30th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH AND SCHOOL AND SAINT GERARD MISSION Photo Provided By Mark Steighner A Redemptorist Parish Since 1926 Redemptorists Serving our Parish: Fr. John F. Murray, C.Ss.R. Fr. Edward Gray, C.Ss.R. Fr. Francis Nelson, C.Ss.R. Fr. George Rosario, C.Ss.R. Deacon Darrell Cevasco, C.Ss.R. Permanent Deacons Serving Sacred Heart Parish: Deacon Tom Murray, St. Gerard’s Community Deacon Steve Cooley, Sacred Heart Community Sacred Heart Masses: Saturday Vigil: 4:00pm Sunday: 7, 9 & 11:30am Weekdays: 7 & 11am Saturdays: 7:00am Holy Day Vigil: 7:00pm Holy Day: 7:00 &11:00am Rosary:Mon.- Fri. at 10:30am Mon.-Sat after 7 am Mass Reconciliation: Saturday 3:00—3:45 pm Thursday before 1st Fri. 4—5 pm St. Gerard Mission Masses: Saturday Vigil: 4:30pm Sunday: 10:00am Wednesdays: 9:00am Holy Days: 9:00am Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet and Marian Prayer Priest Prayers: Mondays -9:30am Reconciliation half hr. before Mass Sacred Heart School: Mrs. Leigh Svajko 386-428-4732 Adoration of Blessed Sacrament Principal: Friday 7:30am -4:00 pm Phone: Divine Mercy Devotions Fri.4:00 pm Sacred Heart Catholic Church: Phone, 386-428-6426 / Location, 998 Fr. Donlan Dr., New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 Please visit our website: www.sacredheartcatholic.com for Information on Redemptorists & Our Parish History Email:[email protected] St. Gerard Mission: Location, 3171 S. Ridgewood Ave. Edgewater, FL 32141 October 26, 2014 WEEKLY REFLECTIONS FROM OUR PASTOR Dear Friends, We humans are complex creatures. Our flesh (our physical existence), our mind (our intellect and reasoning faculties), and our soul (the affections, passions, and emotional attitudes which we hold dear), combine to make us who we are. Though each of these areas impacts the others, it is easy for us to live a life of dichotomy, disassociating one area of our life from the others. For example, though we may know something to be true we often have an emotional response which is contrary to what we know. We can possess a young mind in an aging body, or vice versa. We can express real rage while driving home from a meaningful time of devout worship. We are complex, frequently behaving in ways that contradict each other, and our lives are often unmanageable mysteries. Therefore to make sense of our mysteriously complex lives it is important to know how Jesus answered the simple question that appears in this week’s Gospel reading; “What is the greatest commandment?” He does not simply say to love God, but qualifies his response by saying we are to love God with all of our heart, with all of our mind, and with all of our soul, thus recognizing the possibility of living a life of dichotomy. To Jesus, a half-hearted, unreasoned, lukewarm response to God is unacceptable, and a contrary response to what the greatest commandment calls forth. Jesus’ explanation calls forth from us a complete abandonment to God in love, a total giving of ourselves, heart, mind and soul. For all of us, this total giving of ourselves in love is a constant challenge, for both our nature and the world offer alternatives for our affections. At every turn our minds are confronted with supposedly enlightened knowledge that purports to GOD’S PLAN FOR GIVING refute the wisdom of God. Additionally our physical beings resist the Week of Oct. 19, 2014 discipline of dedication and cry out for the comfort of complacency. Invariably we must periodically renew our vow of love and commitment, Stewardship Income Last Week $9,546.00 through major acts of devotion, lest we discover that our love has grown World Mission $2,094.00 cold. The seasons of the liturgical year call forth and provide opportunities for the renewal of our love. In addition these vows of love Online Giving Last Week: $695.00 and commitment to God need to be nourished daily by quiet acts of Total Offertory Income Last Week: $12,335.00 devotion like Scripture reading and prayer. When either major or quiet acts of devotion is abandoned for any length of time our love for God Income Same Week Last Year $7,616.00 may quietly, steadily grow dormant. 2nd Collection: $1,481.00 Francis De Sales, writing in the days of mechanical clocks, truly Total Offertory Same Week Last Year: $9,097.00 captures the essence of spiritual maintenance: “There is no clock, no matter how good it may be, that doesn’t need resetting and rewinding Total Stewardship Income Increase: $3,238.00 twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. In addition, at Attendance Last Week: 967 least once a year it must be taken apart to remove the dirt clogging it, Attendance Same Week Last Year: 934 straighten out bent parts, and repair those worn out. In like manner, every morning and evening a man who really takes care of his heart must Next Special Collection: Today, Oct. 26 rewind it for God’s service . Finally, at least once a year he must take it Seminarians apart and examine every piece in detail, that is every affection and passion in order to repair what ever defect there may be.” (From Introduction to the Devout Life) Now is a good time for your soul’s annual spiritual check-up and maintenance, as we approach the end of the liturgical year. I hope this refection from Emmaus Journey was helpful for you this weekend. God bless you and all your loved ones, Your brother in Christ, Father John Francis Murray, C.Ss.R. THANK YOU TO ALL THOSE WHO TURNED OUT FOR THE REDEMPTORIST VISITATION ON WEDNESDAY EVENING! Our Catholic Appeal - 2014 Thank you for your generosity. Sacred Heart Community Total Registered Households 937 Target $98,768.00 Pledged Amount Paid to Date $90,847.00 $80,846.49 Stewardship Quote It is the heart that gives, the fingers just let go. - Nigerian proverb Sacred Heart Catholic Church and School and St. Gerard Mission __________________________________________________________ 2 Saint of the Week Sts. Simon and Jude, Apostles, October 28 St. Simon is represented in art with a saw, the instrument of his martyrdom. St. Jude's square points him out as an architect of the house of God. St. Paul called himself by this name; and St. Jude, by his Catholic Epistle, has also a special right to be reckoned among our Lord's principal workmen. But our apostle had another nobility, far surpassing all earthly titles: being nephew, by his father Cleophas or Alpheus, to St. Joseph, and legal cousin to the Man-God, Jude was one of those called by their compatriots the brethren of the carpenter's Son. We may gather from St. John's Gospel another precious detail concerning him. In the admirable discourse at the close of the last Supper, our Lord said: "He that loveth Me, shall be loved of My Father: and I will love him and will manifest Myself to him." Then Jude asked Him: "Lord, how is it, that Thou wilt manifest Thyself to us, and not to the world?" And he received from Jesus this reply: "If any one love Me, he will keep My word, and My Father will love him, and We will come to him, and will make Our abode with him. He that loveth Me not keepth not My word. And the word which you have heard is not Mine, but the Father's who sent Me." Scripture Reflection for Today The Pope’s Corner Pope Francis - “Prayers of praise rise like burning incense!” It is an “unrestrained” hymn in which the Apostle uses the word “bless” three times: ‘Blessed be God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places”. But, the Pontiff pointed out, “we all know that God is the Blessed One”: in the Old Testament, in fact, “it was one of the names that the people of Israel gave Him: the Blessed One”. It is curious to think of “blessing God” because “He is the Blessed One”. In truth, it is an important gesture, because “when I bless God, I praise Him”, and this praise rises “like burning incense”. Prayers of praise aren’t done habitually, yet, Francis highlighted, it was Jesus Himself who taught us, “in the Our Father, to pray this way: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name...”. It shouldn’t seem unusual to turn with these words to Him who “is the Holy One”. It is about expressing the “joy of the prayer of praise”, which is “purely free”, the Bishop of Rome explained. In fact, generally, “we know how to pray extremely well when we ask for things” and also “when we thank the Lord”; it is less customary for all of us “to praise the Lord”. We might feel a stronger incentive toward this type of prayer, the Pope advised, if “we remember the things that the Lord has done in our life”, as did St Paul, who recalled in his hymn: “He chose us in him” — in Christ — “before the foundation of the world”. Here is the source of our prayer: “Blessed are you, Lord, because you have chosen me!”. Man must, so to speak, feel the “joy of paternal and gentle closeness”. The thought of having always lived in the heart of God “fills us with joy” and “gives us security”. This security is confirmed by the Lord’s words to the Prophet Isaiah, who asked himself whether this affection could ever fail: “Can a mother forget her children? And even should a mother forget them I will not forget you”. God holds each of us in his “bosom”, the way “a baby is inside his mother”. (Vatican City, News. Va)For more of the pope’s homilies please go to http://www.news.va God's love rules all Jesus summarized the whole of the law in two great commandments found in Deuteronomy 6:5—"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might" - and Leviticus 19:18 - "you shall love your neighbor as yourself". God's love directs all that he does - His love is holy, just, and pure because it seeks only what is good, beneficial, and life-giving - rather than what is destructive, evil, or deadly. That is why he commands us to love—to accept and to give only what is good, lovely, just, and pure and to reject whatever is contrary. God puts us first in his thoughts God is love and everything he does flows from his love for us (1 John 3:1, 4:7-8, 16). God puts us first in his thoughts and concerns - do we put him first in our thoughts? God loved us first (1 John 4:19) and our love for him is a response to his exceeding goodness and kindness towards us. The love of God comes first and the love of neighbor is firmly grounded in the love of God. The more we know of God's love, truth, and goodness, the more we love what he loves and reject whatever is hateful and contrary to his will. God commands us to love him first above all else - his love orients and directs our thoughts, intentions, and actions to what is wholly good and pleasing to him. He wants us to love him personally, wholeheartedly, and without any reservation or compromise. "Lord Jesus, your love surpasses all. Flood my heart with your love and increase my faith and hope in your promises. Help me to give myself in generous service to others as you have so generously given yourself to me." Sacred Heart Catholic Church and School and St. Gerard Mission ______________________________________________________ 3 All Souls Day Mass “Annual Commemoration of the Deceased of our Parish” Sunday, Nov. 2, 2014 at 4:00 pm This Mass fulfills your Sunday Mass obligation To include your loved one, call the Parish Office at 428-6426 FAITH FORMATION Small Church Group Mac and Sylvia McCormick hosted a Small Church Group evening in their home with Fr. Murray, their group and new facilitators. Thank you for sharing your home, time and talent to be nourished with Sunday's Gospel. We need participants for a daytime group. If you are interested in joining us please call me, Geeta Hyjek at 386-427-7855 Girl's Vocation Club Monday, November 3rd, 3:00p.m. Knights Hall Sr. Kathleen- sister of St-Joseph- will once again join us and share information about religious life and her call to become a sister. She also has a very special project that she will be working on with the girls. This gathering is open to any young girl, parents/ guardians, parishioners wanting to learn more about religious life. Come listen, ask questions. Please join us. For more information contact Suzanne Cooley 386-957 -4039, or email [email protected]. See you on November 3rd. Facing the Holidays Following a Loss The Bereavement Ministry of Sacred Heart Parish will hold a support group to help our grieving parishioners through the Holiday season. The group will hold six meetings, with the first meeting to be held Tuesday Nov. 18, from 2:00 to 3:30 PM, continuing each Tuesday through December 23 rd. Please call the parish office (428-6426) if you plan to attend so we can be prepared with materials. Above pictured are Jr. OLPH Legionaries with their Blessed Religious Statues Junior Legion of Mary Last Sunday, Oct. 19th, mass was celebrated with Fr. Murray, 17 Legionaries, their families and parishioners at the 9.00am Mass where each Legionaire received a religious statue which was blessed by Fr. Murray. The Legionaries wrote letters to Pope Francis with inquiries about his visit here next year. Pope Frances very graciously responded to their letters. Thanks to Father Murray, parents, teachers and everyone who help support our Legionaries. We are so “blessed" to have a Jr. O.L.P.H. Legion of Mary. We now have a movie library of the “lives of Saints” for our Legionaries to learn from. The Legionaries were also invited to help work at the Legion of Mary booth at the Diocesan Youth Rally in Orlando. We meet on Wednesdays at 3.00pm, come join us and pray Rosary with us! A Consideration Please consider remembering your parish in your Will. Some gifts are apples. A Planned Giving gift is an apple TREE. Sacred Heart Catholic Church and School and St. Gerard Mission ______________________________________________________ 4 8th Grade Confirmation Candidates serving in Church ministries and school in preparation for their Confirmation in January 2015. Sacred Heart Catholic Church and School and St. Gerard Mission _______________________________________________________ 5 SECOND ANNUAL MEMORIAL BRICK DRIVE for the purchase of bricks to be placed in the Father Browne Memorial Garden. Like last year, we plan to have a blessing of all the new memorial bricks purchased within the last year. The blessing of the bricks will take place after the 4:00 Mass on Saturday, February 21. If you would like your brick blessed on February 21, your order must be placed by January 10th. Please stop by the office to fill out a form or pick one up from the rear of the church and return it to the office. We will send you a confirmation of your order with the request information included. Thank you, Fr. Murray AROUND THE PARISH Of Sacred Heart Church and St. Gerard Mission HELPS SUPPORT SACRED HEART CHURCH T O H E L P C AL L E L L A A T 428–6426 MONDAY EVENINGS: Doors open at 5pm-6:30 E ARLY B IRD G AMES 7:00pm Call the Parish Office - 428-6426 for more info. FRIDAY BINGO STARTS Nov. 7, 2014 Doors open at 12:00. games begin at 1.00pm. FREE LUNCH INCLUDED Volunteers Needed!! Welcome Back Snow Birds! We missed you! We look forward to getting reacquainted Breakfast after 9:00am Mass TodayCome for Fellowship! Scrambled Eggs ................................................................... $1.00 Sausage Gravy ....................................................................... $.75 1 Biscuits .............................................................................. $0.25 2 Pork Sausage Patty ........................................................... $1.00 NEW 8 ounces of Corn Beef Hash ....................................... $1.00 Donations requested Coffee, Donuts, Waffles & Juice Sponsored by K of C Fr Downey Council 4934. Saturday, Dec.6. 2014 5 - 8 pm. Sacred Heart Social Hall $15 per person ($10 under age 12) Italian dinner from Touch of Italy, desserts, & games. Drinks by donations. Fun and Games Bring $10 wrapped gift for exchange. Questions: Call Mike Miglioranzi at 416-9581 Tickets from any Fr Downey member, at church office, or after mass. Checks payable to: K of C # 4934. Help the Knights Help Others 2014 HOLIDAY RAFFLE $5 each or 5 for $20 1st Flat Screen TV 2nd $250 Cash 3rd Wireless Headphones 4th Wireless Printer Winners will be announced at the Knights Christmas Party on Dec 6th Please consider selecting a week to make an offering of $15.00 for The Sanctuary Light to burn for the week as a reminder of the Lord’s Presence in the Most Holy Eucharist in Thanksgiving for a Loved One. Please consider selecting a week to make an offering of $25.00 for altar bread and altar wine. What a wonderful way to remember a love one! During the week, and at all the weekend Masses, as the bread & wine become the Body & Blood of Jesus Christ, the entire worshipping community will be aware of your intention. Please consider selecting a week to make an offering of $50.00 for flowers. Your generosity will help defray the cost to the parish, and our Worship Space will be greatly enhanced. Please stop by the office to make your donation. Sacred Heart Catholic Church and School and St. Gerard Mission ________________________________________________________ 6 Mass Intentions and Events SATURDAY VIGIL, October 25 4:00pm † Raymond Joseph Kennedy, Jr. / Edgar & Claire Gilbert 30TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, Oct 26 Priesthood Sunday 7:00am † Donald O’Brien / Wife, Loretta 9:00am † Irene Lumento / Family 11:30 † Alice Deitz / Children, Tom & Theresa Meyers MONDAY, October 27 7:00am † Anna Hudak / Family 11:00am † Betty Bradley / Laura DeVenoge TUESDAY, October 28 Ss. Simon & Jude 7:00am † David Youngblood / Wife, Carol 11:00am † Kenneth R. Lisk / Mother, Mary Madorma WEDNESDAY, October 29 7:00am † Robert Labiak / Grace & Angie 11:00am † Robert Labiak / Sister, Donna THURSDAY, October 30 7:00am † Kevin Free, MD 11:00am † Shirley Pisegna / Laura DeVenoge FRIDAY, October 31 7:00am † Fr. John Barry, C.Ss.R. / Lori & Frank Oliveto 11:00am † Fr. John Barry, C.Ss.R. / John & Mary Kusiak SATURDAY, November 1 Solemnity of All Saints (not a day of obligation this year) Daylight Saving Time ends 7:00am In Thanksgiving / Lori & Frank Oliveto 11:00am † Fr. John Barry, C.Ss.R. / Dina Giordano 4:00pm Intentions of the Council of Catholic Women Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls) Sunday, November 2 7:00am † Isabel & Everett Neeves / Daughter & Family 9:00am † Bill Meyer / Wife, Terri 11:30am † All Souls Novena Events Calendar Saturday , October 25 9:00—2:00pm CCW Craft Fair / Social Hall St. Vincent de Paul “Begging at Door” after weekend Masses 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 26 Priesthood Sunday 10:15 -11:30am Religious Education Classes 10:00am Breakfast & Fellowship / Social Hall Monday, October 27 6:30pm Bingo / Social Hall Tuesday, October 28 9:00am Senior Exercise / Social Hall 9:00am Legion of Mary / Social Hall Wednesday, October 29 3:00pm Jr. Legion of Mary / Social Hall 6:00pm Confirmation Class Meeting / Social Hall 6:30pm 9am Choir Practice / Church 7:00pm Bible Study / Social Hall Thursday, October 30 9:00am Senior Exercise / Social Hall 9:30am Morning Bible Study / Social Hall Friday, October 31 7:30—5pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 4:45pm Benediction 11:00am All Saints Mass—Saints Parade Sacred Heart School 4:00pm Divine Mercy Chaplet Saturday , November 1 Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls) Nov. 2 10:15 -11:30am Religious Education Classes Saints Parade after 9am Mass 10:00am Breakfast & Fellowship / Social Hall 4:00pm Mass of Remembrance by the Bereavement Ministry/Church Readings of the Week Readings of the Week: Monday: Eph 4:32 — 5:8; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 13:10-17 Tuesday: Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 6:12-16 Wednesday: Eph 6:1-9; Ps 145:10-14; Lk 13:22-30 Thursday: Eph 6:10-20; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Lk 13:31-35 Friday: Phil 1:1-11; Ps 111:1-6; Lk 14:1-6 Saturday: Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps 24:1-6; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a Sunday: Wis 3:1-9; Ps 23:1-6; Rom 5:5-11 or 6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40, or any readings from no. 668 or from Masses for the Dead, nos. 1011-1016 The Sanctuary Light is a Reminder of the Lord’s Presence In the Most Holy Eucharist and will Burn For the Intensions of Joanne Finnick The Holy Rosary Rosary at the following times: Immediately after the 7:00am Mass Mon.-Sat. Before the 11:00 Mass, 10:30am, Mon.- Sat. Praying the Rosary is a wonderful way to prepare for Mass, and it is a most fitting meditation for us after Mass If you would like to request a Prayer Shawl for someone sick or to participate in making shawls please contact Helen Prentiss at 427-5432. Please Pray For Our Deceased Michael Kneeland † Robert & Dorothy Livesay Dorothy Halvance † Anni Adams † George Stankevich And Our Sick Kevin with John McGann, Angela Camara, Pat Hinds, Don Mann, Marvel Richards,, Frances Rolander, Dody Sapp, Rebecca Jackson, Delina Dubose, Darla Ward, Linda DelFino, Lou Head, Jane Sherry, Paul Michael Hyboreck, Ed Stafford, Roger Hegewald, Roland Robidoux, Barbara Newschafer, Karen Uyttewaal, Christine Popolizio, Henry Dreher, Dorothy Konitsky, Andrew Chonko, Ricky Glant, Ann Baslee, Christa Morgan, Tess Lee, Anthony Costanza Jr., James Adkins, Mary Mandell, Gloria Dougherty, Mary & Ed Wilson, Linda Garrito, Cheryl Hoppe, Abby Flanigan, Jim & Peg Willison, Mary Smela, Michael Swortwood, Peter Burhard, James Speyers, C. J. Allen, Amanda Tomazin, Annabella Story, Dolly Visconti, George Goodwin, Tom Vienna, Paula Rice Nemchek, Sandy Szuka, Buddy Norton, Michelle E., Dee Morton, Judy Ribeiro, Dorothy Rickman, John Selzer, Andrew Brophy, James Leby, June Urbanski, Cathy Losch, Donna Cunningham, Patricia Hinds Lindsay Carr, Frank McGrath, Shelsey Polito, Tammy and Pam, Jeanne Meehan, Patrick Finnick, Gina Scott, Bobby Norton, Clarine & Gene Slayton, Bert Lindley, Steve Lamb, Angela Espy, Jean Chavaree, John McGann, Doris & Jim Fabyan, Lisa Ponichtera, Chris Hodgkins, Ronin Assiante, Zachary Troxell, Tom Lorenzen, Al Amalfitano, Bennie Ligeri, Bob Douglas, Irene Connell, Tom Schneider, James Elliott, Rose Marie Ross, Christine Beck, Mary McKey, Frank Berube, Marie Berger, Trish Kinshella, Rita Westberry, Mary Seney, Patricia Goodwin, Christine Beck, Mary Ellen Banks, Estella Harelik, Rita Sweeney, Denise Tranfaglia, Jim & Dorothy Russ, Monica Valentino, Bobbi Montesano, Lil Lustig, Tony Talovchik, John Kilsheimer, Darlene Moncheno, Doris Magrich, Linda Gett, Rosemarie Brandriff, Edward Forte, Jeffrey Melasseca, Maggie Labrosse, Mark Swanson, Sr. Michaelyn, Curtis Dunlap Kristie Bishop Longacre, Kenny Tomaszewski, Laura Santos & Joclynn, Linda Barringer, Linda Muessig, John Waters, Bob Morton, Joe Morton, Ulo Uibopuu. Please call the parish office to have someone's name placed on the prayer list. We publish the names of the sick for three weeks in the parish bulletin. After three weeks of publication the names will be placed on the Redemptorist Chapel Prayer List. And Our Military Father, We could never thank our military men and women enough for their courageous service and sacrifice to our country and its people. Show us ways in our communities, churches, and families to thank and love them better. Keep and protect these heroes and their families, in the powerful name of Jesus we pray. Amen SFC Daniel M. Carr, Army, A1C Ashley T. Cooke, Air Force, A1C Corey Harrell, Air Force, PFC Patrick H. Smith, Marines, MSgt. James D. Eaton, USMC, Matthew Stallings, Air Force, 1st Lt. Sean Knight, Armv, Chris McFall, Military, Lt. Gen. Robert L. Caslen, Jr., Capt. Jeffry Caslen, Lt. Col. Michael Arnold, Army, Corey Harrell, Air Force, Bryan Hollederer, Air Force, Josh Obertanze, Army, Maj. John J. Goodwin, Army-retired, Patrick H. Smith, Marine, Sgt. Nathan Benischek, Marines, Joseph Keegan, Air Force, Sgt. Timothy Dean, Marines, SGT John O'Brien, Army , Lt. Catherine O’Brien, Army, SPC Christopher O'Brien, Army, Capt. James Prial, Marines, Lt. Terence Prial, Army, Lt. Daniel Prial, Army, LC Damian A. Pardy, Marine, SSG Justin Nixon, Army, Major Peter Stambersky, SFC Marlene Harshman, Army, M.Sgt. Michelle Young, Air Force, Capt. Chris Loschiavo, Army, AFC Warren Lanier, Sgt. Timothy Ingoldsby, Major Shannon Stambersky, Lt. Conor O’Donnell, Navy, Lt. Marguerite DeHaven, Navy Pilot , Lt.JG. Rory O’Donnell, Navy, Lt. Brian O’Donnell, Navy, Sgt. FC Dominic Rymarczyk, Army, Capt. Chris Loschiavo, Army, Nick Staats, Marine, Jake Cash, Army. To add active-duty family members to the prayer list, please call 428-6426. Sacred Heart Catholic Church and School and St. Gerard Mission 7 SACRED HEART PARISH OFFICE CHURCH AND SCHOOL: Mail: ....... P.O. Box 729, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32170 Phone: ....................................................... 386-428-6426 Fax: ............................................................ 386-423-4088 Emergency Sick: ............................................... 428-9899 Web: www.sacredheartcatholic.com Bulletin Editor, Susan Hall……[email protected] MINISTRIES AND SACRAMENTS LITURGICAL MINISTRIES: Altar Servers,Sylvia McCormick ...................... 424-9922 Eucharistic Ministers & Readers, Dody Sapp ... 428-6344 Music/Choirs,Parish Director, Don Roy ............ 428-6426 Ushers, Fran McGrath ...................................... 314-6480 SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION: Baptismal Instruction, Augustina Conroy.......... 423-1939 First Communion & Confirmation .................... 428-6426 RCIA-Inquiry ..................................................... 428-6426 PRAYER MINISTRIES: Cursillo, Joe & Cathy Losch ............................. 423-3604 Elijah Cup-Vocation Prayers............................. 428-6426 Legion of Mary, Ann Baslee ............................. 957-4647 Junior Legion of Mary, Geeta Hyjek ................. 427-7855 Prayer Line, Eileen Neri .................................... 427-5780 Respect Life, Carol Hummel ............................ 427-8456 Traveling Mother of Divine Mercy Prayer Group STUDY GROUPS: Esper Radosta386-848-1787 Small Church Community Sacred Heart, Gita-Hyjek ................................. 427-7855 Bible Study Evening, Dina Giordano .............. 428-6426 Bible Study Morning, Martha Grimes............... 427-1259 OFFICE OF FAITH FORMATION:428-6426 First Reconciliation, First Communion & Confirmation, Maria Bilodeau ........................... 428-6426 High School Youth Ministry, Ivy Wick ............... 428-6426 Religious Education, Agustina Conroy ............. 428-6426 Young Adult Ministry, Fr. Murray ...................... 428-6426 Vocations Ministry, Fr. Murray ......................... 428-6426 PARISH OUTREACH: Bereavement Ministry, Marna Ward ................. 428-0951 Coffee & Donuts, Gisela & Art Klobucar ........... 322-0882 Habitat for Humanity, Bob Perry ....................... 426-0393 Community Lunch Program, Jeanne Gayson .. 428-2584 Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Jim Bourne ...... 426-0882 Ministers to the Sick, Loretta Wells .................. 402-4816 Parish Nurse, Dianne Barr ................................ 428-7005 Prayer Shawl Ministry, Helen Prentiss ............. 427-5432 Stewardship Committee, Lou Bartos ................ 423-5323 Welcoming Ministry, Fran McGrath ................. 314-6480 Social & Events Ministry, Luz Rodriquez ......... 689-0573 PARISH MEN & WOMEN ORGANIZATIONS: Council of Catholic Women, Barbara Grimm .. 402-8665 Knights of Columbus, Fr. Downey Council, Sacred Heart, Grand Knight Fran McGrath ...... 314-6480 PARISH MAINTENANCE MINISTRY: Gardening Angels & Dream Team Catherine Krzeminski ....................................... 428-6426 MUSIC: Parish Director, Don Roy .............. 428-6426 St. Gerard’s, Darryl Greeley ............................. 428-6426 and Ellen Graf ................................................... 345-0097 RELIGIOUS ARTICLE STORE: Call the Parish Office for Inquiries .................... 428-6426 SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Parents & Godparents are required to attend a Sacramental Preparation Class. Please call the Parish Office at 428-6426 to register. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Couples wanting to be married at Sacred Heart Parish must be registered and practicing members of this parish. An appointment must be made with one of the parish priests at least 6 months in advance of the wedding. The Diocese of Orlando requires a marriage preparation program for all couples. SACRAMENT OF PENANCE / RECONCILIATION: At Sacred Heart Church the Sacrament of Reconciliation is available every Saturday afternoon from 3:00 to 3:45pm and on the Thursday before First Friday from 4:00 to 5:00pm or by appointment at 428-6426. At Saint Gerard Mission confessions are heard a half-hour before Mass ANOINTING of the SICK: If you have a loved one who would like to receive the Anointing of the Sick please call the parish office, 428-6426. Or for an Emergency Sick Call, please call 428-9899. COMMUNION for Shut-Ins: Call the Parish Office- 428-6426 to arrange a Friday visit. MINISTRY to the SICK/Homebound: If there is anyone at home who cannot get to Mass to celebrate the Sacraments because of illness or age, please call the parish office, 428-6426 Every Tuesday of the year, at Sacred Heart Parish, we hold a Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Since Sacred Heart Parish is in the care of the Redemptorist Fathers, devotion to Our Lady is very much a part of our parish life. The Redemptorists Rule of Life as written by St. Alphonsus requires that Redemptorists have an extraordinary love and devotion to our Blessed Lady and to promote this devotion to all in their care. Each Tuesday, after the 11:00am Mass and the 7:00pm Service we have Novena Devotions to Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Come and be strengthened and blessed by Our Lady. “Never was it known that anyone who fled to her for protection, or sought her intercession was left unaided. St. Bernard . Divine Mercy Chaplet Fridays , at 4:00pm Followed by Benediction Accompanied by Music & Song Followed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament Note from Pastoral Council: Please remember, we are eager to hear any comments you have related to our parish. Please place our comments in the suggestion box in the church vestibule. Sacred Heart Catholic Church and School and St. Gerard Mission ________________________________________________________ 8 Collections Our Offertory for Oct. 19, 2014 Weekly Church Offering: $4,077.00 Online Offering: $10.00 Total Offering: $4,087.00 Offering Same Week Last Year: $3,733.00 Total Increase $344.00 Attendance 374 Attendance Same Last Year 471 Next Special Collection: Today Oct. 26 Seminarians Father Dillon Council #13989 at St. Gerard Mission Church October 2014 600 Club Winners Ticket # Name $ Amount 214 Charlotte Paris $50.00 156 Leo Lessard $100.00 180 Kimberly McCormick $150.00 Mass Intentions Thank you for your generosity. St. Gerard Mission Church Total Registered Households 382 Target $26,131.00 Pledged Amount $24,002.33 Paid to Date $21,861.83 Visit our Council’s website kocedgew.org to view past and present winners SAINT GERARD MISSION CHURCH SATURDAY VIGIL MASS, October 25 4:30pm † Andre Sasseville & Grandson, 1st Lt. Christopher Rogan / Ann Marie & Family 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Oct 26 Priesthood Sunday 10:00am † Max & Genevieve Grogos / Tom & Jean Gauthier Wednesday, October 29 Saint John Paul II 9:00am † Ed Maher / Lorraine Cassidy SATURDAY VIGIL MASS, November 1 4:30pm † Angelina Rufrano / Rose Marie Rufrano Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls), Nov. 2 10:00am † Eleanor Estrup & Family / Tom & Jean Gauthier Our Catholic Appeal - 2014 St. Gerard Events Calendar Week of October 27-November 2 Monday, Oct 27 9:30 am Rosary (Marian Movement of Priests) & Divine Mercy Chaplet Tuesday, Oct 28 Wednesday, Oct 29 9:00 am Daily Mass Thursday, Oct 30 Friday, Oct 31 4:00 pm Cursillo Grouping Saturday, Nov 1 2:45 pm Saturday Choir - Practice 4:00 pm Reconciliation 4:00 pm Benediction and Rosary 4:30 pm Vigil Mass 5:30 pm Ministry Fair in Gathering Place Sunday, Nov 2 8:30 am Sunday Choir - Practice 9:30 am Reconciliation 9:30 am Benediction and Rosary 10:00 am Mass 11:00 am Ministry Fair We feed our souls first, and then our bodies! Hospitality provided by the Leadership Committee. Thank you Leadership Committee for your tireless work at St. Gerard Mission Church! Sacred Heart Catholic Church and School and St. Gerard Mission _________________________________________________________ 9 ST. GERARD MINISTRIES: LITURGICAL MINISTRIES Altar Servers Chase Barry Altar Ministry Annie McDevitt Eucharistic Ministers Jan Ford Readers/Commentators Kathy Ackerson Music/Choirs Darryl Greeley Ushers Felice Albanese PRAYER MINISTRIES Rosary (Marian Movement Grace Albanese of Priests) and Chaplet of Divine Mercy Cursillo Beth Burns STUDY GROUPS Small Church Communities Tom Murray 428-4510 Library Ministry Jacqy Gawdun 386-689-1922 SERVICE MINISTRIES Maids of Martha Grace Albanese 427-6682 Maintenance Bob Burns 386-690-2904 OUTREACH MINISTRIES Welcome Ministry Marge Cyr 428-0025 Bereavement Ministry Call SH Office 428-6426 Society of St. Vincent de Paul Jim Bourne 426-0882 Knights of Columbus Terry Cassidy 402-8127 (Fr. Dillon Council) 345-0308 427-4604 427-9934 427-2464 428-6426 427-6682 427-6682 427-9138 November 1 & 2 SAINT GERARD MINISTRIES after Mass Fair Many hands make light work! All of our ministry teams are in need of your time and abilities. Find one that suits you after Mass on November 1 and 2. St. Gerard Leadership Committee (Pete Hirst, Linda Martin, Roberta Lambert, Jan Ford, Annie McDevitt, Deacon Tom Murray, Fatherr George Rosario) have organized this Ministries Fair to show how many hands it takes to operate a house of faith. The following is a list of all Ministries available in our church and we encourage parishioners to participate more fully in your faith by getting involved. Representatives will be on hand to tell you about the nature of their particular ministry. Find one that suits your lifestyle, time commitment level and interest. Take that first step and get involved for Christ.! • Altar Servers –Ray Lambert • Altar Society – Annie Grealis • Bereavement – Lorraine Cassidy • Cenacle (Mon Rosary) – Grace Albanese • Choir – Daryl Greely/Ellen Graff • Coordinator of Social Justice – Home Visits – visit the sick; help with home chores; liaison with Hospice and Nursing Homes (May break into two ministries?) – Tom Murray • Cursillo – Beth Burns • Eucharistic Ministers – Jan Ford • Hospitality – Roberta Lambert • Kitchen – Beth Burns • Knights of Columbus – Terry Cassidy • Library – Jacqy Gawdun • Maids of Martha – Dan Stoup / Grace Albanese • Maintenance – Bob Burns • Prayer & Worship Ministry – Offer Retreats, Concerts; Spiritual Days; Hours of Reflection; Eucharistic Adoration - New • Public Relations – Advertising; Bulletins; Outside Publicity; Web – Linda Martin • Readers/Commentary – Kathy Ackerson • Rosary (Sat & Sun) – Grace Albanese • Small Church Communities – Tom Murray • Society of St Vincent de Paul – Jim Bourne • Ushers – Phil Albanese • Welcome – Marge Cyr Praying for vocations is the most powerful way to support vocations. If you would like to arrange to take home the Elijah Cup to pray for Vocations, please fill out this form and put in the collection or call the Parish Office at 428-6426. Sacred Heart Catholic Church and School and St. Gerard Mission _________________________________________________________ 10 www.orlandodiocese.org OUR CHURCH & COMMUNITY
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