Application for Associate Membership August to December for applicants not requiring insurance or requiring only student insurance to be used in supervised practice 2014 Vision Wellness through natural health. Mission We champion professional excellence to support the growth of natural health and wellness. Values We believe in and support choice, competency, efficacy, inclusivity, integrity, and responsiveness. 6TH FLOOR, 10339 email: [email protected] 1toll-free: 2 4 S 1-888-711-7701 T, EDMONTON, AB T5N 3W1 fax: 780-484-3605 Application for Associate Membership Questions? See the FAQ at Required Documents (submit with this application) if you are a student, a letter confirming enrollment in an NHPC recognized program a Criminal Record Check with the Vulnerable Sector Search completed within the last 30 days If your letter of enrollment or criminal record check are not attainable at the time you submit this application, you must submit them within 30 days of the date in which this application for membership is received at the NHPC. If the above-listed documents are not received within that 30 days, your membership will be revoked. If your criminal record check is not submitted with this form, you must submit a payment receipt or copy of the criminal record check application. if you are currently registered with a provincially legislated massage therapy regulatory body (CMTBC, CMTO, or NLMTB), provide a copy of your registration if the name on this application is different than the name on the documents submitted with it, provide proof of name change Language Preference: English French Male Female Personal Information (required) First Name Initial Last Name Address City Home Phone Province Postal Code Cell Phone Email (used for your website member account login and confidential communications) Previous NHPC/AMTWP Member Number(s) (if applicable) Fax Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY) Are you currently a student in an NHPC recognized program? Yes No Gender: If "Yes", anticipated graduation date (MM/DD/YYYY) Referral Information (required if applicable) Did NHPC give a presentation at your school? Yes No If "yes", when? (MM/YYYY) Name of your school Preferences (required) Send me information on NHPC benefit partner programs (discounted products and services): Yes No Send me the yearly catalogue for the NHPC Centre for Learning (NHPC learning opportunities) by: Email Mail Send me the yearly brochure for the NHPC Annual National Conference by: Email Mail Submit all pages of this application (excluding cover) to Natural Health Practitioners of Canada: by mail: 6th Floor Contact Us 10339 124 ST Phone (Edmonton Area): 780-484-2010 Edmonton, AB T5N 3W1 Toll-Free Phone: 1-888-711-7701 by fax: 780-484-3605 Email: [email protected] Page 1 of 7 Application for Associate Membership Questions? See the FAQ at Current Practice (required) Have you been practicing as a professional in your field as a massage therapist or a holistic practitioner? If "Yes", complete the rest of this section (Current Practice). If "No", proceed to the next section (Legal). Yes No Do you complete a preliminary assessment to identify contraindications to services? Yes No Do you obtain a signed waiver from clients acknowledging disclosure of limits, contraindications, and possible side effects of services to be provided? Yes No Do you adhere to informed consent within your regular practice at all times? Yes No Do you sell products as part of your practice (oils, lotions, aromatherapy products)? If so, please list: Yes No Have you ever pled guilty to or been convicted of a criminal offense for which you have not been pardoned? (See the Required Documents section at the top of this application form.) Yes No Have you ever been subject to a professional conduct disciplinary process or been disciplined by a professional body? Yes No In what type of setting do/will you practice, if known? (check all that apply) Private practice in clinic or office Private Practice in home On-site (company or client's home) Fitness centre, spa, or health club Resort or hotel Other:______________________________________ Sports medicine facility Chiropractic or physiotherapy office Group practice-rehabilitation Holistic health centre Hospital, nursing home, or hospice Legal (required) NHPC Privacy Statement The NHPC is a national association committed to privacy best practices across the provinces and territories of Canada. The NHPC collects, uses, and discloses personal information in accordance with the NHPC Privacy Policy. A copy of this policy can be found on the NHPC website ( By signing this application, I confirm that I have read the NHPC Privacy Policy and I consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of my personal information in accordance with the NHPC Privacy Policy. Agreement I, the undersigned, declare that to the best of my knowledge, the information provided and statements made in this application (pages 1–7 inclusive) and in any attached documents are true. I agree to abide by the Bylaws of the NHPC, as amended or replaced from time to time, and have read and agree to comply with the NHPC Code of Ethics. I realize that I may lose my membership and membership privileges if complaints about my practice are found to be in violation of the Code of Ethics, or not in the best interest of the public. Signature Date (MM/DD/YYYY) If you are a student requiring insurance for a supervised practicum setting, complete the following insurance application (pages 3–5). Otherwise, proceed directly to Payment for Associate Membership (pages 6–7). Submit all pages of this application (excluding cover) to Natural Health Practitioners of Canada: by mail: 6th Floor Contact Us 10339 124 ST Phone (Edmonton Area): 780-484-2010 Edmonton, AB T5N 3W1 Toll-Free Phone: 1-888-711-7701 by fax: 780-484-3605 Email: [email protected] Page 2 of 7 Student Liability Insurance Application Questions? See the FAQ at Applicant Contact Information (required) First Name Initial Home Address City Home Phone Last Name Province Cell Phone Email Postal Code Fax Website Regulation of Practice (required) See the Required Documents section at the top of the Regular Membership application. Have you ever been disciplined or expelled from an association or legislated regulatory body? If "Yes", Name of Association/Regulatory Body Yes No Yes No Yes No Date of Expulsion (MM/DD/YYYY) Reason for Expulsion or Disciplinary Action Prior Insurance (required) Have you ever incurred any prior liability claims or losses? If "Yes", briefly summarize the claim or loss In the past three years, have you had liability insurance cancelled or coverage refused by an insurer? If "Yes", Explain With what Insurance Company were you previously insured for liability insurance? (Indicate “N/A” if no previous insurance) Professional Liability Insurance/Medical Malpractice Commercial General Liability (CGL) Insurance Company Name (not the broker) Insurance Company Name (not the broker) Policy No. Policy No. Expiry Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Expiry Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Was this a claims based policy? Yes No Operations (required) In the normal course of your practice do you do any of the following? (check all that apply) Insert fluids, chemicals or foreign objects into bodily orifices Puncture or other otherwise traumatize the dermis Perform ear candling Treat and/or have care, custody and control of animals Use any sun tanning or related equipment, X-rays, infrared ray, diathermy, quartz lamp, teletherapy units, radium or radioisotopes Provide any advice relating to the ingestion of products such as herbal products, nutritional supplements, plant medicine or chemical substances? Provide lifestyle/attitudinal or general nutritional counseling beyond that associated with a defined discipline, specialty or technique or training program approved for membership status by the NHPC Describe yourself as a "naturopath" The NHPC Medical Malpractice insurance component under the Liability Insurance program policy excludes the above practices (those indicated in the Operations section), except as follows: Submit all pages of this application (excluding cover) to Natural Health Practitioners of Canada: by mail: 6th Floor Contact Us 10339 124 ST Phone (Edmonton Area): 780-484-2010 Edmonton, AB T5N 3W1 Toll-Free Phone: 1-888-711-7701 by fax: 780-484-3605 Email: [email protected] Page 3 of 7 Student Liability Insurance Application Questions? See the FAQ at Insertion of fluids, chemicals or foreign objects into bodily orifices, including colonic irrigations, naturopathy, advice relating to the ingestion of herbs, nutritional supplements, plant medicine or chemical substances, with the exception of bona fide members of the NHPC who were practicing and qualified to perform the above modalities and practices on or prior to July 31, 2001, with credentials acceptable to the NHPC, and who were members insured under policy # MMC9-0001, issued by Scottish & York Insurance Co., Ltd., under the NHPC Professional Liability Insurance Program in force as of July 31, 2001. The NHPC carries out detailed credentialing of all practising members. In no event are such modalities and practices covered under the Medical Malpractice insurance policy if any such modalities and practices falls outside the defined disciplines, techniques or specialties approved for membership with the NHPC. If you provide any of these excluded services, please contact the NHPC to discuss these. Liability Insurance Program Limits Mandatory Medical Malpractice Liability – $3,000,000 each Claim (Occurrence based), $5,000,000 Annual Aggregate; Legal Expense - $25,000 each Claim, $50,000 Annual Aggregate (applicable to members subject to professional disciplinary legislation: ON, BC and NL only). Pays for claims against the member alleging negligence in the treatment of a patient as a result of the member’s bodywork, resulting in bodily injury, sickness or disease. Optional Commercial General Liability (CGL) – $3,000,000 each Occurrence, $5,000,000 Annual Aggregate. Pays for claims against the member alleging negligence in the operation of the business, causing bodily injury or property damage, including slips and falls, damage to rented or adjacent premises, and injury from products sold. Note: This policy excludes claims arising out of any service, treatment, advice or instruction for the purpose of appearance or skin enhancement, hair removal or replacement or personal grooming. Premium Calculations Student member premiums are based on a flat annual charge and coverage expiry coincides with your membership renewal date. Your insurance premium is included in your membership fee. Student members who complete their training during the policy term do not need to change their insurance, but should contact the NHPC to obtain full membership status. There is one Master Policy which renews every year on November 1, upon which terms and conditions and pricing for the program may change. Insurance Selection (required) Are you a student practitioner treating patients/other students only under the supervision of a qualified practitioner/employee of an NHPC approved educational institution? Yes No Are you a student practitioner entitled to treat patients as part of your curriculum outside an academic setting and without supervision by a practitioner/employee of an NHPC approved educational institution? Yes No If you answered "Yes" to question 2, you should select Option 1, Medical Malpractice & Commercial General Liability. By selecting Option 2, Medical Malpractice ONLY, in the event of a claim for other than Medical Malpractice related claims, you will have no coverage for claims such as those of the type listed under the Commercial General Liability description above. I have read the above and I am selecting: Option 1: the Medical Malpractice and CGL Package Preferred Insurance Coverage Start Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Option 2: the Medical Malpractice ONLY Package Note: Your insurance coverage start date cannot be prior to this application and all required documents being received by the NHPC office. Submit all pages of this application (excluding cover) to Natural Health Practitioners of Canada: by mail: 6th Floor Contact Us 10339 124 ST Phone (Edmonton Area): 780-484-2010 Edmonton, AB T5N 3W1 Toll-Free Phone: 1-888-711-7701 by fax: 780-484-3605 Email: [email protected] Page 4 of 7 Student Liability Insurance Application Questions? See the FAQ at Premium and Tax Breakdown (required) Select your insurance premium and associated taxes (if applicable for your province of residence) from the table below, based on your insurance selection (Option 1 or Option 2) and your preferred insurance coverage start date indicated above. Start Month Aug-2014 Option 1 – Medical Malpractice & CGL Premium MB Tax QC Tax ON Tax 82.00 6.56 7.38 6.56 Option 2 – Medical Malpractice ONLY Premium MB Tax QC Tax ON Tax 52.00 4.16 4.68 4.16 Expiry Date 1-May-2015 Sept-2014 74.00 5.92 6.66 5.92 47.00 3.76 4.23 3.76 1-May-2015 Oct-2014 119.00 9.52 10.71 9.52 76.00 6.08 6.84 6.08 1-Nov-2015 Nov-2014 110.00 8.80 9.90 8.80 70.00 5.60 6.30 5.60 1-Nov-2015 Dec-2014 101.00 8.08 9.09 8.08 64.00 5.12 5.76 5.12 1-Nov-2015 Premium Plus Tax (if applicable) Total Amount $ Note: This is to verify the amount out of your total membership fee that you are paying for insurance. It is included in the amount you will select on the payment pages. In accordance with NHPC membership terms and conditions, insurance premiums under this program are considered to be fully earned and subject to a no refund policy, regardless if insurance is cancelled by member request. Legal (required) The undersigned confirms and warrants that the information provided herein and hereafter is complete and accurate. Application is subject to review and acceptance by the NHPC and the insurer, and the information contained within this application forms part of the insurance contract. All sections must be completed, and the application signed and dated in order to be accepted. The undersigned must be a member in good standing of the NHPC to be eligible for this insurance coverage. This application is not a Binder of Insurance. The effective date of insurance shall be the date upon which the completed and signed application and payment are received at the NHPC office, subject to the insurer’s acceptance of the application, and shall be indicated on the Certificate of Insurance provided to the undersigned. Coverage is subject to the terms and conditions of the Master Policy wordings. Privacy Notice Subject to the law and Aon’s privacy policy (available online at “”), I consent to the collection, use and disclosure of any personal information required for the purposes of assessing my application, providing me with requested insurance products, services or information, assessing my ongoing needs and offering products or services to meet those needs, communicating with me, claims administration, data analysis and to detect and prevent fraud. Signature Program Sponsor: Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Program Insurer: Program Administrator: For NHPC Office Use Only (do not complete) Checked By Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Member Number Assigned Submit all pages of this application (excluding cover) to Natural Health Practitioners of Canada: by mail: 6th Floor Contact Us 10339 124 ST Phone (Edmonton Area): 780-484-2010 Edmonton, AB T5N 3W1 Toll-Free Phone: 1-888-711-7701 by fax: 780-484-3605 Email: [email protected] Page 5 of 7 Payment for Associate Membership Including Student Liability Insurance Payment for Associate Membership Select the appropriate fee for your province, membership type, and insurance choice. Where applicable, fee includes insurance premium, insurance program management fee, membership application fee, membership dues, and provincial taxes. Associate Non-Student Membership Join NHPC Aug-2014 Resident of Resident of Resident of Resident of AB, BC, MB, NT, NU, QC SK, YT ON, NB, NL NS PE Membership Will Expire 223.13 240.13 244.38 242.25 1-May-2015 Sept-2014 210.00 226.00 230.00 228.00 Oct-2014 275.63 296.63 301.88 299.25 1-May-2015 1-Nov-2015 Nov-2014 262.50 282.50 287.50 285.00 1-Nov-2015 Dec-2014 249.38 268.38 273.13 270.75 1-Nov-2015 Associate Insured Student Membership Insurance Option 1 - Medical Malpractice & Commercial General Liability (CGL) Combined Join NHPC Resident of AB, BC, NT, NU, SK, YT Aug-2014 160.75 Resident of Resident of Resident of Resident of Resident of Resident of MB QC ON NB, NL NS PE Membership Will Expire 167.31 168.13 173.31 166.75 168.25 167.50 1-May-2015 Sept-2014 152.75 158.67 159.41 164.67 158.75 160.25 159.50 1-May-2015 Oct-2014 197.75 207.27 208.46 213.27 203.75 205.25 204.50 1-Nov-2015 Nov-2014 188.75 197.55 198.65 203.55 194.75 196.25 195.50 1-Nov-2015 Dec-2014 179.75 187.83 188.84 193.83 185.75 187.25 186.50 1-Nov-2015 Membership Will Expire Insurance Option 2 - Medical Malpractice ONLY Join NHPC Resident of AB, BC, NT, NU, SK, YT Aug-2014 130.75 Resident of Resident of Resident of Resident of Resident of Resident of MB QC ON NB, NL NS PE 134.91 135.43 140.91 136.75 138.25 137.50 1-May-2015 Sept-2014 125.75 129.51 129.98 135.51 131.75 133.25 132.50 1-May-2015 Oct-2014 154.75 160.83 161.59 166.83 160.75 162.25 161.50 1-Nov-2015 Nov-2014 148.75 154.35 155.05 160.35 154.75 156.25 155.50 1-Nov-2015 Dec-2014 142.75 147.87 148.51 153.87 148.75 150.25 149.50 1-Nov-2015 Associate Uninsured Student Membership No fee. Student membership without insurance is complimentary. Submit all pages of this application (excluding cover) to Natural Health Practitioners of Canada: by mail: 6th Floor Contact Us 10339 124 ST Phone (Edmonton Area): 780-484-2010 Edmonton, AB T5N 3W1 Toll-Free Phone: 1-888-711-7701 by fax: 780-484-3605 Email: [email protected] Page 6 of 7 Payment for Associate Membership Including Student Liability Insurance Payment Information (required) Promo Code (if applicable) Payment Amount $ Make cheques payable to Natural Health Practitioners of Canada Paying By Money Order VISA/MasterCard Number Cardholder Name (Printed) Cheque Certified Cheque Credit Card Expiry Date (MM/YY) Cardholder Signature Non-Sufficient Funds If you pay your member application fee by credit card and payment has been denied, we will contact you regarding alternate payment options. If the bank denies your cheque, a $50 processing fee will be assessed. Payment will only be accepted by money order or certified cheque thereafter. Refund Policy The NHPC has a no refund policy. A non-refundable $200.00 (plus tax) processing fee will be charged for any withdrawn or refused applications once submitted. Once the financial transaction is completed, there will be no reimbursement of fees. Submit all pages of this application (excluding cover) to Natural Health Practitioners of Canada: by mail: 6th Floor Contact Us 10339 124 ST Phone (Edmonton Area): 780-484-2010 Edmonton, AB T5N 3W1 Toll-Free Phone: 1-888-711-7701 by fax: 780-484-3605 Email: [email protected] Page 7 of 7
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