35 (page 26 NT) Jesus promises a final vindication for those who are faithful to God and reinforces that promise with a comment on the strength of the divine word. In those days spoken words were very significant. Once they were spoken they almost took on a life of their own. The word of God, once spoken, was as good as done. So the community should be both reassured and warned by the word of promise that has been spoken, because it contains an irrevocable truth which, once spoken, cannot be turned back. Next Week’s Diary Monday 27th October 9.30 am Morning Prayer at St. Mary’s Church Tuesday 28th October 8.00 am Morning Prayer at St. Mary’s Church Wednesday 29th October NO MORNING PRAYER TODAY 10.00 am Holy Communion at All Saints’ Church Thursday 30th October 8.30 am Morning Prayer at All Saints’ Church 10.00 am Pop-In at Fawkham and Hartley Church Centre Saturday 1st November 12.30 pm Holy Baptism of Stephen Powell at St. Mary’s Church Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Weekday Readings 2 Kings 17.24-end Philippians 1.1-11 Isaiah 45.18-end Luke 6.12-16 2 Kings 18.13-end Philippians 2.1-13 2 Kings 19.1-19 Philippians 2.14-end 2 Kings 19.20-36 Philippians 3.1 - 4.1 Jeremiah 31.31-34 2 Corinthians 4.5-12 Wednesday Holy Communion at All Saints’ Church 10.00am Ephesians 6.1-9 Psalm 145.10-20 Luke 13.22-30 Sunday 2nd November 2014 ALL SAINTS’ DAY 9.00 am All Saints’ Church, Hartley Holy Communion (Common Worship) 10.30 am Fawkham and Hartley Church Centre, Hartley URC Holy Communion 3.00 pm St. Mary’s Church, Fawkham Departed Loved Ones Service 7.15 pm Fawkham and Hartley Church Centre, Hartley KATCH Revelation 7.9-end Readings for 2nd November 1 John 3.13 Matthew 5: 1-12 FROM THE RECTOR Welcome to our services today on this Bible Sunday and a special welcome to any visitors. Welcome to Canon Ken Gardiner and Rev. Don Gilkes who are leading and preaching at the 10.30am and 5.00pm services today. MESSY CHURCH meets again on Saturday 15th November, 4.00—6.00pm at The Church Centre. Thanks to those who helped on Saturday. NOVEMBER DATES: Our Patronal Festival, All Saints’, will be celebrated next Sunday, the 2nd November . Usual service at 9am, 10.30am at the Church Centre will be our annual URC style communion. There will be no 11.00am service that day at St. Mary’s as at 3.00pm we will have our annual Departed Loved Ones service (at St. Mary’s). All welcome. The 9th November is Remembrance Sunday—details to follow. Then on Sunday 30th November I have invited our local MP, Gareth Johnson, to come and be part of our next Cluster Cafe Church. 5pm at the Church Centre. More details to follow but do put the dates in your diary. INVITATION: As a way of thanking all of you who so regularly commit to our yearly services rota, I would like to invite you to All Saints’ Church on Saturday 8th November, 3.00— 4.00pm for coffee and cake. It will also be an opportunity to go over any questions you may have about your role on the rota. I would also like to invite any new people who are willing to join the rota, so do bring someone with you if you wish. Meeting with us all would give someone new a good opportunity to ask questions and find out more. We are particularly in need for more helpers to set up the Church Centre on Sunday mornings. Please see me asap if you can help. HELP NEEDED PLEASE! Ann Bowler has recently moved and we wish her well in her new area. Not living locally now, she felt it was best to come off the PCC. Therefore we have a vacancy on the PCC to complete Ann’s term of office (till 2016). Please see Jim if interested or speak to someone on the PCC for more information. You will also have noticed that we are now incredibly short of pianists/organists. If you do play either or are willing to learn, please speak to Jim or Julian. We are also short of helpers for setting up and helping during wedding services. Again, please speak to Jim for more information. If no-one comes forward, we will have to pay someone for these jobs which has a huge impact on Church finances. Please do come forward - we need you! CHRISTMAS FAYRE will be on Saturday 22nd November starting at 12.30pm at the Church Centre. Please do spread the word, and also help is needed with collecting items for the fayre and making any handmade items. We are hoping to run the following stalls: Gift Stall, Cakes, Books, Nearly New, Toys, Tombola, Raffle, Christmas Stall. Please speak to Carole Harris for more details. ‘IT’S YOUR CALLING’ - if you are interested in exploring a potential callling /vocation, the next diocesan ‘It’s Your Calling’ day’ is on Saturday 15th Nov. At St. John’s, Meopham. Jim will be involved with this, so please speak to him for more details. ADVENT TRAVELLERS The Advent Travellers (the crib figures of Mary and Joseph) will be setting off on their travels around the Parish on Advent Sunday (30th November). You are warmly invited to sign up to host them to stay with you for one night and to enter into the Advent story, enjoying a time of friendship with two other households in our church family. Add your name to the sign up sheets or call into the Parish Office (704972) to be part of this friendly adventure! ADVENT HOUSEGROUP An Advent Housegroup is planned to meet at the home of Margaret Munns and Shirley Wilson to discuss the many different voices of Jesus. This will be on Wednesdays at 12 noon at Vermont, Gorsewood Road, dates as follows:November 26th A Crying Voice December 3rd An Other Voice December 10th A Dying Voice December 17th A Rising Voice If you would like to join us please give your name to Marion in the Parish Office - 704972. Margaret and Shirley There will also be a Deanery Advent Course on a weekday evening—more details to follow soon. CREATIVE HELP NEEDED! Yes, another plea! Over the last couple of years we have noticed that all of our nativity outfits/costumes are aimed at younger children. At the second crib service each year we do have teenagers and adults volunteer for dressing up. Would any willing volunteers be able to make any larger cloaks for the teenagers to be shepherds and kings? If you cannot make one, any donations of some old curtains would be welcome to help make the cloaks. See Jim if you can help. Mother's Prayers Our next prayer group will be held on Friday the 14th November, 9.30am at 1 Culvey Close. If you have not been to one of our meetings you are most welcome, we usually conclude with coffee and a chat. Should you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me - Cynthia. VERSE FOR THE WEEK As God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. Colossians 3: 12 Looking Forward Sunday 2nd Nov. All Saints’ Day and 3pm Departed Loved Ones service Saturday 8th November 3-4pm Coffee and Cake invitation - see ‘From the Rector’ section 7.30 pm Church Centre Cup Quiz at the Church Centre Sunday 9th Nov. Remembrance Sunday Friday 14th November Mothers’ Prayers Saturday 15th Nov. 4-6pm Messy Church Saturday 22nd Nov. Christmas Fayre at Church Centre Sunday 30th Nov. 5pm Cafe Church at the Church Centre Advanced warning: Next years Summer Fete date will be Saturday 9th May so please put the date in your diary. CHURCH CENTRE CUP QUIZ Who will be the winning team of our prestigious Church Centre Cup this year? It will be held at 7.30 pm on Saturday 8th November in the Church Centre. Tables of up to 8 people representing all our Centre hirers (you do not need to be a member of the group to come along and your support will be very welcome). Tickets available from the Parish Office for a cost of £5 each. Bring your own drinks and glasses and a few nibbles will be provided. All proceeds will go towards the up-keep and refurbishment of the Church Centre. PRAYER MEETINGS: Our next prayer meetings at St. Mary’s Church will be on Saturday 15th November, 9.00am and Monday 24th November, 4.30pm—all welcome. FRIENDS OF FAWKHAM CHURCH AUTUMN EVENT The Friends of Fawkham Church autumn event this year is a performance of light music by the choral group Matinee on Saturday 22nd November 2014 at 4.30 pm in Fawkham Church.. There will be mincepies and mulled wine in the interval. Tickets £6 each adult. Please contact Christopher Proudfoot. Hope to see you there. FOOD BANK We have donated a further 23.4 kgs. of food and cheques and donations to the value of £68.15. They are now in great need of tinned items: fruit and vegetables (not beans). Margaret & Carol PASTORAL MATTERS Please inform us of anyone who is unwell or in need of help within the community to enable us to ensure that we can arrange visits and practical help if necessary. Please contact Shirley Wilson. If you would like someone added to our prayer list please let someone on the Ministry Team know, but please keep us updated with information of that person. PARISH OFFICE e-mail: [email protected] Parish Office usually open 9-12 noon Tuesday & Friday and 9 am-3 pm on Wednesday & Thursday 01474 704972 BOOKINGS FOR FAWKHAM AND HARTLEY CHURCH CENTRE For this week please call Phyllis Conroy on 01474 702795 or e-mail on [email protected]
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