Application Form Incomplete applications will not be accepted or held by this office. All applicants must submit their applications together when applying for a single property. When you decide to apply for one of our rental properties, these are the steps involved. 1. Inspect the Property • To make a booking with a representative from our office visit our website 2. Fill in the Application Forms – available from the office or at Photocopy your ID • Photocopy your 70 points of ID and proof of income (see back of page). • There is a Kwik Kopy shop next door to our office for a photocopy service. Parental Guarantee – (if applicable) • If you are in a position where you are not in full time employment e.g studying at TAFE or University, we will require you to complete the attached Guarantor Letter and have it witnessed. You will also need to supply a copy of the Guarantors proof of income. This can include a certified bank statement, letter of employment or two (2) recent payslips. 3. Submit Your Application • In person: 31 Sherwood Road, Toowong • Email: [email protected] • Fax: 07 3870 8989 • It may take up to 3 working days (dependent on time of year) to process your application • We will contact you via SMS and email at each step of the process and call you when we have the owner’s decision. 4. Payment – (if your application is successful) • You will be notified by email or phone as to the outcome of your application. • If your application is accepted and you agree to rent the property, you must sign a Form 18A General Tenancy Agreement within 24 hours and pay four week’s rent which will form the bond for your property. Until the Form 18A is signed and received and payment is received, other applications may be considered. Application Checklist I have inspected the property with a Doug Disher Real Estate representative. I have completed all details in full on the application form. I have photocopied 70 points of ID and included it with my application. I have included photocopies of proof of income / Guarantor Letter and proof of Guarantor income. I have read and signed the Privacy Disclosure Statement & Privacy Consent form. All persons over the age of 18, who will be residing at the property, must submit an application form. Overseas Students – I have included a copy of my Visitor’s Visa Doug Disher Real Estate 3870 1234 Please fax completed form back to the office on 3870 Applicant I, Applicant Name Sign 8989 Date I Hereby authorize Doug Disher Real Estate, as my agent to make investigations and receive information from the following sources; Previous Rental Agents Previous and Current Previous and Current Lessors Tenancy Databases OFFICE USE ONLY TO: FAX: DDRE Property Manager:__________________ Property Code: __________________________ Previous Rental Address: Previous Rental Agent Comments Rent Paid per week Rent on time? Any Notice to Remedy Breaches? What for? Are they on a current lease? Number of tenants on lease? How Long resided in property? What was the condition of the Property? Was the bond refunded in full? Would you rent to the applicant again? Name of person Providing reference………………………………………… Date………………………. Please attach a copy of applicant’s tenant ledger for period of tenancy. If Yes Personal Reference How long have you known the applicant? Have you seen where they live? Condition? Would you rent to them? How would you describe applicant? If yes Comments Name of reference………………………………… Relationship ……………………………………………. Date Employment Reference Comments Basis of employment FULL TIME / CASUAL / PART TIME / PERMANENT PART TIME Nominate pay per week Length of employment? Will employment be ongoing & continuing? If yes Name of reference………………………………… Relationship ……………………………………………. Date AUTHORITY TO OBTAIN TENANT INFORMATION Doug Disher Real Estate 3870 1234 Application for Residential Tenancy Address of Property: ………………………………………. Rent per week $................. Bond $........... I would like to apply for a: 6 month / 12 month lease starting from ……./……./……. I would like to pay my rent weekly / fortnightly / monthly Personal Details Name………………………………………………… DOB: ………………………………………………… Contact (H)…………………(W)…………………… (Mob)………………….(Fax)……………………….. Licence / Passport No: ……………………………. Email…………………………………………………. Expiry Date:…………….. Visa Expiry ……………. Dependants: Yes / No Number: ………………… Number of Applicants:…………………………….. Names and Ages of Dependants…………………. Names of Other Applicants ……………………….. ……………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………. Current Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. Own / Rent – Agent / Landlord: ……………………………………………………………………………… Agent/ Landlord Details: (Ph)……………………..... (Fax)………………………Other)…………………… Current Rent $ …………………How long have you lived there? …………………………………………. Reason for Leaving …………………………………………………………………………………………….. Previous Address:………………………………….. ………………………………………………………… Own/Rent, Agent: …………………………………. Contact: (Ph):……………….(Fax)………………… Dates…………………………………………………. Student Number:………………………………….. I am in my ……. year of a ………year …………. degree/course. Institution…………………………………………… Degree / Course:………………………………….. Part time / Full time Current Previous Employment: Full Time / Part Time / Casual Employment: Full Time / Part Time / Casual Employer: …………………………………………… Employer: …………………………………………… Position: …………………………………………….. Position: …………………………………………….. Length of Employment: ……………………………. Length of Employment: ……………………………. Contact Name: ……………………………………… Contact Name: …………………………………… Phone: ……………………Fax:…………………… Phone: ……………………Fax:…………………… OR Show proof of Scholarship or Centrelink Pets: Yes / No Emergency Contact: ……………………………… Type: ………………………………………………… Relation ……………………………………………. Name: ……………………………………………….. Address…………………………………………….. Registered with Council……………………………. (Ph) ..………….(W)……………(Mob)……..…….. REFERENCES Name:………………………………………..Relation:……………………..Daytime Contact..…………….. Name:………………………………………..Relation:……………………..Daytime Contact..…………….. Name:………………………………………..Relation:……………………..Daytime Contact..…… ……….. 31 Sherwood Road ,Toowong 4066 [email protected] Fax: 3870 8989 Doug Disher Real Estate 3870 1234 You must provide at least 70 points of identification (minimum 1 form of photo identification) and proof of income: 40 Points Drivers Licence Passport 18+ Card 30 Points 30 Points 30 Points Student Card (photo) Medicare Car Registration Birth Certificate Wage Advice Bank Statement Concession Card Tenancy Reference Utility Account (eg. Electricity, Phone, Gas) Two (2) Rent Receipts Proof of Income (provide at least 1 of the following) Letter of Employment Last two (2) pay slips Certified (stamped) Bank statements Letter of Guarantee & Proof of Income for Guarantor Centrelink Statement Group Certificate PRIVACY STATEMENT The personal information you provide in this application or collected by us from other sources is necessary for us to verify your identity, to process and evaluate your application and to manage the tenancy. Personal information collected about you in this application and during the course of your tenancy, if your application is successful, may be disclosed for the purpose for which it was collected to other parties including the landlord, referees, other agents and third party operators of tenancy reference databases. Information already held on these databases may also be disclosed to us and the landlord. If you enter into a Residential Tenancy Agreement, and you fail to comply with your obligations under that agreement, that fact and other relevant personal information collected during the course of your tenancy may also be disclosed to the landlord, third party operators of tenancy reference databases and other agents. If you would like to access the personal information we hold about you, you may contact your property manager. You can also correct this information if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date. If the information required from you is not provided by you, we may not be able to process your application and manage your tenancy. APPLICATION I, the Applicant, apply for approval to rent the premises referred to in this form and acknowledge that my application will be referred to the Landlord of the property for his / her / their acceptance and if the application is approved, to prepare a Residential Tenancy Agreement for the premises. I, the Applicant, declare the information provided by me is true and correct. I have inspected the above premises / had a representative inspect the premises on my behalf / accept the property sight unseen, and wish to apply for tenancy of the premises as stated on this application, in its current condition. I, the Applicant, understand that the bond will be equivalent to 4 weeks’ rent if the rent per week is less than or equal to $700; if the rent is between $701.-$999, the bond will be equivalent to 6 weeks’ rent; if the rent is over $1000, the bond will be identified independently. You will be notified by email as to the outcome of your application. I agree to accept electronic transmission of correspondence. I understand that if my application is accepted and I agree to rent the property, I will need sign the Form 18A General Tenancy Agreement and pay the first two weeks rent within 24 hours. Until the Form 18A is signed and received other applications may be considered. Before I move in, I understand that I must pay the bond by Bank Cheque or money order payable to Doug Disher Real Estate Trust Account. I have read and I understand the Privacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions of the General Tenancy Agreement (form 18a). A sample tenancy agreement can be viewed at from the ‘tenants - forms’ drop-down tab. I understand that in the event my application is not successful, the agent is under no obligation to provide me with a reason. Signed: .......................................................................... Date: .............................. How did you find out about this property? Sign Walking past the office Other: .................................................................................................................................................................... 31 Sherwood Road, Toowong 4066 [email protected] Fax: 07 3870 8989 Doug Disher Real Estate 3870 1234 GUARANTEE TO: The Property Owner, c/- Doug Disher Real Estate I/We (insert Guarantors’ name)……………………………….…………….......................…........ ……………………………………………………….....................(P h ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Email)...........................................................(Mob).......................... (Address) ......................................................................................... Confirm that we are (insert relationship e.g. parents)…………………….......of the Applicants (insert Applicant (s) name(s)………………….......................................…........................... ………………………………………………………........................................................................ 1) In the event of the property owner agreeing to lease the said property to the Applicants, we the persons named as Guarantors hereby jointly and severally guarantee to the property owner the due performance, observance and fulfillment by the Applicant/Tenant of the terms, provisions and conditions in the said Tenancy Agreement to the amount of (insert maximum) $..................per week for the period of the tenancy. NB This does not mean that the rent will be at the maximum level – it is the simply the maximum you will guarantee and will be limited to the agreed weekly rent amount. 2) As Guarantors we hereby jointly and severally indemnify and agree to keep indemnified the property owner from and against all damages and all costs, losses and expenses which the property owner may suffer or incur consequent upon or arising directly or indirectly out of any breach or non-observance by the Tenant(s) of any of the terms, provisions or conditions in the Tenancy Agreement. 3) This guarantee shall continue to remain in full force and effect until the due performance, observance and fulfillment by the Tenant of all the terms, provisions and conditions on the part of the tenant to be performed, observed and fulfilled in accordance with the Tenancy Agreement. This agreement has been executed by the Guarantor(s) on of............................2013. SIGNED by (Name)………………………….. ………. (Signature) ……………………….................. In the presence of: (Name of Witness):……………………………………..(Signature of Witness)........................... SIGNED by(Name)…………………………..………….(Signature) ……………………..................... In the presence of: (Name of Witness):……………………………………..(Signature of Witness)............................ 31 Sherwood Road, Toowong 4066 [email protected] Fax: 07 3870 8989
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